# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
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# This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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# This file contain a list of todos for testshl2 automated tests.
# Legend:
# there exist 2 formats
# 1. file
# 2. path ; file
# 1. if only a file exist, it will be assume, that a directory with name 'file'
# exist, and a library with name 'file' create.
# 2. if the path to the file differ from the library file, use this format.

# LLA: marked as deprecated by Stephan Bergmann
ByteSequence  ; rtl_ByteSequence

OStringBuffer ; rtl_OStringBuffer

rtl_strings   ; rtl_OUString
rtl_strings   ; rtl_OString
rtl_strings   ; rtl_OUStringBuffer

# replacements for old rtl::XString tests
rtl/oustring  ; rtl_OUString2
rtl/ostring   ; rtl_OString2

osl/file      ; osl_File
# LLA: temporaly removed, there are lot of problems with our environment
osl/socket    ; osl_StreamSocket
osl/socket    ; osl_DatagramSocket
osl/socket    ; osl_SocketAddr
osl/socket    ; osl_Socket2
osl/socket    ; osl_ConnectorSocket
osl/socket    ; osl_AcceptorSocket

osl/mutex     ; osl_Mutex
osl/pipe      ; osl_Pipe
osl/condition ; osl_Condition
osl/module    ; osl_Module
osl/security  ; osl_Security

rtl/math      ; rtl_math
rtl/math      ; rtl_math2

# new 20040315
rtl/alloc     ; rtl_Alloc
rtl/crc32     ; rtl_crc32
rtl/digest    ; rtl_digest
rtl/bootstrap ; rtl_Bootstrap
rtl/ostring   ; rtl_str
rtl/ostring   ; rtl_string
rtl/random    ; rtl_Random

# new 20040324
rtl/oustring  ; rtl_ustr

# new 20040326
rtl/cipher    ; rtl_cipher

# new 20040331
rtl/locale    ; rtl_locale
rtl/uuid      ; rtl_Uuid
rtl/process   ; rtl_Process

# new 20040413
rtl/textenc   ; rtl_textcvt
rtl/textenc   ; rtl_tencinfo
rtl/oustringbuffer; rtl_OUStringBuffer2

# new 20040420
rtl/uri       ; rtl_Uri
rtl/logfile   ; rtl_logfile

# LLA: Due to the fact, that thread testing seems to be little bit error prone, now
# check this at the end.
osl/process   ; osl_Thread

# not ready yet
# strings ; test_oustring

# new 20041025
rtl/doublelock ; rtl_doublelocking