/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#pragma once

#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>

// this are the defines for the position of the settings in the
// ViewSettingsSequence

#define SC_VIEWSETTINGS_COUNT               24

#define SC_VIEW_ID                          0
#define SC_TABLE_VIEWSETTINGS               1
#define SC_ACTIVE_TABLE                     2
#define SC_ZOOM_TYPE                        4
#define SC_ZOOM_VALUE                       5
#define SC_PAGE_VIEW_ZOOM_VALUE             6
#define SC_PAGE_BREAK_PREVIEW               7
#define SC_SHOWZERO                         8
#define SC_SHOWNOTES                        9
#define SC_SHOWGRID                         10
#define SC_GRIDCOLOR                        11
#define SC_SHOWPAGEBR                       12
#define SC_COLROWHDR                        13
#define SC_SHEETTABS                        14
#define SC_OUTLSYMB                         15
#define SC_VALUE_HIGHLIGHTING               16
#define SC_SNAPTORASTER                     17
#define SC_RASTERVIS                        18
#define SC_RASTERRESX                       19
#define SC_RASTERRESY                       20
#define SC_RASTERSUBX                       21
#define SC_RASTERSUBY                       22
#define SC_RASTERSYNC                       23
#define SC_FORMULA_BAR_HEIGHT               24

// this are the defines for the position of the settings in the
// TableViewSettingsSequence


#define SC_CURSOR_X                         0
#define SC_CURSOR_Y                         1
#define SC_HORIZONTAL_SPLIT_MODE            2
#define SC_VERTICAL_SPLIT_MODE              3
#define SC_ACTIVE_SPLIT_RANGE               6
#define SC_POSITION_LEFT                    7
#define SC_POSITION_RIGHT                   8
#define SC_POSITION_TOP                     9
#define SC_POSITION_BOTTOM                  10
#define SC_TABLE_ZOOM_TYPE                  11
#define SC_TABLE_ZOOM_VALUE                 12
#define SC_FORMULA_BAR_HEIGHT_VALUE         14
#define SC_TABLE_SHOWGRID                   15

inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_CURSORPOSITIONX = u"CursorPositionX";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_CURSORPOSITIONY = u"CursorPositionY";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_HORIZONTALSPLITMODE = u"HorizontalSplitMode";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_VERTICALSPLITMODE = u"VerticalSplitMode";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_HORIZONTALSPLITPOSITION = u"HorizontalSplitPosition";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_VERTICALSPLITPOSITION = u"VerticalSplitPosition";
#define SC_HORIZONTALSPLITPOSITION_TWIPS    "HorizontalSplitPositionTwips"
#define SC_VERTICALSPLITPOSITION_TWIPS      "VerticalSplitPositionTwips"
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_ACTIVESPLITRANGE = u"ActiveSplitRange";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_POSITIONLEFT = u"PositionLeft";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_POSITIONRIGHT = u"PositionRight";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_POSITIONTOP = u"PositionTop";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_POSITIONBOTTOM = u"PositionBottom";
#define SC_TABLESELECTED                    "TableSelected"

inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_TABLES = u"Tables";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_ACTIVETABLE = u"ActiveTable";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_HORIZONTALSCROLLBARWIDTH = u"HorizontalScrollbarWidth";
#define SC_RELHORIZONTALTABBARWIDTH         "RelativeHorizontalTabbarWidth"
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_ZOOMTYPE = u"ZoomType";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_ZOOMVALUE = u"ZoomValue";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_PAGEVIEWZOOMVALUE = u"PageViewZoomValue";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_SHOWPAGEBREAKPREVIEW = u"ShowPageBreakPreview";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_FORMULABARHEIGHT = u"FormulaBarHeight";
inline constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_VIEWID = u"ViewId";
#define SC_VIEW                             "view"

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