/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: hfedtdlg.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.27 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2001-11-16 22:54:55 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ /* StarView ressource file */ #include "hfedtdlg.hrc" #define HFEDIT_DLGTITLE \ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Kopf-/Fuzeilen : Kopf-/Fuzeilen */\ Text = "Kopf-/Fuzeilen" ; \ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Header/Footer" ; \ Text [ norwegian ] = "Header/Footer" ; \ Text [ italian ] = "Intestazione/pi di pagina" ; \ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cabe?alho/Rodap?" ; \ Text [ portuguese ] = "Cabealhos/Rodaps" ; \ Text [ finnish ] = "Yl?otsikot/alaselitteet" ; \ Text [ danish ] = "Sidehoved/Sidefod" ; \ Text [ french ] = "En-tte/Pied de page" ; \ Text [ swedish ] = "Sidhuvud/sidfot" ; \ Text [ dutch ] = "Kop-/voettekst" ; \ Text [ spanish ] = "Encabezam./Pie de pgina" ; \ Text [ english_us ] = "Headers/Footers" ; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉/页脚"; \ Text[ russian ] = "/ "; \ Text[ polish ] = "Nagwki-/Stopki"; \ Text[ japanese ] = "ヘッダ/フッタ"; \ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁首和頁尾"; \ Text[ arabic ] = "/ "; \ Text[ dutch ] = "Kop-/voettekst"; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉/页脚"; \ Text[ greek ] = "/"; \ Text[ korean ] = "머리글/바닥글"; \ Text[ turkish ] = "st/Altbilgi"; \ Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; \ Text[ catalan ] = "Encabezam./Pie de pgina"; #define HEADER \ Text = "Kopfzeile" ; \ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Header" ; \ Text [ norwegian ] = "Header" ; \ Text [ italian ] = "Riga d'intestazione" ; \ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cabe?alho" ; \ Text [ portuguese ] = "Cabealho" ; \ Text [ finnish ] = "Yl?otsikko" ; \ Text [ danish ] = "Sidehoved" ; \ Text [ french ] = "En-tte" ; \ Text [ swedish ] = "Sidhuvud" ; \ Text [ dutch ] = "Koptekst" ; \ Text [ spanish ] = "Encabezamiento" ; \ Text [ english_us ] = "Header" ; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉"; \ Text[ russian ] = " "; \ Text[ polish ] = "Nagwek"; \ Text[ japanese ] = "ヘッダ"; \ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁首"; \ Text[ arabic ] = " "; \ Text[ dutch ] = "Koptekst"; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉"; \ Text[ greek ] = ""; \ Text[ korean ] = "머리글"; \ Text[ turkish ] = "stbilgi"; \ Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; \ Text[ catalan ] = "Encabezamiento"; #define FOOTER \ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Fuzeile : Fuzeile */\ Text = "Fuzeile" ; \ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Footer" ; \ Text [ norwegian ] = "Footer" ; \ Text [ italian ] = "Pi di pagina" ; \ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rodap?" ; \ Text [ portuguese ] = "Rodap" ; \ Text [ finnish ] = "Alaselite" ; \ Text [ danish ] = "Sidefod" ; \ Text [ french ] = "Pied de page" ; \ Text [ swedish ] = "Sidfot" ; \ Text [ dutch ] = "Voettekst" ; \ Text [ spanish ] = "Pie de pgina" ; \ Text [ english_us ] = "Footer" ; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚"; \ Text[ russian ] = " "; \ Text[ polish ] = "Stopka"; \ Text[ japanese ] = "フッタ"; \ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁尾"; \ Text[ arabic ] = " "; \ Text[ dutch ] = "Voettekst"; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚"; \ Text[ greek ] = ""; \ Text[ korean ] = "바닥글"; \ Text[ turkish ] = "Altbilgi"; \ Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; \ Text[ catalan ] = "Pie de pgina"; #define HEADER_RIGHT \ Text = "Kopfzeile (rechts)" ; \ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Header (right)" ; \ Text [ norwegian ] = "Header (right)" ; \ Text [ italian ] = "Riga d'intestazione (destra)" ; \ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cabe?alho (direito)" ; \ Text [ portuguese ] = "Cabealho (direito)" ; \ Text [ finnish ] = "Yl?otsikko (oikea)" ; \ Text [ danish ] = "Sidehoved (hjre)" ; \ Text [ french ] = "En-tte (droit)" ; \ Text [ swedish ] = "Sidhuvud (hger)" ; \ Text [ dutch ] = "Koptekst (rechts)" ; \ Text [ spanish ] = "Encabezam. (der.)" ; \ Text [ english_us ] = "Header (right)" ; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉(右)"; \ Text[ russian ] = " ()"; \ Text[ polish ] = "Wiersz nagwka (z prawej)"; \ Text[ japanese ] = "ヘッダ(右)"; \ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁首(右)"; \ Text[ arabic ] = " ()"; \ Text[ dutch ] = "Koptekst (rechts)"; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉(右)"; \ Text[ greek ] = " ()"; \ Text[ korean ] = "머리글(오른쪽)"; \ Text[ turkish ] = "Altbilgi (sa)"; \ Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; \ Text[ catalan ] = "Encabezam. (der.)"; #define HEADER_LEFT \ Text = "Kopfzeile (links)" ; \ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Header (left)" ; \ Text [ norwegian ] = "Header (left)" ; \ Text [ italian ] = "Riga d'intestazione (sinistra)" ; \ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cabe?alho (esquerdo)" ; \ Text [ portuguese ] = "Cabealho (esquerdo)" ; \ Text [ finnish ] = "Yl?otsikko (vasen)" ; \ Text [ danish ] = "Sidehoved (venstre)" ; \ Text [ french ] = "En-tte ( gauche)" ; \ Text [ swedish ] = "Sidhuvud (vnster)" ; \ Text [ dutch ] = "Koptekst (links)" ; \ Text [ spanish ] = "Encabezam. (izq.)" ; \ Text [ english_us ] = "Header (left)" ; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉(左)"; \ Text[ russian ] = " ()"; \ Text[ polish ] = "Wiersz nagwka (z lewej)"; \ Text[ japanese ] = "ヘッダ(左)"; \ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁首(左)"; \ Text[ arabic ] = " ()"; \ Text[ dutch ] = "Koptekst (links)"; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉(左)"; \ Text[ greek ] = " ()"; \ Text[ korean ] = "머리글(왼쪽)"; \ Text[ turkish ] = "stbilgi (sol)"; \ Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; \ Text[ catalan ] = "Encabezam. (izq.)"; #define FOOTER_RIGHT \ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Fuzeile (rechts) : Fuzeile (rechts) */\ Text = "Fuzeile (rechts)" ; \ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Footer (right)" ; \ Text [ norwegian ] = "Footer (right)" ; \ Text [ italian ] = "Pi di pagina (destra)" ; \ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rodap? (direito)" ; \ Text [ portuguese ] = "Rodap (direito)" ; \ Text [ finnish ] = "Alaselite (oikea)" ; \ Text [ danish ] = "Sidefod (hjre)" ; \ Text [ french ] = "Pied de page (droit)" ; \ Text [ swedish ] = "Sidfot (hger)" ; \ Text [ dutch ] = "Voettekst (rechts)" ; \ Text [ spanish ] = "Pie de pgina (derecha)" ; \ Text [ english_us ] = "Footer (right)" ; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚(右)"; \ Text[ russian ] = " ()"; \ Text[ polish ] = "Wiersz stopki (z prawej)"; \ Text[ japanese ] = "フッタ(右)"; \ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁尾(右)"; \ Text[ arabic ] = " ()"; \ Text[ dutch ] = "Voettekst (rechts)"; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚(右)"; \ Text[ greek ] = " ()"; \ Text[ korean ] = "바닥글 (오른쪽)"; \ Text[ turkish ] = "Altbilgi (sa)"; \ Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; \ Text[ catalan ] = "Pie de pgina (derecha)"; #define FOOTER_LEFT \ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Fuzeile (links) : Fuzeile (links) */\ Text = "Fuzeile (links)" ; \ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Footer (left)" ; \ Text [ norwegian ] = "Footer (left)" ; \ Text [ italian ] = "Pi di pagina (sinistra)" ; \ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rodap? (esquerdo)" ; \ Text [ portuguese ] = "Rodap (esquerdo)" ; \ Text [ finnish ] = "Alaselite (vasen)" ; \ Text [ danish ] = "Sidefod (venstre)" ; \ Text [ french ] = "Pied de page (gauche)" ; \ Text [ swedish ] = "Sidfot (vnster)" ; \ Text [ dutch ] = "Voettekst (links)" ; \ Text [ spanish ] = "Pie de pgina (izquierda)" ; \ Text [ english_us ] = "Footer (left)" ; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚(左)"; \ Text[ russian ] = " ()"; \ Text[ polish ] = "Wiersz stopki (z lewej)"; \ Text[ japanese ] = "フッタ(左)"; \ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁尾(左)"; \ Text[ arabic ] = " ()"; \ Text[ dutch ] = "Voettekst (links)"; \ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚(左)"; \ Text[ greek ] = " ()"; \ Text[ korean ] = "바닥글 (왼쪽)"; \ Text[ turkish ] = "Altbilgi (sol)"; \ Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; \ Text[ catalan ] = "Pie de pgina (izquierda)"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Bearbeiten vom Seitendialog aus aufgerufen //------------------------------------------------------------------------ TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFED_HEADER { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; Text = "Kopfzeilen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Header" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Header" ; Text [ italian ] = "Intestazioni" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cabe?alho" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Cabealhos" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Yl?otsikot" ; Text [ danish ] = "Sidehoveder" ; Text [ french ] = "En-ttes" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Sidhuvuden" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Kopteksten" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Encabezamientos" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Headers" ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; HEADER_RIGHT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HR ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 2 ; HEADER_LEFT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HL ; }; }; }; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Nagwki"; Text[ japanese ] = "ヘッダ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁首"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Kopteksten"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "머리글"; Text[ turkish ] = "stbilgi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Encabezamientos"; }; TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFED_FOOTER { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Fuzeilen : Fuzeilen */ Text = "Fuzeilen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Footer" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Footer" ; Text [ italian ] = "Pi di pagina" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rodap?" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Rodap" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Alaselitteet" ; Text [ danish ] = "Sidefdder" ; Text [ french ] = "Pieds de pages" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Sidftter" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Voetteksten" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Pies de pgina" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Footers" ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; FOOTER_RIGHT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FR ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 2 ; FOOTER_LEFT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FL ; }; }; }; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Stopki"; Text[ japanese ] = "フッタ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁尾"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Voetteksten"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "바닥글"; Text[ turkish ] = "Altbilgi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Pies de pgina"; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Bearbeiten/Kopf-Fusszeile: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFEDIT_ALL { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; HFEDIT_DLGTITLE TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; HEADER_RIGHT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HR ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 2 ; HEADER_LEFT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HL ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 3 ; FOOTER_RIGHT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FR ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 4 ; FOOTER_LEFT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FL ; }; }; }; }; TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFEDIT_SHDR { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; HFEDIT_DLGTITLE TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; HEADER PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HR ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 2 ; FOOTER_RIGHT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FR ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 3 ; FOOTER_LEFT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FL ; }; }; }; }; TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFEDIT_SFTR { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; HFEDIT_DLGTITLE TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; HEADER_RIGHT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HR ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 2 ; HEADER_LEFT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HL ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 3 ; FOOTER PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FR ; }; }; }; }; TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFEDIT { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; HFEDIT_DLGTITLE TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; HEADER PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HR ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 2 ; FOOTER PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FR ; }; }; }; }; TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFEDIT_HEADER { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; HFEDIT_DLGTITLE TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; HEADER_RIGHT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HR ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 2 ; HEADER_LEFT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HL ; }; }; }; }; TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFEDIT_FOOTER { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; HFEDIT_DLGTITLE TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; FOOTER_RIGHT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FR ; }; PageItem { Identifier = 2 ; FOOTER_LEFT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FL ; }; }; }; }; TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFEDIT_RIGHTHEADER { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; HFEDIT_DLGTITLE TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; HEADER_RIGHT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HR ; }; }; }; }; TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFEDIT_LEFTHEADER { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; HFEDIT_DLGTITLE TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; HEADER_LEFT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HL ; }; }; }; }; TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFEDIT_RIGHTFOOTER { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; HFEDIT_DLGTITLE TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; FOOTER_RIGHT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FR ; }; }; }; }; TabDialog RID_SCDLG_HFEDIT_LEFTFOOTER { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 270 , 140 ) ; Moveable = TRUE ; // Closeable = TRUE; HFEDIT_DLGTITLE TabControl 1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ; PageList = { PageItem { Identifier = 1 ; FOOTER_LEFT PageResID = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FL ; }; }; }; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ScTpHFEdit //------------------------------------------------------------------------ TabPage RID_HFBASE { Hide = TRUE ; HelpId = HID_SCPAGE_HFEDIT ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 0 , 0 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 185 ) ; FixedText FT_LEFT { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 6 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 75 , 10 ) ; Text = "~Linker Bereich" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Left Area" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Left Area" ; Text [ italian ] = "Area ~sinistra" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~?rea Esquerda" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~rea esquerda" ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Vasen alue" ; Text [ danish ] = "Venstre omrde" ; Text [ french ] = "~Plage gauche" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Vnster omrde" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Linker bereik" ; Text [ spanish ] = "rea ~izquierda" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Left Area" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左边区域(~L)"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Lewy obszar"; Text[ japanese ] = "左の範囲(~L)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "左區域(~L)"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Linker bereik"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左边区域(~L)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "왼쪽 영역(~L)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Sol blm"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "rea ~izquierda"; }; /* "Control" braucht eigene HelpId, darum in der Ableitung: Control WND_LEFT { Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; */ FixedText FT_CENTER { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 6 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 75 , 10 ) ; Text = "~Mittlerer Bereich" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Center Area" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Center Area" ; Text [ italian ] = "Area ~centrale" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~?rea Central" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~rea central" ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Keskit? alue" ; Text [ danish ] = "Midteromrde" ; Text [ french ] = "Plage centrale" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Mittomrde" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Middelste bereik" ; Text [ spanish ] = "rea ~central" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Center Area" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "中间区域(~C)"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "rodkowy obszar"; Text[ japanese ] = "中央の範囲(~C)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "中間區域(~C)"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Middelste bereik"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "中间区域(~C)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "중심 영역(~C)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Orta blm"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "rea ~central"; }; /* "Control" braucht eigene HelpId, darum in der Ableitung: Control WND_CENTER { Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; */ FixedText FT_RIGHT { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 174 , 6 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 75 , 10 ) ; Text = "~Rechter Bereich" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Right Area" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Right Area" ; Text [ italian ] = "Area ~destra" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~?rea Direita" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~rea direita" ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Oikea alue" ; Text [ danish ] = "Hjre omrde" ; Text [ french ] = "Plage ~droite" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Hger omrde" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Rechter bereik" ; Text [ spanish ] = "rea ~derecha" ; Text [ english_us ] = "R~ight Area" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右边区域(~I)"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Prawy obszar"; Text[ japanese ] = "右の範囲(~I)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "右區域(~I)"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Rechter bereik"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右边区域(~I)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "오른쪽 영역(~I)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Sa blm"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "rea ~derecha"; }; /* "Control" braucht eigene HelpId, darum in der Ableitung: Control WND_RIGHT { Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 174 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; */ ImageButton BTN_TEXT { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_TEXT ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 66 , 122 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 15 , 15 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; QuickHelpText = "Textattribute" ; QuickHelpText [ ENGLISH ] = "Text Attributes" ; QuickHelpText [ norwegian ] = "Text Attributes" ; QuickHelpText [ italian ] = "Attributi di testo" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Atributos de Texto" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese ] = "Atributos de texto" ; QuickHelpText [ finnish ] = "Tekstim??ritteet!" ; QuickHelpText [ danish ] = "Tekstattributter" ; QuickHelpText [ french ] = "Attributs de texte" ; QuickHelpText [ swedish ] = "Textattribut" ; QuickHelpText [ dutch ] = "Tekstattributen" ; QuickHelpText [ spanish ] = "Atributos de texto" ; QuickHelpText [ english_us ] = "Text Attributes" ; ButtonImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "text.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = STD_MASKCOLOR ; }; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? ndern der Textattribute der aktuellen Selektion : ndern der Textattribute der aktuellen Selektion */ QuickHelpText[ russian ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ polish ] = "Atrybuty tekstu"; QuickHelpText[ japanese ] = "テキストの属性"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "正文属性"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_traditional ] = "文字屬性"; QuickHelpText[ arabic ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ dutch ] = "Tekstattributen"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "正文属性"; QuickHelpText[ greek ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ korean ] = "텍스트 속성"; QuickHelpText[ language_user1 ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ turkish ] = "Textattribute"; QuickHelpText[ catalan ] = "Atributos de texto"; }; ImageButton BTN_FILE { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_FILE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 89 , 122 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 15 , 15 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; QuickHelpText = "Dateiname" ; QuickHelpText [ ENGLISH ] = "Filename" ; QuickHelpText [ norwegian ] = "Filename" ; QuickHelpText [ italian ] = "Nome del file" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nome do Arquivo" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese ] = "Nome do ficheiro" ; QuickHelpText [ finnish ] = "Tiedoston nimi!" ; QuickHelpText [ danish ] = "Filnavn" ; QuickHelpText [ french ] = "Nom de fichier" ; QuickHelpText [ swedish ] = "Filnamn" ; QuickHelpText [ dutch ] = "Bestandsnaam" ; QuickHelpText [ spanish ] = "Nombre de archivo" ; QuickHelpText [ english_us ] = "File Name" ; ButtonImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "file.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = STD_MASKCOLOR ; }; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Einfgen des Dateinames des aktuellen Dokumentes : Einfgen des Dateinames des aktuellen Dokumentes */ QuickHelpText[ russian ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ polish ] = "Nazwa pliku"; QuickHelpText[ japanese ] = "ファイル名"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "文件名"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_traditional ] = "檔案名稱"; QuickHelpText[ arabic ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ dutch ] = "Bestandsnaam"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "文件名"; QuickHelpText[ greek ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ korean ] = "파일 이름"; QuickHelpText[ language_user1 ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ turkish ] = "Dateiname"; QuickHelpText[ catalan ] = "Nombre de archivo"; }; Menu RID_POPUP_FCOMMAND { ItemList = { MenuItem { Identifier = FILE_COMMAND_TITEL ; HelpID = HID_FCOMMAND_TITEL ; Text = "Titel" ; Text [ english ] = "Titel" ; Text[ italian ] = "Titolo"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Titel"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Ttulo"; Text[ danish ] = "Titel"; Text[ french ] = "Titre"; Text[ swedish ] = "Titel"; Text[ dutch ] = "Titel"; Text[ spanish ] = "Ttulo"; Text[ english_us ] = "Title"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标题"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Tytu"; Text[ japanese ] = "タイトル"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標題"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Titel"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标题"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "제목"; Text[ turkish ] = "Balk"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Ttulo"; Text[ finnish ] = "Otsikko"; }; MenuItem { Identifier = FILE_COMMAND_FILENAME; HelpID = HID_FCOMMAND_FILENAME; Text = "Dateiname" ; Text [ english ] = "Filename" ; RadioCheck = TRUE ; Text[ italian ] = "Nome file"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dateiname"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Nome do ficheiro"; Text[ danish ] = "Filnavn"; Text[ french ] = "Nom de fichier"; Text[ swedish ] = "Filnamn"; Text[ dutch ] = "Bestandsnaam"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nombre del archivo"; Text[ english_us ] = "File Name"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "文件名"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa pliku"; Text[ japanese ] = "ファイル名"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "檔案名稱"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Bestandsnaam"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "文件名"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "파일 이름"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dosya ad"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Nombre del archivo"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tiedoston nimi"; }; MenuItem { Identifier = FILE_COMMAND_PATH; HelpID = HID_FCOMMAND_PATH; Text = "Pfad/Dateiname" ; Text [ english ] = "Path/Filename" ; RadioCheck = TRUE ; Text[ italian ] = "Nome di percorso/file"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Pfad/Dateiname"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Atalho/Nome do ficheiro"; Text[ danish ] = "Sti/Filnavn"; Text[ french ] = "Chemin/Nom de fichier"; Text[ swedish ] = "Skvg/Filnamn"; Text[ dutch ] = "Pad/Bestandsnaam"; Text[ spanish ] = "Ruta/Nombre de archivo"; Text[ english_us ] = "Path/File Name"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "路径/文件名"; Text[ russian ] = " /"; Text[ polish ] = "cieka/Nazwa pliku"; Text[ japanese ] = "パス/ファイル名"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "路徑/檔案名稱"; Text[ arabic ] = "/ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Pad/Bestandsnaam"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "路径/文件名"; Text[ greek ] = " /"; Text[ korean ] = "경로/파일 이름"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yol/dosya ad"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Ruta/Nombre de archivo"; Text[ finnish ] = "Polun/tiedoston nimi"; }; }; }; ImageButton BTN_TABLE { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_TABLE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 106 , 122 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 15 , 15 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; QuickHelpText = "Tabellenname" ; QuickHelpText [ ENGLISH ] = "Table Name" ; QuickHelpText [ norwegian ] = "Table Name" ; QuickHelpText [ italian ] = "Nome tabella" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabela Nome" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese ] = "Nome da folha" ; QuickHelpText [ finnish ] = "Lomakkeen nimi!" ; QuickHelpText [ danish ] = "Arknavn" ; QuickHelpText [ french ] = "Nom de feuille" ; QuickHelpText [ swedish ] = "Tabellnamn" ; QuickHelpText [ dutch ] = "Tabelnaam" ; QuickHelpText [ spanish ] = "Nombre de la hoja" ; QuickHelpText [ english_us ] = "Sheet Name" ; ButtonImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "table.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = STD_MASKCOLOR ; }; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Einfgen des aktuellen Tabellennamens : Einfgen des aktuellen Tabellennamens */ QuickHelpText[ russian ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ polish ] = "Nazwa tabeli"; QuickHelpText[ japanese ] = "表名"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格名称"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_traditional ] = "工作表名稱"; QuickHelpText[ arabic ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ dutch ] = "Tabelnaam"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格名称"; QuickHelpText[ greek ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ korean ] = "표 이름"; QuickHelpText[ language_user1 ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ turkish ] = "Tabellenname"; QuickHelpText[ catalan ] = "Nombre de la hoja"; }; ImageButton BTN_PAGE { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_PAGE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 126 , 122 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 15 , 15 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; QuickHelpText = "Seite" ; QuickHelpText [ ENGLISH ] = "Page" ; QuickHelpText [ norwegian ] = "Page" ; QuickHelpText [ italian ] = "Pagina" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Pgina" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese ] = "Pgina" ; QuickHelpText [ finnish ] = "Sivu!" ; QuickHelpText [ danish ] = "Side" ; QuickHelpText [ french ] = "Page" ; QuickHelpText [ swedish ] = "Sida" ; QuickHelpText [ dutch ] = "Pagina" ; QuickHelpText [ spanish ] = "Pgina" ; QuickHelpText [ english_us ] = "Page" ; ButtonImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "page.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = STD_MASKCOLOR ; }; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Einfgen der aktuellen Seitenzahl : Einfgen der aktuellen Seitenzahl */ QuickHelpText[ russian ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ polish ] = "Strona"; QuickHelpText[ japanese ] = "ページ番号"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "页面"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁"; QuickHelpText[ arabic ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ dutch ] = "Pagina"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "页面"; QuickHelpText[ greek ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ korean ] = "쪽"; QuickHelpText[ language_user1 ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ turkish ] = "Seite"; QuickHelpText[ catalan ] = "Pgina"; }; ImageButton BTN_PAGES { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_PAGES ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 143 , 122 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 15 , 15 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; QuickHelpText = "Seiten" ; QuickHelpText [ ENGLISH ] = "Pages" ; QuickHelpText [ norwegian ] = "Pages" ; QuickHelpText [ italian ] = "Pagine" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Pginas" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese ] = "Pginas" ; QuickHelpText [ finnish ] = "Sivut!" ; QuickHelpText [ danish ] = "Sider" ; QuickHelpText [ french ] = "Pages" ; QuickHelpText [ swedish ] = "Sidor" ; QuickHelpText [ dutch ] = "Pagina's" ; QuickHelpText [ spanish ] = "Pginas" ; QuickHelpText [ english_us ] = "Pages" ; ButtonImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "pages.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = STD_MASKCOLOR ; }; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Einfgen der letzten Seitenzahl : Einfgen der letzten Seitenzahl */ QuickHelpText[ russian ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ polish ] = "Strony"; QuickHelpText[ japanese ] = "ページ総数"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "页数"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁"; QuickHelpText[ arabic ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ dutch ] = "Pagina's"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "页数"; QuickHelpText[ greek ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ korean ] = "쪽들"; QuickHelpText[ language_user1 ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ turkish ] = "Seiten"; QuickHelpText[ catalan ] = "Pginas"; }; ImageButton BTN_DATE { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_DATE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 163 , 122 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 15 , 15 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; QuickHelpText = "Datum" ; QuickHelpText [ ENGLISH ] = "Date" ; QuickHelpText [ norwegian ] = "Date" ; QuickHelpText [ italian ] = "Data" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Data" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese ] = "Data" ; QuickHelpText [ finnish ] = "P?iv?m??r?!" ; QuickHelpText [ danish ] = "Dato" ; QuickHelpText [ french ] = "Date" ; QuickHelpText [ swedish ] = "Datum" ; QuickHelpText [ dutch ] = "Datum" ; QuickHelpText [ spanish ] = "Fecha" ; QuickHelpText [ english_us ] = "Date" ; ButtonImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "date.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = STD_MASKCOLOR ; }; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Einfgen des aktuellen Datums : Einfgen des aktuellen Datums */ QuickHelpText[ russian ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ polish ] = "Data"; QuickHelpText[ japanese ] = "日付"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "日期"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_traditional ] = "日期"; QuickHelpText[ arabic ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ dutch ] = "Datum"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "日期"; QuickHelpText[ greek ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ korean ] = "날짜"; QuickHelpText[ language_user1 ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ turkish ] = "Datum"; QuickHelpText[ catalan ] = "Fecha"; }; ImageButton BTN_TIME { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_TIME ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 180 , 122 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 15 , 15 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; QuickHelpText = "Uhrzeit" ; QuickHelpText [ ENGLISH ] = "Time" ; QuickHelpText [ norwegian ] = "Time" ; QuickHelpText [ italian ] = "Ora" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Hora" ; QuickHelpText [ portuguese ] = "Hora" ; QuickHelpText [ finnish ] = "Aika!" ; QuickHelpText [ danish ] = "Klokkeslt" ; QuickHelpText [ french ] = "Heure" ; QuickHelpText [ swedish ] = "Klockslag" ; QuickHelpText [ dutch ] = "Tijd" ; QuickHelpText [ spanish ] = "Hora" ; QuickHelpText [ english_us ] = "Time" ; ButtonImage = Image { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "time.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = STD_MASKCOLOR ; }; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Einfgen der aktuellen Uhrzeit : Einfgen der aktuellen Uhrzeit */ QuickHelpText[ russian ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ polish ] = "Godzina"; QuickHelpText[ japanese ] = "時刻"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "时间"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_traditional ] = "時間"; QuickHelpText[ arabic ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ dutch ] = "Tijd"; QuickHelpText[ chinese_simplified ] = "时间"; QuickHelpText[ greek ] = ""; QuickHelpText[ korean ] = "시간"; QuickHelpText[ language_user1 ] = " "; QuickHelpText[ turkish ] = "Uhrzeit"; QuickHelpText[ catalan ] = "Hora"; }; FixedText FT_INFO { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 155 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 240 , 24 ) ; WordBreak = TRUE ; /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Benutzen Sie die Schaltflchen, um die Schriftart zu verndern oder Feldbefehle wie Datum, Uhrzeit, etc. einzufgen. : Benutzen Sie die Schaltflchen, um die Schriftart zu verndern oder Feldbefehle wie Datum, Uhrzeit, etc. einzufgen. */ Text = "Benutzen Sie die Schaltflchen, um die Schriftart zu verndern oder Feldbefehle wie Datum, Uhrzeit, etc. einzufgen." ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Use image buttons to change the text font orto insert special commands like date, time etc." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Use image buttons to change the text font orto insert special commands like date, time etc." ; Text [ italian ] = "Usare i pulsanti per modificare il tipo di carattere\no per inserire comandi speciali come data, ora, ecc." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Use os bot?s de imagem para mudar a fonte do texto ouinserir comandos especiais como data hora, etc." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Use os botes para mudar o tipo de letra ou inserir campos como data, hora, etc." ; Text [ finnish ] = "N?pp?imien avulla voit vaihtaa fonttia tai lis?t? kentt?komentoja, kuten p?iv?m??r?n tai kellonajan." ; Text [ danish ] = "Brug knapperne til at forandre skrifttypen eller til at indstte felter som dato, klokkeslt etc." ; Text [ french ] = "Utilisez les boutons pour modifier la police ou pour insrer des champs tels que la date, l'heure, etc." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Anvnd kommandoknapparna fr att ndra teckensnitt eller infoga fltkommandon som datum, klockslag etc." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Gebruik de knoppen om de tekstattributen te wijzigen of om veldopdrachten zoals datum, tijd, enz. in te voegen." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Utilice los botones para modificar la fuente o para insertar comandos como fecha, hora, etc." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Use the buttons to change the font or insert field commands such as date, time, etc." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请点击按钮,更改字体或插入日期,时间等区域指令。"; Text[ russian ] = " , .. ."; Text[ polish ] = "Uyj przyciskw, aby zmieni czcionk oraz wpisa dat i godzin."; Text[ japanese ] = "フォントの変更または日付フィールドや時刻フィールドなどを挿入するときは、変更ボタンをクリックします。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請按一下這個按鈕來變更字型或插入日期、時間等區域指令。"; Text[ arabic ] = " Ρ ...."; Text[ dutch ] = "Gebruik de knoppen om de tekstattributen te wijzigen of om veldopdrachten zoals datum, tijd, enz. in te voegen."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请点击按钮,更改字体或插入日期,时间等区域指令。"; Text[ greek ] = " , .. , , ."; Text[ korean ] = "글꼴을 변경하거나 날짜, 시간등의 필드 명령어를 삽입하기 위해서는 버튼을 사용하십시오."; Text[ turkish ] = "Yaztipini deitirmek ya da tarih, saat gibi alan komutlar eklemek iin dmeleri kullannz."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Utilice los botones para modificar la fuente o para insertar comandos como fecha, hora, etc."; }; FixedLine FL_INFO { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 144 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 248 , 8 ) ; Text = "Hinweis" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Hint" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Hint" ; Text [ italian ] = "Nota" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dica" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Observao" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Huomautus" ; Text [ danish ] = "Tip" ; Text [ french ] = "Remarque" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Tips" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Tip" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Indicacin" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Note" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "提示"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Wskazwka"; Text[ japanese ] = "指示"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "提示"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Tip"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "提示"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "주"; Text[ turkish ] = "Not"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Indicacin"; }; }; // Kombinationen: Header/Footer links/rechts // die Eingabefenster jeweils mit eigener ID, sonst aus RID_HFBASE kopiert TabPage RID_SCPAGE_HFED_HL < RID_HFBASE { Hide = TRUE ; HelpId = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HL ; Control WND_LEFT { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_HLL ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; Control WND_CENTER { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_HLC ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; Control WND_RIGHT { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_HLR ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 174 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; }; TabPage RID_SCPAGE_HFED_HR < RID_HFBASE { Hide = TRUE ; HelpId = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_HR ; Control WND_LEFT { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_HRL ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; Control WND_CENTER { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_HRC ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; Control WND_RIGHT { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_HRR ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 174 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; }; TabPage RID_SCPAGE_HFED_FL < RID_HFBASE { Hide = TRUE ; HelpId = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FL ; Control WND_LEFT { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_FLL ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; Control WND_CENTER { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_FLC ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; Control WND_RIGHT { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_FLR ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 174 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; }; TabPage RID_SCPAGE_HFED_FR < RID_HFBASE { Hide = TRUE ; HelpId = HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FR ; Control WND_LEFT { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_FRL ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; Control WND_CENTER { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_FRC ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; Control WND_RIGHT { HelpId = HID_SC_HF_FRR ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 174 , 18 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 97 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; };