Spreadsheet application code.

You can dump some information in a dbgutil build:

=== CTRL+SHIFT+F12 ===

Dumps the column width of the first 20 columns.

=== CTRL+SHIFT+F11 ===

Dumps the graphic objects and their position and size in pixel.

=== CTRL+SHIFT+F9 ===

Dumps the SfxItemSet representing the cell properties' of the
current selection as a xml file. The file will be named dump.xml

=== The Cache Format ===

ScDocument::StoreTabToCache allows storing the content (not the formatting)
of a table to a binary cache format.

The format is column orientated which allows quick serialization of the table.

    * Number of Columns: 64 bit unsigned integer

    * Column Index: 64 bit unsigned integer
    * Column Size: 64 bit unsigned integer
    * For each cell type block a new ColumnBlock

    * Start Row: 64 bit unsigned integer
    * Block Size: 64 bit unsigned integer
    * Type: 8 bit unsigned integer
        - 0 : empty
        - 1 : numeric
            * for each cell: 64 bit IEEE 754 double precision value
        - 2 : string
            * for each cell: 32 bit signed string length followed by string length bytes of the string (UTF-8)
        - 3 : formula
            * for each cell: 32 bit signed string length followed by the formula in R1C1 notation as a string