/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "AccessibleContextBase.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility; ScAccessibleContextBase::ScAccessibleContextBase( const uno::Reference& rxParent, const sal_Int16 aRole) : ScAccessibleContextBaseWeakImpl(m_aMutex), mxParent(rxParent), mnClientId(0), maRole(aRole) { } ScAccessibleContextBase::~ScAccessibleContextBase() { if (!IsDefunc() && !rBHelper.bInDispose) { // increment refcount to prevent double call off dtor osl_atomic_increment( &m_refCount ); // call dispose to inform object which have a weak reference to this object dispose(); } } void ScAccessibleContextBase::Init() { // hold reference to make sure that the destructor is not called uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext > xOwnContext(this); if (mxParent.is()) { uno::Reference< XAccessibleEventBroadcaster > xBroadcaster (mxParent->getAccessibleContext(), uno::UNO_QUERY); if (xBroadcaster.is()) xBroadcaster->addAccessibleEventListener(this); } msName = createAccessibleName(); msDescription = createAccessibleDescription(); } void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::disposing() { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; // CommitDefunc(); not necessary and should not be send, because it cost a lot of time // hold reference to make sure that the destructor is not called uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext > xOwnContext(this); if ( mnClientId ) { sal_Int32 nTemClientId(mnClientId); mnClientId = 0; comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::revokeClientNotifyDisposing( nTemClientId, *this ); } if (mxParent.is()) { uno::Reference< XAccessibleEventBroadcaster > xBroadcaster (mxParent->getAccessibleContext(), uno::UNO_QUERY); if (xBroadcaster.is()) xBroadcaster->removeAccessibleEventListener(this); mxParent = nullptr; } ScAccessibleContextBaseWeakImpl::disposing(); } //===== XInterface ===================================================== uno::Any SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::queryInterface( uno::Type const & rType ) { uno::Any aAny (ScAccessibleContextBaseWeakImpl::queryInterface(rType)); return aAny.hasValue() ? aAny : ScAccessibleContextBaseImplEvent::queryInterface(rType); } void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::acquire() throw () { ScAccessibleContextBaseWeakImpl::acquire(); } void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::release() throw () { ScAccessibleContextBaseWeakImpl::release(); } //===== SfxListener ===================================================== void ScAccessibleContextBase::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint ) { if (rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::Dying) { // it seems the Broadcaster is dying, since the view is dying dispose(); } } //===== XAccessible ========================================================= uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext> SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getAccessibleContext() { return this; } //===== XAccessibleComponent ================================================ sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::containsPoint(const awt::Point& rPoint ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); return tools::Rectangle (Point(), GetBoundingBox().GetSize()).IsInside(VCLPoint(rPoint)); } uno::Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getAccessibleAtPoint( const awt::Point& /* rPoint */ ) { OSL_FAIL("not implemented"); return uno::Reference(); } awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getBounds( ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); return AWTRectangle(GetBoundingBox()); } awt::Point SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getLocation( ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); return AWTPoint(GetBoundingBox().TopLeft()); } awt::Point SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getLocationOnScreen( ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); return AWTPoint(GetBoundingBoxOnScreen().TopLeft()); } awt::Size SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getSize( ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); return AWTSize(GetBoundingBox().GetSize()); } bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::isShowing( ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); bool bShowing(false); if (mxParent.is()) { uno::Reference xParentComponent (mxParent->getAccessibleContext(), uno::UNO_QUERY); if (xParentComponent.is()) { tools::Rectangle aParentBounds(VCLRectangle(xParentComponent->getBounds())); tools::Rectangle aBounds(VCLRectangle(getBounds())); bShowing = aBounds.IsOver(aParentBounds); } } return bShowing; } bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::isVisible() { return true; } void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::grabFocus( ) { OSL_FAIL("not implemented"); } sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getForeground( ) { return COL_BLACK; } sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getBackground( ) { return COL_WHITE; } //===== XAccessibleContext ================================================== sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getAccessibleChildCount() { OSL_FAIL("should be implemented in the abrevated class"); return 0; } uno::Reference SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getAccessibleChild(sal_Int32 /* nIndex */) { OSL_FAIL("should be implemented in the abrevated class"); return uno::Reference(); } uno::Reference SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getAccessibleParent() { return mxParent; } sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getAccessibleIndexInParent() { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); // Use a simple but slow solution for now. Optimize later. // Return -1 to indicate that this object's parent does not know about the // object. sal_Int32 nIndex(-1); // Iterate over all the parent's children and search for this object. if (mxParent.is()) { uno::Reference xParentContext ( mxParent->getAccessibleContext()); if (xParentContext.is()) { sal_Int32 nChildCount = xParentContext->getAccessibleChildCount(); for (sal_Int32 i=0; i xChild (xParentContext->getAccessibleChild (i)); if (xChild.is()) { if (xChild.get() == this) nIndex = i; } } } } return nIndex; } sal_Int16 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getAccessibleRole() { return maRole; } OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getAccessibleDescription() { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (msDescription.isEmpty()) { OUString sDescription(createAccessibleDescription()); if (msDescription != sDescription) { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::DESCRIPTION_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); aEvent.OldValue <<= msDescription; aEvent.NewValue <<= sDescription; msDescription = sDescription; CommitChange(aEvent); } } return msDescription; } OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getAccessibleName() { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (msName.isEmpty()) { OUString sName(createAccessibleName()); OSL_ENSURE(!sName.isEmpty(), "We should give always a name."); if (msName != sName) { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::NAME_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); aEvent.OldValue <<= msName; aEvent.NewValue <<= sName; msName = sName; CommitChange(aEvent); } } return msName; } uno::Reference SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getAccessibleRelationSet() { return new utl::AccessibleRelationSetHelper(); } uno::Reference SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getAccessibleStateSet() { return uno::Reference(); } lang::Locale SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getLocale() { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (mxParent.is()) { uno::Reference xParentContext ( mxParent->getAccessibleContext()); if (xParentContext.is()) return xParentContext->getLocale (); } // No locale and no parent. Therefore throw exception to indicate this // cluelessness. throw IllegalAccessibleComponentStateException (); } //===== XAccessibleEventBroadcaster ===================================== void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::addAccessibleEventListener( const uno::Reference& xListener) { if (xListener.is()) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (!IsDefunc()) { if (!mnClientId) mnClientId = comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::registerClient( ); comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::addEventListener( mnClientId, xListener ); } } } void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::removeAccessibleEventListener( const uno::Reference& xListener) { if (xListener.is()) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; if (!IsDefunc() && mnClientId) { sal_Int32 nListenerCount = comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::removeEventListener( mnClientId, xListener ); if ( !nListenerCount ) { // no listeners anymore // -> revoke ourself. This may lead to the notifier thread dying (if we were the last client), // and at least to us not firing any events anymore, in case somebody calls // NotifyAccessibleEvent, again comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::revokeClient( mnClientId ); mnClientId = 0; } } } } //===== XAccessibleEventListener ======================================== void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::disposing( const lang::EventObject& rSource ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; if (rSource.Source == mxParent) dispose(); } void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::notifyEvent( const AccessibleEventObject& /* aEvent */ ) { } // XServiceInfo OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getImplementationName() { return OUString("ScAccessibleContextBase"); } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::supportsService(const OUString& sServiceName) { return cppu::supportsService(this, sServiceName); } uno::Sequence< OUString> SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getSupportedServiceNames() { return {"com.sun.star.accessibility.Accessible", "com.sun.star.accessibility.AccessibleContext"}; } //===== XTypeProvider ======================================================= uno::Sequence< uno::Type > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getTypes() { return comphelper::concatSequences(ScAccessibleContextBaseWeakImpl::getTypes(), ScAccessibleContextBaseImplEvent::getTypes()); } uno::Sequence SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::getImplementationId() { return css::uno::Sequence(); } //===== internal ============================================================ OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::createAccessibleDescription() { OSL_FAIL("should be implemented in the abrevated class"); return OUString(); } OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleContextBase::createAccessibleName() { OSL_FAIL("should be implemented in the abrevated class"); return OUString(); } void ScAccessibleContextBase::CommitChange(const AccessibleEventObject& rEvent) const { if (mnClientId) comphelper::AccessibleEventNotifier::addEvent( mnClientId, rEvent ); } void ScAccessibleContextBase::CommitFocusGained() const { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(const_cast(this)); aEvent.NewValue <<= AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED; CommitChange(aEvent); vcl::unohelper::NotifyAccessibleStateEventGlobally(aEvent); } void ScAccessibleContextBase::CommitFocusLost() const { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(const_cast(this)); aEvent.OldValue <<= AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED; CommitChange(aEvent); vcl::unohelper::NotifyAccessibleStateEventGlobally(aEvent); } tools::Rectangle ScAccessibleContextBase::GetBoundingBoxOnScreen() const { OSL_FAIL("not implemented"); return tools::Rectangle(); } tools::Rectangle ScAccessibleContextBase::GetBoundingBox() const { OSL_FAIL("not implemented"); return tools::Rectangle(); } void ScAccessibleContextBase::IsObjectValid() const { if (rBHelper.bDisposed || rBHelper.bInDispose) throw lang::DisposedException(); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */