/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace com::sun::star::ui { class XUIElement; } namespace sc { static o3tl::enumarray fTimes { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double datastream_get_time(DebugTime nIdx) { return fTimes[ nIdx ]; } namespace { double getNow() { TimeValue now; osl_getSystemTime(&now); return static_cast(now.Seconds) + static_cast(now.Nanosec) / 1000000000.0; } class CSVHandler { DataStream::Line& mrLine; size_t mnColCount; size_t mnCols; const char* mpLineHead; public: CSVHandler( DataStream::Line& rLine, size_t nColCount ) : mrLine(rLine), mnColCount(nColCount), mnCols(0), mpLineHead(rLine.maLine.getStr()) {} static void begin_parse() {} static void end_parse() {} static void begin_row() {} static void end_row() {} void cell(std::string_view s, bool /*transient*/) { if (mnCols >= mnColCount) return; DataStream::Cell aCell; if (ScStringUtil::parseSimpleNumber(s.data(), s.size(), '.', ',', aCell.mfValue)) { aCell.mbValue = true; } else { aCell.mbValue = false; aCell.maStr.Pos = std::distance(mpLineHead, s.data()); aCell.maStr.Size = s.size(); } mrLine.maCells.push_back(aCell); ++mnCols; } }; } namespace datastreams { class ReaderThread : public salhelper::Thread { std::unique_ptr mpStream; size_t mnColCount; std::atomic mbTerminate; std::queue maPendingLines; std::queue maUsedLines; std::mutex maMtxLines; osl::Condition maCondReadStream; osl::Condition maCondConsume; orcus::csv::parser_config maConfig; public: ReaderThread(std::unique_ptr pData, size_t nColCount): Thread("ReaderThread"), mpStream(std::move(pData)), mnColCount(nColCount), mbTerminate(false) { maConfig.delimiters.push_back(','); maConfig.text_qualifier = '"'; } bool isTerminateRequested() { return mbTerminate.load(); } void requestTerminate() { mbTerminate.store(true); } void endThread() { requestTerminate(); maCondReadStream.set(); } void waitForNewLines() { maCondConsume.wait(); maCondConsume.reset(); } DataStream::LinesType popNewLines() { auto pLines = std::move(maPendingLines.front()); maPendingLines.pop(); return pLines; } void resumeReadStream() { if (maPendingLines.size() <= 4) maCondReadStream.set(); // start producer again } bool hasNewLines() const { return !maPendingLines.empty(); } void pushUsedLines( DataStream::LinesType pLines ) { maUsedLines.push(std::move(pLines)); } std::mutex& getLinesMutex() { return maMtxLines; } private: virtual void execute() override { while (!isTerminateRequested()) { std::optional oLines; std::unique_lock aGuard(maMtxLines); if (!maUsedLines.empty()) { // Re-use lines from previous runs. oLines = std::move(maUsedLines.front()); maUsedLines.pop(); aGuard.unlock(); // unlock } else { aGuard.unlock(); // unlock oLines.emplace(10); } // Read & store new lines from stream. for (DataStream::Line & rLine : *oLines) { rLine.maCells.clear(); mpStream->ReadLine(rLine.maLine); CSVHandler aHdl(rLine, mnColCount); orcus::csv_parser parser(rLine.maLine, aHdl, maConfig); parser.parse(); } aGuard.lock(); // lock while (!isTerminateRequested() && maPendingLines.size() >= 8) { // pause reading for a bit aGuard.unlock(); // unlock maCondReadStream.wait(); maCondReadStream.reset(); aGuard.lock(); // lock } maPendingLines.push(std::move(*oLines)); maCondConsume.set(); if (!mpStream->good()) requestTerminate(); } } }; } DataStream::Cell::Cell() : mfValue(0.0), mbValue(true) {} DataStream::Cell::Cell( const Cell& r ) : mbValue(r.mbValue) { if (r.mbValue) mfValue = r.mfValue; else { maStr.Pos = r.maStr.Pos; maStr.Size = r.maStr.Size; } } void DataStream::MakeToolbarVisible() { ScViewData* pViewData = ScDocShell::GetViewData(); if (!pViewData) return; css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > xFrame = pViewData->GetViewShell()->GetViewFrame().GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(); if (!xFrame.is()) return; css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet(xFrame, css::uno::UNO_QUERY); if (!xPropSet.is()) return; css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager; xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LayoutManager") >>= xLayoutManager; if (!xLayoutManager.is()) return; static const OUStringLiteral sResourceURL( u"private:resource/toolbar/datastreams" ); css::uno::Reference< css::ui::XUIElement > xUIElement = xLayoutManager->getElement(sResourceURL); if (!xUIElement.is()) { xLayoutManager->createElement( sResourceURL ); xLayoutManager->showElement( sResourceURL ); } } DataStream* DataStream::Set( ScDocShell *pShell, const OUString& rURL, const ScRange& rRange, sal_Int32 nLimit, MoveType eMove, sal_uInt32 nSettings) { DataStream* pLink = new DataStream(pShell, rURL, rRange, nLimit, eMove, nSettings); sc::DocumentLinkManager& rMgr = pShell->GetDocument().GetDocLinkManager(); rMgr.setDataStream(pLink); return pLink; } DataStream::DataStream(ScDocShell *pShell, const OUString& rURL, const ScRange& rRange, sal_Int32 nLimit, MoveType eMove, sal_uInt32 nSettings) : mpDocShell(pShell), maDocAccess(mpDocShell->GetDocument()), meOrigMove(NO_MOVE), meMove(NO_MOVE), mbRunning(false), mbValuesInLine(false), mbRefreshOnEmptyLine(false), mnLinesCount(0), mnLinesSinceRefresh(0), mfLastRefreshTime(0.0), mnCurRow(0), maImportTimer("sc DataStream maImportTimer"), mbIsFirst(true), mbIsUpdate(false) { maImportTimer.SetTimeout(0); maImportTimer.SetInvokeHandler( LINK(this, DataStream, ImportTimerHdl) ); Decode(rURL, rRange, nLimit, eMove, nSettings); } DataStream::~DataStream() { if (mbRunning) StopImport(); if (mxReaderThread.is()) { mxReaderThread->endThread(); mxReaderThread->join(); } moLines.reset(); } DataStream::Line DataStream::ConsumeLine() { if (!moLines || mnLinesCount >= moLines->size()) { mnLinesCount = 0; if (mxReaderThread->isTerminateRequested()) return Line(); std::unique_lock aGuard(mxReaderThread->getLinesMutex()); if (moLines) { mxReaderThread->pushUsedLines(std::move(*moLines)); moLines.reset(); } while (!mxReaderThread->hasNewLines()) { aGuard.unlock(); // unlock mxReaderThread->waitForNewLines(); aGuard.lock(); // lock } moLines = mxReaderThread->popNewLines(); mxReaderThread->resumeReadStream(); } return moLines->at(mnLinesCount++); } ScRange DataStream::GetRange() const { ScRange aRange = maStartRange; aRange.aEnd = maEndRange.aEnd; return aRange; } void DataStream::Decode(const OUString& rURL, const ScRange& rRange, sal_Int32 nLimit, MoveType eMove, const sal_uInt32 nSettings) { msURL = rURL; meMove = eMove; meOrigMove = eMove; mnSettings = nSettings; mbValuesInLine = true; // always true. mnCurRow = rRange.aStart.Row(); ScRange aRange = rRange; if (aRange.aStart.Row() != aRange.aEnd.Row()) // We only allow this range to be one row tall. aRange.aEnd.SetRow(aRange.aStart.Row()); maStartRange = aRange; maEndRange = aRange; const auto & rDoc = mpDocShell->GetDocument(); if (nLimit == 0) { // Unlimited maEndRange.aStart.SetRow(rDoc.MaxRow()); } else if (nLimit > 0) { // Limited. maEndRange.aStart.IncRow(nLimit-1); if (maEndRange.aStart.Row() > rDoc.MaxRow()) maEndRange.aStart.SetRow(rDoc.MaxRow()); } maEndRange.aEnd.SetRow(maEndRange.aStart.Row()); } void DataStream::StartImport() { if (mbRunning) return; if (!mxReaderThread.is()) { std::unique_ptr pStream(new SvFileStream(msURL, StreamMode::READ)); mxReaderThread = new datastreams::ReaderThread(std::move(pStream), maStartRange.aEnd.Col() - maStartRange.aStart.Col() + 1); mxReaderThread->launch(); } mbRunning = true; maDocAccess.reset(); maImportTimer.Start(); } void DataStream::StopImport() { if (!mbRunning) return; mbRunning = false; Refresh(); maImportTimer.Stop(); } void DataStream::SetRefreshOnEmptyLine( bool bVal ) { mbRefreshOnEmptyLine = bVal; } void DataStream::Refresh() { Application::Yield(); double fStart = getNow(); // Hard recalc will repaint the grid area. mpDocShell->DoHardRecalc(); mpDocShell->SetDocumentModified(); fTimes[ DebugTime::Recalc ] = getNow() - fStart; mfLastRefreshTime = getNow(); mnLinesSinceRefresh = 0; } void DataStream::MoveData() { switch (meMove) { case RANGE_DOWN: { if (mnCurRow == maEndRange.aStart.Row()) meMove = MOVE_UP; } break; case MOVE_UP: { mbIsUpdate = true; // Remove the top row and shift the remaining rows upward. Then // insert a new row at the end row position. ScRange aRange = maStartRange; aRange.aEnd = maEndRange.aEnd; maDocAccess.shiftRangeUp(aRange); } break; case MOVE_DOWN: { mbIsUpdate = true; // Remove the end row and shift the remaining rows downward by // inserting a new row at the top row. ScRange aRange = maStartRange; aRange.aEnd = maEndRange.aEnd; maDocAccess.shiftRangeDown(aRange); } break; case NO_MOVE: default: ; } if(mbIsFirst && mbIsUpdate) { sal_Int32 nStreamTimeout = officecfg::Office::Calc::DataStream::UpdateTimeout::get(); maImportTimer.SetTimeout(nStreamTimeout); mbIsFirst = false; } } void DataStream::Text2Doc() { Line aLine = ConsumeLine(); if (aLine.maCells.empty() && mbRefreshOnEmptyLine) { // Empty line detected. Trigger refresh and discard it. Refresh(); return; } double fStart = getNow(); MoveData(); { SCCOL nCol = maStartRange.aStart.Col(); const char* pLineHead = aLine.maLine.getStr(); for (const Cell& rCell : aLine.maCells) { if (rCell.mbValue) { maDocAccess.setNumericCell( ScAddress(nCol, mnCurRow, maStartRange.aStart.Tab()), rCell.mfValue); } else { maDocAccess.setStringCell( ScAddress(nCol, mnCurRow, maStartRange.aStart.Tab()), OUString(pLineHead+rCell.maStr.Pos, rCell.maStr.Size, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8)); } ++nCol; } } fTimes[ DebugTime::Import ] = getNow() - fStart; if (meMove == NO_MOVE) return; if (meMove == RANGE_DOWN) { ++mnCurRow; // mpDocShell->GetViewData().GetView()->AlignToCursor( // maStartRange.aStart.Col(), mnCurRow, SC_FOLLOW_JUMP); } if (getNow() - mfLastRefreshTime > 0.1 && mnLinesSinceRefresh > 200) // Refresh no more frequently than every 0.1 second, and wait until at // least we have processed 200 lines. Refresh(); ++mnLinesSinceRefresh; } bool DataStream::ImportData() { if (!mbValuesInLine) // We no longer support this mode. To be deleted later. return false; ScViewData* pViewData = ScDocShell::GetViewData(); if (!pViewData) return false; if (pViewData->GetViewShell()->NeedsRepaint()) return mbRunning; Text2Doc(); return mbRunning; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(DataStream, ImportTimerHdl, Timer *, void) { if (ImportData()) maImportTimer.Start(); } } // namespace sc /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */