/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sc.hrc" #include "fudraw.hxx" #include "futext.hxx" #include "tabvwsh.hxx" #include "drwlayer.hxx" #include "scresid.hxx" #include "userdat.hxx" #include "docsh.hxx" #include "postit.hxx" #include "globstr.hrc" #include "drawview.hxx" // base class for draw module specific functions FuDraw::FuDraw(ScTabViewShell* pViewSh, vcl::Window* pWin, ScDrawView* pViewP, SdrModel* pDoc, SfxRequest& rReq) : FuPoor (pViewSh, pWin, pViewP, pDoc, rReq), aNewPointer ( PointerStyle::Arrow ), aOldPointer ( PointerStyle::Arrow ) { } FuDraw::~FuDraw() { } void FuDraw::DoModifiers(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { // Shift = Ortho and AngleSnap // Control = Snap (Toggle) // Alt = centric bool bShift = rMEvt.IsShift(); bool bAlt = rMEvt.IsMod2(); bool bOrtho = bShift; bool bAngleSnap = bShift; bool bCenter = bAlt; // #i33136# if(doConstructOrthogonal()) { bOrtho = !bShift; } if (pView->IsOrtho() != bOrtho) pView->SetOrtho(bOrtho); if (pView->IsAngleSnapEnabled() != bAngleSnap) pView->SetAngleSnapEnabled(bAngleSnap); if (pView->IsCreate1stPointAsCenter() != bCenter) pView->SetCreate1stPointAsCenter(bCenter); if (pView->IsResizeAtCenter() != bCenter) pView->SetResizeAtCenter(bCenter); } void FuDraw::ResetModifiers() { if (!pView) return; ScViewData& rViewData = pViewShell->GetViewData(); const ScViewOptions& rOpt = rViewData.GetOptions(); const ScGridOptions& rGrid = rOpt.GetGridOptions(); bool bGridOpt = rGrid.GetUseGridSnap(); if (pView->IsOrtho()) pView->SetOrtho(false); if (pView->IsAngleSnapEnabled()) pView->SetAngleSnapEnabled(false); if (pView->IsGridSnap() != bGridOpt) pView->SetGridSnap(bGridOpt); if (pView->IsSnapEnabled() != bGridOpt) pView->SetSnapEnabled(bGridOpt); if (pView->IsCreate1stPointAsCenter()) pView->SetCreate1stPointAsCenter(false); if (pView->IsResizeAtCenter()) pView->SetResizeAtCenter(false); } bool FuDraw::MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { // remember button state for creation of own MouseEvents SetMouseButtonCode(rMEvt.GetButtons()); DoModifiers( rMEvt ); return false; } bool FuDraw::MouseMove(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { // evaluate modifiers only if in a drawing layer action // (don't interfere with keyboard shortcut handling) if (pView->IsAction()) DoModifiers( rMEvt ); return false; } bool FuDraw::MouseButtonUp(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { // remember button state for creation of own MouseEvents SetMouseButtonCode(rMEvt.GetButtons()); ResetModifiers(); return false; } // Process Keyboard events. Return true if an event is being handled static bool lcl_KeyEditMode( SdrObject* pObj, ScTabViewShell* pViewShell, const KeyEvent* pInitialKey ) { bool bReturn = false; if ( pObj && dynamic_cast( pObj) != nullptr && dynamic_cast( pObj) == nullptr ) { // start text edit - like FuSelection::MouseButtonUp, // but with bCursorToEnd instead of mouse position OutlinerParaObject* pOPO = pObj->GetOutlinerParaObject(); bool bVertical = ( pOPO && pOPO->IsVertical() ); sal_uInt16 nTextSlotId = bVertical ? SID_DRAW_TEXT_VERTICAL : SID_DRAW_TEXT; // don't switch shells if text shell is already active FuPoor* pPoor = pViewShell->GetViewData().GetView()->GetDrawFuncPtr(); if ( !pPoor || pPoor->GetSlotID() != nTextSlotId ) { pViewShell->GetViewData().GetDispatcher(). Execute(nTextSlotId, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON | SfxCallMode::RECORD); } // get the resulting FuText and set in edit mode pPoor = pViewShell->GetViewData().GetView()->GetDrawFuncPtr(); if ( pPoor && pPoor->GetSlotID() == nTextSlotId ) // no RTTI { FuText* pText = static_cast(pPoor); pText->SetInEditMode( pObj, nullptr, true, pInitialKey ); //! set cursor to end of text } bReturn = true; } return bReturn; } bool FuDraw::KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt) { bool bReturn = false; ScViewData& rViewData = pViewShell->GetViewData(); switch ( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() ) { case KEY_ESCAPE: if ( pViewShell->IsDrawTextShell() || aSfxRequest.GetSlot() == SID_DRAW_NOTEEDIT ) { // if object selected -> normal draw-shell, else turn off drawing rViewData.GetDispatcher().Execute(aSfxRequest.GetSlot(), SfxCallMode::SLOT | SfxCallMode::RECORD); bReturn = true; } else if ( pViewShell->IsDrawSelMode() ) { pView->UnmarkAll(); rViewData.GetDispatcher().Execute(SID_OBJECT_SELECT, SfxCallMode::SLOT | SfxCallMode::RECORD); bReturn = true; } else if ( pView->AreObjectsMarked() ) { // III SdrHdlList& rHdlList = const_cast< SdrHdlList& >( pView->GetHdlList() ); if( rHdlList.GetFocusHdl() ) rHdlList.ResetFocusHdl(); else pView->UnmarkAll(); // while bezier editing, object is selected if (!pView->AreObjectsMarked()) pViewShell->SetDrawShell( false ); bReturn = true; } break; case KEY_DELETE: //! via accelerator pView->DeleteMarked(); bReturn = true; break; case KEY_RETURN: { if( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetModifier() == 0 ) { // activate OLE object on RETURN for selected object // put selected text object in edit mode const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pView->GetMarkedObjectList(); if( !pView->IsTextEdit() && 1 == rMarkList.GetMarkCount() ) { bool bOle = pViewShell->GetViewFrame()->GetFrame().IsInPlace(); SdrObject* pObj = rMarkList.GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if( pObj && dynamic_cast( pObj) != nullptr && !bOle ) { pViewShell->ActivateObject( static_cast< SdrOle2Obj* >( pObj ), 0 ); // consumed bReturn = true; } else if ( lcl_KeyEditMode( pObj, pViewShell, nullptr ) ) // start text edit for suitable object bReturn = true; } } } break; case KEY_F2: { if( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetModifier() == 0 ) { // put selected text object in edit mode // (this is not SID_SETINPUTMODE, but F2 hardcoded, like in Writer) const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pView->GetMarkedObjectList(); if( !pView->IsTextEdit() && 1 == rMarkList.GetMarkCount() ) { SdrObject* pObj = rMarkList.GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if ( lcl_KeyEditMode( pObj, pViewShell, nullptr ) ) // start text edit for suitable object bReturn = true; } } } break; case KEY_TAB: { // in calc do NOT start draw object selection using TAB/SHIFT-TAB when // there is not yet a object selected if(pView->AreObjectsMarked()) { vcl::KeyCode aCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode(); if ( !aCode.IsMod1() && !aCode.IsMod2() ) { // changeover to the next object if(!pView->MarkNextObj( !aCode.IsShift() )) { //If there is only one object, don't do the UnmarkAllObj() & MarkNextObj(). if ( pView->GetMarkableObjCount() > 1 && pView->HasMarkableObj() ) { // No next object: go over open end and // get first from the other side pView->UnmarkAllObj(); pView->MarkNextObj(!aCode.IsShift()); } } // II if(pView->AreObjectsMarked()) pView->MakeVisible(pView->GetAllMarkedRect(), *pWindow); bReturn = true; } // handle Mod1 and Mod2 to get travelling running on different systems if(rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() || rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod2()) { // II do something with a selected handle? const SdrHdlList& rHdlList = pView->GetHdlList(); bool bForward(!rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift()); const_cast(rHdlList).TravelFocusHdl(bForward); // guarantee visibility of focused handle SdrHdl* pHdl = rHdlList.GetFocusHdl(); if(pHdl) { Point aHdlPosition(pHdl->GetPos()); tools::Rectangle aVisRect(aHdlPosition - Point(100, 100), Size(200, 200)); pView->MakeVisible(aVisRect, *pWindow); } // consumed bReturn = true; } } } break; case KEY_END: { // in calc do NOT select the last draw object when // there is not yet a object selected if(pView->AreObjectsMarked()) { vcl::KeyCode aCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode(); if ( aCode.IsMod1() ) { // mark last object pView->UnmarkAllObj(); pView->MarkNextObj(); // II if(pView->AreObjectsMarked()) pView->MakeVisible(pView->GetAllMarkedRect(), *pWindow); bReturn = true; } } } break; case KEY_HOME: { // in calc do NOT select the first draw object when // there is not yet a object selected if(pView->AreObjectsMarked()) { vcl::KeyCode aCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode(); if ( aCode.IsMod1() ) { // mark first object pView->UnmarkAllObj(); pView->MarkNextObj(true); // II if(pView->AreObjectsMarked()) pView->MakeVisible(pView->GetAllMarkedRect(), *pWindow); bReturn = true; } } } break; case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: { // in calc do cursor travelling of draw objects only when // there is a object selected yet if(pView->AreObjectsMarked()) { const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pView->GetMarkedObjectList(); if(rMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1) { // disable cursor travelling on note objects as the tail connector position // must not move. SdrObject* pObj = rMarkList.GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if( ScDrawLayer::IsNoteCaption( pObj ) ) break; } long nX = 0; long nY = 0; sal_uInt16 nCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode(); if (nCode == KEY_UP) { // scroll up nX = 0; nY =-1; } else if (nCode == KEY_DOWN) { // scroll down nX = 0; nY = 1; } else if (nCode == KEY_LEFT) { // scroll left nX =-1; nY = 0; } else if (nCode == KEY_RIGHT) { // scroll right nX = 1; nY = 0; } bool bReadOnly = rViewData.GetDocShell()->IsReadOnly(); if(!rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && !bReadOnly) { if(rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod2()) { // move in 1 pixel distance Size aLogicSizeOnePixel = (pWindow) ? pWindow->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1)) : Size(100, 100); nX *= aLogicSizeOnePixel.Width(); nY *= aLogicSizeOnePixel.Height(); } else if(rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift()) // #i121236# Support for shift key in calc { nX *= 1000; nY *= 1000; } else { // old, fixed move distance nX *= 100; nY *= 100; } // is there a movement to do? if(0 != nX || 0 != nY) { // II const SdrHdlList& rHdlList = pView->GetHdlList(); SdrHdl* pHdl = rHdlList.GetFocusHdl(); if(nullptr == pHdl) { // only take action when move is allowed if(pView->IsMoveAllowed()) { // restrict movement to WorkArea const tools::Rectangle& rWorkArea = pView->GetWorkArea(); if(!rWorkArea.IsEmpty()) { tools::Rectangle aMarkRect(pView->GetMarkedObjRect()); aMarkRect.Move(nX, nY); if(!aMarkRect.IsInside(rWorkArea)) { if(aMarkRect.Left() < rWorkArea.Left()) { nX += rWorkArea.Left() - aMarkRect.Left(); } if(aMarkRect.Right() > rWorkArea.Right()) { nX -= aMarkRect.Right() - rWorkArea.Right(); } if(aMarkRect.Top() < rWorkArea.Top()) { nY += rWorkArea.Top() - aMarkRect.Top(); } if(aMarkRect.Bottom() > rWorkArea.Bottom()) { nY -= aMarkRect.Bottom() - rWorkArea.Bottom(); } } } // now move the selected draw objects pView->MoveAllMarked(Size(nX, nY)); // II pView->MakeVisible(pView->GetAllMarkedRect(), *pWindow); bReturn = true; } } else { // move handle with index nHandleIndex if(pHdl && (nX || nY)) { // now move the Handle (nX, nY) Point aStartPoint(pHdl->GetPos()); Point aEndPoint(pHdl->GetPos() + Point(nX, nY)); const SdrDragStat& rDragStat = pView->GetDragStat(); // start dragging pView->BegDragObj(aStartPoint, nullptr, pHdl, 0); if(pView->IsDragObj()) { bool bWasNoSnap = rDragStat.IsNoSnap(); bool bWasSnapEnabled = pView->IsSnapEnabled(); // switch snapping off if(!bWasNoSnap) const_cast(rDragStat).SetNoSnap(); if(bWasSnapEnabled) pView->SetSnapEnabled(false); pView->MovAction(aEndPoint); pView->EndDragObj(); // restore snap if(!bWasNoSnap) const_cast(rDragStat).SetNoSnap(bWasNoSnap); if(bWasSnapEnabled) pView->SetSnapEnabled(bWasSnapEnabled); } // make moved handle visible tools::Rectangle aVisRect(aEndPoint - Point(100, 100), Size(200, 200)); pView->MakeVisible(aVisRect, *pWindow); bReturn = true; } } } } } } break; case KEY_SPACE: { // in calc do only something when draw objects are selected if(pView->AreObjectsMarked()) { const SdrHdlList& rHdlList = pView->GetHdlList(); SdrHdl* pHdl = rHdlList.GetFocusHdl(); if(pHdl) { if(pHdl->GetKind() == SdrHdlKind::Poly) { // rescue ID of point with focus sal_uInt32 nPol(pHdl->GetPolyNum()); sal_uInt32 nPnt(pHdl->GetPointNum()); if(pView->IsPointMarked(*pHdl)) { if(rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift()) { pView->UnmarkPoint(*pHdl); } } else { if(!rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift()) { pView->UnmarkAllPoints(); } pView->MarkPoint(*pHdl); } if(nullptr == rHdlList.GetFocusHdl()) { // restore point with focus SdrHdl* pNewOne = nullptr; for(size_t a = 0; !pNewOne && a < rHdlList.GetHdlCount(); ++a) { SdrHdl* pAct = rHdlList.GetHdl(a); if(pAct && pAct->GetKind() == SdrHdlKind::Poly && pAct->GetPolyNum() == nPol && pAct->GetPointNum() == nPnt) { pNewOne = pAct; } } if(pNewOne) { const_cast(rHdlList).SetFocusHdl(pNewOne); } } bReturn = true; } } } } break; } if (!bReturn) { bReturn = FuPoor::KeyInput(rKEvt); } if (!bReturn) { // allow direct typing into a selected text object const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pView->GetMarkedObjectList(); if( !pView->IsTextEdit() && 1 == rMarkList.GetMarkCount() && EditEngine::IsSimpleCharInput(rKEvt) ) { SdrObject* pObj = rMarkList.GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); // start text edit for suitable object, pass key event to OutlinerView if ( lcl_KeyEditMode( pObj, pViewShell, &rKEvt ) ) bReturn = true; } } return bReturn; } // toggle mouse-pointer static bool lcl_UrlHit( SdrView* pView, const Point& rPosPixel, vcl::Window* pWindow ) { SdrViewEvent aVEvt; MouseEvent aMEvt( rPosPixel, 1, MouseEventModifiers::NONE, MOUSE_LEFT ); SdrHitKind eHit = pView->PickAnything( aMEvt, SdrMouseEventKind::BUTTONDOWN, aVEvt ); if ( eHit != SdrHitKind::NONE && aVEvt.pObj != nullptr ) { if ( ScDrawLayer::GetIMapInfo( aVEvt.pObj ) && ScDrawLayer::GetHitIMapObject( aVEvt.pObj, pWindow->PixelToLogic(rPosPixel), *pWindow ) ) return true; if ( aVEvt.eEvent == SdrEventKind::ExecuteUrl ) return true; } return false; } void FuDraw::ForcePointer(const MouseEvent* pMEvt) { if ( !pView->IsAction() ) { Point aPosPixel = pWindow->GetPointerPosPixel(); bool bAlt = pMEvt && pMEvt->IsMod2(); Point aPnt = pWindow->PixelToLogic( aPosPixel ); SdrHdl* pHdl = pView->PickHandle(aPnt); SdrPageView* pPV; ScMacroInfo* pInfo = nullptr; SdrObject* pObj = pView->PickObj(aPnt, pView->getHitTolLog(), pPV, SdrSearchOptions::ALSOONMASTER); if (pObj) { if ( pObj->IsGroupObject() ) { SdrObject* pHit = pView->PickObj(aMDPos, pView->getHitTolLog(), pPV, SdrSearchOptions::DEEP); if (pHit) pObj = pHit; } pInfo = ScDrawLayer::GetMacroInfo( pObj ); } if ( pView->IsTextEdit() ) { pViewShell->SetActivePointer(Pointer(PointerStyle::Text)); // can't be ? } else if ( pHdl ) { pViewShell->SetActivePointer( pView->GetPreferredPointer( aPnt, pWindow ) ); } else if ( pView->IsMarkedHit(aPnt) ) { pViewShell->SetActivePointer( Pointer(PointerStyle::Move) ); } else if ( !bAlt && ( !pMEvt || !pMEvt->GetButtons() ) && lcl_UrlHit( pView, aPosPixel, pWindow ) ) { // could be suppressed with ALT pWindow->SetPointer( Pointer( PointerStyle::RefHand ) ); // Text-URL / ImageMap } else if ( !bAlt && (pObj = pView->PickObj(aPnt, pView->getHitTolLog(), pPV, SdrSearchOptions::PICKMACRO)) ) { // could be suppressed with ALT SdrObjMacroHitRec aHitRec; //! something missing ???? pViewShell->SetActivePointer( pObj->GetMacroPointer(aHitRec) ); } else if ( !bAlt && pInfo && (!pInfo->GetMacro().isEmpty() || !pInfo->GetHlink().isEmpty()) ) pWindow->SetPointer( Pointer( PointerStyle::RefHand ) ); else if ( IsDetectiveHit( aPnt ) ) pViewShell->SetActivePointer( Pointer( PointerStyle::Detective ) ); else pViewShell->SetActivePointer( aNewPointer ); //! in Gridwin? } } bool FuDraw::IsEditingANote() const { const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pView->GetMarkedObjectList(); const size_t backval=rMarkList.GetMarkCount(); for (size_t nlv1=0; nlv1GetMarkedSdrObj(); if ( ScDrawLayer::IsNoteCaption( pObj ) ) { return true; } } return false; } bool FuDraw::IsSizingOrMovingNote( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) const { bool bIsSizingOrMoving = false; if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() ) { const SdrMarkList& rNoteMarkList = pView->GetMarkedObjectList(); if(rNoteMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1) { SdrObject* pObj = rNoteMarkList.GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if ( ScDrawLayer::IsNoteCaption( pObj ) ) { Point aMPos = pWindow->PixelToLogic( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ); bIsSizingOrMoving = pView->PickHandle( aMPos ) || // handles to resize the note pView->IsTextEditFrameHit( aMPos ); // frame for moving the note } } } return bIsSizingOrMoving; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */