/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "servuno.hxx" #include "unonames.hxx" #include "cellsuno.hxx" #include "fielduno.hxx" #include "styleuno.hxx" #include "afmtuno.hxx" #include "defltuno.hxx" #include "drdefuno.hxx" #include "docsh.hxx" #include "drwlayer.hxx" #include "confuno.hxx" #include "shapeuno.hxx" #include "cellvaluebinding.hxx" #include "celllistsource.hxx" #include "addruno.hxx" #include "chart2uno.hxx" #include "tokenuno.hxx" // Support creation of GraphicObjectResolver and EmbeddedObjectResolver #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; bool isInVBAMode( ScDocShell& rDocSh ) { uno::Reference xLibContainer = rDocSh.GetBasicContainer(); uno::Reference xVBACompat( xLibContainer, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xVBACompat.is() ) return xVBACompat->getVBACompatibilityMode(); return false; } class ScVbaObjectForCodeNameProvider : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1< container::XNameAccess > { uno::Any maWorkbook; uno::Any maCachedObject; ScDocShell* mpDocShell; public: ScVbaObjectForCodeNameProvider( ScDocShell* pDocShell ) : mpDocShell( pDocShell ) { ScDocument* pDoc = mpDocShell->GetDocument(); if ( !pDoc ) throw uno::RuntimeException("", uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >() ); uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs(2); // access the application object ( parent for workbook ) aArgs[0] = uno::Any( ooo::vba::createVBAUnoAPIServiceWithArgs( mpDocShell, "ooo.vba.Application", uno::Sequence< uno::Any >() ) ); aArgs[1] = uno::Any( mpDocShell->GetModel() ); maWorkbook <<= ooo::vba::createVBAUnoAPIServiceWithArgs( mpDocShell, "ooo.vba.excel.Workbook", aArgs ); } virtual ::sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasByName( const OUString& aName ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; maCachedObject = uno::Any(); // clear cached object ScDocument* pDoc = mpDocShell->GetDocument(); if ( !pDoc ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); // aName is generated from the stream name which can be different ( case-wise ) // from the code name if( aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( pDoc->GetCodeName() ) ) maCachedObject = maWorkbook; else { OUString sCodeName; SCTAB nCount = pDoc->GetTableCount(); for( SCTAB i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pDoc->GetCodeName( i, sCodeName ); // aName is generated from the stream name which can be different ( case-wise ) // from the code name if( sCodeName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( aName ) ) { OUString sSheetName; if( pDoc->GetName( i, sSheetName ) ) { uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( mpDocShell->GetModel() ); uno::Reference xSpreadDoc( xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); uno::Reference xSheets( xSpreadDoc->getSheets(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); uno::Reference< container::XIndexAccess > xIndexAccess( xSheets, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); uno::Reference< sheet::XSpreadsheet > xSheet( xIndexAccess->getByIndex( i ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs(3); aArgs[0] = maWorkbook; aArgs[1] = uno::Any( xModel ); aArgs[2] = uno::Any( OUString( sSheetName ) ); // use the convience function maCachedObject <<= ooo::vba::createVBAUnoAPIServiceWithArgs( mpDocShell, "ooo.vba.excel.Worksheet", aArgs ); break; } } } } return maCachedObject.hasValue(); } ::com::sun::star::uno::Any SAL_CALL getByName( const OUString& aName ) throw (::com::sun::star::container::NoSuchElementException, ::com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; OSL_TRACE("ScVbaObjectForCodeNameProvider::getByName( %s )", OUStringToOString( aName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() ); if ( !hasByName( aName ) ) throw ::com::sun::star::container::NoSuchElementException(); return maCachedObject; } virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getElementNames( ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; ScDocument* pDoc = mpDocShell->GetDocument(); if ( !pDoc ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); SCTAB nCount = pDoc->GetTableCount(); uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames( nCount + 1 ); SCTAB index = 0; OUString sCodeName; for( ; index < nCount; ++index ) { pDoc->GetCodeName( index, sCodeName ); aNames[ index ] = sCodeName; } aNames[ index ] = pDoc->GetCodeName(); return aNames; } // XElemenAccess virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Type SAL_CALL getElementType( ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException){ return uno::Type(); } virtual ::sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasElements( ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException ) { return sal_True; } }; class ScVbaCodeNameProvider : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1< document::XCodeNameQuery > { ScDocShell& mrDocShell; public: ScVbaCodeNameProvider( ScDocShell& rDocShell ) : mrDocShell(rDocShell) {} // XCodeNameQuery OUString SAL_CALL getCodeNameForObject( const uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >& xIf ) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; OUString sCodeName; // need to find the page ( and index ) for this control uno::Reference< drawing::XDrawPagesSupplier > xSupplier( mrDocShell.GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); uno::Reference< container::XIndexAccess > xIndex( xSupplier->getDrawPages(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); sal_Int32 nLen = xIndex->getCount(); bool bMatched = false; for ( sal_Int32 index = 0; index < nLen; ++index ) { try { uno::Reference< form::XFormsSupplier > xFormSupplier( xIndex->getByIndex( index ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); uno::Reference< container::XIndexAccess > xFormIndex( xFormSupplier->getForms(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); // get the www-standard container uno::Reference< container::XIndexAccess > xFormControls( xFormIndex->getByIndex(0), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); sal_Int32 nCntrls = xFormControls->getCount(); for( sal_Int32 cIndex = 0; cIndex < nCntrls; ++cIndex ) { uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xControl( xFormControls->getByIndex( cIndex ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); bMatched = ( xControl == xIf ); if ( bMatched ) { OUString sName; mrDocShell.GetDocument()->GetCodeName( static_cast( index ), sName ); sCodeName = sName; } } } catch( uno::Exception& ) {} if ( bMatched ) break; } // Probably should throw here ( if !bMatched ) return sCodeName; } OUString SAL_CALL getCodeNameForContainer( const uno::Reference& xContainer ) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Reference xSupplier(mrDocShell.GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); uno::Reference xIndex(xSupplier->getDrawPages(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); for (sal_Int32 i = 0, n = xIndex->getCount(); i < n; ++i) { try { uno::Reference xFormSupplier(xIndex->getByIndex(i), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); uno::Reference xFormIndex(xFormSupplier->getForms(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); // get the www-standard container uno::Reference xFormControls(xFormIndex->getByIndex(0), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); if (xFormControls == xContainer) { OUString aName; if (mrDocShell.GetDocument()->GetCodeName(static_cast(i), aName)) return aName; } } catch( uno::Exception& ) {} } return OUString(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // struct ProvNamesId_Type { const char * pName; sal_uInt16 nType; }; static const ProvNamesId_Type aProvNamesId[] = { { "com.sun.star.sheet.Spreadsheet", SC_SERVICE_SHEET }, { "com.sun.star.text.TextField.URL", SC_SERVICE_URLFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.TextField.PageNumber", SC_SERVICE_PAGEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.TextField.PageCount", SC_SERVICE_PAGESFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.TextField.Date", SC_SERVICE_DATEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.TextField.Time", SC_SERVICE_TIMEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime", SC_SERVICE_EXT_TIMEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.TextField.DocInfo.Title", SC_SERVICE_TITLEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.TextField.FileName", SC_SERVICE_FILEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.TextField.SheetName", SC_SERVICE_SHEETFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.style.CellStyle", SC_SERVICE_CELLSTYLE }, { "com.sun.star.style.PageStyle", SC_SERVICE_PAGESTYLE }, { "com.sun.star.sheet.TableAutoFormat", SC_SERVICE_AUTOFORMAT }, { "com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRanges", SC_SERVICE_CELLRANGES }, { "com.sun.star.drawing.GradientTable", SC_SERVICE_GRADTAB }, { "com.sun.star.drawing.HatchTable", SC_SERVICE_HATCHTAB }, { "com.sun.star.drawing.BitmapTable", SC_SERVICE_BITMAPTAB }, { "com.sun.star.drawing.TransparencyGradientTable", SC_SERVICE_TRGRADTAB }, { "com.sun.star.drawing.MarkerTable", SC_SERVICE_MARKERTAB }, { "com.sun.star.drawing.DashTable", SC_SERVICE_DASHTAB }, { "com.sun.star.text.NumberingRules", SC_SERVICE_NUMRULES }, { "com.sun.star.sheet.Defaults", SC_SERVICE_DOCDEFLTS }, { "com.sun.star.drawing.Defaults", SC_SERVICE_DRAWDEFLTS }, { "com.sun.star.comp.SpreadsheetSettings", SC_SERVICE_DOCSPRSETT }, { "com.sun.star.document.Settings", SC_SERVICE_DOCCONF }, { "com.sun.star.image.ImageMapRectangleObject", SC_SERVICE_IMAP_RECT }, { "com.sun.star.image.ImageMapCircleObject", SC_SERVICE_IMAP_CIRC }, { "com.sun.star.image.ImageMapPolygonObject", SC_SERVICE_IMAP_POLY }, // Support creation of GraphicObjectResolver and EmbeddedObjectResolver { "com.sun.star.document.ExportGraphicObjectResolver", SC_SERVICE_EXPORT_GOR }, { "com.sun.star.document.ImportGraphicObjectResolver", SC_SERVICE_IMPORT_GOR }, { "com.sun.star.document.ExportEmbeddedObjectResolver", SC_SERVICE_EXPORT_EOR }, { "com.sun.star.document.ImportEmbeddedObjectResolver", SC_SERVICE_IMPORT_EOR }, { SC_SERVICENAME_VALBIND, SC_SERVICE_VALBIND }, { SC_SERVICENAME_LISTCELLBIND, SC_SERVICE_LISTCELLBIND }, { SC_SERVICENAME_LISTSOURCE, SC_SERVICE_LISTSOURCE }, { SC_SERVICENAME_CELLADDRESS, SC_SERVICE_CELLADDRESS }, { SC_SERVICENAME_RANGEADDRESS, SC_SERVICE_RANGEADDRESS }, { "com.sun.star.sheet.DocumentSettings",SC_SERVICE_SHEETDOCSET }, { SC_SERVICENAME_CHDATAPROV, SC_SERVICE_CHDATAPROV }, { SC_SERVICENAME_FORMULAPARS, SC_SERVICE_FORMULAPARS }, { SC_SERVICENAME_OPCODEMAPPER, SC_SERVICE_OPCODEMAPPER }, { "ooo.vba.VBAObjectModuleObjectProvider", SC_SERVICE_VBAOBJECTPROVIDER }, { "ooo.vba.VBACodeNameProvider", SC_SERVICE_VBACODENAMEPROVIDER }, { "ooo.vba.VBAGlobals", SC_SERVICE_VBAGLOBALS }, // case-correct versions of the service names (#i102468#) { "com.sun.star.text.textfield.URL", SC_SERVICE_URLFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.textfield.PageNumber", SC_SERVICE_PAGEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.textfield.PageCount", SC_SERVICE_PAGESFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.textfield.Date", SC_SERVICE_DATEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.textfield.Time", SC_SERVICE_TIMEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.textfield.DateTime", SC_SERVICE_EXT_TIMEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.textfield.docinfo.Title", SC_SERVICE_TITLEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.textfield.FileName", SC_SERVICE_FILEFIELD }, { "com.sun.star.text.textfield.SheetName", SC_SERVICE_SHEETFIELD }, { "ooo.vba.VBAGlobals", SC_SERVICE_VBAGLOBALS }, }; // // old service names that were in 567 still work in createInstance, // in case some macro is still using them // static const sal_Char* aOldNames[SC_SERVICE_COUNT] = { "", // SC_SERVICE_SHEET "stardiv.one.text.TextField.URL", // SC_SERVICE_URLFIELD "stardiv.one.text.TextField.PageNumber", // SC_SERVICE_PAGEFIELD "stardiv.one.text.TextField.PageCount", // SC_SERVICE_PAGESFIELD "stardiv.one.text.TextField.Date", // SC_SERVICE_DATEFIELD "stardiv.one.text.TextField.Time", // SC_SERVICE_TIMEFIELD "stardiv.one.text.TextField.DocumentTitle", // SC_SERVICE_TITLEFIELD "stardiv.one.text.TextField.FileName", // SC_SERVICE_FILEFIELD "stardiv.one.text.TextField.SheetName", // SC_SERVICE_SHEETFIELD "stardiv.one.style.CellStyle", // SC_SERVICE_CELLSTYLE "stardiv.one.style.PageStyle", // SC_SERVICE_PAGESTYLE "", // SC_SERVICE_AUTOFORMAT "", // SC_SERVICE_CELLRANGES "", // SC_SERVICE_GRADTAB "", // SC_SERVICE_HATCHTAB "", // SC_SERVICE_BITMAPTAB "", // SC_SERVICE_TRGRADTAB "", // SC_SERVICE_MARKERTAB "", // SC_SERVICE_DASHTAB "", // SC_SERVICE_NUMRULES "", // SC_SERVICE_DOCDEFLTS "", // SC_SERVICE_DRAWDEFLTS "", // SC_SERVICE_DOCSPRSETT "", // SC_SERVICE_DOCCONF "", // SC_SERVICE_IMAP_RECT "", // SC_SERVICE_IMAP_CIRC "", // SC_SERVICE_IMAP_POLY // Support creation of GraphicObjectResolver and EmbeddedObjectResolver "", // SC_SERVICE_EXPORT_GOR "", // SC_SERVICE_IMPORT_GOR "", // SC_SERVICE_EXPORT_EOR "", // SC_SERVICE_IMPORT_EOR "", // SC_SERVICE_VALBIND "", // SC_SERVICE_LISTCELLBIND "", // SC_SERVICE_LISTSOURCE "", // SC_SERVICE_CELLADDRESS "", // SC_SERVICE_RANGEADDRESS "", // SC_SERVICE_SHEETDOCSET "", // SC_SERVICE_CHDATAPROV "", // SC_SERVICE_FORMULAPARS "", // SC_SERVICE_OPCODEMAPPER "", // SC_SERVICE_VBAOBJECTPROVIDER "", // SC_SERVICE_VBACODENAMEPROVIDER "", // SC_SERVICE_VBAGLOBALS "", // SC_SERVICE_EXT_TIMEFIELD }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // alles static sal_uInt16 ScServiceProvider::GetProviderType(const OUString& rServiceName) { if (!rServiceName.isEmpty()) { const sal_uInt16 nEntries = sizeof(aProvNamesId) / sizeof(aProvNamesId[0]); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) { if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( aProvNamesId[i].pName )) { return aProvNamesId[i].nType; } } sal_uInt16 i; for (i=0; i crash"); if (rServiceName.equalsAscii( aOldNames[i] )) { OSL_FAIL("old service name used"); return i; } } } return SC_SERVICE_INVALID; } namespace { sal_Int32 getFieldType(sal_uInt16 nOldType) { switch (nOldType) { case SC_SERVICE_URLFIELD: return text::textfield::Type::URL; case SC_SERVICE_PAGEFIELD: return text::textfield::Type::PAGE; case SC_SERVICE_PAGESFIELD: return text::textfield::Type::PAGES; case SC_SERVICE_DATEFIELD: return text::textfield::Type::DATE; case SC_SERVICE_TIMEFIELD: return text::textfield::Type::TIME; case SC_SERVICE_EXT_TIMEFIELD: return text::textfield::Type::EXTENDED_TIME; case SC_SERVICE_TITLEFIELD: return text::textfield::Type::DOCINFO_TITLE; case SC_SERVICE_FILEFIELD: return text::textfield::Type::EXTENDED_FILE; case SC_SERVICE_SHEETFIELD: return text::textfield::Type::TABLE; default: ; } return text::textfield::Type::URL; // default to URL for no reason whatsoever. } } uno::Reference ScServiceProvider::MakeInstance( sal_uInt16 nType, ScDocShell* pDocShell ) { uno::Reference xRet; switch (nType) { case SC_SERVICE_SHEET: // noch nicht eingefuegt - DocShell=Null xRet.set((sheet::XSpreadsheet*)new ScTableSheetObj(NULL,0)); break; case SC_SERVICE_URLFIELD: case SC_SERVICE_PAGEFIELD: case SC_SERVICE_PAGESFIELD: case SC_SERVICE_DATEFIELD: case SC_SERVICE_TIMEFIELD: case SC_SERVICE_EXT_TIMEFIELD: case SC_SERVICE_TITLEFIELD: case SC_SERVICE_FILEFIELD: case SC_SERVICE_SHEETFIELD: { uno::Reference xNullContent; xRet.set(static_cast( new ScEditFieldObj(xNullContent, NULL, getFieldType(nType), ESelection()))); } break; case SC_SERVICE_CELLSTYLE: xRet.set((style::XStyle*)new ScStyleObj( NULL, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA, OUString() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_PAGESTYLE: xRet.set((style::XStyle*)new ScStyleObj( NULL, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE, OUString() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_AUTOFORMAT: xRet.set((container::XIndexAccess*)new ScAutoFormatObj( SC_AFMTOBJ_INVALID )); break; case SC_SERVICE_CELLRANGES: // wird nicht eingefuegt, sondern gefuellt // -> DocShell muss gesetzt sein, aber leere Ranges if (pDocShell) xRet.set((sheet::XSheetCellRanges*)new ScCellRangesObj( pDocShell, ScRangeList() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_DOCDEFLTS: if (pDocShell) xRet.set((beans::XPropertySet*)new ScDocDefaultsObj( pDocShell )); break; case SC_SERVICE_DRAWDEFLTS: if (pDocShell) xRet.set((beans::XPropertySet*)new ScDrawDefaultsObj( pDocShell )); break; // Drawing layer tables are not in SvxUnoDrawMSFactory, // because SvxUnoDrawMSFactory doesn't have a SdrModel pointer. // Drawing layer is always allocated if not there (MakeDrawLayer). case SC_SERVICE_GRADTAB: if (pDocShell) xRet.set(SvxUnoGradientTable_createInstance( pDocShell->MakeDrawLayer() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_HATCHTAB: if (pDocShell) xRet.set(SvxUnoHatchTable_createInstance( pDocShell->MakeDrawLayer() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_BITMAPTAB: if (pDocShell) xRet.set(SvxUnoBitmapTable_createInstance( pDocShell->MakeDrawLayer() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_TRGRADTAB: if (pDocShell) xRet.set(SvxUnoTransGradientTable_createInstance( pDocShell->MakeDrawLayer() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_MARKERTAB: if (pDocShell) xRet.set(SvxUnoMarkerTable_createInstance( pDocShell->MakeDrawLayer() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_DASHTAB: if (pDocShell) xRet.set(SvxUnoDashTable_createInstance( pDocShell->MakeDrawLayer() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_NUMRULES: if (pDocShell) xRet.set(SvxCreateNumRule( pDocShell->MakeDrawLayer() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_DOCSPRSETT: case SC_SERVICE_SHEETDOCSET: case SC_SERVICE_DOCCONF: if (pDocShell) xRet.set((beans::XPropertySet*)new ScDocumentConfiguration(pDocShell)); break; case SC_SERVICE_IMAP_RECT: xRet.set(SvUnoImageMapRectangleObject_createInstance( ScShapeObj::GetSupportedMacroItems() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_IMAP_CIRC: xRet.set(SvUnoImageMapCircleObject_createInstance( ScShapeObj::GetSupportedMacroItems() )); break; case SC_SERVICE_IMAP_POLY: xRet.set(SvUnoImageMapPolygonObject_createInstance( ScShapeObj::GetSupportedMacroItems() )); break; // Support creation of GraphicObjectResolver and EmbeddedObjectResolver case SC_SERVICE_EXPORT_GOR: xRet.set((::cppu::OWeakObject * )new SvXMLGraphicHelper( GRAPHICHELPER_MODE_WRITE )); break; case SC_SERVICE_IMPORT_GOR: xRet.set((::cppu::OWeakObject * )new SvXMLGraphicHelper( GRAPHICHELPER_MODE_READ )); break; case SC_SERVICE_EXPORT_EOR: if (pDocShell) xRet.set((::cppu::OWeakObject * )new SvXMLEmbeddedObjectHelper( *pDocShell, EMBEDDEDOBJECTHELPER_MODE_WRITE )); break; case SC_SERVICE_IMPORT_EOR: if (pDocShell) xRet.set((::cppu::OWeakObject * )new SvXMLEmbeddedObjectHelper( *pDocShell, EMBEDDEDOBJECTHELPER_MODE_READ )); break; case SC_SERVICE_VALBIND: case SC_SERVICE_LISTCELLBIND: if (pDocShell) { sal_Bool bListPos = ( nType == SC_SERVICE_LISTCELLBIND ); uno::Reference xDoc( pDocShell->GetBaseModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); xRet.set(*new calc::OCellValueBinding( xDoc, bListPos )); } break; case SC_SERVICE_LISTSOURCE: if (pDocShell) { uno::Reference xDoc( pDocShell->GetBaseModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); xRet.set(*new calc::OCellListSource( xDoc )); } break; case SC_SERVICE_CELLADDRESS: case SC_SERVICE_RANGEADDRESS: if (pDocShell) { bool bIsRange = ( nType == SC_SERVICE_RANGEADDRESS ); xRet.set(*new ScAddressConversionObj( pDocShell, bIsRange )); } break; case SC_SERVICE_CHDATAPROV: if (pDocShell && pDocShell->GetDocument()) xRet = *new ScChart2DataProvider( pDocShell->GetDocument() ); break; case SC_SERVICE_FORMULAPARS: if (pDocShell) xRet.set(static_cast(new ScFormulaParserObj( pDocShell ))); break; case SC_SERVICE_OPCODEMAPPER: if (pDocShell) { ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument(); ScAddress aAddress; ScCompiler* pComp = new ScCompiler(pDoc,aAddress); pComp->SetGrammar( pDoc->GetGrammar() ); SAL_WNODEPRECATED_DECLARATIONS_PUSH xRet.set(static_cast(new ScFormulaOpCodeMapperObj(::std::auto_ptr (pComp)))); SAL_WNODEPRECATED_DECLARATIONS_POP break; } #ifndef DISABLE_SCRIPTING case SC_SERVICE_VBAOBJECTPROVIDER: if (pDocShell && pDocShell->GetDocument()->IsInVBAMode()) { OSL_TRACE("**** creating VBA Object mapper"); xRet.set(static_cast(new ScVbaObjectForCodeNameProvider( pDocShell ))); } break; case SC_SERVICE_VBACODENAMEPROVIDER: if ( pDocShell && isInVBAMode( *pDocShell ) ) { OSL_TRACE("**** creating VBA Object provider"); xRet.set(static_cast(new ScVbaCodeNameProvider(*pDocShell))); } break; case SC_SERVICE_VBAGLOBALS: if (pDocShell) { uno::Any aGlobs; if ( !pDocShell->GetBasicManager()->GetGlobalUNOConstant( "VBAGlobals", aGlobs ) ) { uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs(1); aArgs[ 0 ] <<= pDocShell->GetModel(); xRet = ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstanceWithArguments( OUString( "ooo.vba.excel.Globals" ), aArgs ); pDocShell->GetBasicManager()->SetGlobalUNOConstant( "VBAGlobals", uno::Any( xRet ) ); BasicManager* pAppMgr = SFX_APP()->GetBasicManager(); if ( pAppMgr ) pAppMgr->SetGlobalUNOConstant( "ThisExcelDoc", aArgs[ 0 ] ); // create the VBA document event processor uno::Reference< script::vba::XVBAEventProcessor > xVbaEvents( ::ooo::vba::createVBAUnoAPIServiceWithArgs( pDocShell, "com.sun.star.script.vba.VBASpreadsheetEventProcessor", aArgs ), uno::UNO_QUERY ); pDocShell->GetDocument()->SetVbaEventProcessor( xVbaEvents ); } } break; #endif } return xRet; } uno::Sequence ScServiceProvider::GetAllServiceNames() { const sal_uInt16 nEntries = sizeof(aProvNamesId) / sizeof(aProvNamesId[0]); uno::Sequence aRet(nEntries); OUString* pArray = aRet.getArray(); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) { pArray[i] = OUString::createFromAscii( aProvNamesId[i].pName ); } return aRet; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */