/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include "csvruler.hxx"
#include "AccessibleCsvControl.hxx"

#include <optutil.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include "miscuno.hxx"

using namespace com::sun::star::uno;

#define SEP_PATH            "Office.Calc/Dialogs/CSVImport"
#define FIXED_WIDTH_LIST    "FixedWidthList"

static void load_FixedWidthList(ScCsvSplits &rSplits)
    OUString sSplits;
    OUString sFixedWidthLists;

    const Any *pProperties;
    Sequence<OUString> aNames { FIXED_WIDTH_LIST };
    ScLinkConfigItem aItem( SEP_PATH );

    aValues = aItem.GetProperties( aNames );
    pProperties = aValues.getConstArray();

    if( pProperties[0].hasValue() )
        pProperties[0] >>= sFixedWidthLists;

        sSplits = sFixedWidthLists;

        // String ends with a semi-colon so there is no 'int' after the last one.
        sal_Int32 n = comphelper::string::getTokenCount(sSplits, ';') - 1;
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            rSplits.Insert( sSplits.getToken(i, ';').toInt32() );
static void save_FixedWidthList(const ScCsvSplits& rSplits)
    OUStringBuffer sSplits;
    // Create a semi-colon separated string to save the splits
    sal_uInt32 n = rSplits.Count();
    for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < n; ++i)

    OUString sFixedWidthLists = sSplits.makeStringAndClear();
    Sequence<Any> aValues;
    Any *pProperties;
    Sequence<OUString> aNames { FIXED_WIDTH_LIST };
    ScLinkConfigItem aItem( SEP_PATH );

    aValues = aItem.GetProperties( aNames );
    pProperties = aValues.getArray();
    pProperties[0] <<= sFixedWidthLists;

    aItem.PutProperties(aNames, aValues);

ScCsvRuler::ScCsvRuler( ScCsvControl& rParent ) :
    ScCsvControl( rParent ),
    mnPosCursorLast( 1 )
    EnableRTL( false ); // RTL
    maBackgrDev->SetFont( GetFont() );
    maRulerDev->SetFont( GetFont() );

    load_FixedWidthList( maSplits );


void ScCsvRuler::dispose()
    save_FixedWidthList( maSplits );

// common ruler handling ------------------------------------------------------

void ScCsvRuler::setPosSizePixel(
        long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight, PosSizeFlags nFlags )
    if( nFlags & PosSizeFlags::Height )
        nHeight = GetTextHeight() + mnSplitSize + 2;
    ScCsvControl::setPosSizePixel( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, nFlags );

void ScCsvRuler::ApplyLayout( const ScCsvLayoutData& rOldData )
    ScCsvDiff nDiff = GetLayoutData().GetDiff( rOldData ) & (ScCsvDiff::HorizontalMask | ScCsvDiff::RulerCursor);
    if( nDiff == ScCsvDiff::Equal ) return;

    if( nDiff & ScCsvDiff::HorizontalMask )
        if( GetRulerCursorPos() >= GetPosCount() )
            MoveCursor( GetPosCount() - 1 );
    if( nDiff & ScCsvDiff::RulerCursor )
        ImplInvertCursor( rOldData.mnPosCursor );
        ImplInvertCursor( GetRulerCursorPos() );

    if( nDiff & ScCsvDiff::PosOffset )

void ScCsvRuler::InitColors()
    const StyleSettings& rSett = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
    maBackColor = rSett.GetFaceColor();
    maActiveColor = rSett.GetWindowColor();
    maTextColor = rSett.GetLabelTextColor();
    maSplitColor = maBackColor.IsDark() ? maTextColor : Color( COL_LIGHTRED );

void ScCsvRuler::InitSizeData()
    maWinSize = GetSizePixel();

    mnSplitSize = (GetCharWidth() * 3 / 5) | 1; // make an odd number

    sal_Int32 nActiveWidth = std::min( GetWidth() - GetHdrWidth(), GetPosCount() * GetCharWidth() );
    sal_Int32 nActiveHeight = GetTextHeight();

    maActiveRect.SetPos( Point( GetFirstX(), (GetHeight() - nActiveHeight - 1) / 2 ) );
    maActiveRect.SetSize( Size( nActiveWidth, nActiveHeight ) );

    maBackgrDev->SetOutputSizePixel( maWinSize );
    maRulerDev->SetOutputSizePixel( maWinSize );


void ScCsvRuler::MoveCursor( sal_Int32 nPos, bool bScroll )
    if( bScroll )
        Execute( CSVCMD_MAKEPOSVISIBLE, nPos );
    Execute( CSVCMD_MOVERULERCURSOR, IsVisibleSplitPos( nPos ) ? nPos : CSV_POS_INVALID );

void ScCsvRuler::MoveCursorRel( ScMoveMode eDir )
    if( GetRulerCursorPos() != CSV_POS_INVALID )
        switch( eDir )
            case MOVE_FIRST:
                MoveCursor( 1 );
            case MOVE_LAST:
                MoveCursor( GetPosCount() - 1 );
            case MOVE_PREV:
                if( GetRulerCursorPos() > 1 )
                    MoveCursor( GetRulerCursorPos() - 1 );
            case MOVE_NEXT:
                if( GetRulerCursorPos() < GetPosCount() - 1 )
                    MoveCursor( GetRulerCursorPos() + 1 );
                // added to avoid warnings

void ScCsvRuler::MoveCursorToSplit( ScMoveMode eDir )
    if( GetRulerCursorPos() != CSV_POS_INVALID )
        sal_uInt32 nIndex = CSV_VEC_NOTFOUND;
        switch( eDir )
            case MOVE_FIRST:    nIndex = maSplits.LowerBound( 0 );                          break;
            case MOVE_LAST:     nIndex = maSplits.UpperBound( GetPosCount() );              break;
            case MOVE_PREV:     nIndex = maSplits.UpperBound( GetRulerCursorPos() - 1 );    break;
            case MOVE_NEXT:     nIndex = maSplits.LowerBound( GetRulerCursorPos() + 1 );    break;
                // added to avoid warnings
        sal_Int32 nPos = maSplits[ nIndex ];
        if( nPos != CSV_POS_INVALID )
            MoveCursor( nPos );

void ScCsvRuler::ScrollVertRel( ScMoveMode eDir )
    sal_Int32 nLine = GetFirstVisLine();
    switch( eDir )
        case MOVE_PREV:     --nLine;                        break;
        case MOVE_NEXT:     ++nLine;                        break;
        case MOVE_PREVPAGE: nLine -= GetVisLineCount() - 1; break;
        case MOVE_NEXTPAGE: nLine += GetVisLineCount() - 1; break;
            // added to avoid warnings
    Execute( CSVCMD_SETLINEOFFSET, nLine );

// split handling -------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Int32 ScCsvRuler::GetNoScrollPos( sal_Int32 nPos ) const
    sal_Int32 nNewPos = nPos;
    if( nNewPos != CSV_POS_INVALID )
        if( nNewPos < GetFirstVisPos() + CSV_SCROLL_DIST )
            sal_Int32 nScroll = (GetFirstVisPos() > 0) ? CSV_SCROLL_DIST : 0;
            nNewPos = std::max( nPos, GetFirstVisPos() + nScroll );
        else if( nNewPos > GetLastVisPos() - CSV_SCROLL_DIST - 1L )
            sal_Int32 nScroll = (GetFirstVisPos() < GetMaxPosOffset()) ? CSV_SCROLL_DIST : 0;
            nNewPos = std::min( nNewPos, GetLastVisPos() - nScroll - sal_Int32( 1 ) );
    return nNewPos;

void ScCsvRuler::InsertSplit( sal_Int32 nPos )
    if( maSplits.Insert( nPos ) )
        ImplDrawSplit( nPos );

void ScCsvRuler::RemoveSplit( sal_Int32 nPos )
    if( maSplits.Remove( nPos ) )
        ImplEraseSplit( nPos );

void ScCsvRuler::MoveSplit( sal_Int32 nPos, sal_Int32 nNewPos )
    bool bRemove = maSplits.Remove( nPos );
    bool bInsert = maSplits.Insert( nNewPos );
    if( bRemove || bInsert )
        ImplEraseSplit( nPos );
        ImplDrawSplit( nNewPos );

void ScCsvRuler::RemoveAllSplits()
    Repaint( true );

sal_Int32 ScCsvRuler::FindEmptyPos( sal_Int32 nPos, ScMoveMode eDir ) const
    sal_Int32 nNewPos = nPos;
    if( nNewPos != CSV_POS_INVALID )
        switch( eDir )
            case MOVE_FIRST:
                nNewPos = std::min( nPos, FindEmptyPos( 0, MOVE_NEXT ) );
            case MOVE_LAST:
                nNewPos = std::max( nPos, FindEmptyPos( GetPosCount(), MOVE_PREV ) );
            case MOVE_PREV:
                while( HasSplit( --nNewPos ) ) ;
            case MOVE_NEXT:
                while( HasSplit( ++nNewPos ) ) ;
                // added to avoid warnings
    return IsValidSplitPos( nNewPos ) ? nNewPos : CSV_POS_INVALID;

void ScCsvRuler::MoveCurrSplit( sal_Int32 nNewPos )
    Execute( CSVCMD_MOVESPLIT, GetRulerCursorPos(), nNewPos );
    MoveCursor( nNewPos );

void ScCsvRuler::MoveCurrSplitRel( ScMoveMode eDir )
    if( HasSplit( GetRulerCursorPos() ) )
        sal_Int32 nNewPos = FindEmptyPos( GetRulerCursorPos(), eDir );
        if( nNewPos != CSV_POS_INVALID )
            MoveCurrSplit( nNewPos );

// event handling -------------------------------------------------------------

void ScCsvRuler::Resize()

void ScCsvRuler::GetFocus()
    if( GetRulerCursorPos() == CSV_POS_INVALID )
        MoveCursor( GetNoScrollPos( mnPosCursorLast ) );

void ScCsvRuler::LoseFocus()
    mnPosCursorLast = GetRulerCursorPos();
    MoveCursor( CSV_POS_INVALID );

void ScCsvRuler::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
    if( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE) )
    ScCsvControl::DataChanged( rDCEvt );

void ScCsvRuler::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    if( !HasFocus() )
    if( rMEvt.IsLeft() )
        sal_Int32 nPos = GetPosFromX( rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X() );
        if( IsVisibleSplitPos( nPos ) )
            StartMouseTracking( nPos );
        ImplSetMousePointer( nPos );

void ScCsvRuler::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    if( !rMEvt.IsModifierChanged() )
        sal_Int32 nPos = GetPosFromX( rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X() );
        if( IsTracking() )
            // on mouse tracking: keep position valid
            nPos = std::max( std::min( nPos, GetPosCount() - sal_Int32( 1 ) ), sal_Int32( 1 ) );
            MoveMouseTracking( nPos );
            Point aPoint;
            tools::Rectangle aRect( aPoint, maWinSize );
            if( !IsVisibleSplitPos( nPos ) || !aRect.IsInside( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ) )
                // if focused, keep old cursor position for key input
                nPos = HasFocus() ? GetRulerCursorPos() : CSV_POS_INVALID;
            MoveCursor( nPos, false );
        ImplSetMousePointer( nPos );

void ScCsvRuler::Tracking( const TrackingEvent& rTEvt )
    if( rTEvt.IsTrackingEnded() || rTEvt.IsTrackingRepeat() )
        MouseMove( rTEvt.GetMouseEvent() );
    if( rTEvt.IsTrackingEnded() )
        EndMouseTracking( !rTEvt.IsTrackingCanceled() );

void ScCsvRuler::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
    const vcl::KeyCode& rKCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode();
    sal_uInt16 nCode = rKCode.GetCode();
    bool bNoMod = !rKCode.GetModifier();
    bool bShift = (rKCode.GetModifier() == KEY_SHIFT);
    bool bJump = (rKCode.GetModifier() == KEY_MOD1);
    bool bMove = (rKCode.GetModifier() == (KEY_MOD1 | KEY_SHIFT));

    ScMoveMode eHDir = GetHorzDirection( nCode, true );
    ScMoveMode eVDir = GetVertDirection( nCode, false );

    if( bNoMod )
        if( eHDir != MOVE_NONE )
            MoveCursorRel( eHDir );
        else if( eVDir != MOVE_NONE )
            ScrollVertRel( eVDir );
        else switch( nCode )
            case KEY_SPACE:     Execute( CSVCMD_TOGGLESPLIT, GetRulerCursorPos() ); break;
            case KEY_INSERT:    Execute( CSVCMD_INSERTSPLIT, GetRulerCursorPos() ); break;
            case KEY_DELETE:    Execute( CSVCMD_REMOVESPLIT, GetRulerCursorPos() ); break;
    else if( bJump && (eHDir != MOVE_NONE) )
        MoveCursorToSplit( eHDir );
    else if( bMove && (eHDir != MOVE_NONE) )
        MoveCurrSplitRel( eHDir );
    else if( bShift && (nCode == KEY_DELETE) )

    if( rKCode.GetGroup() != KEYGROUP_CURSOR )
        ScCsvControl::KeyInput( rKEvt );

void ScCsvRuler::StartMouseTracking( sal_Int32 nPos )
    mnPosMTStart = mnPosMTCurr = nPos;
    mbPosMTMoved = false;
    maOldSplits = maSplits;
    Execute( CSVCMD_INSERTSPLIT, nPos );
    if( HasSplit( nPos ) )
        StartTracking( StartTrackingFlags::ButtonRepeat );

void ScCsvRuler::MoveMouseTracking( sal_Int32 nPos )
    if( mnPosMTCurr != nPos )
        MoveCursor( nPos );
        if( (mnPosMTCurr != mnPosMTStart) && maOldSplits.HasSplit( mnPosMTCurr ) )
            Execute( CSVCMD_INSERTSPLIT, nPos );
            Execute( CSVCMD_MOVESPLIT, mnPosMTCurr, nPos );
        mnPosMTCurr = nPos;
        mbPosMTMoved = true;

void ScCsvRuler::EndMouseTracking( bool bApply )
    if( bApply )    // tracking finished successfully
        // remove on simple click on an existing split
        if( (mnPosMTCurr == mnPosMTStart) && maOldSplits.HasSplit( mnPosMTCurr ) && !mbPosMTMoved )
            Execute( CSVCMD_REMOVESPLIT, mnPosMTCurr );
    else            // tracking cancelled
        MoveCursor( mnPosMTStart );
        // move split to origin
        if( maOldSplits.HasSplit( mnPosMTStart ) )
            MoveMouseTracking( mnPosMTStart );
        // remove temporarily inserted split
        else if( !maOldSplits.HasSplit( mnPosMTCurr ) )
            Execute( CSVCMD_REMOVESPLIT, mnPosMTCurr );
    mnPosMTStart = CSV_POS_INVALID;

// painting -------------------------------------------------------------------

void ScCsvRuler::Paint( vcl::RenderContext& /*rRenderContext*/, const tools::Rectangle& )

void ScCsvRuler::ImplRedraw()
    if( IsVisible() )
        if( !IsValidGfx() )
        DrawOutDev( Point(), maWinSize, Point(), maWinSize, *maRulerDev.get() );
        /* Draws directly tracking rectangle to the column with the specified index. */
        if( HasFocus() )
            InvertTracking( tools::Rectangle( 0, 0, GetWidth() - 1, GetHeight() - 2 ),
                ShowTrackFlags::Small | ShowTrackFlags::TrackWindow );

void ScCsvRuler::ImplDrawArea( sal_Int32 nPosX, sal_Int32 nWidth )
    tools::Rectangle aRect( Point( nPosX, 0 ), Size( nWidth, GetHeight() ) );
    maBackgrDev->SetFillColor( maBackColor );
    maBackgrDev->DrawRect( aRect );

    aRect = maActiveRect;
    aRect.Left() = std::max( GetFirstX(), nPosX );
    aRect.Right() = std::min( std::min( GetX( GetPosCount() ), GetLastX() ), nPosX + nWidth - sal_Int32( 1 ) );
    if( aRect.Left() <= aRect.Right() )
        maBackgrDev->SetFillColor( maActiveColor );
        maBackgrDev->DrawRect( aRect );

    maBackgrDev->SetLineColor( maTextColor );
    sal_Int32 nY = GetHeight() - 1;
    maBackgrDev->DrawLine( Point( nPosX, nY ), Point( nPosX + nWidth - 1, nY ) );

void ScCsvRuler::ImplDrawBackgrDev()
    ImplDrawArea( 0, GetWidth() );

    // scale
    maBackgrDev->SetLineColor( maTextColor );
    sal_Int32 nPos;

    sal_Int32 nFirstPos = std::max( GetPosFromX( 0 ) - (sal_Int32)(1L), (sal_Int32)(0L) );
    sal_Int32 nLastPos = GetPosFromX( GetWidth() );
    sal_Int32 nY = (maActiveRect.Top() + maActiveRect.Bottom()) / 2;
    for( nPos = nFirstPos; nPos <= nLastPos; ++nPos )
        sal_Int32 nX = GetX( nPos );
        if( nPos % 5 )
            maBackgrDev->DrawPixel( Point( nX, nY ) );
            maBackgrDev->DrawLine( Point( nX, nY - 1 ), Point( nX, nY + 1 ) );

    // texts
    maBackgrDev->SetTextColor( maTextColor );
    for( nPos = ((nFirstPos + 9) / 10) * 10; nPos <= nLastPos; nPos += 10 )
        OUString aText( OUString::number( nPos ) );
        sal_Int32 nTextWidth = maBackgrDev->GetTextWidth( aText );
        sal_Int32 nTextX = GetX( nPos ) - nTextWidth / 2;
        ImplDrawArea( nTextX - 1, nTextWidth + 2 );
        maBackgrDev->DrawText( Point( nTextX, maActiveRect.Top() ), aText );

void ScCsvRuler::ImplDrawSplit( sal_Int32 nPos )
    if( IsVisibleSplitPos( nPos ) )
        Point aPos( GetX( nPos ) - mnSplitSize / 2, GetHeight() - mnSplitSize - 2 );
        Size aSize( mnSplitSize, mnSplitSize );
        maRulerDev->SetLineColor( maTextColor );
        maRulerDev->SetFillColor( maSplitColor );
        maRulerDev->DrawEllipse( tools::Rectangle( aPos, aSize ) );
        maRulerDev->DrawPixel( Point( GetX( nPos ), GetHeight() - 2 ) );

void ScCsvRuler::ImplEraseSplit( sal_Int32 nPos )
    if( IsVisibleSplitPos( nPos ) )
        ImplInvertCursor( GetRulerCursorPos() );
        Point aPos( GetX( nPos ) - mnSplitSize / 2, 0 );
        Size aSize( mnSplitSize, GetHeight() );
        maRulerDev->DrawOutDev( aPos, aSize, aPos, aSize, *maBackgrDev.get() );
        ImplInvertCursor( GetRulerCursorPos() );

void ScCsvRuler::ImplDrawRulerDev()
    maRulerDev->DrawOutDev( Point(), maWinSize, Point(), maWinSize, *maBackgrDev.get() );
    ImplInvertCursor( GetRulerCursorPos() );

    sal_uInt32 nFirst = maSplits.LowerBound( GetFirstVisPos() );
    sal_uInt32 nLast = maSplits.UpperBound( GetLastVisPos() );
    if( (nFirst != CSV_VEC_NOTFOUND) && (nLast != CSV_VEC_NOTFOUND) )
        for( sal_uInt32 nIndex = nFirst; nIndex <= nLast; ++nIndex )
            ImplDrawSplit( GetSplitPos( nIndex ) );

void ScCsvRuler::ImplInvertCursor( sal_Int32 nPos )
    if( IsVisibleSplitPos( nPos ) )
        ImplInvertRect( *maRulerDev.get(), tools::Rectangle( Point( GetX( nPos ) - 1, 0 ), Size( 3, GetHeight() - 1 ) ) );
        if( HasSplit( nPos ) )
            ImplDrawSplit( nPos );

void ScCsvRuler::ImplSetMousePointer( sal_Int32 nPos )
    SetPointer( Pointer( HasSplit( nPos ) ? PointerStyle::HSplit : PointerStyle::Arrow ) );

// accessibility ==============================================================

rtl::Reference<ScAccessibleCsvControl> ScCsvRuler::ImplCreateAccessible()
    return new ScAccessibleCsvRuler( *this );

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