/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html> * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef SC_SCGLOB_HXX #define SC_SCGLOB_HXX #include "address.hxx" #include <i18npool/lang.h> #include <tools/stream.hxx> #include <osl/endian.h> #include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx> #include "scdllapi.h" #include <hash_map> class ImageList; class Bitmap; class SfxItemSet; class Color; // Macro fuer den Call-Profiler unter WinNT // mit S_CAP kann eine Messung gestarted, mit E_CAP wieder gestoppt werden #if defined( WNT ) && defined( PROFILE ) extern "C" { void StartCAP(); void StopCAP(); void DumpCAP(); }; #define S_CAP StartCAP(); #define E_CAP StopCAP(); DumpCAP(); #endif #define SC_COLLATOR_IGNORES ( \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::CollatorOptions::CollatorOptions_IGNORE_CASE ) #define SC_TRANSLITERATION_IGNORECASE ( \ ::com::sun::star::i18n::TransliterationModules_IGNORE_CASE ) #define SC_TRANSLITERATION_CASESENSE 0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // die 1000 Namen des Calc... // Clipboard-Namen sind jetzt in so3/soapp.hxx // STRING_SCAPP war "scalc3", "scalc4", jetzt nur noch "scalc" #define STRING_SCAPP "scalc" #define STRING_SCSTREAM "StarCalcDocument" #define STRING_STANDARD "Standard" // characters ----------------------------------------------------------------- // '\r' geht auf'm Mac nicht... #define CHAR_CR char(13) const sal_Unicode CHAR_NBSP = 0x00A0; const sal_Unicode CHAR_SHY = 0x00AD; const sal_Unicode CHAR_ZWSP = 0x200B; const sal_Unicode CHAR_LRM = 0x200E; const sal_Unicode CHAR_RLM = 0x200F; const sal_Unicode CHAR_NBHY = 0x2011; const sal_Unicode CHAR_ZWNBSP = 0x2060; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define MINDOUBLE 1.7e-307 #define MAXDOUBLE 1.7e307 #define MINZOOM 20 #define MAXZOOM 400 #ifdef SC_ROWLIMIT_TYPECONVERSION_NOCONVPASS const size_t MAXSUBTOTAL = 3; const size_t MAXQUERY = 8; const size_t PIVOT_MAXFIELD = 8; const size_t PIVOT_MAXPAGEFIELD = 10; #else const SCSIZE MAXSUBTOTAL = 3; const SCSIZE MAXQUERY = 8; const SCSIZE PIVOT_MAXFIELD = 8; const SCSIZE PIVOT_MAXPAGEFIELD = 10; #endif #define SC_START_INDEX_DB_COLL 50000 // Oberhalb dieser Grenze liegen // die Indizes fuer DBBereiche #define PIXEL_PER_INCH 96.0 #define CM_PER_INCH 2.54 #define POINTS_PER_INCH 72.27 #define PIXEL_PER_POINT (PIXEL_PER_INCH / POINTS_PER_INCH) #define INCHT_PER_CM (1.0 / CM_PER_INCH) #define POINTS_PER_CM (POINTS_PER_INCH / CM_PER_INCH) #define TWIPS_PER_POINT 20.0 #define TWIPS_PER_INCH (TWIPS_PER_POINT * POINTS_PER_INCH) #define TWIPS_PER_CM (TWIPS_PER_INCH / CM_PER_INCH) #define CM_PER_TWIPS (CM_PER_INCH / TWIPS_PER_INCH) #define TWIPS_PER_PIXEL (TWIPS_PER_INCH / PIXEL_PER_INCH) #define TWIPS_PER_CHAR (TWIPS_PER_INCH / 13.6) #define PIXEL_PER_TWIPS (PIXEL_PER_INCH / TWIPS_PER_INCH) #define HMM_PER_TWIPS (CM_PER_TWIPS * 1000.0) #define STD_COL_WIDTH 1285 #define STD_EXTRA_WIDTH 113 // 2mm Extra fuer optimale Breite // Standard Zeilenhoehe: Text + Rand - STD_ROWHEIGHT_DIFF #define MAX_EXTRA_WIDTH 23811 // 42cm in TWIPS #define MAX_EXTRA_HEIGHT 23811 #define MAX_COL_WIDTH 56693 // 1m in TWIPS #define MAX_COL_HEIGHT 56693 #define STD_ROWHEIGHT_DIFF 23 #define STD_FONT_HEIGHT 200 // entspricht 10 Punkt //! statt STD_ROW_HEIGHT ScGlobal::nStdRowHeight benutzen ! #define STD_ROW_HEIGHT (12.8 * TWIPS_PER_POINT) // 256 Twips, 0.45 cm // Standardgroesse als Ole-Server (Zellen) #define OLE_STD_CELLS_X 4 #define OLE_STD_CELLS_Y 5 #define SC_SIZE_OPTIMUM 0xFFFF // Update-Flags #define UF_SCROLL_LEFT 1 #define UF_SCROLL_RIGHT 2 #define UF_SCROLL_UP 4 #define UF_SCROLL_DOWN 8 #define UF_ROW 16 #define UF_VIEW 32 // Repaint-Flags (fuer Messages) #define PAINT_GRID 1 #define PAINT_TOP 2 #define PAINT_LEFT 4 #define PAINT_EXTRAS 8 #define PAINT_INVERT 16 #define PAINT_MARKS 32 #define PAINT_OBJECTS 64 #define PAINT_SIZE 128 #define PAINT_ALL ( PAINT_GRID | PAINT_TOP | PAINT_LEFT | PAINT_EXTRAS | PAINT_OBJECTS | PAINT_SIZE ) // Flags fuer Spalten / Zeilen // FILTERED immer zusammen mit HIDDEN // FILTERED und MANUALSIZE nur fuer Zeilen moeglich const BYTE CR_HIDDEN = 1; //const BYTE CR_MARKED = 2; //const BYTE CR_PAGEBREAK = 4; const BYTE CR_MANUALBREAK = 8; const BYTE CR_FILTERED = 16; const BYTE CR_MANUALSIZE = 32; const BYTE CR_ALL = (CR_HIDDEN | CR_MANUALBREAK | CR_FILTERED | CR_MANUALSIZE); typedef BYTE ScBreakType; const ScBreakType BREAK_NONE = 0; const ScBreakType BREAK_PAGE = 1; const ScBreakType BREAK_MANUAL = 2; // Insert-/Delete-Flags const USHORT IDF_NONE = 0x0000; const USHORT IDF_VALUE = 0x0001; /// Numeric values (and numeric results if IDF_FORMULA is not set). const USHORT IDF_DATETIME = 0x0002; /// Dates, times, datetime values. const USHORT IDF_STRING = 0x0004; /// Strings (and string results if IDF_FORMULA is not set). const USHORT IDF_NOTE = 0x0008; /// Cell notes. const USHORT IDF_FORMULA = 0x0010; /// Formula cells. const USHORT IDF_HARDATTR = 0x0020; /// Hard cell attributes. const USHORT IDF_STYLES = 0x0040; /// Cell styles. const USHORT IDF_OBJECTS = 0x0080; /// Drawing objects. const USHORT IDF_EDITATTR = 0x0100; /// Rich-text attributes. const USHORT IDF_SPECIAL_BOOLEAN = 0x1000; const USHORT IDF_ATTRIB = IDF_HARDATTR | IDF_STYLES; const USHORT IDF_CONTENTS = IDF_VALUE | IDF_DATETIME | IDF_STRING | IDF_NOTE | IDF_FORMULA; const USHORT IDF_ALL = IDF_CONTENTS | IDF_ATTRIB | IDF_OBJECTS; const USHORT IDF_NOCAPTIONS = 0x0200; /// Internal use only (undo etc.): do not copy/delete caption objects of cell notes. const USHORT IDF_ADDNOTES = 0x0400; /// Internal use only (copy from clip): do not delete existing cell contents when pasting notes. /// Copy flags for auto/series fill functions: do not touch notes and drawing objects. const USHORT IDF_AUTOFILL = IDF_ALL & ~(IDF_NOTE | IDF_OBJECTS); #define PASTE_NOFUNC 0 #define PASTE_ADD 1 #define PASTE_SUB 2 #define PASTE_MUL 3 #define PASTE_DIV 4 #define PASTE_NONEMPTY 5 // Bits fuer HasAttr #define HASATTR_LINES 1 #define HASATTR_MERGED 2 #define HASATTR_OVERLAPPED 4 #define HASATTR_PROTECTED 8 #define HASATTR_SHADOW 16 #define HASATTR_NEEDHEIGHT 32 #define HASATTR_SHADOW_RIGHT 64 #define HASATTR_SHADOW_DOWN 128 #define HASATTR_AUTOFILTER 256 #define HASATTR_CONDITIONAL 512 #define HASATTR_ROTATE 1024 #define HASATTR_NOTOVERLAPPED 2048 #define HASATTR_RTL 4096 #define HASATTR_RIGHTORCENTER 8192 // right or centered logical alignment #define HASATTR_PAINTEXT ( HASATTR_LINES | HASATTR_SHADOW | HASATTR_CONDITIONAL ) #define EMPTY_STRING ScGlobal::GetEmptyString() // Layer-ID's fuer Drawing #define SC_LAYER_FRONT 0 #define SC_LAYER_BACK 1 #define SC_LAYER_INTERN 2 #define SC_LAYER_CONTROLS 3 #define SC_LAYER_HIDDEN 4 // Tabellen linken #define SC_LINK_NONE 0 #define SC_LINK_NORMAL 1 #define SC_LINK_VALUE 2 // Eingabe #define SC_ENTER_NORMAL 0 #define SC_ENTER_BLOCK 1 #define SC_ENTER_MATRIX 2 // Step = 10pt, max. Einzug = 100 Schritte #define SC_INDENT_STEP 200 #define SC_MAX_INDENT 20000 // Szenario-Flags #define SC_SCENARIO_COPYALL 1 #define SC_SCENARIO_SHOWFRAME 2 #define SC_SCENARIO_PRINTFRAME 4 #define SC_SCENARIO_TWOWAY 8 #define SC_SCENARIO_ATTRIB 16 #define SC_SCENARIO_VALUE 32 #define SC_SCENARIO_PROTECT 64 #ifndef DELETEZ #define DELETEZ(pPtr) { delete pPtr; pPtr = 0; } #endif // Ist Bit in Set gesetzt? #define IS_SET(bit,set)(((set)&(bit))==(bit)) #define SEL_ALL -1 // Eingabezeile: alles Selektieren #define RES_CANCEL 0 // Resultate der Funk.AutoPilot-Seiten #define RES_BACKWARD 1 #define RES_END 2 enum CellType { CELLTYPE_NONE, CELLTYPE_VALUE, CELLTYPE_STRING, CELLTYPE_FORMULA, CELLTYPE_NOTE, CELLTYPE_EDIT, CELLTYPE_SYMBOLS // fuer Laden/Speichern #if DBG_UTIL ,CELLTYPE_DESTROYED #endif }; enum DelCellCmd { DEL_CELLSUP, DEL_CELLSLEFT, DEL_DELROWS, DEL_DELCOLS, DEL_NONE }; enum InsCellCmd { INS_CELLSDOWN, INS_CELLSRIGHT, INS_INSROWS, INS_INSCOLS, INS_NONE }; enum UpdateRefMode { URM_INSDEL, URM_COPY, URM_MOVE, URM_REORDER }; enum FillDir { FILL_TO_BOTTOM, FILL_TO_RIGHT, FILL_TO_TOP, FILL_TO_LEFT }; enum FillCmd { FILL_SIMPLE, FILL_LINEAR, FILL_GROWTH, FILL_DATE, FILL_AUTO }; enum FillDateCmd { FILL_DAY, FILL_WEEKDAY, FILL_MONTH, FILL_YEAR }; enum ScDirection { DIR_BOTTOM, DIR_RIGHT, DIR_TOP, DIR_LEFT }; enum ScSizeMode { SC_SIZE_DIRECT, // set size or hide if value is 0 SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL, // set optimal size for everything SC_SIZE_SHOW, // show with original size SC_SIZE_VISOPT, // set optimal size only if visible SC_SIZE_ORIGINAL // only set size, don't change visible flag }; enum ScInputMode { SC_INPUT_NONE, SC_INPUT_TYPE, // Eingabe, ohne im Inplace-Modus zu sein SC_INPUT_TABLE, // Textcursor in der Tabelle SC_INPUT_TOP // Textcursor in der Eingabezeile }; enum ScVObjMode // Ausgabemodi von Objekten auf einer Seite { VOBJ_MODE_SHOW, VOBJ_MODE_HIDE }; enum ScAnchorType // Verankerung eines Zeichenobjekts { SCA_CELL, SCA_PAGE, SCA_DONTKNOW // bei Mehrfachselektion }; enum ScGetDBMode { SC_DB_MAKE, // wenn noetig, "unbenannt" anlegen SC_DB_IMPORT, // wenn noetig, "Importx" anlegen SC_DB_OLD // nicht neu anlegen }; /// For ScDBFunc::GetDBData() enum ScGetDBSelection { /** Keep selection as is, expand to used data area if no selection. */ SC_DBSEL_KEEP, /** Shrink selection to sheet's data area. */ SC_DBSEL_SHRINK_TO_SHEET_DATA, /** Shrink selection to actually used data area within the selection. */ SC_DBSEL_SHRINK_TO_USED_DATA, /** If only one row or portion thereof is selected, shrink row to used data columns and select further rows down until end of data. If an area is selected, shrink rows to actually used columns. Else, no selection, expand to used data area. */ SC_DBSEL_ROW_DOWN, /** Behave as if the range corresponding to a ScDBData area was selected, for API use. */ SC_DBSEL_FORCE_MARK }; enum ScLkUpdMode { //Verknuepfungen LM_ALWAYS, //immer aktualisieren LM_NEVER, //niemals LM_ON_DEMAND, //auf nachfrage LM_UNKNOWN //Shit happens }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //================================================================== // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // enum with values equal to old DBObject enum from sdb enum ScDBObject { ScDbTable, ScDbQuery }; struct ScImportParam { SCCOL nCol1; SCROW nRow1; SCCOL nCol2; SCROW nRow2; BOOL bImport; String aDBName; // Alias der Datenbank String aStatement; BOOL bNative; BOOL bSql; // Statement oder Name? BYTE nType; // enum DBObject ScImportParam(); ScImportParam( const ScImportParam& r ); ~ScImportParam(); ScImportParam& operator= ( const ScImportParam& r ); BOOL operator== ( const ScImportParam& r ) const; }; struct ScStringHashCode { size_t operator()( const String& rStr ) const { return rtl_ustr_hashCode_WithLength( rStr.GetBuffer(), rStr.Len() ); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class ScDocument; class ScDocShell; class ScDocShellRef; class SvxSearchItem; class ScAutoFormat; class FuncCollection; class ScUnoAddInCollection; class ScUserList; class SvxBrushItem; class ScFunctionList; class ScFunctionMgr; class SfxItemPool; class SdrModel; class EditTextObject; class SfxObjectShell; class SvNumberFormatter; class ScUnitConverter; class CharClass; class LocaleDataWrapper; class SvtSysLocale; class CalendarWrapper; class CollatorWrapper; class IntlWrapper; class OutputDevice; namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace lang { struct Locale; } namespace i18n { class XOrdinalSuffix; } }}} namespace utl { class TransliterationWrapper; } #ifndef _SCALC_EXE class ScGlobal { static SvxSearchItem* pSearchItem; static ScAutoFormat* pAutoFormat; static FuncCollection* pFuncCollection; static ScUnoAddInCollection* pAddInCollection; static ScUserList* pUserList; static String** ppRscString; static String* pStrScDoc; static String* pEmptyString; static String* pStrClipDocName; static SvxBrushItem* pEmptyBrushItem; static SvxBrushItem* pButtonBrushItem; static SvxBrushItem* pEmbeddedBrushItem; static SvxBrushItem* pProtectedBrushItem; static ImageList* pOutlineBitmaps; static ScFunctionList* pStarCalcFunctionList; static ScFunctionMgr* pStarCalcFunctionMgr; static ScUnitConverter* pUnitConverter; static SvNumberFormatter* pEnglishFormatter; // for UNO / XML export static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::i18n::XOrdinalSuffix> xOrdinalSuffix; static CalendarWrapper* pCalendar; static CollatorWrapper* pCaseCollator; static CollatorWrapper* pCollator; static ::utl::TransliterationWrapper* pTransliteration; static ::utl::TransliterationWrapper* pCaseTransliteration; static IntlWrapper* pScIntlWrapper; static ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale* pLocale; public: static SvtSysLocale* pSysLocale; // for faster access a pointer to the single instance provided by SvtSysLocale SC_DLLPUBLIC static const CharClass* pCharClass; // for faster access a pointer to the single instance provided by SvtSysLocale SC_DLLPUBLIC static const LocaleDataWrapper* pLocaleData; SC_DLLPUBLIC static const LocaleDataWrapper* GetpLocaleData(); static CalendarWrapper* GetCalendar(); SC_DLLPUBLIC static CollatorWrapper* GetCollator(); static CollatorWrapper* GetCaseCollator(); static IntlWrapper* GetScIntlWrapper(); static ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale* GetLocale(); SC_DLLPUBLIC static ::utl::TransliterationWrapper* GetpTransliteration(); static ::utl::TransliterationWrapper* GetCaseTransliteration(); SC_DLLPUBLIC static LanguageType eLnge; static sal_Unicode cListDelimiter; static const String& GetClipDocName(); static void SetClipDocName( const String& rNew ); SC_DLLPUBLIC static const SvxSearchItem& GetSearchItem(); SC_DLLPUBLIC static void SetSearchItem( const SvxSearchItem& rNew ); SC_DLLPUBLIC static ScAutoFormat* GetAutoFormat(); static void ClearAutoFormat(); //BugId 54209 static FuncCollection* GetFuncCollection(); SC_DLLPUBLIC static ScUnoAddInCollection* GetAddInCollection(); SC_DLLPUBLIC static ScUserList* GetUserList(); static void SetUserList( const ScUserList* pNewList ); SC_DLLPUBLIC static const String& GetRscString( USHORT nIndex ); static void OpenURL( const String& rURL, const String& rTarget ); SC_DLLPUBLIC static String GetAbsDocName( const String& rFileName, SfxObjectShell* pShell ); SC_DLLPUBLIC static String GetDocTabName( const String& rFileName, const String& rTabName ); SC_DLLPUBLIC static ULONG GetStandardFormat( SvNumberFormatter&, ULONG nFormat, short nType ); SC_DLLPUBLIC static ULONG GetStandardFormat( double, SvNumberFormatter&, ULONG nFormat, short nType ); SC_DLLPUBLIC static double nScreenPPTX; SC_DLLPUBLIC static double nScreenPPTY; static ScDocShellRef* pDrawClipDocShellRef; static USHORT nDefFontHeight; static USHORT nStdRowHeight; SC_DLLPUBLIC static long nLastRowHeightExtra; static long nLastColWidthExtra; static void Init(); // am Anfang static void InitAddIns(); static void Clear(); // bei Programmende static void UpdatePPT(OutputDevice* pDev); static void InitTextHeight(SfxItemPool* pPool); static SvxBrushItem* GetEmptyBrushItem() { return pEmptyBrushItem; } static SvxBrushItem* GetButtonBrushItem(); static SvxBrushItem* GetEmbeddedBrushItem() { return pEmbeddedBrushItem; } static SvxBrushItem* GetProtectedBrushItem() { return pProtectedBrushItem; } SC_DLLPUBLIC static const String& GetEmptyString(); static const String& GetScDocString(); /** Returns the specified image list with outline symbols. */ static ImageList* GetOutlineSymbols(); static bool HasStarCalcFunctionList(); static ScFunctionList* GetStarCalcFunctionList(); static ScFunctionMgr* GetStarCalcFunctionMgr(); static void ResetFunctionList(); static String GetErrorString(USHORT nErrNumber); static String GetLongErrorString(USHORT nErrNumber); static BOOL EETextObjEqual( const EditTextObject* pObj1, const EditTextObject* pObj2 ); static BOOL CheckWidthInvalidate( BOOL& bNumFormatChanged, const SfxItemSet& rNewAttrs, const SfxItemSet& rOldAttrs ); static BOOL HasAttrChanged( const SfxItemSet& rNewAttrs, const SfxItemSet& rOldAttrs, const USHORT nWhich ); static ScUnitConverter* GetUnitConverter(); /// strchr() functionality on unicode, as long as we need it for ScToken etc. static const sal_Unicode* UnicodeStrChr( const sal_Unicode* pStr, sal_Unicode c ); static inline sal_Unicode ToUpperAlpha( sal_Unicode c ) { return ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) ? ( c-'a'+'A' ) : c; } /** Adds the string rToken to rTokenList, using a list separator character. @param rTokenList The string list where the token will be appended to. @param rToken The token string to append to the token list. @param cSep The character to separate the tokens. @param nSepCount Specifies how often cSep is inserted between two tokens. @param bForceSep true = Always insert separator; false = Only, if not at begin or end. */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static void AddToken( String& rTokenList, const String& rToken, sal_Unicode cSep, xub_StrLen nSepCount = 1, bool bForceSep = false ); /** Returns true, if the first and last character of the string is cQuote. */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static bool IsQuoted( const String& rString, sal_Unicode cQuote = '\'' ); /** Inserts