/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #undef SC_DLLIMPLEMENTATION //------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <sfx2/app.hxx> #include <sfx2/docfile.hxx> #include <sfx2/docinsert.hxx> #include <sfx2/filedlghelper.hxx> #include <svtools/ehdl.hxx> #include <svtools/sfxecode.hxx> #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx> #include "global.hxx" #include "docsh.hxx" #include "viewdata.hxx" #include "scresid.hxx" #include "globstr.hrc" #define SC_INSTBDLG_CXX #include "instbdlg.hxx" //================================================================== ScInsertTableDlg::ScInsertTableDlg( Window* pParent, ScViewData& rData, SCTAB nTabCount, bool bFromFile ) : ModalDialog(pParent, "InsertSheetDialog", "modules/scalc/ui/insertsheet.ui") , rViewData(rData) , rDoc(*rData.GetDocument()) , pDocShTables(NULL) , pDocInserter(NULL) , bMustClose(false) , nSelTabIndex(0) , nTableCount(nTabCount) { get(m_pBtnBefore, "before"); get(m_pBtnBehind, "after"); get(m_pBtnNew, "new"); get(m_pBtnFromFile, "fromfile"); get(m_pFtCount, "countft"); get(m_pNfCount, "countnf"); get(m_pFtName, "nameft"); get(m_pEdName, "nameed"); m_sSheetDotDotDot = m_pEdName->GetText(); get(m_pLbTables, "tables"); m_pLbTables->SetDropDownLineCount(8); get(m_pFtPath, "path"); get(m_pBtnBrowse, "browse"); get(m_pBtnLink, "link"); get(m_pBtnOk, "ok"); Init_Impl( bFromFile ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ScInsertTableDlg::~ScInsertTableDlg() { if (pDocShTables) pDocShTables->DoClose(); delete pDocInserter; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ScInsertTableDlg::Init_Impl( bool bFromFile ) { m_pLbTables->EnableMultiSelection(true); m_pBtnBrowse->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ScInsertTableDlg, BrowseHdl_Impl ) ); m_pBtnNew->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ScInsertTableDlg, ChoiceHdl_Impl ) ); m_pBtnFromFile->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ScInsertTableDlg, ChoiceHdl_Impl ) ); m_pLbTables->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ScInsertTableDlg, SelectHdl_Impl ) ); m_pNfCount->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, ScInsertTableDlg, CountHdl_Impl)); m_pBtnOk->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ScInsertTableDlg, DoEnterHdl )); m_pBtnBefore->Check(); m_pNfCount->SetText( OUString::number(nTableCount) ); m_pNfCount->SetMax( MAXTAB - rDoc.GetTableCount() + 1 ); if(nTableCount==1) { OUString aName; rDoc.CreateValidTabName( aName ); m_pEdName->SetText( aName ); } else { m_pEdName->SetText(m_sSheetDotDotDot); m_pFtName->Disable(); m_pEdName->Disable(); } bool bShared = ( rViewData.GetDocShell() ? rViewData.GetDocShell()->IsDocShared() : false ); if ( !bFromFile || bShared ) { m_pBtnNew->Check(); SetNewTable_Impl(); if ( bShared ) { m_pBtnFromFile->Disable(); } } else { m_pBtnFromFile->Check(); SetFromTo_Impl(); aBrowseTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, ScInsertTableDlg, BrowseTimeoutHdl ) ); aBrowseTimer.SetTimeout( 200 ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ short ScInsertTableDlg::Execute() { // set Parent of DocumentInserter and Doc-Manager Window* pOldDefParent = Application::GetDefDialogParent(); Application::SetDefDialogParent( this ); if ( m_pBtnFromFile->IsChecked() ) aBrowseTimer.Start(); short nRet = ModalDialog::Execute(); Application::SetDefDialogParent( pOldDefParent ); return nRet; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ScInsertTableDlg::SetNewTable_Impl() { if (m_pBtnNew->IsChecked() ) { m_pNfCount->Enable(); m_pFtCount->Enable(); m_pLbTables->Disable(); m_pFtPath->Disable(); m_pBtnBrowse->Disable(); m_pBtnLink->Disable(); if(nTableCount==1) { m_pEdName->Enable(); m_pFtName->Enable(); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ScInsertTableDlg::SetFromTo_Impl() { if (m_pBtnFromFile->IsChecked() ) { m_pEdName->Disable(); m_pFtName->Disable(); m_pFtCount->Disable(); m_pNfCount->Disable(); m_pLbTables->Enable(); m_pFtPath->Enable(); m_pBtnBrowse->Enable(); m_pBtnLink->Enable(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ScInsertTableDlg::FillTables_Impl( ScDocument* pSrcDoc ) { m_pLbTables->SetUpdateMode( false ); m_pLbTables->Clear(); if ( pSrcDoc ) { SCTAB nCount = pSrcDoc->GetTableCount(); OUString aName; for ( SCTAB i=0; i<nCount; i++ ) { pSrcDoc->GetName( i, aName ); m_pLbTables->InsertEntry( aName ); } } m_pLbTables->SetUpdateMode( sal_True ); if(m_pLbTables->GetEntryCount()==1) m_pLbTables->SelectEntryPos(0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ const OUString* ScInsertTableDlg::GetFirstTable( sal_uInt16* pN ) { const OUString* pStr = NULL; if ( m_pBtnNew->IsChecked() ) { aStrCurSelTable = m_pEdName->GetText(); pStr = &aStrCurSelTable; } else if ( nSelTabIndex < m_pLbTables->GetSelectEntryCount() ) { aStrCurSelTable = m_pLbTables->GetSelectEntry( 0 ); pStr = &aStrCurSelTable; if ( pN ) *pN = m_pLbTables->GetSelectEntryPos( 0 ); nSelTabIndex = 1; } return pStr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ const OUString* ScInsertTableDlg::GetNextTable( sal_uInt16* pN ) { const OUString* pStr = NULL; if ( !m_pBtnNew->IsChecked() && nSelTabIndex < m_pLbTables->GetSelectEntryCount() ) { aStrCurSelTable = m_pLbTables->GetSelectEntry( nSelTabIndex ); pStr = &aStrCurSelTable; if ( pN ) *pN = m_pLbTables->GetSelectEntryPos( nSelTabIndex ); nSelTabIndex++; } return pStr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Handler: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScInsertTableDlg, CountHdl_Impl) { nTableCount = static_cast<SCTAB>(m_pNfCount->GetValue()); if ( nTableCount==1) { OUString aName; rDoc.CreateValidTabName( aName ); m_pEdName->SetText( aName ); m_pFtName->Enable(); m_pEdName->Enable(); } else { m_pEdName->SetText(m_sSheetDotDotDot); m_pFtName->Disable(); m_pEdName->Disable(); } DoEnable_Impl(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScInsertTableDlg, ChoiceHdl_Impl) { if ( m_pBtnNew->IsChecked() ) SetNewTable_Impl(); else SetFromTo_Impl(); DoEnable_Impl(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScInsertTableDlg, BrowseHdl_Impl) { if ( pDocInserter ) delete pDocInserter; pDocInserter = new ::sfx2::DocumentInserter( OUString::createFromAscii( ScDocShell::Factory().GetShortName() ) ); pDocInserter->StartExecuteModal( LINK( this, ScInsertTableDlg, DialogClosedHdl ) ); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScInsertTableDlg, SelectHdl_Impl) { DoEnable_Impl(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ScInsertTableDlg::DoEnable_Impl() { if ( m_pBtnNew->IsChecked() || ( pDocShTables && m_pLbTables->GetSelectEntryCount() ) ) m_pBtnOk->Enable(); else m_pBtnOk->Disable(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScInsertTableDlg, DoEnterHdl) { if(nTableCount > 1 || rDoc.ValidTabName(m_pEdName->GetText())) { EndDialog(RET_OK); } else { OUString aErrMsg ( ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_INVALIDTABNAME ) ); (void)ErrorBox( this,WinBits( WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK ),aErrMsg).Execute(); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScInsertTableDlg, BrowseTimeoutHdl) { bMustClose = true; BrowseHdl_Impl(m_pBtnBrowse); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( ScInsertTableDlg, DialogClosedHdl, sfx2::FileDialogHelper*, _pFileDlg ) { if ( ERRCODE_NONE == _pFileDlg->GetError() ) { SfxMedium* pMed = pDocInserter->CreateMedium(); if ( pMed ) { // ERRCTX_SFX_OPENDOC -> "Fehler beim Laden des Dokumentes" SfxErrorContext aEc( ERRCTX_SFX_OPENDOC, pMed->GetName() ); if ( pDocShTables ) pDocShTables->DoClose(); // delete passiert beim Zuweisen auf die Ref pMed->UseInteractionHandler( sal_True ); // to enable the filter options dialog pDocShTables = new ScDocShell; aDocShTablesRef = pDocShTables; Pointer aOldPtr( GetPointer() ); SetPointer( Pointer( POINTER_WAIT ) ); pDocShTables->DoLoad( pMed ); SetPointer( aOldPtr ); sal_uLong nErr = pDocShTables->GetErrorCode(); if ( nErr ) ErrorHandler::HandleError( nErr ); // auch Warnings if ( !pDocShTables->GetError() ) // nur Errors { FillTables_Impl( pDocShTables->GetDocument() ); m_pFtPath->SetText( pDocShTables->GetTitle( SFX_TITLE_FULLNAME ) ); } else { pDocShTables->DoClose(); aDocShTablesRef.Clear(); pDocShTables = NULL; FillTables_Impl( NULL ); m_pFtPath->SetText( EMPTY_OUSTRING ); } } DoEnable_Impl(); } else if ( bMustClose ) // execute slot FID_INS_TABLE_EXT and cancel file dialog EndDialog( RET_CANCEL ); return 0; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */