/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: global.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.50 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2007-07-24 09:22:45 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef SC_SCGLOB_HXX #define SC_SCGLOB_HXX #ifndef SC_ADDRESS_HXX #include "address.hxx" #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_I18NPOOL_LANG_H #include #endif #ifndef _STREAM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _OSL_ENDIAN_H_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_REFERENCE_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SCDLLAPI_H #include "scdllapi.h" #endif class ImageList; class Bitmap; class SfxItemSet; class Color; // Macro fuer den Call-Profiler unter WinNT // mit S_CAP kann eine Messung gestarted, mit E_CAP wieder gestoppt werden #if defined( WNT ) && defined( PROFILE ) extern "C" { void StartCAP(); void StopCAP(); void DumpCAP(); }; #define S_CAP StartCAP(); #define E_CAP StopCAP(); DumpCAP(); #endif #if 0 // I18N doesn't get this right, can't specify more than one to ignore #define SC_COLLATOR_IGNORES ( \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::CollatorOptions::CollatorOptions_IGNORE_CASE | \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::CollatorOptions::CollatorOptions_IGNORE_KANA | \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::CollatorOptions::CollatorOptions_IGNORE_WIDTH ) #else #define SC_COLLATOR_IGNORES ( \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::CollatorOptions::CollatorOptions_IGNORE_CASE ) #endif #if 0 // #107998# Don't ignore Width and Kana. The issue was mainly with AutoInput, // but affects also comparison of names in general. #define SC_TRANSLITERATION_IGNORECASE ( \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::TransliterationModules_IGNORE_CASE | \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::TransliterationModules_IGNORE_KANA | \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::TransliterationModules_IGNORE_WIDTH ) #define SC_TRANSLITERATION_CASESENSE ( \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::TransliterationModules_IGNORE_KANA | \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::TransliterationModules_IGNORE_WIDTH ) #else #define SC_TRANSLITERATION_IGNORECASE ( \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::TransliterationModules_IGNORE_CASE ) #define SC_TRANSLITERATION_CASESENSE 0 #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct LabelData; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // die 1000 Namen des Calc... // Clipboard-Namen sind jetzt in so3/soapp.hxx // STRING_SCAPP war "scalc3", "scalc4", jetzt nur noch "scalc" #define STRING_SCAPP "scalc" #define STRING_SCSTREAM "StarCalcDocument" #define STRING_STANDARD "Standard" // characters ----------------------------------------------------------------- // '\r' geht auf'm Mac nicht... #define CHAR_CR char(13) const sal_Unicode CHAR_NBSP = 0x00A0; const sal_Unicode CHAR_SHY = 0x00AD; const sal_Unicode CHAR_ZWSP = 0x200B; const sal_Unicode CHAR_LRM = 0x200E; const sal_Unicode CHAR_RLM = 0x200F; const sal_Unicode CHAR_NBHY = 0x2011; const sal_Unicode CHAR_ZWNBSP = 0x2060; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define MINDOUBLE 1.7e-307 #define MAXDOUBLE 1.7e307 #define MINZOOM 20 #define MAXZOOM 400 #ifdef SC_ROWLIMIT_TYPECONVERSION_NOCONVPASS const size_t MAXSUBTOTAL = 3; const size_t MAXQUERY = 8; const size_t PIVOT_MAXFIELD = 8; const size_t PIVOT_MAXPAGEFIELD = 10; #else const SCSIZE MAXSUBTOTAL = 3; const SCSIZE MAXQUERY = 8; const SCSIZE PIVOT_MAXFIELD = 8; const SCSIZE PIVOT_MAXPAGEFIELD = 10; #endif #define SC_START_INDEX_DB_COLL 50000 // Oberhalb dieser Grenze liegen // die Indizes fuer DBBereiche /* #ifdef OS2 #define PIXEL_PER_INCH 72.0 #else #define PIXEL_PER_INCH 96.0 #endif */ #define PIXEL_PER_INCH 96.0 #define CM_PER_INCH 2.54 #define POINTS_PER_INCH 72.27 #define PIXEL_PER_POINT (PIXEL_PER_INCH / POINTS_PER_INCH) #define INCHT_PER_CM (1.0 / CM_PER_INCH) #define POINTS_PER_CM (POINTS_PER_INCH / CM_PER_INCH) #define TWIPS_PER_POINT 20.0 #define TWIPS_PER_INCH (TWIPS_PER_POINT * POINTS_PER_INCH) #define TWIPS_PER_CM (TWIPS_PER_INCH / CM_PER_INCH) #define CM_PER_TWIPS (CM_PER_INCH / TWIPS_PER_INCH) #define TWIPS_PER_PIXEL (TWIPS_PER_INCH / PIXEL_PER_INCH) #define TWIPS_PER_CHAR (TWIPS_PER_INCH / 13.6) #define PIXEL_PER_TWIPS (PIXEL_PER_INCH / TWIPS_PER_INCH) #define HMM_PER_TWIPS (CM_PER_TWIPS * 1000.0) #define STD_COL_WIDTH 1285 #define STD_EXTRA_WIDTH 113 // 2mm Extra fuer optimale Breite // Standard Zeilenhoehe: Text + Rand - STD_ROWHEIGHT_DIFF #define MAX_EXTRA_WIDTH 23811 // 42cm in TWIPS #define MAX_EXTRA_HEIGHT 23811 #define MAX_COL_WIDTH 56693 // 1m in TWIPS #define MAX_COL_HEIGHT 56693 #define STD_ROWHEIGHT_DIFF 23 #define STD_FONT_HEIGHT 200 // entspricht 10 Punkt //! statt STD_ROW_HEIGHT ScGlobal::nStdRowHeight benutzen ! #define STD_ROW_HEIGHT (12.8 * TWIPS_PER_POINT) // 256 Twips, 0.45 cm // Standardgroesse als Ole-Server (Zellen) #define OLE_STD_CELLS_X 4 #define OLE_STD_CELLS_Y 5 #define SC_SIZE_OPTIMUM 0xFFFF // Update-Flags #define UF_SCROLL_LEFT 1 #define UF_SCROLL_RIGHT 2 #define UF_SCROLL_UP 4 #define UF_SCROLL_DOWN 8 #define UF_ROW 16 #define UF_VIEW 32 // Repaint-Flags (fuer Messages) #define PAINT_GRID 1 #define PAINT_TOP 2 #define PAINT_LEFT 4 #define PAINT_EXTRAS 8 #define PAINT_INVERT 16 #define PAINT_MARKS 32 #define PAINT_OBJECTS 64 #define PAINT_SIZE 128 #define PAINT_ALL ( PAINT_GRID | PAINT_TOP | PAINT_LEFT | PAINT_EXTRAS | PAINT_OBJECTS | PAINT_SIZE ) // Flags fuer Spalten / Zeilen // FILTERED immer zusammen mit HIDDEN // FILTERED und MANUALSIZE nur fuer Zeilen moeglich const BYTE CR_HIDDEN = 1; //const BYTE CR_MARKED = 2; const BYTE CR_PAGEBREAK = 4; const BYTE CR_MANUALBREAK = 8; const BYTE CR_FILTERED = 16; const BYTE CR_MANUALSIZE = 32; // was davon kommt in die Datei: #define CR_SAVEMASK ( ~CR_PAGEBREAK ) // Insert-/Delete-Flags #define IDF_VALUE 0x0001 #define IDF_DATETIME 0x0002 #define IDF_STRING 0x0004 #define IDF_NOTE 0x0008 #define IDF_FORMULA 0x0010 #define IDF_HARDATTR 0x0020 #define IDF_STYLES 0x0040 #define IDF_OBJECTS 0x0080 #define IDF_EDITATTR 0x0100 #define IDF_ATTRIB ( IDF_HARDATTR | IDF_STYLES ) #define IDF_CONTENTS ( IDF_VALUE | IDF_DATETIME | IDF_STRING | IDF_NOTE | IDF_FORMULA ) #define IDF_ALL ( IDF_CONTENTS | IDF_ATTRIB | IDF_OBJECTS ) #define IDF_NONE 0x0000 #define PASTE_NOFUNC 0 #define PASTE_ADD 1 #define PASTE_SUB 2 #define PASTE_MUL 3 #define PASTE_DIV 4 #define PASTE_NONEMPTY 5 // Bits fuer HasAttr #define HASATTR_LINES 1 #define HASATTR_MERGED 2 #define HASATTR_OVERLAPPED 4 #define HASATTR_PROTECTED 8 #define HASATTR_SHADOW 16 #define HASATTR_NEEDHEIGHT 32 #define HASATTR_SHADOW_RIGHT 64 #define HASATTR_SHADOW_DOWN 128 #define HASATTR_AUTOFILTER 256 #define HASATTR_CONDITIONAL 512 #define HASATTR_ROTATE 1024 #define HASATTR_NOTOVERLAPPED 2048 #define HASATTR_RTL 4096 #define HASATTR_RIGHTORCENTER 8192 // right or centered logical alignment #define HASATTR_PAINTEXT ( HASATTR_LINES | HASATTR_SHADOW | HASATTR_CONDITIONAL ) #define EMPTY_STRING ScGlobal::GetEmptyString() // Layer-ID's fuer Drawing #define SC_LAYER_FRONT 0 #define SC_LAYER_BACK 1 #define SC_LAYER_INTERN 2 #define SC_LAYER_CONTROLS 3 #define SC_LAYER_HIDDEN 4 // Tabellen linken #define SC_LINK_NONE 0 #define SC_LINK_NORMAL 1 #define SC_LINK_VALUE 2 // Eingabe #define SC_ENTER_NORMAL 0 #define SC_ENTER_BLOCK 1 #define SC_ENTER_MATRIX 2 // Step = 10pt, max. Einzug = 100 Schritte #define SC_INDENT_STEP 200 #define SC_MAX_INDENT 20000 // Szenario-Flags #define SC_SCENARIO_COPYALL 1 #define SC_SCENARIO_SHOWFRAME 2 #define SC_SCENARIO_PRINTFRAME 4 #define SC_SCENARIO_TWOWAY 8 #define SC_SCENARIO_ATTRIB 16 #define SC_SCENARIO_VALUE 32 #define SC_SCENARIO_PROTECT 64 #ifndef DELETEZ #define DELETEZ(pPtr) { delete pPtr; pPtr = 0; } #endif // Ist Bit in Set gesetzt? #define IS_SET(bit,set)(((set)&(bit))==(bit)) #define MAX_FUNCCAT 12 // max. Kategorien fuer Funktionen #define SEL_ALL -1 // Eingabezeile: alles Selektieren #define RES_CANCEL 0 // Resultate der Funk.AutoPilot-Seiten #define RES_BACKWARD 1 #define RES_END 2 enum CellType { CELLTYPE_NONE, CELLTYPE_VALUE, CELLTYPE_STRING, CELLTYPE_FORMULA, CELLTYPE_NOTE, CELLTYPE_EDIT, CELLTYPE_SYMBOLS, // fuer Laden/Speichern CELLTYPE_DESTROYED }; enum DelCellCmd { DEL_CELLSUP, DEL_CELLSLEFT, DEL_DELROWS, DEL_DELCOLS, DEL_NONE }; enum InsCellCmd { INS_CELLSDOWN, INS_CELLSRIGHT, INS_INSROWS, INS_INSCOLS, INS_NONE }; enum UpdateRefMode { URM_INSDEL, URM_COPY, URM_MOVE, URM_REORDER }; enum FillDir { FILL_TO_BOTTOM, FILL_TO_RIGHT, FILL_TO_TOP, FILL_TO_LEFT }; enum FillCmd { FILL_SIMPLE, FILL_LINEAR, FILL_GROWTH, FILL_DATE, FILL_AUTO }; enum FillDateCmd { FILL_DAY, FILL_WEEKDAY, FILL_MONTH, FILL_YEAR }; enum ScDirection { DIR_BOTTOM, DIR_RIGHT, DIR_TOP, DIR_LEFT }; enum ScSizeMode { SC_SIZE_DIRECT, // set size or hide if value is 0 SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL, // set optimal size for everything SC_SIZE_SHOW, // show with original size SC_SIZE_VISOPT, // set optimal size only if visible SC_SIZE_ORIGINAL // only set size, don't change visible flag }; enum ScInputMode { SC_INPUT_NONE, SC_INPUT_TYPE, // Eingabe, ohne im Inplace-Modus zu sein SC_INPUT_TABLE, // Textcursor in der Tabelle SC_INPUT_TOP // Textcursor in der Eingabezeile }; enum ScVObjMode // Ausgabemodi von Objekten auf einer Seite { VOBJ_MODE_SHOW, VOBJ_MODE_HIDE, VOBJ_MODE_DUMMY }; enum ScAnchorType // Verankerung eines Zeichenobjekts { SCA_CELL, SCA_PAGE, SCA_DONTKNOW // bei Mehrfachselektion }; enum ScGetDBMode { SC_DB_MAKE, // wenn noetig, "unbenannt" anlegen SC_DB_IMPORT, // wenn noetig, "Importx" anlegen SC_DB_OLD // nicht neu anlegen }; enum ScLkUpdMode { //Verknuepfungen LM_ALWAYS, //immer aktualisieren LM_NEVER, //niemals LM_ON_DEMAND, //auf nachfrage LM_UNKNOWN //Shit happens }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //================================================================== // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // enum with values equal to old DBObject enum from sdb enum ScDBObject { ScDbTable, ScDbQuery }; struct ScImportParam { SCCOL nCol1; SCROW nRow1; SCCOL nCol2; SCROW nRow2; BOOL bImport; String aDBName; // Alias der Datenbank String aStatement; BOOL bNative; BOOL bSql; // Statement oder Name? BYTE nType; // enum DBObject ScImportParam(); ScImportParam( const ScImportParam& r ); ~ScImportParam(); ScImportParam& operator= ( const ScImportParam& r ); BOOL operator== ( const ScImportParam& r ) const; void Clear (); }; struct ScStringHashCode { size_t operator()( const String& rStr ) const { return rtl_ustr_hashCode_WithLength( rStr.GetBuffer(), rStr.Len() ); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class ScDocument; class ScDocShell; class ScDocShellRef; class SvxSearchItem; class ScAutoFormat; class FuncCollection; class ScUnoAddInCollection; class ScUserList; class SvxBrushItem; class ScFunctionList; class ScFunctionMgr; class SfxItemPool; class SdrModel; class EditTextObject; class SfxObjectShell; class SvNumberFormatter; class ScUnitConverter; class CharClass; class LocaleDataWrapper; class SvtSysLocale; class CalendarWrapper; class CollatorWrapper; class IntlWrapper; class OutputDevice; namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace lang { struct Locale; } namespace i18n { class XOrdinalSuffix; } }}} namespace utl { class TransliterationWrapper; } #ifndef _SCALC_EXE class ScGlobal { static SvxSearchItem* pSearchItem; static ScAutoFormat* pAutoFormat; static FuncCollection* pFuncCollection; static ScUnoAddInCollection* pAddInCollection; static ScUserList* pUserList; static String** ppRscString; static String* pStrScDoc; static String* pEmptyString; static String* pStrClipDocName; static SvxBrushItem* pEmptyBrushItem; static SvxBrushItem* pButtonBrushItem; static SvxBrushItem* pEmbeddedBrushItem; static SvxBrushItem* pProtectedBrushItem; static ImageList* pOutlineBitmaps; static ImageList* pOutlineBitmapsHC; // static Bitmap* pAnchorBitmap; // static Bitmap* pGrayAnchorBitmap; static ScFunctionList* pStarCalcFunctionList; static ScFunctionMgr* pStarCalcFunctionMgr; static ScUnitConverter* pUnitConverter; static SvNumberFormatter* pEnglishFormatter; // for UNO / XML export static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::i18n::XOrdinalSuffix> xOrdinalSuffix; public: static ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale* pLocale; static SvtSysLocale* pSysLocale; // for faster access a pointer to the single instance provided by SvtSysLocale static const CharClass* pCharClass; // for faster access a pointer to the single instance provided by SvtSysLocale static const LocaleDataWrapper* pLocaleData; SC_DLLPUBLIC static const LocaleDataWrapper* GetpLocaleData(); static CalendarWrapper* pCalendar; static CollatorWrapper* pCollator; static CollatorWrapper* pCaseCollator; static ::utl::TransliterationWrapper* pTransliteration; SC_DLLPUBLIC static ::utl::TransliterationWrapper* GetpTransliteration(); //CHINA001 static ::utl::TransliterationWrapper* pCaseTransliteration; static IntlWrapper* pScIntlWrapper; static LanguageType eLnge; static sal_Unicode cListDelimiter; static const String& GetClipDocName(); static void SetClipDocName( const String& rNew ); static SC_DLLPUBLIC const SvxSearchItem& GetSearchItem(); static SC_DLLPUBLIC void SetSearchItem( const SvxSearchItem& rNew ); SC_DLLPUBLIC static ScAutoFormat* GetAutoFormat(); static void ClearAutoFormat(); //BugId 