/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#pragma once
struct ScCellInfo;
namespace sc {
class SpellCheckContext;
namespace editeng {
struct MisspellRanges;
namespace drawinglayer::processor2d { class BaseProcessor2D; }
namespace vcl { class Font; }
class EditEngine;
class ScDocument;
class ScPatternAttr;
struct RowInfo;
struct ScTableInfo;
class ScTabViewShell;
class ScPageBreakData;
class FmFormView;
class ScFieldEditEngine;
class SdrPaintWindow;
class ClearableClipRegion;
typedef std::unique_ptr> ClearableClipRegionPtr;
typedef std::map TableRowIdMap;
typedef std::map, sal_Int32> TableDataIdMap;
struct ScEnhancedPDFState
sal_Int32 m_WorksheetId = -1;
sal_Int32 m_TableId = -1;
TableRowIdMap m_TableRowMap;
TableDataIdMap m_TableDataMap;
/// Describes reference mark to be drawn, position & size in TWIPs
struct ReferenceMark {
tools::Long nX;
tools::Long nY;
tools::Long nWidth;
tools::Long nHeight;
tools::Long nTab;
Color aColor;
: nX( 0 )
, nY( 0 )
, nWidth( 0 )
, nHeight( 0 )
, nTab( 0 )
, aColor( COL_AUTO ) {}
ReferenceMark( tools::Long aX,
tools::Long aY,
tools::Long aWidth,
tools::Long aHeight,
tools::Long aTab,
const Color& rColor )
: nX( aX )
, nY( aY )
, nWidth( aWidth )
, nHeight( aHeight )
, nTab( aTab )
, aColor( rColor ) {}
bool Is() const { return ( nWidth > 0 && nHeight > 0 ); }
class ScOutputData
friend class ScDrawStringsVars;
friend class ScGridWindow;
struct OutputAreaParam
tools::Rectangle maAlignRect;
tools::Rectangle maClipRect;
tools::Long mnColWidth;
tools::Long mnLeftClipLength; /// length of the string getting cut off on the left.
tools::Long mnRightClipLength; /// length of the string getting cut off on the right.
bool mbLeftClip;
bool mbRightClip;
class DrawEditParam
SvxCellHorJustify meHorJustAttr; ///< alignment attribute
SvxCellHorJustify meHorJustContext; ///< context depending on attribute, content and direction
SvxCellHorJustify meHorJustResult; ///< result for EditEngine
SvxCellVerJustify meVerJust;
SvxCellJustifyMethod meHorJustMethod;
SvxCellJustifyMethod meVerJustMethod;
SvxCellOrientation meOrient;
SCCOL mnCellX;
SCROW mnCellY;
tools::Long mnPosX;
tools::Long mnPosY;
tools::Long mnInitPosX;
bool mbBreak:1;
bool mbCellIsValue:1;
bool mbAsianVertical:1;
bool mbPixelToLogic:1;
bool mbHyphenatorSet:1;
ScFieldEditEngine* mpEngine;
ScRefCellValue maCell;
const ScPatternAttr* mpPattern;
const SfxItemSet* mpCondSet;
const SfxItemSet* mpPreviewFontSet;
const ScPatternAttr* mpOldPattern;
const SfxItemSet* mpOldCondSet;
const SfxItemSet* mpOldPreviewFontSet;
RowInfo* mpThisRowInfo;
sc::MisspellRangeResult maMisspellRanges;
explicit DrawEditParam(const ScPatternAttr* pPattern, const SfxItemSet* pCondSet, bool bCellIsValue);
bool readCellContent(const ScDocument* pDoc, bool bShowNullValues, bool bShowFormulas, bool bSyntaxMode, bool bUseStyleColor, bool bForceAutoColor, bool& rWrapFields);
void setPatternToEngine(bool bUseStyleColor);
void calcMargins(tools::Long& rTop, tools::Long& rLeft, tools::Long& rBottom, tools::Long& rRight, double nPPTX, double nPPTY) const;
void calcPaperSize(Size& rPaperSize, const tools::Rectangle& rAlignRect, double nPPTX, double nPPTY) const;
void getEngineSize(ScFieldEditEngine* pEngine, tools::Long& rWidth, tools::Long& rHeight) const;
bool hasLineBreak() const;
bool isHyperlinkCell() const;
* When the text is vertically oriented, the text is either rotated 90
* degrees to the right or 90 degrees to the left. Note that this is
* different from being vertically stacked.
bool isVerticallyOriented() const;
* Calculate offset position for vertically oriented (either
* top-bottom or bottom-top orientation) text.
