/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "csvtablebox.hxx" #include #include #include #include "editutil.hxx" #include "AccessibleCsvControl.hxx" ScCsvTableBox::ScCsvTableBox( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nBits ) : ScCsvControl( pParent, maData, nBits ), maRuler( VclPtr::Create(*this) ), maGrid( VclPtr::Create(*this) ), maHScroll( VclPtr::Create( this, WB_HORZ | WB_DRAG ) ), maVScroll( VclPtr::Create( this, WB_VERT | WB_DRAG ) ), maScrollBox( VclPtr::Create(this) ) { mbFixedMode = false; mnFixedWidth = 1; maHScroll->EnableRTL( false ); // RTL maHScroll->SetLineSize( 1 ); maVScroll->SetLineSize( 1 ); Link aLink = LINK( this, ScCsvTableBox, CsvCmdHdl ); SetCmdHdl( aLink ); maRuler->SetCmdHdl( aLink ); maGrid->SetCmdHdl( aLink ); Link aLink2 = LINK( this, ScCsvTableBox, ScrollHdl ); maHScroll->SetScrollHdl( aLink2 ); maVScroll->SetScrollHdl( aLink2 ); aLink2 = LINK( this, ScCsvTableBox, ScrollEndHdl ); maHScroll->SetEndScrollHdl( aLink2 ); maVScroll->SetEndScrollHdl( aLink2 ); InitControls(); } ScCsvTableBox::~ScCsvTableBox() { disposeOnce(); } void ScCsvTableBox::dispose() { maRuler.disposeAndClear(); maGrid.disposeAndClear(); maHScroll.disposeAndClear(); maVScroll.disposeAndClear(); maScrollBox.disposeAndClear(); ScCsvControl::dispose(); } VCL_BUILDER_FACTORY_ARGS(ScCsvTableBox, WB_BORDER) Size ScCsvTableBox::GetOptimalSize() const { Size aDefault(LogicToPixel(Size(243, 82), MapMode(MAP_APPFONT))); return aDefault; } // common table box handling -------------------------------------------------- void ScCsvTableBox::SetSeparatorsMode() { if( mbFixedMode ) { // rescue data for fixed width mode mnFixedWidth = GetPosCount(); maFixColStates = maGrid->GetColumnStates(); // switch to separators mode mbFixedMode = false; // reset and reinitialize controls DisableRepaint(); Execute( CSVCMD_SETLINEOFFSET, 0 ); Execute( CSVCMD_SETPOSCOUNT, 1 ); Execute( CSVCMD_NEWCELLTEXTS ); maGrid->SetColumnStates( maSepColStates ); InitControls(); EnableRepaint(); } } void ScCsvTableBox::SetFixedWidthMode() { if( !mbFixedMode ) { // rescue data for separators mode maSepColStates = maGrid->GetColumnStates(); // switch to fixed width mode mbFixedMode = true; // reset and reinitialize controls DisableRepaint(); Execute( CSVCMD_SETLINEOFFSET, 0 ); Execute( CSVCMD_SETPOSCOUNT, mnFixedWidth ); maGrid->SetSplits( maRuler->GetSplits() ); maGrid->SetColumnStates( maFixColStates ); InitControls(); EnableRepaint(); } } void ScCsvTableBox::Init() { maGrid->Init(); } void ScCsvTableBox::InitControls() { maGrid->UpdateLayoutData(); long nScrollBarSize = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); Size aWinSize = CalcOutputSize( GetSizePixel() ); long nDataWidth = aWinSize.Width() - nScrollBarSize; long nDataHeight = aWinSize.Height() - nScrollBarSize; maData.mnWinWidth = nDataWidth; maData.mnWinHeight = nDataHeight; if( mbFixedMode ) { // ruler sets height internally maRuler->setPosSizePixel( 0, 0, nDataWidth, 0 ); sal_Int32 nY = maRuler->GetSizePixel().Height(); maData.mnWinHeight -= nY; maGrid->setPosSizePixel( 0, nY, nDataWidth, maData.mnWinHeight ); } else maGrid->setPosSizePixel( 0, 0, nDataWidth, nDataHeight ); maGrid->Show(); maRuler->Show( mbFixedMode ); // scrollbars always visible maHScroll->setPosSizePixel( 0, nDataHeight, nDataWidth, nScrollBarSize ); InitHScrollBar(); maHScroll->Show(); // scrollbars always visible maVScroll->setPosSizePixel( nDataWidth, 0, nScrollBarSize, nDataHeight ); InitVScrollBar(); maVScroll->Show(); bool bScrBox = maHScroll->IsVisible() && maVScroll->IsVisible(); if( bScrBox ) maScrollBox->setPosSizePixel( nDataWidth, nDataHeight, nScrollBarSize, nScrollBarSize ); maScrollBox->Show( bScrBox ); // let the controls self-adjust to visible area Execute( CSVCMD_SETPOSOFFSET, GetFirstVisPos() ); Execute( CSVCMD_SETLINEOFFSET, GetFirstVisLine() ); } void ScCsvTableBox::InitHScrollBar() { maHScroll->SetRange( Range( 0, GetPosCount() + 2 ) ); maHScroll->SetVisibleSize( GetVisPosCount() ); maHScroll->SetPageSize( GetVisPosCount() * 3 / 4 ); maHScroll->SetThumbPos( GetFirstVisPos() ); } void ScCsvTableBox::InitVScrollBar() { maVScroll->SetRange( Range( 0, GetLineCount() + 1 ) ); maVScroll->SetVisibleSize( GetVisLineCount() ); maVScroll->SetPageSize( GetVisLineCount() - 2 ); maVScroll->SetThumbPos( GetFirstVisLine() ); } void ScCsvTableBox::MakePosVisible( sal_Int32 nPos ) { if( (0 <= nPos) && (nPos < GetPosCount()) ) { if( nPos - CSV_SCROLL_DIST + 1 <= GetFirstVisPos() ) Execute( CSVCMD_SETPOSOFFSET, nPos - CSV_SCROLL_DIST ); else if( nPos + CSV_SCROLL_DIST >= GetLastVisPos() ) Execute( CSVCMD_SETPOSOFFSET, nPos - GetVisPosCount() + CSV_SCROLL_DIST ); } } // cell contents -------------------------------------------------------------- void ScCsvTableBox::SetUniStrings( const OUString* pTextLines, const OUString& rSepChars, sal_Unicode cTextSep, bool bMergeSep ) { // assuming that pTextLines is a string array with size CSV_PREVIEW_LINES // -> will be dynamic sometime DisableRepaint(); sal_Int32 nEndLine = GetFirstVisLine() + CSV_PREVIEW_LINES; const OUString* pString = pTextLines; for( sal_Int32 nLine = GetFirstVisLine(); nLine < nEndLine; ++nLine, ++pString ) { if( mbFixedMode ) maGrid->ImplSetTextLineFix( nLine, *pString ); else maGrid->ImplSetTextLineSep( nLine, *pString, rSepChars, cTextSep, bMergeSep ); } EnableRepaint(); } // column settings ------------------------------------------------------------ void ScCsvTableBox::InitTypes( const ListBox& rListBox ) { const sal_Int32 nTypeCount = rListBox.GetEntryCount(); StringVec aTypeNames( nTypeCount ); for( sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; nIndex < nTypeCount; ++nIndex ) aTypeNames[ nIndex ] = rListBox.GetEntry( nIndex ); maGrid->SetTypeNames( aTypeNames ); } void ScCsvTableBox::FillColumnData( ScAsciiOptions& rOptions ) const { if( mbFixedMode ) maGrid->FillColumnDataFix( rOptions ); else maGrid->FillColumnDataSep( rOptions ); } // event handling ------------------------------------------------------------- void ScCsvTableBox::Resize() { ScCsvControl::Resize(); InitControls(); } void ScCsvTableBox::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE) ) InitControls(); ScCsvControl::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } IMPL_LINK_TYPED( ScCsvTableBox, CsvCmdHdl, ScCsvControl&, rCtrl, void ) { const ScCsvCmd& rCmd = rCtrl.GetCmd(); ScCsvCmdType eType = rCmd.GetType(); sal_Int32 nParam1 = rCmd.GetParam1(); sal_Int32 nParam2 = rCmd.GetParam2(); bool bFound = true; switch( eType ) { case CSVCMD_REPAINT: if( !IsNoRepaint() ) { maGrid->ImplRedraw(); maRuler->ImplRedraw(); InitHScrollBar(); InitVScrollBar(); } break; case CSVCMD_MAKEPOSVISIBLE: MakePosVisible( nParam1 ); break; case CSVCMD_NEWCELLTEXTS: if( mbFixedMode ) Execute( CSVCMD_UPDATECELLTEXTS ); else { DisableRepaint(); ScCsvColStateVec aStates( maGrid->GetColumnStates() ); sal_Int32 nPos = GetFirstVisPos(); Execute( CSVCMD_SETPOSCOUNT, 1 ); Execute( CSVCMD_UPDATECELLTEXTS ); Execute( CSVCMD_SETPOSOFFSET, nPos ); maGrid->SetColumnStates( aStates ); EnableRepaint(); } break; case CSVCMD_UPDATECELLTEXTS: maUpdateTextHdl.Call( *this ); break; case CSVCMD_SETCOLUMNTYPE: maGrid->SetSelColumnType( nParam1 ); break; case CSVCMD_EXPORTCOLUMNTYPE: maColTypeHdl.Call( *this ); break; case CSVCMD_SETFIRSTIMPORTLINE: maGrid->SetFirstImportedLine( nParam1 ); break; case CSVCMD_INSERTSPLIT: OSL_ENSURE( mbFixedMode, "ScCsvTableBox::CsvCmdHdl::InsertSplit - invalid call" ); if( maRuler->GetSplitCount() + 1 < sal::static_int_cast(CSV_MAXCOLCOUNT) ) { maRuler->InsertSplit( nParam1 ); maGrid->InsertSplit( nParam1 ); } break; case CSVCMD_REMOVESPLIT: OSL_ENSURE( mbFixedMode, "ScCsvTableBox::CsvCmdHdl::RemoveSplit - invalid call" ); maRuler->RemoveSplit( nParam1 ); maGrid->RemoveSplit( nParam1 ); break; case CSVCMD_TOGGLESPLIT: Execute( maRuler->HasSplit( nParam1 ) ? CSVCMD_REMOVESPLIT : CSVCMD_INSERTSPLIT, nParam1 ); break; case CSVCMD_MOVESPLIT: OSL_ENSURE( mbFixedMode, "ScCsvTableBox::CsvCmdHdl::MoveSplit - invalid call" ); maRuler->MoveSplit( nParam1, nParam2 ); maGrid->MoveSplit( nParam1, nParam2 ); break; case CSVCMD_REMOVEALLSPLITS: OSL_ENSURE( mbFixedMode, "ScCsvTableBox::CsvCmdHdl::RemoveAllSplits - invalid call" ); maRuler->RemoveAllSplits(); maGrid->RemoveAllSplits(); break; default: bFound = false; } if( bFound ) return; const ScCsvLayoutData aOldData( maData ); switch( eType ) { case CSVCMD_SETPOSCOUNT: maData.mnPosCount = std::max( nParam1, sal_Int32( 1 ) ); ImplSetPosOffset( GetFirstVisPos() ); break; case CSVCMD_SETPOSOFFSET: ImplSetPosOffset( nParam1 ); break; case CSVCMD_SETHDRWIDTH: maData.mnHdrWidth = std::max( nParam1, sal_Int32( 0 ) ); ImplSetPosOffset( GetFirstVisPos() ); break; case CSVCMD_SETCHARWIDTH: maData.mnCharWidth = std::max( nParam1, sal_Int32( 1 ) ); ImplSetPosOffset( GetFirstVisPos() ); break; case CSVCMD_SETLINECOUNT: maData.mnLineCount = std::max( nParam1, sal_Int32( 1 ) ); ImplSetLineOffset( GetFirstVisLine() ); break; case CSVCMD_SETLINEOFFSET: ImplSetLineOffset( nParam1 ); break; case CSVCMD_SETHDRHEIGHT: maData.mnHdrHeight = std::max( nParam1, sal_Int32( 0 ) ); ImplSetLineOffset( GetFirstVisLine() ); break; case CSVCMD_SETLINEHEIGHT: maData.mnLineHeight = std::max( nParam1, sal_Int32( 1 ) ); ImplSetLineOffset( GetFirstVisLine() ); break; case CSVCMD_MOVERULERCURSOR: maData.mnPosCursor = IsVisibleSplitPos( nParam1 ) ? nParam1 : CSV_POS_INVALID; break; case CSVCMD_MOVEGRIDCURSOR: maData.mnColCursor = ((0 <= nParam1) && (nParam1 < GetPosCount())) ? nParam1 : CSV_POS_INVALID; break; default: { // added to avoid warnings } } if( maData != aOldData ) { DisableRepaint(); maRuler->ApplyLayout( aOldData ); maGrid->ApplyLayout( aOldData ); EnableRepaint(); } } IMPL_LINK_TYPED( ScCsvTableBox, ScrollHdl, ScrollBar*, pScrollBar, void ) { OSL_ENSURE( pScrollBar, "ScCsvTableBox::ScrollHdl - missing sender" ); if( pScrollBar == maHScroll.get() ) Execute( CSVCMD_SETPOSOFFSET, pScrollBar->GetThumbPos() ); else if( pScrollBar == maVScroll.get() ) Execute( CSVCMD_SETLINEOFFSET, pScrollBar->GetThumbPos() ); } IMPL_LINK_TYPED( ScCsvTableBox, ScrollEndHdl, ScrollBar*, pScrollBar, void ) { OSL_ENSURE( pScrollBar, "ScCsvTableBox::ScrollEndHdl - missing sender" ); if( pScrollBar == maHScroll.get() ) { if( GetRulerCursorPos() != CSV_POS_INVALID ) Execute( CSVCMD_MOVERULERCURSOR, maRuler->GetNoScrollPos( GetRulerCursorPos() ) ); if( GetGridCursorPos() != CSV_POS_INVALID ) Execute( CSVCMD_MOVEGRIDCURSOR, maGrid->GetNoScrollCol( GetGridCursorPos() ) ); } } // accessibility -------------------------------------------------------------- css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > ScCsvTableBox::CreateAccessible() { // do not use the ScCsvControl mechanism, return default accessible object return Control::CreateAccessible(); } rtl::Reference ScCsvTableBox::ImplCreateAccessible() { return rtl::Reference(); // not used, see CreateAccessible() } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */