/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


#include "address.hxx"
#include "types.hxx"
#include "platforminfo.hxx"
#include "stlalgorithm.hxx"

#include <formula/opcode.hxx>
#include <svl/sharedstringpool.hxx>

#include <vector>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>

class ScDocument;
class ScTokenArray;
class ScFormulaCell;

namespace sc {

struct FormulaGroupEntry
        ScFormulaCell* mpCell;   // non-shared formula cell
        ScFormulaCell** mpCells; // pointer to the top formula cell in a shared group.

    size_t mnRow;
    size_t mnLength;
    bool mbShared;

    FormulaGroupEntry( ScFormulaCell** pCells, size_t nRow, size_t nLength );

    FormulaGroupEntry( ScFormulaCell* pCell, size_t nRow );

struct FormulaGroupContext : boost::noncopyable
    typedef AlignedAllocator<double,256> DoubleAllocType;
    typedef std::vector<double, DoubleAllocType> NumArrayType;
    typedef std::vector<rtl_uString*> StrArrayType;
    typedef boost::ptr_vector<NumArrayType> NumArrayStoreType;
    typedef boost::ptr_vector<StrArrayType> StrArrayStoreType;

    struct ColKey
        SCTAB mnTab;
        SCCOL mnCol;

        struct Hash
            size_t operator() ( const ColKey& rKey ) const;

        ColKey( SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol );

        bool operator== ( const ColKey& r ) const;
        bool operator!= ( const ColKey& r ) const;

    struct ColArray
        NumArrayType* mpNumArray;
        StrArrayType* mpStrArray;
        size_t mnSize;

        ColArray( NumArrayType* pNumArray, StrArrayType* pStrArray );

    typedef boost::unordered_map<ColKey, ColArray, ColKey::Hash> ColArraysType;

    NumArrayStoreType maNumArrays; /// manage life cycle of numeric arrays.
    StrArrayStoreType maStrArrays; /// manage life cycle of string arrays.

    ColArraysType maColArrays; /// keep track of longest array for each column.

    ColArray* getCachedColArray( SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol, size_t nSize );

    ColArray* setCachedColArray(
        SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol, NumArrayType* pNumArray, StrArrayType* pStrArray );

    void ensureStrArray( ColArray& rColArray, size_t nArrayLen );
    void ensureNumArray( ColArray& rColArray, size_t nArrayLen );


 * Abstract base class for a "compiled" formula
class SC_DLLPUBLIC CompiledFormula
    virtual ~CompiledFormula();

 * Abstract base class for vectorised formula group interpreters,
 * plus a global instance factory.
class SC_DLLPUBLIC FormulaGroupInterpreter
    static FormulaGroupInterpreter *msInstance;
    FormulaGroupInterpreter() {}
    virtual ~FormulaGroupInterpreter() {}

    static FormulaGroupInterpreter *getStatic();
    static void fillOpenCLInfo(std::vector<OpenCLPlatformInfo>& rPlatforms);
    static bool switchOpenCLDevice(const OUString& rDeviceId, bool bAutoSelect, bool bForceEvaluation = false);
    static void enableOpenCL(bool bEnable, bool bEnableCompletely = false, const std::set<OpCodeEnum>& rSubsetToEnable = std::set<OpCodeEnum>());
    static void getOpenCLDeviceInfo(sal_Int32& rDeviceId, sal_Int32& rPlatformId);

    virtual ScMatrixRef inverseMatrix(const ScMatrix& rMat) = 0;
    virtual CompiledFormula* createCompiledFormula(ScDocument& rDoc,
                                                   const ScAddress& rTopPos,
                                                   ScFormulaCellGroup& rGroup,
                                                   ScTokenArray& rCode) = 0;
    virtual bool interpret(ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rTopPos, ScFormulaCellGroupRef& xGroup, ScTokenArray& rCode) = 0;

/// Inherit from this for alternate formula group calculation approaches.
class SC_DLLPUBLIC FormulaGroupInterpreterSoftware : public FormulaGroupInterpreter
    virtual ~FormulaGroupInterpreterSoftware() {}

    virtual ScMatrixRef inverseMatrix(const ScMatrix& rMat) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual CompiledFormula* createCompiledFormula(ScDocument& rDoc,
                                                   const ScAddress& rTopPos,
                                                   ScFormulaCellGroup& rGroup,
                                                   ScTokenArray& rCode) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual bool interpret(ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rTopPos, ScFormulaCellGroupRef& xGroup, ScTokenArray& rCode) SAL_OVERRIDE;



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