/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ %{ #if defined __GNUC__ #pragma GCC system_header #elif defined __SUNPRO_CC #pragma disable_warn #endif %} /* Compilerstack */ %union { Atom varid; struct { Atom hashid; sal_Int32 nValue; } constname; RscTop * pClass; RSCHEADER header; struct { CLASS_DATA pData; RscTop * pClass; } instance; sal_Int32 value; sal_uInt16 ushort; short exp_short; char * string; sal_Bool svbool; REF_ENUM copyref; RscDefine * defineele; CharSet charset; RscExpType macrostruct; } /* Token */ %token NUMBER %token SYMBOL %token RSCDEFINE %token STRING %token INCLUDE_STRING %token CHARACTER %token BOOLEAN %token LINE %token AUTO_ID %token NOT %token XSCALE %token YSCALE %token RGB %token GEOMETRY %token POSITION %token DIMENSION %token INZOOMOUTPUTSIZE %token FLOATINGPOS %token DEFINE %token INCLUDE %token MACROTARGET %token DEFAULT %token CLASSNAME %token VARNAME %token CONSTNAME %token CLASS %token EXTENDABLE %token WRITEIFSET %type macro_expression %type id_expression %type long_expression %type string_multiline %type type %type type_base %type
class_header_body %type
class_header %type
var_header_class %type copy_ref %type type_flags %left '|' %left '&' %left LEFTSHIFT RIGHTSHIFT %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %left UNARYMINUS %left UNARYPLUS %left ',' %left '(' ')' /* Grammatik */ %start resource_definitions %% /********************** D E F I N I T I O N S ****************************/ resource_definitions : | resource_definitions resource_definition | MACROTARGET macro_expression { RscExpType aExpType; sal_Int32 lValue; aExpType.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING; pExp = new RscExpression( aExpType, '+', $2 ); if( !pExp->Evaluate( &lValue ) ) pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_ZERODIVISION, NULL, RscId() ); } ; resource_definition : line_number | '#' DEFINE SYMBOL macro_expression { sal_Bool bError = sal_False; if( $4.IsNumber() ){ if( !pTC->aFileTab.NewDef( pFI->GetFileIndex(), ByteString( $3 ), $4.GetLong(), ULONG_MAX ) ) bError = sal_True; } else if( $4.IsDefinition() ){ RscExpType aExpType; RscExpression * pExpr; aExpType.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING; aExpType.SetLong( 0 ); aExpType.cType = RSCEXP_LONG; pExpr = new RscExpression( aExpType, '+', $4 ); if( !pTC->aFileTab.NewDef( pFI->GetFileIndex(), ByteString( $3 ), pExpr, ULONG_MAX ) ) bError = sal_True; } else if( $4.IsExpression() ){ if( !pTC->aFileTab.NewDef( pFI->GetFileIndex(), ByteString( $3 ), $4.aExp.pExp, ULONG_MAX ) ) bError = sal_True; } if( bError ){ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_DECLAREDEFINE, NULL, RscId(), $3 ); } } | '#' DEFINE RSCDEFINE macro_expression { pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_DOUBLEDEFINE, NULL, RscId(), $3->GetName().GetBuffer() ); } | '#' INCLUDE STRING { } | '#' INCLUDE INCLUDE_STRING { } | class_definition ';' { #ifdef D40 void * pMem; pMem = rtl_allocateMemory( 20000 ); rtl_freeMemory( pMem ); #endif } | new_class_definition_header '{' new_class_definition_body '}' ';' | new_class_definition_header ';' ; new_class_definition_header : CLASS SYMBOL id_expression ':' CLASSNAME { sal_Int32 lType; $3.Evaluate( &lType ); // Klasse anlegen Atom nId = pHS->getID( $2 ); pCurClass = new RscClass( nId, lType, $5 ); nCurMask = 1; pTC->aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pCurClass ); pTC->GetRoot()->Insert( pCurClass ); } | CLASS CLASSNAME id_expression ':' CLASSNAME { pCurClass = $2; nCurMask = 1; } ; new_class_definition_body : | property_definition ';' new_class_definition_body ; property_definition : type_flags type SYMBOL { // Variable anlegen Atom nId = pTC->aNmTb.Put( $3, VARNAME ); pCurClass->SetVariable( nId, $2, NULL, $1, nCurMask ); nCurMask <<= 1; } | type_flags type VARNAME { pCurClass->SetVariable( $3, $2, NULL, $1, nCurMask ); nCurMask <<= 1; } ; type_flags : type_flags EXTENDABLE { $$ = $1 | VAR_EXTENDABLE; } | type_flags WRITEIFSET { $$ = $1 | VAR_SVDYNAMIC; } | { $$ = 0; } ; type : type_base { $$ = $1; } | type_base '[' ']' { if( $1 ) { ByteString aTypeName = pHS->getString( $1->GetId() ); aTypeName += "[]"; $$ = pTC->SearchType( pHS->getID( aTypeName.GetBuffer(), true ) ); if( !$$ ) { RscCont * pCont; pCont = new RscCont( pHS->getID( aTypeName.GetBuffer() ), RSC_NOTYPE ); pCont->SetTypeClass( $1 ); pTC->InsertType( pCont ); $$ = pCont; } } else $$ = NULL; } ; type_base : CLASSNAME { $$ = $1; } | SYMBOL { RscTop * pType = pTC->SearchType( pHS->getID( $1, true ) ); if( !pType ) pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOTYPE, pCurClass, RscId() ); $$ = pType; } ; class_definition : class_header class_body { if( TYPE_REF == $1.nTyp ) pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_REFNOTALLOWED, S.Top().pClass, RscId( $1.nName1 ) ); S.Pop(); } | class_header { ERRTYPE aError; RscId aRscId( $1.nName1 ); if( TYPE_NOTHING == $1.nTyp && aRscId.IsId() ) aError = S.Top().pClass->SetRef( S.Top(), aRscId ); else if( TYPE_COPY == $1.nTyp ) aError = ERR_COPYNOTALLOWED; if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, aRscId ); S.Pop(); } ; class_header : class_header_body { if( !DoClassHeader( &$1, sal_False ) ) return( ERR_ERROR ); $$ = $1; } ; copy_ref : '<' { $$ = TYPE_COPY; } | ',' { $$ = TYPE_REF; } ; class_header_body : CLASSNAME id_expression copy_ref CLASSNAME id_expression { $$.pClass = $1; $$.nName1 = $2; $$.nTyp = $3; $$.pRefClass = $4; $$.nName2 = $5; } | CLASSNAME id_expression copy_ref id_expression { $$.pClass = $1; $$.nName1 = $2; $$.nTyp = $3; $$.pRefClass = NULL; $$.nName2 = $4; } | CLASSNAME id_expression { $$.pClass = $1; $$.nName1 = $2; $$.nTyp = TYPE_NOTHING; $$.pRefClass = NULL; $$.nName2.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING; } | CLASSNAME copy_ref id_expression { $$.pClass = $1; $$.nName1.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING; $$.nTyp = $2; $$.pRefClass = NULL; $$.nName2 = $3; } | CLASSNAME copy_ref CLASSNAME id_expression { $$.pClass = $1; $$.nName1.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING; $$.nTyp = $2; $$.pRefClass = $3; $$.nName2 = $4; } | CLASSNAME { $$.pClass = $1; $$.nName1.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING; $$.nTyp = TYPE_NOTHING; $$.nName2.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING; } ; class_body : '{' var_definitions '}' | '{' '}' | string_multiline { SetString( S.Top(), "TEXT", $1 ); } ; var_definitions : var_definition | var_definitions var_definition ; xy_mapmode : CONSTNAME { SetConst( S.Top(), "_XYMAPMODE", $1.hashid, $1.nValue ); } | ; wh_mapmode : CONSTNAME { SetConst( S.Top(), "_WHMAPMODE", $1.hashid, $1.nValue ); } | ; xywh_mapmode : CONSTNAME { SetConst( S.Top(), "_XYMAPMODE", $1.hashid, $1.nValue ); SetConst( S.Top(), "_WHMAPMODE", $1.hashid, $1.nValue ); } | ; var_definition : line_number | var_header var_body ';' { S.Pop(); } | class_definition ';' | var_header_class class_body ';' { if( TYPE_REF == $1.nTyp ) pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_REFNOTALLOWED, S.Top().pClass, RscId( $1.nName1 ) ); if( S.Top().pClass->GetCount( S.Top() ) ) pTC->pEH->Error( WRN_SUBINMEMBER, S.Top().pClass, RscId( $1.nName1 ) ); S.Pop(); } | var_header_class ';' { ERRTYPE aError; RscId aRscId( $1.nName1 ); if( TYPE_NOTHING == $1.nTyp && aRscId.IsId() ) aError = S.Top().pClass->SetRef( S.Top(), aRscId ); else if( TYPE_COPY == $1.nTyp ) aError = ERR_COPYNOTALLOWED; if( S.Top().pClass->GetCount( S.Top() ) ) aError = WRN_SUBINMEMBER; if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, aRscId ); S.Pop(); } | XSCALE '=' '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';' { SetNumber( S.Top(), "_XNUMERATOR", $4 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_XDENOMINATOR", $6 ); } | YSCALE '=' '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';' { SetNumber( S.Top(), "_YNUMERATOR", $4 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_YDENOMINATOR", $6 ); } | RGB '=' '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';' { SetNumber( S.Top(), "RED", $4 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "GREEN", $6 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "BLUE", $8 ); } | GEOMETRY '=' xywh_mapmode '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ',' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';' { SetNumber( S.Top(), "_X", $5 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_Y", $7 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_WIDTH", $9 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_HEIGHT", $11 ); } | POSITION '=' xy_mapmode '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';' { SetNumber( S.Top(), "_X", $5 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_Y", $7 ); } | DIMENSION '=' wh_mapmode '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';' { SetNumber( S.Top(), "_WIDTH", $5 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_HEIGHT", $7 ); } | INZOOMOUTPUTSIZE '=' CONSTNAME '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';' { SetConst( S.Top(), "_ZOOMINMAPMODE", $3.hashid, $3.nValue ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_ZOOMINWIDTH", $5 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_ZOOMINHEIGHT", $7 ); } | INZOOMOUTPUTSIZE '=' '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';' { SetNumber( S.Top(), "_ZOOMINWIDTH", $4 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_ZOOMINHEIGHT", $6 ); } | FLOATINGPOS '=' CONSTNAME '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';' { SetConst( S.Top(), "_FLOATINGPOSMAPMODE", $3.hashid, $3.nValue ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_FLOATINGPOSX", $5 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_FLOATINGPOSY", $7 ); } | FLOATINGPOS '=' '(' long_expression ',' long_expression ')' ';' { SetNumber( S.Top(), "_FLOATINGPOSX", $4 ); SetNumber( S.Top(), "_FLOATINGPOSY", $6 ); } ; var_header_class : VARNAME '=' class_header_body { RSCINST aInst; aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST(), sal_False, $3.pClass ); if( aInst.pData ) S.Push( aInst ); else { pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(), pHS->getString( $1 ) ); return( ERR_ERROR ); }; if( !DoClassHeader( &$3, sal_True ) ) return( ERR_ERROR ); $$ = $3; } | VARNAME '[' CONSTNAME ']' '=' class_header_body { RSCINST aInst; aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST() ); if( aInst.pData ) { ERRTYPE aError; RSCINST aIdxInst; aError = aInst.pClass->GetArrayEle( aInst, $3.hashid, NULL, &aIdxInst ); if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); if( aError.IsError() ) return( ERR_ERROR ); S.Push( aIdxInst ); } else { pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(), pHS->getString( $1 ) ); return( ERR_ERROR ); }; if( !DoClassHeader( &$6, sal_True ) ) return( ERR_ERROR ); $$ = $6; } | VARNAME '[' SYMBOL ']' '=' class_header_body { RSCINST aInst; aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST() ); if( aInst.pData ) { long nNewLang = pTC->AddLanguage( $3 ); ERRTYPE aError; RSCINST aIdxInst; aError = aInst.pClass->GetArrayEle( aInst, nNewLang, NULL, &aIdxInst ); if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); if( aError.IsError() ) return( ERR_ERROR ); S.Push( aIdxInst ); } else { pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(), pHS->getString( $1 ) ); return( ERR_ERROR ); }; if( !DoClassHeader( &$6, sal_True ) ) return( ERR_ERROR ); $$ = $6; } ; var_header : VARNAME '=' { RSCINST aInst; aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST() ); if( aInst.pData ) S.Push( aInst ); else{ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(), pHS->getString( $1 ) ); return( ERR_ERROR ); }; } | VARNAME '[' CONSTNAME ']' '=' { RSCINST aInst; aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST() ); if( aInst.pData ) { ERRTYPE aError; RSCINST aIdxInst; aError = aInst.pClass->GetArrayEle( aInst, $3.hashid, NULL, &aIdxInst ); if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); if( aError.IsError() ) return( ERR_ERROR ); S.Push( aIdxInst ); } else{ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(), pHS->getString( $1 ) ); return( ERR_ERROR ); }; } | VARNAME '[' SYMBOL ']' '=' { RSCINST aInst; aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetVariable( S.Top(), $1, RSCINST() ); if( aInst.pData ) { long nNewLang = pTC->AddLanguage( $3 ); ERRTYPE aError; RSCINST aIdxInst; aError = aInst.pClass->GetArrayEle( aInst, nNewLang, NULL, &aIdxInst ); if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); if( aError.IsError() ) return( ERR_ERROR ); S.Push( aIdxInst ); } else{ pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOVARIABLENAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId(), pHS->getString( $1 ) ); return( ERR_ERROR ); }; } ; tupel_header0 : { RSCINST aInst; aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetTupelVar( S.Top(), 0, RSCINST() ); if( aInst.pData ) S.Push( aInst ); else { pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOTUPELNAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); return( ERR_ERROR ); }; } ; tupel_header1 : { RSCINST aInst; aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetTupelVar( S.Top(), 1, RSCINST() ); if( aInst.pData ) S.Push( aInst ); else { pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOTUPELNAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); return( ERR_ERROR ); }; } ; tupel_header2 : { RSCINST aInst; aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetTupelVar( S.Top(), 2, RSCINST() ); if( aInst.pData ) S.Push( aInst ); else { pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOTUPELNAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); return( ERR_ERROR ); }; } ; tupel_header3 : { RSCINST aInst; aInst = S.Top().pClass->GetTupelVar( S.Top(), 3, RSCINST() ); if( !aInst.pData ) { pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_NOTUPELNAME, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); return( ERR_ERROR ); }; S.Push( aInst ); } ; tupel_body : var_body { S.Pop(); } ; var_list_header : { ERRTYPE aError; RSCINST aInst; aError = S.Top().pClass->GetElement( S.Top(), RscId(), NULL, RSCINST(), &aInst ); if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); if( aError.IsError() ) { // unbedingt Instanz auf den Stack bringen aInst = S.Top().pClass->Create( NULL, RSCINST() ); } S.Push( aInst ); } ; list_body : var_bodycomplex { S.Pop(); } ; list_header : { sal_uInt32 nCount = S.Top().pClass->GetCount( S.Top() ); sal_uInt32 i; for( i = nCount; i > 0; i-- ) S.Top().pClass->DeletePos( S.Top(), i -1 ); } ; list : list var_list_header list_body ';' | list var_bodysimple ';' | list class_definition ';' | list line_number | ; var_bodysimple : macro_expression { sal_Int32 l; ERRTYPE aError; if( !$1.Evaluate( &l ) ) pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_ZERODIVISION, NULL, RscId() ); else { aError = S.Top().pClass->SetRef( S.Top(), RscId( $1 ) ); if( aError.IsError() ) { aError.Clear(); aError = S.Top().pClass->SetNumber( S.Top(), l ); } if( aError.IsError() ) { // Aufwaertskompatible, Tupel probieren RSCINST aInst = GetFirstTupelEle( S.Top() ); if( aInst.pData ) { aError.Clear(); // Fehler zuruecksetzen aError = aInst.pClass->SetRef( aInst, RscId( $1 ) ); if( aError.IsError() ) { aError.Clear(); aError = aInst.pClass->SetNumber( aInst, l ); } } } } if( $1.IsExpression() ) delete $1.aExp.pExp; if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); } | CONSTNAME { ERRTYPE aError; aError = S.Top().pClass->SetConst( S.Top(), $1.hashid, $1.nValue ); if( aError.IsError() ) { // Aufwaertskompatible, Tupel probieren RSCINST aInst = GetFirstTupelEle( S.Top() ); if( aInst.pData ) { aError.Clear(); // Fehler zuruecksetzen aError = aInst.pClass->SetConst( aInst, $1.hashid, $1.nValue ); } } if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); } | NOT CONSTNAME { ERRTYPE aError; aError = S.Top().pClass->SetNotConst( S.Top(), $2.hashid ); if( aError.IsError() ) { // Aufwaertskompatible, Tupel probieren RSCINST aInst = GetFirstTupelEle( S.Top() ); if( aInst.pData ) { aError.Clear(); // Fehler zuruecksetzen aError = aInst.pClass->SetNotConst( aInst, $2.hashid ); } } if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); } | BOOLEAN { ERRTYPE aError; aError = S.Top().pClass->SetBool( S.Top(), $1 ); if( aError.IsError() ) { // Aufwaertskompatible, Tupel probieren RSCINST aInst = GetFirstTupelEle( S.Top() ); if( aInst.pData ) { aError.Clear(); // Fehler zuruecksetzen aError = aInst.pClass->SetBool( aInst, $1 ); } } if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); } | string_multiline { ERRTYPE aError; aError = S.Top().pClass->SetString( S.Top(), $1 ); if( aError.IsError() ) { // Aufwaertskompatible, Tupel probieren RSCINST aInst = GetFirstTupelEle( S.Top() ); if( aInst.pData ) { aError.Clear(); // Fehler zuruecksetzen aError = aInst.pClass->SetString( aInst, $1 ); } } if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTC->pEH->Error( aError, S.Top().pClass, RscId() ); } | DEFAULT ; var_bodycomplex : '{' list_header list '}' | '<' tupel_header0 tupel_body ';' '>' | '<' tupel_header0 tupel_body ';' tupel_header1 tupel_body ';' '>' | '<' tupel_header0 tupel_body ';' tupel_header1 tupel_body ';' tupel_header2 tupel_body ';' '>' | '<' tupel_header0 tupel_body ';' tupel_header1 tupel_body ';' tupel_header2 tupel_body ';' tupel_header3 tupel_body ';' '>' ; var_body : var_bodysimple | var_bodycomplex ; /********************** work on yacc stack *******************************/ string_multiline : STRING { $$ = $1; } | string_multiline STRING { rtl::OStringBuffer aBuf( 256 ); aBuf.append( $1 ); aBuf.append( $2 ); $$ = (char*)pStringContainer->putString( aBuf.getStr() ); } ; long_expression : macro_expression { if( !$1.Evaluate( &$$ ) ) pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_ZERODIVISION, NULL, RscId() ); if( $1.IsExpression() ) delete $1.aExp.pExp; } ; macro_expression : RSCDEFINE { $$.cType = RSCEXP_DEF; $$.aExp.pDef = $1; } | NUMBER { $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG; $$.SetLong( $1 ); } | '-' macro_expression %prec UNARYMINUS { if( $2.IsNumber() ){ $$.cType = $2.cType; $$.SetLong( - $2.GetLong() ); } else{ RscExpType aLeftExp; aLeftExp.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING; $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP; $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( aLeftExp, '-', $2 ); } } | '+' macro_expression %prec UNARYPLUS { $$ = $2; } | macro_expression '+' macro_expression { if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG; $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() + $3.GetLong() ); } else{ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP; $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '+', $3 ); } } | macro_expression '-' macro_expression { if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG; $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() - $3.GetLong() ); } else{ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP; $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '-', $3 ); } } | macro_expression '*' macro_expression { if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG; $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() * $3.GetLong() ); } else{ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP; $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '*', $3 ); } } | macro_expression '/' macro_expression { if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){ if( 0 == $3.GetLong() ){ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP; $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '/', $3 ); } else{ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG; $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() / $3.GetLong() ); } } else{ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP; $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '/', $3 ); } } | macro_expression '&' macro_expression { if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG; $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() & $3.GetLong() ); } else{ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP; $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '&', $3 ); } } | macro_expression '|' macro_expression { if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG; $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() | $3.GetLong() ); } else{ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP; $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, '|', $3 ); } } | '(' macro_expression ')' { $$ = $2; } | macro_expression LEFTSHIFT macro_expression { if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG; $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() << $3.GetLong() ); } else{ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP; $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, 'l', $3 ); } } | macro_expression RIGHTSHIFT macro_expression { if( $1.IsNumber() && $3.IsNumber() ){ $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG; $$.SetLong( $1.GetLong() >> $3.GetLong() ); } else{ $$.cType = RSCEXP_EXP; $$.aExp.pExp = new RscExpression( $1, 'r', $3 ); } } ; id_expression : id_expression line_number | macro_expression { // pExpession auswerten und loeschen if( RSCEXP_EXP == $1.cType ){ sal_Int32 lValue; if( !$1.Evaluate( &lValue ) ) pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_ZERODIVISION, NULL, RscId() ); delete $1.aExp.pExp; $$.cType = RSCEXP_LONG; $$.SetLong( lValue ); } else $$ = $1; } ; DUMMY_NUMBER : NUMBER { } | { } ; line_number : '#' LINE NUMBER STRING { RscFile * pFName; pFI->SetLineNo( $3 ); pFI->SetFileIndex( pTC->aFileTab.NewCodeFile( ByteString( $4 ) ) ); pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Get( pFI->GetFileIndex() ); pFName->bLoaded = sal_True; pFName->bScanned = sal_True; } | '#' NUMBER STRING DUMMY_NUMBER { RscFile * pFName; pFI->SetLineNo( $2 ); pFI->SetFileIndex( pTC->aFileTab.NewCodeFile( ByteString( $3 ) ) ); pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Get( pFI->GetFileIndex() ); pFName->bLoaded = sal_True; pFName->bScanned = sal_True; } | '#' NUMBER { pFI->SetLineNo( $2 ); } ;