/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "viewdata.hxx" #include "tabvwsh.hxx" #include "docsh.hxx" #include "document.hxx" #include "dbdata.hxx" #include "rangenam.hxx" #include "rangeutl.hxx" #include "popmenu.hxx" #include "scresid.hxx" #include "scmod.hxx" #include "navicfg.hxx" #include "navcitem.hxx" #include "navipi.hrc" #include "navipi.hxx" #include "navsett.hxx" #include "markdata.hxx" #include // toleance, how much spac above the folded size is still small #define SCNAV_MINTOL 5 // maximum values for UI #define SCNAV_MAXCOL (MAXCOLCOUNT) // macro is sufficient since only used in ctor #define SCNAV_COLDIGITS (static_cast( floor( log10( static_cast(SCNAV_MAXCOL)))) + 1) // 1...256...18278 // precomputed constant because it is used in every change of spin button field static const sal_Int32 SCNAV_COLLETTERS = ::ScColToAlpha(SCNAV_MAXCOL).getLength(); // A...IV...ZZZ #define SCNAV_MAXROW (MAXROWCOUNT) void ScNavigatorDlg::ReleaseFocus() { SfxViewShell* pCurSh = SfxViewShell::Current(); if ( pCurSh ) { vcl::Window* pShellWnd = pCurSh->GetWindow(); if ( pShellWnd ) pShellWnd->GrabFocus(); } } // class ColumnEdit ColumnEdit::ColumnEdit( ScNavigatorDlg* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : SpinField ( pParent, rResId ), rDlg ( *pParent ), nCol ( 0 ), nKeyGroup ( KEYGROUP_ALPHA ) { SetMaxTextLen( SCNAV_COLDIGITS ); // 1...256...18278 or A...IV...ZZZ } ColumnEdit::~ColumnEdit() { } bool ColumnEdit::Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { bool nHandled = SpinField::Notify( rNEvt ); MouseNotifyEvent nType = rNEvt.GetType(); if ( nType == MouseNotifyEvent::KEYINPUT ) { const KeyEvent* pKEvt = rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(); vcl::KeyCode aCode = pKEvt->GetKeyCode(); if ( !aCode.IsMod1() && !aCode.IsMod2() ) { //! Input Validation (only alphanumerics, max 2-3 digits) //! was before VCL not forwarded keyinput //! rethink this!!! if ( aCode.GetCode() == KEY_RETURN ) { ScNavigatorDlg::ReleaseFocus(); ExecuteCol(); nHandled = true; } } } else if ( nType == MouseNotifyEvent::LOSEFOCUS ) // LoseFocus not called at VCL EvalText(); // nCol set return nHandled; } void ColumnEdit::LoseFocus() { EvalText(); } void ColumnEdit::Up() { nCol++; if ( nCol <= SCNAV_MAXCOL ) SetCol( nCol ); else nCol--; } void ColumnEdit::Down() { if ( nCol>1 ) SetCol( nCol-1 ); } void ColumnEdit::First() { nCol = 1; SetText(OUString('A')); } void ColumnEdit::Last() { OUString aStr; nCol = NumToAlpha( SCNAV_MAXCOL, aStr ); SetText( aStr ); } void ColumnEdit::EvalText() { OUString aStrCol = GetText(); if (!aStrCol.isEmpty()) { // nKeyGroup is no longer set at VCL, in cause of lack of keyinput if ( CharClass::isAsciiNumeric(aStrCol) ) nCol = NumStrToAlpha( aStrCol ); else nCol = AlphaToNum( aStrCol ); } else nCol = 0; SetText( aStrCol ); nKeyGroup = KEYGROUP_ALPHA; } void ColumnEdit::ExecuteCol() { SCROW nRow = rDlg.aEdRow->GetRow(); EvalText(); // setzt nCol if ( (nCol > 0) && (nRow > 0) ) rDlg.SetCurrentCell( nCol-1, nRow-1 ); } void ColumnEdit::SetCol( SCCOL nColNo ) { OUString aStr; if ( nColNo == 0 ) { nCol = 0; SetText( aStr ); } else { nColNo = NumToAlpha( nColNo, aStr ); nCol = nColNo; SetText( aStr ); } } SCCOL ColumnEdit::AlphaToNum( OUString& rStr ) { SCCOL nColumn = 0; if ( CharClass::isAsciiAlpha( rStr) ) { rStr = rStr.toAsciiUpperCase(); if (::AlphaToCol( nColumn, rStr)) ++nColumn; if ( (rStr.getLength() > SCNAV_COLLETTERS) || (nColumn > SCNAV_MAXCOL) ) { nColumn = SCNAV_MAXCOL; NumToAlpha( nColumn, rStr ); } } else rStr.clear(); return nColumn; } SCCOL ColumnEdit::NumStrToAlpha( OUString& rStr ) { SCCOL nColumn = 0; if ( CharClass::isAsciiNumeric(rStr) ) nColumn = NumToAlpha( (SCCOL)rStr.toInt32(), rStr ); else rStr.clear(); return nColumn; } SCCOL ColumnEdit::NumToAlpha( SCCOL nColNo, OUString& rStr ) { if ( nColNo > SCNAV_MAXCOL ) nColNo = SCNAV_MAXCOL; else if ( nColNo < 1 ) nColNo = 1; ::ScColToAlpha( rStr, nColNo - 1); return nColNo; } // class RowEdit RowEdit::RowEdit( ScNavigatorDlg* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : NumericField( pParent, rResId ), rDlg ( *pParent ) { SetMax( SCNAV_MAXROW); SetLast( SCNAV_MAXROW); } RowEdit::~RowEdit() { } bool RowEdit::Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { bool nHandled = NumericField::Notify( rNEvt ); if ( rNEvt.GetType() == MouseNotifyEvent::KEYINPUT ) { const KeyEvent* pKEvt = rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(); vcl::KeyCode aCode = pKEvt->GetKeyCode(); if ( aCode.GetCode() == KEY_RETURN && !aCode.IsMod1() && !aCode.IsMod2() ) { ScNavigatorDlg::ReleaseFocus(); ExecuteRow(); nHandled = true; } } return nHandled; } void RowEdit::LoseFocus() { } void RowEdit::ExecuteRow() { SCCOL nCol = rDlg.aEdCol->GetCol(); SCROW nRow = (SCROW)GetValue(); if ( (nCol > 0) && (nRow > 0) ) rDlg.SetCurrentCell( nCol-1, nRow-1 ); } // class ScDocListBox ScDocListBox::ScDocListBox( ScNavigatorDlg* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : ListBox ( pParent, rResId ), rDlg ( *pParent ) { } ScDocListBox::~ScDocListBox() { } void ScDocListBox::Select() { ScNavigatorDlg::ReleaseFocus(); OUString aDocName = GetSelectEntry(); rDlg.aLbEntries->SelectDoc( aDocName ); } // class CommandToolBox CommandToolBox::CommandToolBox( ScNavigatorDlg* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : ToolBox ( pParent, rResId ), rDlg ( *pParent ) { InitImageList(); // ImageList members of ScNavigatorDlg must be initialized before! SetSizePixel( CalcWindowSizePixel() ); SetDropdownClickHdl( LINK(this, CommandToolBox, ToolBoxDropdownClickHdl) ); SetItemBits( IID_DROPMODE, GetItemBits( IID_DROPMODE ) | ToolBoxItemBits::DROPDOWNONLY ); } CommandToolBox::~CommandToolBox() { } void CommandToolBox::Select( sal_uInt16 nSelId ) { // Modus umschalten ? if ( nSelId == IID_ZOOMOUT || nSelId == IID_SCENARIOS ) { NavListMode eOldMode = rDlg.eListMode; NavListMode eNewMode = eOldMode; if ( nSelId == IID_SCENARIOS ) { if ( eOldMode == NAV_LMODE_SCENARIOS ) eNewMode = NAV_LMODE_AREAS; else eNewMode = NAV_LMODE_SCENARIOS; } else // on/off { if ( eOldMode == NAV_LMODE_NONE ) eNewMode = NAV_LMODE_AREAS; else eNewMode = NAV_LMODE_NONE; } rDlg.SetListMode( eNewMode ); UpdateButtons(); } else switch ( nSelId ) { case IID_DATA: rDlg.MarkDataArea(); break; case IID_UP: rDlg.StartOfDataArea(); break; case IID_DOWN: rDlg.EndOfDataArea(); break; case IID_CHANGEROOT: rDlg.aLbEntries->ToggleRoot(); UpdateButtons(); break; } } void CommandToolBox::Select() { Select( GetCurItemId() ); } void CommandToolBox::Click() { } IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED(CommandToolBox, ToolBoxDropdownClickHdl, ToolBox *, void) { // the popup menue of the drop modus has to be called in the // click (button down) and not in the select (button up) if ( GetCurItemId() == IID_DROPMODE ) { ScPopupMenu aPop( ScResId( RID_POPUP_DROPMODE ) ); aPop.CheckItem( RID_DROPMODE_URL + rDlg.GetDropMode() ); aPop.Execute( this, GetItemRect(IID_DROPMODE), PopupMenuFlags::ExecuteDown ); sal_uInt16 nId = aPop.GetSelected(); EndSelection(); // bevore SetDropMode (SetDropMode calls SetItemImage) if ( nId >= RID_DROPMODE_URL && nId <= RID_DROPMODE_COPY ) rDlg.SetDropMode( nId - RID_DROPMODE_URL ); // reset the highlighted button Point aPoint; MouseEvent aLeave( aPoint, 0, MouseEventModifiers::LEAVEWINDOW | MouseEventModifiers::SYNTHETIC ); MouseMove( aLeave ); } } void CommandToolBox::UpdateButtons() { NavListMode eMode = rDlg.eListMode; CheckItem( IID_SCENARIOS, eMode == NAV_LMODE_SCENARIOS ); CheckItem( IID_ZOOMOUT, eMode != NAV_LMODE_NONE ); // Umschalten-Button: if ( eMode == NAV_LMODE_SCENARIOS || eMode == NAV_LMODE_NONE ) { EnableItem( IID_CHANGEROOT, false ); CheckItem( IID_CHANGEROOT, false ); } else { EnableItem( IID_CHANGEROOT, true ); bool bRootSet = rDlg.aLbEntries->GetRootType() != SC_CONTENT_ROOT; CheckItem( IID_CHANGEROOT, bRootSet ); } sal_uInt16 nImageId = 0; switch ( rDlg.nDropMode ) { case SC_DROPMODE_URL: nImageId = RID_IMG_DROP_URL; break; case SC_DROPMODE_LINK: nImageId = RID_IMG_DROP_LINK; break; case SC_DROPMODE_COPY: nImageId = RID_IMG_DROP_COPY; break; } SetItemImage( IID_DROPMODE, Image(ScResId(nImageId)) ); } void CommandToolBox::InitImageList() { ImageList& rImgLst = rDlg.aCmdImageList; sal_uInt16 nCount = GetItemCount(); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { sal_uInt16 nId = GetItemId(i); SetItemImage( nId, rImgLst.GetImage( nId ) ); } } void CommandToolBox::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE) ) { // update item images InitImageList(); UpdateButtons(); // drop mode } ToolBox::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } // class ScNavigatorSettings ScNavigatorSettings::ScNavigatorSettings() : maExpandedVec( SC_CONTENT_COUNT, false ), mnRootSelected( SC_CONTENT_ROOT ), mnChildSelected( SC_CONTENT_NOCHILD ) { } // class ScNavigatorDlgWrapper SFX_IMPL_CHILDWINDOWCONTEXT( ScNavigatorDialogWrapper, SID_NAVIGATOR ) ScNavigatorDialogWrapper::ScNavigatorDialogWrapper( vcl::Window* pParent, sal_uInt16 nId, SfxBindings* pBind, SfxChildWinInfo* /* pInfo */ ) : SfxChildWindowContext( nId ) { pNavigator = VclPtr::Create( pBind, this, pParent, true ); SetWindow( pNavigator ); // handle configurations elsewhere, // only size of pInfo matters now Size aInfoSize = pParent->GetOutputSizePixel(); // outside defined size Size aNavSize = pNavigator->GetOutputSizePixel(); // Default-Size aNavSize.Width() = std::max( aInfoSize.Width(), aNavSize.Width() ); aNavSize.Height() = std::max( aInfoSize.Height(), aNavSize.Height() ); pNavigator->nListModeHeight = std::max( aNavSize.Height(), pNavigator->nListModeHeight ); // The size could be changed in another module, // therefore we have to or have not to display the content // in dependence of the current size bool bSmall = ( aInfoSize.Height() <= pNavigator->aInitSize.Height() + SCNAV_MINTOL ); NavListMode eNavMode = NAV_LMODE_NONE; if (!bSmall) { // if scenario was active, switch on ScNavipiCfg& rCfg = SC_MOD()->GetNavipiCfg(); NavListMode eLastMode = (NavListMode) rCfg.GetListMode(); if ( eLastMode == NAV_LMODE_SCENARIOS ) eNavMode = NAV_LMODE_SCENARIOS; else eNavMode = NAV_LMODE_AREAS; } // Do not set the size of the float again (sal_False at SetListMode), so that the // navigator is not expanded, if it was minimized (#38872#). pNavigator->SetListMode( eNavMode, false ); // FALSE: do not set the Float size sal_uInt16 nCmdId; switch (eNavMode) { case NAV_LMODE_SCENARIOS: nCmdId = IID_SCENARIOS; break; case NAV_LMODE_AREAS: nCmdId = IID_AREAS; break; // The following case can never be reach due to how eNavMode is set-up // case NAV_LMODE_DOCS: nCmdId = IID_DOCS; break; // case NAV_LMODE_DBAREAS: nCmdId = IID_DBAREAS; break; default: nCmdId = 0; } if (nCmdId) { pNavigator->aTbxCmd->CheckItem( nCmdId ); pNavigator->DoResize(); } pNavigator->bFirstBig = ( nCmdId == 0 ); // later } void ScNavigatorDialogWrapper::Resizing( Size& rSize ) { static_cast(GetWindow())->Resizing(rSize); } // class ScNavigatorPI #define CTRL_ITEMS 4 #define REGISTER_SLOT(i,id) \ ppBoundItems[i]=new ScNavigatorControllerItem(id,*this,rBindings); ScNavigatorDlg::ScNavigatorDlg( SfxBindings* pB, SfxChildWindowContext* pCW, vcl::Window* pParent, const bool bUseStyleSettingsBackground) : Window( pParent, ScResId(RID_SCDLG_NAVIGATOR) ), rBindings ( *pB ), // is used in CommandToolBox ctor aCmdImageList( ScResId( IL_CMD ) ), aFtCol ( VclPtr::Create( this, ScResId( FT_COL ) ) ), aEdCol ( VclPtr::Create( this, ScResId( ED_COL ) ) ), aFtRow ( VclPtr::Create( this, ScResId( FT_ROW ) ) ), aEdRow ( VclPtr::Create( this, ScResId( ED_ROW ) ) ), aTbxCmd ( VclPtr::Create( this, ScResId( TBX_CMD ) ) ), aLbEntries ( VclPtr::Create( this, ScResId( LB_ENTRIES ) ) ), aWndScenarios( VclPtr::Create( this,ScResId( STR_QHLP_SCEN_LISTBOX), ScResId(STR_QHLP_SCEN_COMMENT)) ), aLbDocuments( VclPtr::Create( this, ScResId( LB_DOCUMENTS ) ) ), aStrDragMode ( ScResId( STR_DRAGMODE ) ), aStrDisplay ( ScResId( STR_DISPLAY ) ), aStrActiveWin( ScResId( STR_ACTIVEWIN ) ), pContextWin ( pCW ), pMarkArea ( NULL ), pViewData ( NULL ), nListModeHeight( 0 ), nInitListHeight( 0 ), eListMode ( NAV_LMODE_NONE ), nDropMode ( SC_DROPMODE_URL ), nCurCol ( 0 ), nCurRow ( 0 ), nCurTab ( 0 ), bFirstBig ( false ), mbUseStyleSettingsBackground(bUseStyleSettingsBackground) { ScNavipiCfg& rCfg = SC_MOD()->GetNavipiCfg(); nDropMode = rCfg.GetDragMode(); // eListMode is set from outside, Root further below aLbDocuments->SetDropDownLineCount(9); OUString aOpen(" ("); aStrActive = aOpen; aStrActive += OUString( ScResId( STR_ACTIVE ) ); aStrActive += ")"; // " (active)" aStrNotActive = aOpen; aStrNotActive += OUString( ScResId( STR_NOTACTIVE ) ); aStrNotActive += ")"; // " (not active)" aStrHidden = aOpen; aStrHidden += OUString( ScResId( STR_HIDDEN ) ); aStrHidden += ")"; // " (hidden)" aTitleBase = GetText(); const long nListboxYPos = ::std::max( (aTbxCmd->GetPosPixel().Y() + aTbxCmd->GetSizePixel().Height()), (aEdRow->GetPosPixel().Y() + aEdRow->GetSizePixel().Height()) ) + 4; aLbEntries->setPosSizePixel( 0, nListboxYPos, 0, 0, PosSizeFlags::Y); nBorderOffset = aLbEntries->GetPosPixel().X(); aInitSize.Width() = aTbxCmd->GetPosPixel().X() + aTbxCmd->GetSizePixel().Width() + nBorderOffset; aInitSize.Height() = aLbEntries->GetPosPixel().Y(); nInitListHeight = aLbEntries->GetSizePixel().Height(); nListModeHeight = aInitSize.Height() + nInitListHeight; ppBoundItems = new ScNavigatorControllerItem* [CTRL_ITEMS]; rBindings.ENTERREGISTRATIONS(); REGISTER_SLOT( 0, SID_CURRENTCELL ); REGISTER_SLOT( 1, SID_CURRENTTAB ); REGISTER_SLOT( 2, SID_CURRENTDOC ); REGISTER_SLOT( 3, SID_SELECT_SCENARIO ); rBindings.LEAVEREGISTRATIONS(); StartListening( *(SfxGetpApp()) ); StartListening( rBindings ); aLbDocuments->Hide(); // does not exist at NAV_LMODE_NONE aLbEntries->InitWindowBits(true); aLbEntries->SetSpaceBetweenEntries(0); aLbEntries->SetSelectionMode( SINGLE_SELECTION ); aLbEntries->SetDragDropMode( DragDropMode::CTRL_MOVE | DragDropMode::CTRL_COPY | DragDropMode::ENABLE_TOP ); // was a category chosen as root? sal_uInt16 nLastRoot = rCfg.GetRootType(); if ( nLastRoot ) aLbEntries->SetRootType( nLastRoot ); aLbEntries->Refresh(); GetDocNames(); aTbxCmd->UpdateButtons(); UpdateColumn(); UpdateRow(); UpdateTable(); aLbEntries->Hide(); aWndScenarios->Hide(); aWndScenarios->SetPosPixel( aLbEntries->GetPosPixel() ); aContentIdle.SetIdleHdl( LINK( this, ScNavigatorDlg, TimeHdl ) ); aContentIdle.SetPriority( SchedulerPriority::LOWEST ); FreeResource(); aLbEntries->SetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy(aLbEntries.get()); aTbxCmd->SetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy(aTbxCmd.get()); aLbDocuments->SetAccessibleName(aStrActiveWin); if (pContextWin == NULL) { // When the context window is missing then the navigator is // displayed in the sidebar and has the whole deck to fill. // Therefore hide the button that hides all controls below the // top two rows of buttons. aTbxCmd->Select(IID_ZOOMOUT); aTbxCmd->RemoveItem(aTbxCmd->GetItemPos(IID_ZOOMOUT)); } aLbEntries->SetNavigatorDlgFlag(true); } ScNavigatorDlg::~ScNavigatorDlg() { disposeOnce(); } void ScNavigatorDlg::dispose() { aContentIdle.Stop(); sal_uInt16 i; for ( i=0; iGetFloatingWindow() : NULL; if ( pFloat ) { Size aMinOut = pFloat->GetMinOutputSizePixel(); if ( rNewSize.Width() < aMinOut.Width() ) rNewSize.Width() = aMinOut.Width(); if ( eListMode == NAV_LMODE_NONE ) rNewSize.Height() = aInitSize.Height(); else { if ( rNewSize.Height() < aMinOut.Height() ) rNewSize.Height() = aMinOut.Height(); } } } void ScNavigatorDlg::Paint( vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const Rectangle& rRect ) { if (mbUseStyleSettingsBackground) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); Color aBgColor = rStyleSettings.GetFaceColor(); Wallpaper aBack( aBgColor ); SetBackground( aBack ); aFtCol->SetBackground( aBack ); aFtRow->SetBackground( aBack ); } else { aFtCol->SetBackground(Wallpaper()); aFtRow->SetBackground(Wallpaper()); } Window::Paint(rRenderContext, rRect); } void ScNavigatorDlg::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE) ) { // toolbox images are exchanged in CommandToolBox::DataChanged Invalidate(); } Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } void ScNavigatorDlg::Resize() { DoResize(); } void ScNavigatorDlg::DoResize() { Size aNewSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); long nTotalHeight = aNewSize.Height(); // if the navigator is docked, the window is probably at first small generated, // then there is a resize to the actual size -> switch on content bool bSmall = ( nTotalHeight <= aInitSize.Height() + SCNAV_MINTOL ); if ( !bSmall && bFirstBig ) { // Switch on content again as described in the config bFirstBig = false; NavListMode eNavMode = NAV_LMODE_AREAS; ScNavipiCfg& rCfg = SC_MOD()->GetNavipiCfg(); NavListMode eLastMode = (NavListMode) rCfg.GetListMode(); if ( eLastMode == NAV_LMODE_SCENARIOS ) eNavMode = NAV_LMODE_SCENARIOS; SetListMode( eNavMode, false ); // FALSE: do not set the Float size } // even if the content is not visible, adapt the size, // so the width fit Point aEntryPos = aLbEntries->GetPosPixel(); Point aListPos = aLbDocuments->GetPosPixel(); aNewSize.Width() -= 2*nBorderOffset; Size aDocSize = aLbDocuments->GetSizePixel(); aDocSize.Width() = aNewSize.Width(); if(!bSmall) { long nListHeight = aLbDocuments->GetSizePixel().Height(); aNewSize.Height() -= ( aEntryPos.Y() + nListHeight + 2*nBorderOffset ); if(aNewSize.Height()<0) aNewSize.Height()=0; aListPos.Y() = aEntryPos.Y() + aNewSize.Height() + nBorderOffset; if(aListPos.Y() > aLbEntries->GetPosPixel().Y()) aLbDocuments->SetPosPixel( aListPos ); } aLbEntries->SetSizePixel( aNewSize ); aWndScenarios->SetSizePixel( aNewSize ); aLbDocuments->SetSizePixel( aDocSize ); bool bListMode = (eListMode != NAV_LMODE_NONE); if (pContextWin != NULL) { FloatingWindow* pFloat = pContextWin->GetFloatingWindow(); if ( pFloat && bListMode ) nListModeHeight = nTotalHeight; } } void ScNavigatorDlg::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint ) { const SfxSimpleHint* pSimpleHint = dynamic_cast( &rHint ); if ( pSimpleHint ) { sal_uLong nHintId = pSimpleHint->GetId(); if ( nHintId == SC_HINT_DOCNAME_CHANGED ) { aLbEntries->ActiveDocChanged(); } else if ( NAV_LMODE_NONE == eListMode ) { // Table not any more } else { switch ( nHintId ) { case SC_HINT_TABLES_CHANGED: aLbEntries->Refresh( SC_CONTENT_TABLE ); break; case SC_HINT_DBAREAS_CHANGED: aLbEntries->Refresh( SC_CONTENT_DBAREA ); break; case SC_HINT_AREAS_CHANGED: aLbEntries->Refresh( SC_CONTENT_RANGENAME ); break; case SC_HINT_DRAW_CHANGED: aLbEntries->Refresh( SC_CONTENT_GRAPHIC ); aLbEntries->Refresh( SC_CONTENT_OLEOBJECT ); aLbEntries->Refresh( SC_CONTENT_DRAWING ); break; case SC_HINT_AREALINKS_CHANGED: aLbEntries->Refresh( SC_CONTENT_AREALINK ); break; // SFX_HINT_DOCCHANGED not only at document change case SC_HINT_NAVIGATOR_UPDATEALL: UpdateAll(); break; case FID_DATACHANGED: case FID_ANYDATACHANGED: aContentIdle.Start(); // Do not search notes immediately break; case FID_KILLEDITVIEW: aLbEntries->ObjectFresh( SC_CONTENT_OLEOBJECT ); aLbEntries->ObjectFresh( SC_CONTENT_DRAWING ); aLbEntries->ObjectFresh( SC_CONTENT_GRAPHIC ); break; default: break; } } } else if ( dynamic_cast(&rHint) ) { sal_uLong nEventId = static_cast(rHint).GetEventId(); if ( nEventId == SFX_EVENT_ACTIVATEDOC ) { aLbEntries->ActiveDocChanged(); UpdateAll(); } } } IMPL_LINK_TYPED( ScNavigatorDlg, TimeHdl, Idle*, pIdle, void ) { if ( pIdle != &aContentIdle ) return; aLbEntries->Refresh( SC_CONTENT_NOTE ); } void ScNavigatorDlg::SetDropMode(sal_uInt16 nNew) { nDropMode = nNew; aTbxCmd->UpdateButtons(); ScNavipiCfg& rCfg = SC_MOD()->GetNavipiCfg(); rCfg.SetDragMode(nDropMode); } void ScNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentCell( SCCOL nColNo, SCROW nRowNo ) { if ( (nColNo+1 != nCurCol) || (nRowNo+1 != nCurRow) ) { // SID_CURRENTCELL == Item #0 clear cache, so it's possible // setting the current cell even in combined areas ppBoundItems[0]->ClearCache(); ScAddress aScAddress( nColNo, nRowNo, 0 ); OUString aAddr(aScAddress.Format(SCA_ABS)); bool bUnmark = false; if ( GetViewData() ) bUnmark = !pViewData->GetMarkData().IsCellMarked( nColNo, nRowNo ); SfxStringItem aPosItem( SID_CURRENTCELL, aAddr ); SfxBoolItem aUnmarkItem( FN_PARAM_1, bUnmark ); // cancel selektion rBindings.GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_CURRENTCELL, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON | SfxCallMode::RECORD, &aPosItem, &aUnmarkItem, 0L ); } } void ScNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentCellStr( const OUString& rName ) { ppBoundItems[0]->ClearCache(); SfxStringItem aNameItem( SID_CURRENTCELL, rName ); rBindings.GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_CURRENTCELL, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON | SfxCallMode::RECORD, &aNameItem, 0L ); } void ScNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentTable( SCTAB nTabNo ) { if ( nTabNo != nCurTab ) { // Table for basic is base-1 SfxUInt16Item aTabItem( SID_CURRENTTAB, static_cast(nTabNo) + 1 ); rBindings.GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_CURRENTTAB, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON | SfxCallMode::RECORD, &aTabItem, 0L ); } } void ScNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentTableStr( const OUString& rName ) { if (!GetViewData()) return; ScDocument* pDoc = pViewData->GetDocument(); SCTAB nCount = pDoc->GetTableCount(); OUString aTabName; for ( SCTAB i=0; iGetName( i, aTabName ); if ( aTabName.equals(rName) ) { SetCurrentTable( i ); return; } } } void ScNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentObject( const OUString& rName ) { SfxStringItem aNameItem( SID_CURRENTOBJECT, rName ); rBindings.GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_CURRENTOBJECT, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON | SfxCallMode::RECORD, &aNameItem, 0L ); } void ScNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentDoc( const OUString& rDocName ) // activate { SfxStringItem aDocItem( SID_CURRENTDOC, rDocName ); rBindings.GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_CURRENTDOC, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON | SfxCallMode::RECORD, &aDocItem, 0L ); } ScTabViewShell* ScNavigatorDlg::GetTabViewShell() { return PTR_CAST( ScTabViewShell, SfxViewShell::Current() ); } ScNavigatorSettings* ScNavigatorDlg::GetNavigatorSettings() { // Don't store the settings pointer here, because the settings belong to // the view, and the view may be closed while the navigator is open (reload). // If the pointer is cached here again later for performance reasons, it has to // be forgotten when the view is closed. ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = GetTabViewShell(); return pViewSh ? pViewSh->GetNavigatorSettings() : NULL; } bool ScNavigatorDlg::GetViewData() { ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = GetTabViewShell(); pViewData = pViewSh ? &pViewSh->GetViewData() : NULL; return ( pViewData != NULL ); } void ScNavigatorDlg::UpdateColumn( const SCCOL* pCol ) { if ( pCol ) nCurCol = *pCol; else if ( GetViewData() ) nCurCol = pViewData->GetCurX() + 1; aEdCol->SetCol( nCurCol ); CheckDataArea(); } void ScNavigatorDlg::UpdateRow( const SCROW* pRow ) { if ( pRow ) nCurRow = *pRow; else if ( GetViewData() ) nCurRow = pViewData->GetCurY() + 1; aEdRow->SetRow( nCurRow ); CheckDataArea(); } void ScNavigatorDlg::UpdateTable( const SCTAB* pTab ) { if ( pTab ) nCurTab = *pTab; else if ( GetViewData() ) nCurTab = pViewData->GetTabNo(); CheckDataArea(); } void ScNavigatorDlg::UpdateAll() { switch ( eListMode ) { case NAV_LMODE_DOCS: case NAV_LMODE_DBAREAS: case NAV_LMODE_AREAS: aLbEntries->Refresh(); break; case NAV_LMODE_NONE: //! ??? break; default: break; } aContentIdle.Stop(); // not again } void ScNavigatorDlg::SetListMode( NavListMode eMode, bool bSetSize ) { if ( eMode != eListMode ) { if ( eMode != NAV_LMODE_NONE ) bFirstBig = false; // do not switch automatically any more eListMode = eMode; switch ( eMode ) { case NAV_LMODE_NONE: ShowList( false, bSetSize ); break; case NAV_LMODE_AREAS: case NAV_LMODE_DBAREAS: case NAV_LMODE_DOCS: aLbEntries->Refresh(); ShowList( true, bSetSize ); break; case NAV_LMODE_SCENARIOS: ShowScenarios( true, bSetSize ); break; } aTbxCmd->UpdateButtons(); if ( eMode != NAV_LMODE_NONE ) { ScNavipiCfg& rCfg = SC_MOD()->GetNavipiCfg(); rCfg.SetListMode( (sal_uInt16) eMode ); } } if ( pMarkArea ) UnmarkDataArea(); } void ScNavigatorDlg::ShowList( bool bShow, bool bSetSize ) { FloatingWindow* pFloat = pContextWin!=NULL ? pContextWin->GetFloatingWindow() : NULL; Size aSize = GetParent()->GetOutputSizePixel(); if ( bShow ) { Size aMinSize = aInitSize; aMinSize.Height() += nInitListHeight; if ( pFloat ) pFloat->SetMinOutputSizePixel( aMinSize ); aSize.Height() = nListModeHeight; aLbEntries->Show(); aLbDocuments->Show(); } else { if ( pFloat ) { pFloat->SetMinOutputSizePixel( aInitSize ); nListModeHeight = aSize.Height(); } aSize.Height() = aInitSize.Height(); aLbEntries->Hide(); aLbDocuments->Hide(); } aWndScenarios->Hide(); if ( pFloat ) { if ( bSetSize ) pFloat->SetOutputSizePixel( aSize ); } else { SfxNavigator* pNav = dynamic_cast(GetParent()); if (pNav != NULL) { Size aFloating = pNav->GetFloatingSize(); aFloating.Height() = aSize.Height(); pNav->SetFloatingSize( aFloating ); } } } void ScNavigatorDlg::ShowScenarios( bool bShow, bool bSetSize ) { FloatingWindow* pFloat = pContextWin!=NULL ? pContextWin->GetFloatingWindow() : NULL; Size aSize = GetParent()->GetOutputSizePixel(); if ( bShow ) { Size aMinSize = aInitSize; aMinSize.Height() += nInitListHeight; if ( pFloat ) pFloat->SetMinOutputSizePixel( aMinSize ); aSize.Height() = nListModeHeight; rBindings.Invalidate( SID_SELECT_SCENARIO ); rBindings.Update( SID_SELECT_SCENARIO ); aWndScenarios->Show(); aLbDocuments->Show(); } else { if ( pFloat ) { pFloat->SetMinOutputSizePixel( aInitSize ); nListModeHeight = aSize.Height(); } aSize.Height() = aInitSize.Height(); aWndScenarios->Hide(); aLbDocuments->Hide(); } aLbEntries->Hide(); if ( pFloat ) { if ( bSetSize ) pFloat->SetOutputSizePixel( aSize ); } else { SfxNavigator* pNav = static_cast(GetParent()); Size aFloating = pNav->GetFloatingSize(); aFloating.Height() = aSize.Height(); pNav->SetFloatingSize( aFloating ); } } // documents for Dropdown-Listbox void ScNavigatorDlg::GetDocNames( const OUString* pManualSel ) { aLbDocuments->Clear(); aLbDocuments->SetUpdateMode( false ); ScDocShell* pCurrentSh = PTR_CAST( ScDocShell, SfxObjectShell::Current() ); OUString aSelEntry; SfxObjectShell* pSh = SfxObjectShell::GetFirst(); while ( pSh ) { if ( pSh->ISA(ScDocShell) ) { OUString aName = pSh->GetTitle(); OUString aEntry = aName; if (pSh == pCurrentSh) aEntry += aStrActive; else aEntry += aStrNotActive; aLbDocuments->InsertEntry( aEntry ); if ( pManualSel ? ( aName == *pManualSel ) : ( pSh == pCurrentSh ) ) aSelEntry = aEntry; // compelte entry for selection } pSh = SfxObjectShell::GetNext( *pSh ); } aLbDocuments->InsertEntry( aStrActiveWin ); OUString aHidden = aLbEntries->GetHiddenTitle(); if (!aHidden.isEmpty()) { OUString aEntry = aHidden; aEntry += aStrHidden; aLbDocuments->InsertEntry( aEntry ); if ( pManualSel && aHidden == *pManualSel ) aSelEntry = aEntry; } aLbDocuments->SetUpdateMode( true ); aLbDocuments->SelectEntry( aSelEntry ); } void ScNavigatorDlg::MarkDataArea() { ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = GetTabViewShell(); if ( pViewSh ) { if ( !pMarkArea ) pMarkArea = new ScArea; pViewSh->MarkDataArea(); ScRange aMarkRange; pViewSh->GetViewData().GetMarkData().GetMarkArea(aMarkRange); pMarkArea->nColStart = aMarkRange.aStart.Col(); pMarkArea->nRowStart = aMarkRange.aStart.Row(); pMarkArea->nColEnd = aMarkRange.aEnd.Col(); pMarkArea->nRowEnd = aMarkRange.aEnd.Row(); pMarkArea->nTab = aMarkRange.aStart.Tab(); } } void ScNavigatorDlg::UnmarkDataArea() { ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = GetTabViewShell(); if ( pViewSh ) { pViewSh->Unmark(); DELETEZ( pMarkArea ); } } void ScNavigatorDlg::CheckDataArea() { if ( aTbxCmd->IsItemChecked( IID_DATA ) && pMarkArea ) { if ( nCurTab != pMarkArea->nTab || nCurCol < pMarkArea->nColStart+1 || nCurCol > pMarkArea->nColEnd+1 || nCurRow < pMarkArea->nRowStart+1 || nCurRow > pMarkArea->nRowEnd+1 ) { aTbxCmd->SetItemState( IID_DATA, TriState(TRISTATE_TRUE) ); aTbxCmd->Select( IID_DATA ); } } } void ScNavigatorDlg::StartOfDataArea() { // pMarkArea evaluate ??? if ( GetViewData() ) { ScMarkData& rMark = pViewData->GetMarkData(); ScRange aMarkRange; rMark.GetMarkArea( aMarkRange ); SCCOL nCol = aMarkRange.aStart.Col(); SCROW nRow = aMarkRange.aStart.Row(); if ( (nCol+1 != aEdCol->GetCol()) || (nRow+1 != aEdRow->GetRow()) ) SetCurrentCell( nCol, nRow ); } } void ScNavigatorDlg::EndOfDataArea() { // pMarkArea evaluate ??? if ( GetViewData() ) { ScMarkData& rMark = pViewData->GetMarkData(); ScRange aMarkRange; rMark.GetMarkArea( aMarkRange ); SCCOL nCol = aMarkRange.aEnd.Col(); SCROW nRow = aMarkRange.aEnd.Row(); if ( (nCol+1 != aEdCol->GetCol()) || (nRow+1 != aEdRow->GetRow()) ) SetCurrentCell( nCol, nRow ); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */