/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+ * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * Major Contributor(s): * Copyright (C) 2012 Markus Mohrhard (initial developer) * * All Rights Reserved. * * For minor contributions see the git repository. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later (the "GPLv3+"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or later (the "LGPLv3+"), * in which case the provisions of the GPLv3+ or the LGPLv3+ are applicable * instead of those above. */ #include "condformatmgr.hxx" #include "condformatmgr.hrc" #include "scresid.hxx" #include "globstr.hrc" #include "condformatdlg.hxx" #include "vcl/msgbox.hxx" #define ITEMID_RANGE 1 #define ITEMID_CONDITION 2 ScCondFormatManagerWindow::ScCondFormatManagerWindow(Window* pParent, ScDocument* pDoc, ScConditionalFormatList* pFormatList, const ScAddress& rPos): SvTabListBox(pParent, WB_SORT | WB_HSCROLL | WB_CLIPCHILDREN | WB_TABSTOP), maHeaderBar( pParent, WB_BUTTONSTYLE | WB_BOTTOMBORDER ), mpDoc(pDoc), mpFormatList(pFormatList), mrPos(rPos) { Size aBoxSize( pParent->GetOutputSizePixel() ); maHeaderBar.SetPosSizePixel( Point(0, 0), Size( aBoxSize.Width(), 16 ) ); String aConditionStr(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_HEADER_COND)); String aRangeStr(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_HEADER_RANGE)); long nTabSize = aBoxSize.Width()/2; maHeaderBar.InsertItem( ITEMID_RANGE, aRangeStr, nTabSize, HIB_LEFT| HIB_VCENTER ); maHeaderBar.InsertItem( ITEMID_CONDITION, aConditionStr, nTabSize, HIB_LEFT| HIB_VCENTER ); static long nTabs[] = {2, 0, nTabSize }; Size aHeadSize( maHeaderBar.GetSizePixel() ); //pParent->SetFocusControl( this ); SetPosSizePixel( Point( 0, aHeadSize.Height() ), Size( aBoxSize.Width(), aBoxSize.Height() - aHeadSize.Height() ) ); SetTabs( &nTabs[0], MAP_PIXEL ); maHeaderBar.SetEndDragHdl( LINK(this, ScCondFormatManagerWindow, HeaderEndDragHdl ) ); HeaderEndDragHdl(NULL); Init(); Show(); maHeaderBar.Show(); SetSelectionMode(MULTIPLE_SELECTION); } String ScCondFormatManagerWindow::createEntryString(const ScConditionalFormat& rFormat) { ScRangeList aRange = rFormat.GetRange(); String aStr; aRange.Format(aStr, SCA_VALID, mpDoc, mpDoc->GetAddressConvention()); aStr += '\t'; aStr += ScCondFormatHelper::GetExpression(rFormat, aRange.GetTopLeftCorner()); return aStr; } void ScCondFormatManagerWindow::Init() { SetUpdateMode(false); for(ScConditionalFormatList::iterator itr = mpFormatList->begin(); itr != mpFormatList->end(); ++itr) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = InsertEntryToColumn( createEntryString(*itr), LIST_APPEND, 0xffff ); maMapLBoxEntryToCondIndex.insert(std::pair(pEntry,itr->GetKey())); } SetUpdateMode(true); } void ScCondFormatManagerWindow::DeleteSelection() { if(GetSelectionCount()) { for(SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = FirstSelected(); pEntry != NULL; pEntry = NextSelected(pEntry)) { sal_Int32 nIndex = maMapLBoxEntryToCondIndex.find(pEntry)->second; mpFormatList->erase(nIndex); } RemoveSelection(); } } ScConditionalFormat* ScCondFormatManagerWindow::GetSelection() { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = FirstSelected(); if(!pEntry) return NULL; sal_Int32 nIndex = maMapLBoxEntryToCondIndex.find(pEntry)->second; return mpFormatList->GetFormat(nIndex); } void ScCondFormatManagerWindow::Update() { Clear(); maMapLBoxEntryToCondIndex.clear(); Init(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScCondFormatManagerWindow, HeaderEndDragHdl) { long aTableSize = maHeaderBar.GetSizePixel().Width(); long aItemRangeSize = maHeaderBar.GetItemSize(ITEMID_RANGE); //calculate column size based on user input and minimum size long aItemCondSize = aTableSize - aItemRangeSize; Size aSz; aSz.Width() = aItemRangeSize; SetTab( ITEMID_RANGE, PixelToLogic( aSz, MapMode(MAP_APPFONT) ).Width(), MAP_APPFONT ); maHeaderBar.SetItemSize(ITEMID_RANGE, aItemRangeSize); aSz.Width() += aItemCondSize; SetTab( ITEMID_CONDITION, PixelToLogic( aSz, MapMode(MAP_APPFONT) ).Width(), MAP_APPFONT ); maHeaderBar.SetItemSize(ITEMID_CONDITION, aItemCondSize); return 0; } ScCondFormatManagerCtrl::ScCondFormatManagerCtrl(Window* pParent, ScDocument* pDoc, ScConditionalFormatList* pFormatList, const ScAddress& rPos): Control(pParent, ScResId(CTRL_TABLE)), maWdManager(this, pDoc, pFormatList, rPos) { } ScConditionalFormat* ScCondFormatManagerCtrl::GetSelection() { return maWdManager.GetSelection(); } void ScCondFormatManagerCtrl::DeleteSelection() { maWdManager.DeleteSelection(); } void ScCondFormatManagerCtrl::Update() { maWdManager.Update(); } ScCondFormatManagerDlg::ScCondFormatManagerDlg(Window* pParent, ScDocument* pDoc, const ScConditionalFormatList* pFormatList, const ScAddress& rPos): ModalDialog(pParent, ScResId(RID_SCDLG_COND_FORMAT_MANAGER)), maBtnAdd(this, ScResId(BTN_ADD)), maBtnRemove(this, ScResId(BTN_REMOVE)), maBtnEdit(this, ScResId(BTN_EDIT)), maBtnOk(this, ScResId(BTN_OK)), maBtnCancel(this, ScResId(BTN_CANCEL)), maFlLine(this, ScResId(FL_LINE)), mpFormatList( pFormatList ? new ScConditionalFormatList(*pFormatList) : NULL), maCtrlManager(this, pDoc, mpFormatList, rPos), mpDoc(pDoc), maPos(rPos), mbModified(false) { FreeResource(); maBtnRemove.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, ScCondFormatManagerDlg, RemoveBtnHdl)); maBtnEdit.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, ScCondFormatManagerDlg, EditBtnHdl)); maBtnAdd.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, ScCondFormatManagerDlg, AddBtnHdl)); maCtrlManager.GetListControl().SetDoubleClickHdl(LINK(this, ScCondFormatManagerDlg, EditBtnHdl)); } ScCondFormatManagerDlg::~ScCondFormatManagerDlg() { delete mpFormatList; } bool ScCondFormatManagerDlg::IsInRefMode() const { return true; } ScConditionalFormatList* ScCondFormatManagerDlg::GetConditionalFormatList() { ScConditionalFormatList* pList = mpFormatList; mpFormatList = NULL; return pList; } bool ScCondFormatManagerDlg::CondFormatsChanged() { return mbModified; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScCondFormatManagerDlg, RemoveBtnHdl) { maCtrlManager.DeleteSelection(); mbModified = true; return 0; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScCondFormatManagerDlg, EditBtnHdl) { ScConditionalFormat* pFormat = maCtrlManager.GetSelection(); if(!pFormat) return 0; sal_uInt16 nId = 1; ScModule* pScMod = SC_MOD(); pScMod->SetRefDialog( nId, true ); boost::scoped_ptr pDlg(new ScCondFormatDlg(this, mpDoc, pFormat, pFormat->GetRange(), pFormat->GetRange().GetTopLeftCorner(), condformat::dialog::NONE)); Show(false, 0); if(pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK) { sal_Int32 nKey = pFormat->GetKey(); mpFormatList->erase(nKey); ScConditionalFormat* pNewFormat = pDlg->GetConditionalFormat(); if(pNewFormat) { pNewFormat->SetKey(nKey); mpFormatList->InsertNew(pNewFormat); } maCtrlManager.Update(); mbModified = true; } Show(true, 0); pScMod->SetRefDialog( nId, false ); return 0; } namespace { sal_uInt32 FindKey(ScConditionalFormatList* pFormatList) { sal_uInt32 nKey = 0; for(ScConditionalFormatList::const_iterator itr = pFormatList->begin(), itrEnd = pFormatList->end(); itr != itrEnd; ++itr) { if(itr->GetKey() > nKey) nKey = itr->GetKey(); } return nKey + 1; } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScCondFormatManagerDlg, AddBtnHdl) { sal_uInt16 nId = 1; ScModule* pScMod = SC_MOD(); pScMod->SetRefDialog( nId, true ); boost::scoped_ptr pDlg(new ScCondFormatDlg(this, mpDoc, NULL, ScRangeList(), maPos, condformat::dialog::CONDITION)); Show(false, 0); if(pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK) { ScConditionalFormat* pNewFormat = pDlg->GetConditionalFormat(); if(!pNewFormat) return 0; mpFormatList->InsertNew(pNewFormat); pNewFormat->SetKey(FindKey(mpFormatList)); maCtrlManager.Update(); mbModified = true; } Show(true, 0); pScMod->SetRefDialog( nId, false ); return 0; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */