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/* Function descriptions for function wizard / autopilot */

#include "scfuncs.hrc"

#include <formula/IFunctionDescription.hxx>
#include <sal/types.h>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>

#define MAX_FUNCCAT 12  /* maximum number of categories for functions */
#define LRU_MAX 10 /* maximal number of last recently used functions */

class ScFuncDesc;
class ScFunctionList;
class ScFunctionCategory;
class ScFunctionMgr;

  Stores and generates human readable descriptions for spreadsheet-functions,
  e.g.\ functions used in formulas in calc
class ScFuncDesc : public formula::IFunctionDescription
    virtual ~ScFuncDesc();

      Clears the object

      Deletes all objets referenced by the pointers in the class,
      sets pointers to NULL, and all numerical variables to 0
    void Clear();

      Fills a mapping with indexes for non-suppressed arguments

      Fills mapping from visible arguments to real arguments, e.g. if of 4
      parameters the second one is suppressed {0,2,3}. For VAR_ARGS
      parameters only one element is added to the end of the sequence.

      @param _rArgumens
      Vector, which the indices are written to
    virtual void fillVisibleArgumentMapping(::std::vector<sal_uInt16>& _rArguments) const ;

      Returns the category of the function

      @return    the category of the function
    virtual const formula::IFunctionCategory* getCategory() const ;

      Returns the description of the function

      @return    the description of the function, or an empty OUString if there is no description
    virtual ::rtl::OUString getDescription() const ;

      Returns the function signature with parameters from the passed string array.

      @return    function signature with parameters
    virtual ::rtl::OUString getFormula(const ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString >& _aArguments) const ;

      Returns the name of the function

      @return    the name of the function, or an empty OUString if there is no name
    virtual ::rtl::OUString getFunctionName() const ;

      Returns the help id of the function

      @return   help id of the function
    virtual ::rtl::OString getHelpId() const ;

      Returns number of arguments

      @return   help id of the function
    virtual sal_uInt32 getParameterCount() const ;

      Returns description of parameter at given position

      @param _nPos
      Position of the parameter

      @return   OUString description of the parameter
    virtual ::rtl::OUString getParameterDescription(sal_uInt32 _nPos) const ;

      Returns name of parameter at given position

      @param _nPos
      Position of the parameter

      @return   OUString name of the parameter
    virtual ::rtl::OUString getParameterName(sal_uInt32 _nPos) const ;

      Returns list of all parameter names

      @return OUString containing separated list of all parameter names
    ::rtl::OUString GetParamList() const;

      Returns the full function signature

      @return   OUString of the form "FUNCTIONNAME( parameter list )"
    virtual ::rtl::OUString getSignature() const ;

      Returns the number of non-suppressed arguments

      In case there are variable arguments the number of fixed non-suppressed
      arguments plus VAR_ARGS, same as for nArgCount (variable arguments can't
      be suppressed). The two functions are equal apart from return type and

      @return    number of non-suppressed arguments
    sal_uInt16  GetSuppressedArgCount() const;
    virtual xub_StrLen getSuppressedArgumentCount() const ;

      Requests function data from AddInCollection

      Logs error message on failure for debugging purposes
    virtual void initArgumentInfo()  const;

      Returns true if parameter at given position is optional

      @param _nPos
      Position of the parameter

      @return   true if optional, false if not optional
    virtual bool isParameterOptional(sal_uInt32 _nPos) const ;

      Compares functions by name, respecting special characters

      @param a
      pointer to first function descriptor

      @param b
      pointer to second function descriptor

      @return "(a < b)"
    static bool compareByName(const ScFuncDesc* a, const ScFuncDesc* b);

      Stores whether a parameter is optional or suppressed
    struct ParameterFlags
        bool    bOptional   :1;     /**< Parameter is optional */
        bool    bSuppress   :1;     /**< Suppress parameter in UI because not implemented yet */

        ParameterFlags() : bOptional(false), bSuppress(false) {}

    ::rtl::OUString      *pFuncName;              /**< Function name */
    ::rtl::OUString      *pFuncDesc;              /**< Description of function */
    ::rtl::OUString     **ppDefArgNames;          /**< Parameter name(s) */
    ::rtl::OUString     **ppDefArgDescs;          /**< Description(s) of parameter(s) */
    ParameterFlags       *pDefArgFlags;           /**< Flags for each parameter */
    sal_uInt16            nFIndex;                /**< Unique function index */
    sal_uInt16            nCategory;              /**< Function category */
    sal_uInt16            nArgCount;              /**< All parameter count, suppressed and unsuppressed */
    rtl::OString          sHelpId;                /**< HelpId of function */
    bool                  bIncomplete         :1; /**< Incomplete argument info (set for add-in info from configuration) */
    bool                  bHasSuppressedArgs  :1; /**< Whether there is any suppressed parameter. */

  List of spreadsheet functions.
  Generated by retrieving functions from resources, AddIns and StarOne AddIns,
  and storing these in one linked list. Functions can be retrieved by index and
  by iterating through the list, starting at the First element, and retrieving
  the Next elements one by one.

  The length of the longest function name can be retrieved for easier
  processing (i.e printing a function list).
class ScFunctionList

    sal_uInt32 GetCount() const
               { return aFunctionList.size(); }

    const ScFuncDesc* First();

    const ScFuncDesc* Next();

    const ScFuncDesc* GetFunction( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) const;

    xub_StrLen GetMaxFuncNameLen() const
               { return nMaxFuncNameLen; }

    ::std::vector<const ScFuncDesc*> aFunctionList; /**< List of functions */
    ::std::vector<const ScFuncDesc*>::iterator aFunctionListIter; /**< position in function list */
    xub_StrLen  nMaxFuncNameLen; /**< Length of longest function name */

  Category of spreadsheet functions.

  Contains the name, index and function manager of a category,
  as well as a list of functions in the category
class ScFunctionCategory : public formula::IFunctionCategory
    ScFunctionCategory(ScFunctionMgr* _pMgr,::std::vector<const ScFuncDesc*>* _pCategory,sal_uInt32 _nCategory)
            : m_pMgr(_pMgr),m_pCategory(_pCategory),m_nCategory(_nCategory){}
    virtual ~ScFunctionCategory(){}

      @return count of functions in this category
    virtual sal_uInt32 getCount() const;
    virtual const formula::IFunctionManager* getFunctionManager() const;

      Gives the _nPos'th function in this category.

      @param _nPos
      position of function in this category.

      @return function at the _nPos postion in this category, null if _nPos out of bounds.
    virtual const formula::IFunctionDescription* getFunction(sal_uInt32 _nPos) const;

      @return index number of this category.
    virtual sal_uInt32 getNumber() const;
    virtual ::rtl::OUString getName() const;

    ScFunctionMgr* m_pMgr; /**< function manager for this category */
    ::std::vector<const ScFuncDesc*>* m_pCategory; /**< list of functions in this category */
    mutable ::rtl::OUString m_sName; /**< name of this category */
    sal_uInt32 m_nCategory; /**< index number of this category */

  Stores spreadsheet functions in categories, including a cumulative ('All') category and makes them accessible.
class ScFunctionMgr : public formula::IFunctionManager
      Retrieves all calc functions, generates cumulative ('All') category, and the categories.

      The function lists of the categories are sorted by (case insensitive) function name
    virtual ~ScFunctionMgr();

      Returns name of category.

      @param _nCategoryNumber
      index of category

      @return name of the category specified by _nCategoryNumber, empty string if _nCategoryNumber out of bounds
    static ::rtl::OUString GetCategoryName(sal_uInt32 _nCategoryNumber );

      Returns function by name.

      Searches for a function with the function name rFName, while ignoring case.

      @param rFName
      name of the function

      @return pointer to function with the name rFName, null if no such function was found.
    const ScFuncDesc* Get( const ::rtl::OUString& rFName ) const;

      Returns function by index.

      Searches for a function with the function index nFIndex.

      @param nFIndex
      index of the function

      @return pointer to function with the index nFIndex, null if no such function was found.
    const ScFuncDesc* Get( sal_uInt16 nFIndex ) const;

      Returns the first function in category nCategory.

      Selects nCategory as current category and returns first element of this.

      @param nCategory
      index of requested category

      @return pointer to first element in current category, null if nCategory out of bounds
    const ScFuncDesc* First( sal_uInt16 nCategory = 0 ) const;

      Returns the next function of the current category.

      @return pointer to the next function in current category, null if current category not set.
    const ScFuncDesc* Next() const;

      @return number of categories, not counting the cumulative category ('All')
    virtual sal_uInt32 getCount() const;

      Returns a category.

      Creates an IFunctionCategory object from a category specified by nPos.

      @param nPos
      the index of the category, note that 0 maps to the first category not the cumulative ('All') category.

      @return pointer to an IFunctionCategory object, null if nPos out of bounds.
    virtual const formula::IFunctionCategory* getCategory(sal_uInt32 nPos) const;

      Appends the last recently used functions.

      Takes the last recently used functions, but maximal LRU_MAX, and appends them to the given vector _rLastRUFunctions.

      @param _rLastRUFunctions
      a vector of pointer to IFunctionDescription, by reference.
    virtual void fillLastRecentlyUsedFunctions(::std::vector< const formula::IFunctionDescription*>& _rLastRUFunctions) const;

      Implemented because of inheritance \see ScFunctionMgr::Get(const ::rtl::OUString&) const
    virtual const formula::IFunctionDescription* getFunctionByName(const ::rtl::OUString& _sFunctionName) const;

      Maps Etoken to character

      Used for retrieving characters for parantheses and separators.

      @param _eToken
      token for which, the corresponding character is retrieved

      @return character
    virtual sal_Unicode getSingleToken(const formula::IFunctionManager::EToken _eToken) const;

    ScFunctionList* pFuncList; /**< list of all calc functions */
    ::std::vector<const ScFuncDesc*>* aCatLists[MAX_FUNCCAT]; /**< array of all categories, 0 is the cumulative ('All') category */
    mutable ::std::vector<const ScFuncDesc*>::iterator pCurCatListIter; /**< position in current category */
    mutable ::std::vector<const ScFuncDesc*>::iterator pCurCatListEnd; /**< end of current category */


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