/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: converteuctw.c,v $ * * $Revision: 1.3 $ * * last change: $Author: sb $ $Date: 2001-11-19 17:46:37 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRUNTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRUNTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef INCLUDED_RTL_TEXTENC_CONVERTEUCTW_H #include "converteuctw.h" #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_RTL_TEXTENC_CONTEXT_H #include "context.h" #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_RTL_TEXTENC_CONVERTER_H #include "converter.h" #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_RTL_TEXTENC_TENCHELP_H #include "tenchelp.h" #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_RTL_TEXTENC_UNICHARS_H #include "unichars.h" #endif #ifndef _RTL_ALLOC_H_ #include "rtl/alloc.h" #endif #ifndef _RTL_TEXTCVT_H #include "rtl/textcvt.h" #endif #ifndef _SAL_TYPES_H_ #include "sal/types.h" #endif typedef enum { IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_0, IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_1, IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_2_1, IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_2_2, IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_2_3 } ImplEucTwToUnicodeState; typedef struct { ImplEucTwToUnicodeState m_eState; sal_Int32 m_nPlane; /* 0--15 */ sal_Int32 m_nRow; /* 0--93 */ } ImplEucTwToUnicodeContext; void * ImplCreateEucTwToUnicodeContext(void) { void * pContext = rtl_allocateMemory(sizeof (ImplEucTwToUnicodeContext)); ((ImplEucTwToUnicodeContext *) pContext)->m_eState = IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_0; return pContext; } void ImplResetEucTwToUnicodeContext(void * pContext) { if (pContext) ((ImplEucTwToUnicodeContext *) pContext)->m_eState = IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_0; } sal_Size ImplConvertEucTwToUnicode(ImplTextConverterData const * pData, void * pContext, sal_Char const * pSrcBuf, sal_Size nSrcBytes, sal_Unicode * pDestBuf, sal_Size nDestChars, sal_uInt32 nFlags, sal_uInt32 * pInfo, sal_Size * pSrcCvtBytes) { sal_uInt16 const * pCns116431992Data = ((ImplEucTwConverterData const *) pData)-> m_pCns116431992ToUnicodeData; sal_Int32 const * pCns116431992RowOffsets = ((ImplEucTwConverterData const *) pData)-> m_pCns116431992ToUnicodeRowOffsets; sal_Int32 const * pCns116431992PlaneOffsets = ((ImplEucTwConverterData const *) pData)-> m_pCns116431992ToUnicodePlaneOffsets; ImplEucTwToUnicodeState eState = IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_0; sal_Int32 nPlane; sal_Int32 nRow; sal_uInt32 nInfo = 0; sal_Size nConverted = 0; sal_Unicode * pDestBufPtr = pDestBuf; sal_Unicode * pDestBufEnd = pDestBuf + nDestChars; if (pContext) { eState = ((ImplEucTwToUnicodeContext *) pContext)->m_eState; nPlane = ((ImplEucTwToUnicodeContext *) pContext)->m_nPlane; nRow = ((ImplEucTwToUnicodeContext *) pContext)->m_nRow; } for (; nConverted < nSrcBytes; ++nConverted) { sal_Bool bUndefined = sal_True; sal_uInt32 nChar = *((sal_uChar const *) pSrcBuf)++; switch (eState) { case IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_0: if (nChar < 0x80) if (pDestBufPtr != pDestBufEnd) *pDestBufPtr++ = (sal_Unicode) nChar; else goto no_output; else if (nChar >= 0xA1 && nChar <= 0xFE) { nRow = nChar - 0xA1; eState = IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_1; } else if (nChar == 0x8E) eState = IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_2_1; else { bUndefined = sal_False; goto bad_input; } break; case IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_1: if (nChar >= 0xA1 && nChar <= 0xFE) { nPlane = 0; goto transform; } else { bUndefined = sal_False; goto bad_input; } break; case IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_2_1: if (nChar >= 0xA1 && nChar <= 0xB0) { nPlane = nChar - 0xA1; ++eState; } else { bUndefined = sal_False; goto bad_input; } break; case IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_2_2: if (nChar >= 0xA1 && nChar <= 0xFE) { nRow = nChar - 0xA1; ++eState; } else { bUndefined = sal_False; goto bad_input; } break; case IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_2_3: if (nChar >= 0xA1 && nChar <= 0xFE) goto transform; else { bUndefined = sal_False; goto bad_input; } break; } continue; transform: { sal_Int32 nPlaneOffset = pCns116431992PlaneOffsets[nPlane]; if (nPlaneOffset == -1) goto bad_input; else { sal_Int32 nOffset = pCns116431992RowOffsets[nPlaneOffset + nRow]; if (nOffset == -1) goto bad_input; else { sal_uInt32 nFirstLast = pCns116431992Data[nOffset++]; sal_uInt32 nFirst = nFirstLast & 0xFF; sal_uInt32 nLast = nFirstLast >> 8; nChar -= 0xA0; if (nChar >= nFirst && nChar <= nLast) { sal_uInt32 nUnicode = pCns116431992Data[nOffset + (nChar - nFirst)]; if (nUnicode == 0xFFFF) goto bad_input; else if (ImplIsHighSurrogate(nUnicode)) if (pDestBufEnd - pDestBufPtr >= 2) { nOffset += nLast - nFirst + 1; nFirst = pCns116431992Data[nOffset++]; *pDestBufPtr++ = (sal_Unicode) nUnicode; *pDestBufPtr++ = (sal_Unicode) pCns116431992Data[ nOffset + (nChar - nFirst)]; } else goto no_output; else if (pDestBufPtr != pDestBufEnd) *pDestBufPtr++ = (sal_Unicode) nUnicode; else goto no_output; } else goto bad_input; eState = IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_0; } } continue; } bad_input: switch (ImplHandleBadInputMbTextToUnicodeConversion(bUndefined, nFlags, &pDestBufPtr, pDestBufEnd, &nInfo)) { case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_STOP: eState = IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_0; break; case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_CONTINUE: eState = IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_0; continue; case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT: goto no_output; } break; no_output: --pSrcBuf; nInfo |= RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_INFO_DESTBUFFERTOSMALL; break; } if (eState != IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_0 && (nInfo & (RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_INFO_ERROR | RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_INFO_DESTBUFFERTOSMALL)) == 0) if ((nFlags & RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_FLUSH) == 0) nInfo |= RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_INFO_SRCBUFFERTOSMALL; else switch (ImplHandleBadInputMbTextToUnicodeConversion(sal_False, nFlags, &pDestBufPtr, pDestBufEnd, &nInfo)) { case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_STOP: case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_CONTINUE: eState = IMPL_EUC_TW_TO_UNICODE_STATE_0; break; case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT: nInfo |= RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_INFO_DESTBUFFERTOSMALL; break; } if (pContext) { ((ImplEucTwToUnicodeContext *) pContext)->m_eState = eState; ((ImplEucTwToUnicodeContext *) pContext)->m_nPlane = nPlane; ((ImplEucTwToUnicodeContext *) pContext)->m_nRow = nRow; } if (pInfo) *pInfo = nInfo; if (pSrcCvtBytes) *pSrcCvtBytes = nConverted; return pDestBufPtr - pDestBuf; } sal_Size ImplConvertUnicodeToEucTw(ImplTextConverterData const * pData, void * pContext, sal_Unicode const * pSrcBuf, sal_Size nSrcChars, sal_Char * pDestBuf, sal_Size nDestBytes, sal_uInt32 nFlags, sal_uInt32 * pInfo, sal_Size * pSrcCvtChars) { sal_uInt8 const * pCns116431992Data = ((ImplEucTwConverterData const *) pData)-> m_pUnicodeToCns116431992Data; sal_Int32 const * pCns116431992PageOffsets = ((ImplEucTwConverterData const *) pData)-> m_pUnicodeToCns116431992PageOffsets; sal_Int32 const * pCns116431992PlaneOffsets = ((ImplEucTwConverterData const *) pData)-> m_pUnicodeToCns116431992PlaneOffsets; sal_Unicode nHighSurrogate = 0; sal_uInt32 nInfo = 0; sal_Size nConverted = 0; sal_Char * pDestBufPtr = pDestBuf; sal_Char * pDestBufEnd = pDestBuf + nDestBytes; if (pContext) nHighSurrogate = ((ImplUnicodeToTextContext *) pContext)->m_nHighSurrogate; for (; nConverted < nSrcChars; ++nConverted) { sal_Bool bUndefined = sal_True; sal_uInt32 nChar = *pSrcBuf++; if (nHighSurrogate == 0) { if (ImplIsHighSurrogate(nChar)) { nHighSurrogate = (sal_Unicode) nChar; continue; } } else if (ImplIsLowSurrogate(nChar)) nChar = ImplCombineSurrogates(nHighSurrogate, nChar); else { bUndefined = sal_False; goto bad_input; } if (ImplIsLowSurrogate(nChar) || ImplIsNoncharacter(nChar)) { bUndefined = sal_False; goto bad_input; } if (nChar < 0x80) if (pDestBufPtr != pDestBufEnd) *pDestBufPtr++ = (sal_Char) nChar; else goto no_output; else { sal_Int32 nOffset = pCns116431992PlaneOffsets[nChar >> 16]; sal_uInt32 nFirst; sal_uInt32 nLast; sal_uInt32 nPlane; if (nOffset == -1) goto bad_input; nOffset = pCns116431992PageOffsets[nOffset + ((nChar & 0xFF00) >> 8)]; if (nOffset == -1) goto bad_input; nFirst = pCns116431992Data[nOffset++]; nLast = pCns116431992Data[nOffset++]; nChar &= 0xFF; if (nChar < nFirst || nChar > nLast) goto bad_input; nOffset += 3 * (nChar - nFirst); nPlane = pCns116431992Data[nOffset++]; if (nPlane == 0) goto bad_input; if (pDestBufEnd - pDestBufPtr < (nPlane == 1 ? 2 : 4)) goto no_output; if (nPlane != 1) { *pDestBufPtr++ = (sal_Char) 0x8E; *pDestBufPtr++ = (sal_Char) (0xA0 + nPlane); } *pDestBufPtr++ = (sal_Char) (0xA0 + pCns116431992Data[nOffset++]); *pDestBufPtr++ = (sal_Char) (0xA0 + pCns116431992Data[nOffset]); } nHighSurrogate = 0; continue; bad_input: switch (ImplHandleBadInputUnicodeToTextConversion(bUndefined, nChar, nFlags, &pDestBufPtr, pDestBufEnd, &nInfo, NULL, 0, NULL)) { case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_STOP: nHighSurrogate = 0; break; case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_CONTINUE: nHighSurrogate = 0; continue; case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT: goto no_output; } break; no_output: --pSrcBuf; nInfo |= RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_INFO_DESTBUFFERTOSMALL; break; } if (nHighSurrogate != 0 && (nInfo & (RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_INFO_ERROR | RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_INFO_DESTBUFFERTOSMALL)) == 0) if ((nFlags & RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_FLAGS_FLUSH) != 0) nInfo |= RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_INFO_SRCBUFFERTOSMALL; else switch (ImplHandleBadInputUnicodeToTextConversion(sal_False, 0, nFlags, &pDestBufPtr, pDestBufEnd, &nInfo, NULL, 0, NULL)) { case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_STOP: case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_CONTINUE: nHighSurrogate = 0; break; case IMPL_BAD_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT: nInfo |= RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_INFO_DESTBUFFERTOSMALL; break; } if (pContext) ((ImplUnicodeToTextContext *) pContext)->m_nHighSurrogate = nHighSurrogate; if (pInfo) *pInfo = nInfo; if (pSrcCvtChars) *pSrcCvtChars = nConverted; return pDestBufPtr - pDestBuf; }