/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: token.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.7 $ * * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-06-12 10:17:25 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef SC_TOKEN_HXX #define SC_TOKEN_HXX #include <string.h> // memcpy(), don't use memory.h (MAC) #ifndef SC_OPCODE_HXX #include "opcode.hxx" #endif #ifndef SC_REFDATA_HXX #include "refdata.hxx" #endif enum StackVarEnum { svByte, svDouble, svString, svSingleRef, svDoubleRef, svMatrix, svIndex, svJump, svExternal, // Byte + String svFAP, // FormulaAutoPilot only, ever exported svMissing = 0x70, // 0 or "" svErr // unknown StackType }; #ifdef PRODUCT // save memory since compilers tend to int an enum typedef BYTE StackVar; #else // have enum names in debugger typedef StackVarEnum StackVar; #endif class ScMatrix; class ScToken { private: OpCode eOp; // OpCode const StackVar eType; // type of data USHORT nRefCnt; // reference count // not implemented, prevent usage ScToken(); ScToken& operator=( const ScToken& ); protected: static SingleRefData aDummySingleRef; static ComplRefData aDummyDoubleRef; static String aDummyString; ScToken( OpCode eOpP, StackVar eTypeP ) : eOp( eOpP ), eType( eTypeP ), nRefCnt(0) {} ScToken( const ScToken& r ) : eOp( r.eOp ), eType( r.eType ), nRefCnt(0) {} public: virtual ~ScToken(); inline void Delete() { delete this; } inline const StackVar GetType() const { return eType; } inline OpCode GetOpCode() const { return eOp; } BOOL IsFunction() const; // pure functions, no operators BOOL IsMatrixFunction() const; // if a function _always_ returns a Matrix BYTE GetParamCount() const; inline void NewOpCode( OpCode e ) { eOp = e; } inline void IncRef() { nRefCnt++; } inline void DecRef() { if( !--nRefCnt ) Delete(); } inline USHORT GetRef() const { return nRefCnt; } // Dummy methods to avoid switches and casts where possible, // the real token classes have to overload the appropriate method[s]. // The only method valid anytime if not overloaded is GetByte() since // this represents the count of parameters to a function which of course // is 0 on non-functions. ScByteToken and ScExternal do overload it. // Any other non-overloaded method pops up an assertion. virtual BYTE GetByte() const; virtual void SetByte( BYTE n ); virtual double GetDouble() const; virtual const String& GetString() const; virtual const SingleRefData& GetSingleRef() const; virtual SingleRefData& GetSingleRef(); virtual const ComplRefData& GetDoubleRef() const; virtual ComplRefData& GetDoubleRef(); virtual const SingleRefData& GetSingleRef2() const; virtual SingleRefData& GetSingleRef2(); virtual void CalcAbsIfRel( const ScAddress& ); virtual void CalcRelFromAbs( const ScAddress& ); virtual ScMatrix* GetMatrix() const; virtual USHORT GetIndex() const; virtual void SetIndex( USHORT n ); virtual short* GetJump() const; virtual const String& GetExternal() const; virtual BYTE* GetUnknown() const; virtual ScToken* GetFAPOrigToken() const; ScToken* Clone() const; void Store( SvStream& ) const; virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; BOOL TextEqual( const ScToken& rToken ) const; BOOL Is3DRef() const; // reference with 3D flag set // If token in RPN resulted from resolving a name and contains an absolute // reference. Token must be obtained through ScTokenArray::GetNextReferenceRPN() // or similar. BOOL IsRPNReferenceAbsName() const; static size_t GetStrLenBytes( xub_StrLen nLen ) { return nLen * sizeof(sal_Unicode); } static size_t GetStrLenBytes( const String& rStr ) { return GetStrLenBytes( rStr.Len() ); } }; class ScTokenRef { ScToken* p; public: inline ScTokenRef() { p = NULL; } inline ScTokenRef( const ScTokenRef& r ) { if( ( p = r.p ) != NULL ) p->IncRef(); } inline ScTokenRef( ScToken *t ) { if( ( p = t ) != NULL ) t->IncRef(); } inline void Clear() { if( p ) p->DecRef(); } inline ~ScTokenRef() { if( p ) p->DecRef(); } inline ScTokenRef& operator=( const