/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#include "global.hxx"
#include "types.hxx"
#include <formula/errorcodes.hxx>
#include "scdllapi.h"
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <svl/sharedstring.hxx>

#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/smart_ptr/unique_ptr.hpp>

#define DEBUG_MATRIX 0

class ScInterpreter;
class SvNumberFormatter;
class ScMatrixImpl;

namespace sc {

struct Compare;
struct CompareOptions;


 * Try NOT to use this struct.  This struct should go away in a hopefully
 * not so distant futture.
struct ScMatrixValue
    double fVal;
    svl::SharedString aStr;
    ScMatValType nType;

    /// Only valid if ScMatrix methods indicate so!
    svl::SharedString GetString() const { return aStr; }

    /// Only valid if ScMatrix methods indicate that this is no string!
    sal_uInt16 GetError() const         { return GetDoubleErrorValue( fVal); }

    /// Only valid if ScMatrix methods indicate that this is a boolean
    bool GetBoolean() const         { return fVal != 0.0; }

    ScMatrixValue() : fVal(0.0), nType(SC_MATVAL_EMPTY) {}

    ScMatrixValue(const ScMatrixValue& r) :
        fVal(r.fVal), aStr(r.aStr), nType(r.nType) {}

    bool operator== (const ScMatrixValue& r) const
        if (nType != r.nType)
            return false;

        switch (nType)
            case SC_MATVAL_VALUE:
            case SC_MATVAL_BOOLEAN:
                return fVal == r.fVal;

        return aStr == r.aStr;

    bool operator!= (const ScMatrixValue& r) const
        return !operator==(r);

    ScMatrixValue& operator= (const ScMatrixValue& r)
        if (this == &r)
            return *this;

        nType = r.nType;
        fVal = r.fVal;
        aStr = r.aStr;
        return *this;

 * Matrix data type that can store values of mixed types.  Each element can
 * be one of the following types: numeric, string, boolean, empty, and empty
 * path.
class SC_DLLPUBLIC ScMatrix
    friend class ScMatrixImpl;

    ScMatrixImpl*   pImpl;
    mutable size_t  nRefCnt;    // reference count

    // only delete via Delete()

    // not implemented, prevent usage
    ScMatrix( const ScMatrix& );
    ScMatrix& operator=( const ScMatrix&);

    enum Op { Add, Sub, Mul, Div };

     * When adding all numerical matrix elements for a scalar result such as
     * summation, the interpreter wants to separate the first non-zero value
     * with the rest of the summed values.
     * TODO: Find out if we still need to do this.  If not, we can re-write
     * ScInterpreter::IterateParameters() to make it simpler and remove this
     * struct.
    struct IterateResult
        double mfFirst;
        double mfRest;
        size_t mnCount;

        IterateResult(double fFirst, double fRest, size_t nCount) :
            mfFirst(fFirst), mfRest(fRest), mnCount(nCount) {}

        IterateResult(const IterateResult& r) :
            mfFirst(r.mfFirst), mfRest(r.mfRest), mnCount(r.mnCount) {}

    /// The maximum number of elements a matrix may have at runtime.
    inline static size_t GetElementsMax()
        // TODO: Fix me.
        return 0x08000000;
#if 0
        // Roughly 125MB in total, divided by 8+1 per element => 14M elements.
        const size_t nMemMax = 0x08000000 / (sizeof(ScMatrixValue) + sizeof(ScMatValType));
        // With MAXROWCOUNT==65536 and 128 columns => 8M elements ~72MB.
        const size_t nArbitraryLimit = (size_t)MAXROWCOUNT * 128;
        // Stuffed with a million rows would limit this to 14 columns.
        return nMemMax < nArbitraryLimit ? nMemMax : nArbitraryLimit;

    /// Value or boolean.
    inline static bool IsValueType( ScMatValType nType )
        return nType <= SC_MATVAL_BOOLEAN;

    /// Boolean.
    inline static bool IsBooleanType( ScMatValType nType )
        return nType == SC_MATVAL_BOOLEAN;

    /// String, empty or empty path, but not value nor boolean.
    inline static bool IsNonValueType( ScMatValType nType )
        return (nType & SC_MATVAL_NONVALUE) != 0;

