/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "types.hxx"

namespace formula
class FormulaToken;


class ScDocument;
class SvNumberFormatter;
struct ScLookupCacheMap;
class ScInterpreter;
enum class SvNumFormatType : sal_Int16;

// SetNumberFormat() is not thread-safe, so calls to it need to be delayed to the main thread.
struct DelayedSetNumberFormat
    SCCOL mCol;
    SCROW mRow;
    sal_uInt32 mnNumberFormat;

struct NFIndexAndFmtType
    sal_uInt32 nIndex;
    SvNumFormatType eType : 16;
    bool bIsValid : 1;

        : nIndex(0)
        , eType(static_cast<SvNumFormatType>(0))
        , bIsValid(false)

class ScInterpreterContextPool;

struct ScInterpreterContext
    const ScDocument* mpDoc;
    size_t mnTokenCachePos;
    std::vector<formula::FormulaToken*> maTokens;
    std::vector<DelayedSetNumberFormat> maDelayedSetNumberFormat;
    std::unique_ptr<ScLookupCacheMap> mxScLookupCache; // cache for lookups like VLOOKUP and MATCH
    // Allocation cache for "aConditions" array in ScInterpreter::IterateParameterIfs()
    // This is populated/used only when formula-group threading is enabled.
    std::vector<sal_uInt8> maConditions;
    ScInterpreter* pInterpreter;

    ScInterpreterContext(const ScDocument& rDoc, SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter);

    ScInterpreterContext() = delete;


    SvNumberFormatter* GetFormatTable() const
        if (mpFormatter == nullptr)
        return mpFormatter;

    SvNumFormatType GetNumberFormatType(sal_uInt32 nFIndex) const;

    friend class ScInterpreterContextPool;
    void ResetTokens();
    void SetDocAndFormatter(const ScDocument& rDoc, SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter);
    void Cleanup();
    void ClearLookupCache();
    void initFormatTable();
    SvNumberFormatter* mpFormatter;
    mutable NFIndexAndFmtType maNFTypeCache;

class ScThreadedInterpreterContextGetterGuard;
class ScInterpreterContextGetterGuard;

class ScInterpreterContextPool
    friend class ScThreadedInterpreterContextGetterGuard;
    friend class ScInterpreterContextGetterGuard;

    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ScInterpreterContext>> maPool;
    size_t mnNextFree;
    bool mbThreaded;

    ScInterpreterContextPool(bool bThreaded)
        : mnNextFree(0)
        , mbThreaded(bThreaded)

    ~ScInterpreterContextPool() {}

    static ScInterpreterContextPool aThreadedInterpreterPool;
    static ScInterpreterContextPool aNonThreadedInterpreterPool;

    // API for threaded case

    // Ensures nNumThreads elements in pool.
    void Init(size_t nNumThreads, const ScDocument& rDoc, SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter);

    // Returns ScInterpreterContext* for thread index nThreadIdx
    ScInterpreterContext* GetInterpreterContextForThreadIdx(size_t nThreadIdx) const;

    // API for non-threaded

    // Ensures there is one unused element in the pool.
    void Init(const ScDocument& rDoc, SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter);

    // Returns ScInterpreterContext* for non-threaded use.
    ScInterpreterContext* GetInterpreterContext() const;

    // Common API for threaded/non-threaded

    // Cleans up the contexts prepared by call to immediately previous Init() and
    // marks them all as unused.
    void ReturnToPool();

    // Only to be used to clear lookup cache in all pool elements
    static void ClearLookupCaches();

class ScThreadedInterpreterContextGetterGuard
    ScInterpreterContextPool& rPool;

    ScThreadedInterpreterContextGetterGuard(size_t nNumThreads, const ScDocument& rDoc,
                                            SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter);

    // Returns ScInterpreterContext* for thread index nThreadIdx
    ScInterpreterContext* GetInterpreterContextForThreadIdx(size_t nThreadIdx) const;

class ScInterpreterContextGetterGuard
    ScInterpreterContextPool& rPool;
#if !defined NDEBUG
    size_t nContextIdx;

    ScInterpreterContextGetterGuard(const ScDocument& rDoc, SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter);

    // Returns ScInterpreterContext* for non-threaded use.
    ScInterpreterContext* GetInterpreterContext() const;

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