/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Some regression basics ---------------------- 1. Linear regression fits using data, a linear function between the dependent variable and the independent variable(s). The basic form of this function is :- y = b + m_1*x_1 + m_2*x_2 + ... + m_k*x_k where y is the dependent variable x_1, x_2, ..., x_k are the k independent variables b is the intercept m_1, m_2, ..., m_k are the slopes corresponding to the variables x_1, x_2, ..., x_k respectively. This equation for n observations can be compactly written using matrices as :- y = X*A where y is the n dimensional column vector containing dependent variable observations. where X is matrix of shape n*(k+1) where a row looks like [ 1 x_1 x_2 ... x_k ] A is the k+1 dimensional column vector [ b m_1 m_2 ... m_k ] Calc formula LINEST(Y_array ; X_array) can be used to compute all entries in "A" along with many other statistics. 2. Logarithmic regression is basically used to find a linear function between the dependent variable and the natural logarithm of the independent variable(s). So the basic form of this functions is :- y = b + m_1*ln(x_1) + m_2*ln(x_2) + ... + m_k*ln(x_k) This can be again written in a compact matrix form for n observations. y = ln(X)*A where y is the n dimensional column vector containing dependent variable observations. where X is matrix of shape n*(k+1) where a row looks like [ e x_1 x_2 ... x_k ] A is the k+1 dimensional column vector [ b m_1 m_2 ... m_k ] To estimate A, we use the formula =LINEST(Y_array ; LN(X_array)) 3. Power regression is used to fit the following model :- y = b * (x_1 ^ m_1) * (x_2 ^ m_2) * ... * (x_k ^ m_k) To reduce this to a linear function(so that we can still use LINEST()), we take natural logarithm on both sides ln(y) = c + m_1*ln(x_1) + m_2*ln(x_2) + ... + m_k*ln(x_k) ; where c = ln(b) This again can be written compactly in matrix form as :- ln(y) = ln(X)*A where y is the n dimensional column vector containing dependent variable observations. where X is matrix of shape n*(k+1) where a row looks like [ e x_1 x_2 ... x_k ] A is the k+1 dimensional column vector [ c m_1 m_2 ... m_k ] To estimate A, we use the formula =LINEST(LN(Y_array) ; LN(X_array)) Once we get A, to get back y from x's we use the formula :- y = exp( ln(X)*A ) Some references for computing confidence interval for the regression coefficients :- [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student%27s_t-test#Slope_of_a_regression_line [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_linear_regression#Normality_assumption [3] https://onlinecourses.science.psu.edu/stat414/node/280 */ namespace { enum class ScRegType { LINEAR, LOGARITHMIC, POWER }; const char* constRegressionModel[] = { STR_LABEL_LINEAR, STR_LABEL_LOGARITHMIC, STR_LABEL_POWER }; OUString constTemplateLINEST[] = { "=LINEST(%VARIABLE2_RANGE% ; %VARIABLE1_RANGE% ; %CALC_INTERCEPT% ; TRUE)", "=LINEST(%VARIABLE2_RANGE% ; LN(%VARIABLE1_RANGE%) ; %CALC_INTERCEPT% ; TRUE)", "=LINEST(LN(%VARIABLE2_RANGE%) ; LN(%VARIABLE1_RANGE%) ; %CALC_INTERCEPT% ; TRUE)" }; OUString constRegressionFormula[] = { "=MMULT(%XDATAMATRIX_RANGE% ; %SLOPES_RANGE%) + %INTERCEPT_ADDR%", "=MMULT(LN(%XDATAMATRIX_RANGE%) ; %SLOPES_RANGE%) + %INTERCEPT_ADDR%", "=EXP(MMULT(LN(%XDATAMATRIX_RANGE%) ; %SLOPES_RANGE%) + %INTERCEPT_ADDR%)" }; } // end anonymous namespace static size_t lcl_GetNumRowsColsInRange(const ScRange& rRange, bool bRows) { if (bRows) return rRange.aEnd.Row() - rRange.aStart.Row() + 1; return rRange.aEnd.Col() - rRange.aStart.Col() + 1; } ScRegressionDialog::ScRegressionDialog( SfxBindings* pSfxBindings, SfxChildWindow* pChildWindow, weld::Window* pParent, ScViewData& rViewData ) : ScStatisticsTwoVariableDialog( pSfxBindings, pChildWindow, pParent, rViewData, "modules/scalc/ui/regressiondialog.ui", "RegressionDialog") , mbUnivariate(true) , mnNumIndependentVars(1) , mnNumObservations(0) , mbUse3DAddresses(false) , mbCalcIntercept(true) , mxWithLabelsCheckBox(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button("withlabels-check")) , mxLinearRadioButton(m_xBuilder->weld_radio_button("linear-radio")) , mxLogarithmicRadioButton(m_xBuilder->weld_radio_button("logarithmic-radio")) , mxPowerRadioButton(m_xBuilder->weld_radio_button("power-radio")) , mxErrorMessage(m_xBuilder->weld_label("error-message")) , mxConfidenceLevelField(m_xBuilder->weld_spin_button("confidencelevel-spin")) , mxCalcResidualsCheckBox(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button("calcresiduals-check")) , mxNoInterceptCheckBox(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button("nointercept-check")) { mxWithLabelsCheckBox->connect_toggled(LINK(this, ScRegressionDialog, CheckBoxHdl)); mxConfidenceLevelField->connect_value_changed(LINK(this, ScRegressionDialog, NumericFieldHdl)); } ScRegressionDialog::~ScRegressionDialog() { } void ScRegressionDialog::Close() { DoClose(ScRegressionDialogWrapper::GetChildWindowId()); } const char* ScRegressionDialog::GetUndoNameId() { return STR_REGRESSION_UNDO_NAME; } ScRange ScRegressionDialog::ApplyOutput(ScDocShell* pDocShell) { AddressWalkerWriter aOutput(mOutputAddress, pDocShell, mDocument, formula::FormulaGrammar::mergeToGrammar( formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_ENGLISH, mAddressDetails.eConv)); FormulaTemplate aTemplate(&mDocument); aTemplate.autoReplaceUses3D(mbUse3DAddresses); mbCalcIntercept = !mxNoInterceptCheckBox->get_active(); // max col of our output should account for // 1. constant term column, // 2. mnNumIndependentVars columns // 3. Actual Y column // 4. Predicted Y column // 5. Residual Column SCCOL nOutputMaxCol = mOutputAddress.Col() + mnNumIndependentVars + 3; ScRange aXDataRange(GetDataRange(mVariable1Range)); ScRange aYDataRange(GetDataRange(mVariable2Range)); aTemplate.autoReplaceRange("%VARIABLE1_RANGE%", aXDataRange); aTemplate.autoReplaceRange("%VARIABLE2_RANGE%", aYDataRange); size_t nRegressionIndex = GetRegressionTypeIndex(); ScRegType eRegType = static_cast(nRegressionIndex); bool bTakeLogX = eRegType == ScRegType::LOGARITHMIC || eRegType == ScRegType::POWER; WriteRawRegressionResults(aOutput, aTemplate, nRegressionIndex); WriteRegressionStatistics(aOutput, aTemplate); WriteRegressionANOVAResults(aOutput, aTemplate); WriteRegressionEstimatesWithCI(aOutput, aTemplate, bTakeLogX); if (mxCalcResidualsCheckBox->get_active()) WritePredictionsWithResiduals(aOutput, aTemplate, nRegressionIndex); ScAddress aMaxAddress(aOutput.mMaximumAddress); aMaxAddress.SetCol(std::max(aMaxAddress.Col(), nOutputMaxCol)); return ScRange(aOutput.mMinimumAddress, aMaxAddress); } bool ScRegressionDialog::InputRangesValid() { if (!mVariable1Range.IsValid()) { mxErrorMessage->set_label(ScResId(STR_MESSAGE_XINVALID_RANGE)); return false; } if (!mVariable2Range.IsValid()) { mxErrorMessage->set_label(ScResId(STR_MESSAGE_YINVALID_RANGE)); return false; } if (!mOutputAddress.IsValid()) { mxErrorMessage->set_label(ScResId(STR_MESSAGE_INVALID_OUTPUT_ADDR)); return false; } { double fConfidenceLevel = mxConfidenceLevelField->get_value(); if ( fConfidenceLevel <= 0.0 || fConfidenceLevel >= 100.0 ) { mxErrorMessage->set_label(ScResId(STR_MESSAGE_INVALID_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL)); return false; } } mVariable1Range.PutInOrder(); mVariable2Range.PutInOrder(); bool bGroupedByColumn = mGroupedBy == BY_COLUMN; bool bYHasSingleDim = ( (bGroupedByColumn && mVariable2Range.aStart.Col() == mVariable2Range.aEnd.Col()) || (!bGroupedByColumn && mVariable2Range.aStart.Row() == mVariable2Range.aEnd.Row())); if (!bYHasSingleDim) { if (bGroupedByColumn) mxErrorMessage->set_label(ScResId(STR_MESSAGE_YVARIABLE_MULTI_COLUMN)); else mxErrorMessage->set_label(ScResId(STR_MESSAGE_YVARIABLE_MULTI_ROW)); return false; } bool bWithLabels = mxWithLabelsCheckBox->get_active(); size_t nYObs = lcl_GetNumRowsColsInRange(mVariable2Range, bGroupedByColumn); size_t nNumXVars = lcl_GetNumRowsColsInRange(mVariable1Range, !bGroupedByColumn); mbUnivariate = nNumXVars == 1; // Observation count mismatch check if (lcl_GetNumRowsColsInRange(mVariable1Range, bGroupedByColumn) != nYObs) { if (mbUnivariate) mxErrorMessage->set_label(ScResId(STR_MESSAGE_UNIVARIATE_NUMOBS_MISMATCH)); else mxErrorMessage->set_label(ScResId(STR_MESSAGE_MULTIVARIATE_NUMOBS_MISMATCH)); return false; } mnNumIndependentVars = nNumXVars; mnNumObservations = bWithLabels ? nYObs - 1 : nYObs; mbUse3DAddresses = mVariable1Range.aStart.Tab() != mOutputAddress.Tab() || mVariable2Range.aStart.Tab() != mOutputAddress.Tab(); mxErrorMessage->set_label(""); return true; } size_t ScRegressionDialog::GetRegressionTypeIndex() const { if (mxLinearRadioButton->get_active()) return 0; if (mxLogarithmicRadioButton->get_active()) return 1; return 2; } ScRange ScRegressionDialog::GetDataRange(const ScRange& rRange) { if (!mxWithLabelsCheckBox->get_active()) return rRange; ScRange aDataRange(rRange); if (mGroupedBy == BY_COLUMN) aDataRange.aStart.IncRow(1); else aDataRange.aStart.IncCol(1); return aDataRange; } OUString ScRegressionDialog::GetVariableNameFormula(bool bXVar, size_t nIndex, bool bWithLog) { if (bXVar && nIndex == 0) return "=\"" + ScResId(STR_LABEL_INTERCEPT) + "\""; if (mxWithLabelsCheckBox->get_active()) { ScAddress aAddr(bXVar ? mVariable1Range.aStart : mVariable2Range.aStart); if (mGroupedBy == BY_COLUMN) aAddr.IncCol(nIndex - 1); else aAddr.IncRow(nIndex - 1); ScRefFlags eAddrFlag = mbUse3DAddresses ? ScRefFlags::ADDR_ABS_3D : ScRefFlags::ADDR_ABS; return bWithLog ? OUString("=CONCAT(\"LN(\";" + aAddr.Format(eAddrFlag, &mDocument, mDocument.GetAddressConvention()) + ";\")\")") : OUString("=" + aAddr.Format(eAddrFlag, &mDocument, mDocument.GetAddressConvention())); } OUString aDefaultVarName; if (bXVar) aDefaultVarName = "X" + OUString::number(nIndex); else aDefaultVarName = "Y"; return bWithLog ? OUString("=\"LN(" + aDefaultVarName + ")\"") : OUString("=\"" + aDefaultVarName + "\""); } OUString ScRegressionDialog::GetXVariableNameFormula(size_t nIndex, bool bWithLog) { assert(nIndex <= mnNumIndependentVars); return GetVariableNameFormula(true, nIndex, bWithLog); } OUString ScRegressionDialog::GetYVariableNameFormula(bool bWithLog) { return GetVariableNameFormula(false, 1, bWithLog); } void ScRegressionDialog::WriteRawRegressionResults(AddressWalkerWriter& rOutput, FormulaTemplate& rTemplate, size_t nRegressionIndex) { rOutput.writeBoldString(ScResId(STR_REGRESSION)); rOutput.newLine(); // REGRESSION MODEL rOutput.writeString(ScResId(STR_LABEL_REGRESSION_MODEL)); rOutput.nextColumn(); rOutput.writeString(ScResId(constRegressionModel[nRegressionIndex])); rOutput.newLine(); rOutput.newLine(); rOutput.writeString(ScResId(STR_LINEST_RAW_OUTPUT_TITLE)); rOutput.newLine(); rOutput.push(); rTemplate.setTemplate(constTemplateLINEST[nRegressionIndex]. replaceFirst("%CALC_INTERCEPT%", mbCalcIntercept ? std::u16string_view(u"TRUE") : std::u16string_view(u"FALSE"))); rOutput.writeMatrixFormula(rTemplate.getTemplate(), 1 + mnNumIndependentVars, 5); // Add LINEST result components to template // 1. Add ranges for coefficients and standard errors for indep. vars and the intercept. // Note that these two are in the reverse order(m_n, m_n-1, ..., m_1, b) w.r.t what we expect. rTemplate.autoReplaceRange("%COEFFICIENTS_REV_RANGE%", ScRange(rOutput.current(), rOutput.current(mnNumIndependentVars))); rTemplate.autoReplaceRange("%SERRORSX_REV_RANGE%", ScRange(rOutput.current(0, 1), rOutput.current(mnNumIndependentVars, 1))); // 2. Add R-squared and standard error for y estimate. rTemplate.autoReplaceAddress("%RSQUARED_ADDR%", rOutput.current(0, 2)); rTemplate.autoReplaceAddress("%SERRORY_ADDR%", rOutput.current(1, 2)); // 3. Add F statistic and degrees of freedom rTemplate.autoReplaceAddress("%FSTATISTIC_ADDR%", rOutput.current(0, 3)); rTemplate.autoReplaceAddress("%DoFRESID_ADDR%", rOutput.current(1, 3)); // 4. Add regression sum of squares and residual sum of squares rTemplate.autoReplaceAddress("%SSREG_ADDR%", rOutput.current(0, 4)); rTemplate.autoReplaceAddress("%SSRESID_ADDR%", rOutput.current(1, 4)); rOutput.push(0, 4); rOutput.newLine(); } void ScRegressionDialog::WriteRegressionStatistics(AddressWalkerWriter& rOutput, FormulaTemplate& rTemplate) { rOutput.newLine(); rOutput.writeString(ScResId(STR_LABEL_REGRESSION_STATISTICS)); rOutput.newLine(); const char* aMeasureNames[] = { STR_LABEL_RSQUARED, STRID_CALC_STD_ERROR, STR_LABEL_XVARIABLES_COUNT, STR_OBSERVATIONS_LABEL, STR_LABEL_ADJUSTED_RSQUARED }; OUString aMeasureFormulas[] = { "=%RSQUARED_ADDR%", "=%SERRORY_ADDR%", "=" + OUString::number(mnNumIndependentVars), "=" + OUString::number(mnNumObservations), OUString::Concat( "=1 - (1 - %RSQUARED_ADDR%)*(%NUMOBS_ADDR% - 1)/(%NUMOBS_ADDR% - %NUMXVARS_ADDR%") + (mbCalcIntercept ? std::u16string_view(u" - 1)") : std::u16string_view(u")")) }; rTemplate.autoReplaceAddress("%NUMXVARS_ADDR%", rOutput.current(1, 2)); rTemplate.autoReplaceAddress("%NUMOBS_ADDR%", rOutput.current(1, 3)); for (size_t nIdx = 0; nIdx < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aMeasureNames); ++nIdx) { rOutput.writeString(ScResId(aMeasureNames[nIdx])); rOutput.nextColumn(); rTemplate.setTemplate(aMeasureFormulas[nIdx]); rOutput.writeFormula(rTemplate.getTemplate()); rOutput.newLine(); } } void ScRegressionDialog::WriteRegressionANOVAResults(AddressWalkerWriter& rOutput, FormulaTemplate& rTemplate) { rOutput.newLine(); rOutput.writeString(ScResId(STR_LABEL_ANOVA)); rOutput.newLine(); const size_t nColsInTable = 6; const size_t nRowsInTable = 4; OUString aTable[nRowsInTable][nColsInTable] = { { "", ScResId(STR_ANOVA_LABEL_DF), ScResId(STR_ANOVA_LABEL_SS), ScResId(STR_ANOVA_LABEL_MS), ScResId(STR_ANOVA_LABEL_F), ScResId(STR_ANOVA_LABEL_SIGNIFICANCE_F) }, { ScResId(STR_REGRESSION), "=%NUMXVARS_ADDR%", "=%SSREG_ADDR%", "=%SSREG_ADDR% / %DoFREG_ADDR%", "=%FSTATISTIC_ADDR%", "=FDIST(%FSTATISTIC_ADDR% ; %DoFREG_ADDR% ; %DoFRESID_ADDR%)" }, { ScResId(STR_LABEL_RESIDUAL), "=%DoFRESID_ADDR%", "=%SSRESID_ADDR%", "=%SSRESID_ADDR% / %DoFRESID_ADDR%", "", "" }, { ScResId(STR_ANOVA_LABEL_TOTAL), "=%DoFREG_ADDR% + %DoFRESID_ADDR%", "=%SSREG_ADDR% + %SSRESID_ADDR%", "", "", "" } }; rTemplate.autoReplaceAddress("%DoFREG_ADDR%", rOutput.current(1, 1)); // Cell getter lambda std::function aCellGetterFunc = [&aTable](size_t nRowIdx, size_t nColIdx) -> const OUString& { return aTable[nRowIdx][nColIdx]; }; // Cell writer lambda std::function aCellWriterFunc = [&rOutput, &rTemplate] (const OUString& rContent, size_t /*nRowIdx*/, size_t /*nColIdx*/) { if (!rContent.isEmpty()) { if (rContent.startsWith("=")) { rTemplate.setTemplate(rContent); rOutput.writeFormula(rTemplate.getTemplate()); } else rOutput.writeString(rContent); } }; WriteTable(aCellGetterFunc, nRowsInTable, nColsInTable, rOutput, aCellWriterFunc); // User given confidence level rOutput.newLine(); rOutput.writeString(ScResId(STR_LABEL_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL)); rOutput.nextColumn(); rOutput.writeValue(mxConfidenceLevelField->get_value() / 100.0); rTemplate.autoReplaceAddress("%CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_ADDR%", rOutput.current()); rOutput.newLine(); } // Write slopes, intercept, their standard errors, t-statistics, p-value, confidence intervals void ScRegressionDialog::WriteRegressionEstimatesWithCI(AddressWalkerWriter& rOutput, FormulaTemplate& rTemplate, bool bTakeLogX) { rOutput.newLine(); SCROW nLastRow = rOutput.current(0, 1 + mnNumIndependentVars).Row(); // Coefficients & Std.Errors ranges (column vectors) in this table (yet to populate). rTemplate.autoReplaceRange("%COEFFICIENTS_RANGE%", ScRange(rOutput.current(1, 1), rOutput.current(1, 1 + mnNumIndependentVars))); rTemplate.autoReplaceRange("%SLOPES_RANGE%", // Excludes the intercept ScRange(rOutput.current(1, 2), rOutput.current(1, 1 + mnNumIndependentVars))); rTemplate.autoReplaceAddress("%INTERCEPT_ADDR%", rOutput.current(1, 1)); rTemplate.autoReplaceRange("%SERRORSX_RANGE%", ScRange(rOutput.current(2, 1), rOutput.current(2, 1 + mnNumIndependentVars))); // t-Statistics range in this table (yet to populate) rTemplate.autoReplaceRange("%TSTAT_RANGE%", ScRange(rOutput.current(3, 1), rOutput.current(3, 1 + mnNumIndependentVars))); const size_t nColsInTable = 7; const size_t nRowsInTable = 2; OUString aTable[nRowsInTable][nColsInTable] = { { "", ScResId(STR_LABEL_COEFFICIENTS), ScResId(STRID_CALC_STD_ERROR), ScResId(STR_LABEL_TSTATISTIC), ScResId(STR_P_VALUE_LABEL), "=CONCAT(\"" + ScResId(STR_LABEL_LOWER) + " \" ; INT(%CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_ADDR% * 100) ; \"%\")", "=CONCAT(\"" + ScResId(STR_LABEL_UPPER) + " \" ; INT(%CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_ADDR% * 100) ; \"%\")", }, // Following are matrix formulas of size numcols = 1, numrows = (mnNumIndependentVars + 1) { "", // This puts the coefficients in the reverse order compared to that in LINEST output. "=INDEX(%COEFFICIENTS_REV_RANGE%; 1 ; " + OUString::number(nLastRow + 2) + " - ROW())", // This puts the standard errors in the reverse order compared to that in LINEST output. "=INDEX(%SERRORSX_REV_RANGE%; 1 ; " + OUString::number(nLastRow + 2) + " - ROW())", // t-Statistic "=%COEFFICIENTS_RANGE% / %SERRORSX_RANGE%", // p-Value "=TDIST(ABS(%TSTAT_RANGE%) ; %DoFRESID_ADDR% ; 2 )", // Lower limit of confidence interval "=%COEFFICIENTS_RANGE% - %SERRORSX_RANGE% * " "TINV(1 - %CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_ADDR% ; %DoFRESID_ADDR%)", // Upper limit of confidence interval "=%COEFFICIENTS_RANGE% + %SERRORSX_RANGE% * " "TINV(1 - %CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_ADDR% ; %DoFRESID_ADDR%)" } }; // Cell getter lambda std::function aCellGetterFunc = [&aTable](size_t nRowIdx, size_t nColIdx) -> const OUString& { return aTable[nRowIdx][nColIdx]; }; // Cell writer lambda size_t nNumIndependentVars = mnNumIndependentVars; std::function aCellWriterFunc = [&rOutput, &rTemplate, nNumIndependentVars] (const OUString& rContent, size_t nRowIdx, size_t /*nColIdx*/) { if (!rContent.isEmpty()) { if (rContent.startsWith("=")) { rTemplate.setTemplate(rContent); if (nRowIdx == 0) rOutput.writeFormula(rTemplate.getTemplate()); else rOutput.writeMatrixFormula(rTemplate.getTemplate(), 1, 1 + nNumIndependentVars); } else rOutput.writeString(rContent); } }; WriteTable(aCellGetterFunc, nRowsInTable, nColsInTable, rOutput, aCellWriterFunc); // Go back to the second row and first column of the table to // fill the names of variables + intercept rOutput.push(0, -1); for (size_t nXvarIdx = 0; nXvarIdx <= mnNumIndependentVars; ++nXvarIdx) { rOutput.writeFormula(GetXVariableNameFormula(nXvarIdx, bTakeLogX)); rOutput.newLine(); } } // Re-write all observations in group-by column mode with predictions and residuals void ScRegressionDialog::WritePredictionsWithResiduals(AddressWalkerWriter& rOutput, FormulaTemplate& rTemplate, size_t nRegressionIndex) { bool bGroupedByColumn = mGroupedBy == BY_COLUMN; rOutput.newLine(); rOutput.push(); // Range of X variables with rows as observations and columns as variables. ScRange aDataMatrixRange(rOutput.current(0, 1), rOutput.current(mnNumIndependentVars - 1, mnNumObservations)); rTemplate.autoReplaceRange("%XDATAMATRIX_RANGE%", aDataMatrixRange); // Write X variable names for (size_t nXvarIdx = 1; nXvarIdx <= mnNumIndependentVars; ++nXvarIdx) { // Here we write the X variables without any transformation(LN) rOutput.writeFormula(GetXVariableNameFormula(nXvarIdx, false)); rOutput.nextColumn(); } rOutput.reset(); // Write the X data matrix rOutput.nextRow(); OUString aDataMatrixFormula = bGroupedByColumn ? OUString("=%VARIABLE1_RANGE%") : OUString("=TRANSPOSE(%VARIABLE1_RANGE%)"); rTemplate.setTemplate(aDataMatrixFormula); rOutput.writeMatrixFormula(rTemplate.getTemplate(), mnNumIndependentVars, mnNumObservations); // Write predicted values rOutput.push(mnNumIndependentVars, -1); rOutput.writeString(ScResId(STR_LABEL_PREDICTEDY)); rOutput.nextRow(); rTemplate.setTemplate(constRegressionFormula[nRegressionIndex]); rOutput.writeMatrixFormula(rTemplate.getTemplate(), 1, mnNumObservations); rTemplate.autoReplaceRange("%PREDICTEDY_RANGE%", ScRange(rOutput.current(), rOutput.current(0, mnNumObservations - 1))); // Write actual Y rOutput.push(1, -1); rOutput.writeFormula(GetYVariableNameFormula(false)); rOutput.nextRow(); OUString aYVectorFormula = bGroupedByColumn ? OUString("=%VARIABLE2_RANGE%") : OUString("=TRANSPOSE(%VARIABLE2_RANGE%)"); rTemplate.setTemplate(aYVectorFormula); rOutput.writeMatrixFormula(rTemplate.getTemplate(), 1, mnNumObservations); rTemplate.autoReplaceRange("%ACTUALY_RANGE%", ScRange(rOutput.current(), rOutput.current(0, mnNumObservations - 1))); // Write residual rOutput.push(1, -1); rOutput.writeString(ScResId(STR_LABEL_RESIDUAL)); rOutput.nextRow(); rTemplate.setTemplate("=%ACTUALY_RANGE% - %PREDICTEDY_RANGE%"); rOutput.writeMatrixFormula(rTemplate.getTemplate(), 1, mnNumObservations); } // Generic table writer void ScRegressionDialog::WriteTable(const std::function& rCellGetter, size_t nRowsInTable, size_t nColsInTable, AddressWalkerWriter& rOutput, const std::function& rFunc) { for (size_t nRowIdx = 0; nRowIdx < nRowsInTable; ++nRowIdx) { for (size_t nColIdx = 0; nColIdx < nColsInTable; ++nColIdx) { rFunc(rCellGetter(nRowIdx, nColIdx), nRowIdx, nColIdx); rOutput.nextColumn(); } rOutput.newLine(); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScRegressionDialog, CheckBoxHdl, weld::Toggleable&, void) { ValidateDialogInput(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScRegressionDialog, NumericFieldHdl, weld::SpinButton&, void) { ValidateDialogInput(); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */