/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * */ #ifndef INCLUDED_SC_SOURCE_UI_INC_TABLEFILLINGANDNAVIGATIONTOOLS_HXX #define INCLUDED_SC_SOURCE_UI_INC_TABLEFILLINGANDNAVIGATIONTOOLS_HXX #include #include #include #include class FormulaTemplate { private: OUString mTemplate; ScDocument* mpDoc; bool mbUse3D; typedef std::map RangeReplacementMap; typedef std::map AddressReplacementMap; AddressReplacementMap mAddressReplacementMap; RangeReplacementMap mRangeReplacementMap; public: FormulaTemplate(ScDocument* pDoc); void setTemplate(const OUString& aTemplate); void setTemplate(const char* aTemplate); const OUString& getTemplate(); void autoReplaceRange(const OUString& aVariable, const ScRange& rRange); void autoReplaceAddress(const OUString& aVariable, ScAddress const & aAddress); void autoReplaceUses3D(bool bUse3D) { mbUse3D = bUse3D; } void applyRange(std::u16string_view aVariable, const ScRange& aRange, bool b3D = true); void applyRangeList(std::u16string_view aVariable, const ScRangeList& aRangeList, sal_Unicode cDelimiter ); void applyAddress(std::u16string_view aVariable, const ScAddress& aAddress, bool b3D = true); void applyString(std::u16string_view aVariable, std::u16string_view aValue); void applyNumber(std::u16string_view aVariable, sal_Int32 aValue); }; class AddressWalker { public: std::vector mAddressStack; ScAddress mCurrentAddress; ScAddress mMinimumAddress; ScAddress mMaximumAddress; AddressWalker(const ScAddress& aInitialAddress); ScAddress current(SCCOL aRelativeCol = 0, SCROW aRelativeRow = 0, SCTAB aRelativeTab = 0); void reset(); void resetColumn(); void resetRow(); void nextColumn(); void nextRow(); void newLine(); void push(SCCOL aRelativeCol = 0, SCROW aRelativeRow = 0, SCTAB aRelativeTab = 0); }; class AddressWalkerWriter : public AddressWalker { public: ScDocShell* mpDocShell; ScDocument& mrDocument; formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar meGrammar; AddressWalkerWriter(const ScAddress& aInitialAddress, ScDocShell* pDocShell, ScDocument& rDocument, formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar ); void writeFormula(const OUString& aFormula); void writeFormulas(const std::vector& rFormulas); void writeMatrixFormula(const OUString& aFormula, SCCOL nCols = 1, SCROW nRows = 1); void writeString(const OUString& aString); void writeString(const char* aCharArray); void writeBoldString(const OUString& aString); void writeValue(double aValue); }; class DataCellIterator final { private: ScRange mInputRange; bool mByColumn; SCCOL mCol; SCROW mRow; public: DataCellIterator(const ScRange& aInputRange, bool aByColumn); ~DataCellIterator(); bool hasNext() const; ScAddress get(); void next(); ScAddress getRelative(int aDelta); }; class DataRangeIterator { protected: ScRange mInputRange; sal_Int32 mIndex; public: DataRangeIterator(const ScRange& aInputRange); virtual ~DataRangeIterator(); virtual bool hasNext() = 0; virtual ScRange get() = 0; virtual size_t size() = 0; virtual void next() = 0; virtual void reset() = 0; sal_Int32 index(); virtual DataCellIterator iterateCells() = 0; }; class DataRangeByColumnIterator final : public DataRangeIterator { SCCOL mCol; public: DataRangeByColumnIterator(const ScRange& aInputRange); virtual bool hasNext() override; virtual void next() override; virtual ScRange get() override; virtual size_t size() override; virtual void reset() override; virtual DataCellIterator iterateCells() override; }; class DataRangeByRowIterator final : public DataRangeIterator { SCROW mRow; public: DataRangeByRowIterator(const ScRange& aInputRange); virtual bool hasNext() override; virtual void next() override; virtual ScRange get() override; virtual size_t size() override; virtual void reset() override; virtual DataCellIterator iterateCells() override; }; #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */