/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include "confuno.hxx" #include "unonames.hxx" #include "scdll.hxx" #include "docsh.hxx" #include "miscuno.hxx" #include "forbiuno.hxx" #include "viewopti.hxx" #include "docpool.hxx" #include "sc.hrc" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace com::sun::star; #define SCSAVEVERSION "SaveVersionOnClose" static const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* lcl_GetConfigPropertyMap() { static const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry aConfigPropertyMap_Impl[] = { {OUString(SC_UNO_SHOWZERO), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_SHOWNOTES), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_SHOWGRID), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_GRIDCOLOR), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_SHOWPAGEBR), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNONAME_LINKUPD), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_COLROWHDR), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_SHEETTABS), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_OUTLSYMB), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_SNAPTORASTER), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_RASTERVIS), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_RASTERRESX), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_RASTERRESY), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_RASTERSUBX), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_RASTERSUBY), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_RASTERSYNC), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_AUTOCALC), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_PRINTERNAME), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_PRINTERSETUP), 0, cppu::UnoType>::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_APPLYDOCINF), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_FORBIDDEN), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_CHARCOMP), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_ASIANKERN), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SCSAVEVERSION), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_UPDTEMPL), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, /*Stampit enable/disable print cancel */ {OUString(SC_UNO_ALLOWPRINTJOBCANCEL), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_LOADREADONLY), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_SHAREDOC), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_MODIFYPASSWORDINFO), 0, cppu::UnoType>::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_EMBED_FONTS), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, {OUString(SC_UNO_SYNTAXSTRINGREF), 0, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0, 0}, { OUString(), 0, css::uno::Type(), 0, 0 } }; return aConfigPropertyMap_Impl; } ScDocumentConfiguration::ScDocumentConfiguration(ScDocShell* pDocSh) : pDocShell(pDocSh) , aPropSet ( lcl_GetConfigPropertyMap() ) { pDocShell->GetDocument().AddUnoObject(*this); } ScDocumentConfiguration::~ScDocumentConfiguration() { SolarMutexGuard g; if (pDocShell) pDocShell->GetDocument().RemoveUnoObject(*this); } void ScDocumentConfiguration::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint ) { // reference update does not matter here if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::Dying ) { pDocShell = nullptr; } } // XPropertySet uno::Reference SAL_CALL ScDocumentConfiguration::getPropertySetInfo() { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; static uno::Reference aRef( new SfxItemPropertySetInfo( aPropSet.getPropertyMap() )); return aRef; } void SAL_CALL ScDocumentConfiguration::setPropertyValue( const OUString& aPropertyName, const uno::Any& aValue ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; if(pDocShell) { ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument(); bool bUpdateHeights = false; ScViewOptions aViewOpt(rDoc.GetViewOptions()); /*Stampit enable/disable print cancel */ if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_ALLOWPRINTJOBCANCEL ) pDocShell->Stamp_SetPrintCancelState( ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); /*Stampit enable/disable print cancel */ else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHOWZERO ) aViewOpt.SetOption(VOPT_NULLVALS, ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHOWNOTES ) aViewOpt.SetOption(VOPT_NOTES, ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHOWGRID ) aViewOpt.SetOption(VOPT_GRID, ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_GRIDCOLOR ) { sal_Int64 nColor = 0; if (aValue >>= nColor) { OUString aColorName; Color aColor(static_cast(nColor)); aViewOpt.SetGridColor(aColor, aColorName); } } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHOWPAGEBR ) aViewOpt.SetOption(VOPT_PAGEBREAKS, ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNONAME_LINKUPD ) { // XXX NOTE: this is the css::document::Settings property // LinkUpdateMode, not the css::sheet::XGlobalSheetSettings // attribute LinkUpdateMode. sal_Int16 n; if (!(aValue >>= n) || n < css::document::LinkUpdateModes::NEVER || n > css::document::LinkUpdateModes::GLOBAL_SETTING) { throw css::lang::IllegalArgumentException( ("LinkUpdateMode property value must be a SHORT with a value in" " the range of the css::document::LinkUpdateModes constants"), css::uno::Reference(), -1); } ScLkUpdMode eMode; switch (n) { case css::document::LinkUpdateModes::NEVER: eMode = LM_NEVER; break; case css::document::LinkUpdateModes::MANUAL: eMode = LM_ON_DEMAND; break; case css::document::LinkUpdateModes::AUTO: eMode = LM_ALWAYS; break; case css::document::LinkUpdateModes::GLOBAL_SETTING: default: eMode = SC_MOD()->GetAppOptions().GetLinkMode(); break; } rDoc.SetLinkMode( eMode ); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_COLROWHDR ) aViewOpt.SetOption(VOPT_HEADER, ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHEETTABS ) aViewOpt.SetOption(VOPT_TABCONTROLS, ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_OUTLSYMB ) aViewOpt.SetOption(VOPT_OUTLINER, ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_AUTOCALC ) rDoc.SetAutoCalc( ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_PRINTERNAME ) { OUString sPrinterName; if ( aValue >>= sPrinterName ) { // #i75610# if the name is empty, do nothing (don't create any printer) if ( !sPrinterName.isEmpty() && pDocShell->GetCreateMode() != SfxObjectCreateMode::EMBEDDED ) { SfxPrinter* pPrinter = pDocShell->GetPrinter(); if (pPrinter) { if (pPrinter->GetName() != sPrinterName) { VclPtrInstance pNewPrinter( std::unique_ptr(pPrinter->GetOptions().Clone()), sPrinterName ); if (pNewPrinter->IsKnown()) pDocShell->SetPrinter( pNewPrinter, SfxPrinterChangeFlags::PRINTER ); else pNewPrinter.disposeAndClear(); } } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } } else throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_PRINTERSETUP ) { uno::Sequence aSequence; if ( aValue >>= aSequence ) { sal_uInt32 nSize = aSequence.getLength(); // #i75610# if the sequence is empty, do nothing (don't create any printer) if ( nSize != 0 ) { SvMemoryStream aStream (aSequence.getArray(), nSize, StreamMode::READ ); aStream.Seek ( STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN ); auto pSet = o3tl::make_unique( *rDoc.GetPool(), svl::Items{} ); pDocShell->SetPrinter( SfxPrinter::Create( aStream, std::move(pSet) ) ); } } } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_APPLYDOCINF ) { bool bTmp=true; if ( aValue >>= bTmp ) pDocShell->SetUseUserData( bTmp ); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_FORBIDDEN ) { // read-only - should not be set } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_CHARCOMP ) { // Int16 contains CharacterCompressionType values sal_Int16 nUno = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetInt16FromAny( aValue ); rDoc.SetAsianCompression( (CharCompressType) nUno ); bUpdateHeights = true; } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_ASIANKERN ) { rDoc.SetAsianKerning( ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); bUpdateHeights = true; } else if ( aPropertyName == SCSAVEVERSION ) { bool bTmp=false; if ( aValue >>= bTmp ) pDocShell->SetSaveVersionOnClose( bTmp ); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_UPDTEMPL ) { bool bTmp=true; if ( aValue >>= bTmp ) pDocShell->SetQueryLoadTemplate( bTmp ); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_LOADREADONLY ) { bool bTmp=false; if ( aValue >>= bTmp ) pDocShell->SetLoadReadonly( bTmp ); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHAREDOC ) { #if HAVE_FEATURE_MULTIUSER_ENVIRONMENT bool bDocShared = false; if ( aValue >>= bDocShared ) { pDocShell->SetSharedXMLFlag( bDocShared ); } #endif } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_MODIFYPASSWORDINFO ) { uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aInfo; if ( !( aValue >>= aInfo ) ) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException( "Value of type Sequence expected!", uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >(), 2 ); if ( !pDocShell->SetModifyPasswordInfo( aInfo ) ) throw beans::PropertyVetoException( "The hash is not allowed to be changed now!" ); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_EMBED_FONTS ) { bool bVal = false; if ( aValue >>=bVal ) { rDoc.SetIsUsingEmbededFonts(bVal); } } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SYNTAXSTRINGREF ) { ScCalcConfig aCalcConfig = rDoc.GetCalcConfig(); sal_Int16 nUno = 0; if( aValue >>= nUno ) { switch (nUno) { case 0: // CONV_OOO case 2: // CONV_XL_A1 case 3: // CONV_XL_R1C1 case 7: // CONV_A1_XL_A1 aCalcConfig.SetStringRefSyntax( static_cast( nUno ) ); break; default: aCalcConfig.SetStringRefSyntax( formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_UNSPECIFIED ); break; } rDoc.SetCalcConfig( aCalcConfig ); } } else { ScGridOptions aGridOpt(aViewOpt.GetGridOptions()); if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SNAPTORASTER ) aGridOpt.SetUseGridSnap( ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERVIS ) aGridOpt.SetGridVisible( ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERRESX ) aGridOpt.SetFieldDrawX( static_cast ( ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetInt32FromAny( aValue ) ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERRESY ) aGridOpt.SetFieldDrawY( static_cast ( ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetInt32FromAny( aValue ) ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERSUBX ) aGridOpt.SetFieldDivisionX( static_cast ( ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetInt32FromAny( aValue ) ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERSUBY ) aGridOpt.SetFieldDivisionY( static_cast ( ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetInt32FromAny( aValue ) ) ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERSYNC ) aGridOpt.SetSynchronize( ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) ); else throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(); aViewOpt.SetGridOptions(aGridOpt); } rDoc.SetViewOptions(aViewOpt); if ( bUpdateHeights && !rDoc.IsImportingXML() ) { // update automatic row heights and repaint SCTAB nTabCount = rDoc.GetTableCount(); for (SCTAB nTab=0; nTabAdjustRowHeight( 0, MAXROW, nTab ) ) pDocShell->PostPaint(ScRange(0, 0, nTab, MAXCOL, MAXROW, nTab), PaintPartFlags::Grid); pDocShell->SetDocumentModified(); } } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } uno::Any SAL_CALL ScDocumentConfiguration::getPropertyValue( const OUString& aPropertyName ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Any aRet; if(pDocShell) { ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument(); const ScViewOptions& aViewOpt = rDoc.GetViewOptions(); /*Stampit enable/disable print cancel */ if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_ALLOWPRINTJOBCANCEL ) aRet <<= pDocShell->Stamp_GetPrintCancelState(); /*Stampit enable/disable print cancel */ else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHOWZERO ) aRet <<= aViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_NULLVALS ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHOWNOTES ) aRet <<= aViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_NOTES ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHOWGRID ) aRet <<= aViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_GRID ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_GRIDCOLOR ) { OUString aColorName; Color aColor = aViewOpt.GetGridColor(&aColorName); aRet <<= static_cast(aColor.GetColor()); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHOWPAGEBR ) aRet <<= aViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_PAGEBREAKS ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNONAME_LINKUPD ) { sal_Int16 nLUM; switch (rDoc.GetLinkMode()) { case LM_ALWAYS: nLUM = css::document::LinkUpdateModes::AUTO; break; case LM_NEVER: nLUM = css::document::LinkUpdateModes::NEVER; break; case LM_ON_DEMAND: nLUM = css::document::LinkUpdateModes::MANUAL; break; case LM_UNKNOWN: default: nLUM = css::document::LinkUpdateModes::GLOBAL_SETTING; break; } aRet <<= nLUM; } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_COLROWHDR ) aRet <<= aViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_HEADER ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHEETTABS ) aRet <<= aViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_TABCONTROLS ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_OUTLSYMB ) aRet <<= aViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_OUTLINER ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_AUTOCALC ) aRet <<= rDoc.GetAutoCalc(); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_PRINTERNAME ) { // #i75610# don't create the printer, return empty string if no printer created yet // (as in SwXDocumentSettings) SfxPrinter* pPrinter = rDoc.GetPrinter( false ); if (pPrinter) aRet <<= pPrinter->GetName(); else aRet <<= OUString(); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_PRINTERSETUP ) { // #i75610# don't create the printer, return empty sequence if no printer created yet // (as in SwXDocumentSettings) SfxPrinter* pPrinter = rDoc.GetPrinter( false ); if (pPrinter) { SvMemoryStream aStream; pPrinter->Store( aStream ); aStream.Seek ( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); sal_uInt32 nSize = aStream.Tell(); aStream.Seek ( STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN ); uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aSequence( nSize ); aStream.ReadBytes(aSequence.getArray(), nSize); aRet <<= aSequence; } else aRet <<= uno::Sequence(); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_APPLYDOCINF ) aRet <<= pDocShell->IsUseUserData(); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_FORBIDDEN ) { aRet <<= uno::Reference(new ScForbiddenCharsObj( pDocShell )); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_CHARCOMP ) aRet <<= static_cast ( rDoc.GetAsianCompression() ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_ASIANKERN ) aRet <<= rDoc.GetAsianKerning(); else if ( aPropertyName == SCSAVEVERSION ) aRet <<= pDocShell->IsSaveVersionOnClose(); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_UPDTEMPL ) aRet <<= pDocShell->IsQueryLoadTemplate(); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_LOADREADONLY ) aRet <<= pDocShell->IsLoadReadonly(); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SHAREDOC ) { #if HAVE_FEATURE_MULTIUSER_ENVIRONMENT aRet <<= pDocShell->HasSharedXMLFlagSet(); #endif } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_MODIFYPASSWORDINFO ) aRet <<= pDocShell->GetModifyPasswordInfo(); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_EMBED_FONTS ) { aRet <<= rDoc.IsUsingEmbededFonts(); } else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SYNTAXSTRINGREF ) { ScCalcConfig aCalcConfig = rDoc.GetCalcConfig(); formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv = aCalcConfig.meStringRefAddressSyntax; // don't save "unspecified" string ref syntax ... query formula grammar // and save that instead if( eConv == formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_UNSPECIFIED) { eConv = rDoc.GetAddressConvention(); } // write if it has been read|imported or explicitly changed // or if ref syntax isn't what would be native for our file format // i.e. CalcA1 in this case if ( aCalcConfig.mbHasStringRefSyntax || (eConv != formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO) ) { switch (eConv) { case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO: case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_A1: case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_R1C1: case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_A1_XL_A1: aRet <<= static_cast( eConv ); break; case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_UNSPECIFIED: case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_ODF: case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_OOX: case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_LOTUS_A1: case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_LAST: { aRet <<= sal_Int16(9999); break; } } } } else { const ScGridOptions& aGridOpt = aViewOpt.GetGridOptions(); if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_SNAPTORASTER ) aRet <<= aGridOpt.GetUseGridSnap(); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERVIS ) aRet <<= aGridOpt.GetGridVisible(); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERRESX ) aRet <<= static_cast ( aGridOpt.GetFieldDrawX() ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERRESY ) aRet <<= static_cast ( aGridOpt.GetFieldDrawY() ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERSUBX ) aRet <<= static_cast ( aGridOpt.GetFieldDivisionX() ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERSUBY ) aRet <<= static_cast ( aGridOpt.GetFieldDivisionY() ); else if ( aPropertyName == SC_UNO_RASTERSYNC ) aRet <<= aGridOpt.GetSynchronize(); else throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(); } } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); return aRet; } SC_IMPL_DUMMY_PROPERTY_LISTENER( ScDocumentConfiguration ) // XServiceInfo OUString SAL_CALL ScDocumentConfiguration::getImplementationName() { return OUString( "ScDocumentConfiguration" ); } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScDocumentConfiguration::supportsService( const OUString& rServiceName ) { return cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName); } uno::Sequence SAL_CALL ScDocumentConfiguration::getSupportedServiceNames() { return {"com.sun.star.comp.SpreadsheetSettings", "com.sun.star.document.Settings"}; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */