/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #undef SC_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "global.hxx" #include "scresid.hxx" #include "impex.hxx" #include "scuiasciiopt.hxx" #include "asciiopt.hrc" #include "strings.hxx" #include "csvtablebox.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include "editutil.hxx" #include #include #include #include "miscuno.hxx" #include //! TODO make dynamic const SCSIZE ASCIIDLG_MAXROWS = MAXROWCOUNT; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; // Defines - CSV Import Preserve Options #define FIXED_WIDTH "FixedWidth" #define FROM_ROW "FromRow" #define CHAR_SET "CharSet" #define SEPARATORS "Separators" #define TEXT_SEPARATORS "TextSeparators" #define MERGE_DELIMITERS "MergeDelimiters" #define QUOTED_AS_TEXT "QuotedFieldAsText" #define DETECT_SPECIAL_NUM "DetectSpecialNumbers" #define LANGUAGE "Language" #define SEP_PATH "Office.Calc/Dialogs/CSVImport" #define SEP_PATH_CLPBRD "Office.Calc/Dialogs/ClipboardTextImport" #define SEP_PATH_TEXT2COL "Office.Calc/Dialogs/TextToColumnsImport" static void lcl_FillCombo( ComboBox& rCombo, const OUString& rList, sal_Unicode cSelect ) { sal_Int32 i; sal_Int32 nCount = comphelper::string::getTokenCount(rList, '\t'); for ( i=0; iisEqual( aStr, rList.getToken(i,'\t') ) ) c = (sal_Unicode)rList.getToken(i+1,'\t').toInt32(); } if (!c && !aStr.isEmpty()) { sal_Unicode cFirst = aStr[0]; // #i24235# first try the first character of the string directly if( (aStr.getLength() == 1) || (cFirst < '0') || (cFirst > '9') ) c = cFirst; else // keep old behaviour for compatibility (i.e. "39" -> "'") c = (sal_Unicode) aStr.toInt32(); // Ascii } } return c; } static void load_Separators( OUString &sFieldSeparators, OUString &sTextSeparators, bool &bMergeDelimiters, bool& bQuotedAsText, bool& bDetectSpecialNum, bool &bFixedWidth, sal_Int32 &nFromRow, sal_Int32 &nCharSet, sal_Int32& nLanguage, ScImportAsciiCall eCall ) { SequenceaValues; const Any *pProperties; Sequence aNames( eCall == SC_TEXTTOCOLUMNS ? 4 : 9 ); OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray(); OUString aSepPath; switch(eCall) { case SC_IMPORTFILE: aSepPath = SEP_PATH; break; case SC_PASTETEXT: aSepPath = SEP_PATH_CLPBRD; break; case SC_TEXTTOCOLUMNS: default: aSepPath = SEP_PATH_TEXT2COL; break; } ScLinkConfigItem aItem( aSepPath ); pNames[0] = MERGE_DELIMITERS; pNames[1] = SEPARATORS; pNames[2] = TEXT_SEPARATORS; pNames[3] = FIXED_WIDTH; if (eCall != SC_TEXTTOCOLUMNS) { pNames[4] = FROM_ROW; pNames[5] = CHAR_SET; pNames[6] = QUOTED_AS_TEXT; pNames[7] = DETECT_SPECIAL_NUM; pNames[8] = LANGUAGE; } aValues = aItem.GetProperties( aNames ); pProperties = aValues.getConstArray(); if( pProperties[0].hasValue() ) bMergeDelimiters = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( pProperties[0] ); if( pProperties[1].hasValue() ) pProperties[1] >>= sFieldSeparators; if( pProperties[2].hasValue() ) pProperties[2] >>= sTextSeparators; if( pProperties[3].hasValue() ) bFixedWidth = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( pProperties[3] ); if (eCall != SC_TEXTTOCOLUMNS) { if( pProperties[4].hasValue() ) pProperties[4] >>= nFromRow; if( pProperties[5].hasValue() ) pProperties[5] >>= nCharSet; if ( pProperties[6].hasValue() ) pProperties[6] >>= bQuotedAsText; if ( pProperties[7].hasValue() ) pProperties[7] >>= bDetectSpecialNum; if ( pProperties[8].hasValue() ) pProperties[8] >>= nLanguage; } } static void save_Separators( const OUString& maSeparators, const OUString& maTxtSep, bool bMergeDelimiters, bool bQuotedAsText, bool bDetectSpecialNum, bool bFixedWidth, sal_Int32 nFromRow, sal_Int32 nCharSet, sal_Int32 nLanguage, ScImportAsciiCall eCall ) { OUString sFieldSeparators = maSeparators; OUString sTextSeparators = maTxtSep; Sequence aValues; Any *pProperties; Sequence aNames( eCall == SC_TEXTTOCOLUMNS ? 4 : 9 ); OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray(); OUString aSepPath; switch(eCall) { case SC_IMPORTFILE: aSepPath = SEP_PATH; break; case SC_PASTETEXT: aSepPath = SEP_PATH_CLPBRD; break; case SC_TEXTTOCOLUMNS: default: aSepPath = SEP_PATH_TEXT2COL; break; } ScLinkConfigItem aItem( aSepPath ); pNames[0] = MERGE_DELIMITERS; pNames[1] = SEPARATORS; pNames[2] = TEXT_SEPARATORS; pNames[3] = FIXED_WIDTH; if (eCall != SC_TEXTTOCOLUMNS) { pNames[4] = FROM_ROW; pNames[5] = CHAR_SET; pNames[6] = QUOTED_AS_TEXT; pNames[7] = DETECT_SPECIAL_NUM; pNames[8] = LANGUAGE; } aValues = aItem.GetProperties( aNames ); pProperties = aValues.getArray(); pProperties[0] <<= bMergeDelimiters; pProperties[1] <<= sFieldSeparators; pProperties[2] <<= sTextSeparators; pProperties[3] <<= bFixedWidth; if (eCall != SC_TEXTTOCOLUMNS) { pProperties[4] <<= nFromRow; pProperties[5] <<= nCharSet; pProperties[6] <<= bQuotedAsText; pProperties[7] <<= bDetectSpecialNum; pProperties[8] <<= nLanguage; } aItem.PutProperties(aNames, aValues); } ScImportAsciiDlg::ScImportAsciiDlg( vcl::Window* pParent, const OUString& aDatName, SvStream* pInStream, ScImportAsciiCall eCall ) : ModalDialog (pParent, "TextImportCsvDialog", "modules/scalc/ui/textimportcsv.ui"), mpDatStream ( pInStream ), mnStreamPos( pInStream ? pInStream->Tell() : 0 ), mpRowPosArray( nullptr ), mnRowPosCount(0), aCharSetUser( ScResId( SCSTR_CHARSET_USER ) ), aColumnUser ( ScResId( SCSTR_COLUMN_USER ) ), aTextSepList(SCSTR_TEXTSEP), mcTextSep ( ScAsciiOptions::cDefaultTextSep ), meCall(eCall) { get(pFtCharSet, "textcharset"); get(pLbCharSet, "charset"); pLbCharSet->SetStyle(pLbCharSet->GetStyle() | WB_SORT); get(pFtCustomLang, "textlanguage"); get(pLbCustomLang, "language"); pLbCustomLang->SetStyle(pLbCustomLang->GetStyle() | WB_SORT); get(pFtRow, "textfromrow"); get(pNfRow, "fromrow"); get(pRbFixed, "tofixedwidth"); get(pRbSeparated, "toseparatedby"); get(pCkbTab, "tab"); get(pCkbSemicolon, "semicolon"); get(pCkbComma, "comma"); get(pCkbSpace, "space"); get(pCkbOther, "other"); get(pEdOther, "inputother"); get(pCkbAsOnce, "mergedelimiters"); get(pFtTextSep, "texttextdelimiter"); get(pCbTextSep, "textdelimiter"); get(pCkbQuotedAsText, "quotedfieldastext"); get(pCkbDetectNumber, "detectspecialnumbers"); get(pFtType, "textcolumntype"); get(pLbType, "columntype"); get(mpTableBox, "scrolledwindowcolumntype"); OUString aName = GetText(); switch (meCall) { case SC_TEXTTOCOLUMNS: SetText( get("textalttitle")->GetText() ); break; case SC_IMPORTFILE: aName += " - [" + aDatName + "]"; SetText( aName ); break; default: break; } // To be able to prefill the correct values based on the file extension bool bIsTSV = (aDatName.endsWithIgnoreAsciiCase(".tsv") || aDatName.endsWithIgnoreAsciiCase(".tab")); // Default options are set in officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Calc.xcs OUString sFieldSeparators(",;\t"); OUString sTextSeparators(mcTextSep); bool bMergeDelimiters = false; bool bFixedWidth = false; bool bQuotedFieldAsText = false; bool bDetectSpecialNum = true; sal_Int32 nFromRow = 1; sal_Int32 nCharSet = -1; sal_Int32 nLanguage = 0; load_Separators (sFieldSeparators, sTextSeparators, bMergeDelimiters, bQuotedFieldAsText, bDetectSpecialNum, bFixedWidth, nFromRow, nCharSet, nLanguage, meCall); // load from saved settings maFieldSeparators = sFieldSeparators; if( bMergeDelimiters && !bIsTSV ) pCkbAsOnce->Check(); if (bQuotedFieldAsText) pCkbQuotedAsText->Check(); if (bDetectSpecialNum) pCkbDetectNumber->Check(); if( bFixedWidth && !bIsTSV ) pRbFixed->Check(); if( nFromRow != 1 ) pNfRow->SetValue( nFromRow ); if ( bIsTSV ) pCkbTab->Check(); else SetSeparators(); // Set Separators in the dialog from maFieldSeparators (empty are not set) // Get Separators from the dialog (empty are set from default) maFieldSeparators = GetSeparators(); // Clipboard is always Unicode, else detect. rtl_TextEncoding ePreselectUnicode = (meCall == SC_IMPORTFILE ? RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW : RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE); // Sniff for Unicode / not if( ePreselectUnicode == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW && mpDatStream ) { Seek( 0 ); mpDatStream->StartReadingUnicodeText( RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ); sal_uLong nUniPos = mpDatStream->Tell(); switch (nUniPos) { case 2: ePreselectUnicode = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE; // UTF-16 break; case 3: ePreselectUnicode = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8; // UTF-8 break; case 0: { sal_uInt16 n; mpDatStream->ReadUInt16( n ); // Assume that normal ASCII/ANSI/ISO/etc. text doesn't start with // control characters except CR,LF,TAB if ( (n & 0xff00) < 0x2000 ) { switch ( n & 0xff00 ) { case 0x0900 : case 0x0a00 : case 0x0d00 : break; default: ePreselectUnicode = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE; // UTF-16 } } mpDatStream->Seek(0); } break; default: ; // nothing } mnStreamPos = mpDatStream->Tell(); } pNfRow->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, ScImportAsciiDlg, FirstRowHdl ) ); // *** Separator characters *** lcl_FillCombo( *pCbTextSep, aTextSepList, mcTextSep ); pCbTextSep->SetText( sTextSeparators ); Link aSeparatorHdl = LINK( this, ScImportAsciiDlg, SeparatorEditHdl ); Link aSeparatorClickHdl =LINK( this, ScImportAsciiDlg, SeparatorClickHdl ); pCbTextSep->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ScImportAsciiDlg, SeparatorComboBoxHdl ) ); pCbTextSep->SetModifyHdl( aSeparatorHdl ); pCkbTab->SetClickHdl( aSeparatorClickHdl ); pCkbSemicolon->SetClickHdl( aSeparatorClickHdl ); pCkbComma->SetClickHdl( aSeparatorClickHdl ); pCkbAsOnce->SetClickHdl( aSeparatorClickHdl ); pCkbQuotedAsText->SetClickHdl( aSeparatorClickHdl ); pCkbDetectNumber->SetClickHdl( aSeparatorClickHdl ); pCkbSpace->SetClickHdl( aSeparatorClickHdl ); pCkbOther->SetClickHdl( aSeparatorClickHdl ); pEdOther->SetModifyHdl( aSeparatorHdl ); // *** text encoding ListBox *** // all encodings allowed, including Unicode, but subsets are excluded pLbCharSet->FillFromTextEncodingTable( true ); // Insert one "SYSTEM" entry for compatibility in AsciiOptions and system // independent document linkage. pLbCharSet->InsertTextEncoding( RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW, aCharSetUser ); if ( ePreselectUnicode == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ) { rtl_TextEncoding eSystemEncoding = osl_getThreadTextEncoding(); // Prefer UTF-8, as UTF-16 would have already been detected from the stream. // This gives a better chance that the file is going to be opened correctly. if ( ( eSystemEncoding == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE ) && mpDatStream ) eSystemEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8; pLbCharSet->SelectTextEncoding( eSystemEncoding ); } else { pLbCharSet->SelectTextEncoding( ePreselectUnicode ); } if( nCharSet >= 0 && ePreselectUnicode == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ) pLbCharSet->SelectEntryPos( static_cast(nCharSet) ); SetSelectedCharSet(); pLbCharSet->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ScImportAsciiDlg, CharSetHdl ) ); pLbCustomLang->SetLanguageList( SvxLanguageListFlags::ALL | SvxLanguageListFlags::ONLY_KNOWN, false); pLbCustomLang->InsertLanguage(LANGUAGE_SYSTEM); pLbCustomLang->SelectLanguage(static_cast(nLanguage)); // *** column type ListBox *** sal_Int32 nCount = comphelper::string::getTokenCount(aColumnUser, ';'); for (sal_Int32 i=0; iInsertEntry( aColumnUser.getToken( i, ';' ) ); pLbType->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ScImportAsciiDlg, LbColTypeHdl ) ); pFtType->Disable(); pLbType->Disable(); // *** table box preview *** mpTableBox->Init(); mpTableBox->SetUpdateTextHdl( LINK( this, ScImportAsciiDlg, UpdateTextHdl ) ); mpTableBox->InitTypes( *pLbType ); mpTableBox->SetColTypeHdl( LINK( this, ScImportAsciiDlg, ColTypeHdl ) ); pRbSeparated->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ScImportAsciiDlg, RbSepFixHdl ) ); pRbFixed->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ScImportAsciiDlg, RbSepFixHdl ) ); SetupSeparatorCtrls(); RbSepFixHdl( pRbFixed ); UpdateVertical(); mpTableBox->Execute( CSVCMD_NEWCELLTEXTS ); if (meCall == SC_TEXTTOCOLUMNS) { pFtCharSet->Disable(); pLbCharSet->Disable(); pFtCustomLang->Disable(); pLbCustomLang->SelectLanguage(LANGUAGE_SYSTEM); pLbCustomLang->Disable(); pFtRow->Disable(); pNfRow->Disable(); // Quoted