/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: strtmpl.c,v $ * * $Revision: 1.19 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-09-20 08:43:20 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ /* ======================================================================= */ /* Internal C-String help functions which could be used without the */ /* String-Class */ /* ======================================================================= */ /* inline void rtl_str_ImplCopy( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pDest, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pSrc, sal_Int32 nCount ) { while ( nCount > 0 ) { *pDest = *pSrc; pDest++; pSrc++; nCount--; } } */ #define rtl_str_ImplCopy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount ) \ { \ IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* __mm_pDest = _pDest; \ const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* __mm_pSrc = _pSrc; \ sal_Int32 __mm_nCount = _nCount; \ while ( __mm_nCount > 0 ) \ { \ *__mm_pDest = *__mm_pSrc; \ __mm_pDest++; \ __mm_pSrc++; \ __mm_nCount--; \ } \ } /* ======================================================================= */ /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ /* ======================================================================= */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( getLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr ) { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; while( *pTempStr ) pTempStr++; return pTempStr-pStr; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( compare )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr1, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr2 ) { sal_Int32 nRet; while ( ((nRet = ((sal_Int32)(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pStr1)))- ((sal_Int32)(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pStr2)))) == 0) && *pStr2 ) { pStr1++; pStr2++; } return nRet; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( compare_WithLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr1, sal_Int32 nStr1Len, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr2, sal_Int32 nStr2Len ) { sal_Int32 nRet = nStr1Len - nStr2Len; int nCount = (nRet <= 0) ? nStr1Len : nStr2Len; --pStr1; --pStr2; while( (--nCount >= 0) && (*++pStr1 == *++pStr2) ); if( nCount >= 0 ) nRet = ((sal_Int32)(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr1 ))) - ((sal_Int32)(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr2 ))); return nRet; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( shortenedCompare_WithLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr1, sal_Int32 nStr1Len, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr2, sal_Int32 nStr2Len, sal_Int32 nShortenedLength ) { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr1End = pStr1 + nStr1Len; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr2End = pStr2 + nStr2Len; sal_Int32 nRet; while ( (nShortenedLength > 0) && (pStr1 < pStr1End) && (pStr2 < pStr2End) ) { nRet = ((sal_Int32)(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr1 )))- ((sal_Int32)(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr2 ))); if ( nRet ) return nRet; nShortenedLength--; pStr1++; pStr2++; } if ( nShortenedLength <= 0 ) return 0; return nStr1Len - nStr2Len; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( reverseCompare_WithLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr1, sal_Int32 nStr1Len, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr2, sal_Int32 nStr2Len ) { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStr1Len; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStr2Len; sal_Int32 nRet; while ( (pStr1 < pStr1Run) && (pStr2 < pStr2Run) ) { pStr1Run--; pStr2Run--; nRet = ((sal_Int32)(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr1Run )))- ((sal_Int32)(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr2Run ))); if ( nRet ) return nRet; } return nStr1Len - nStr2Len; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( compareIgnoreAsciiCase )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr1, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr2 ) { sal_Int32 nRet; sal_Int32 c1; sal_Int32 c2; do { /* If character between 'A' and 'Z', than convert it to lowercase */ c1 = (sal_Int32)IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr1 ); c2 = (sal_Int32)IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr2 ); if ( (c1 >= 65) && (c1 <= 90) ) c1 += 32; if ( (c2 >= 65) && (c2 <= 90) ) c2 += 32; nRet = c1-c2; if ( nRet != 0 ) return nRet; pStr1++; pStr2++; } while ( c2 ); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( compareIgnoreAsciiCase_WithLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr1, sal_Int32 nStr1Len, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr2, sal_Int32 nStr2Len ) { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr1End = pStr1 + nStr1Len; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr2End = pStr2 + nStr2Len; sal_Int32 nRet; sal_Int32 c1; sal_Int32 c2; while ( (pStr1 < pStr1End) && (pStr2 < pStr2End) ) { /* If character between 'A' and 'Z', than convert it to lowercase */ c1 = (sal_Int32)IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr1 ); c2 = (sal_Int32)IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr2 ); if ( (c1 >= 65) && (c1 <= 90) ) c1 += 32; if ( (c2 >= 65) && (c2 <= 90) ) c2 += 32; nRet = c1-c2; if ( nRet != 0 ) return nRet; pStr1++; pStr2++; } return nStr1Len - nStr2Len; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( shortenedCompareIgnoreAsciiCase_WithLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr1, sal_Int32 nStr1Len, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr2, sal_Int32 nStr2Len, sal_Int32 nShortenedLength ) { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr1End = pStr1 + nStr1Len; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr2End = pStr2 + nStr2Len; sal_Int32 nRet; sal_Int32 c1; sal_Int32 c2; while ( (nShortenedLength > 0) && (pStr1 < pStr1End) && (pStr2 < pStr2End) ) { /* If character between 'A' and 'Z', than convert it to lowercase */ c1 = (sal_Int32)IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr1 ); c2 = (sal_Int32)IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr2 ); if ( (c1 >= 65) && (c1 <= 90) ) c1 += 32; if ( (c2 >= 65) && (c2 <= 90) ) c2 += 32; nRet = c1-c2; if ( nRet != 0 ) return nRet; nShortenedLength--; pStr1++; pStr2++; } if ( nShortenedLength <= 0 ) return 0; return nStr1Len - nStr2Len; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( hashCode )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr ) { return IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( hashCode_WithLength )( pStr, IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( getLength )( pStr ) ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( hashCode_WithLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int32 nLen ) { sal_Int32 h = nLen; if ( nLen < 16 ) { while ( nLen > 0 ) { h = (h*37) + IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr ); pStr++; nLen--; } } else { sal_Int32 nSkip; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pEndStr = pStr+nLen-5; /* only sample some characters */ /* the first 3, some characters between, and the last 5 */ h = (h*39) + IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr ); pStr++; h = (h*39) + IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr ); pStr++; h = (h*39) + IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr ); pStr++; if ( nLen < 32 ) nSkip = nLen / 4; else nSkip = nLen / 8; nLen -= 8; while ( nLen > 0 ) { h = (h*39) + IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr ); pStr += nSkip; nLen -= nSkip; } h = (h*39) + IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pEndStr ); pEndStr++; h = (h*39) + IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pEndStr ); pEndStr++; h = (h*39) + IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pEndStr ); pEndStr++; h = (h*39) + IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pEndStr ); pEndStr++; h = (h*39) + IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pEndStr ); } return h; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( indexOfChar )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE c ) { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; while ( *pTempStr ) { if ( *pTempStr == c ) return pTempStr-pStr; pTempStr++; } return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( indexOfChar_WithLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int32 nLen, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE c ) { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; while ( nLen > 0 ) { if ( *pTempStr == c ) return pTempStr-pStr; pTempStr++; nLen--; } return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( lastIndexOfChar )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE c ) { return IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( lastIndexOfChar_WithLength )( pStr, IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( getLength )( pStr ), c ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( lastIndexOfChar_WithLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int32 nLen, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE c ) { pStr += nLen; while ( nLen > 0 ) { nLen--; pStr--; if ( *pStr == c ) return nLen; } return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( indexOfStr )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pSubStr ) { return IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( indexOfStr_WithLength )( pStr, IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( getLength )( pStr ), pSubStr, IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( getLength )( pSubStr ) ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( indexOfStr_WithLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int32 nStrLen, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pSubStr, sal_Int32 nSubLen ) { /* faster search for a single character */ if ( nSubLen < 2 ) { /* an empty SubString is always not foundable */ if ( nSubLen == 1 ) { IMPL_RTL_STRCODE c = *pSubStr; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; while ( nStrLen > 0 ) { if ( *pTempStr == c ) return pTempStr-pStr; pTempStr++; nStrLen--; } } } else { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; while ( nStrLen > 0 ) { if ( *pTempStr == *pSubStr ) { /* Compare SubString */ if ( nSubLen <= nStrLen ) { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr1 = pTempStr; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr2 = pSubStr; sal_Int32 nTempLen = nSubLen; while ( nTempLen ) { if ( *pTempStr1 != *pTempStr2 ) break; pTempStr1++; pTempStr2++; nTempLen--; } if ( !nTempLen ) return pTempStr-pStr; } else break; } nStrLen--; pTempStr++; } } return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( lastIndexOfStr )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pSubStr ) { return IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( lastIndexOfStr_WithLength )( pStr, IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( getLength )( pStr ), pSubStr, IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( getLength )( pSubStr ) ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( lastIndexOfStr_WithLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int32 nStrLen, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pSubStr, sal_Int32 nSubLen ) { /* faster search for a single character */ if ( nSubLen < 2 ) { /* an empty SubString is always not foundable */ if ( nSubLen == 1 ) { IMPL_RTL_STRCODE c = *pSubStr; pStr += nStrLen; while ( nStrLen > 0 ) { nStrLen--; pStr--; if ( *pStr == c ) return nStrLen; } } } else { pStr += nStrLen; nStrLen -= nSubLen; pStr -= nSubLen; while ( nStrLen >= 0 ) { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr1 = pStr; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr2 = pSubStr; sal_Int32 nTempLen = nSubLen; while ( nTempLen ) { if ( *pTempStr1 != *pTempStr2 ) break; pTempStr1++; pTempStr2++; nTempLen--; } if ( !nTempLen ) return nStrLen; nStrLen--; pStr--; } } return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( replaceChar )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE cOld, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE cNew ) { while ( *pStr ) { if ( *pStr == cOld ) *pStr = cNew; pStr++; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( replaceChar_WithLength )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int32 nLen, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE cOld, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE cNew ) { while ( nLen > 0 ) { if ( *pStr == cOld ) *pStr = cNew; pStr++; nLen--; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( toAsciiLowerCase )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr ) { while ( *pStr ) { /* Between A-Z (65-90), than to lowercase (+32) */ if ( (*pStr >= 65) && (*pStr <= 90) ) *pStr += 32; pStr++; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( toAsciiLowerCase_WithLength )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int32 nLen ) { while ( nLen > 0 ) { /* Between A-Z (65-90), than to lowercase (+32) */ if ( (*pStr >= 65) && (*pStr <= 90) ) *pStr += 32; pStr++; nLen--; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( toAsciiUpperCase )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr ) { while ( *pStr ) { /* Between a-z (97-122), than to uppercase (-32) */ if ( (*pStr >= 97) && (*pStr <= 122) ) *pStr -= 32; pStr++; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( toAsciiUpperCase_WithLength )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int32 nLen ) { while ( nLen > 0 ) { /* Between a-z (97-122), than to uppercase (-32) */ if ( (*pStr >= 97) && (*pStr <= 122) ) *pStr -= 32; pStr++; nLen--; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( trim )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr ) { return IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( trim_WithLength )( pStr, IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( getLength )( pStr ) ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( trim_WithLength )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int32 nLen ) { sal_Int32 nPreSpaces = 0; sal_Int32 nPostSpaces = 0; sal_Int32 nIndex = nLen-1; while ( (nPreSpaces < nLen) && rtl_ImplIsWhitespace( IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*(pStr+nPreSpaces)) ) ) nPreSpaces++; while ( (nIndex > nPreSpaces) && rtl_ImplIsWhitespace( IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*(pStr+nIndex)) ) ) { nPostSpaces++; nIndex--; } if ( nPostSpaces ) { nLen -= nPostSpaces; *(pStr+nLen) = 0; } if ( nPreSpaces ) { IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewStr = pStr+nPreSpaces; nLen -= nPreSpaces; nIndex = nLen; while ( nIndex ) { *pStr = *pNewStr; pStr++; pNewStr++; nIndex--; } *pStr = 0; } return nLen; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( valueOfBoolean )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Bool b ) { if ( b ) { *pStr = 't'; pStr++; *pStr = 'r'; pStr++; *pStr = 'u'; pStr++; *pStr = 'e'; pStr++; *pStr = 0; return 4; } else { *pStr = 'f'; pStr++; *pStr = 'a'; pStr++; *pStr = 'l'; pStr++; *pStr = 's'; pStr++; *pStr = 'e'; pStr++; *pStr = 0; return 5; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( valueOfChar )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE c ) { *pStr++ = c; *pStr = 0; return 1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( valueOfInt32 )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int32 n, sal_Int16 nRadix ) { sal_Char aBuf[RTL_STR_MAX_VALUEOFINT32]; sal_Char* pBuf = aBuf; sal_Int32 nLen = 0; sal_uInt32 nValue; /* Radix must be valid */ if ( (nRadix < RTL_STR_MIN_RADIX) || (nRadix > RTL_STR_MAX_RADIX) ) nRadix = 10; /* is value negativ */ if ( n < 0 ) { *pStr = '-'; pStr++; nLen++; nValue = -n; /* FIXME this code is not portable for n == -2147483648 (smallest negative value for sal_Int32) */ } else nValue = n; /* create a recursive buffer with all values, except the last one */ do { sal_Char nDigit = (sal_Char)(nValue % nRadix); nValue /= nRadix; if ( nDigit > 9 ) *pBuf = (nDigit-10) + 'a'; else *pBuf = (nDigit + '0' ); pBuf++; } while ( nValue > 0 ); /* copy the values in the right direction into the destination buffer */ do { pBuf--; *pStr = *pBuf; pStr++; nLen++; } while ( pBuf != aBuf ); *pStr = 0; return nLen; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( valueOfInt64 )( IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int64 n, sal_Int16 nRadix ) { sal_Char aBuf[RTL_STR_MAX_VALUEOFINT64]; sal_Char* pBuf = aBuf; sal_Int32 nLen = 0; sal_uInt64 nValue; /* Radix must be valid */ if ( (nRadix < RTL_STR_MIN_RADIX) || (nRadix > RTL_STR_MAX_RADIX) ) nRadix = 10; /* is value negativ */ if ( n < 0 ) { *pStr = '-'; pStr++; nLen++; nValue = -n; /* FIXME this code is not portable for n == -9223372036854775808 (smallest negative value for sal_Int64) */ } else nValue = n; /* create a recursive buffer with all values, except the last one */ do { sal_Char nDigit = (sal_Char)(nValue % nRadix); nValue /= nRadix; if ( nDigit > 9 ) *pBuf = (nDigit-10) + 'a'; else *pBuf = (nDigit + '0' ); pBuf++; } while ( nValue > 0 ); /* copy the values in the right direction into the destination buffer */ do { pBuf--; *pStr = *pBuf; pStr++; nLen++; } while ( pBuf != aBuf ); *pStr = 0; return nLen; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Bool SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( toBoolean )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr ) { if ( *pStr == '1' ) return sal_True; if ( (*pStr == 'T') || (*pStr == 't') ) { pStr++; if ( (*pStr == 'R') || (*pStr == 'r') ) { pStr++; if ( (*pStr == 'U') || (*pStr == 'u') ) { pStr++; if ( (*pStr == 'E') || (*pStr == 'e') ) return sal_True; } } } return sal_False; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define INT32_MIN_VALUE ((sal_Int32)0x80000000); #define INT32_MAX_VALUE ((sal_Int32)0x7fffffff); sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( toInt32 )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int16 nRadix ) { sal_Bool bNeg; sal_Int32 nLimit; sal_Int32 nMultMin; sal_Int16 nDigit; sal_Int32 n = 0; if ( (nRadix < RTL_STR_MIN_RADIX) || (nRadix > RTL_STR_MAX_RADIX) ) nRadix = 10; /* Skip whitespaces */ while ( *pStr && rtl_ImplIsWhitespace( IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr ) ) ) pStr++; if ( *pStr == '-' ) { bNeg = sal_True; nLimit = INT32_MIN_VALUE; pStr++; } else { if ( *pStr == '+' ) pStr++; bNeg = sal_False; nLimit = -INT32_MAX_VALUE; } nMultMin = nLimit / nRadix; while ( *pStr ) { nDigit = rtl_ImplGetDigit( IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr ), nRadix ); if ( nDigit < 0 ) break; if ( n < nMultMin ) break; n *= nRadix; if ( n < (nLimit+nDigit) ) break; n -= nDigit; pStr++; } if ( bNeg ) return n; else return -n; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef WNT #define INT64_MIN_VALUE 0x8000000000000000LL; #define INT64_MAX_VALUE 0x7fffffffffffffffLL; #else #define INT64_MIN_VALUE 0x8000000000000000L; #define INT64_MAX_VALUE 0x7fffffffffffffffL; #endif sal_Int64 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRNAME( toInt64 )( const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pStr, sal_Int16 nRadix ) { sal_Bool bNeg; sal_Int64 nLimit; sal_Int64 nMultMin; sal_Int16 nDigit; sal_Int64 n = 0; if ( (nRadix < RTL_STR_MIN_RADIX) || (nRadix > RTL_STR_MAX_RADIX) ) nRadix = 10; /* Skip whitespaces */ while ( *pStr && rtl_ImplIsWhitespace( IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr ) ) ) pStr++; if ( *pStr == '-' ) { bNeg = sal_True; nLimit = INT64_MIN_VALUE; pStr++; } else { if ( *pStr == '+' ) pStr++; bNeg = sal_False; nLimit = -INT64_MAX_VALUE; } nMultMin = nLimit / nRadix; while ( *pStr ) { nDigit = rtl_ImplGetDigit( IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE( *pStr ), nRadix ); if ( nDigit < 0 ) break; if ( n < nMultMin ) break; n *= nRadix; if ( n < (nLimit+nDigit) ) break; n -= nDigit; pStr++; } if ( bNeg ) return n; else return -n; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* Internal String-Class help functions */ /* ======================================================================= */ static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData = (nLen <= (SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)) ? (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA *) rtl_allocateMemory( sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)) : NULL; if (pData != NULL) { pData->refCount = 1; pData->length = nLen; pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; } return pData; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr, sal_Int32 nCount ) { IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pDest; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pSrc; IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pData = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( pStr->length ); OSL_ASSERT(pData != NULL); pDest = pData->buffer; pSrc = pStr->buffer; while ( nCount > 0 ) { *pDest = *pSrc; pDest++; pSrc++; nCount--; } *ppThis = pData; return pDest; } /* ======================================================================= */ /* String-Class functions */ /* ======================================================================= */ #define IMPL_RTL_AQUIRE( pThis ) \ { \ osl_incrementInterlockedCount( &((pThis)->refCount) ); \ } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( acquire )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) { IMPL_RTL_AQUIRE( pThis ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) { if ( pThis->refCount == 1 ) { OSL_ENSURE( pThis != &IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING, "static empty string: refCount < 1" ); rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); } else if ( !osl_decrementInterlockedCount( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) { OSL_ENSURE( IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING.refCount >= 1, "static empty string: refCount < 1" ); rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) { if ( *ppThis) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); *ppThis = &IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING; IMPL_RTL_AQUIRE( *ppThis ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new_WithLength )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, sal_Int32 nLen ) { if ( nLen <= 0 ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); else { if ( *ppThis) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != NULL); (*ppThis)->length = 0; { IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = (*ppThis)->buffer; while ( nLen >= 0 ) { *pTempStr = 0; pTempStr++; nLen--; } } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromString )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, const IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; if ( !pStr->length ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); return; } pOrg = *ppThis; *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( pStr->length ); OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != NULL); rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pStr->buffer, pStr->length ); /* must be done at least, if pStr == *ppThis */ if ( pOrg ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr ) { IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; sal_Int32 nLen; if ( pCharStr ) { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pCharStr; while( *pTempStr ) pTempStr++; nLen = pTempStr-pCharStr; } else nLen = 0; if ( !nLen ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); return; } pOrg = *ppThis; *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != NULL); pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; do { *pBuffer = *pCharStr; pBuffer++; pCharStr++; } while ( *pCharStr ); /* must be done at least, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ if ( pOrg ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr, sal_Int32 nLen ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); return; } pOrg = *ppThis; *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != NULL); rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); /* must be done at least, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ if ( pOrg ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) { /* must be done at first, if pStr == *ppThis */ IMPL_RTL_AQUIRE( pStr ); if ( *ppThis ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); *ppThis = pStr; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( getLength )( const IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) { return pThis->length; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( getStr )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) { return pThis->buffer; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newConcat )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pLeft, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pRight ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; /* Test for 0-Pointer - if not, change newReplaceStrAt! */ if ( !pRight || !pRight->length ) { *ppThis = pLeft; IMPL_RTL_AQUIRE( pLeft ); } else if ( !pLeft || !pLeft->length ) { *ppThis = pRight; IMPL_RTL_AQUIRE( pRight ); } else { IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pTempStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( pLeft->length + pRight->length ); OSL_ASSERT(pTempStr != NULL); rtl_str_ImplCopy( pTempStr->buffer, pLeft->buffer, pLeft->length ); rtl_str_ImplCopy( pTempStr->buffer+pLeft->length, pRight->buffer, pRight->length ); *ppThis = pTempStr; } /* must be done at least, if left or right == *ppThis */ if ( pOrg ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newReplaceStrAt )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr, sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nCount, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pNewSubStr ) { /* Append? */ if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) { /* newConcat test, if pNewSubStr is 0 */ IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newConcat )( ppThis, pStr, pNewSubStr ); return; } /* negativ index? */ if ( nIndex < 0 ) { nCount -= nIndex; nIndex = 0; } /* not more than the String length could be deleted */ if ( nCount >= pStr->length-nIndex ) { nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; /* Assign of NewSubStr? */ if ( !nIndex && (nCount >= pStr->length) ) { if ( !pNewSubStr ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); else IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pNewSubStr ); return; } } /* Assign of Str? */ if ( !nCount && (!pNewSubStr || !pNewSubStr->length) ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pStr ); return; } { IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; sal_Int32 nNewLen; /* Calculate length of the new string */ nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; if ( pNewSubStr ) nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; /* Alloc New Buffer */ *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != NULL); pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; if ( nIndex ) { rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); pBuffer += nIndex; } if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) { rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; } rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); /* must be done at least, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ if ( pOrg ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newReplace )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE cOld, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE cNew ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; int bChanged = 0; sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; while ( nLen > 0 ) { if ( *pCharStr == cOld ) { /* Copy String */ IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); /* replace/copy rest of the string */ if ( pNewCharStr ) { *pNewCharStr = cNew; pNewCharStr++; pCharStr++; nLen--; while ( nLen > 0 ) { if ( *pCharStr == cOld ) *pNewCharStr = cNew; else *pNewCharStr = *pCharStr; pNewCharStr++; pCharStr++; nLen--; } } bChanged = 1; break; } pCharStr++; nLen--; } if ( !bChanged ) { *ppThis = pStr; IMPL_RTL_AQUIRE( pStr ); } /* must be done at least, if pStr == *ppThis */ if ( pOrg ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newToAsciiLowerCase )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; int bChanged = 0; sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; while ( nLen > 0 ) { /* Between A-Z (65-90), than to lowercase (+32) */ if ( (*pCharStr >= 65) && (*pCharStr <= 90) ) { /* Copy String */ IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); /* replace/copy rest of the string */ if ( pNewCharStr ) { /* to lowercase (+32) */ *pNewCharStr = *pCharStr+32; pNewCharStr++; pCharStr++; nLen--; while ( nLen > 0 ) { /* Between A-Z (65-90), than to lowercase (+32) */ if ( (*pCharStr >= 65) && (*pCharStr <= 90) ) *pNewCharStr = *pCharStr+32; else *pNewCharStr = *pCharStr; pNewCharStr++; pCharStr++; nLen--; } } bChanged = 1; break; } pCharStr++; nLen--; } if ( !bChanged ) { *ppThis = pStr; IMPL_RTL_AQUIRE( pStr ); } /* must be done at least, if pStr == *ppThis */ if ( pOrg ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newToAsciiUpperCase )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; int bChanged = 0; sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; while ( nLen > 0 ) { /* Between a-z (97-122), than to uppercase (-32) */ if ( (*pCharStr >= 97) && (*pCharStr <= 122) ) { /* Copy String */ IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); /* replace/copy rest of the string */ if ( pNewCharStr ) { /* to uppercase (-32) */ *pNewCharStr = *pCharStr-32; pNewCharStr++; pCharStr++; nLen--; while ( nLen > 0 ) { /* Between a-z (97-122), than to uppercase (-32) */ if ( (*pCharStr >= 97) && (*pCharStr <= 122) ) *pNewCharStr = *pCharStr-32; else *pNewCharStr = *pCharStr; pNewCharStr++; pCharStr++; nLen--; } } bChanged = 1; break; } pCharStr++; nLen--; } if ( !bChanged ) { *ppThis = pStr; IMPL_RTL_AQUIRE( pStr ); } /* must be done at least, if pStr == *ppThis */ if ( pOrg ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newTrim )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; sal_Int32 nPreSpaces = 0; sal_Int32 nPostSpaces = 0; sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; sal_Int32 nIndex = nLen-1; while ( (nPreSpaces < nLen) && rtl_ImplIsWhitespace( IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*(pCharStr+nPreSpaces)) ) ) nPreSpaces++; while ( (nIndex > nPreSpaces) && rtl_ImplIsWhitespace( IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*(pCharStr+nIndex)) ) ) { nPostSpaces++; nIndex--; } if ( !nPreSpaces && !nPostSpaces ) { *ppThis = pStr; IMPL_RTL_AQUIRE( pStr ); } else { nLen -= nPostSpaces+nPreSpaces; *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != NULL); if ( *ppThis ) rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pStr->buffer+nPreSpaces, nLen ); } /* must be done at least, if pStr == *ppThis */ if ( pOrg ) IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( getToken )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr, sal_Int32 nToken, IMPL_RTL_STRCODE cTok, sal_Int32 nIndex ) { const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStrStart; const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pOrgCharStr; sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length-nIndex; sal_Int32 nTokCount = 0; // Set ppThis to an empty string and return -1 if either nToken or nIndex is // negative: if (nIndex < 0) { nToken = -1; } pCharStr += nIndex; pOrgCharStr = pCharStr; pCharStrStart = pCharStr; while ( nLen > 0 ) { if ( *pCharStr == cTok ) { nTokCount++; if ( nTokCount == nToken ) pCharStrStart = pCharStr+1; else { if ( nTokCount > nToken ) break; } } pCharStr++; nLen--; } if ( (nToken < 0) || (nTokCount < nToken) || (pCharStr == pCharStrStart) ) { IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); if( (nToken < 0) || (nTokCount < nToken ) ) return -1; else if( nLen > 0 ) return nIndex+(pCharStr-pOrgCharStr)+1; else return -1; } else { IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pCharStrStart, pCharStr-pCharStrStart ); if ( nLen ) return nIndex+(pCharStr-pOrgCharStr)+1; else return -1; } }