/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::std; using namespace ::osl; using namespace ::cppu; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::xml::sax; using namespace ::com::sun::star::io; #include namespace { #define XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING(x) OUString(x , strlen( x ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) #define XML_CHAR_N_TO_USTRING(x,n) OUString(x,n, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) /* * The following macro encapsulates any call to an event handler. * It ensures, that exceptions thrown by the event handler are * treated properly. */ #define CALL_ELEMENT_HANDLER_AND_CARE_FOR_EXCEPTIONS(pThis,call) \ if( ! pThis->bExceptionWasThrown ) { \ try {\ pThis->call;\ }\ catch( const SAXParseException &e ) {\ callErrorHandler( pThis , e );\ }\ catch( const SAXException &e ) {\ callErrorHandler( pThis , SAXParseException(\ e.Message, \ e.Context, \ e.WrappedException,\ pThis->rDocumentLocator->getPublicId(),\ pThis->rDocumentLocator->getSystemId(),\ pThis->rDocumentLocator->getLineNumber(),\ pThis->rDocumentLocator->getColumnNumber()\ ) );\ }\ catch( const css::uno::RuntimeException &e ) {\ pThis->bExceptionWasThrown = true; \ pThis->bRTExceptionWasThrown = true; \ pImpl->rtexception = e; \ }\ catch( const css::uno::Exception &e ) {\ pThis->bExceptionWasThrown = true; \ pThis->bRTExceptionWasThrown = true; \ pImpl->rtexception = WrappedTargetRuntimeException("Non-runtime UNO exception caught during parse", e.Context, makeAny(e)); \ }\ }\ ((void)0) class SaxExpatParser_Impl; // This class implements the external Parser interface class SaxExpatParser : public WeakImplHelper< XInitialization , XServiceInfo , XParser > { public: SaxExpatParser(); // css::lang::XInitialization: virtual void SAL_CALL initialize(css::uno::Sequence const& rArguments) override; // The SAX-Parser-Interface virtual void SAL_CALL parseStream( const InputSource& structSource) override; virtual void SAL_CALL setDocumentHandler(const css::uno::Reference< XDocumentHandler > & xHandler) override; virtual void SAL_CALL setErrorHandler(const css::uno::Reference< XErrorHandler > & xHandler) override; virtual void SAL_CALL setDTDHandler(const css::uno::Reference < XDTDHandler > & xHandler) override; virtual void SAL_CALL setEntityResolver(const css::uno::Reference< XEntityResolver >& xResolver) override; virtual void SAL_CALL setLocale( const Locale &locale ) override; public: // XServiceInfo OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName() override; css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames() override; sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService(const OUString& ServiceName) override; private: std::unique_ptr m_pImpl; }; // Entity binds all information needed for a single file struct Entity { InputSource structSource; XML_Parser pParser; sax_expatwrap::XMLFile2UTFConverter converter; }; class SaxExpatParser_Impl { public: // module scope Mutex aMutex; OUString sCDATA; bool m_bEnableDoS; // fdo#60471 thank you Adobe Illustrator css::uno::Reference< XDocumentHandler > rDocumentHandler; css::uno::Reference< XExtendedDocumentHandler > rExtendedDocumentHandler; css::uno::Reference< XErrorHandler > rErrorHandler; css::uno::Reference< XDTDHandler > rDTDHandler; css::uno::Reference< XEntityResolver > rEntityResolver; css::uno::Reference < XLocator > rDocumentLocator; rtl::Reference < comphelper::AttributeList > rAttrList; // External entity stack vector vecEntity; void pushEntity( const struct Entity &entity ) { vecEntity.push_back( entity ); } void popEntity() { vecEntity.pop_back( ); } struct Entity &getEntity() { return vecEntity.back(); } // Exception cannot be thrown through the C-XmlParser (possible resource leaks), // therefore the exception must be saved somewhere. SAXParseException exception; css::uno::RuntimeException rtexception; bool bExceptionWasThrown; bool bRTExceptionWasThrown; Locale locale; public: SaxExpatParser_Impl() : sCDATA("CDATA") , m_bEnableDoS(false) , bExceptionWasThrown(false) , bRTExceptionWasThrown(false) { } // the C-Callbacks for the expat parser void static callbackStartElement(void *userData, const XML_Char *name , const XML_Char **atts); void static callbackEndElement(void *userData, const XML_Char *name); void static callbackCharacters( void *userData , const XML_Char *s , int nLen ); void static callbackProcessingInstruction( void *userData , const XML_Char *sTarget , const XML_Char *sData ); void static callbackEntityDecl( void *userData , const XML_Char *entityName, int is_parameter_entity, const XML_Char *value, int value_length, const XML_Char *base, const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *publicId, const XML_Char *notationName); void static callbackNotationDecl( void *userData, const XML_Char *notationName, const XML_Char *base, const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *publicId); bool static callbackExternalEntityRef( XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *openEntityNames, const XML_Char *base, const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *publicId); int static callbackUnknownEncoding(void *encodingHandlerData, const XML_Char *name, XML_Encoding *info); void static callbackDefault( void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len); void static callbackStartCDATA( void *userData ); void static callbackEndCDATA( void *userData ); void static callbackComment( void *userData , const XML_Char *s ); void static callErrorHandler( SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl , const SAXParseException &e ); public: void parse(); }; extern "C" { static void call_callbackStartElement(void *userData, const XML_Char *name , const XML_Char **atts) { SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackStartElement(userData,name,atts); } static void call_callbackEndElement(void *userData, const XML_Char *name) { SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackEndElement(userData,name); } static void call_callbackCharacters( void *userData , const XML_Char *s , int nLen ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackCharacters(userData,s,nLen); } static void call_callbackProcessingInstruction(void *userData,const XML_Char *sTarget,const XML_Char *sData ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackProcessingInstruction(userData,sTarget,sData ); } static void call_callbackEntityDecl(void *userData , const XML_Char *entityName, int is_parameter_entity, const XML_Char *value, int value_length, const XML_Char *base, const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *publicId, const XML_Char *notationName) { SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackEntityDecl(userData, entityName, is_parameter_entity, value, value_length, base, systemId, publicId, notationName); } static void call_callbackNotationDecl(void *userData, const XML_Char *notationName, const XML_Char *base, const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *publicId) { SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackNotationDecl(userData,notationName,base,systemId,publicId); } static int call_callbackExternalEntityRef(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *openEntityNames, const XML_Char *base, const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *publicId) { return SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackExternalEntityRef(parser,openEntityNames,base,systemId,publicId); } static int call_callbackUnknownEncoding(void *encodingHandlerData, const XML_Char *name, XML_Encoding *info) { return SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackUnknownEncoding(encodingHandlerData,name,info); } static void call_callbackDefault( void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) { SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackDefault(userData,s,len); } static void call_callbackStartCDATA( void *userData ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackStartCDATA(userData); } static void call_callbackEndCDATA( void *userData ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackEndCDATA(userData); } static void call_callbackComment( void *userData , const XML_Char *s ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackComment(userData,s); } } // LocatorImpl class LocatorImpl : public WeakImplHelper< XLocator, css::io::XSeekable > // should use a different interface for stream positions! { public: explicit LocatorImpl(SaxExpatParser_Impl *p) : m_pParser(p) { } public: //XLocator virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getColumnNumber() override { return XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber( m_pParser->getEntity().pParser ); } virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getLineNumber() override { return XML_GetCurrentLineNumber( m_pParser->getEntity().pParser ); } virtual OUString SAL_CALL getPublicId() override { return m_pParser->getEntity().structSource.sPublicId; } virtual OUString SAL_CALL getSystemId() override { return m_pParser->getEntity().structSource.sSystemId; } // XSeekable (only for getPosition) virtual void SAL_CALL seek( sal_Int64 ) override { } virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getPosition() override { return XML_GetCurrentByteIndex( m_pParser->getEntity().pParser ); } virtual ::sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getLength() override { return 0; } private: SaxExpatParser_Impl *m_pParser; }; SaxExpatParser::SaxExpatParser( ) { m_pImpl.reset( new SaxExpatParser_Impl ); LocatorImpl *pLoc = new LocatorImpl( m_pImpl.get() ); m_pImpl->rDocumentLocator.set( pLoc ); // Performance-improvement; handing out the same object with every call of // the startElement callback is allowed (see sax-specification): m_pImpl->rAttrList = new comphelper::AttributeList; m_pImpl->bExceptionWasThrown = false; m_pImpl->bRTExceptionWasThrown = false; } // css::lang::XInitialization: void SAL_CALL SaxExpatParser::initialize(css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > const& rArguments) { // possible arguments: a string "DoSmeplease" if (rArguments.getLength()) { OUString str; if ((rArguments[0] >>= str) && "DoSmeplease" == str) { MutexGuard guard( m_pImpl->aMutex ); m_pImpl->m_bEnableDoS = true; } } } namespace { class ParserCleanup { private: SaxExpatParser_Impl& m_rParser; Entity& m_rEntity; public: ParserCleanup(SaxExpatParser_Impl& rParser, Entity& rEntity) : m_rParser(rParser) , m_rEntity(rEntity) { } ~ParserCleanup() { m_rParser.popEntity(); //XML_ParserFree accepts a null arg XML_ParserFree(m_rEntity.pParser); } }; } /*************** * * parseStream does Parser-startup initializations. The SaxExpatParser_Impl::parse() method does * the file-specific initialization work. (During a parser run, external files may be opened) * ****************/ void SaxExpatParser::parseStream( const InputSource& structSource) { // Only one text at one time MutexGuard guard( m_pImpl->aMutex ); struct Entity entity; entity.structSource = structSource; if( ! entity.structSource.aInputStream.is() ) { throw SAXException("No input source", css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > () , css::uno::Any() ); } entity.converter.setInputStream( entity.structSource.aInputStream ); if( !entity.structSource.sEncoding.isEmpty() ) { entity.converter.setEncoding( OUStringToOString( entity.structSource.sEncoding , RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ); } // create parser with proper encoding entity.pParser = XML_ParserCreate( nullptr ); if( ! entity.pParser ) { throw SAXException("Couldn't create parser", css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > (), css::uno::Any() ); } // set all necessary C-Callbacks XML_SetUserData( entity.pParser, m_pImpl.get() ); XML_SetElementHandler( entity.pParser , call_callbackStartElement , call_callbackEndElement ); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler( entity.pParser , call_callbackCharacters ); XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(entity.pParser , call_callbackProcessingInstruction ); if (!m_pImpl->m_bEnableDoS) { XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(entity.pParser, call_callbackEntityDecl); } XML_SetNotationDeclHandler( entity.pParser, call_callbackNotationDecl ); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler( entity.pParser, call_callbackExternalEntityRef); XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler( entity.pParser, call_callbackUnknownEncoding ,nullptr); if( m_pImpl->rExtendedDocumentHandler.is() ) { // These handlers just delegate calls to the ExtendedHandler. If no extended handler is // given, these callbacks can be ignored XML_SetDefaultHandlerExpand( entity.pParser, call_callbackDefault ); XML_SetCommentHandler( entity.pParser, call_callbackComment ); XML_SetCdataSectionHandler( entity.pParser , call_callbackStartCDATA , call_callbackEndCDATA ); } m_pImpl->exception = SAXParseException(); m_pImpl->pushEntity( entity ); ParserCleanup aEnsureFree(*m_pImpl, entity); // start the document if( m_pImpl->rDocumentHandler.is() ) { m_pImpl->rDocumentHandler->setDocumentLocator( m_pImpl->rDocumentLocator ); m_pImpl->rDocumentHandler->startDocument(); } m_pImpl->parse(); // finish document if( m_pImpl->rDocumentHandler.is() ) { m_pImpl->rDocumentHandler->endDocument(); } } void SaxExpatParser::setDocumentHandler(const css::uno::Reference< XDocumentHandler > & xHandler) { m_pImpl->rDocumentHandler = xHandler; m_pImpl->rExtendedDocumentHandler = css::uno::Reference< XExtendedDocumentHandler >( xHandler , css::uno::UNO_QUERY ); } void SaxExpatParser::setErrorHandler(const css::uno::Reference< XErrorHandler > & xHandler) { m_pImpl->rErrorHandler = xHandler; } void SaxExpatParser::setDTDHandler(const css::uno::Reference< XDTDHandler > & xHandler) { m_pImpl->rDTDHandler = xHandler; } void SaxExpatParser::setEntityResolver(const css::uno::Reference < XEntityResolver > & xResolver) { m_pImpl->rEntityResolver = xResolver; } void SaxExpatParser::setLocale( const Locale & locale ) { m_pImpl->locale = locale; } // XServiceInfo OUString SaxExpatParser::getImplementationName() { return OUString("com.sun.star.comp.extensions.xml.sax.ParserExpat"); } // XServiceInfo sal_Bool SaxExpatParser::supportsService(const OUString& ServiceName) { return cppu::supportsService(this, ServiceName); } // XServiceInfo css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SaxExpatParser::getSupportedServiceNames() { css::uno::Sequence seq { "com.sun.star.xml.sax.Parser" }; return seq; } /*--------------------------------------- * * Helper functions and classes * * *-------------------------------------------*/ OUString getErrorMessage( XML_Error xmlE, const OUString& sSystemId , sal_Int32 nLine ) { OUString Message; if( XML_ERROR_NONE == xmlE ) { Message = "No"; } else if( XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY == xmlE ) { Message = "no memory"; } else if( XML_ERROR_SYNTAX == xmlE ) { Message = "syntax"; } else if( XML_ERROR_NO_ELEMENTS == xmlE ) { Message = "no elements"; } else if( XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN == xmlE ) { Message = "invalid token"; } else if( XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN == xmlE ) { Message = "unclosed token"; } else if( XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR == xmlE ) { Message = "partial char"; } else if( XML_ERROR_TAG_MISMATCH == xmlE ) { Message = "tag mismatch"; } else if( XML_ERROR_DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE == xmlE ) { Message = "duplicate attribute"; } else if( XML_ERROR_JUNK_AFTER_DOC_ELEMENT == xmlE ) { Message = "junk after doc element"; } else if( XML_ERROR_PARAM_ENTITY_REF == xmlE ) { Message = "parameter entity reference"; } else if( XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY == xmlE ) { Message = "undefined entity"; } else if( XML_ERROR_RECURSIVE_ENTITY_REF == xmlE ) { Message = "recursive entity reference"; } else if( XML_ERROR_ASYNC_ENTITY == xmlE ) { Message = "async entity"; } else if( XML_ERROR_BAD_CHAR_REF == xmlE ) { Message = "bad char reference"; } else if( XML_ERROR_BINARY_ENTITY_REF == xmlE ) { Message = "binary entity reference"; } else if( XML_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_REF == xmlE ) { Message = "attribute external entity reference"; } else if( XML_ERROR_MISPLACED_XML_PI == xmlE ) { Message = "misplaced xml processing instruction"; } else if( XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING == xmlE ) { Message = "unknown encoding"; } else if( XML_ERROR_INCORRECT_ENCODING == xmlE ) { Message = "incorrect encoding"; } else if( XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_CDATA_SECTION == xmlE ) { Message = "unclosed cdata section"; } else if( XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING == xmlE ) { Message = "external entity reference"; } else if( XML_ERROR_NOT_STANDALONE == xmlE ) { Message = "not standalone"; } OUString str("["); str += sSystemId; str += " line "; str += OUString::number( nLine ); str += "]: "; str += Message; str += "error"; return str; } // starts parsing with actual parser ! void SaxExpatParser_Impl::parse( ) { const int nBufSize = 16*1024; int nRead = nBufSize; css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > seqOut(nBufSize); while( nRead ) { nRead = getEntity().converter.readAndConvert( seqOut , nBufSize ); bool bContinue(false); if( ! nRead ) { // last call - must return OK XML_Status const ret = XML_Parse( getEntity().pParser, reinterpret_cast(seqOut.getConstArray()), 0 , 1 ); if (ret == XML_STATUS_OK) { break; } } else { bContinue = ( XML_Parse( getEntity().pParser, reinterpret_cast(seqOut.getConstArray()), nRead, 0 ) != XML_STATUS_ERROR ); } if( ! bContinue || bExceptionWasThrown ) { if ( bRTExceptionWasThrown ) throw rtexception; // Error during parsing ! XML_Error xmlE = XML_GetErrorCode( getEntity().pParser ); OUString sSystemId = rDocumentLocator->getSystemId(); sal_Int32 nLine = rDocumentLocator->getLineNumber(); SAXParseException aExcept( getErrorMessage(xmlE , sSystemId, nLine) , css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >(), css::uno::Any( &exception , cppu::UnoType::get() ), rDocumentLocator->getPublicId(), rDocumentLocator->getSystemId(), rDocumentLocator->getLineNumber(), rDocumentLocator->getColumnNumber() ); if( rErrorHandler.is() ) { // error handler is set, so the handler may throw the exception css::uno::Any a; a <<= aExcept; rErrorHandler->fatalError( a ); } // Error handler has not thrown an exception, but parsing cannot go on, // so an exception MUST be thrown. throw aExcept; } // if( ! bContinue ) } // while } // The C-Callbacks void SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackStartElement( void *pvThis , const XML_Char *pwName , const XML_Char **awAttributes ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl = static_cast(pvThis); if( pImpl->rDocumentHandler.is() ) { int i = 0; pImpl->rAttrList->Clear(); while( awAttributes[i] ) { assert(awAttributes[i+1]); pImpl->rAttrList->AddAttribute( XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( awAttributes[i] ) , pImpl->sCDATA, // expat doesn't know types XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( awAttributes[i+1] ) ); i +=2; } CALL_ELEMENT_HANDLER_AND_CARE_FOR_EXCEPTIONS( pImpl , rDocumentHandler->startElement( XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( pwName ) , pImpl->rAttrList.get() ) ); } } void SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackEndElement( void *pvThis , const XML_Char *pwName ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl = static_cast(pvThis); if( pImpl->rDocumentHandler.is() ) { CALL_ELEMENT_HANDLER_AND_CARE_FOR_EXCEPTIONS( pImpl, rDocumentHandler->endElement( XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( pwName ) ) ); } } void SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackCharacters( void *pvThis , const XML_Char *s , int nLen ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl = static_cast(pvThis); if( pImpl->rDocumentHandler.is() ) { CALL_ELEMENT_HANDLER_AND_CARE_FOR_EXCEPTIONS( pImpl , rDocumentHandler->characters( XML_CHAR_N_TO_USTRING(s,nLen) ) ); } } void SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackProcessingInstruction( void *pvThis, const XML_Char *sTarget , const XML_Char *sData ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl = static_cast(pvThis); if( pImpl->rDocumentHandler.is() ) { CALL_ELEMENT_HANDLER_AND_CARE_FOR_EXCEPTIONS( pImpl , rDocumentHandler->processingInstruction( XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( sTarget ), XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( sData ) ) ); } } void SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackEntityDecl( void *pvThis, const XML_Char *entityName, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER int /*is_parameter_entity*/, const XML_Char *value, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER int /*value_length*/, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER const XML_Char * /*base*/, const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *publicId, const XML_Char *notationName) { SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl = static_cast(pvThis); if (value) { // value != 0 means internal entity SAL_INFO("sax","SaxExpatParser: internal entity declaration, stopping"); XML_StopParser(pImpl->getEntity().pParser, XML_FALSE); pImpl->exception = SAXParseException( "SaxExpatParser: internal entity declaration, stopping", nullptr, css::uno::Any(), pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getPublicId(), pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getSystemId(), pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getLineNumber(), pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getColumnNumber() ); pImpl->bExceptionWasThrown = true; } else { if( pImpl->rDTDHandler.is() ) { CALL_ELEMENT_HANDLER_AND_CARE_FOR_EXCEPTIONS( pImpl , rDTDHandler->unparsedEntityDecl( XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( entityName ), XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( publicId ) , XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( systemId ) , XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( notationName ) ) ); } } } void SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackNotationDecl( void *pvThis, const XML_Char *notationName, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER const XML_Char * /*base*/, const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *publicId) { SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl = static_cast(pvThis); if( pImpl->rDTDHandler.is() ) { CALL_ELEMENT_HANDLER_AND_CARE_FOR_EXCEPTIONS( pImpl, rDTDHandler->notationDecl( XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( notationName ) , XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( publicId ) , XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( systemId ) ) ); } } bool SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackExternalEntityRef( XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER const XML_Char * /*base*/, const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *publicId) { bool bOK = true; InputSource source; SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl = static_cast(XML_GetUserData( parser )); struct Entity entity; if( pImpl->rEntityResolver.is() ) { try { entity.structSource = pImpl->rEntityResolver->resolveEntity( XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( publicId ) , XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( systemId ) ); } catch( const SAXParseException & e ) { pImpl->exception = e; bOK = false; } catch( const SAXException & e ) { pImpl->exception = SAXParseException( e.Message , e.Context , e.WrappedException , pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getPublicId(), pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getSystemId(), pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getLineNumber(), pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getColumnNumber() ); bOK = false; } } if( entity.structSource.aInputStream.is() ) { entity.pParser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate( parser , context, nullptr ); if( ! entity.pParser ) { return false; } entity.converter.setInputStream( entity.structSource.aInputStream ); pImpl->pushEntity( entity ); try { pImpl->parse(); } catch( const SAXParseException & e ) { pImpl->exception = e; bOK = false; } catch( const IOException &e ) { pImpl->exception.WrappedException <<= e; bOK = false; } catch( const css::uno::RuntimeException &e ) { pImpl->exception.WrappedException <<=e; bOK = false; } pImpl->popEntity(); XML_ParserFree( entity.pParser ); } return bOK; } int SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackUnknownEncoding( SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER void * /*encodingHandlerData*/, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER const XML_Char * /*name*/, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER XML_Encoding * /*info*/) { return 0; } void SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackDefault( void *pvThis, const XML_Char *s, int len) { SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl = static_cast(pvThis); CALL_ELEMENT_HANDLER_AND_CARE_FOR_EXCEPTIONS( pImpl, rExtendedDocumentHandler->unknown( XML_CHAR_N_TO_USTRING( s ,len) ) ); } void SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackComment( void *pvThis , const XML_Char *s ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl = static_cast(pvThis); CALL_ELEMENT_HANDLER_AND_CARE_FOR_EXCEPTIONS( pImpl, rExtendedDocumentHandler->comment( XML_CHAR_TO_OUSTRING( s ) ) ); } void SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackStartCDATA( void *pvThis ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl = static_cast(pvThis); CALL_ELEMENT_HANDLER_AND_CARE_FOR_EXCEPTIONS( pImpl, rExtendedDocumentHandler->startCDATA() ); } void SaxExpatParser_Impl::callErrorHandler( SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl , const SAXParseException & e ) { try { if( pImpl->rErrorHandler.is() ) { css::uno::Any a; a <<= e; pImpl->rErrorHandler->error( a ); } else { pImpl->exception = e; pImpl->bExceptionWasThrown = true; } } catch( const SAXParseException & ex ) { pImpl->exception = ex; pImpl->bExceptionWasThrown = true; } catch( const SAXException & ex ) { pImpl->exception = SAXParseException( ex.Message, ex.Context, ex.WrappedException, pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getPublicId(), pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getSystemId(), pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getLineNumber(), pImpl->rDocumentLocator->getColumnNumber() ); pImpl->bExceptionWasThrown = true; } } void SaxExpatParser_Impl::callbackEndCDATA( void *pvThis ) { SaxExpatParser_Impl *pImpl = static_cast(pvThis); CALL_ELEMENT_HANDLER_AND_CARE_FOR_EXCEPTIONS(pImpl,rExtendedDocumentHandler->endCDATA() ); } } // namespace extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT css::uno::XInterface * com_sun_star_comp_extensions_xml_sax_ParserExpat_get_implementation( css::uno::XComponentContext *, css::uno::Sequence const &) { return cppu::acquire(new SaxExpatParser); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */