 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"

#include <editeng/memberids.hrc>
#include <svl/smplhint.hxx>
#include <svl/itemprop.hxx>
#include <svx/unomid.hxx>
#include <i18npool/mslangid.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp>

#include "scitems.hxx"
#include "defltuno.hxx"
#include "miscuno.hxx"
#include "docsh.hxx"
#include "docpool.hxx"
#include "unoguard.hxx"
#include "unonames.hxx"
#include "docoptio.hxx"

#include <limits>

using namespace ::com::sun::star;


const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* lcl_GetDocDefaultsMap()
    static SfxItemPropertyMapEntry aDocDefaultsMap_Impl[] =
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNONAME_CFCHARS),  ATTR_FONT,          &getCppuType((sal_Int16*)0),        0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CJK_CFCHARS),  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      &getCppuType((sal_Int16*)0),        0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CTL_CFCHARS),  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      &getCppuType((sal_Int16*)0),        0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNONAME_CFFAMIL),  ATTR_FONT,          &getCppuType((sal_Int16*)0),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CJK_CFFAMIL),  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      &getCppuType((sal_Int16*)0),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CTL_CFFAMIL),  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      &getCppuType((sal_Int16*)0),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNONAME_CFNAME),   ATTR_FONT,          &getCppuType((rtl::OUString*)0),    0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CJK_CFNAME),   ATTR_CJK_FONT,      &getCppuType((rtl::OUString*)0),    0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CTL_CFNAME),   ATTR_CTL_FONT,      &getCppuType((rtl::OUString*)0),    0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNONAME_CFPITCH),  ATTR_FONT,          &getCppuType((sal_Int16*)0),        0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CJK_CFPITCH),  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      &getCppuType((sal_Int16*)0),        0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CTL_CFPITCH),  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      &getCppuType((sal_Int16*)0),        0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNONAME_CFSTYLE),  ATTR_FONT,          &getCppuType((rtl::OUString*)0),    0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CJK_CFSTYLE),  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      &getCppuType((rtl::OUString*)0),    0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CTL_CFSTYLE),  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      &getCppuType((rtl::OUString*)0),    0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNONAME_CLOCAL),   ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE, &getCppuType((lang::Locale*)0),     0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CJK_CLOCAL),   ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE, &getCppuType((lang::Locale*)0), 0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_CTL_CLOCAL),   ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE, &getCppuType((lang::Locale*)0), 0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_STANDARDDEC),              0,      &getCppuType((sal_Int16*)0),        0, 0 },
        {MAP_CHAR_LEN(SC_UNO_TABSTOPDIS),               0,      &getCppuType((sal_Int32*)0),        0, 0 },
    return aDocDefaultsMap_Impl;

inline long TwipsToHMM(long nTwips) { return (nTwips * 127 + 36) / 72; }
inline long HMMToTwips(long nHMM)   { return (nHMM * 72 + 63) / 127; }
inline long TwipsToEvenHMM(long nTwips) { return ( (nTwips * 127 + 72) / 144 ) * 2; }


SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScDocDefaultsObj, "ScDocDefaultsObj", "com.sun.star.sheet.Defaults" )


ScDocDefaultsObj::ScDocDefaultsObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh) :
    pDocShell( pDocSh ),

    if (pDocShell)

void ScDocDefaultsObj::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
    if ( rHint.ISA( SfxSimpleHint ) &&
            ((const SfxSimpleHint&)rHint).GetId() == SFX_HINT_DYING )
        pDocShell = NULL;       // document gone

void ScDocDefaultsObj::ItemsChanged()
    if (pDocShell)
        //! if not in XML import, adjust row heights

        pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,0, MAXCOL,MAXROW,MAXTAB, PAINT_GRID );

// XPropertySet

uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::getPropertySetInfo()
    ScUnoGuard aGuard;
    static uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> aRef = new SfxItemPropertySetInfo(
                                                                        &aPropertyMap );
    return aRef;

void SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::setPropertyValue(
                        const rtl::OUString& aPropertyName, const uno::Any& aValue )
                throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, beans::PropertyVetoException,
                        lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException,
    ScUnoGuard aGuard;

    if ( !pDocShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();

    const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = aPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
        if(aPropertyName.compareToAscii(SC_UNO_STANDARDDEC) == 0)
            ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            if (pDoc)
                ScDocOptions aDocOpt(pDoc->GetDocOptions());
                sal_Int16 nValue = 0;
                if (aValue >>= nValue)
                    aDocOpt.SetStdPrecision(static_cast<sal_uInt16> (nValue));
                throw uno::RuntimeException();
        else if (aPropertyName.compareToAscii(SC_UNO_TABSTOPDIS) == 0)
            ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            if (pDoc)
                ScDocOptions aDocOpt(pDoc->GetDocOptions());
                sal_Int32 nValue = 0;
                if (aValue >>= nValue)
                throw uno::RuntimeException();
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE ||
              pEntry->nWID == ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE ||
              pEntry->nWID == ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE )
        //  for getPropertyValue the PoolDefaults are sufficient,
        //  but setPropertyValue has to be handled differently

        lang::Locale aLocale;
        if ( aValue >>= aLocale )
            LanguageType eNew;
            if (aLocale.Language.getLength() || aLocale.Country.getLength())
                eNew = MsLangId::convertLocaleToLanguage( aLocale );
                eNew = LANGUAGE_NONE;

            ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            LanguageType eLatin, eCjk, eCtl;
            pDoc->GetLanguage( eLatin, eCjk, eCtl );

            if ( pEntry->nWID == ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE )
                eCjk = eNew;
            else if ( pEntry->nWID == ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE )
                eCtl = eNew;
                eLatin = eNew;

            pDoc->SetLanguage( eLatin, eCjk, eCtl );
        ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetPool();
        SfxPoolItem* pNewItem = pPool->GetDefaultItem(pEntry->nWID).Clone();

        if( !pNewItem->PutValue( aValue, pEntry->nMemberId ) )
            throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();

        pPool->SetPoolDefaultItem( *pNewItem );
        delete pNewItem;    // copied in SetPoolDefaultItem


uno::Any SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::getPropertyValue( const rtl::OUString& aPropertyName )
                throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException,
    //  use pool default if set

    ScUnoGuard aGuard;

    if ( !pDocShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();

    uno::Any aRet;
    const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = aPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();

    if (!pEntry->nWID)
        if(aPropertyName.compareToAscii(SC_UNO_STANDARDDEC) == 0)
            ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            if (pDoc)
                const ScDocOptions& aDocOpt = pDoc->GetDocOptions();
                sal_uInt16 nPrec = aDocOpt.GetStdPrecision();
                // the max value of unsigned 16-bit integer is used as the flag
                // value for unlimited precision, c.f.
                // SvNumberFormatter::UNLIMITED_PRECISION.
                if (nPrec <= ::std::numeric_limits<sal_Int16>::max())
                    aRet <<= static_cast<sal_Int16> (nPrec);
                throw uno::RuntimeException();
        else if (aPropertyName.compareToAscii(SC_UNO_TABSTOPDIS) == 0)
            ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            if (pDoc)
                const ScDocOptions& aDocOpt = pDoc->GetDocOptions();
                sal_Int32 nValue (TwipsToEvenHMM(aDocOpt.GetTabDistance()));
                aRet <<= nValue;
                throw uno::RuntimeException();
        ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetPool();
        const SfxPoolItem& rItem = pPool->GetDefaultItem( pEntry->nWID );
        rItem.QueryValue( aRet, pEntry->nMemberId );
    return aRet;


// XPropertyState

beans::PropertyState SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::getPropertyState( const rtl::OUString& aPropertyName )
                                throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException)
    ScUnoGuard aGuard;

    if ( !pDocShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();

    const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = aPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();

    beans::PropertyState eRet = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE;

    sal_uInt16 nWID = pEntry->nWID;
    if ( nWID == ATTR_FONT || nWID == ATTR_CJK_FONT || nWID == ATTR_CTL_FONT || !nWID )
        //  static default for font is system-dependent,
        //  so font default is always treated as "direct value".

        eRet = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
        //  check if pool default is set

        ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetPool();
        if ( pPool->GetPoolDefaultItem( nWID ) != NULL )
            eRet = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;

    return eRet;

uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyState> SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::getPropertyStates(
                            const uno::Sequence<rtl::OUString>& aPropertyNames )
                    throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException)
    //  the simple way: call getPropertyState

    ScUnoGuard aGuard;
    const rtl::OUString* pNames = aPropertyNames.getConstArray();
    uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyState> aRet(aPropertyNames.getLength());
    beans::PropertyState* pStates = aRet.getArray();
    for(sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aPropertyNames.getLength(); i++)
        pStates[i] = getPropertyState(pNames[i]);
    return aRet;

void SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::setPropertyToDefault( const rtl::OUString& aPropertyName )
                            throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException)
    ScUnoGuard aGuard;

    if ( !pDocShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();

    const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = aPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();

    if (pEntry->nWID)
        ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetPool();
        pPool->ResetPoolDefaultItem( pEntry->nWID );


uno::Any SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::getPropertyDefault( const rtl::OUString& aPropertyName )
                            throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException,
    //  always use static default

    ScUnoGuard aGuard;

    if ( !pDocShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();

    const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = aPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();

    uno::Any aRet;
    if (pEntry->nWID)
        ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetPool();
        const SfxPoolItem* pItem = pPool->GetItem2( pEntry->nWID, SFX_ITEMS_DEFAULT );
        if (pItem)
            pItem->QueryValue( aRet, pEntry->nMemberId );
    return aRet;