/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
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 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <cstddef>
#include <algorithm>

#include "scdllapi.h"

const size_t nScCompressedArrayDelta = 4;

/** Compressed array of row (or column) entries, e.g. heights, flags, ...

    The array stores ranges of values such that consecutive values occupy only
    one entry. Initially it consists of one DataEntry with an implied start
    row/column of 0 and an end row/column of access type maximum value.

    typename A := access type, e.g. SCROW or SCCOL, must be a POD.

    typename D := data type, e.g. sal_uInt16 or sal_uInt8 or whatever, may also be a
    struct or class.

    D::operator==() and D::operator=() must be implemented. Force template
    instantiation for a specific type in source/core/data/compressedarray.cxx

    TODO: Currently the allocated memory never shrinks, must manually invoke
    Resize() if needed.

template< typename A, typename D > class ScCompressedArray
    struct DataEntry
        A   nEnd;           // start is end of previous entry + 1
        D   aValue;
            DataEntry() {}  //! uninitialized

    /** Construct with nMaxAccess=MAXROW, for example. */
                                ScCompressedArray( A nMaxAccess,
                                        const D& rValue,
                                        size_t nDelta = nScCompressedArrayDelta );
    /** Construct from a plain array of D */
                                ScCompressedArray( A nMaxAccess,
                                        const D* pDataArray, size_t nDataCount );
    virtual                     ~ScCompressedArray();
    void                        Resize( size_t nNewSize );
    void                        Reset( const D& rValue );
    void                        SetValue( A nPos, const D& rValue );
    void                        SetValue( A nStart, A nEnd, const D& rValue );
    const D&                    GetValue( A nPos ) const;

    /** Get value for a row, and it's region end row */
    const D&                    GetValue( A nPos, size_t& nIndex, A& nEnd ) const;

    /** Get next value and it's region end row. If nIndex<nCount, nIndex is
        incremented first. If the resulting nIndex>=nCount, the value of the
        last entry is returned again. */
    const D&                    GetNextValue( size_t& nIndex, A& nEnd ) const;

    /** Insert rows before nStart and copy value for inserted rows from
        nStart-1, return that value. */
    const D&                    Insert( A nStart, size_t nCount );

    void                        Remove( A nStart, size_t nCount );

    /** Copy rArray.nStart+nSourceDy to this.nStart */
    void                        CopyFrom( const ScCompressedArray& rArray,
                                    A nStart, A nEnd, long nSourceDy = 0 );

    // methods public for the coupled array sum methods
    /** Obtain index into entries for nPos */
    SC_DLLPUBLIC size_t                      Search( A nPos ) const;

    size_t                      nCount;
    size_t                      nLimit;
    size_t                      nDelta;
    DataEntry*                  pData;
    A                           nMaxAccess;

template< typename A, typename D >
void ScCompressedArray<A,D>::Reset( const D& rValue )
    // Create a temporary copy in case we got a reference passed that points to
    // a part of the array to be reallocated.
    D aTmpVal( rValue);
    delete[] pData;
    nCount = nLimit = 1;
    pData = new DataEntry[1];
    pData[0].aValue = aTmpVal;
    pData[0].nEnd = nMaxAccess;

template< typename A, typename D >
void ScCompressedArray<A,D>::SetValue( A nPos, const D& rValue )
    SetValue( nPos, nPos, rValue);

template< typename A, typename D >
const D& ScCompressedArray<A,D>::GetValue( A nPos ) const
    size_t nIndex = Search( nPos);
    return pData[nIndex].aValue;

template< typename A, typename D >
const D& ScCompressedArray<A,D>::GetValue( A nPos, size_t& nIndex, A& nEnd ) const
    nIndex = Search( nPos);
    nEnd = pData[nIndex].nEnd;
    return pData[nIndex].aValue;

template< typename A, typename D >
const D& ScCompressedArray<A,D>::GetNextValue( size_t& nIndex, A& nEnd ) const
    if (nIndex < nCount)
    size_t nEntry = (nIndex < nCount ? nIndex : nCount-1);
    nEnd = pData[nEntry].nEnd;
    return pData[nEntry].aValue;

//  ScBitMaskCompressedArray
/** The data type represents bits, manageable by bitwise operations.

template< typename A, typename D > class ScBitMaskCompressedArray : public ScCompressedArray<A,D>
                                ScBitMaskCompressedArray( A nMaxAccessP,
                                        const D& rValue,
                                        size_t nDeltaP = nScCompressedArrayDelta )
                                    : ScCompressedArray<A,D>( nMaxAccessP, rValue, nDeltaP)
                                ScBitMaskCompressedArray( A nMaxAccessP,
                                        const D* pDataArray, size_t nDataCount )
                                    : ScCompressedArray<A,D>( nMaxAccessP,
                                            pDataArray, nDataCount)
    void                        AndValue( A nPos, const D& rValueToAnd );
    void                        OrValue( A nPos, const D& rValueToOr );
    void                        AndValue( A nStart, A nEnd, const D& rValueToAnd );
    void                        OrValue( A nStart, A nEnd, const D& rValueToOr );

    /** Copy values from rArray and bitwise AND them with rValueToAnd. */
    void                        CopyFromAnded(
                                    const ScBitMaskCompressedArray& rArray,
                                    A nStart, A nEnd, const D& rValueToAnd,
                                    long nSourceDy = 0 );

    /** Return the last row where an entry meets the condition:
        ((aValue & rBitMask) != 0), start searching at nStart. If no entry
        meets this condition, ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max() is returned. */
    A                           GetLastAnyBitAccess( A nStart,
                                    const D& rBitMask ) const;

template< typename A, typename D >
void ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::AndValue( A nPos, const D& rValueToAnd )
    const D& rValue = this->GetValue( nPos);
    if ((rValue & rValueToAnd) != rValue)
        this->SetValue( nPos, rValue & rValueToAnd);

template< typename A, typename D >
void ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::OrValue( A nPos, const D& rValueToOr )
    const D& rValue = this->GetValue( nPos);
    if ((rValue | rValueToOr) != rValue)
        this->SetValue( nPos, rValue | rValueToOr);


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