/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rsclex.hxx" ERRTYPE& ERRTYPE::operator = ( const ERRTYPE & rError ) { if( !IsError() ){ if( rError.IsError() || !IsWarning() ) nError = rError.nError; } return *this; } void RscError::StdOut( const char * pStr, const RscVerbosity _verbosityLevel ) { if ( m_verbosity >= _verbosityLevel ) { if( pStr ){ printf( "%s", pStr ); fflush( stdout ); } } } void RscError::StdErr( const char * pStr ) { if( pStr ) fprintf( stderr, "%s", pStr ); } void RscError::LstOut( const char * pStr ){ if( fListing && pStr ) fprintf( fListing, "%s", pStr ); } void RscError::StdLstOut( const char * pStr ){ StdOut( pStr ); LstOut( pStr ); } void RscError::StdLstErr( const char * pStr ){ StdErr( pStr ); LstOut( pStr ); } void RscError::WriteError( const ERRTYPE& rError, const char * pMessage ) { switch( rError ) { case ERR_ERROR: { StdLstErr( "!! " ); if( 1 == nErrors ) StdLstErr(OString::number(nErrors).getStr()); else StdLstErr(OString::number(nErrors -1).getStr()); StdLstErr( " Error" ); StdLstErr( " found!!" ); } break; case ERR_UNKNOWN_METHOD: StdLstErr( "The used type is not allowed." ); break; case ERR_OPENFILE: StdLstErr( "This file <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( "> cannot be opened." ); break; case ERR_RENAMEFILE: StdLstErr( "rename <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( "> s not possible." ); break; case ERR_FILESIZE: StdLstErr( "Wrong file <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( "> length." ); break; case ERR_FILEFORMAT: StdLstErr( "Wrong file type <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( ">." ); break; case ERR_NOCHAR: StdLstErr( "Character: '\\xxx'; The value xxx is greater than 255."); break; case ERR_NORSCINST: StdLstErr( "Internal error, instance invalid."); break; case ERR_NOINPUT: StdLstErr( "Input file was not specified.\n"); case ERR_USAGE: StdLstOut( "Copyright (C) 2000 - 2012 LibreOffice contributors.\n" ); { char buf[40]; StdLstOut( "DataVersion: " ); sprintf( buf, "%d.%d\n\n", RSCVERSION_ID / 100, RSCVERSION_ID % 100 ); StdLstOut( buf ); }; StdLstOut( "Command line: rsc [Switches] \n" ); StdLstOut( "Command line: rsc @\n" ); StdLstOut( "-h shows this help.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-p No preprocessor.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-s Syntax analysis, creates .srs file\n"); StdLstOut( "-l Linker, links files created with rsc -s,\n" ); StdLstOut( " creates .rc file and .res file.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-r Prevents .res file.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-d Symbol definitions for the Preprocessor.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-i Include directives for the Preprocessor.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-presponse Use response file for Preprocessor.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-lg Use a different language.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-fs= Name of the .res file.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-lip= additional search path for system dependent files\n" ); StdLstOut( "-fp= Renaming of the .srs file.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-oil= Output directory for image list files\n" ); StdLstOut( "-sub= replace by in image list files\n" ); StdLstOut( "-BIGENDIAN Format of number values.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-LITTLEENDIAN Format of number values.\n" ); StdLstOut( "-SrsDefault Only write one language to srs file.\n" ); StdLstOut( "\nwhen creating multiple .res files in one pass, please give these\n" ); StdLstOut( "options in consecutive blocks:\n" ); StdLstOut( "-lg -fs [-lip [-lip] ]\n" ); StdLstOut( "a new block begins when either -lg or -fs is used again.\n" ); break; case ERR_UNKNOWNSW: StdLstErr( "Unknown switch <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( ">." ); break; case ERR_REFTODEEP: StdLstErr( "Too many reference levels have been used (see Switch -RefDeep)." ); break; case ERR_CONT_INVALIDPOS: StdLstErr( "Internal error, Container class: invalid position." ); break; case ERR_CONT_INVALIDTYPE: StdLstErr( "Invalid type <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( ">." ); break; case ERR_ARRAY_INVALIDINDEX: StdLstErr( "Internal error, Array class: invalid index." ); break; case ERR_RSCINST_NOVARNAME: StdLstErr( "Internal error, invalid name of variable." ); break; case ERR_YACC: StdLstErr( pMessage ); break; case ERR_DOUBLEID: StdLstErr( "Two global resources have the same identifier." ); break; case ERR_FALSETYPE: StdLstErr( "Wrong type <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( ">." ); break; case ERR_NOVARIABLENAME: StdLstErr( "The variable <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( "> must not be used here." ); break; case ERR_RSCRANGE_OUTDEFSET: StdLstErr( "The used value is not in the expected domain." ); break; case ERR_USHORTRANGE: StdLstErr( "Value is <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( "> the allowed domain is from 0 up to 65535." ); break; case ERR_IDRANGE: StdLstErr( "Value is <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( "> the allowed domain is from 1 up to 32767." ); break; case ERR_NOCOPYOBJ: StdLstErr( "Default resource <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( "> not found." ); break; case ERR_REFNOTALLOWED: StdLstErr( "The use of a reference is not allowed." ); break; case ERR_COPYNOTALLOWED: StdLstErr( "The use of a default resource is not allowed." ); break; case ERR_IDEXPECTED: StdLstErr( "An identifier needs to be specified." ); break; case ERR_DOUBLEDEFINE: StdLstErr( "The symbol <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( "> is defined twice." ); break; case ERR_RSCINST_RESERVEDNAME: StdLstErr( "The symbol <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( "> is a reserved name." ); break; case ERR_ZERODIVISION: StdLstErr( "Attempt to divide by zero." ); break; case ERR_PRAGMA: StdLstErr( "Error in a #pragma statement." ); break; case ERR_DECLAREDEFINE: StdLstErr( "Error in the declaration part of the macro." ); break; case ERR_NOTYPE: StdLstErr( "type expected." ); break; case ERR_NOIMAGE: StdLstErr( "The image(s) <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( "> could not be found." ); break; case WRN_LOCALID: StdLstErr( "Sub resources should have an identifier < 256." ); break; case WRN_GLOBALID: StdLstErr( "Global resources should have an identifier >= 256." ); break; case WRN_SUBINMEMBER: StdLstErr( "Sub resources are ignored." ); break; case WRN_CONT_NOID: StdLstErr( "Resources without name are ignored." ); break; case WRN_CONT_DOUBLEID: StdLstErr( "Two local resources have the same identifier." ); break; case WRN_STR_REFNOTFOUND: StdLstErr( "String reference <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( " > could not be resolved." ); break; case WRN_MGR_REFNOTFOUND: StdLstErr( "Reference <" ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); StdLstErr( " > could not be resolved." ); break; default: if( pMessage ){ StdLstErr( "\nMessage: " ); StdLstErr( pMessage ); }; break; } } void RscError::ErrorFormat( const ERRTYPE& rError, RscTop * pClass, const RscId & aId ){ char buf[ 10 ]; sal_uInt32 i; if( pFI ) { pFI->SetError( rError ); StdErr( "\n" ); StdErr( pFI->GetLine() ); StdErr( "\n" ); // Fehlerposition anzeigen for( i = 0; (i +1) < pFI->GetScanPos(); i++ ) StdLstErr( " " ); LstOut( " ^" ); //Zeilennummern beachten StdErr( "^" ); StdLstErr( "\n" ); } StdLstErr( "f" ); sprintf( buf, "%u", (unsigned int)rError ); StdLstErr( buf ); if( pFI && pTC ){ StdLstErr( ": \"" ); StdLstErr( pTC->aFileTab.Get( pFI->GetFileIndex() )->aFileName.getStr() ); StdLstErr( "\", line " ); sprintf( buf, "%u", (unsigned int)pFI->GetLineNo() ); StdLstErr( buf ); } if( rError.IsError() ) StdLstErr( ": Error" ); else StdLstErr( ": Warning" ); if( pClass || aId.IsId() ) { StdLstErr( " in the object (" ); if( pClass ) { StdLstErr( "Type: " ); StdLstErr( pHS->getString( pClass->GetId() ).getStr() ); if( aId.IsId() ) StdLstErr( ", " ); } if( aId.IsId() ) StdLstErr( aId.GetName().getStr() ); StdLstErr( "):\n" ); } else StdLstErr( ": " ); } void RscError::Error( const ERRTYPE& rError, RscTop * pClass, const RscId & aId, const char * pMessage ) { if( WRN_LOCALID == rError ) // Keine Warning erzeugen return; if( rError.IsError() ) nErrors++; if( rError.IsError() || rError.IsWarning() ){ ErrorFormat( rError, pClass, aId ); WriteError( rError, pMessage ); StdLstErr( "\n" ); }; } void RscError::FatalError( const ERRTYPE& rError, const RscId &aId, const char * pMessage ) { if( ERR_USAGE != rError ){ nErrors++; ErrorFormat( rError, NULL, aId ); WriteError( rError, pMessage ); StdLstErr( "\nTerminating compiler\n" ); } else WriteError( rError, pMessage ); exit( 1 ); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */