/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: rscstr.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:42:56 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************ Source Code Control System - Header $Header: /zpool/svn/migration/cvs_rep_09_09_08/code/rsc/source/res/rscstr.cxx,v 2000-09-18 16:42:56 hr Exp $ Source Code Control System - Update $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.22 2000/09/17 12:51:11 willem.vandorp OpenOffice header added. Revision 1.21 2000/07/26 17:13:23 willem.vandorp Headers/footers replaced Revision 1.20 2000/07/12 11:38:42 th Unicode Revision 1.19 1999/10/12 08:45:03 mm gpf corrected Revision 1.18 1999/10/11 17:21:53 mm no LString **************************************************************************/ /****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/ // C and C++ Includes. #include #include #include // Programmabh„ngige Includes. #ifndef _RSCDB_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _RSCSTR_HXX #include #endif #include #include /****************** C O D E **********************************************/ /****************** R s c S t r i n g ************************************/ /************************************************************************* |* |* RscString::RscString() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91 |* *************************************************************************/ RscString::RscString( HASHID nId, USHORT nTypeId ) : RscTop( nId, nTypeId ) { nSize = ALIGNED_SIZE( sizeof( RscStringInst ) ); pRefClass = NULL; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscString::GetClassType() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91 |* *************************************************************************/ RSCCLASS_TYPE RscString::GetClassType() const { return RSCCLASS_STRING; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscString::SetNumber() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91 |* *************************************************************************/ ERRTYPE RscString::SetString( const RSCINST & rInst, char * pStr ){ char * pTmp; ERRTYPE aError; if( aError.IsOk() ){ ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->bDflt = FALSE; pTmp = ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr; if( pTmp ){ RscMem::Free( pTmp ); pTmp = NULL; } if( pStr ){ USHORT nLen = strlen( pStr ) +1; pTmp = (char *)RscMem::Malloc( nLen ); memcpy( pTmp, pStr, nLen ); }; ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr = pTmp; } return( aError ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscString::GetString() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91 |* *************************************************************************/ ERRTYPE RscString::GetString( const RSCINST & rInst, char ** ppStr ){ *ppStr = ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr; return( ERR_OK ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscString::GetRef() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 22.07.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.07.91 |* *************************************************************************/ ERRTYPE RscString::GetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, RscId * pRscId ){ *pRscId = ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId; return( ERR_OK ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscString::SetRef() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91 |* *************************************************************************/ ERRTYPE RscString::SetRef( const RSCINST & rInst, const RscId & rRefId ){ if( pRefClass ){ ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId = rRefId; ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->bDflt = FALSE; } else return( ERR_REFNOTALLOWED ); return ERR_OK; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscString::Create() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91 |* *************************************************************************/ RSCINST RscString::Create( RSCINST * pInst, const RSCINST & rDflt, BOOL bOwnClass ) { RSCINST aInst; if( !pInst ){ aInst.pClass = this; aInst.pData = (CLASS_DATA) RscMem::Malloc( sizeof( RscStringInst ) ); } else aInst = *pInst; if( !bOwnClass && rDflt.IsInst() ) bOwnClass = rDflt.pClass->InHierarchy( this ); ((RscStringInst *)aInst.pData)->aRefId.Create(); ((RscStringInst *)aInst.pData)->pStr = NULL; ((RscStringInst *)aInst.pData)->bDflt = TRUE; if( bOwnClass ){ ((RscStringInst *)aInst.pData)->aRefId = ((RscStringInst *)rDflt.pData)->aRefId; SetString( aInst, ((RscStringInst *)rDflt.pData)->pStr ); ((RscStringInst *)aInst.pData)->bDflt = ((RscStringInst *)rDflt.pData)->bDflt ; } return( aInst ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscString::Destroy() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 15.05.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.05.91 |* *************************************************************************/ void RscString::Destroy( const RSCINST & rInst ){ if( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr ) RscMem::Free( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr ); ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId.Destroy(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscString::IsValueDefault() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 15.01.92 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.01.92 |* *************************************************************************/ BOOL RscString::IsValueDefault( const RSCINST & rInst, CLASS_DATA pDef ){ RscStringInst * pData = (RscStringInst*)rInst.pData; RscStringInst * pDefData = (RscStringInst*)pDef; if( pDef ){ if( pData->aRefId.IsId() || pDefData->aRefId.IsId() ) { if( pData->aRefId.aExp.IsNumber() && pDefData->aRefId.aExp.IsNumber() ) { // Sind die Referenzidentifier gleich if( pData->aRefId.GetNumber() == pDefData->aRefId.GetNumber() ) { return TRUE; } } } else { BOOL bStrEmpty = FALSE; BOOL bDefStrEmpty = FALSE; if( pData->pStr ){ bStrEmpty = ('\0' == *pData->pStr); } else bStrEmpty = TRUE; if( pDefData->pStr ){ bDefStrEmpty = ('\0' == *pDefData->pStr); } else bDefStrEmpty = TRUE; if( !bStrEmpty || !bDefStrEmpty ){ return FALSE; } else if( !(bStrEmpty || bDefStrEmpty) ){ if( strcmp( pData->pStr, pDefData->pStr ) ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscString::WriteSrc() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 25.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 25.04.91 |* *************************************************************************/ void RscString::WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont *, USHORT, const char * ) { if ( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId.IsId() ) { fprintf( fOutput, "%s", ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId.GetName().GetBuffer() ); } else { RscStringInst * pStrI = ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData); if( pStrI->pStr ){ //char * pChangeTab = RscChar::GetChangeTab(); USHORT n = 0; USHORT nPos, nSlashPos; do { fputc( '\"', fOutput ); nSlashPos = nPos = 0; while( pStrI->pStr[ n ] && (nPos < 72 || nPos - nSlashPos <= 3) ) { // nach \ mindesten 3 Zeichen wegeb \xa7 fputc( pStrI->pStr[ n ], fOutput ); if( pStrI->pStr[ n ] == '\\' ) nSlashPos = nPos; n++; nPos++; } fputc( '\"', fOutput ); if( pStrI->pStr[ n ] ) //nocht nicht zu ende fputc( '\n', fOutput ); } while( pStrI->pStr[ n ] ); } else fprintf( fOutput, "\"\"" ); /* if( pStrI->pStr ) { UINT16 nStrLen = strlen( pStrI->pStr ); sal_Unicode * pUniCode = new sal_Unicode[ nStrLen +1 ]; rtl_TextToUnicodeConverter hConv = rtl_createTextToUnicodeConverter( RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); sal_uInt32 nInfo; sal_Size nSrcCvtBytes; sal_Size nSize = rtl_convertTextToUnicode( hConv, 0, pStrI->pStr, nStrLen, pUniCode, nStrLen, RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_UNDEFINED_DEFAULT | RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_MBUNDEFINED_DEFAULT | RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_INVALID_DEFAULT | RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_FLUSH, &nInfo, &nSrcCvtBytes ); fputc( 'L', fOutput ); fputc( '\"', fOutput ); for( sal_Size i = 0; i < nSize; i++ ) { if( pUniCode[i] >= 32 && pUniCode[i] < 128 ) { if( pUniCode[i] == '\\' ) { fputc( (char)pUniCode[i], fOutput ); fputc( (char)pUniCode[i], fOutput ); } else if( pUniCode[i] == '\"' ) { fputc( '\\', fOutput ); fputc( '"', fOutput ); } else fputc( (char)pUniCode[i], fOutput ); } else fprintf( fOutput, "\\x%4.4lX", (long)pUniCode[i] ); if( !((i +1) % 40) && i +1 != nSize ) fprintf( fOutput, "\"\n\t\t\tL\"" ); } fputc( '\"', fOutput ); rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeConverter( hConv ); delete pUniCode; } else fprintf( fOutput, "\"\"" ); */ }; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscString::WriteRc() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 15.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 15.04.91 |* *************************************************************************/ ERRTYPE RscString::WriteRc( const RSCINST & rInst, RscWriteRc & rMem, RscTypCont * pTC, USHORT nDeep, BOOL bExtra ) { ERRTYPE aError; ObjNode * pObjNode = NULL; if( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId.IsId() ){ RscId aId( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->aRefId ); RSCINST aTmpI; aTmpI.pClass = pRefClass; while( aError.IsOk() && aId.IsId() ){ //Erhoehen und abfragen um Endlosrekusion zu vermeiden nDeep++; if( nDeep > nRefDeep ) aError = ERR_REFTODEEP; else { pObjNode = pRefClass->GetObjNode( aId ); if( pObjNode ) { aTmpI.pData = pObjNode->GetRscObj(); aError = pRefClass->GetRef( aTmpI, &aId ); } else { if( pTC ) { ByteString aMsg( pHS->Get( pRefClass->GetId() ) ); aMsg += ' '; aMsg += aId.GetName(); aError = WRN_STR_REFNOTFOUND; pTC->pEH->Error( aError, rInst.pClass, RscId(), aMsg.GetBuffer() ); } break; } } } } if( aError.IsOk() ) { if( pObjNode ) { RSCINST aRefI; aRefI = RSCINST( pRefClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ); aError = aRefI.pClass->WriteRc( aRefI, rMem, pTC, nDeep, bExtra ); } else { if( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr ) { char * pStr = RscChar::MakeUTF8( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr, pTC->GetSourceCharSet() ); rMem.PutUTF8( pStr ); RscMem::Free( pStr ); } else rMem.PutUTF8( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr ); //rMem.PutUTF8( ((RscStringInst *)rInst.pData)->pStr ); }; }; return( aError ); } //================================================================== void RscString::WriteRcAccess ( FILE * fOutput, RscTypCont * pTC, const char * pName ) { fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tString aStr( (const char*)(pResData+nOffset) );\n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tSet%s( aStr );\n", pName ); fprintf( fOutput, "\t\tnOffset += GetStringSizeRes( aStr );\n" ); }