    /** String, but not empty or empty path or any other type.
        Not named IsStringType to prevent confusion because previously
        IsNonValueType was named IsStringType. */
    inline static bool IsRealStringType( ScMatValType nType )
        return (nType & SC_MATVAL_NONVALUE) == SC_MATVAL_STRING;

    /// Empty, but not empty path or any other type.
    inline static bool IsEmptyType( ScMatValType nType )
        return (nType & SC_MATVAL_NONVALUE) == SC_MATVAL_EMPTY;

    /// Empty path, but not empty or any other type.
    inline static bool IsEmptyPathType( ScMatValType nType )

    ScMatrix(SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR);
    ScMatrix(SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR, double fInitVal);

    ScMatrix( size_t nC, size_t nR, const std::vector<bool>& rInitVals );

    /** Clone the matrix. */
    ScMatrix* Clone() const;

    /** Clone the matrix if mbCloneIfConst (immutable) is set, otherwise
        return _this_ matrix, to be assigned to a ScMatrixRef. */
    ScMatrix* CloneIfConst();

    /** Set the matrix to (im)mutable for CloneIfConst(), only the interpreter
        should do this and know the consequences. */
    void SetImmutable( bool bVal );

     * Resize the matrix to specified new dimension.
    void Resize( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR);

    void Resize(SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR, double fVal);

    /** Clone the matrix and extend it to the new size. nNewCols and nNewRows
        MUST be at least of the size of the original matrix. */
    ScMatrix* CloneAndExtend(SCSIZE nNewCols, SCSIZE nNewRows) const;

    void IncRef() const;
    void DecRef() const;

    void SetErrorInterpreter( ScInterpreter* p);
    void GetDimensions( SCSIZE& rC, SCSIZE& rR) const;
    SCSIZE GetElementCount() const;
    bool ValidColRow( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const;
    SCSIZE CalcOffset( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const;

    /** For a row vector or column vector, if the position does not point into
        the vector but is a valid column or row offset it is adapted such that
        it points to an element to be replicated, same column row 0 for a row
        vector, same row column 0 for a column vector. Else, for a 2D matrix,
        returns false.
    bool ValidColRowReplicated( SCSIZE & rC, SCSIZE & rR ) const;

    /** Checks if the matrix position is within the matrix. If it is not, for a
        row vector or column vector the position is adapted such that it points
        to an element to be replicated, same column row 0 for a row vector,
        same row column 0 for a column vector. Else, for a 2D matrix and
        position not within matrix, returns false.
    bool ValidColRowOrReplicated( SCSIZE & rC, SCSIZE & rR ) const;

    void PutDouble( double fVal, SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR);
    void PutDouble( double fVal, SCSIZE nIndex);
    void PutDouble(const double* pArray, size_t nLen, SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR);

    void PutString( const svl::SharedString& rStr, SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR);
    void PutString( const svl::SharedString& rStr, SCSIZE nIndex);
    void PutString( const svl::SharedString* pArray, size_t nLen, SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR);

    void PutEmpty( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR);

    /// Jump sal_False without path
    void PutEmptyPath( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR);
    void PutError( sal_uInt16 nErrorCode, SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR );
    void PutBoolean( bool bVal, SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR);

    void FillDouble( double fVal,
            SCSIZE nC1, SCSIZE nR1, SCSIZE nC2, SCSIZE nR2 );

    /** Put a column vector of doubles, starting at row nR, must fit into dimensions. */
    void PutDoubleVector( const ::std::vector< double > & rVec, SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR );

    /** Put a column vector of strings, starting at row nR, must fit into dimensions. */
    void PutStringVector( const ::std::vector< svl::SharedString > & rVec, SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR );

    /** Put a column vector of empties, starting at row nR, must fit into dimensions. */
    void PutEmptyVector( SCSIZE nCount, SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR );

    /** Put a column vector of empty paths, starting at row nR, must fit into dimensions. */
    void PutEmptyPathVector( SCSIZE nCount, SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR );

    /** May be used before obtaining the double value of an element to avoid
        passing its NAN around.
        @ATTENTION: MUST NOT be used if the element is a string!
                    Use GetErrorIfNotString() instead if not sure.
        @returns 0 if no error, else one of err... constants */
    sal_uInt16 GetError( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const;

    /** Use in ScInterpreter to obtain the error code, if any.
        @returns 0 if no error or string element, else one of err... constants */
    sal_uInt16 GetErrorIfNotString( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const
        { return IsValue( nC, nR) ? GetError( nC, nR) : 0; }

    /// @return 0.0 if empty or empty path, else value or DoubleError.
    double GetDouble( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const;
    /// @return 0.0 if empty or empty path, else value or DoubleError.
    double GetDouble( SCSIZE nIndex) const;

    /// @return empty string if empty or empty path, else string content.
    svl::SharedString GetString( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const;
    /// @return empty string if empty or empty path, else string content.
    svl::SharedString GetString( SCSIZE nIndex) const;

    /** @returns the matrix element's string if one is present, otherwise the
        numerical value formatted as string, or in case of an error the error
        string is returned; an empty string for empty, a "FALSE" string for
        empty path. */
    svl::SharedString GetString( SvNumberFormatter& rFormatter, SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const;

    /// @ATTENTION: If bString the ScMatrixValue->pS may still be NULL to indicate
    /// an empty string!
    ScMatrixValue Get( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR) const;

    /// @return <TRUE/> if string or empty or empty path, in fact non-value.
    bool IsString( SCSIZE nIndex ) const;

    /// @return <TRUE/> if string or empty or empty path, in fact non-value.
    bool IsString( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR ) const;

    /// @return <TRUE/> if empty or empty path.
    bool IsEmpty( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR ) const;

    /// @return <TRUE/> if empty path.
    bool IsEmptyPath( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR ) const;

    /// @return <TRUE/> if value or boolean.
    bool IsValue( SCSIZE nIndex ) const;

    /// @return <TRUE/> if value or boolean.
    bool IsValue( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR ) const;

    /// @return <TRUE/> if value or boolean or empty or empty path.
    bool IsValueOrEmpty( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR ) const;

    /// @return <TRUE/> if boolean.
    bool IsBoolean( SCSIZE nC, SCSIZE nR ) const;

    /// @return <TRUE/> if entire matrix is numeric, including booleans, with no strings or empties
    bool IsNumeric() const;

    void MatTrans( ScMatrix& mRes) const;
    void MatCopy ( ScMatrix& mRes) const;

    // Convert ScInterpreter::CompareMat values (-1,0,1) to boolean values
    void CompareEqual();
    void CompareNotEqual();
    void CompareLess();
    void CompareGreater();
    void CompareLessEqual();
    void CompareGreaterEqual();

    double And() const;       // logical AND of all matrix values, or NAN
    double Or() const;        // logical OR of all matrix values, or NAN
    double Xor() const;       // logical XOR of all matrix values, or NAN

    IterateResult Sum(bool bTextAsZero) const;
    IterateResult SumSquare(bool bTextAsZero) const;
    IterateResult Product(bool bTextAsZero) const;
    size_t Count(bool bCountStrings) const;
    size_t MatchDoubleInColumns(double fValue, size_t nCol1, size_t nCol2) const;
    size_t MatchStringInColumns(const svl::SharedString& rStr, size_t nCol1, size_t nCol2) const;

    double GetMaxValue( bool bTextAsZero ) const;
    double GetMinValue( bool bTextAsZero ) const;

    ScMatrixRef CompareMatrix(
        sc::Compare& rComp, size_t nMatPos, sc::CompareOptions* pOptions = NULL ) const;

     * Convert the content of matrix into a linear array of numeric values.
     * String elements are mapped to NaN's and empty elements are mapped to
     * either NaN or zero values.
     * @param bEmptyAsZero if true empty elements are mapped to zero values,
     *                     otherwise they become NaN values.
    void GetDoubleArray( std::vector<double>& rArray, bool bEmptyAsZero = true ) const;
    void MergeDoubleArray( std::vector<double>& rArray, Op eOp ) const;

    ScMatrix& operator+= ( const ScMatrix& r );

    void Dump() const;

inline void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(const ScMatrix* p)

inline void intrusive_ptr_release(const ScMatrix* p)


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