/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stack>

#include <tools/color.hxx>
#include <tools/datetime.hxx>
#include <tools/link.hxx>
#include <tools/mempool.hxx>
#include <unotools/options.hxx>
#include "global.hxx"
#include "bigrange.hxx"
#include "scdllapi.h"
#include "cellvalue.hxx"

class ScDocument;
class ScFormulaCell;
class ScChangeAction;
class ScChangeTrack;
class ScAppOptions;

class ScActionColorChanger
    const ScAppOptions&     rOpt;
    const std::set<OUString>& rUsers;
    OUString                aLastUserName;
    sal_uInt16              nLastUserIndex;
    ColorData               nColor;

    ScActionColorChanger( const ScChangeTrack& rTrack );
    ~ScActionColorChanger() {}
    void        Update( const ScChangeAction& rAction );
    ColorData   GetColor() const    { return nColor; }

enum ScChangeActionType

enum ScChangeActionState

enum ScChangeActionClipMode

//  ScChangeActionLinkEntry
// Inserts itself as the head of a chain (better: linked list?), or before a LinkEntry
// on delete: automatically remove of what is linked (German original was strange...)
// ppPrev == &previous->pNext oder address of pointer to head of linked list,
// *ppPrev == this

class ScChangeAction;

class ScChangeActionLinkEntry
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry( const ScChangeActionLinkEntry& ) = delete;
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry& operator=( const ScChangeActionLinkEntry& ) = delete;


    ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    pNext;
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry**   ppPrev;
    ScChangeAction*             pAction;
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    pLink;


    DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScChangeActionLinkEntry )

            ScChangeActionLinkEntry** ppPrevP,
            ScChangeAction* pActionP )
        :   pNext( *ppPrevP ),
            ppPrev( ppPrevP ),
            pAction( pActionP ),
            pLink( nullptr )
            if ( pNext )
                pNext->ppPrev = &pNext;
            *ppPrevP = this;

    virtual ~ScChangeActionLinkEntry()
        ScChangeActionLinkEntry* p = pLink;
        if ( p )
            delete p;

    void SetLink( ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLinkP )
        if ( pLinkP )
            pLink = pLinkP;
            pLinkP->pLink = this;

    void UnLink()
        if ( pLink )
            pLink->pLink = nullptr;
            pLink = nullptr;

    void Remove()
        if ( ppPrev )
            if ( ( *ppPrev = pNext ) != nullptr )
                pNext->ppPrev = ppPrev;
            ppPrev = nullptr;  // not inserted

    const ScChangeActionLinkEntry*  GetNext() const     { return pNext; }
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry*        GetNext()           { return pNext; }
    const ScChangeAction*           GetAction() const   { return pAction; }
    ScChangeAction*                 GetAction()         { return pAction; }

// ScChangeActionCellListEntry
// this is only for the XML Export in the hxx
class ScChangeActionContent;

class ScChangeActionCellListEntry
    friend class ScChangeAction;
    friend class ScChangeActionDel;
    friend class ScChangeActionMove;
    friend class ScChangeTrack;

    ScChangeActionCellListEntry*    pNext;
    ScChangeActionContent*          pContent;

        ScChangeActionContent* pContentP,
        ScChangeActionCellListEntry* pNextP )
        :   pNext( pNextP ),
            pContent( pContentP )

    DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScChangeActionCellListEntry )

//  ScChangeAction
class ScChangeTrack;
class ScChangeActionIns;
class ScChangeActionDel;
class ScChangeActionContent;

class ScChangeAction
    friend class ScChangeTrack;
    friend class ScChangeActionIns;
    friend class ScChangeActionDel;
    friend class ScChangeActionMove;
    friend class ScChangeActionContent;

    ScChangeAction( const ScChangeAction& ) = delete;
    ScChangeAction& operator=( const ScChangeAction& ) = delete;


    ScBigRange          aBigRange;          // Ins/Del/MoveTo/ContentPos
    DateTime            aDateTime;          //! UTC
    OUString       aUser;              // who?
    OUString       aComment;           // user comment
    ScChangeAction*     pNext;              // next in linked list
    ScChangeAction*     pPrev;              // previous in linked list
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    pLinkAny;   // arbitrary links
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    pLinkDeletedIn; // access to insert areas which were
                                            // deleted or moved or rejected
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    pLinkDeleted;   // links to deleted
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    pLinkDependent; // links to dependent
    sal_uLong               nAction;
    sal_uLong               nRejectAction;
    ScChangeActionType  eType;
    ScChangeActionState eState;

    ScChangeAction( ScChangeActionType, const ScRange& );

    // only to be used in the XML import
    ScChangeAction( ScChangeActionType,
                    const ScBigRange&,
                    const sal_uLong nAction,
                    const sal_uLong nRejectAction,
                    const ScChangeActionState eState,
                    const DateTime& aDateTime,
                    const OUString& aUser,
                    const OUString& aComment );

    // only to be used in the XML import
    ScChangeAction( ScChangeActionType, const ScBigRange&, const sal_uLong nAction);

    virtual ~ScChangeAction();

    OUString GetRefString(
        const ScBigRange& rRange, ScDocument* pDoc, bool bFlag3D = false) const;

    void SetActionNumber( sal_uLong n ) { nAction = n; }
    void SetRejectAction( sal_uLong n ) { nRejectAction = n; }
    void SetUser( const OUString& r );
    void SetType( ScChangeActionType e ) { eType = e; }
    void SetState( ScChangeActionState e ) { eState = e; }
    void SetRejected();

    ScBigRange& GetBigRange() { return aBigRange; }

    void AddLink( ScChangeAction* p, ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pL )
        ScChangeActionLinkEntry* pLnk =
            new ScChangeActionLinkEntry(
            &pLinkAny, p );
        pLnk->SetLink( pL );

    void RemoveAllAnyLinks();

    virtual ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    GetDeletedIn() const
                                            { return pLinkDeletedIn; }
    virtual ScChangeActionLinkEntry**   GetDeletedInAddress()
                                            { return &pLinkDeletedIn; }
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry* AddDeletedIn( ScChangeAction* p )
        return new ScChangeActionLinkEntry(
            GetDeletedInAddress(), p );

    bool RemoveDeletedIn( const ScChangeAction* );
    void SetDeletedIn( ScChangeAction* );

    ScChangeActionLinkEntry* AddDeleted( ScChangeAction* p )
        return new ScChangeActionLinkEntry(&pLinkDeleted, p);

    void RemoveAllDeleted();

    ScChangeActionLinkEntry* AddDependent( ScChangeAction* p )
        return new ScChangeActionLinkEntry(&pLinkDependent, p);

    void                RemoveAllDependent();

    void                RemoveAllLinks();

    virtual void AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* ) = 0;
    virtual void DeleteCellEntries() = 0;

    virtual void UpdateReference( const ScChangeTrack*,
                     UpdateRefMode, const ScBigRange&,
                     sal_Int32 nDx, sal_Int32 nDy, sal_Int32 nDz );

    void Accept();
    virtual bool Reject(ScDocument* pDoc) = 0;
    void RejectRestoreContents( ScChangeTrack*, SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy );

    // used in Reject() instead of IsRejectable()
    bool IsInternalRejectable() const;

    // Derived classes that hold a pointer to the
    // ChangeTrack must return that. Otherwise NULL.
    virtual const ScChangeTrack* GetChangeTrack() const = 0;

    bool IsInsertType() const;
    bool IsDeleteType() const;
    bool IsVirgin() const;
    SC_DLLPUBLIC bool IsAccepted() const;
    bool IsRejected() const;

    // Action rejects another Action
    bool IsRejecting() const;

    // if action is visible in the document
    bool IsVisible() const;

    // if action if touchable
    bool IsTouchable() const;

    // if action is an entry in dialog root
    bool IsDialogRoot() const;

    // if an entry in a dialog shall be a drop down entry
    bool IsDialogParent() const;

    // if action is a delete with subdeletes (aufgeklappt = open ?)
    bool IsMasterDelete() const;

    // if action is acceptable/selectable/rejectable
    bool IsClickable() const;

    // if action is rejectable
    bool IsRejectable() const;

    const ScBigRange& GetBigRange() const { return aBigRange; }
    SC_DLLPUBLIC DateTime GetDateTime() const;        // local time
    const DateTime&     GetDateTimeUTC() const      // UTC time
                            { return aDateTime; }
    ScChangeActionType  GetType() const { return eType; }
    ScChangeActionState GetState() const { return eState; }
    sal_uLong               GetActionNumber() const { return nAction; }
    sal_uLong               GetRejectAction() const { return nRejectAction; }

    ScChangeAction*     GetNext() const { return pNext; }
    ScChangeAction*     GetPrev() const { return pPrev; }

    bool IsDeletedIn() const;
    bool IsDeletedIn( const ScChangeAction* ) const;
    bool IsDeletedInDelType( ScChangeActionType ) const;
    void RemoveAllDeletedIn();

    const ScChangeActionLinkEntry* GetFirstDeletedEntry() const
                            { return pLinkDeleted; }
    const ScChangeActionLinkEntry* GetFirstDependentEntry() const
                            { return pLinkDependent; }
    bool HasDependent() const;
    bool HasDeleted() const;
                                // description will be appended to string
                                // with bSplitRange only one column/row will be considered for delete
                                // (for a listing of entries)
    virtual void GetDescription(
        OUString& rStr, ScDocument* pDoc,
        bool bSplitRange = false, bool bWarning = true ) const;

    virtual void GetRefString(
        OUString& rStr, ScDocument* pDoc, bool bFlag3D = false ) const;

                        // for DocumentMerge set old date of the other
                        // action, fetched by GetDateTimeUTC
    void                SetDateTimeUTC( const DateTime& rDT )
                            { aDateTime = rDT; }

    const OUString& GetUser() const { return aUser;}
    const OUString& GetComment() const { return aComment;}

    // set user comment
    void SetComment( const OUString& rStr );

                        // only to be used in the XML import
    void                SetDeletedInThis( sal_uLong nActionNumber,
                                const ScChangeTrack* pTrack );
                        // only to be used in the XML import
    void                AddDependent( sal_uLong nActionNumber,
                                const ScChangeTrack* pTrack );

//  ScChangeActionIns
class ScChangeActionIns : public ScChangeAction
    friend class ScChangeTrack;

    bool mbEndOfList; /// whether or not a row was auto-inserted at the bottom.

    ScChangeActionIns( const ScRange& rRange, bool bEndOfList = false );
    virtual                     ~ScChangeActionIns();

    virtual void                AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* ) override {}
    virtual void                DeleteCellEntries() override {}

    virtual bool Reject(ScDocument* pDoc) override;

    virtual const ScChangeTrack*    GetChangeTrack() const override { return nullptr; }

        const sal_uLong nActionNumber,
        const ScChangeActionState eState,
        const sal_uLong nRejectingNumber,
        const ScBigRange& aBigRange,
        const OUString& aUser,
        const DateTime& aDateTime,
        const OUString &sComment,
        const ScChangeActionType eType,
        bool bEndOfList = false );

    virtual void GetDescription(
        OUString& rStr, ScDocument* pDoc, bool bSplitRange = false, bool bWarning = true) const override;

    SC_DLLPUBLIC bool IsEndOfList() const;

//  ScChangeActionDel
class ScChangeActionMove;

class ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry : public ScChangeActionLinkEntry
    friend class ScChangeActionDel;
    friend class ScChangeTrack;

    short               nCutOffFrom;
    short               nCutOffTo;

    inline ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry(
        ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry** ppPrevP,
        ScChangeActionMove* pMove,
        short nFrom, short nTo );

    inline ScChangeActionMove* GetMove();

    const ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry*   GetNext() const
                                return static_cast<const ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry*>(
    inline const ScChangeActionMove*   GetMove() const;
    short               GetCutOffFrom() const { return nCutOffFrom; }
    short               GetCutOffTo() const { return nCutOffTo; }

class ScChangeActionDel : public ScChangeAction
    friend class ScChangeTrack;
    friend void ScChangeAction::Accept();

    ScChangeTrack*      pTrack;
    ScChangeActionCellListEntry* pFirstCell;
    ScChangeActionIns*  pCutOff;        // cut insert
    short               nCutOff;        // +: start  -: end
    ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry* pLinkMove;
    SCsCOL              nDx;
    SCsROW              nDy;

    ScChangeActionDel( const ScRange& rRange, SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy, ScChangeTrack* );
    virtual ~ScChangeActionDel();

    virtual void                AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* ) override;
    virtual void                DeleteCellEntries() override;

            void                UndoCutOffMoves();
            void                UndoCutOffInsert();

    virtual void                UpdateReference( const ScChangeTrack*,
                                    UpdateRefMode, const ScBigRange&,
                                    sal_Int32 nDx, sal_Int32 nDy, sal_Int32 nDz ) override;

    virtual bool Reject(ScDocument* pDoc) override;

    virtual const ScChangeTrack*    GetChangeTrack() const override { return pTrack; }

        const sal_uLong nActionNumber, const ScChangeActionState eState,
        const sal_uLong nRejectingNumber, const ScBigRange& aBigRange,
        const OUString& aUser, const DateTime& aDateTime,
        const OUString &sComment, const ScChangeActionType eType,
        const SCsCOLROW nD, ScChangeTrack* pTrack); // only to use in the XML import
                                            // which of nDx and nDy is set is dependent on the type

    // is the last in a row (or single)
    bool IsBaseDelete() const;

    // is the first in a row (or single)
    bool IsTopDelete() const;

    // is part of a row
    bool IsMultiDelete() const;

    // is col, belonging to a TabDelete
    bool IsTabDeleteCol() const;

    SCsCOL GetDx() const { return nDx; }
    SCsROW GetDy() const { return nDy; }
    ScBigRange          GetOverAllRange() const;    // BigRange + (nDx, nDy)

    const ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry* GetFirstMoveEntry() const
                            { return pLinkMove; }
    const ScChangeActionIns*    GetCutOffInsert() const { return pCutOff; }
    short               GetCutOffCount() const { return nCutOff; }

    virtual void GetDescription(
        OUString& rStr, ScDocument* pDoc, bool bSplitRange = false, bool bWarning = true ) const override;

    void                SetCutOffInsert( ScChangeActionIns* p, short n )
                            { pCutOff = p; nCutOff = n; }   // only to use in the XML import
                                                                    // this should be protected, but for the XML import it is public
    // only to use in the XML import
    // this should be protected, but for the XML import it is public
    ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry* AddCutOffMove(
        ScChangeActionMove* pMove, short nFrom, short nTo );

//  ScChangeActionMove
class ScChangeActionMove : public ScChangeAction
    friend class ScChangeTrack;
    friend class ScChangeActionDel;

    ScBigRange          aFromRange;
    ScChangeTrack*      pTrack;
    ScChangeActionCellListEntry* pFirstCell;
    sal_uLong               nStartLastCut;  // for PasteCut undo
    sal_uLong               nEndLastCut;

    ScChangeActionMove( const ScRange& rFromRange,
        const ScRange& rToRange,
        ScChangeTrack* pTrackP )
        : ScChangeAction( SC_CAT_MOVE, rToRange ),
            aFromRange( rFromRange ),
            pTrack( pTrackP ),
            pFirstCell( nullptr ),
    virtual ~ScChangeActionMove();

    virtual void                AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* ) override;
    virtual void                DeleteCellEntries() override;

            ScBigRange&         GetFromRange() { return aFromRange; }

            void                SetStartLastCut( sal_uLong nVal ) { nStartLastCut = nVal; }
            sal_uLong               GetStartLastCut() const { return nStartLastCut; }
            void                SetEndLastCut( sal_uLong nVal ) { nEndLastCut = nVal; }
            sal_uLong               GetEndLastCut() const { return nEndLastCut; }

    virtual void                UpdateReference( const ScChangeTrack*,
                                    UpdateRefMode, const ScBigRange&,
                                    sal_Int32 nDx, sal_Int32 nDy, sal_Int32 nDz ) override;

    virtual bool Reject(ScDocument* pDoc) override;

    virtual const ScChangeTrack*    GetChangeTrack() const override { return pTrack; }

    using ScChangeAction::GetRefString;

    ScChangeActionMove(const sal_uLong nActionNumber,
                    const ScChangeActionState eState,
                    const sal_uLong nRejectingNumber,
                    const ScBigRange& aToBigRange,
                    const OUString& aUser,
                    const DateTime& aDateTime,
                    const OUString &sComment,
                    const ScBigRange& aFromBigRange,
                    ScChangeTrack* pTrack); // only to use in the XML import

    const ScBigRange&   GetFromRange() const { return aFromRange; }
    SC_DLLPUBLIC        void                GetDelta( sal_Int32& nDx, sal_Int32& nDy, sal_Int32& nDz ) const;

    virtual void GetDescription(
        OUString& rStr, ScDocument* pDoc, bool bSplitRange = false,
        bool bWarning = true ) const override;

    virtual void GetRefString(
        OUString& rStr, ScDocument* pDoc, bool bFlag3D = false ) const override;

    ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry** ppPrevP,
    ScChangeActionMove* pMove,
    short nFrom, short nTo )
    :   ScChangeActionLinkEntry(
            static_cast<ScChangeAction*>(pMove) ),
        nCutOffFrom( nFrom ),
        nCutOffTo( nTo )

inline ScChangeActionMove* ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry::GetMove()
                               return static_cast<ScChangeActionMove*>(

inline const ScChangeActionMove* ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry::GetMove() const
                              return static_cast<const ScChangeActionMove*>(
//  ScChangeActionContent
enum ScChangeActionContentCellType
    SC_CACCT_NONE = 0,

class ScChangeActionContent : public ScChangeAction
    friend class ScChangeTrack;

    ScCellValue maOldCell;
    ScCellValue maNewCell;

    OUString maOldValue;
    OUString maNewValue;
    ScChangeActionContent*  pNextContent;   // at the same position
    ScChangeActionContent*  pPrevContent;
    ScChangeActionContent*  pNextInSlot;    // in the same slot
    ScChangeActionContent** ppPrevInSlot;

    void InsertInSlot( ScChangeActionContent** pp )
        if ( !ppPrevInSlot )
            ppPrevInSlot = pp;
            if ( ( pNextInSlot = *pp ) != nullptr )
                pNextInSlot->ppPrevInSlot = &pNextInSlot;
            *pp = this;

    void RemoveFromSlot()
        if ( ppPrevInSlot )
            if ( ( *ppPrevInSlot = pNextInSlot ) != nullptr )
                pNextInSlot->ppPrevInSlot = ppPrevInSlot;
            ppPrevInSlot = nullptr;    // not inserted

    ScChangeActionContent*  GetNextInSlot() { return pNextInSlot; }

    void ClearTrack();

    static void GetStringOfCell(
        OUString& rStr, const ScCellValue& rCell, const ScDocument* pDoc, const ScAddress& rPos );

    static void GetStringOfCell(
        OUString& rStr, const ScCellValue& rCell, const ScDocument* pDoc, sal_uLong nFormat );

    static void SetValue( OUString& rStr, ScCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos,
                          const ScCellValue& rOrgCell, const ScDocument* pFromDoc,
                          ScDocument* pToDoc );

    static void SetValue( OUString& rStr, ScCellValue& rCell, sal_uLong nFormat,
                          const ScCellValue& rOrgCell, const ScDocument* pFromDoc,
                          ScDocument* pToDoc );

    static void SetCell( OUString& rStr, ScCellValue& rCell, sal_uLong nFormat, const ScDocument* pDoc );

    static bool NeedsNumberFormat( const ScCellValue& rVal );

    void SetValueString( OUString& rValue, ScCellValue& rCell, const OUString& rStr, ScDocument* pDoc );

    void GetValueString( OUString& rStr, const OUString& rValue, const ScCellValue& rCell,
                         const ScDocument* pDoc ) const;

    void GetFormulaString( OUString& rStr, const ScFormulaCell* pCell ) const;

    virtual void                AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* ) override {}
    virtual void                DeleteCellEntries() override {}

    virtual void                UpdateReference( const ScChangeTrack*,
                                    UpdateRefMode, const ScBigRange&,
                                    sal_Int32 nDx, sal_Int32 nDy, sal_Int32 nDz ) override;

    virtual bool Reject(ScDocument* pDoc) override;

    virtual const ScChangeTrack*    GetChangeTrack() const override { return nullptr; }

    // pRejectActions!=NULL: reject actions get
    // stacked, no SetNewValue, no Append
    bool Select( ScDocument*, ScChangeTrack*,
                 bool bOldest, ::std::stack<ScChangeActionContent*>* pRejectActions );

    void PutValueToDoc(
        const ScCellValue& rCell, const OUString& rValue, ScDocument* pDoc, SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy ) const;

    using ScChangeAction::GetRefString;


    DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScChangeActionContent )

    ScChangeActionContent( const ScRange& rRange );

        const sal_uLong nActionNumber,  const ScChangeActionState eState,
        const sal_uLong nRejectingNumber, const ScBigRange& aBigRange,
        const OUString& aUser, const DateTime& aDateTime,
        const OUString &sComment, const ScCellValue& rOldCell,
        ScDocument* pDoc, const OUString& sOldValue ); // to use for XML Import

        const sal_uLong nActionNumber, const ScCellValue& rNewCell,
        const ScBigRange& aBigRange, ScDocument* pDoc,
        const OUString& sNewValue ); // to use for XML Import of Generated Actions

    virtual ~ScChangeActionContent();

    ScChangeActionContent*  GetNextContent() const { return pNextContent; }
    ScChangeActionContent*  GetPrevContent() const { return pPrevContent; }
    ScChangeActionContent*  GetTopContent() const;
    bool IsTopContent() const { return pNextContent == nullptr; }

    virtual ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    GetDeletedIn() const override;
    virtual ScChangeActionLinkEntry**   GetDeletedInAddress() override;

    void                PutOldValueToDoc( ScDocument*,
                            SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy ) const;
    void                PutNewValueToDoc( ScDocument*,
                            SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy ) const;

    void SetOldValue( const ScCellValue& rCell, const ScDocument* pFromDoc, ScDocument* pToDoc, sal_uLong nFormat );

    void SetOldValue( const ScCellValue& rCell, const ScDocument* pFromDoc, ScDocument* pToDoc );

    void SetNewValue( const ScCellValue& rCell, ScDocument* pDoc );

    // Used in import filter AppendContentOnTheFly,
    void SetOldNewCells(
        const ScCellValue& rOldCell, sal_uLong nOldFormat,
        const ScCellValue& rNewCell, sal_uLong nNewFormat, ScDocument* pDoc );

    // Use this only in the XML import,
    // takes ownership of cell.
    void SetNewCell(
        const ScCellValue& rCell, ScDocument* pDoc, const OUString& rFormatted );

                        // These functions should be protected but for
                        // the XML import they are public.
    void                SetNextContent( ScChangeActionContent* p )
                            { pNextContent = p; }
    void                SetPrevContent( ScChangeActionContent* p )
                            { pPrevContent = p; }

    // don't use:
    // assigns string / creates formula cell
    void SetOldValue( const OUString& rOld, ScDocument* pDoc );

    void GetOldString( OUString& rStr, const ScDocument* pDoc ) const;
    void GetNewString( OUString& rStr, const ScDocument* pDoc ) const;
    const ScCellValue& GetOldCell() const { return maOldCell;}
    const ScCellValue& GetNewCell() const { return maNewCell;}
    virtual void GetDescription(
        OUString& rStr, ScDocument* pDoc, bool bSplitRange = false, bool bWarning = true ) const override;

    virtual void GetRefString(
        OUString& rStr, ScDocument* pDoc, bool bFlag3D = false ) const override;

    static ScChangeActionContentCellType GetContentCellType( const ScCellValue& rCell );
    static ScChangeActionContentCellType GetContentCellType( const ScRefCellValue& rIter );

    // NewCell
    bool IsMatrixOrigin() const;
    // OldCell
    bool IsOldMatrixReference() const;

//  ScChangeActionReject
class ScChangeActionReject : public ScChangeAction
    friend class ScChangeTrack;
    friend class ScChangeActionContent;

    ScChangeActionReject( sal_uLong nReject ) :
        ScChangeAction( SC_CAT_REJECT, ScRange() )
        SetRejectAction( nReject );
        SetState( SC_CAS_ACCEPTED );

    virtual void AddContent( ScChangeActionContent* ) override {}
    virtual void DeleteCellEntries() override {}

    virtual bool Reject(ScDocument* pDoc) override;

    virtual const ScChangeTrack* GetChangeTrack() const override { return nullptr; }

    ScChangeActionReject(const sal_uLong nActionNumber,
                    const ScChangeActionState eState,
                    const sal_uLong nRejectingNumber,
                    const ScBigRange& aBigRange,
                    const OUString& aUser,
                    const DateTime& aDateTime,
                    const OUString &sComment); // only to use in the XML import

//  ScChangeTrack
enum ScChangeTrackMsgType
    SC_CTM_APPEND,      // Actions appended
    SC_CTM_REMOVE,      // Actions removed
    SC_CTM_CHANGE,      // Actions changed
    SC_CTM_PARENT       // became a parent (and wasn't before)

struct ScChangeTrackMsgInfo

    ScChangeTrackMsgType    eMsgType;
    sal_uLong                   nStartAction;
    sal_uLong                   nEndAction;

// MsgQueue for notification via ModifiedLink
typedef std::deque<ScChangeTrackMsgInfo*> ScChangeTrackMsgQueue;
typedef std::stack<ScChangeTrackMsgInfo*> ScChangeTrackMsgStack;
typedef std::map<sal_uLong, ScChangeAction*> ScChangeActionMap;

enum ScChangeTrackMergeState

// Internally generated actions start at this value (nearly all bits set)
// and are decremented, to keep values in a table separated from "normal" actions.
#define SC_CHGTRACK_GENERATED_START ((sal_uInt32) 0xfffffff0)

class ScChangeTrack : public utl::ConfigurationListener
    friend void ScChangeAction::RejectRestoreContents( ScChangeTrack*, SCsCOL, SCsROW );
    friend bool ScChangeActionDel::Reject( ScDocument* pDoc );
    friend void ScChangeActionDel::DeleteCellEntries();
    friend void ScChangeActionMove::DeleteCellEntries();
    friend bool ScChangeActionMove::Reject( ScDocument* pDoc );

    static  const SCROW         nContentRowsPerSlot;
    static  const SCSIZE        nContentSlots;

    css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >   aProtectPass;
    ScChangeActionMap   aMap;
    ScChangeActionMap   aGeneratedMap;
    ScChangeActionMap   aPasteCutMap;
    ScChangeTrackMsgQueue   aMsgQueue;
    ScChangeTrackMsgStack   aMsgStackTmp;
    ScChangeTrackMsgStack   aMsgStackFinal;
    std::set<OUString> maUserCollection;
    OUString maUser;
    Link<ScChangeTrack&,void> aModifiedLink;
    ScRange             aInDeleteRange;
    DateTime            aFixDateTime;
    ScChangeAction*     pFirst;
    ScChangeAction*     pLast;
    ScChangeActionContent*  pFirstGeneratedDelContent;
    ScChangeActionContent** ppContentSlots;
    ScChangeActionMove*     pLastCutMove;
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    pLinkInsertCol;
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    pLinkInsertRow;
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    pLinkInsertTab;
    ScChangeActionLinkEntry*    pLinkMove;
    ScChangeTrackMsgInfo*   pBlockModifyMsg;
    ScDocument*         pDoc;
    sal_uLong               nActionMax;
    sal_uLong               nGeneratedMin;
    sal_uLong               nMarkLastSaved;
    sal_uLong               nStartLastCut;
    sal_uLong               nEndLastCut;
    sal_uLong               nLastMerge;
    ScChangeTrackMergeState eMergeState;
    bool bLoadSave:1;
    bool bInDelete:1;
    bool bInDeleteUndo:1;
    bool bInDeleteTop:1;
    bool bInPasteCut:1;
    bool bUseFixDateTime:1;
    bool bTimeNanoSeconds:1;

    ScChangeTrack( const ScChangeTrack& ) = delete;
    ScChangeTrack& operator=( const ScChangeTrack& ) = delete;

    static  SCROW               InitContentRowsPerSlot();

    // true if one is MM_FORMULA and the other is
    // not, or if both are and range differs
    static bool IsMatrixFormulaRangeDifferent(
        const ScCellValue& rOldCell, const ScCellValue& rNewCell );

    void                Init();
    void                DtorClear();
    void                SetInDeleteRange( const ScRange& rRange )
                            { aInDeleteRange = rRange; }
    void                SetInDelete( bool bVal )
                            { bInDelete = bVal; }
    void                SetInDeleteTop( bool bVal )
                            { bInDeleteTop = bVal; }
    void                SetInDeleteUndo( bool bVal )
                            { bInDeleteUndo = bVal; }
    void                SetInPasteCut( bool bVal )
                            { bInPasteCut = bVal; }
    void                SetMergeState( ScChangeTrackMergeState eState )
                            { eMergeState = eState; }
    ScChangeTrackMergeState GetMergeState() const { return eMergeState; }
    void                SetLastMerge( sal_uLong nVal ) { nLastMerge = nVal; }
    sal_uLong               GetLastMerge() const { return nLastMerge; }

    void                SetLastCutMoveRange( const ScRange&, ScDocument* );

                        // create block of ModifyMsg
    void                StartBlockModify( ScChangeTrackMsgType,
                            sal_uLong nStartAction );
    void                EndBlockModify( sal_uLong nEndAction );

    void                AddDependentWithNotify( ScChangeAction* pParent,
                            ScChangeAction* pDependent );

    void                Dependencies( ScChangeAction* );
    void UpdateReference( ScChangeAction*, bool bUndo );
    void UpdateReference( ScChangeAction** ppFirstAction, ScChangeAction* pAct, bool bUndo );
    void                Append( ScChangeAction* pAppend, sal_uLong nAction );
    SC_DLLPUBLIC        void                AppendDeleteRange( const ScRange&,
                                    ScDocument* pRefDoc, SCsTAB nDz,
                                    sal_uLong nRejectingInsert );
    void                AppendOneDeleteRange( const ScRange& rOrgRange,
                            ScDocument* pRefDoc,
                            SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy, SCsTAB nDz,
                            sal_uLong nRejectingInsert );
    void                LookUpContents( const ScRange& rOrgRange,
                            ScDocument* pRefDoc,
                            SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy, SCsTAB nDz );
    void                Remove( ScChangeAction* );
    void                MasterLinks( ScChangeAction* );

                                // Content on top an Position
    ScChangeActionContent*  SearchContentAt( const ScBigAddress&,
                                    ScChangeAction* pButNotThis ) const;
    void                DeleteGeneratedDelContent(
                                    ScChangeActionContent* );

    ScChangeActionContent* GenerateDelContent(
        const ScAddress& rPos, const ScCellValue& rCell, const ScDocument* pFromDoc );

    void                DeleteCellEntries(
                                    ScChangeAction* pDeletor );

                                // Reject action and all dependent actions,
                                // Table stems from previous GetDependents,
                                // only needed for Insert and Move (MasterType),
                                // is NULL otherwise.
                                // bRecursion == called from reject with table
    bool Reject( ScChangeAction*, ScChangeActionMap*, bool bRecursion );

    bool IsLastAction( sal_uLong nNum ) const;

            void                ClearMsgQueue();
    virtual void                ConfigurationChanged( utl::ConfigurationBroadcaster*, sal_uInt32 ) override;


    static  SCSIZE              ComputeContentSlot( sal_Int32 nRow )
                                        if ( nRow < 0 || nRow > MAXROW )
                                            return nContentSlots - 1;
                                        return static_cast< SCSIZE >( nRow / nContentRowsPerSlot );

    SC_DLLPUBLIC ScChangeTrack( ScDocument* );
    ScChangeTrack(ScDocument* pDocP, const std::set<OUString>& aTempUserCollection); // only to use in the XML import
    SC_DLLPUBLIC virtual ~ScChangeTrack();
    void Clear();

    ScChangeActionContent*  GetFirstGenerated() const { return pFirstGeneratedDelContent; }
    ScChangeAction*     GetFirst() const { return pFirst; }
    ScChangeAction*     GetLast() const { return pLast; }
    sal_uLong               GetActionMax() const { return nActionMax; }
    bool IsGenerated( sal_uLong nAction ) const;
    SC_DLLPUBLIC ScChangeAction* GetAction( sal_uLong nAction ) const;
    ScChangeAction* GetGenerated( sal_uLong nGenerated ) const;
    ScChangeAction* GetActionOrGenerated( sal_uLong nAction ) const;
    sal_uLong GetLastSavedActionNumber() const;
    void SetLastSavedActionNumber(sal_uLong nNew);
    ScChangeAction* GetLastSaved() const;
    ScChangeActionContent** GetContentSlots() const { return ppContentSlots; }

    bool IsLoadSave() const { return bLoadSave; }
    const ScRange&      GetInDeleteRange() const
                            { return aInDeleteRange; }
    bool IsInDelete() const { return bInDelete; }
    bool IsInDeleteTop() const { return bInDeleteTop; }
    bool IsInDeleteUndo() const { return bInDeleteUndo; }
    bool IsInPasteCut() const { return bInPasteCut; }
    SC_DLLPUBLIC void SetUser( const OUString& rUser );
    const OUString& GetUser() const { return maUser;}
    const std::set<OUString>& GetUserCollection() const { return maUserCollection;}
    ScDocument*         GetDocument() const { return pDoc; }
                        // for import filter
    const DateTime&     GetFixDateTime() const { return aFixDateTime; }

                        // set this if the date/time set with
                        // SetFixDateTime...() shall be applied to
                        // appended actions
    void                SetUseFixDateTime( bool bVal )
                            { bUseFixDateTime = bVal; }
                        // for MergeDocument, apply original date/time as UTC
    void                SetFixDateTimeUTC( const DateTime& rDT )
                            { aFixDateTime = rDT; }
                        // for import filter, apply original date/time as local time
    void                SetFixDateTimeLocal( const DateTime& rDT )
                            { aFixDateTime = rDT; aFixDateTime.ConvertToUTC(); }

    void                Append( ScChangeAction* );

                                // pRefDoc may be NULL => no lookup of contents
                                // => no generation of deleted contents
    SC_DLLPUBLIC void AppendDeleteRange( const ScRange&,
                                    ScDocument* pRefDoc,
                                    sal_uLong& nStartAction, sal_uLong& nEndAction,
                                    SCsTAB nDz = 0 );
                                    // nDz: multi TabDel, LookUpContent must be searched
                                    // with an offset of -nDz

                        // after new value was set in the document,
                        // old value from RefDoc/UndoDoc
    void                AppendContent( const ScAddress& rPos,
                            ScDocument* pRefDoc );
                        // after new values were set in the document,
                        // old values from RefDoc/UndoDoc
    void                AppendContentRange( const ScRange& rRange,
                            ScDocument* pRefDoc,
                            sal_uLong& nStartAction, sal_uLong& nEndAction,
                            ScChangeActionClipMode eMode = SC_CACM_NONE );
                        // after new value was set in the document,
                        // old value from pOldCell, nOldFormat,
                        // RefDoc==NULL => Doc
    void AppendContent( const ScAddress& rPos, const ScCellValue& rOldCell,
                        sal_uLong nOldFormat, ScDocument* pRefDoc = nullptr );
                        // after new value was set in the document,
                        // old value from pOldCell, format from Doc
    SC_DLLPUBLIC void AppendContent( const ScAddress& rPos, const ScCellValue& rOldCell );
                        // after new values were set in the document,
                        // old values from RefDoc/UndoDoc.
                        // All contents with a cell in RefDoc
    void                AppendContentsIfInRefDoc( ScDocument* pRefDoc,
                            sal_uLong& nStartAction, sal_uLong& nEndAction );

                        // Meant for import filter, creates and inserts
                        // an unconditional content action of the two
                        // cells without querying the document, not
                        // even for number formats (though the number
                        // formatter of the document may be used).
                        // The action is returned and may be used to
                        // set user name, description, date/time et al.
                        // Takes ownership of the cells!
    SC_DLLPUBLIC ScChangeActionContent* AppendContentOnTheFly(
        const ScAddress& rPos, const ScCellValue& rOldCell, const ScCellValue& rNewCell,
        sal_uLong nOldFormat = 0, sal_uLong nNewFormat = 0 );

    // Only use the following two if there is no different solution! (Assign
    // string for NewValue or creation of a formula respectively)

    SC_DLLPUBLIC void AppendInsert( const ScRange& rRange, bool bEndOfList = false );

                                // pRefDoc may be NULL => no lookup of contents
                                // => no generation of deleted contents
    SC_DLLPUBLIC void AppendMove( const ScRange& rFromRange, const ScRange& rToRange,
                                  ScDocument* pRefDoc );

                                // Cut to Clipboard
    void ResetLastCut()
        nStartLastCut = nEndLastCut = 0;
        if ( pLastCutMove )
            delete pLastCutMove;
            pLastCutMove = nullptr;
    bool HasLastCut() const
        return nEndLastCut > 0 &&
            nStartLastCut <= nEndLastCut &&

    SC_DLLPUBLIC void Undo( sal_uLong nStartAction, sal_uLong nEndAction, bool bMerge = false );

                        // adjust references for MergeDocument
                        //! may only be used in a temporary opened document.
                        //! the Track (?) is unclean afterwards
    void                MergePrepare( ScChangeAction* pFirstMerge, bool bShared = false );
    void                MergeOwn( ScChangeAction* pAct, sal_uLong nFirstMerge, bool bShared = false );
    static bool MergeIgnore( const ScChangeAction&, sal_uLong nFirstMerge );

                                // This comment was already really strange in German.
                                // Tried to structure it a little. Hope no information got lost...
                                // Insert dependents into table.
                                // ScChangeAction is
                                // - "Insert": really dependents
                                // - "Move": dependent contents in FromRange /
                                //           deleted contents in ToRange
                                //      OR   inserts in FromRange or ToRange
                                // - "Delete": a list of deleted (what?)
                                //      OR     for content, different contents at the same position
                                //      OR     MatrixReferences belonging to MatrixOrigin

                                // With bListMasterDelete (==TRUE ?) all Deletes of a row belonging
                                // to a MasterDelete are listed (possibly it is
                                // "all Deletes belonging...are listed in a row?)

                                // With bAllFlat (==TRUE ?) all dependents of dependents
                                // will be inserted flatly.

    SC_DLLPUBLIC void GetDependents(
        ScChangeAction*, ScChangeActionMap&, bool bListMasterDelete = false, bool bAllFlat = false ) const;

    // Reject visible action (and dependents)
    bool Reject( ScChangeAction*, bool bShared = false );

    // Accept visible action (and dependents)
    SC_DLLPUBLIC bool Accept( ScChangeAction* );

    void                AcceptAll();    // all Virgins
    bool                RejectAll();    // all Virgins

    // Selects a content of several contents at the same
    // position and accepts this one and
    // the older ones, rejects the more recent ones.
    // If bOldest==TRUE then the first OldValue
    // of a Virgin-Content-List will be restored.
    bool SelectContent( ScChangeAction*, bool bOldest = false );

                        // If ModifiedLink is set, changes go to
                        // ScChangeTrackMsgQueue
    void                SetModifiedLink( const Link<ScChangeTrack&,void>& r )
                            { aModifiedLink = r; ClearMsgQueue(); }
    ScChangeTrackMsgQueue& GetMsgQueue();

    void                NotifyModified( ScChangeTrackMsgType eMsgType,
                            sal_uLong nStartAction, sal_uLong nEndAction );

    sal_uLong           AddLoadedGenerated( const ScCellValue& rNewCell,
                            const ScBigRange& aBigRange, const OUString& sNewValue ); // only to use in the XML import
    void                AppendLoaded( ScChangeAction* pAppend ); // this is only for the XML import public, it should be protected
    void                SetActionMax(sal_uLong nTempActionMax)
                            { nActionMax = nTempActionMax; } // only to use in the XML import

    void                SetProtection( const css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rPass )
                            { aProtectPass = rPass; }
    css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >   GetProtection() const
                                    { return aProtectPass; }
    bool IsProtected() const { return aProtectPass.getLength() != 0; }

                                // If time stamps of actions of this
                                // ChangeTrack and a second one are to be
                                // compared including nanoseconds.
    void SetTimeNanoSeconds( bool bVal ) { bTimeNanoSeconds = bVal; }
    bool IsTimeNanoSeconds() const { return bTimeNanoSeconds; }

    void AppendCloned( ScChangeAction* pAppend );
    SC_DLLPUBLIC ScChangeTrack* Clone( ScDocument* pDocument ) const;
    static void MergeActionState( ScChangeAction* pAct, const ScChangeAction* pOtherAct );


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