the character cQuote at beginning and end of rString. @param bEscapeEmbedded If <TRUE/>, embedded quote characters are escaped by doubling them. */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static void AddQuotes( String& rString, sal_Unicode cQuote = '\'', bool bEscapeEmbedded = true ); /** Erases the character cQuote from rString, if it exists at beginning AND end. @param bUnescapeEmbedded If <TRUE/>, embedded doubled quote characters are unescaped by replacing them with a single instance. */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static void EraseQuotes( String& rString, sal_Unicode cQuote = '\'', bool bUnescapeEmbedded = true ); /** Finds an unquoted instance of cChar in rString, starting at offset nStart. Unquoted instances may occur when concatenating two quoted strings with a separator, for example, 's1':'s2'. Embedded quotes have to be escaped by being doubled. Caller must ensure that nStart points into an unquoted range or the opening quote. Specialty: if cChar==cQuote the first cQuote character from nStart on is found. @returns offset if found, else STRING_NOTFOUND */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static xub_StrLen FindUnquoted( const String& rString, sal_Unicode cChar, xub_StrLen nStart = 0, sal_Unicode cQuote = '\'' ); /** Finds an unquoted instance of cChar in null-terminated pString. Same semantics as FindUnquoted( const String&, ...) @returns: pointer to cChar if found, else NULL */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static const sal_Unicode* FindUnquoted( const sal_Unicode* pString, sal_Unicode cChar, sal_Unicode cQuote = '\'' ); static CharSet GetCharsetValue( const String& rCharSet ); static String GetCharsetString( CharSet eVal ); /// a "ReadOnly" formatter for UNO/XML export static SvNumberFormatter* GetEnglishFormatter(); static BOOL IsSystemRTL(); // depending on system language static LanguageType GetEditDefaultLanguage(); // for EditEngine::SetDefaultLanguage SC_DLLPUBLIC static BYTE GetDefaultScriptType(); // for all WEAK characters /** Map ATTR_((CJK|CTL)_)?FONT_... to proper WhichIDs. If more than one SCRIPTTYPE_... values are or'ed together, prefers first COMPLEX, then ASIAN */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static USHORT GetScriptedWhichID( BYTE nScriptType, USHORT nWhich ); /** Adds a language item to the item set, if the number format item contains a language that differs from its parent's language. */ SC_DLLPUBLIC static void AddLanguage( SfxItemSet& rSet, SvNumberFormatter& rFormatter ); /** Obtain the ordinal suffix for a number according to the system locale */ static String GetOrdinalSuffix( sal_Int32 nNumber); }; #endif //================================================================== // evtl. in dbdata.hxx auslagern (?): enum ScQueryOp { SC_EQUAL, SC_LESS, SC_GREATER, SC_LESS_EQUAL, SC_GREATER_EQUAL, SC_NOT_EQUAL, SC_TOPVAL, SC_BOTVAL, SC_TOPPERC, SC_BOTPERC, SC_CONTAINS, SC_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN, SC_BEGINS_WITH, SC_DOES_NOT_BEGIN_WITH, SC_ENDS_WITH, SC_DOES_NOT_END_WITH }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum ScQueryConnect { SC_AND, SC_OR }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum ScSubTotalFunc { SUBTOTAL_FUNC_NONE = 0, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_AVE = 1, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_CNT = 2, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_CNT2 = 3, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_MAX = 4, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_MIN = 5, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_PROD = 6, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_STD = 7, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_STDP = 8, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_SUM = 9, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_VAR = 10, SUBTOTAL_FUNC_VARP = 11 }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Dialog liefert die ausgezeichneten Feldwerte "leer"/"nicht leer" * als Konstanten SC_EMPTYFIELDS bzw. SC_NONEMPTYFIELDS in nVal in * Verbindung mit dem Schalter bQueryByString auf FALSE. */ #define SC_EMPTYFIELDS ((double)0x0042) #define SC_NONEMPTYFIELDS ((double)0x0043) namespace utl { class SearchParam; class TextSearch; } struct ScQueryEntry { BOOL bDoQuery; BOOL bQueryByString; bool bQueryByDate; SCCOLROW nField; ScQueryOp eOp; ScQueryConnect eConnect; String* pStr; double nVal; utl::SearchParam* pSearchParam; // falls RegExp, nicht gespeichert utl::TextSearch* pSearchText; // falls RegExp, nicht gespeichert ScQueryEntry(); ScQueryEntry(const ScQueryEntry& r); ~ScQueryEntry(); // legt ggbf. pSearchParam und pSearchText an, immer RegExp! utl::TextSearch* GetSearchTextPtr( BOOL bCaseSens ); void Clear(); ScQueryEntry& operator=( const ScQueryEntry& r ); BOOL operator==( const ScQueryEntry& r ) const; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SC_DLLPUBLIC ScSubTotalParam { SCCOL nCol1; // Selektierter Bereich SCROW nRow1; SCCOL nCol2; SCROW nRow2; BOOL bRemoveOnly; BOOL bReplace; // vorhandene Ergebnisse ersetzen BOOL bPagebreak; // Seitenumbruch bei Gruppenwechsel BOOL bCaseSens; // Gross-/Kleinschreibung BOOL bDoSort; // vorher sortieren BOOL bAscending; // aufsteigend sortieren BOOL bUserDef; // Benutzer-def. Sort.Reihenfolge USHORT nUserIndex; // Index auf Liste BOOL bIncludePattern; // Formate mit sortieren BOOL bGroupActive[MAXSUBTOTAL]; // aktive Gruppen SCCOL nField[MAXSUBTOTAL]; // zugehoeriges Feld SCCOL nSubTotals[MAXSUBTOTAL]; // Anzahl der SubTotals SCCOL* pSubTotals[MAXSUBTOTAL]; // Array der zu berechnenden Spalten ScSubTotalFunc* pFunctions[MAXSUBTOTAL]; // Array der zugehoerige Funktionen ScSubTotalParam(); ScSubTotalParam( const ScSubTotalParam& r ); ScSubTotalParam& operator= ( const ScSubTotalParam& r ); BOOL operator== ( const ScSubTotalParam& r ) const; void Clear (); void SetSubTotals ( USHORT nGroup, const SCCOL* ptrSubTotals, const ScSubTotalFunc* ptrFuncions, USHORT nCount ); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class ScArea; struct ScConsolidateParam { SCCOL nCol; // Cursor Position / SCROW nRow; // bzw. Anfang des Zielbereiches SCTAB nTab; ScSubTotalFunc eFunction; // Berechnungsvorschrift USHORT nDataAreaCount; // Anzahl der Datenbereiche ScArea** ppDataAreas; // Zeiger-Array auf Datenbereiche BOOL bByCol; // nach Spalten BOOL bByRow; // nach Zeilen BOOL bReferenceData; // Quelldaten referenzieren ScConsolidateParam(); ScConsolidateParam( const ScConsolidateParam& r ); ~ScConsolidateParam(); ScConsolidateParam& operator= ( const ScConsolidateParam& r ); BOOL operator== ( const ScConsolidateParam& r ) const; void Clear (); // = ClearDataAreas()+Members void ClearDataAreas (); void SetAreas ( ScArea* const* ppAreas, USHORT nCount ); }; #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */