/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: ORowSet.java,v $ * * $Revision: 1.1 $ * * last change:$Date: 2003-01-27 18:14:36 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ package mod._dbaccess; import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue; import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet; import com.sun.star.io.XDataInputStream; import com.sun.star.io.XTextInputStream; import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory; import com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType; import com.sun.star.sdb.RowChangeEvent; import com.sun.star.sdbc.SQLException; import com.sun.star.sdbc.XConnection; import com.sun.star.sdbc.XResultSet; import com.sun.star.sdbc.XResultSetUpdate; import com.sun.star.sdbc.XRow; import com.sun.star.sdbc.XRowSet; import com.sun.star.sdbc.XRowUpdate; import com.sun.star.sdbcx.XRowLocate; import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime; import com.sun.star.uno.XInterface; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Vector; import lib.Status; import lib.StatusException; import lib.TestCase; import lib.TestEnvironment; import lib.TestParameters; import util.DBTools; import util.utils; /** * Test for object which is represented by service * com.sun.star.sdb.DataSource.

* * Object implements the following interfaces : *

* The following files used by this test : *

* The following parameters in ini-file used by this test: *

* * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.RowSet * @see com.sun.star.sdbcx.XRowLocate * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.XResultSetUpdate * @see com.sun.star.util.XCancellable * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.XParameters * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.XResultSetMetaDataSupplier * @see com.sun.star.sdbcx.XDeleteRows * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.XCloseable * @see com.sun.star.sdbcx.XColumnsSupplier * @see com.sun.star.sdb.XResultSetAccess * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.XResultSet * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.XColumnLocate * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.XRowSet * @see com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.XRowUpdate * @see com.sun.star.sdb.XRowSetApproveBroadcaster * @see com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.XRow * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.XWarningsSupplier * @see com.sun.star.lang.XComponent * @see com.sun.star.sdbcx.ResultSet * @see com.sun.star.sdbc.ResultSet * @see ifc.sdbc._RowSet * @see ifc.sdbcx._XRowLocate * @see ifc.sdbc._XResultSetUpdate * @see ifc.util._XCancellable * @see ifc.sdbc._XParameters * @see ifc.sdbc._XResultSetMetaDataSupplier * @see ifc.sdbcx._XDeleteRows * @see ifc.sdbc._XCloseable * @see ifc.sdbcx._XColumnsSupplier * @see ifc.sdb._XResultSetAccess * @see ifc.sdbc._XResultSet * @see ifc.sdbc._XColumnLocate * @see ifc.sdbc._XRowSet * @see ifc.sdb._RowSet * @see ifc.sdbc._XRowUpdate * @see ifc.sdb._XRowSetApproveBroadcaster * @see ifc.beans._XPropertySet * @see ifc.sdbc._XRow * @see ifc.sdbc._XWarningsSupplier * @see ifc.lang._XComponent * @see ifc.sdbcx._ResultSet * @see ifc.sdbc._ResultSet */ public class ORowSet extends TestCase { private static int uniqueSuffix = 0 ; private DBTools dbTools = null ; private static String origDB = null ; private PrintWriter log = null ; private static String tmpDir = null ; String tableName = null; DBTools.DataSourceInfo srcInf = null; boolean isMySQLDB = false; protected final static String dbSourceName = "ORowSetDataSource"; public XConnection conn = null; /** * Initializes some class fields. Then creates DataSource, which serves * as a single source for all tables created in the test. * This DataSource then registered in the global * DatabaseContext service. This data source's URL * points to SOffice temp directory where tables are copied from * TestDocuments directory on every environment * creation. * To create DataSource for MySQL database next parameters required * in ini-file: *

* * @throws StatusException if DataSource can not be created or * registered. */ protected void initialize ( TestParameters Param, PrintWriter log) throws StatusException { this.log = log ; tmpDir = (String) Param.get("TMPURL") ; tmpDir = utils.getOfficeTemp(Param.getMSF()); /* origDB = (String) Param.get("DOCPTH") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "ORowSet.dbf" ;*/ origDB = util.utils.getFullTestDocName("TestDB/testDB.dbf"); dbTools = new DBTools(Param.getMSF()) ; // creating DataSource and registering it in DatabaseContext String dbURL = (String) Param.get("test.db.url"); String dbUser = (String) Param.get("test.db.user"); String dbPassword = (String) Param.get("test.db.password"); log.println("Creating and registering DataSource ..."); srcInf = dbTools.newDataSourceInfo(); if (dbURL != null && dbUser != null && dbPassword != null) { isMySQLDB = true; log.println("dbURL = " + dbURL); log.println("dbUSER = " + dbUser); log.println("dbPASSWORD = " + dbPassword); //DataSource for mysql db try { tableName = "soffice_test_table"; srcInf.URL = "jdbc:" + dbURL; srcInf.IsPasswordRequired = new Boolean(true); srcInf.Password = dbPassword; srcInf.User = dbUser; PropertyValue[] propInfo = new PropertyValue[1]; propInfo[0] = new PropertyValue(); propInfo[0].Name = "JavaDriverClass"; propInfo[0].Value = "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"; srcInf.Info = propInfo; Object dbSrc = srcInf.getDataSourceService() ; dbTools.reRegisterDB(dbSourceName, dbSrc); } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) { log.println("Error while object test initialization :") ; e.printStackTrace(log) ; throw new StatusException("Error while object test" + " initialization", e); } } else { try { srcInf.URL = "sdbc:dbase:" + DBTools.dirToUrl(tmpDir) ; Object dbSrc = srcInf.getDataSourceService() ; dbTools.reRegisterDB(dbSourceName, dbSrc) ; } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) { log.println("Error while object test initialization :") ; e.printStackTrace(log) ; throw new StatusException("Error while object test initialization",e) ; } } } /** * Creating a Testenvironment for the interfaces to be tested. * The database (DBF) file is copied from test document directory * into SOffice temp dir with unique name for each enviroment * creation. If the file cann't be copied (is not released) * then another unique name is used (file name suffix incremented * by 1).

* * com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet service created and its * source is all rows from the current copy of the table. Then * row set command ("select all rows from a table") is executed * and cursor is positioned to the first row.

* * Object relations created : *

* * @see com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext * @see com.sun.star.sdb.DataSource */ protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param, PrintWriter log) { XInterface oObj = null; Object oInterface = null; XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = null ; uniqueSuffix++; boolean envCreatedOK = false ; //initialize test table if (isMySQLDB) { try { dbTools.initTestTableUsingJDBC(tableName, srcInf); } catch(java.sql.SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(log); throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Couldn't " + " init test table. SQLException...")); } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Couldn't " + "register mysql driver")); } } else { String oldF = null ; String newF = null ; do { tableName = "ORowSet_tmp" + uniqueSuffix ; oldF = utils.getFullURL(origDB); newF = utils.getOfficeTemp(Param.getMSF())+tableName+".dbf"; } while (!utils.overwriteFile(Param.getMSF(),oldF,newF) && uniqueSuffix++ < 50); } File tmpDir = null; XConnection connection = null ; try { xMSF = Param.getMSF(); Object oRowSet = xMSF.createInstance("com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet") ; XPropertySet xSetProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (XPropertySet.class, oRowSet) ; log.println("Trying to open: " + tableName); xSetProp.setPropertyValue("DataSourceName", dbSourceName) ; xSetProp.setPropertyValue("Command", tableName) ; xSetProp.setPropertyValue("CommandType", new Integer(CommandType.TABLE)) ; com.sun.star.sdbc.XRowSet xORowSet = (com.sun.star.sdbc.XRowSet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(com.sun.star.sdbc.XRowSet.class, oRowSet) ; xORowSet.execute() ; connection = (XConnection) xSetProp.getPropertyValue("ActiveConnection") ; oInterface = oRowSet ; XResultSet xRes = (XResultSet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (XResultSet.class, oRowSet) ; xRes.first() ; if (oInterface == null) { log.println("Service wasn't created") ; throw new StatusException("Service wasn't created", new NullPointerException()) ; } oObj = (XInterface) oInterface; log.println( " creating a new environment for object" ); TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment( oObj ); // Adding relations for disposing object tEnv.addObjRelation("ORowSet.Connection", connection) ; this.conn = (XConnection) tEnv.getObjRelation("ORowSet.Connection"); final XRow xtRow = (XRow) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (XRow.class, oObj) ; final XRowUpdate xtRowUpdate = (XRowUpdate) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRowUpdate.class, oObj) ; final XResultSet xtResSet = (XResultSet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (XResultSet.class, oObj) ; final XResultSetUpdate xtResSetUpdate = (XResultSetUpdate) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSetUpdate.class, oObj) ; // Adding obj relation for XRowSetApproveBroadcaster test { final XResultSet xResSet = (XResultSet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSet.class, oObj) ; final XResultSetUpdate xResSetUpdate = (XResultSetUpdate) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSetUpdate.class, oObj) ; final XRowSet xRowSet = (XRowSet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (XRowSet.class, oObj) ; final XRowUpdate xRowUpdate = (XRowUpdate) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRowUpdate.class, oObj) ; final PrintWriter logF = log ; tEnv.addObjRelation("XRowSetApproveBroadcaster.ApproveChecker", new ifc.sdb._XRowSetApproveBroadcaster.RowSetApproveChecker() { public void moveCursor() { try { xResSet.beforeFirst() ; xResSet.afterLast() ; xResSet.first() ; } catch (com.sun.star.sdbc.SQLException e) { logF.println("### _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster." + "RowSetApproveChecker.moveCursor() :") ; e.printStackTrace(logF) ; } } public RowChangeEvent changeRow() { try { xResSet.first() ; xRowUpdate.updateString(1, "ORowSetTest2") ; xResSetUpdate.updateRow() ; } catch (com.sun.star.sdbc.SQLException e) { logF.println("### _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster." + "RowSetApproveChecker.changeRow() :") ; e.printStackTrace(logF) ; } RowChangeEvent ev = new RowChangeEvent() ; ev.Action = com.sun.star.sdb.RowChangeAction.UPDATE ; ev.Rows = 1 ; return ev ; } public void changeRowSet() { try { xRowSet.execute() ; xResSet.first() ; } catch (com.sun.star.sdbc.SQLException e) { logF.println("### _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster."+ "RowSetApproveChecker.changeRowSet() :") ; e.printStackTrace(logF) ; } } }) ; } // Adding relations for XRow as a Vector with all data // of current row of RowSet. Object oBinStream = xMSF.createInstance ("com.sun.star.io.DataInputStream") ; XDataInputStream xBinStream = (XDataInputStream) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDataInputStream.class, oBinStream) ; Object oCharStream = xMSF.createInstance ("com.sun.star.io.TextInputStream") ; XTextInputStream xCharStream = (XTextInputStream) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextInputStream.class, oCharStream) ; Object obj = xMSF.createInstance("com.sun.star.io.Pipe") ; Vector rowData = new Vector() ; for (int i = 0; i < DBTools.TST_TABLE_VALUES[0].length; i++) { rowData.add(DBTools.TST_TABLE_VALUES[0][i]) ; } // here XRef must be added // here XBlob must be added // here XClob must be added // here XArray must be added tEnv.addObjRelation("CurrentRowData", rowData) ; // Adding relation for XColumnLocate ifc test tEnv.addObjRelation("XColumnLocate.ColumnName", DBTools.TST_STRING_F) ; // Adding relation for XParameters ifc test Vector params = new Vector() ; /***** statement parameter types and their initial values must be added here as relation. params.add(new String("SAU99")) ; params.add(new Boolean(false)) ; params.add(new Byte((byte) 123)) ; params.add(new Short((short) 234)) ; params.add(new Integer(12345)) ; params.add(new Long(23456)) ; params.add(new Float(1.234)) ; params.add(new Double(2.345)) ; params.add(new byte[] {1, 2, 3}) ; params.add(new Date(26, 1, 2001)) ; params.add(new Time(1, 25, 14, 12)) ; params.add(new DateTime(1, 25, 14, 12, 26, 1, 2001)) ; */ tEnv.addObjRelation("XParameters.ParamValues", params) ; // Adding relation for XDeleteRows ifc test final XRowLocate rowLoc = (XRowLocate) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (XRowLocate.class, oObj) ; final XResultSet bMarkResSet = (XResultSet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSet.class, oObj) ; // Adding relation for XRowUpdate XRow row = (XRow) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (XRow.class, oObj) ; tEnv.addObjRelation("XRowUpdate.XRow", row) ; // Adding relation for XResultSetUpdate { final XResultSet xResSet = (XResultSet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSet.class, oObj) ; final XRowUpdate xRowUpdate = (XRowUpdate) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRowUpdate.class, oObj) ; final XRow xRow = (XRow) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (XRow.class, oObj) ; tEnv.addObjRelation("XResultSetUpdate.UpdateTester", new ifc.sdbc._XResultSetUpdate.UpdateTester() { String lastUpdate = null ; public int rowCount() throws SQLException { int prevPos = xResSet.getRow() ; xResSet.last() ; int count = xResSet.getRow() ; xResSet.absolute(prevPos) ; return count ; } public void update() throws SQLException { lastUpdate = xRow.getString(1) ; lastUpdate += "_" ; xRowUpdate.updateString(1, lastUpdate) ; } public boolean wasUpdated() throws SQLException { String getStr = xRow.getString(1) ; return lastUpdate.equals(getStr) ; } public int currentRow() throws SQLException { return xResSet.getRow() ; } }) ; } envCreatedOK = true ; return tEnv; } catch(com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) { log.println("Can't create object" ); e.printStackTrace(log) ; try { connection.close() ; } catch(Exception ex) {} throw new StatusException("Can't create object", e) ; } finally { if (!envCreatedOK) { try { connection.close() ; } catch(Exception ex) {} } } } // finish method getTestEnvironment /** * Closes connection of RowSet instance created. */ protected void cleanup( TestParameters Param, PrintWriter log) { try { conn.close() ; } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) { log.println("Can't close the connection") ; e.printStackTrace(log) ; } catch (com.sun.star.lang.DisposedException e) { log.println("Connection was already closed. It's OK.") ; } try { dbTools.revokeDB(dbSourceName) ; } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) { log.println("Error while object test cleaning up :") ; e.printStackTrace(log) ; throw new StatusException("Error while object test cleaning up",e) ; } } } alue='feature/use-ogl-context-in-canvas'>feature/use-ogl-context-in-canvas LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
path: root/include/cppuhelper/implbase10.hxx
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-24Drop redundant -Wnon-virtual-dtorStephan Bergmann
2021-05-02throw() -> noexcept, part 2/3: Automatic loplugin:noexcept rewriteStephan Bergmann