 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

#ifndef _RSCERROR_H
#define _RSCERROR_H

#ifndef _TOOLS_SOLAR_H
#include <tools/solar.h>

/****************** D E F I N I T I O N S ********************************/
/******************* R e t u r n   E r r o r s         *******************/
#define ERR_OK              0xFFFFFFFF

#define ERR_ERROR           0x0100
#define ERR_UNKNOWN_METHOD  0x0101  // Return
#define ERR_OPENFILE        0x0102  // Return
#define ERR_NOCHAR          0x0103  // Return
#define ERR_NORSCINST       0x0104  // Return
#define ERR_USAGE           0x0105  //
#define ERR_NOINPUT         0x0106  // Return
#define ERR_UNKNOWNSW       0x0107  //
#define ERR_REFTODEEP       0x0108  // Return
#define ERR_FILEFORMAT      0x0109  // Return
#define ERR_FILESIZE        0x010A  // Return
#define ERR_RENAMEFILE      0x010B  // Return
#define ERR_NOIMAGE         0x010C  // Return

#define ERR_RSCRANGE        0x0200  // Return

#define ERR_RSCENUM         0x0210  // Return
#define ERR_RSCFLAG         0x0220  // Return
#define ERR_RSCCONT         0x0240  // Return
#define ERR_CONT_INVALIDPOS     (ERR_RSCCONT +1 ) // Return
#define ERR_CONT_INVALIDTYPE    (ERR_RSCCONT +2 ) // Return

#define ERR_RSCCMPED        0x0250
#define ERR_RSCINST         0x0260

#define ERR_LEX             0x0270
#define ERR_YACC            0x0280  //
#define ERR_DOUBLEID            (ERR_YACC    +1 ) //
#define ERR_FALSETYPE           (ERR_YACC    +2 ) //
#define ERR_NOVARIABLENAME      (ERR_YACC    +3 ) //
#define ERR_USHORTRANGE         (ERR_YACC    +4 ) //
#define ERR_IDRANGE             (ERR_YACC    +5 ) //
#define ERR_NOCOPYOBJ           (ERR_YACC    +6 ) //
#define ERR_REFNOTALLOWED       (ERR_YACC    +7 ) // Return
#define ERR_DOUBLEDEFINE        (ERR_YACC    +8 ) //
#define ERR_COPYNOTALLOWED      (ERR_YACC    +9 ) //
#define ERR_IDEXPECTED          (ERR_YACC    +10) //
#define ERR_ZERODIVISION        (ERR_YACC    +11) //
#define ERR_PRAGMA              (ERR_YACC    +12) //
#define ERR_DECLAREDEFINE       (ERR_YACC    +13) //
#define ERR_NOTUPELNAME         (ERR_YACC    +14) //
#define ERR_NOTYPE              (ERR_YACC    +15) //

#define ERR_RSCARRAY         0x02A0  // Return

#define ERR_ERROREND                0x1000

#define ERR_WARNINGSTART        0x1001
#define WRN_LOCALID             (ERR_WARNINGSTART +1 )
#define WRN_GLOBALID            (ERR_WARNINGSTART +2 )
#define WRN_CONT_NOID           (ERR_WARNINGSTART +4 )

#define ERR_WARNINGEND      0x2000

class ERRTYPE {
    sal_uInt32  nError;
    ERRTYPE()                { nError = ERR_OK; }
    ERRTYPE( sal_uInt32 nErr )   { nError = nErr; }
    ERRTYPE( const ERRTYPE & rErr ) { nError = rErr.nError; };
    ERRTYPE& operator = ( const ERRTYPE & rError );
    operator  sal_uInt32() const { return( nError ); }
    sal_Bool IsError() const     { return( nError <= ERR_ERROREND ); }
    sal_Bool IsOk() const        { return( !IsError() ); }
    sal_Bool IsWarning() const   {
        return( nError >= ERR_WARNINGSTART && nError <= ERR_WARNINGEND );
    void    Clear(){ nError = ERR_OK; }

/****************** R s c E r r o r **************************************/
class RscId;
class RscTop;

enum RscVerbosity
    RscVerbositySilent = 0,
    RscVerbosityNormal = 1,
    RscVerbosityVerbose = 2

class RscError
    FILE *  fListing;
    RscVerbosity m_verbosity;

    void WriteError( const ERRTYPE& rError, const char * pMessage );
    void StdLstOut( const char * pStr );
    void StdLstErr( const char * pStr );
    void ErrorFormat( const ERRTYPE& rError, RscTop * pClass,
                      const RscId & aId );
    sal_uInt32  nErrors;// Anzahl der Fehler
                    RscError( RscVerbosity _verbosity ) {
                        fListing = NULL;
                        nErrors = 0;
                        m_verbosity = _verbosity;
    void            SetListFile( FILE * fList ){
                        fListing = fList;
    FILE *          GetListFile(){
                        return fListing;
    RscVerbosity    GetVerbosity() const { return m_verbosity; }
    virtual void    StdOut( const char *, const RscVerbosity _verbosityLevel = RscVerbosityNormal );
    virtual void    StdErr( const char * );
    virtual void    LstOut( const char * );
    virtual void    Error( const ERRTYPE& rError, RscTop* pClass, const RscId &aId,
                           const char * pMessage = NULL );
    // Dieser Fehler sollte nur im Compilermodus auftreten,
    // das Programm wird mit exit() verlassen
    virtual void    FatalError( const ERRTYPE& rError, const RscId &aId,
                                const char * pMessage = NULL );

#endif // _RSCERROR_H