# -*- Mode: makefile-gmake; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # $(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_CppunitTest,sc_chart2dataprovider)) $(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_add_exception_objects,sc_chart2dataprovider, \ sc/qa/unit/chart2dataprovider \ )) $(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_externals,sc_chart2dataprovider, \ boost_headers \ mdds_headers \ libxml2 \ )) $(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_libraries,sc_chart2dataprovider, \ basegfx \ comphelper \ cppu \ cppuhelper \ drawinglayer \ editeng \ for \ forui \ i18nlangtag \ msfilter \ oox \ sal \ salhelper \ sax \ sb \ sc \ scqahelper \ sfx \ sot \ subsequenttest \ svl \ svt \ svx \ svxcore \ test \ tk \ tl \ ucbhelper \ unotest \ utl \ vbahelper \ vcl \ xo \ $(gb_UWINAPI) \ )) $(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_set_include,sc_chart2dataprovider,\ -I$(SRCDIR)/sc/source/ui/inc \ -I$(SRCDIR)/sc/inc \ $$(INCLUDE) \ )) $(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_api,sc_chart2dataprovider,\ udkapi \ offapi \ oovbaapi \ )) $(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_ure,sc_chart2dataprovider)) $(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_vcl,sc_chart2dataprovider)) $(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_components,sc_chart2dataprovider,\ basic/util/sb \ chart2/source/chartcore \ chart2/source/controller/chartcontroller \ comphelper/util/comphelp \ configmgr/source/configmgr \ dbaccess/util/dba \ embeddedobj/util/embobj \ eventattacher/source/evtatt \ filter/source/config/cache/filterconfig1 \ forms/util/frm \ framework/util/fwk \ i18npool/source/search/i18nsearch \ i18npool/util/i18npool \ linguistic/source/lng \ oox/util/oox \ package/source/xstor/xstor \ package/util/package2 \ sax/source/expatwrap/expwrap \ scaddins/source/analysis/analysis \ scaddins/source/datefunc/date \ sc/util/sc \ sc/util/scfilt \ sfx2/util/sfx \ sot/util/sot \ svl/util/svl \ svl/source/fsstor/fsstorage \ svtools/util/svt \ toolkit/util/tk \ ucb/source/core/ucb1 \ ucb/source/ucp/file/ucpfile1 \ ucb/source/ucp/tdoc/ucptdoc1 \ unotools/util/utl \ unoxml/source/rdf/unordf \ unoxml/source/service/unoxml \ uui/util/uui \ vcl/vcl.common \ xmloff/util/xo \ xmlsecurity/util/xmlsecurity \ )) $(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_components,sc_chart2dataprovider,\ xmlsecurity/util/xsec_xmlsec \ )) $(eval $(call gb_CppunitTest_use_configuration,sc_chart2dataprovider)) # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4: ollabora/co-24.04.11'>distro/collabora/co-24.04.11 LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
path: root/librelogo
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-11-10avoid exceeding commandline limitsChristian Lohmaier
2014-03-31fdo#75109 librelogo: fix localized proceduresLászló Németh
2014-03-18librelogo UI fixes, gradients, log10, improved random colorsLászló Németh
2014-02-04librelogo: keep comments at translationLászló Németh
2014-01-30LibreLogo is not a UNO componentStephan Bergmann
2014-01-08Remove bad Emacs mode lineStephan Bergmann
2014-01-08Some ConfigurationProvider -> theDefaultProvider simplificationsStephan Bergmann
2014-01-07librelogo: fix messagebox (API changes)László Németh
2014-01-01fdo#73199 librelogo: path, interop. and color name fixesLászló Németh
2013-10-28gbuild: set Package default target to INSTDIRMichael Stahl
2013-10-28fdo#70951 librelogo: fix parsing problem of functionsLászló Németh
2013-10-25fdo#70858 librelogo: fix Logo program halt at font settings (Windows)László Németh
2013-10-25librelogo: fix division with measurementsLászló Németh