/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include "address.hxx"
#include "scdllapi.h"

#include <memory>

class EditTextObject;
class OutlinerParaObject;
class SdrCaptionObj;
class SdrPage;

class SfxItemSet;
class ScDocument;
namespace tools { class Rectangle; }
struct ScCaptionInitData;

/** Some desperate attempt to fight against the caption object ownership mess,
    to which none of shared/weak/plain pointer is a cure.
class ScCaptionPtr
    explicit ScCaptionPtr( SdrCaptionObj* p );
    ScCaptionPtr( const ScCaptionPtr& r );
    ScCaptionPtr(ScCaptionPtr&& r) noexcept;

    ScCaptionPtr& operator=( const ScCaptionPtr& r );
    ScCaptionPtr& operator=(ScCaptionPtr&& r) noexcept;
    explicit operator bool() const    { return mpCaption != nullptr; }
    const SdrCaptionObj* get() const        { return mpCaption; }
    SdrCaptionObj* get()        { return mpCaption; }
    const SdrCaptionObj* operator->() const { return mpCaption; }
    SdrCaptionObj* operator->() { return mpCaption; }
    const SdrCaptionObj& operator*() const  { return *mpCaption; }
    SdrCaptionObj& operator*()  { return *mpCaption; }

    // Does not default to nullptr to make it visually obvious where such is used.
    void reset( SdrCaptionObj* p );

    /** Insert to draw page. The caption object is owned by the draw page then.
    void insertToDrawPage( SdrPage& rDrawPage );

    /** Remove from draw page. The caption object is not owned anymore by the
        draw page then.
    void removeFromDrawPage( SdrPage& rDrawPage );

    /** Remove from draw page and free caption object if no Undo recording.
    void removeFromDrawPageAndFree( bool bIgnoreUndo = false );

    /** Release all management of the SdrCaptionObj* in all instances of this
        list and dissolve. The SdrCaptionObj pointer returned is ready to be
        managed elsewhere.
    SdrCaptionObj* release();

    /** Forget the SdrCaptionObj pointer in this one instance.
        Decrements a use count but does not destroy the object, it's up to the
        caller to manage this mess...
    void forget();

    /** Flag that this instance is in Undo, so drawing layer owns it. */
    void setNotOwner();

    oslInterlockedCount getRefs() const;


    struct Head
        ScCaptionPtr*       mpFirst;        ///< first in list
        oslInterlockedCount mnRefs;         ///< use count

        Head() = delete;
        explicit Head( ScCaptionPtr* );

    Head*                 mpHead;       ///< points to the "master" entry
    mutable ScCaptionPtr* mpNext;       ///< next in list
    SdrCaptionObj*        mpCaption;    ///< the caption object, managed by head master
    bool                  mbNotOwner;   ///< whether this caption object is owned by something else, e.g. held in Undo
                                            /* TODO: can that be moved to Head?
                                             * It's unclear when to reset, so
                                             * each instance has its own flag.
                                             * The last reference count
                                             * decrement automatically has the
                                             * then current state available.
                                             * */

    void newHead();             //< Allocate a new Head and init.
    void incRef() const;
    bool decRef() const;        //< @returns <TRUE/> if the last reference was decremented.
    void decRefAndDestroy();    //< Destroys caption object if the last reference was decremented.

    /** Remove from current list and close gap.

        Usually there are only very few instances, so maintaining a doubly
        linked list isn't worth memory/performance wise and a simple walk does
    void removeFromList();

    /** Replace this instance with pNew in a list, if any.

        Used by move-ctor and move assignment operator.
    void replaceInList(ScCaptionPtr* pNew) noexcept;

    /** Dissolve list when the caption object is released or gone. */
    void dissolve();

    /** Just clear everything, while dissolving the list. */
    void clear();

/** Internal data for a cell annotation. */
struct ScNoteData
    typedef std::shared_ptr< ScCaptionInitData > ScCaptionInitDataRef;

    OUString     maDate;             /// Creation date of the note.
    OUString     maAuthor;           /// Author of the note.
    ScCaptionInitDataRef mxInitData;        /// Initial data for invisible notes without SdrObject.
    ScCaptionPtr        mxCaption;          /// Drawing object representing the cell note.
    bool                mbShown;            /// True = note is visible.

    explicit            ScNoteData( bool bShown = false );

 * Additional class containing cell annotation data.
    static sal_uInt32 mnLastPostItId;

    /** Creates an empty note and its caption object and places it according to
        the passed cell position. */
    explicit            ScPostIt( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, sal_uInt32 nPostItId = 0 );

    /** Copy constructor. Clones the note and its caption to a new document. */
    explicit            ScPostIt( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScPostIt& rNote, sal_uInt32 nPostItId = 0  );

    /** Creates a note from the passed note data with existing caption object.

        @param bAlwaysCreateCaption  Instead of a pointer to an existing
            caption object, the passed note data structure may contain a
            reference to an ScCaptionInitData structure containing information
            about how to construct a missing caption object. If sal_True is passed,
            the caption drawing object will be created immediately from that
            data. If sal_False is passed and the note is not visible, it will
            continue to cache that data until the caption object is requested.
    explicit            ScPostIt(
                            ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos,
                            const ScNoteData& rNoteData, bool bAlwaysCreateCaption, sal_uInt32 nPostItId = 0  );

    /** Removes the caption object from drawing layer, if this note is its owner. */

    /** Clones this note and its caption object, if specified.

        @param bCloneCaption  If sal_True is passed, clones the caption object and
            inserts it into the drawing layer of the destination document. If
            sal_False is passed, the cloned note will refer to the old caption
            object (used e.g. in Undo documents to restore the pointer to the
            existing caption object).
    std::unique_ptr<ScPostIt> Clone(
                            const ScAddress& rOwnPos,
                            ScDocument& rDestDoc, const ScAddress& rDestPos,
                            bool bCloneCaption ) const;

    /** Returns the note id. */
    sal_uInt32 GetId() const { return mnPostItId; }

    /** Returns the data struct containing all note settings. */
    const ScNoteData& GetNoteData() const { return maNoteData;}

    /** Returns the creation date of this note. */
    const OUString& GetDate() const { return maNoteData.maDate;}
    /** Sets a new creation date for this note. */
    void SetDate( const OUString& rDate );

    /** Returns the author date of this note. */
    const OUString& GetAuthor() const { return maNoteData.maAuthor;}
    /** Sets a new author date for this note. */
    void SetAuthor( const OUString& rAuthor );

    /** Sets date and author from system settings. */
    void                AutoStamp();

    /** Returns the pointer to the current outliner object, or null. */
    const OutlinerParaObject* GetOutlinerObject() const;
    /** Returns the pointer to the current edit text object, or null. */
    const EditTextObject* GetEditTextObject() const;

    /** Returns the caption text of this note. */
    OUString     GetText() const;
    /** Returns true, if the caption text of this note contains line breaks. */
    bool                HasMultiLineText() const;
    /** Changes the caption text of this note. All text formatting will be lost. */
    void                SetText( const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rText );

    /** Returns an existing note caption object. returns null, if the note
        contains initial caption data needed to construct a caption object.
        The SdrCaptionObj* returned is still managed by the underlying
        ScNoteData::ScCaptionPtr and must not be stored elsewhere. */
    SdrCaptionObj*      GetCaption() const { return maNoteData.mxCaption.get();}
    /** Returns the caption object of this note. Creates the caption object, if
        the note contains initial caption data instead of the caption.
        The SdrCaptionObj* returned is still managed by the underlying
        ScNoteData::ScCaptionPtr and must not be stored elsewhere. */
    SdrCaptionObj*      GetOrCreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos ) const;

    /** Forgets the pointer to the note caption object.

        @param  bPreserveData
                If true then the note text is remembered in maNoteData to be able
                to later reconstruct a caption from it.
    void                ForgetCaption( bool bPreserveData = false );

    /** Shows or hides the note caption object. */
    void                ShowCaption( const ScAddress& rPos, bool bShow );
    /** Returns true, if the caption object is visible. */
    bool IsCaptionShown() const { return maNoteData.mbShown;}

    /** Shows or hides the caption temporarily (does not change internal visibility state). */
    void                ShowCaptionTemp( const ScAddress& rPos, bool bShow = true );

    /** Updates caption position according to position of the passed cell. */
    void                UpdateCaptionPos( const ScAddress& rPos );

                        ScPostIt( const ScPostIt& ) = delete;
    ScPostIt&           operator=( const ScPostIt& ) = delete;

    /** Creates the caption object from initial caption data if existing. */
    void                CreateCaptionFromInitData( const ScAddress& rPos ) const;
    /** Creates a new caption object at the passed cell position, clones passed existing caption. */
    void                CreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos, const SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = nullptr );
    /** Removes the caption object from the drawing layer, if this note is its owner. */
    void                RemoveCaption();

    ScDocument&         mrDoc;              /// Parent document containing the note.
    mutable ScNoteData  maNoteData;         /// Note data with pointer to caption object.
    sal_uInt32          mnPostItId;

class SC_DLLPUBLIC ScNoteUtil

    /** Creates and returns a caption object for a temporary caption. */
    static ScCaptionPtr CreateTempCaption( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos,
                            SdrPage& rDrawPage, const OUString& rUserText,
                            const tools::Rectangle& rVisRect, bool bTailFront );

    /** Creates a cell note using the passed caption drawing object.

        This function is used in import filters to reuse the imported drawing
        object as note caption object.

        @param pCaption  The drawing object for the cell note. This object MUST
            be inserted into the document at the correct drawing page already.
            The underlying ScPostIt::ScNoteData::ScCaptionPtr takes managing
            ownership of the pointer.

        @return  Pointer to the new cell note object if insertion was
            successful (i.e. the passed cell position was valid), null
            otherwise. The Calc document is the owner of the note object. The
            passed item set and outliner object are deleted automatically if
            creation of the note was not successful.
    static ScPostIt*    CreateNoteFromCaption(
                            ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos,
                            SdrCaptionObj* pCaption );

    /** Creates a cell note based on the passed caption object data.

        This function is used in import filters to use an existing imported
        item set and outliner object to create a note caption object. For
        performance reasons, it is possible to specify that the caption drawing
        object for the cell note is not created yet but the note caches the
        passed data needed to create the caption object on demand (see
        parameter bAlwaysCreateCaption).

        @param pItemSet  Pointer to an item set on heap memory containing all
            formatting attributes of the caption object. This function takes
            ownership of the passed item set.

        @param pOutlinerObj  Pointer to an outliner object on heap memory
            containing (formatted) text for the caption object. This function
            takes ownership of the passed outliner object.

        @param rCaptionRect  The absolute position and size of the caption
            object. The rectangle may be empty, in this case the default
            position and size is used.

        @return  Pointer to the new cell note object if insertion was
            successful (i.e. the passed cell position was valid), null
            otherwise. The Calc document is the owner of the note object.
    static ScPostIt*    CreateNoteFromObjectData(
                            ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos,
                            std::unique_ptr<SfxItemSet> pItemSet, OutlinerParaObject* pOutlinerObj,
                            const tools::Rectangle& rCaptionRect, bool bShown );

    /** Creates a cell note based on the passed string and inserts it into the

        @param rNoteText  The text used to create the note caption object. Must
            not be empty.

        @param bAlwaysCreateCaption  If sal_True is passed, the caption drawing
            object will be created immediately. If sal_False is passed, the caption
            drawing object will not be created if the note is not visible
            (bShown = sal_False), but the cell note will cache the passed data.
            MUST be set to sal_False outside of import filter implementations!

        @return  Pointer to the new cell note object if insertion was
            successful (i.e. the passed cell position was valid), null
            otherwise. The Calc document is the owner of the note object.
    static ScPostIt*    CreateNoteFromString(
                            ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos,
                            const OUString& rNoteText, bool bShown,
                            bool bAlwaysCreateCaption, sal_uInt32 nPostItId = 0 );


namespace sc {

struct NoteEntry
    ScAddress const maPos;
    const ScPostIt* mpNote;

    NoteEntry( const ScAddress& rPos, const ScPostIt* pNote );


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