54209 static FuncCollection* GetFuncCollection(); static ScUnoAddInCollection* GetAddInCollection(); SC_DLLPUBLIC static ScUserList* GetUserList(); static void SetUserList( const ScUserList* pNewList ); SC_DLLPUBLIC static const String& GetRscString( USHORT nIndex ); static void OpenURL( const String& rURL, const String& rTarget ); static String GetAbsDocName( const String& rFileName, SfxObjectShell* pShell ); static String GetDocTabName( const String& rFileName, const String& rTabName ); static ULONG GetStandardFormat( SvNumberFormatter&, ULONG nFormat, short nType ); static ULONG GetStandardFormat( double, SvNumberFormatter&, ULONG nFormat, short nType ); static double nScreenPPTX; static double nScreenPPTY; static ScDocShellRef* pDrawClipDocShellRef; static USHORT nDefFontHeight; static USHORT nStdRowHeight; static long nLastRowHeightExtra; static long nLastColWidthExtra; static void Init(); // am Anfang static void InitAddIns(); static void Clear(); // bei Programmende static void UpdatePPT(OutputDevice* pDev); static void InitTextHeight(SfxItemPool* pPool); static SvxBrushItem* GetEmptyBrushItem() { return pEmptyBrushItem; } static SvxBrushItem* GetButtonBrushItem(); static SvxBrushItem* GetEmbeddedBrushItem() { return pEmbeddedBrushItem; } static SvxBrushItem* GetProtectedBrushItem() { return pProtectedBrushItem; } SC_DLLPUBLIC static const String& GetEmptyString(); static const String& GetScDocString(); /** Returns the specified image list with outline symbols. @param bHC false = standard symbols; true = high contrast symbols. */ static ImageList* GetOutlineSymbols( bool bHC ); // static const Bitmap& GetAnchorBitmap(); // static const Bitmap& GetGrayAnchorBitmap(); static bool HasStarCalcFunctionList(); static ScFunctionList* GetStarCalcFunctionList(); static ScFunctionMgr* GetStarCalcFunctionMgr(); static void ResetFunctionList(); static String GetErrorString(USHORT nErrNumber); static String GetLongErrorString(USHORT nErrNumber); static BOOL EETextObjEqual( const EditTextObject* pObj1, const EditTextObject* pObj2 ); static BOOL CheckWidthInvalidate( BOOL& bNumFormatChanged, const SfxItemSet& rNewAttrs, const SfxItemSet& rOldAttrs ); static BOOL HasAttrChanged( const SfxItemSet& rNewAttrs, const SfxItemSet& rOldAttrs, const USHORT nWhich ); static ScUnitConverter* GetUnitConverter(); /// strchr() functionality on unicode, as long as we need it for ScToken etc. static const sal_Unicode* UnicodeStrChr( const sal_Unicode* pStr, sal_Unicode c ); static inline sal_Unicode ToUpperAlpha( sal_Unicode c ) { return ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) ? ( c-'a'+'A' ) : c; } /** Adds the string rToken to rTokenList, using a list separator character. @param rTokenList The string list where the token will be appended to. @param rToken The token string to append to the token list. @param cSep The character to separate the tokens. @param nSepCount Specifies how often cSep is inserted between two tokens. @param bForceSep true = Always insert separator; false = Only, if not at begin or end. */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static void AddToken( String& rTokenList, const String& rToken, sal_Unicode cSep, xub_StrLen nSepCount = 1, bool bForceSep = false ); /** Returns true, if the first and last character of the string is cQuote. */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static bool IsQuoted( const String& rString, sal_Unicode cQuote = '"' ); /** Inserts the character cQuote at beginning and end of rString. */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static void AddQuotes( String& rString, sal_Unicode cQuote = '"' ); /** Erases the character cQuote from rString, if it exists at beginning AND end. */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static void EraseQuotes( String& rString, sal_Unicode cQuote = '"' ); static CharSet GetCharsetValue( const String& rCharSet ); static String GetCharsetString( CharSet eVal ); /// a "ReadOnly" formatter for UNO/XML export static SvNumberFormatter* GetEnglishFormatter(); static BOOL IsSystemRTL(); // depending on system language static LanguageType GetEditDefaultLanguage(); // for EditEngine::SetDefaultLanguage static BYTE GetDefaultScriptType(); // for all WEAK characters /** Map ATTR_((CJK|CTL)_)?FONT_... to proper WhichIDs. If more than one SCRIPTTYPE_... values are or'ed together, prefers first COMPLEX, then ASIAN */ static USHORT GetScriptedWhichID( BYTE nScriptType, USHORT nWhich ); /** Adds a language item to the item set, if the number format item contains a language that differs from its parent's language. */ static void AddLanguage( SfxItemSet& rSet, SvNumberFormatter& rFormatter ); /** Obtain the ordinal suffix for a number according to the system locale */ static String GetOrdinalSuffix( sal_Int32 nNumber); }; #endif //================================================================== //=================================================================== // Funktionsautopilot: Klassen zur Verwaltung der StarCalc-Funktionen //=================================================================== class ScFuncDesc { public: ScFuncDesc(); ~ScFuncDesc(); void Clear(); void InitArgumentInfo() const; /** Returns a semicolon separated list of all parameter names. */ String GetParamList () const; /** Returns the full function siganture: "FUNCTIONNAME( parameter list )". */ String GetSignature () const; /** Returns the function siganture with parameters from the passed string array. */ String GetFormulaString ( String** aArgArr ) const; USHORT nFIndex; // eindeutiger Funktionsindex USHORT nCategory; // Kategorie String* pFuncName; // Funktionsname String* pFuncDesc; // Funktionsbeschreibung USHORT nArgCount; // Parameteranzahl String** aDefArgNames; // Parametername(n) String** aDefArgDescs; // Parameterbeschreibung(en) BOOL* aDefArgOpt; // Flags ob Parameter optional ist USHORT nHelpId; // HilfeId der Funktion BOOL bIncomplete; // Incomplete argument info (set for add-in info from configuration) }; //================================================================== class ScFunctionMgr { public: ScFunctionMgr(); ~ScFunctionMgr(); const ScFuncDesc* Get( const String& rFName ); const ScFuncDesc* Get( USHORT nFIndex ); const ScFuncDesc* First( USHORT nCategory = 0 ); const ScFuncDesc* Next() const; private: ScFunctionList* pFuncList; List* aCatLists[MAX_FUNCCAT]; List* pCurCatList; }; //================================================================== class ScFunctionList { public: ScFunctionList(); ~ScFunctionList(); ULONG GetCount() const { return aFunctionList.Count(); } const ScFuncDesc* First() { return (const ScFuncDesc*) aFunctionList.First(); } const ScFuncDesc* Next() { return (const ScFuncDesc*) aFunctionList.Next(); } const ScFuncDesc* GetFunction( ULONG nIndex ) const { return (const ScFuncDesc*) aFunctionList.GetObject( nIndex ); } xub_StrLen GetMaxFuncNameLen() const { return nMaxFuncNameLen; } private: List aFunctionList; xub_StrLen nMaxFuncNameLen; }; //================================================================== #define FUNC_NOTFOUND 0xffff class ScFormulaUtil { public: static BOOL GetNextFunc( const String& rFormula, BOOL bBack, xub_StrLen& rFStart, // Ein- und Ausgabe xub_StrLen* pFEnd = NULL, const ScFuncDesc** ppFDesc = NULL, String*** pppArgs = NULL ); static const ScFuncDesc* GetDefaultFuncDesc(); static xub_StrLen GetFunctionStart( const String& rFormula, xub_StrLen nStart, BOOL bBack, String* pFuncName = NULL ); static xub_StrLen GetFunctionEnd ( const String& rFormula, xub_StrLen nStart ); static xub_StrLen GetArgStart ( const String& rFormula, xub_StrLen nStart, USHORT nArg ); static String** GetArgStrings ( const String& rFormula, xub_StrLen nFuncPos, USHORT nArgs ); static void FillArgStrings ( const String& rFormula, xub_StrLen nFuncPos, USHORT nArgs, String** pArgs ); }; //================================================================== // evtl. in dbdata.hxx auslagern (?): enum ScQueryOp { SC_EQUAL, SC_LESS, SC_GREATER, SC_LESS_EQUAL, SC_GREATER_EQUAL, SC_NOT_EQUAL, SC_TOPVAL, SC_BOTVAL, SC_TOPPERC, SC_BOTPERC }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum ScQueryConnect { SC_AND, SC_OR }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum ScSubTotalFunc { SUBTOTAL_FUNC_NONE = 0, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_AVE = 1, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_CNT = 2, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_CNT2 = 3, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_MAX = 4, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_MIN = 5, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_PROD = 6, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_STD = 7, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_STDP = 8, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_SUM = 9, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_VAR = 10, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_VARP = 11 }; #define PIVOT_MAXFUNC 11 #define PIVOT_FUNC_NONE 0x0000 #define PIVOT_FUNC_SUM 0x0001 #define PIVOT_FUNC_COUNT 0x0002 #define PIVOT_FUNC_AVERAGE 0x0004 #define PIVOT_FUNC_MAX 0x0008 #define PIVOT_FUNC_MIN 0x0010 #define PIVOT_FUNC_PRODUCT 0x0020 #define PIVOT_FUNC_COUNT_NUM 0x0040 #define PIVOT_FUNC_STD_DEV 0x0080 #define PIVOT_FUNC_STD_DEVP 0x0100 #define PIVOT_FUNC_STD_VAR 0x0200 #define PIVOT_FUNC_STD_VARP 0x0400 #define PIVOT_FUNC_AUTO 0x1000 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Dialog liefert die ausgezeichneten Feldwerte "leer"/"nicht leer" * als Konstanten SC_EMPTYFIELDS bzw. SC_NONEMPTYFIELDS in nVal in * Verbindung mit dem Schalter bQueryByString auf FALSE. */ #define SC_EMPTYFIELDS ((double)0x0042) #define SC_NONEMPTYFIELDS ((double)0x0043) namespace utl { class SearchParam; class TextSearch; } struct ScQueryEntry { BOOL bDoQuery; BOOL bQueryByString; SCCOLROW nField; ScQueryOp eOp; ScQueryConnect eConnect; String* pStr; double nVal; utl::SearchParam* pSearchParam; // falls RegExp, nicht gespeichert utl::TextSearch* pSearchText; // falls RegExp, nicht gespeichert ScQueryEntry(); ScQueryEntry(const ScQueryEntry& r); ~ScQueryEntry(); // legt ggbf. pSearchParam und pSearchText an, immer RegExp! utl::TextSearch* GetSearchTextPtr( BOOL bCaseSens ); void Clear(); ScQueryEntry& operator=( const ScQueryEntry& r ); BOOL operator==( const ScQueryEntry& r ) const; void Load(SvStream& rStream); void Store(SvStream& rStream) const; }; struct SC_DLLPUBLIC ScQueryParam { SCCOL nCol1; SCROW nRow1; SCCOL nCol2; SCROW nRow2; SCTAB nTab; BOOL bHasHeader; BOOL bByRow; BOOL bInplace; BOOL bCaseSens; BOOL bRegExp; BOOL bMixedComparison; // whether numbers are smaller than strings BOOL bDuplicate; BOOL bDestPers; // nicht gespeichert SCTAB nDestTab; SCCOL nDestCol; SCROW nDestRow; private: SCSIZE nEntryCount; ScQueryEntry* pEntries; public: ScQueryParam(); ScQueryParam( const ScQueryParam& r ); ~ScQueryParam(); SCSIZE GetEntryCount() const { return nEntryCount; } ScQueryEntry& GetEntry(SCSIZE n) const { return pEntries[n]; } void Resize(SCSIZE nNew); ScQueryParam& operator= ( const ScQueryParam& r ); BOOL operator== ( const ScQueryParam& rOther ) const; void Clear (); void DeleteQuery( SCSIZE nPos ); void MoveToDest(); void FillInExcelSyntax(String& aCellStr, SCSIZE nIndex); void Load(SvStream& rStream); void Store(SvStream& rStream) const; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SC_DLLPUBLIC ScSubTotalParam { SCCOL nCol1; // Selektierter Bereich SCROW nRow1; SCCOL nCol2; SCROW nRow2; BOOL bRemoveOnly; BOOL bReplace; // vorhandene Ergebnisse ersetzen BOOL bPagebreak; // Seitenumbruch bei Gruppenwechsel BOOL bCaseSens; // Gross-/Kleinschreibung BOOL bDoSort; // vorher sortieren BOOL bAscending; // aufsteigend sortieren BOOL bUserDef; // Benutzer-def. Sort.Reihenfolge USHORT nUserIndex; // Index auf Liste BOOL bIncludePattern; // Formate mit sortieren BOOL bGroupActive[MAXSUBTOTAL]; // aktive Gruppen SCCOL nField[MAXSUBTOTAL]; // zugehoeriges Feld SCCOL nSubTotals[MAXSUBTOTAL]; // Anzahl der SubTotals SCCOL* pSubTotals[MAXSUBTOTAL]; // Array der zu berechnenden Spalten ScSubTotalFunc* pFunctions[MAXSUBTOTAL]; // Array der zugehoerige Funktionen ScSubTotalParam(); ScSubTotalParam( const ScSubTotalParam& r ); ScSubTotalParam& operator= ( const ScSubTotalParam& r ); BOOL operator== ( const ScSubTotalParam& r ) const; void Clear (); void SetSubTotals ( USHORT nGroup, const SCCOL* ptrSubTotals, const ScSubTotalFunc* ptrFuncions, USHORT nCount ); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class ScArea; struct ScConsolidateParam { SCCOL nCol; // Cursor Position / SCROW nRow; // bzw. Anfang des Zielbereiches SCTAB nTab; ScSubTotalFunc eFunction; // Berechnungsvorschrift USHORT nDataAreaCount; // Anzahl der Datenbereiche ScArea** ppDataAreas; // Zeiger-Array auf Datenbereiche BOOL bByCol; // nach Spalten BOOL bByRow; // nach Zeilen BOOL bReferenceData; // Quelldaten referenzieren ScConsolidateParam(); ScConsolidateParam( const ScConsolidateParam& r ); ~ScConsolidateParam(); ScConsolidateParam& operator= ( const ScConsolidateParam& r ); BOOL operator== ( const ScConsolidateParam& r ) const; void Clear (); // = ClearDataAreas()+Members void ClearDataAreas (); void SetAreas ( ScArea* const* ppAreas, USHORT nCount ); void Load( SvStream& rStream ); void Store( SvStream& rStream ) const; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- extern ::utl::TransliterationWrapper* GetScGlobalpTransliteration();//CHINA001 extern const LocaleDataWrapper* GetScGlobalpLocaleData(); #endif