* @param rLogicStart initial position in pixels. When the call is
* finished, this parameter will store the new
* position.
void calcStartPosForVertical(Point& rLogicStart, tools::Long nCellWidth, tools::Long nEngineWidth, tools::Long nTopM, const OutputDevice* pRefDevice);
void setAlignmentToEngine();
bool adjustHorAlignment(ScFieldEditEngine* pEngine);
void adjustForHyperlinkInPDF(Point aURLStart, const OutputDevice* pDev);
VclPtr mpOriginalTargetDevice; // 'unpatched' TargetDevice
VclPtr mpDev; // Device
VclPtr mpRefDevice; // printer if used for preview
VclPtr pFmtDevice; // reference for text formatting
ScTableInfo& mrTabInfo;
RowInfo* pRowInfo; // Info block
SCSIZE nArrCount; // occupied lines in info block
ScDocument* mpDoc; // Document
SCTAB nTab; // sheet
tools::Long nScrX; // Output Startpos. (Pixel)
tools::Long nScrY;
tools::Long nScrW; // Output size (Pixel)
tools::Long nScrH;
tools::Long nMirrorW; // Visible output width for mirroring (default: nScrW)
SCCOL nX1; // Start-/End coordinates
SCROW nY1; // ( incl. hidden )
SCCOL nVisX1; // Start-/End coordinates
SCROW nVisY1; // ( visible range )
ScOutputType eType; // Screen/Printer ...
double mnPPTX; // Pixel per Twips
double mnPPTY;
Fraction aZoomX;
Fraction aZoomY;
ScTabViewShell* pViewShell; // for connect from visible plug-ins
FmFormView* pDrawView; // SdrView to paint to
bool bEditMode; // InPlace edited cell - do not output
SCCOL nEditCol;
SCROW nEditRow;
bool bMetaFile; // Output to metafile (not pixels!)
bool bPagebreakMode; // Page break preview
bool bSolidBackground; // white instead of transparent
bool mbUseStyleColor;
bool mbForceAutoColor;
bool mbSyntaxMode; // Syntax highlighting
std::optional mxValueColor;
std::optional mxTextColor;
std::optional mxFormulaColor;
Color aGridColor;
bool mbShowNullValues;
bool mbShowFormulas;
bool bShowSpellErrors; // Show spelling errors in EditObjects
bool bMarkClipped;
bool bSnapPixel;
bool bAnyClipped; // internal
bool bVertical;
bool bTabProtected;
bool bLayoutRTL;
// #i74769# use SdrPaintWindow direct, remember it during BeginDrawLayers/EndDrawLayers
SdrPaintWindow* mpTargetPaintWindow;
const sc::SpellCheckContext* mpSpellCheckCxt;
std::unique_ptr mxOutputEditEngine;
// private methods
bool GetMergeOrigin( SCCOL nX, SCROW nY, SCSIZE nArrY,
SCCOL& rOverX, SCROW& rOverY, bool bVisRowChanged );
bool IsEmptyCellText( const RowInfo* pThisRowInfo, SCCOL nX, SCROW nY );
void GetVisibleCell( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, ScRefCellValue& rCell );
bool IsAvailable( SCCOL nX, SCROW nY );
void GetOutputArea( SCCOL nX, SCSIZE nArrY, tools::Long nPosX, tools::Long nPosY,
SCCOL nCellX, SCROW nCellY, tools::Long nNeeded,
const ScPatternAttr& rPattern,
sal_uInt16 nHorJustify, bool bCellIsValue,
bool bBreak, bool bOverwrite,
OutputAreaParam& rParam );
void ShrinkEditEngine( EditEngine& rEngine, const tools::Rectangle& rAlignRect,
tools::Long nLeftM, tools::Long nTopM, tools::Long nRightM, tools::Long nBottomM,
bool bWidth, SvxCellOrientation nOrient, Degree100 nAttrRotate, bool bPixelToLogic,
tools::Long& rEngineWidth, tools::Long& rEngineHeight, tools::Long& rNeededPixel,
bool& rLeftClip, bool& rRightClip );
void SetSyntaxColor( vcl::Font* pFont, const ScRefCellValue& rCell );
void SetEditSyntaxColor( EditEngine& rEngine, const ScRefCellValue& rCell );
double GetStretch() const;
void DrawRotatedFrame(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext); // pixel
std::unique_ptr CreateProcessor2D( );
void DrawEditStandard(DrawEditParam& rParam);
void DrawEditBottomTop(DrawEditParam& rParam);
void DrawEditTopBottom(DrawEditParam& rParam);
void DrawEditStacked(DrawEditParam& rParam);
void DrawEditAsianVertical(DrawEditParam& rParam);
void InitOutputEditEngine();
void SetClipMarks( OutputAreaParam &aAreaParam, ScCellInfo* pClipMarkCell,
SvxCellHorJustify eOutHorJust, tools::Long nLayoutSign );
void ShowClipMarks( DrawEditParam& rParam, tools::Long nEngineWidth, const Size& aCellSize,
bool bMerged, OutputAreaParam& aAreaParam, bool bTop );
ClearableClipRegionPtr Clip(DrawEditParam& rParam, const Size& aCellSize, OutputAreaParam& aAreaParam,
tools::Long nEngineWidth, bool bWrapFields, bool bTop);
bool AdjustAreaParamClipRect(OutputAreaParam& rAreaParam);
tools::Long SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( DrawEditParam& rParam, const OUString& rSetString,
tools::Long& rNeededPixel, tools::Long nAddWidthPixels );
// Check for and set cell rotations at OutputData to have it available
// in the svx tooling to render the borders. Moved to private section
// and the single call to end of constructor to be sure this always happens
void SetCellRotations();
* @param nNewScrX: X-Offset in the output device for the table
* @param nNewScrY: Y-Offset in the output device for the table
ScOutputData( OutputDevice* pNewDev, ScOutputType eNewType,
ScTableInfo& rTabInfo, ScDocument* pNewDoc,
SCTAB nNewTab, tools::Long nNewScrX, tools::Long nNewScrY,
double nPixelPerTwipsX, double nPixelPerTwipsY,
const Fraction* pZoomX = nullptr,
const Fraction* pZoomY = nullptr );
void SetSpellCheckContext( const sc::SpellCheckContext* pCxt );
void SetContentDevice( OutputDevice* pContentDev );
void SetRefDevice( OutputDevice* pRDev );
void SetFmtDevice( OutputDevice* pRDev );
void SetViewShell( ScTabViewShell* pSh ) { pViewShell = pSh; }
void SetDrawView( FmFormView* pNew ) { pDrawView = pNew; }
void SetSolidBackground( bool bSet ) { bSolidBackground = bSet; }
void SetUseStyleColor( bool bSet );
void SetEditCell( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow );
void SetSyntaxMode( bool bNewMode );
void SetMetaFileMode( bool bNewMode );
void SetGridColor( const Color& rColor );
void SetMarkClipped( bool bSet );
void SetShowNullValues ( bool bSet );
void SetShowFormulas ( bool bSet );
void SetShowSpellErrors( bool bSet );
void SetMirrorWidth( tools::Long nNew );
tools::Long GetScrW() const { return nScrW; }
tools::Long GetScrH() const { return nScrH; }
void SetSnapPixel();
bool ReopenPDFStructureElement(vcl::pdf::StructElement aType, SCROW nRow = -1,
SCCOL nCol = -1);
void DrawGrid(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, bool bGrid, bool bPage, bool bMergeCover = false);
void DrawStrings( bool bPixelToLogic = false );
/// Draw all strings
void LayoutStrings(bool bPixelToLogic);
void DrawDocumentBackground();
void DrawBackground(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext);
void DrawShadow();
void DrawExtraShadow(bool bLeft, bool bTop, bool bRight, bool bBottom);
void DrawFrame(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext);
// with logic MapMode set!
void DrawEdit(bool bPixelToLogic);
void DrawRotated(bool bPixelToLogic); // logical
void DrawClear();
// #i72502# printer only command set
Point PrePrintDrawingLayer(tools::Long nLogStX, tools::Long nLogStY );
void PostPrintDrawingLayer(const Point& rMMOffset); // #i74768# need offset for FormLayer
void PrintDrawingLayer(SdrLayerID nLayer, const Point& rMMOffset);
// only screen:
void DrawSelectiveObjects(SdrLayerID nLayer);
bool SetChangedClip(); // sal_False = not
vcl::Region GetChangedAreaRegion();
void FindChanged();
void SetPagebreakMode( ScPageBreakData* pPageData );
/// Draws reference mark and returns its properties
void DrawRefMark( SCCOL nRefStartX, SCROW nRefStartY,
const Color& rColor, bool bHandle );
ReferenceMark FillReferenceMark( SCCOL nRefStartX, SCROW nRefStartY,
const Color& rColor );
void DrawOneChange( SCCOL nRefStartX, SCROW nRefStartY,
const Color& rColor, sal_uInt16 nType );
void DrawChangeTrack();
void DrawClipMarks();
void DrawNoteMarks(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext);
void DrawFormulaMarks(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext);
void AddPDFNotes();
void DrawSparklines(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext);
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */