/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined ANDROID #include #elif defined _WIN32 #include #include #define OSL_DETAIL_GETPID _getpid() #else #include #define OSL_DETAIL_GETPID getpid() #endif #if HAVE_SYSLOG_H #include // sal/osl/unx/salinit.cxx::sal_detail_initialize updates this: bool sal_use_syslog; #else bool const sal_use_syslog = false; #endif // Avoid the use of other sal code in this file as much as possible, so that // this code can be called from other sal code without causing endless // recursion. namespace { struct TimeContainer { TimeValue aTime; TimeContainer() { osl_getSystemTime(&aTime); } }; TimeContainer aStartTime; bool equalStrings( char const * string1, std::size_t length1, char const * string2, std::size_t length2) { return length1 == length2 && std::memcmp(string1, string2, length1) == 0; } #if !defined ANDROID char const * toString(sal_detail_LogLevel level) { switch (level) { case SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_INFO: return "info"; case SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_WARN: return "warn"; case SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: return "debug"; default: assert(false); // this cannot happen return "broken"; } } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 char const* setEnvFromLoggingIniFile(const char* env, const char* key) { char const* sResult = nullptr; wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, buffer, MAX_PATH); std::wstring sProgramDirectory(buffer); std::wstring::size_type pos = sProgramDirectory.find_last_of(L"\\/"); sProgramDirectory = sProgramDirectory.substr(0, pos+1); sProgramDirectory += L"logging.ini"; std::ifstream logFileStream(sProgramDirectory); if (!logFileStream.good()) return sResult; std::size_t n; std::string aKey; std::string sWantedKey(key); std::string sLine; while (std::getline(logFileStream, sLine)) { if (sLine.find('#') == 0) continue; if ( ( n = sLine.find('=') ) != std::string::npos) { aKey = sLine.substr(0, n); if (aKey != sWantedKey) continue; _putenv_s(env, sLine.substr(n+1, sLine.length()).c_str()); sResult = std::getenv(env); break; } } return sResult; } #endif char const* pLogSelector = nullptr; char const* getLogLevelEnvVar() { static char const* const pLevel = [] { char const* pResult = nullptr; // First check the environment variable, then the setting in logging.ini char const* env = std::getenv("SAL_LOG"); #ifdef _WIN32 if (!env) env = setEnvFromLoggingIniFile("SAL_LOG", "LogLevel"); #endif if (env) { // Make a copy from the string in environment block static std::string sLevel(env); pResult = sLevel.c_str(); } return pResult; }(); return pLevel; } #if !defined ANDROID std::ofstream * getLogFile() { static std::ofstream* const pFile = [] { std::ofstream* pResult = nullptr; // First check the environment variable, then the setting in logging.ini char const* logFile = std::getenv("SAL_LOG_FILE"); #ifdef _WIN32 if (!logFile) logFile = setEnvFromLoggingIniFile("SAL_LOG_FILE", "LogFilePath"); #endif if (logFile) { // stays until process exits static std::ofstream file(logFile, std::ios::app | std::ios::out); pResult = &file; } return pResult; }(); return pFile; } std::pair getTimestampFlags(char const *selector) { bool outputTimestamp = false; bool outputRelativeTimer = false; for (char const* p = selector; p && *p;) { if (*p++ == '+') { char const * p1 = p; while (*p1 != '.' && *p1 != '+' && *p1 != '-' && *p1 != '\0') { ++p1; } if (equalStrings(p, p1 - p, RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("TIMESTAMP"))) outputTimestamp = true; else if (equalStrings(p, p1 - p, RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("RELATIVETIMER"))) outputRelativeTimer = true; char const * p2 = p1; while (*p2 != '+' && *p2 != '-' && *p2 != '\0') { ++p2; } p = p2; } } return std::pair(outputTimestamp, outputRelativeTimer); } void maybeOutputTimestamp(std::ostringstream &s) { static const std::pair aEnvFlags = getTimestampFlags(getLogLevelEnvVar()); const auto& [outputTimestamp, outputRelativeTimer] = (pLogSelector == nullptr ? aEnvFlags : getTimestampFlags(pLogSelector)); if (outputTimestamp) { char ts[100]; TimeValue systemTime; osl_getSystemTime(&systemTime); TimeValue localTime; osl_getLocalTimeFromSystemTime(&systemTime, &localTime); oslDateTime dateTime; osl_getDateTimeFromTimeValue(&localTime, &dateTime); struct tm tm; tm.tm_sec = dateTime.Seconds; tm.tm_min = dateTime.Minutes; tm.tm_hour = dateTime.Hours; tm.tm_mday = dateTime.Day; tm.tm_wday = dateTime.DayOfWeek; tm.tm_mon = dateTime.Month - 1; tm.tm_year = dateTime.Year - 1900; tm.tm_yday = 0; strftime(ts, sizeof(ts), "%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S", &tm); char milliSecs[11]; snprintf(milliSecs, sizeof(milliSecs), "%03u", static_cast(dateTime.NanoSeconds / 1000000)); s << ts << '.' << milliSecs << ':'; } if (!outputRelativeTimer) return; TimeValue now; osl_getSystemTime(&now); int seconds = now.Seconds - aStartTime.aTime.Seconds; int milliSeconds; if (now.Nanosec < aStartTime.aTime.Nanosec) { seconds--; milliSeconds = 1000 - (aStartTime.aTime.Nanosec - now.Nanosec) / 1000000; } else milliSeconds = (now.Nanosec - aStartTime.aTime.Nanosec) / 1000000; char relativeTimestamp[100]; snprintf(relativeTimestamp, sizeof(relativeTimestamp), "%d.%03d", seconds, milliSeconds); s << relativeTimestamp << ':'; } #endif } void sal_detail_log( sal_detail_LogLevel level, char const * area, char const * where, char const * message, sal_uInt32 backtraceDepth) { std::ostringstream s; #if !defined ANDROID // On Android, the area will be used as the "tag," and log info already // contains timestamp and PID. if (!sal_use_syslog) { maybeOutputTimestamp(s); s << toString(level) << ':'; } if (level != SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { s << area << ':'; } s << OSL_DETAIL_GETPID << ':'; #endif s << osl::Thread::getCurrentIdentifier() << ':'; if (level == SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { s << ' '; } else { const size_t nStrLen(std::strlen(SRCDIR "/")); s << (where + (std::strncmp(where, SRCDIR "/", nStrLen) == 0 ? nStrLen : 0)); } s << message; if (backtraceDepth != 0) { s << " at:\n" << osl::detail::backtraceAsString(backtraceDepth); } #if defined ANDROID int android_log_level; switch (level) { case SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_INFO: android_log_level = ANDROID_LOG_INFO; break; case SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_WARN: android_log_level = ANDROID_LOG_WARN; break; case SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: android_log_level = ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG; break; default: android_log_level = ANDROID_LOG_INFO; break; } __android_log_print( android_log_level, area == 0 ? "LibreOffice" : area, "%s", s.str().c_str()); #else if (sal_use_syslog) { #if HAVE_SYSLOG_H int prio; switch (level) { case SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_INFO: prio = LOG_INFO; break; case SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_WARN: prio = LOG_WARNING; break; case SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: prio = LOG_DEBUG; break; default: assert(false); // this cannot happen prio = LOG_WARNING; } syslog(prio, "%s", s.str().c_str()); #endif } else { // avoid calling getLogFile() more than once static std::ofstream * logFile = getLogFile(); if (logFile) { *logFile << s.str() << std::endl; } else { s << '\n'; #ifdef _WIN32 // write to Windows debugger console, too OutputDebugStringA(s.str().c_str()); #endif std::fputs(s.str().c_str(), stderr); std::fflush(stderr); } } #endif } void sal_detail_set_log_selector(char const *logSelector) { pLogSelector = logSelector; } void sal_detail_logFormat( sal_detail_LogLevel level, char const * area, char const * where, char const * format, ...) { const sal_detail_LogAction eAction = static_cast(sal_detail_log_report(level, area)); if (eAction == SAL_DETAIL_LOG_ACTION_IGNORE) return; std::va_list args; va_start(args, format); char buf[1024]; int const len = sizeof buf - RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("..."); int n = vsnprintf(buf, len, format, args); if (n < 0) { std::strcpy(buf, "???"); } else if (n >= len) { std::strcpy(buf + len - 1, "..."); } sal_detail_log(level, area, where, buf, 0); va_end(args); if (eAction == SAL_DETAIL_LOG_ACTION_FATAL) std::abort(); } unsigned char sal_detail_log_report(sal_detail_LogLevel level, char const * area) { if (level == SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { return SAL_DETAIL_LOG_ACTION_LOG; } assert(area != nullptr); static char const* const envEnv = [] { char const* pResult = getLogLevelEnvVar(); if (!pResult) pResult = "+WARN"; return pResult; }(); char const* const env = (pLogSelector == nullptr ? envEnv : pLogSelector); std::size_t areaLen = std::strlen(area); enum Sense { POSITIVE = 0, NEGATIVE = 1 }; std::size_t senseLen[2] = { 0, 1 }; // initial senseLen[POSITIVE] < senseLen[NEGATIVE], so that if there are // no matching switches at all, the result will be negative (and // initializing with 1 is safe as the length of a valid switch, even // without the "+"/"-" prefix, will always be > 1) bool senseFatal[2] = { false, false }; bool seenWarn = false; bool bFlagFatal = false; for (char const * p = env;;) { Sense sense; switch (*p++) { case '\0': { if (level == SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_WARN && !seenWarn) return sal_detail_log_report(SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, area); sal_detail_LogAction eAction = SAL_DETAIL_LOG_ACTION_IGNORE; // if a specific item is positive and negative (==), default to positive if (senseLen[POSITIVE] >= senseLen[NEGATIVE]) { if (senseFatal[POSITIVE]) eAction = SAL_DETAIL_LOG_ACTION_FATAL; else eAction = SAL_DETAIL_LOG_ACTION_LOG; } return eAction; } case '+': sense = POSITIVE; break; case '-': sense = NEGATIVE; break; default: return SAL_DETAIL_LOG_ACTION_LOG; // upon an illegal SAL_LOG value, enable everything } char const * p1 = p; while (*p1 != '.' && *p1 != '+' && *p1 != '-' && *p1 != '\0') { ++p1; } bool match; if (equalStrings(p, p1 - p, RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("INFO"))) { match = level == SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_INFO; } else if (equalStrings(p, p1 - p, RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("WARN"))) { match = level == SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_WARN; seenWarn = true; } else if (equalStrings(p, p1 - p, RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("FATAL"))) { bFlagFatal = (sense == POSITIVE); match = false; } else if (equalStrings(p, p1 - p, RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("TIMESTAMP")) || equalStrings(p, p1 - p, RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("RELATIVETIMER"))) { // handled later match = false; } else { return SAL_DETAIL_LOG_ACTION_LOG; // upon an illegal SAL_LOG value, everything is considered // positive } char const * p2 = p1; while (*p2 != '+' && *p2 != '-' && *p2 != '\0') { ++p2; } if (match) { if (*p1 == '.') { ++p1; std::size_t n = p2 - p1; if ((n == areaLen && equalStrings(p1, n, area, areaLen)) || (n < areaLen && area[n] == '.' && equalStrings(p1, n, area, n))) { senseLen[sense] = p2 - p; senseFatal[sense] = bFlagFatal; } } else { senseLen[sense] = p1 - p; senseFatal[sense] = bFlagFatal; } } p = p2; } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */