Redland RDF library (librdf) from []

== License ==
Triple-licensed: LGPL v2+/GPL v2+/Apache v2

== Description ==
This module contains the third-party Redland RDF / librdf library, which
is needed to support data in RDF (Resource Description Framework) format.
It consists of 3 parts:
- raptor:  parsers and serializers for numerous RDF file formats
- rasqal:  query engine which supports SPARQL queries
- redland: librdf integrates raptor and rasqal, and provides numerous storage
           engines for storing RDF graphs (in memory, SQL, ...)

Libraries: libraptor, librasqal, librdf

== Patches ==
There are several patches, most of which contain only hacks to get it to
build with the LO build system.

Upstream may merge patches that are attached to the bug tracker, but don't
send patches to the mailing list, those will most likely be ignored.