/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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#include "conditio.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/TableValidationVisibility.hpp>
#include "scdllapi.h"

namespace vcl { class Window; }

namespace sc {

struct RefUpdateContext;


class ScPatternAttr;
class ScTokenArray;
class ScTypedStrData;

enum ScValidationMode

enum ScValidErrorStyle

// Entry for validation (only one condition exists)

class SC_DLLPUBLIC ScValidationData : public ScConditionEntry
    sal_uInt32 nKey;               // index in attributes

    ScValidationMode eDataMode;
    bool bShowInput;
    bool bShowError;
    ScValidErrorStyle eErrorStyle;
    sal_Int16 mnListType;         // selection list type: none, unsorted, sorted.
    OUString aInputTitle;
    OUString aInputMessage;
    OUString aErrorTitle;
    OUString aErrorMessage;

    bool DoMacro( const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rInput,
                                ScFormulaCell* pCell, vcl::Window* pParent ) const;

    bool DoScript( const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rInput,
                                ScFormulaCell* pCell, vcl::Window* pParent ) const;

    using ScConditionEntry::operator==;

            ScValidationData( ScValidationMode eMode, ScConditionMode eOper,
                                const OUString& rExpr1, const OUString& rExpr2,
                                ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress& rPos,
                                const OUString& rExprNmsp1 = EMPTY_OUSTRING, const OUString& rExprNmsp2 = EMPTY_OUSTRING,
                                formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar1 = formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_DEFAULT,
                                formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar2 = formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_DEFAULT );
            ScValidationData( ScValidationMode eMode, ScConditionMode eOper,
                                const ScTokenArray* pArr1, const ScTokenArray* pArr2,
                                ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress& rPos );
            ScValidationData( const ScValidationData& r );
            ScValidationData( ScDocument* pDocument, const ScValidationData& r );
    virtual ~ScValidationData() override;

    ScValidationData* Clone() const     // real copy
                    { return new ScValidationData( GetDocument(), *this ); }
    ScValidationData* Clone(ScDocument* pNew) const override
                    { return new ScValidationData( pNew, *this ); }

    void            ResetInput();
    void            ResetError();
    void            SetInput( const OUString& rTitle, const OUString& rMsg );
    void            SetError( const OUString& rTitle, const OUString& rMsg,
                                ScValidErrorStyle eStyle );

    bool            GetInput( OUString& rTitle, OUString& rMsg ) const
                        { rTitle = aInputTitle; rMsg = aInputMessage; return bShowInput; }
    bool            GetErrMsg( OUString& rTitle, OUString& rMsg, ScValidErrorStyle& rStyle ) const;

    bool            HasErrMsg() const       { return bShowError; }

    ScValidationMode GetDataMode() const    { return eDataMode; }

    sal_Int16 GetListType() const                { return mnListType; }
    void     SetListType( sal_Int16 nListType )  { mnListType = nListType; }

    /** Returns true, if the validation cell will show a selection list.
        @descr  Use this instead of GetListType() which returns the raw property
        regardless of the validation type. */
    bool            HasSelectionList() const;
    /** Tries to fill the passed collection with list validation entries.
        @descr  Fills the list only, if this is a list validation and IsShowList() is enabled.
        @param rStrings  (out-param) The string list to fill with list validation entires.
        @return  true = rStrings has been filled with at least one entry. */
    bool FillSelectionList(std::vector<ScTypedStrData>& rStrings, const ScAddress& rPos) const;

    //  with string: during input, with cell: for detective / RC_FORCED
    bool IsDataValid(
        const OUString& rTest, const ScPatternAttr& rPattern, const ScAddress& rPos ) const;

    bool IsDataValid( ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos ) const;

                    // TRUE -> break
    bool DoError( vcl::Window* pParent, const OUString& rInput, const ScAddress& rPos ) const;
    void DoCalcError( ScFormulaCell* pCell ) const;

    bool IsEmpty() const;
    sal_uInt32      GetKey() const          { return nKey; }
    void            SetKey(sal_uInt32 nNew) { nKey = nNew; }    // only if not inserted!

    bool            EqualEntries( const ScValidationData& r ) const;    // for undo

    //  sort (using std::set) by index
    bool operator < ( const ScValidationData& r ) const { return nKey <  r.nKey; }

    /** Tries to fill the passed collection with list validation entries.
        @descr  Fills the list only if it is non-NULL,
        @param pStrings  (out-param) Optionally NULL, string list to fill with list validation entires.
        @param pCell     can be NULL if it is not necessary to which element in the list is selected.
        @param rPos      the base address for relative references.
        @param rTokArr   Formula token array.
        @param rMatch    (out-param) the index of the first item that matched, -1 if nothing matched.
        @return  true = Cell range found, rRange is valid, or an error entry stuffed into the list if pCell==NULL. */
    bool GetSelectionFromFormula(
        std::vector<ScTypedStrData>* pStrings, ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos,
        const ScTokenArray& rTokArr, int& rMatch) const;

    /** Tests, if pCell is equal to what the passed token array represents. */
    bool IsEqualToTokenArray( ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScTokenArray& rTokArr ) const;

    /** Tests, if contents of pCell occur in cell range referenced by own formula, or in a string list. */
    bool IsListValid( ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos ) const;

//  list of conditions:

struct CompareScValidationDataPtr
  bool operator()( ScValidationData* const& lhs, ScValidationData* const& rhs ) const { return (*lhs)<(*rhs); }

class ScValidationDataList
    typedef std::set<ScValidationData*, CompareScValidationDataPtr> ScValidationDataListDataType;
    ScValidationDataListDataType maData;

    ScValidationDataList() {}
    ScValidationDataList(const ScValidationDataList& rList);
    ScValidationDataList(ScDocument* pNewDoc, const ScValidationDataList& rList);

    typedef ScValidationDataListDataType::iterator iterator;
    typedef ScValidationDataListDataType::const_iterator const_iterator;

    iterator begin();
    const_iterator begin() const;
    iterator end();
    const_iterator end() const;

    void InsertNew( ScValidationData* pNew )
                { if (!maData.insert(pNew).second) delete pNew; }

    ScValidationData* GetData( sal_uInt32 nKey );

    void CompileXML();
    void UpdateReference( sc::RefUpdateContext& rCxt );
    void UpdateInsertTab( sc::RefUpdateInsertTabContext& rCxt );
    void UpdateDeleteTab( sc::RefUpdateDeleteTabContext& rCxt );
    void UpdateMoveTab( sc::RefUpdateMoveTabContext& rCxt );

    void clear();



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