field as text option is not used for text-to-columns mode. pCkbQuotedAsText->Check(false); pCkbQuotedAsText->Disable(); // Always detect special numbers for text-to-columns mode. pCkbDetectNumber->Check(); pCkbDetectNumber->Disable(); } } ScImportAsciiDlg::~ScImportAsciiDlg() { disposeOnce(); } void ScImportAsciiDlg::dispose() { delete[] mpRowPosArray; pFtCharSet.clear(); pLbCharSet.clear(); pFtCustomLang.clear(); pLbCustomLang.clear(); pFtRow.clear(); pNfRow.clear(); pRbFixed.clear(); pRbSeparated.clear(); pCkbTab.clear(); pCkbSemicolon.clear(); pCkbComma.clear(); pCkbSpace.clear(); pCkbOther.clear(); pEdOther.clear(); pCkbAsOnce.clear(); pFtTextSep.clear(); pCbTextSep.clear(); pCkbQuotedAsText.clear(); pCkbDetectNumber.clear(); pFtType.clear(); pLbType.clear(); mpTableBox.clear(); ModalDialog::dispose(); } bool ScImportAsciiDlg::GetLine( sal_uLong nLine, OUString &rText ) { if (nLine >= ASCIIDLG_MAXROWS || !mpDatStream) return false; bool bRet = true; bool bFixed = pRbFixed->IsChecked(); if (!mpRowPosArray) mpRowPosArray = new sal_uLong[ASCIIDLG_MAXROWS + 2]; if (!mnRowPosCount) // complete re-fresh { memset( mpRowPosArray, 0, sizeof(mpRowPosArray[0]) * (ASCIIDLG_MAXROWS+2)); Seek(0); mpDatStream->StartReadingUnicodeText( mpDatStream->GetStreamCharSet() ); mnStreamPos = mpDatStream->Tell(); mpRowPosArray[mnRowPosCount] = mnStreamPos; } if (nLine >= mnRowPosCount) { // need to work out some more line information do { if (!Seek( mpRowPosArray[mnRowPosCount]) || mpDatStream->GetError() != ERRCODE_NONE || mpDatStream->IsEof()) { bRet = false; break; } rText = ReadCsvLine(*mpDatStream, !bFixed, maFieldSeparators, mcTextSep); mnStreamPos = mpDatStream->Tell(); mpRowPosArray[++mnRowPosCount] = mnStreamPos; } while (nLine >= mnRowPosCount && mpDatStream->GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE && !mpDatStream->IsEof()); if (mpDatStream->IsEof() && mnStreamPos == mpRowPosArray[mnRowPosCount-1]) { // the very end, not even an empty line read bRet = false; --mnRowPosCount; } } else { Seek( mpRowPosArray[nLine]); rText = ReadCsvLine(*mpDatStream, !bFixed, maFieldSeparators, mcTextSep); mnStreamPos = mpDatStream->Tell(); } // If the file content isn't unicode, ReadUniStringLine // may try to seek beyond the file's end and cause a CANTSEEK error // (depending on the stream type). The error code has to be cleared, // or further read operations (including non-unicode) will fail. if ( mpDatStream->GetError() == ERRCODE_IO_CANTSEEK ) mpDatStream->ResetError(); ScImportExport::EmbeddedNullTreatment( rText); return bRet; } void ScImportAsciiDlg::GetOptions( ScAsciiOptions& rOpt ) { rOpt.SetCharSet( meCharSet ); rOpt.SetCharSetSystem( mbCharSetSystem ); rOpt.SetLanguage(pLbCustomLang->GetSelectLanguage()); rOpt.SetFixedLen( pRbFixed->IsChecked() ); rOpt.SetStartRow( (long)pNfRow->GetValue() ); mpTableBox->FillColumnData( rOpt ); if( pRbSeparated->IsChecked() ) { rOpt.SetFieldSeps( GetSeparators() ); rOpt.SetMergeSeps( pCkbAsOnce->IsChecked() ); rOpt.SetTextSep( lcl_CharFromCombo( *pCbTextSep, aTextSepList ) ); } rOpt.SetQuotedAsText(pCkbQuotedAsText->IsChecked()); rOpt.SetDetectSpecialNumber(pCkbDetectNumber->IsChecked()); } void ScImportAsciiDlg::SaveParameters() { save_Separators( maFieldSeparators, pCbTextSep->GetText(), pCkbAsOnce->IsChecked(), pCkbQuotedAsText->IsChecked(), pCkbDetectNumber->IsChecked(), pRbFixed->IsChecked(), static_cast(pNfRow->GetValue()), pLbCharSet->GetSelectEntryPos(), static_cast(pLbCustomLang->GetSelectLanguage()), meCall ); } void ScImportAsciiDlg::SetSeparators() { OString sString(OUStringToOString(maFieldSeparators, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252)); const sal_Char *aSep = sString.getStr(); sal_Int32 len = maFieldSeparators.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { switch( aSep[i] ) { case '\t': pCkbTab->Check(); break; case ';': pCkbSemicolon->Check(); break; case ',': pCkbComma->Check(); break; case ' ': pCkbSpace->Check(); break; default: pCkbOther->Check(); pEdOther->SetText( pEdOther->GetText() + OUString( aSep[i] ) ); } } } void ScImportAsciiDlg::SetSelectedCharSet() { meCharSet = pLbCharSet->GetSelectTextEncoding(); mbCharSetSystem = (meCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW); if( mbCharSetSystem ) meCharSet = osl_getThreadTextEncoding(); } OUString ScImportAsciiDlg::GetSeparators() const { OUString aSepChars; if( pCkbTab->IsChecked() ) aSepChars += "\t"; if( pCkbSemicolon->IsChecked() ) aSepChars += ";"; if( pCkbComma->IsChecked() ) aSepChars += ","; if( pCkbSpace->IsChecked() ) aSepChars += " "; if( pCkbOther->IsChecked() ) aSepChars += pEdOther->GetText(); return aSepChars; } void ScImportAsciiDlg::SetupSeparatorCtrls() { bool bEnable = pRbSeparated->IsChecked(); pCkbTab->Enable( bEnable ); pCkbSemicolon->Enable( bEnable ); pCkbComma->Enable( bEnable ); pCkbSpace->Enable( bEnable ); pCkbOther->Enable( bEnable ); pEdOther->Enable( bEnable ); pCkbAsOnce->Enable( bEnable ); pFtTextSep->Enable( bEnable ); pCbTextSep->Enable( bEnable ); } void ScImportAsciiDlg::UpdateVertical() { mnRowPosCount = 0; if (mpDatStream) mpDatStream->SetStreamCharSet(meCharSet); } IMPL_LINK( ScImportAsciiDlg, RbSepFixHdl, Button*, pButton, void ) { OSL_ENSURE( pButton, "ScImportAsciiDlg::RbSepFixHdl - missing sender" ); if( (pButton == pRbFixed) || (pButton == pRbSeparated) ) { SetPointer( Pointer( PointerStyle::Wait ) ); if( pRbFixed->IsChecked() ) mpTableBox->SetFixedWidthMode(); else mpTableBox->SetSeparatorsMode(); SetPointer( Pointer( PointerStyle::Arrow ) ); SetupSeparatorCtrls(); } } IMPL_LINK( ScImportAsciiDlg, SeparatorClickHdl, Button*, pCtrl, void ) { SeparatorHdl(pCtrl); } IMPL_LINK( ScImportAsciiDlg, SeparatorComboBoxHdl, ComboBox&, rCtrl, void ) { SeparatorHdl(&rCtrl); } IMPL_LINK( ScImportAsciiDlg, SeparatorEditHdl, Edit&, rEdit, void ) { SeparatorHdl(&rEdit); } void ScImportAsciiDlg::SeparatorHdl( Control* pCtrl ) { OSL_ENSURE( pCtrl, "ScImportAsciiDlg::SeparatorHdl - missing sender" ); OSL_ENSURE( !pRbFixed->IsChecked(), "ScImportAsciiDlg::SeparatorHdl - not allowed in fixed width" ); /* #i41550# First update state of the controls. The GetSeparators() function needs final state of the check boxes. */ if( (pCtrl == pCkbOther) && pCkbOther->IsChecked() ) pEdOther->GrabFocus(); else if( pCtrl == pEdOther ) pCkbOther->Check( !pEdOther->GetText().isEmpty() ); OUString aOldFldSeps( maFieldSeparators); maFieldSeparators = GetSeparators(); sal_Unicode cOldSep = mcTextSep; mcTextSep = lcl_CharFromCombo( *pCbTextSep, aTextSepList ); // Any separator changed may result in completely different lines due to // embedded line breaks. if (cOldSep != mcTextSep || aOldFldSeps != maFieldSeparators) UpdateVertical(); mpTableBox->Execute( CSVCMD_NEWCELLTEXTS ); } IMPL_LINK( ScImportAsciiDlg, CharSetHdl, ListBox&, rListBox, void ) { SvxTextEncodingBox* pCharSetBox = static_cast(&rListBox); if( (pCharSetBox == pLbCharSet) && (pCharSetBox->GetSelectEntryCount() == 1) ) { SetPointer( Pointer( PointerStyle::Wait ) ); rtl_TextEncoding eOldCharSet = meCharSet; SetSelectedCharSet(); // switching char-set invalidates 8bit -> String conversions if (eOldCharSet != meCharSet) UpdateVertical(); mpTableBox->Execute( CSVCMD_NEWCELLTEXTS ); SetPointer( Pointer( PointerStyle::Arrow ) ); } } IMPL_LINK( ScImportAsciiDlg, FirstRowHdl, Edit&, rEdit, void ) { NumericField& rNumField = static_cast(rEdit); mpTableBox->Execute( CSVCMD_SETFIRSTIMPORTLINE, sal::static_int_cast( rNumField.GetValue() - 1 ) ); } IMPL_LINK( ScImportAsciiDlg, LbColTypeHdl, ListBox&, rListBox, void ) { if( &rListBox == pLbType ) mpTableBox->Execute( CSVCMD_SETCOLUMNTYPE, rListBox.GetSelectEntryPos() ); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScImportAsciiDlg, UpdateTextHdl, ScCsvTableBox&, void) { sal_Int32 nBaseLine = mpTableBox->GetFirstVisLine(); sal_Int32 nRead = mpTableBox->GetVisLineCount(); // If mnRowPosCount==0, this is an initializing call, read ahead for row // count and resulting scroll bar size and position to be able to scroll at // all. When adding lines, read only the amount of next lines to be // displayed. if (!mnRowPosCount || nRead > CSV_PREVIEW_LINES) nRead = CSV_PREVIEW_LINES; sal_Int32 i; for (i = 0; i < nRead; i++) { if (!GetLine( nBaseLine + i, maPreviewLine[i])) break; } for (; i < CSV_PREVIEW_LINES; i++) maPreviewLine[i].clear(); mpTableBox->Execute( CSVCMD_SETLINECOUNT, mnRowPosCount); bool bMergeSep = pCkbAsOnce->IsChecked(); mpTableBox->SetUniStrings( maPreviewLine, maFieldSeparators, mcTextSep, bMergeSep); } IMPL_LINK( ScImportAsciiDlg, ColTypeHdl, ScCsvTableBox&, rTableBox, void ) { sal_Int32 nType = rTableBox.GetSelColumnType(); sal_Int32 nTypeCount = pLbType->GetEntryCount(); bool bEmpty = (nType == CSV_TYPE_MULTI); bool bEnable = ((0 <= nType) && (nType < nTypeCount)) || bEmpty; pFtType->Enable( bEnable ); pLbType->Enable( bEnable ); Link aSelHdl = pLbType->GetSelectHdl(); pLbType->SetSelectHdl( Link() ); if( bEmpty ) pLbType->SetNoSelection(); else if( bEnable ) pLbType->SelectEntryPos( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nType ) ); pLbType->SetSelectHdl( aSelHdl ); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */