/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column:100 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>

#include <array>
#include <limits>
#include <ostream>

#include "scdllapi.h"
#include "types.hxx"
#include <formula/grammar.hxx>

#include <o3tl/typed_flags_set.hxx>
#include <o3tl/underlyingenumvalue.hxx>

namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
    namespace sheet {
        struct ExternalLinkInfo;

namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace uno { template <typename > class Sequence; } } } }

class ScDocument;

/** size_t typedef to be able to find places where code was changed from USHORT
    to size_t and is used to read/write from/to streams. */
typedef size_t SCSIZE;

// Maximum possible value of data type, NOT maximum row value.
// MSC confuses numeric_limit max() with macro max() if vcl/wintypes.hxx is
// included, we should not be using those stupid macros anyway.
#undef min
#undef max
const SCROW    SCROW_MAX    = ::std::numeric_limits<SCROW>::max();
const SCCOL    SCCOL_MAX    = ::std::numeric_limits<SCCOL>::max();
const SCTAB    SCTAB_MAX    = ::std::numeric_limits<SCTAB>::max();
const SCCOLROW SCCOLROW_MAX = ::std::numeric_limits<SCCOLROW>::max();
const SCSIZE   SCSIZE_MAX   = ::std::numeric_limits<SCSIZE>::max();

// Count values
const SCROW       MAXROWCOUNT    = 1048576;
const SCCOL       MAXCOLCOUNT    = 1024;
const SCCOL       INITIALCOLCOUNT = 64; // initial number of columns we allocate memory for
/// limiting to 10000 for now, problem with 32 bit builds for now
const SCTAB       MAXTABCOUNT    = 10000;
// Maximum values
const SCROW       MAXROW         = MAXROWCOUNT - 1;
const SCCOL       MAXCOL         = MAXCOLCOUNT - 1;
const SCTAB       MAXTAB         = MAXTABCOUNT - 1;
const SCROW       MAXROW_JUMBO   = 16 * 1000 * 1000;
const SCCOL       MAXCOL_JUMBO   = 16384;
// Maximum tiled rendering values
const SCROW       MAXTILEDROW    = 500000;
// Limit the initial tab count to prevent users to set the count too high,
// which could cause the memory usage of blank documents to exceed the
// available system memory.
const SCTAB       MAXINITTAB = 1024;
const SCTAB       MININITTAB = 1;

// Special values
const SCTAB TABLEID_DOC       = SCTAB_MAX;  // entire document, e.g. protect
const SCROW SCROWS32K         = 32000; // for fuzzing

const SCROW MAXROW_30         = 8191;

[[nodiscard]] inline bool ValidCol( SCCOL nCol, SCCOL nMaxCol )
    assert(nMaxCol == MAXCOL || nMaxCol == MAXCOL_JUMBO); // temporary to debug jumbo sheets work
    return nCol >= 0 && nCol <= nMaxCol;

[[nodiscard]] inline bool ValidRow( SCROW nRow, SCROW nMaxRow)
    assert(nMaxRow == MAXROW || nMaxRow == MAXROW_JUMBO); // temporary to debug jumbo sheets work
    return nRow >= 0 && nRow <= nMaxRow;

[[nodiscard]] inline bool ValidTab( SCTAB nTab )
    return nTab >= 0 && nTab <= MAXTAB;

[[nodiscard]] inline bool ValidTab( SCTAB nTab, SCTAB nMaxTab )
    return nTab >= 0 && nTab <= nMaxTab;

[[nodiscard]] inline bool ValidColRow( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCCOL nMaxCol, SCROW nMaxRow )
    assert(nMaxRow == MAXROW || nMaxRow == MAXROW_JUMBO); // temporary to debug jumbo sheets work
    return ValidCol(nCol,nMaxCol) && ValidRow(nRow,nMaxRow);

[[nodiscard]] inline bool ValidColRowTab( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nMaxCol, SCROW nMaxRow )
    assert(nMaxRow == MAXROW || nMaxRow == MAXROW_JUMBO); // temporary to debug jumbo sheets work
    return ValidCol(nCol,nMaxCol) && ValidRow(nRow,nMaxRow) && ValidTab( nTab);

[[nodiscard]] inline SCCOL SanitizeCol( SCCOL nCol, SCCOL nMaxCol )
    assert(nMaxCol == MAXCOL || nMaxCol == MAXCOL_JUMBO); // temporary to debug jumbo sheets work
    return nCol < 0 ? 0 : (nCol > nMaxCol ? nMaxCol : nCol);

[[nodiscard]] inline SCROW SanitizeRow( SCROW nRow, SCROW nMaxRow )
    assert(nMaxRow == MAXROW || nMaxRow == MAXROW_JUMBO); // temporary to debug jumbo sheets work
    return nRow < 0 ? 0 : (nRow > nMaxRow ? nMaxRow : nRow);

[[nodiscard]] inline SCTAB SanitizeTab( SCTAB nTab )
    return nTab < 0 ? 0 : (nTab > MAXTAB ? MAXTAB : nTab);

// The result of ConvertRef() is a bit group of the following:
enum class ScRefFlags : sal_uInt16
    ZERO          = 0x0000,
    COL_ABS       = 0x0001,
    ROW_ABS       = 0x0002,
    TAB_ABS       = 0x0004,
    TAB_3D        = 0x0008,
    COL2_ABS      = 0x0010,
    ROW2_ABS      = 0x0020,
    TAB2_ABS      = 0x0040,
    TAB2_3D       = 0x0080,
    ROW_VALID     = 0x0100,
    COL_VALID     = 0x0200,
    TAB_VALID     = 0x0400,
    // BITS for convenience
    BITS          = COL_ABS | ROW_ABS | TAB_ABS | TAB_3D
                    | ROW_VALID | COL_VALID | TAB_VALID,
    // somewhat cheesy kludge to force the display of the document name even for
    // local references.  Requires TAB_3D to be valid
    FORCE_DOC     = 0x0800,
    ROW2_VALID    = 0x1000,
    COL2_VALID    = 0x2000,
    TAB2_VALID    = 0x4000,
    VALID         = 0x8000,

    TAB_ABS_3D    = TAB_ABS | TAB_3D,



    ADDR_ABS_3D   = ADDR_ABS | TAB_3D,

namespace o3tl
    template<> struct typed_flags<ScRefFlags> : is_typed_flags<ScRefFlags, 0xffff> {};
inline void applyStartToEndFlags(ScRefFlags &target,const ScRefFlags source)
    target |= ScRefFlags(o3tl::underlyingEnumValue(source) << 4);
inline void applyStartToEndFlags(ScRefFlags &target)
    target |= ScRefFlags(o3tl::underlyingEnumValue(target) << 4);

//  ScAddress
class SAL_WARN_UNUSED ScAddress
    // Even if the fields are in the order "row, column, tab", in all (?) the ScAddress and
    // ScDocument APIs that take separate row, column, and tab parameters, the parameters are in the
    // order "column, row, tab", which matches the most common (A1) address syntax, if you ignore
    // the sheet (tab). Don't let this confuse you, like it confused me for a while.

    SCROW   nRow;
    SCCOL   nCol;
    SCTAB   nTab;


    enum Uninitialized      { UNINITIALIZED };
    enum InitializeInvalid  { INITIALIZE_INVALID };

    struct Details
        formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention  eConv;
        SCROW       nRow;
        SCCOL       nCol;

        Details( formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConvP, SCROW nRowP, SCCOL nColP ) :
            eConv(eConvP), nRow(nRowP), nCol(nColP)
        Details( formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConvP, ScAddress const & rAddr ) :
            eConv(eConvP), nRow(rAddr.Row()),  nCol(rAddr.Col())
        Details( formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConvP) :
            eConv(eConvP), nRow(0), nCol(0)
        /* Use the formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention associated with rAddr::Tab() */
        Details( const ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rAddr );
    SC_DLLPUBLIC static const Details detailsOOOa1;

    struct ExternalInfo
        OUString    maTabName;
        sal_uInt16  mnFileId;
        bool        mbExternal;

        ExternalInfo() :
            mnFileId(0), mbExternal(false)

    ScAddress() :
        nRow(0), nCol(0), nTab(0)
    ScAddress( SCCOL nColP, SCROW nRowP, SCTAB nTabP ) :
        nRow(nRowP), nCol(nColP), nTab(nTabP)
    /** Yes, it is what it seems to be: Uninitialized. May be used for
        performance reasons if it is initialized by other means. */
    ScAddress( Uninitialized )
    ScAddress( InitializeInvalid ) :
        nRow(-1), nCol(-1), nTab(-1)
    ScAddress( const ScAddress& rAddress ) :
        nRow(rAddress.nRow), nCol(rAddress.nCol), nTab(rAddress.nTab)
    inline ScAddress& operator=( const ScAddress& rAddress );

    inline void Set( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab );

    SCROW Row() const
        return nRow;

    SCCOL Col() const
        return nCol;
    SCTAB Tab() const
        return nTab;
    void SetRow( SCROW nRowP )
        nRow = nRowP;
    void SetCol( SCCOL nColP )
        nCol = nColP;
    void SetTab( SCTAB nTabP )
        nTab = nTabP;
    void SetInvalid()
        nRow = -1;
        nCol = -1;
        nTab = -1;
    bool IsValid() const
        return (nRow >= 0) && (nCol >= 0) && (nTab >= 0);

    inline void PutInOrder( ScAddress& rAddress );

    void IncRow( SCROW nDelta = 1 )
        nRow = sal::static_int_cast<SCROW>(nRow + nDelta);
    void IncCol( SCCOL nDelta = 1 )
        nCol = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>(nCol + nDelta);
    void IncTab( SCTAB nDelta = 1 )
        nTab = sal::static_int_cast<SCTAB>(nTab + nDelta);
    void GetVars( SCCOL& nColP, SCROW& nRowP, SCTAB& nTabP ) const
        nColP = nCol;
        nRowP = nRow;
        nTabP = nTab;

        @param  pSheetEndPos
                If given and Parse() successfully parsed a sheet name it returns
                the end position (exclusive) behind the sheet name AND a
                following sheet name separator. This independent of whether the
                resulting reference is fully valid or not.
    SC_DLLPUBLIC ScRefFlags Parse(
                    const OUString&, const ScDocument* = nullptr,
                    const Details& rDetails = detailsOOOa1,
                    ExternalInfo* pExtInfo = nullptr,
                    const css::uno::Sequence<css::sheet::ExternalLinkInfo>* pExternalLinks = nullptr,
                    sal_Int32* pSheetEndPos = nullptr,
                    const OUString* pErrRef = nullptr );

    SC_DLLPUBLIC void Format( OStringBuffer& r, ScRefFlags nFlags,
                                  const ScDocument* pDocument = nullptr,
                                  const Details& rDetails = detailsOOOa1) const;

    SC_DLLPUBLIC OUString Format( ScRefFlags nFlags,
                                  const ScDocument* pDocument = nullptr,
                                  const Details& rDetails = detailsOOOa1) const;

        @param  rErrorPos
                If FALSE is returned, the positions contain <0 or >MAX...
                values if shifted out of bounds.
        @param  pDocument
                The document for the maximum defined sheet number.
    [[nodiscard]] SC_DLLPUBLIC bool Move( SCCOL nDeltaX, SCROW nDeltaY, SCTAB nDeltaZ,
            ScAddress& rErrorPos, const ScDocument* pDocument = nullptr );

    inline bool operator==( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const;
    inline bool operator!=( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const;
    inline bool operator<( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const;
    inline bool operator<=( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const;
    inline bool lessThanByRow( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const;

    inline size_t hash() const;

     * Create a human-readable string representation of the cell address.  You
     * cannot specify precise formatting with this method; use Format() if you
     * need to specify how the address needs to be formatted.
     * The address string does not display sheet name.
     * @return human-readable string representation of the cell address.
    OUString GetColRowString() const;

// For use in SAL_DEBUG etc. Output format not guaranteed to be stable.
template<typename charT, typename traits>
inline std::basic_ostream<charT, traits> & operator <<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits> & stream, const ScAddress& rAddress)
    stream <<
        rAddress.Tab()+1 << "!"
        "R" << rAddress.Row()+1 <<
        "C" << rAddress.Col()+1;

    return stream;

inline void ScAddress::PutInOrder( ScAddress& rAddress )
    if ( rAddress.Col() < Col() )
        SCCOL nTmp = rAddress.Col();
        rAddress.SetCol( Col() );
        SetCol( nTmp );
    if ( rAddress.Row() < Row() )
        SCROW nTmp = rAddress.Row();
        rAddress.SetRow( Row() );
        SetRow( nTmp );
    if ( rAddress.Tab() < Tab() )
        SCTAB nTmp = rAddress.Tab();
        rAddress.SetTab( Tab() );
        SetTab( nTmp );

inline void ScAddress::Set( SCCOL nColP, SCROW nRowP, SCTAB nTabP )
    nCol = nColP;
    nRow = nRowP;
    nTab = nTabP;

inline ScAddress& ScAddress::operator=( const ScAddress& rAddress )
    nCol = rAddress.nCol;
    nRow = rAddress.nRow;
    nTab = rAddress.nTab;
    return *this;

inline bool ScAddress::operator==( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const
    return nRow == rAddress.nRow && nCol == rAddress.nCol && nTab == rAddress.nTab;

inline bool ScAddress::operator!=( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const
    return !operator==( rAddress );

/** Less than ordered by tab,col,row. */
inline bool ScAddress::operator<( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const
    if (nTab == rAddress.nTab)
        if (nCol == rAddress.nCol)
            return nRow < rAddress.nRow;
            return nCol < rAddress.nCol;
        return nTab < rAddress.nTab;

inline bool ScAddress::operator<=( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const
    return operator<( rAddress ) || operator==( rAddress );

/** Less than ordered by tab,row,col as needed by row-wise import/export */
inline bool ScAddress::lessThanByRow( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const
    if (nTab == rAddress.nTab)
        if (nRow == rAddress.nRow)
            return nCol < rAddress.nCol;
            return nRow < rAddress.nRow;
        return nTab < rAddress.nTab;

inline size_t ScAddress::hash() const
    // 16 bits for the columns, and 20 bits for the rows
    return (static_cast<size_t>(nTab) << 36) ^
           (static_cast<size_t>(nCol) << 20) ^
    // Assume that there are not that many addresses with row > 2^16 AND column
    // > 2^8 AND sheet > 2^8 so we won't have too many collisions.
    if (nRow <= 0xffff)
        return (static_cast<size_t>(nTab) << 24) ^
            (static_cast<size_t>(nCol) << 16) ^ static_cast<size_t>(nRow);
        return (static_cast<size_t>(nTab) << 28) ^
            (static_cast<size_t>(nCol) << 24) ^ static_cast<size_t>(nRow);

struct ScAddressHashFunctor
    size_t operator()( const ScAddress & rAddress ) const
        return rAddress.hash();

inline bool ValidAddress( const ScAddress& rAddress, SCCOL nMaxCol = MAXCOL, SCROW nMaxRow = MAXROW )
    return ValidCol(rAddress.Col(), nMaxCol) && ValidRow(rAddress.Row(), nMaxRow) && ValidTab(rAddress.Tab());

//  ScRange
class SAL_WARN_UNUSED ScRange final
    ScAddress aStart;
    ScAddress aEnd;

    ScRange() :
        aStart(), aEnd()

    ScRange( ScAddress::Uninitialized eUninitialized ) :
        aStart( eUninitialized ), aEnd( eUninitialized )
    ScRange( ScAddress::InitializeInvalid eInvalid ) :
        aStart( eInvalid ), aEnd( eInvalid )
    ScRange( const ScAddress& aInputStart, const ScAddress& aInputEnd ) :
        aStart( aInputStart ), aEnd( aInputEnd )
        aStart.PutInOrder( aEnd );
    ScRange( const ScRange& rRange ) :
        aStart( rRange.aStart ), aEnd( rRange.aEnd )
    ScRange( const ScAddress& rRange ) :
        aStart( rRange ), aEnd( rRange )
    ScRange( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab ) :
        aStart( nCol, nRow, nTab ), aEnd( aStart )
    ScRange( SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCTAB nTab1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, SCTAB nTab2 ) :
        aStart( nCol1, nRow1, nTab1 ), aEnd( nCol2, nRow2, nTab2 )

    ScRange& operator=( const ScRange& rRange )
        aStart = rRange.aStart;
        aEnd = rRange.aEnd;
        return *this;
    ScRange& operator=( const ScAddress& rPos )
        aStart = aEnd = rPos;
        return *this;
    void SetInvalid()
    bool IsValid() const
        return aStart.IsValid() && aEnd.IsValid();
    inline bool In( const ScAddress& ) const;   ///< is Address& in Range?
    inline bool In( const ScRange& ) const;     ///< is Range& in Range?

    SC_DLLPUBLIC ScRefFlags Parse( const OUString&, const ScDocument* = nullptr,
                                   const ScAddress::Details& rDetails = ScAddress::detailsOOOa1,
                                   ScAddress::ExternalInfo* pExtInfo = nullptr,
                                   const css::uno::Sequence<css::sheet::ExternalLinkInfo>* pExternalLinks = nullptr,
                                   const OUString* pErrRef = nullptr );

    SC_DLLPUBLIC ScRefFlags ParseAny( const OUString&, const ScDocument*,
                                      const ScAddress::Details& rDetails = ScAddress::detailsOOOa1 );
    SC_DLLPUBLIC ScRefFlags ParseCols( const ScDocument* pDoc,
                                       const OUString&,
                                       const ScAddress::Details& rDetails = ScAddress::detailsOOOa1 );
    SC_DLLPUBLIC void ParseRows( const ScDocument* pDoc,
                                       const OUString&,
                                       const ScAddress::Details& rDetails = ScAddress::detailsOOOa1 );

    /** Parse an Excel style reference up to and including the sheet name
        separator '!', including detection of external documents and sheet
        names, and in case of MOOXML import the bracketed index is used to
        determine the actual document name passed in pExternalLinks. For
        internal references (resulting rExternDocName empty), aStart.nTab and
        aEnd.nTab are set, or -1 if sheet name not found.
        @param bOnlyAcceptSingle  If <TRUE/>, a 3D reference (Sheet1:Sheet2)
            encountered results in an error (NULL returned).
        @param pExternalLinks  pointer to ExternalLinkInfo sequence, may be
            NULL for non-filter usage, in which case indices such as [1] are
            not resolved.
        @param pErrRef  pointer to "#REF!" string if to be accepted.
            Pointer to the position after '!' if successfully parsed, and
            rExternDocName, rStartTabName and/or rEndTabName filled if
            applicable. ScRefFlags::... flags set in nFlags.
            Or if no valid document and/or sheet header could be parsed the start
            position passed with pString.
            Or NULL if a 3D sheet header could be parsed but
            bOnlyAcceptSingle==true was given.
    const sal_Unicode* Parse_XL_Header( const sal_Unicode* pString, const ScDocument* pDocument,
                                        OUString& rExternDocName, OUString& rStartTabName,
                                        OUString& rEndTabName, ScRefFlags& nFlags,
                                        bool bOnlyAcceptSingle,
                                        const css::uno::Sequence<css::sheet::ExternalLinkInfo>* pExternalLinks = nullptr,
                                        const OUString* pErrRef = nullptr );

    /** Returns string with formatted cell range from aStart to aEnd,
        according to provided address convention.
        @param nFlags
            Cell reference flags
        @param pDocument
            Pointer to document which is used for example to get tab names.
        @param rDetails
            Provide information about required address convention.
            Supported address conventions are:
                CONV_OOO      'doc'#sheet.A1:sheet2.B2
                CONV_XL_A1,   [doc]sheet:sheet2!A1:B2
                CONV_XL_OOX,  [#]sheet:sheet2!A1:B2
                CONV_XL_R1C1, [doc]sheet:sheet2!R1C1:R2C2
        @param bFullAddressNotation
            If TRUE, the full address notation will be used.
            For example in case all columns are used, "A1:AMJ177" is full address notation
            and "1:177" is shortened address notation.
            String contains formatted cell range in address convention
    SC_DLLPUBLIC OUString Format( const ScDocument& rDocument,
                                  ScRefFlags nFlags = ScRefFlags::ZERO,
                                  const ScAddress::Details& rDetails = ScAddress::detailsOOOa1,
                                  bool bFullAddressNotation = false ) const;

    inline void GetVars( SCCOL& nCol1, SCROW& nRow1, SCTAB& nTab1,
                         SCCOL& nCol2, SCROW& nRow2, SCTAB& nTab2 ) const;
    SC_DLLPUBLIC void PutInOrder();

        @param  rErrorRange
                If FALSE is returned, the positions contain <0 or >MAX...
                values if shifted out of bounds.
        @param  pDocument
                The document for the maximum defined sheet number.
    [[nodiscard]] SC_DLLPUBLIC bool Move( SCCOL aDeltaX, SCROW aDeltaY, SCTAB aDeltaZ,
            ScRange& rErrorRange, const ScDocument* pDocument = nullptr );

    /** Same as Move() but with sticky end col/row anchors. */
    [[nodiscard]] SC_DLLPUBLIC bool MoveSticky( const ScDocument& rDoc, SCCOL aDeltaX, SCROW aDeltaY, SCTAB aDeltaZ,
            ScRange& rErrorRange );

    SC_DLLPUBLIC void IncColIfNotLessThan(const ScDocument* pDoc, SCCOL nStartCol, SCCOL nOffset);
    SC_DLLPUBLIC void IncRowIfNotLessThan(const ScDocument* pDoc, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nOffset);

    SC_DLLPUBLIC void ExtendTo( const ScRange& rRange );
    SC_DLLPUBLIC bool Intersects( const ScRange& rRange ) const;    // do two ranges intersect?

    ScRange Intersection( const ScRange& rOther ) const;

    /// If maximum end column should not be adapted during reference update.
    inline bool IsEndColSticky() const;
    /// If maximum end row should not be adapted during reference update.
    inline bool IsEndRowSticky() const;

    /** Increment or decrement end column unless sticky or until it becomes
        sticky. Checks if the range encompasses at least two columns so should
        be called before adjusting the start column. */
    void IncEndColSticky( const ScDocument* pDoc, SCCOL nDelta );

    /** Increment or decrement end row unless sticky or until it becomes
        sticky. Checks if the range encompasses at least two rows so should
        be called before adjusting the start row. */
    void IncEndRowSticky( const ScDocument* pDoc, SCROW nDelta );

    inline bool operator==( const ScRange& rRange ) const;
    inline bool operator!=( const ScRange& rRange ) const;
    inline bool operator<( const ScRange& rRange ) const;
    inline bool operator<=( const ScRange& rRange ) const;

    /// Hash 2D area ignoring table number.
    inline size_t hashArea() const;
    /// Hash start column and start and end rows.
    inline size_t hashStartColumn() const;

// For use in SAL_DEBUG etc. Output format not guaranteed to be stable.
template<typename charT, typename traits>
inline std::basic_ostream<charT, traits> & operator <<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits> & stream, const ScRange& rRange)
    stream << rRange.aStart;
    if (rRange.aEnd != rRange.aStart)
        stream << ":";
        if (rRange.aEnd.Tab() != rRange.aStart.Tab())
            stream << rRange.aEnd;
            stream <<
                "R" << rRange.aEnd.Row()+1 <<
                "C" << rRange.aEnd.Col()+1;

    return stream;

inline void ScRange::GetVars( SCCOL& nCol1, SCROW& nRow1, SCTAB& nTab1,
                              SCCOL& nCol2, SCROW& nRow2, SCTAB& nTab2 ) const
    aStart.GetVars( nCol1, nRow1, nTab1 );
    aEnd.GetVars( nCol2, nRow2, nTab2 );

inline bool ScRange::IsEndColSticky() const
    // Only in an actual column range, i.e. not if both columns are MAXCOL.
    return aEnd.Col() == MAXCOL && aStart.Col() < aEnd.Col();

inline bool ScRange::IsEndRowSticky() const
    // Only in an actual row range, i.e. not if both rows are MAXROW.
    return aEnd.Row() == MAXROW && aStart.Row() < aEnd.Row();

inline bool ScRange::operator==( const ScRange& rRange ) const
    return ( (aStart == rRange.aStart) && (aEnd == rRange.aEnd) );

inline bool ScRange::operator!=( const ScRange& rRange ) const
    return !operator==( rRange );

/// Sort on upper left corner tab,col,row, if equal then use lower right too.
inline bool ScRange::operator<( const ScRange& r ) const
    return aStart < r.aStart || (aStart == r.aStart && aEnd < r.aEnd) ;

inline bool ScRange::operator<=( const ScRange& rRange ) const
    return operator<( rRange ) || operator==( rRange );

inline bool ScRange::In( const ScAddress& rAddress ) const
        aStart.Col() <= rAddress.Col() && rAddress.Col() <= aEnd.Col() &&
        aStart.Row() <= rAddress.Row() && rAddress.Row() <= aEnd.Row() &&
        aStart.Tab() <= rAddress.Tab() && rAddress.Tab() <= aEnd.Tab();

inline bool ScRange::In( const ScRange& rRange ) const
        aStart.Col() <= rRange.aStart.Col() && rRange.aEnd.Col() <= aEnd.Col() &&
        aStart.Row() <= rRange.aStart.Row() && rRange.aEnd.Row() <= aEnd.Row() &&
        aStart.Tab() <= rRange.aStart.Tab() && rRange.aEnd.Tab() <= aEnd.Tab();

inline size_t ScRange::hashArea() const
    // 12 bits for the columns and 20 bits for the rows
        (static_cast<size_t>(aStart.Row()) << 44) ^
        (static_cast<size_t>(aStart.Col()) << 32) ^
        (static_cast<size_t>(aEnd.Col())   << 20) ^
    // Assume that there are not that many ranges with identical corners so we
    // won't have too many collisions. Also assume that more lower row and
    // column numbers are used so that there are not too many conflicts with
    // the columns hashed into the values, and that start row and column
    // usually don't exceed certain values. High bits are not masked off and
    // may overlap with lower bits of other values, e.g. if start column is
    // greater than assumed.
        (static_cast<size_t>(aStart.Row()) << 26) ^ // start row <= 2^6
        (static_cast<size_t>(aStart.Col()) << 21) ^ // start column <= 2^5
        (static_cast<size_t>(aEnd.Col())   << 15) ^ // end column <= 2^6
         static_cast<size_t>(aEnd.Row());           // end row <= 2^15

inline size_t ScRange::hashStartColumn() const
    // 20 bits for the rows
        (static_cast<size_t>(aStart.Col()) << 40) ^
        (static_cast<size_t>(aStart.Row()) << 20) ^
    // Assume that for the start row more lower row numbers are used so that
    // there are not too many conflicts with the column hashed into the higher
    // values.
        (static_cast<size_t>(aStart.Col()) << 24) ^ // start column <= 2^8
        (static_cast<size_t>(aStart.Row()) << 16) ^ // start row <= 2^8

inline bool ValidRange( const ScRange& rRange, SCCOL nMaxCol = MAXCOL, SCROW nMaxRow = MAXROW )
    return ValidAddress(rRange.aStart, nMaxCol, nMaxRow) && ValidAddress(rRange.aEnd, nMaxCol, nMaxRow);

//  ScRangePair
class SAL_WARN_UNUSED ScRangePair final
    std::array<ScRange,2> aRange;

    ScRangePair( const ScRangePair& r )
        aRange[0] = r.aRange[0];
        aRange[1] = r.aRange[1];
    ScRangePair( const ScRange& rRange1, const ScRange& rRange2 )
        aRange[0] = rRange1;
        aRange[1] = rRange2;

    inline ScRangePair& operator= ( const ScRangePair& rRange );
    const ScRange& GetRange( sal_uInt16 n ) const
        return aRange[n];
    ScRange& GetRange( sal_uInt16 n )
        return aRange[n];

inline ScRangePair& ScRangePair::operator= ( const ScRangePair& rRange )
    aRange[0] = rRange.aRange[0];
    aRange[1] = rRange.aRange[1];
    return *this;

//  ScRefAddress
class SAL_WARN_UNUSED ScRefAddress
    ScAddress           aAdr;
    bool                bRelCol;
    bool                bRelRow;
    bool                bRelTab;
    ScRefAddress() :
        bRelCol(false), bRelRow(false), bRelTab(false)
    ScRefAddress( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab ) :
        aAdr(nCol, nRow, nTab),
        bRelCol(false), bRelRow(false), bRelTab(false)
    ScRefAddress( const ScRefAddress& rRef ) :
        aAdr(rRef.aAdr), bRelCol(rRef.bRelCol), bRelRow(rRef.bRelRow),

    inline ScRefAddress& operator=( const ScRefAddress& );

    bool IsRelCol() const
        return bRelCol;
    bool IsRelRow() const
        return bRelRow;
    bool IsRelTab() const
        return bRelTab;

    void SetRelCol(bool bNewRelCol)
        bRelCol = bNewRelCol;
    void SetRelRow(bool bNewRelRow)
        bRelRow = bNewRelRow;
    void SetRelTab(bool bNewRelTab)
        bRelTab = bNewRelTab;

    inline void Set( const ScAddress& rAdr,
                     bool bNewRelCol, bool bNewRelRow, bool bNewRelTab );
    inline void Set( SCCOL nNewCol, SCROW nNewRow, SCTAB nNewTab,
                     bool bNewRelCol, bool bNewRelRow, bool bNewRelTab );

    const ScAddress& GetAddress() const
        return aAdr;

    SCCOL Col() const
        return aAdr.Col();
    SCROW Row() const
        return aAdr.Row();
    SCTAB Tab() const
        return aAdr.Tab();

    inline bool operator == ( const ScRefAddress& r ) const;

    OUString  GetRefString( const ScDocument* pDocument, SCTAB nActTab,
                            const ScAddress::Details& rDetails = ScAddress::detailsOOOa1) const;

inline ScRefAddress& ScRefAddress::operator=( const ScRefAddress& rRef )
    aAdr = rRef.aAdr;
    bRelCol = rRef.bRelCol;
    bRelRow = rRef.bRelRow;
    bRelTab = rRef.bRelTab;
    return *this;

inline void ScRefAddress::Set( const ScAddress& rAdr,
                               bool bNewRelCol, bool bNewRelRow, bool bNewRelTab )
    aAdr = rAdr;
    bRelCol = bNewRelCol;
    bRelRow = bNewRelRow;
    bRelTab = bNewRelTab;

inline void ScRefAddress::Set( SCCOL nNewCol, SCROW nNewRow, SCTAB nNewTab,
                               bool bNewRelCol, bool bNewRelRow, bool bNewRelTab )
    aAdr.Set( nNewCol, nNewRow, nNewTab);
    bRelCol = bNewRelCol;
    bRelRow = bNewRelRow;
    bRelTab = bNewRelTab;

inline bool ScRefAddress::operator==( const ScRefAddress& rRefAddress ) const
    return aAdr == rRefAddress.aAdr &&
           bRelCol == rRefAddress.bRelCol &&
           bRelRow == rRefAddress.bRelRow &&
           bRelTab == rRefAddress.bRelTab;

// Global functions

// Special values for cells always broadcasting or listening (ScRecalcMode::ALWAYS
// and the like).
#define BCA_BRDCST_ALWAYS ScAddress( 0, SCROW_MAX, 0 )

template< typename T > inline void PutInOrder( T& nStart, T& nEnd )
    if (nEnd < nStart)
        std::swap(nStart, nEnd);

bool ConvertSingleRef( const ScDocument* pDocument, const OUString& rRefString,
                       SCTAB nDefTab, ScRefAddress& rRefAddress,
                       const ScAddress::Details& rDetails,
                       ScAddress::ExternalInfo* pExtInfo = nullptr );

bool ConvertDoubleRef( const ScDocument* pDocument, const OUString& rRefString,
                       SCTAB nDefTab, ScRefAddress& rStartRefAddress,
                       ScRefAddress& rEndRefAddress,
                       const ScAddress::Details& rDetails,
                       ScAddress::ExternalInfo* pExtInfo = nullptr );

/// append alpha representation of column to buffer
SC_DLLPUBLIC void ScColToAlpha( OUStringBuffer& rBuffer, SCCOL nCol);

inline void ScColToAlpha( OUString& rStr, SCCOL nCol)
    OUStringBuffer aBuf(4);
    ScColToAlpha( aBuf, nCol);
    rStr += aBuf;

inline OUString ScColToAlpha( SCCOL nCol )
    OUStringBuffer aBuf(4);
    ScColToAlpha( aBuf, nCol);
    return aBuf.makeStringAndClear();

/// get column number of A..IV... string
bool AlphaToCol(const ScDocument& rDoc, SCCOL& rCol, const OUString& rStr);


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