ScTokenRef& r ) { return *this = r.p; } inline ScTokenRef& operator=( ScToken* t ) { if( t ) t->IncRef(); if( p ) p->DecRef(); p = t; return *this; } inline BOOL Is() const { return p != NULL; } inline BOOL operator ! () const { return p == NULL; } inline ScToken* operator&() const { return p; } inline ScToken* operator->() const { return p; } inline ScToken& operator*() const { return *p; } inline operator ScToken*() const { return p; } }; class ScByteToken : public ScToken { private: BYTE nByte; protected: ScByteToken( OpCode e, BYTE n, StackVar v ) : ScToken( e, v ), nByte( n ) {} public: ScByteToken( OpCode e, BYTE n ) : ScToken( e, svByte ), nByte( n ) {} ScByteToken( OpCode e ) : ScToken( e, svByte ), nByte( 0 ) {} ScByteToken( const ScByteToken& r ) : ScToken( r ), nByte( r.nByte ) {} virtual BYTE GetByte() const; virtual void SetByte( BYTE n ); virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScByteToken ); }; // A special token for the FormulaAutoPilot only. Keeps a reference pointer of // the token of which it was created for comparison. class ScFAPToken : public ScByteToken { private: ScTokenRef pOrigToken; public: ScFAPToken( OpCode e, BYTE n, ScToken* p ) : ScByteToken( e, n, svFAP ), pOrigToken( p ) {} ScFAPToken( const ScFAPToken& r ) : ScByteToken( r ), pOrigToken( r.pOrigToken ) {} virtual ScToken* GetFAPOrigToken() const; virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; }; class ScDoubleToken : public ScToken { private: double fDouble; public: ScDoubleToken( double f ) : ScToken( ocPush, svDouble ), fDouble( f ) {} ScDoubleToken( OpCode e, double f ) : ScToken( e, svDouble ), fDouble( f ) {} ScDoubleToken( const ScDoubleToken& r ) : ScToken( r ), fDouble( r.fDouble ) {} virtual double GetDouble() const; virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScDoubleToken ); }; class ScStringToken : public ScToken { private: String aString; public: ScStringToken( const String& r ) : ScToken( ocPush, svString ), aString( r ) {} ScStringToken( OpCode e, const String& r ) : ScToken( e, svString ), aString( r ) {} ScStringToken( const ScStringToken& r ) : ScToken( r ), aString( r.aString ) {} virtual const String& GetString() const; virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScStringToken ); }; class ScSingleRefToken : public ScToken { private: SingleRefData aSingleRef; public: ScSingleRefToken( const SingleRefData& r ) : ScToken( ocPush, svSingleRef ), aSingleRef( r ) {} ScSingleRefToken( OpCode e, const SingleRefData& r ) : ScToken( e, svSingleRef ), aSingleRef( r ) {} ScSingleRefToken( const ScSingleRefToken& r ) : ScToken( r ), aSingleRef( r.aSingleRef ) {} virtual const SingleRefData& GetSingleRef() const; virtual SingleRefData& GetSingleRef(); virtual void CalcAbsIfRel( const ScAddress& ); virtual void CalcRelFromAbs( const ScAddress& ); virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScSingleRefToken ); }; class ScDoubleRefToken : public ScToken { private: ComplRefData aDoubleRef; public: ScDoubleRefToken( const ComplRefData& r ) : ScToken( ocPush, svDoubleRef ), aDoubleRef( r ) {} ScDoubleRefToken( OpCode e, const ComplRefData& r ) : ScToken( e, svDoubleRef ), aDoubleRef( r ) {} ScDoubleRefToken( OpCode e, const SingleRefData& r ) : ScToken( e, svDoubleRef ) { aDoubleRef.Ref1 = r; aDoubleRef.Ref2 = r; } ScDoubleRefToken( const ScDoubleRefToken& r ) : ScToken( r ), aDoubleRef( r.aDoubleRef ) {} virtual const SingleRefData& GetSingleRef() const; virtual SingleRefData& GetSingleRef(); virtual const ComplRefData& GetDoubleRef() const; virtual ComplRefData& GetDoubleRef(); virtual const SingleRefData& GetSingleRef2() const; virtual SingleRefData& GetSingleRef2(); virtual void CalcAbsIfRel( const ScAddress& ); virtual void CalcRelFromAbs( const ScAddress& ); virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScDoubleRefToken ); }; class ScMatrixToken : public ScToken { private: ScMatrix* pMatrix; public: ScMatrixToken( ScMatrix* p ) : ScToken( ocPush, svMatrix ), pMatrix( p ) {} ScMatrixToken( OpCode e, ScMatrix* p ) : ScToken( e, svMatrix ), pMatrix( p ) {} ScMatrixToken( const ScMatrixToken& r ) : ScToken( r ), pMatrix( r.pMatrix ) {} virtual ScMatrix* GetMatrix() const; virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; }; class ScIndexToken : public ScToken { private: USHORT nIndex; public: ScIndexToken( OpCode e, USHORT n ) : ScToken( e, svIndex ), nIndex( n ) {} ScIndexToken( const ScIndexToken& r ) : ScToken( r ), nIndex( r.nIndex ) {} virtual USHORT GetIndex() const; virtual void SetIndex( USHORT n ); virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; }; class ScJumpToken : public ScToken { private: short* pJump; public: ScJumpToken( OpCode e, short* p ) : ScToken( e, svJump ) { pJump = new short[ p[0] + 1 ]; memcpy( pJump, p, (p[0] + 1) * sizeof(short) ); } ScJumpToken( const ScJumpToken& r ) : ScToken( r ) { pJump = new short[ r.pJump[0] + 1 ]; memcpy( pJump, r.pJump, (r.pJump[0] + 1) * sizeof(short) ); } virtual ~ScJumpToken(); virtual short* GetJump() const; virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; }; class ScExternalToken : public ScToken { private: String aExternal; BYTE nByte; public: ScExternalToken( OpCode e, BYTE n, const String& r ) : ScToken( e, svExternal ), nByte( n ), aExternal( r ) {} ScExternalToken( OpCode e, const String& r ) : ScToken( e, svExternal ), nByte( 0 ), aExternal( r ) {} ScExternalToken( const ScExternalToken& r ) : ScToken( r ), nByte( r.nByte ), aExternal( r.aExternal ) {} virtual const String& GetExternal() const; virtual BYTE GetByte() const; virtual void SetByte( BYTE n ); virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; }; class ScMissingToken : public ScToken { public: ScMissingToken() : ScToken( ocPush, svMissing ) {} ScMissingToken( OpCode e ) : ScToken( e, svMissing ) {} ScMissingToken( const ScMissingToken& r ) : ScToken( r ) {} virtual double GetDouble() const; virtual const String& GetString() const; virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; }; class ScErrToken : public ScToken { public: ScErrToken( OpCode e ) : ScToken( e, svErr ) {} ScErrToken( const ScErrToken& r ) : ScToken( r ) {} virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; }; class ScUnknownToken : public ScToken { private: BYTE* pUnknown; public: ScUnknownToken( OpCode e, StackVar v, BYTE* p ) : ScToken( e, v ) { pUnknown = new BYTE[ int(p[0]) + 1 ]; memcpy( pUnknown, p, int(p[0]) + 1 ); } ScUnknownToken( const ScUnknownToken& r ) : ScToken( r ) { pUnknown = new BYTE[ int(r.pUnknown[0]) + 1 ]; memcpy( pUnknown, r.pUnknown, int(r.pUnknown[0]) + 1 ); } virtual ~ScUnknownToken(); virtual BYTE* GetUnknown() const; virtual BOOL operator==( const ScToken& rToken ) const; }; // Simplify argument passing to RefUpdate methods with ScSingleRefToken or // ScDoubleRefToken class SingleDoubleRefModifier { ComplRefData aDub; SingleRefData* pS; ComplRefData* pD; // not implemented, prevent usage SingleDoubleRefModifier( const SingleDoubleRefModifier& ); SingleDoubleRefModifier& operator=( const SingleDoubleRefModifier& ); public: SingleDoubleRefModifier( ScToken& rT ) { if ( rT.GetType() == svSingleRef ) { pS = &rT.GetSingleRef(); aDub.Ref1 = aDub.Ref2 = *pS; pD = &aDub; } else { pS = 0; pD = &rT.GetDoubleRef(); } } SingleDoubleRefModifier( SingleRefData& rS ) { pS = &rS; aDub.Ref1 = aDub.Ref2 = *pS; pD = &aDub; } ~SingleDoubleRefModifier() { if ( pS ) *pS = (*pD).Ref1; } inline ComplRefData& Ref() { return *pD; } }; class SingleDoubleRefProvider { public: const SingleRefData& Ref1; const SingleRefData& Ref2; SingleDoubleRefProvider( const ScToken& r ) : Ref1( r.GetSingleRef() ), Ref2( r.GetType() == svDoubleRef ? r.GetDoubleRef().Ref2 : Ref1 ) {} SingleDoubleRefProvider( const SingleRefData& r ) : Ref1( r ), Ref2( r ) {} SingleDoubleRefProvider( const ComplRefData& r ) : Ref1( r.Ref1 ), Ref2( r.Ref2 ) {} ~SingleDoubleRefProvider() {} }; #endif