/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: saxwriter.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.18 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2006-06-19 23:07:40 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #include <string.h> #include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/util/XCloneable.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XExtendedDocumentHandler.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XParser.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/SAXParseException.hpp> #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_XML_SAX_SAXINVALIDCHARACTEREXCEPTION_HPP_ #include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/SAXInvalidCharacterException.hpp> #endif #include <com/sun/star/io/XActiveDataSource.hpp> #include <cppuhelper/factory.hxx> #include <cppuhelper/weak.hxx> #include <cppuhelper/implbase3.hxx> #include <rtl/strbuf.hxx> #include <rtl/byteseq.hxx> #ifndef _RTL_USTRBUF_HXX_ #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx> #endif using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::std; using namespace ::osl; using namespace ::cppu; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::registry; using namespace ::com::sun::star::xml::sax; using namespace ::com::sun::star::util; using namespace ::com::sun::star::io; #include "factory.hxx" #include "xml2utf.hxx" #define LINEFEED 10 #define SAXWRITER_CHECK_FOR_INVALID_CHARS #define SEQUENCESIZE 1024 #define MAXCOLUMNCOUNT 72 /****** * * * Character conversion functions * * *****/ namespace sax_expatwrap { /***** * * Calculates the length of the sequence after conversion, but the conversion is not done. * .g. &<>"' plus some more are * special characters in XML that need to be transformed * * @param bConvertAll For Attributes it is necessary to convert every symbol (including line feed and tab) * Set this to true, if you want to perform this special conversion * @return The returned value is equal to the length of the incoming sequence, when no + conversion is necessary, otherwise it is larger than the length of the sequence. ****/ // inline sal_Int32 CalcXMLLen( const Sequence<sal_Int8> & seq , sal_Bool bConvertAll ) throw() // { // sal_Int32 nLen = 0; // const sal_Int8 *pArray = seq.getConstArray(); // for( int i = 0 ; i < seq.getLength() ; i ++ ) { // sal_Int8 c = pArray[i]; // switch( c ) // { // case '&': // resemble to & // nLen +=5; // break; // case '<': // < // case '>': // > // nLen +=4; // break; // case 39: // 39 == ''', ' // case '"': // " // case 13: // 
 // nLen += 6; // break; // case 10: // 
 // case 9: // 	 // if( bConvertAll ) // { // nLen += 6; // // } // break; // default: // nLen ++; // } // } // return nLen; // } enum SaxInvalidCharacterError { SAX_NONE, SAX_WARNING, SAX_ERROR }; class SaxWriterHelper { Reference< XOutputStream > m_out; Sequence < sal_Int8 > m_Sequence; sal_Int8* mp_Sequence; sal_Int32 nLastLineFeedPos; // is negative after writing a sequence sal_uInt32 nCurrentPos; sal_Bool m_bStartElementFinished; inline sal_uInt32 writeSequence() throw( SAXException ); // use only if to insert the bytes more space in the sequence is needed and // so the sequence has to write out and reset rPos to 0 // writes sequence only on overflow, sequence could be full on the end (rPos == SEQUENCESIZE) inline void AddBytes(sal_Int8* pTarget, sal_uInt32& rPos, const sal_Int8* pBytes, sal_uInt32 nBytesCount) throw( SAXException ); inline sal_Bool convertToXML(const sal_Unicode * pStr, sal_Int32 nStrLen, sal_Bool bDoNormalization, sal_Bool bNormalizeWhitespace, sal_Int8 *pTarget, sal_uInt32& rPos) throw( SAXException ); inline void FinishStartElement() throw( SAXException ); public: SaxWriterHelper(Reference< XOutputStream > m_TempOut) : m_out(m_TempOut), m_Sequence(SEQUENCESIZE), mp_Sequence(NULL), nLastLineFeedPos(0), nCurrentPos(0), m_bStartElementFinished(sal_True) { OSL_ENSURE(SEQUENCESIZE > 50, "Sequence cache size to small"); mp_Sequence = m_Sequence.getArray(); } ~SaxWriterHelper() { OSL_ENSURE(!nCurrentPos, "cached Sequence not written"); OSL_ENSURE(m_bStartElementFinished, "StartElement not complettly written"); } inline void insertIndentation(sal_uInt32 m_nLevel) throw( SAXException ); // returns whether it works correct or invalid characters were in the string // If there are invalid characters in the string it returns sal_False. // Than the calling method has to throw the needed Exception. inline sal_Bool writeString(const rtl::OUString& rWriteOutString, sal_Bool bDoNormalization, sal_Bool bNormalizeWhitespace) throw( SAXException ); sal_uInt32 GetLastColumnCount() { return (sal_uInt32)(nCurrentPos - nLastLineFeedPos); } inline void startDocument() throw( SAXException ); // returns whether it works correct or invalid characters were in the strings // If there are invalid characters in one of the strings it returns sal_False. // Than the calling method has to throw the needed Exception. inline SaxInvalidCharacterError startElement(const rtl::OUString& rName, const Reference< XAttributeList >& xAttribs) throw( SAXException ); inline sal_Bool FinishEmptyElement() throw( SAXException ); // returns whether it works correct or invalid characters were in the string // If there are invalid characters in the string it returns sal_False. // Than the calling method has to throw the needed Exception. inline sal_Bool endElement(const rtl::OUString& rName) throw( SAXException ); inline void endDocument() throw( SAXException ); // returns whether it works correct or invalid characters were in the strings // If there are invalid characters in the string it returns sal_False. // Than the calling method has to throw the needed Exception. inline sal_Bool processingInstruction(const rtl::OUString& rTarget, const rtl::OUString& rData) throw( SAXException ); inline void startCDATA() throw( SAXException ); inline void endCDATA() throw( SAXException ); // returns whether it works correct or invalid characters were in the strings // If there are invalid characters in the string it returns sal_False. // Than the calling method has to throw the needed Exception. inline sal_Bool comment(const rtl::OUString& rComment) throw( SAXException ); }; const sal_Bool g_bValidCharsBelow32[31] = { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, //0 0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0, //8 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, //16 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; inline sal_Bool IsInvalidChar(const sal_Unicode aChar) { sal_Bool bRet(sal_False); #ifdef SAXWRITER_CHECK_FOR_INVALID_CHARS // check first for the most common characters if( aChar < 32 || aChar >= 0xd800 ) bRet = ( (aChar < 32 && ! g_bValidCharsBelow32[aChar]) || aChar == 0xffff || aChar == 0xfffe ); #endif return bRet; } /******** * write through to the output stream * *****/ inline sal_uInt32 SaxWriterHelper::writeSequence() throw( SAXException ) { try { m_out->writeBytes( m_Sequence ); } catch( IOException & e ) { Any a; a <<= e; throw SAXException( OUString::createFromAscii( "io exception during writing" ), Reference< XInterface > (), a ); } nLastLineFeedPos -= SEQUENCESIZE; return 0; } inline void SaxWriterHelper::AddBytes(sal_Int8* pTarget, sal_uInt32& rPos, const sal_Int8* pBytes, sal_uInt32 nBytesCount) throw( SAXException ) { OSL_ENSURE((rPos + nBytesCount) > SEQUENCESIZE, "wrong use of AddBytesMethod"); sal_uInt32 nCount(SEQUENCESIZE - rPos); memcpy( &(pTarget[rPos]) , pBytes, nCount); OSL_ENSURE(rPos + nCount == SEQUENCESIZE, "the position should be the at the end"); rPos = writeSequence(); sal_uInt32 nRestCount(nBytesCount - nCount); if ((rPos + nRestCount) <= SEQUENCESIZE) { memcpy( &(pTarget[rPos]), &pBytes[nCount], nRestCount); rPos += nRestCount; } else AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, &pBytes[nCount], nRestCount); } /** Converts an UTF16 string to UTF8 and does XML normalization @param pTarget Pointer to a piece of memory, to where the output should be written. The caller must call calcXMLByteLength on the same string, to ensure, that there is enough memory for converting. */ inline sal_Bool SaxWriterHelper::convertToXML( const sal_Unicode * pStr, sal_Int32 nStrLen, sal_Bool bDoNormalization, sal_Bool bNormalizeWhitespace, sal_Int8 *pTarget, sal_uInt32& rPos ) throw( SAXException ) { sal_Bool bRet(sal_True); sal_uInt32 nSurrogate = 0; for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nStrLen ; i ++ ) { sal_uInt16 c = pStr[i]; if (IsInvalidChar(c)) bRet = sal_False; else if( (c >= 0x0001) && (c <= 0x007F) ) { if( bDoNormalization ) { switch( c ) { case '&': // resemble to & { if ((rPos + 5) > SEQUENCESIZE) AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, (sal_Int8*)"&", 5); else { memcpy( &(pTarget[rPos]) , "&", 5 ); rPos += 5; } } break; case '<': { if ((rPos + 4) > SEQUENCESIZE) AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, (sal_Int8*)"<", 4); else { memcpy( &(pTarget[rPos]) , "<" , 4 ); rPos += 4; // < } } break; case '>': { if ((rPos + 4) > SEQUENCESIZE) AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, (sal_Int8*)">", 4); else { memcpy( &(pTarget[rPos]) , ">" , 4 ); rPos += 4; // > } } break; case 39: // 39 == ''' { if ((rPos + 6) > SEQUENCESIZE) AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, (sal_Int8*)"'", 6); else { memcpy( &(pTarget[rPos]) , "'" , 6 ); rPos += 6; // ' } } break; case '"': { if ((rPos + 6) > SEQUENCESIZE) AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, (sal_Int8*)""", 6); else { memcpy( &(pTarget[rPos]) , """ , 6 ); rPos += 6; // " } } break; case 13: { if ((rPos + 6) > SEQUENCESIZE) AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, (sal_Int8*)"
", 6); else { memcpy( &(pTarget[rPos]) , "
" , 6 ); rPos += 6; } } break; case LINEFEED: { if( bNormalizeWhitespace ) { if ((rPos + 6) > SEQUENCESIZE) AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, (sal_Int8*)"
" , 6); else { memcpy( &(pTarget[rPos]) , "
" , 6 ); rPos += 6; } } else { pTarget[rPos] = LINEFEED; nLastLineFeedPos = rPos; rPos ++; } } break; case 9: { if( bNormalizeWhitespace ) { if ((rPos + 6) > SEQUENCESIZE) AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, (sal_Int8*)"	" , 6); else { memcpy( &(pTarget[rPos]) , "	" , 6 ); rPos += 6; } } else { pTarget[rPos] = 9; rPos ++; } } break; default: { pTarget[rPos] = (sal_Int8)c; rPos ++; } break; } } else { pTarget[rPos] = (sal_Int8)c; if ((sal_Int8)c == LINEFEED) nLastLineFeedPos = rPos; rPos ++; } } else if( c >= 0xd800 && c < 0xdc00 ) { // 1. surrogate: save (until 2. surrogate) OSL_ENSURE( nSurrogate == 0, "left-over Unicode surrogate" ); nSurrogate = ( ( c & 0x03ff ) + 0x0040 ); } else if( c >= 0xdc00 && c < 0xe000 ) { // 2. surrogate: write as UTF-8 OSL_ENSURE( nSurrogate != 0, "lone 2nd Unicode surrogate" ); nSurrogate = ( nSurrogate << 10 ) | ( c & 0x03ff ); if( nSurrogate > 0x00010000 && nSurrogate <= 0x001FFFFF ) { sal_Int8 aBytes[] = { sal_Int8(0xF0 | ((nSurrogate >> 18) & 0x0F)), sal_Int8(0x80 | ((nSurrogate >> 12) & 0x3F)), sal_Int8(0x80 | ((nSurrogate >> 6) & 0x3F)), sal_Int8(0x80 | ((nSurrogate >> 0) & 0x3F)) }; if ((rPos + 4) > SEQUENCESIZE) AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, aBytes, 3); else { pTarget[rPos] = aBytes[0]; rPos ++; pTarget[rPos] = aBytes[1]; rPos ++; pTarget[rPos] = aBytes[2]; rPos ++; pTarget[rPos] = aBytes[3]; rPos ++; } } else { OSL_ENSURE( false, "illegal Unicode character" ); bRet = sal_False; } // reset surrogate nSurrogate = 0; } else if( c > 0x07FF ) { sal_Int8 aBytes[] = { sal_Int8(0xE0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0F)), sal_Int8(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)), sal_Int8(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F)) }; if ((rPos + 3) > SEQUENCESIZE) AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, aBytes, 3); else { pTarget[rPos] = aBytes[0]; rPos ++; pTarget[rPos] = aBytes[1]; rPos ++; pTarget[rPos] = aBytes[2]; rPos ++; } } else { sal_Int8 aBytes[] = { sal_Int8(0xC0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1F)), sal_Int8(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F)) }; if ((rPos + 2) > SEQUENCESIZE) AddBytes(pTarget, rPos, aBytes, 2); else { pTarget[rPos] = aBytes[0]; rPos ++; pTarget[rPos] = aBytes[1]; rPos ++; } } OSL_ENSURE(rPos <= SEQUENCESIZE, "not reset current position"); if (rPos == SEQUENCESIZE) rPos = writeSequence(); // reset left-over surrogate if( ( nSurrogate != 0 ) && !( c >= 0xd800 && c < 0xdc00 ) ) { OSL_ENSURE( nSurrogate != 0, "left-over Unicode surrogate" ); nSurrogate = 0; bRet = sal_False; } } return bRet; } inline void SaxWriterHelper::FinishStartElement() throw( SAXException ) { if (!m_bStartElementFinished) { mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '>'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); m_bStartElementFinished = sal_True; } } inline void SaxWriterHelper::insertIndentation(sal_uInt32 m_nLevel) throw( SAXException ) { FinishStartElement(); if (m_nLevel > 0) { if ((nCurrentPos + m_nLevel + 1) <= SEQUENCESIZE) { mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = LINEFEED; nLastLineFeedPos = nCurrentPos; nCurrentPos++; memset( &(mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos]) , 32 , m_nLevel ); nCurrentPos += m_nLevel; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); } else { sal_uInt32 nCount(m_nLevel + 1); sal_Int8* pBytes = new sal_Int8[nCount]; pBytes[0] = LINEFEED; memset( &(pBytes[1]), 32, m_nLevel ); AddBytes(mp_Sequence, nCurrentPos, pBytes, nCount); delete[] pBytes; nLastLineFeedPos = nCurrentPos - nCount; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); } } else { mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = LINEFEED; nLastLineFeedPos = nCurrentPos; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); } } inline sal_Bool SaxWriterHelper::writeString( const rtl::OUString& rWriteOutString, sal_Bool bDoNormalization, sal_Bool bNormalizeWhitespace ) throw( SAXException ) { FinishStartElement(); return convertToXML(rWriteOutString.getStr(), rWriteOutString.getLength(), bDoNormalization, bNormalizeWhitespace, mp_Sequence, nCurrentPos); } inline void SaxWriterHelper::startDocument() throw( SAXException ) { const char pc[] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; const int nLen = strlen( pc ); if ((nCurrentPos + nLen + 1) <= SEQUENCESIZE) { memcpy( mp_Sequence, pc , nLen ); nCurrentPos += nLen; mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = LINEFEED; nCurrentPos++; } else { AddBytes(mp_Sequence, nCurrentPos, (sal_Int8*)pc, nLen); OSL_ENSURE(nCurrentPos <= SEQUENCESIZE, "not reset current position"); if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = LINEFEED; nCurrentPos++; } if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); } inline SaxInvalidCharacterError SaxWriterHelper::startElement(const rtl::OUString& rName, const Reference< XAttributeList >& xAttribs) throw( SAXException ) { FinishStartElement(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '<'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); SaxInvalidCharacterError eRet(SAX_NONE); if (!writeString(rName, sal_False, sal_False)) eRet = SAX_ERROR; sal_Int16 nAttribCount = xAttribs.is() ? static_cast<sal_Int16>(xAttribs->getLength()) : 0; for(sal_Int16 i = 0 ; i < nAttribCount ; i++ ) { mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = ' '; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); if (!writeString(xAttribs->getNameByIndex( i ), sal_False, sal_False)) eRet = SAX_ERROR; mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '='; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '"'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); if (!writeString(xAttribs->getValueByIndex( i ), sal_True, sal_True) && !(eRet == SAX_ERROR)) eRet = SAX_WARNING; mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '"'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); } m_bStartElementFinished = sal_False; // because the '>' character is not added, // because it is possible, that the "/>" // characters have to add return eRet; } inline sal_Bool SaxWriterHelper::FinishEmptyElement() throw( SAXException ) { if (m_bStartElementFinished) return sal_False; mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '/'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '>'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); m_bStartElementFinished = sal_True; return sal_True; } inline sal_Bool SaxWriterHelper::endElement(const rtl::OUString& rName) throw( SAXException ) { FinishStartElement(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '<'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '/'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); sal_Bool bRet(writeString( rName, sal_False, sal_False)); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '>'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); return bRet; } inline void SaxWriterHelper::endDocument() throw( SAXException ) { if (nCurrentPos > 0) { m_Sequence.realloc(nCurrentPos); nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); //m_Sequence.realloc(SEQUENCESIZE); } } inline sal_Bool SaxWriterHelper::processingInstruction(const rtl::OUString& rTarget, const rtl::OUString& rData) throw( SAXException ) { FinishStartElement(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '<'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '?'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); sal_Bool bRet(writeString( rTarget, sal_False, sal_False )); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = ' '; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); if (!writeString( rData, sal_False, sal_False )) bRet = sal_False; mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '?'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '>'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); return bRet; } inline void SaxWriterHelper::startCDATA() throw( SAXException ) { FinishStartElement(); if ((nCurrentPos + 9) <= SEQUENCESIZE) { memcpy( &(mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos]), "<![CDATA[" , 9 ); nCurrentPos += 9; } else AddBytes(mp_Sequence, nCurrentPos, (sal_Int8*)"<![CDATA[" , 9); if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); } inline void SaxWriterHelper::endCDATA() throw( SAXException ) { FinishStartElement(); if ((nCurrentPos + 3) <= SEQUENCESIZE) { memcpy( &(mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos]), "]]>" , 3 ); nCurrentPos += 3; } else AddBytes(mp_Sequence, nCurrentPos, (sal_Int8*)"]]>" , 3); if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); } inline sal_Bool SaxWriterHelper::comment(const rtl::OUString& rComment) throw( SAXException ) { FinishStartElement(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '<'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '!'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '-'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '-'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); sal_Bool bRet(writeString( rComment, sal_False, sal_False)); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '-'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '-'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); mp_Sequence[nCurrentPos] = '>'; nCurrentPos++; if (nCurrentPos == SEQUENCESIZE) nCurrentPos = writeSequence(); return bRet; } inline sal_Int32 calcXMLByteLength( const sal_Unicode *pStr, sal_Int32 nStrLen, sal_Bool bDoNormalization, sal_Bool bNormalizeWhitespace ) { sal_Int32 nOutputLength = 0; sal_uInt32 nSurrogate = 0; for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nStrLen ; i++ ) { sal_uInt16 c = pStr[i]; if( !IsInvalidChar(c) && (c >= 0x0001) && (c <= 0x007F) ) { if( bDoNormalization ) { switch( c ) { case '&': // resemble to & nOutputLength +=5; break; case '<': // < case '>': // > nOutputLength +=4; break; case 39: // 39 == ''', ' case '"': // " case 13: // 
 nOutputLength += 6; break; case 10: // 
 case 9: // 	 if( bNormalizeWhitespace ) { nOutputLength += 6; // } else { nOutputLength ++; } break; default: nOutputLength ++; } } else { nOutputLength ++; } } else if( c >= 0xd800 && c < 0xdc00 ) { // save surrogate nSurrogate = ( ( c & 0x03ff ) + 0x0040 ); } else if( c >= 0xdc00 && c < 0xe000 ) { // 2. surrogate: write as UTF-8 (if range is OK nSurrogate = ( nSurrogate << 10 ) | ( c & 0x03ff ); if( nSurrogate > 0x00010000 && nSurrogate <= 0x001FFFFF ) nOutputLength += 4; nSurrogate = 0; } else if( c > 0x07FF ) { nOutputLength += 3; } else { nOutputLength += 2; } // surrogate processing if( ( nSurrogate != 0 ) && !( c >= 0xd800 && c < 0xdc00 ) ) nSurrogate = 0; } return nOutputLength; } /** returns position of first ascii 10 within the string, -1 when no 10 in string. */ static inline sal_Int32 getFirstLineBreak( const OUString & str ) throw () { const sal_Unicode *pSource = str.getStr(); sal_Int32 nLen = str.getLength(); for( int n = 0; n < nLen ; n ++ ) { if( LINEFEED == pSource[n] ) { return n; } } return -1; } /** returns position of last ascii 10 within sequence, -1 when no 10 in string. */ static inline sal_Int32 getLastLineBreak( const Sequence<sal_Int8> & seq) throw () { const sal_Int8 *pSource = seq.getConstArray(); sal_Int32 nLen = seq.getLength(); for( int n = nLen-1; n >= 0 ; n -- ) { if( LINEFEED == pSource[n] ) { return n; } } return -1; } class SAXWriter : public WeakImplHelper3< XActiveDataSource, XExtendedDocumentHandler, XServiceInfo > { public: SAXWriter( ) : m_seqStartElement(), mp_SaxWriterHelper( NULL ), m_bForceLineBreak(sal_False), m_bAllowLineBreak(sal_False) {} ~SAXWriter() { delete mp_SaxWriterHelper; } public: // XActiveDataSource virtual void SAL_CALL setOutputStream(const Reference< XOutputStream > & aStream) throw (RuntimeException) { m_out = aStream; delete mp_SaxWriterHelper; mp_SaxWriterHelper = new SaxWriterHelper(m_out); m_bDocStarted = sal_False; m_nLevel = 0; m_bIsCDATA = sal_False; } virtual Reference< XOutputStream > SAL_CALL getOutputStream(void) throw(RuntimeException) { return m_out; } public: // XDocumentHandler virtual void SAL_CALL startDocument(void) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL endDocument(void) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL startElement(const OUString& aName, const Reference< XAttributeList > & xAttribs) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL endElement(const OUString& aName) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL characters(const OUString& aChars) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL ignorableWhitespace(const OUString& aWhitespaces) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL processingInstruction(const OUString& aTarget, const OUString& aData) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL setDocumentLocator(const Reference< XLocator > & xLocator) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException); public: // XExtendedDocumentHandler virtual void SAL_CALL startCDATA(void) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL endCDATA(void) throw(RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL comment(const OUString& sComment) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL unknown(const OUString& sString) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL allowLineBreak(void) throw(SAXException,RuntimeException); public: // XServiceInfo OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName() throw(); Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames(void) throw(); sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService(const OUString& ServiceName) throw(); private: void writeSequence( const Sequence<sal_Int8> & seq ); sal_Int32 getIndentPrefixLength( sal_Int32 nFirstLineBreakOccurence ) throw(); Reference< XOutputStream > m_out; Sequence < sal_Int8 > m_seqStartElement; SaxWriterHelper* mp_SaxWriterHelper; // Status information sal_Bool m_bDocStarted : 1; sal_Bool m_bIsCDATA : 1; sal_Bool m_bForceLineBreak : 1; sal_Bool m_bAllowLineBreak : 1; sal_Int32 m_nLevel; }; //-------------------------------------- // the extern interface //--------------------------------------- Reference < XInterface > SAL_CALL SaxWriter_CreateInstance( const Reference < XMultiServiceFactory > & ) throw (Exception) { SAXWriter *p = new SAXWriter; return Reference< XInterface > ( SAL_STATIC_CAST(OWeakObject *, p ) ); } OUString SaxWriter_getServiceName() throw() { return OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.xml.sax.Writer" ); } OUString SaxWriter_getImplementationName() throw() { return OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.extensions.xml.sax.Writer" ); } Sequence< OUString > SaxWriter_getSupportedServiceNames(void) throw() { Sequence<OUString> aRet(1); aRet.getArray()[0] = SaxWriter_getServiceName(); return aRet; } sal_Int32 SAXWriter::getIndentPrefixLength( sal_Int32 nFirstLineBreakOccurence ) throw() { sal_Int32 nLength =-1; if (mp_SaxWriterHelper) { if( m_bForceLineBreak || m_bAllowLineBreak && ((nFirstLineBreakOccurence + mp_SaxWriterHelper->GetLastColumnCount()) > MAXCOLUMNCOUNT) ) nLength = m_nLevel; } m_bForceLineBreak = sal_False; m_bAllowLineBreak = sal_False; return nLength; } static inline sal_Bool isFirstCharWhitespace( const sal_Unicode *p ) throw() { return *p == ' '; } // XServiceInfo OUString SAXWriter::getImplementationName() throw() { return SaxWriter_getImplementationName(); } // XServiceInfo sal_Bool SAXWriter::supportsService(const OUString& ServiceName) throw() { Sequence< OUString > aSNL = getSupportedServiceNames(); const OUString * pArray = aSNL.getConstArray(); for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aSNL.getLength(); i++ ) if( pArray[i] == ServiceName ) return sal_True; return sal_False; } // XServiceInfo Sequence< OUString > SAXWriter::getSupportedServiceNames(void) throw () { Sequence<OUString> seq(1); seq.getArray()[0] = SaxWriter_getServiceName(); return seq; } void SAXWriter::startDocument() throw(SAXException, RuntimeException ) { if( m_bDocStarted || ! m_out.is() || !mp_SaxWriterHelper ) { throw SAXException(); } m_bDocStarted = sal_True; mp_SaxWriterHelper->startDocument(); } void SAXWriter::endDocument(void) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException) { if( ! m_bDocStarted ) { throw SAXException( OUString::createFromAscii( "endDocument called before startDocument" ), Reference< XInterface >() , Any() ); } if( m_nLevel ) { throw SAXException( OUString::createFromAscii( "unexpected end of document" ), Reference< XInterface >() , Any() ); } mp_SaxWriterHelper->endDocument(); try { m_out->closeOutput(); } catch( IOException & e ) { Any a; a <<= e; throw SAXException( OUString::createFromAscii( "IO exception during closing the IO Stream" ), Reference< XInterface > (), a ); } } void SAXWriter::startElement(const OUString& aName, const Reference< XAttributeList >& xAttribs) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException) { if( ! m_bDocStarted ) { SAXException except; except.Message = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "startElement called before startDocument" )); throw except; } if( m_bIsCDATA ) { SAXException except; except.Message = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "startElement call not allowed with CDATA sections" )); throw except; } sal_Int32 nLength(0); if (m_bAllowLineBreak) { sal_Int32 nAttribCount = xAttribs.is() ? xAttribs->getLength() : 0; nLength ++; // "<" nLength += calcXMLByteLength( aName.getStr() , aName.getLength(), sal_False, sal_False ); // the tag name sal_Int16 n; for( n = 0 ; n < static_cast<sal_Int16>(nAttribCount) ; n ++ ) { nLength ++; // " " OUString tmp = xAttribs->getNameByIndex( n ); nLength += calcXMLByteLength( tmp.getStr() , tmp.getLength() , sal_False, sal_False ); nLength += 2; // =" tmp = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( n ); nLength += calcXMLByteLength( tmp.getStr(), tmp.getLength(), sal_True, sal_True ); nLength += 1; // " } nLength ++; // '>' } // Is there a new indentation necesarry ? sal_Int32 nPrefix(getIndentPrefixLength( nLength )); // write into sequence if( nPrefix >= 0 ) mp_SaxWriterHelper->insertIndentation( nPrefix ); SaxInvalidCharacterError eRet(mp_SaxWriterHelper->startElement(aName, xAttribs)); m_nLevel++; if (eRet == SAX_WARNING) { SAXInvalidCharacterException except; except.Message = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Invalid charcter during XML-Export in a attribute value" ) ); throw except; } else if (eRet == SAX_ERROR) { SAXException except; except.Message = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Invalid charcter during XML-Export" ) ); throw except; } } void SAXWriter::endElement(const OUString& aName) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException) { if( ! m_bDocStarted ) { throw SAXException (); } m_nLevel --; if( m_nLevel < 0 ) { throw SAXException(); } sal_Bool bRet(sal_True); if( mp_SaxWriterHelper->FinishEmptyElement() ) m_bForceLineBreak = sal_False; else { // only ascii chars allowed sal_Int32 nLength(0); if (m_bAllowLineBreak) nLength = 3 + calcXMLByteLength( aName.getStr(), aName.getLength(), sal_False, sal_False ); sal_Int32 nPrefix = getIndentPrefixLength( nLength ); if( nPrefix >= 0 ) mp_SaxWriterHelper->insertIndentation( nPrefix ); bRet = mp_SaxWriterHelper->endElement(aName); } if (!bRet) { SAXException except; except.Message = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Invalid charcter during XML-Export" ) ); throw except; } } void SAXWriter::characters(const OUString& aChars) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException) { if( ! m_bDocStarted ) { SAXException except; except.Message = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "characters method called before startDocument" ) ); throw except; } sal_Bool bThrowException(sal_False); if( aChars.getLength() ) { if( m_bIsCDATA ) bThrowException = !mp_SaxWriterHelper->writeString( aChars, sal_False, sal_False ); else { // Note : nFirstLineBreakOccurence is not exact, because we don't know, how // many 2 and 3 byte chars are inbetween. However this whole stuff // is eitherway for pretty printing only, so it does not need to be exact. sal_Int32 nLength(0); sal_Int32 nIndentPrefix(-1); if (m_bAllowLineBreak) { sal_Int32 nFirstLineBreakOccurence = getFirstLineBreak( aChars ); nLength = calcXMLByteLength( aChars.getStr(), aChars.getLength(), ! m_bIsCDATA , sal_False ); nIndentPrefix = getIndentPrefixLength( nFirstLineBreakOccurence >= 0 ? nFirstLineBreakOccurence : nLength ); } else nIndentPrefix = getIndentPrefixLength(nLength); // insert indentation if( nIndentPrefix >= 0 ) { if( isFirstCharWhitespace( aChars.getStr() ) ) mp_SaxWriterHelper->insertIndentation( nIndentPrefix - 1 ); else mp_SaxWriterHelper->insertIndentation( nIndentPrefix ); } bThrowException = !mp_SaxWriterHelper->writeString(aChars, sal_True , sal_False); } } if (bThrowException) { SAXInvalidCharacterException except; except.Message = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Invalid charcter during XML-Export" ) ); throw except; } } void SAXWriter::ignorableWhitespace(const OUString&) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException) { if( ! m_bDocStarted ) { throw SAXException (); } m_bForceLineBreak = sal_True; } void SAXWriter::processingInstruction(const OUString& aTarget, const OUString& aData) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException) { if( ! m_bDocStarted || m_bIsCDATA ) { throw SAXException(); } sal_Int32 nLength(0); if (m_bAllowLineBreak) { nLength = 2; // "<?" nLength += calcXMLByteLength( aTarget.getStr(), aTarget.getLength(), sal_False, sal_False ); nLength += 1; // " " nLength += calcXMLByteLength( aData.getStr(), aData.getLength(), sal_False, sal_False ); nLength += 2; // "?>" } sal_Int32 nPrefix = getIndentPrefixLength( nLength ); if( nPrefix >= 0 ) mp_SaxWriterHelper->insertIndentation( nPrefix ); if (!mp_SaxWriterHelper->processingInstruction(aTarget, aData)) { SAXException except; except.Message = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Invalid charcter during XML-Export" ) ); throw except; } } void SAXWriter::setDocumentLocator(const Reference< XLocator >&) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException) { } void SAXWriter::startCDATA(void) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException) { if( ! m_bDocStarted || m_bIsCDATA) { throw SAXException (); } sal_Int32 nLength = 9; sal_Int32 nPrefix = getIndentPrefixLength( nLength ); if( nPrefix >= 0 ) mp_SaxWriterHelper->insertIndentation( nPrefix ); mp_SaxWriterHelper->startCDATA(); m_bIsCDATA = sal_True; } void SAXWriter::endCDATA(void) throw (RuntimeException) { if( ! m_bDocStarted | ! m_bIsCDATA) { SAXException except; except.Message = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "endCDATA was called without startCDATA" ) ); throw except; } sal_Int32 nLength = 3; sal_Int32 nPrefix = getIndentPrefixLength( nLength ); if( nPrefix >= 0 ) mp_SaxWriterHelper->insertIndentation( nPrefix ); mp_SaxWriterHelper->endCDATA(); m_bIsCDATA = sal_False; } void SAXWriter::comment(const OUString& sComment) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException) { if( ! m_bDocStarted || m_bIsCDATA ) { throw SAXException(); } sal_Int32 nLength(0); if (m_bAllowLineBreak) { nLength = 4; // "<!--" nLength += calcXMLByteLength( sComment.getStr(), sComment.getLength(), sal_False, sal_False); nLength += 3; } sal_Int32 nPrefix = getIndentPrefixLength( nLength ); if( nPrefix >= 0 ) mp_SaxWriterHelper->insertIndentation( nPrefix ); if (!mp_SaxWriterHelper->comment(sComment)) { SAXException except; except.Message = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Invalid charcter during XML-Export" ) ); throw except; } } void SAXWriter::allowLineBreak( ) throw ( SAXException , RuntimeException) { if( ! m_bDocStarted || m_bAllowLineBreak ) { throw SAXException(); } m_bAllowLineBreak = sal_True; } void SAXWriter::unknown(const OUString& sString) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException) { if( ! m_bDocStarted ) { throw SAXException (); } if( m_bIsCDATA ) { throw SAXException(); } if( sString.matchAsciiL( "<?xml", 5 ) ) return; sal_Int32 nLength(0); if (m_bAllowLineBreak) nLength = calcXMLByteLength( sString.getStr(), sString.getLength(), sal_False, sal_False ); sal_Int32 nPrefix = getIndentPrefixLength( nLength ); if( nPrefix >= 0 ) mp_SaxWriterHelper->insertIndentation( nPrefix ); if (!mp_SaxWriterHelper->writeString( sString, sal_False, sal_False)) { SAXException except; except.Message = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Invalid charcter during XML-Export" ) ); throw except; } } }