/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <com/sun/star/frame/XDesktop.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/BasicErrorException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XCalculatable.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XCellRangeAddressable.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XNamedRanges.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSpreadsheetView.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/task/XStatusIndicatorSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/task/XStatusIndicator.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/PathSettings.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/view/XSelectionSupplier.hpp>
#include <ooo/vba/XCommandBars.hpp>
#include <ooo/vba/excel/XApplicationOutgoing.hpp>
#include <ooo/vba/excel/XlCalculation.hpp>
#include <ooo/vba/excel/XlMousePointer.hpp>
#include <ooo/vba/office/MsoShapeType.hpp>
#include <ooo/vba/office/MsoAutoShapeType.hpp>

#include "service.hxx"
#include "vbaapplication.hxx"
#include "vbaworkbooks.hxx"
#include "vbaworkbook.hxx"
#include "vbarange.hxx"
#include "vbawsfunction.hxx"
#include "vbadialogs.hxx"
#include "vbawindow.hxx"
#include "vbawindows.hxx"
#include "vbamenubars.hxx"
#include <tabvwsh.hxx>
#include <gridwin.hxx>
#include "vbanames.hxx"
#include <vbahelper/vbashape.hxx>
#include "vbatextboxshape.hxx"
#include "vbaovalshape.hxx"
#include "vbalineshape.hxx"
#include "vbaassistant.hxx"
#include <sc.hrc>
#include <macromgr.hxx>
#include "vbafiledialog.hxx"

#include <osl/file.hxx>
#include <rtl/instance.hxx>

#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
#include <sfx2/request.hxx>
#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>

#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>

#include <basic/sbx.hxx>
#include <basic/sbstar.hxx>
#include <basic/sbuno.hxx>
#include <basic/sbmeth.hxx>
#include <basic/sberrors.hxx>

#include <convuno.hxx>
#include <cellsuno.hxx>
#include <unonames.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <vbahelper/helperdecl.hxx>
#include "excelvbahelper.hxx"

#include <basic/sbxobj.hxx>

#include <viewutil.hxx>
#include <docoptio.hxx>
#include <scmod.hxx>
#include <scdll.hxx>

using namespace ::ooo::vba;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY;

/** Global application settings shared by all open workbooks. */
struct ScVbaAppSettings
    bool mbDisplayAlerts;
    bool mbEnableEvents;
    bool mbExcel4Menus;
    bool mbDisplayNoteIndicator;
    bool mbShowWindowsInTaskbar;
    bool mbEnableCancelKey;
    explicit ScVbaAppSettings();

ScVbaAppSettings::ScVbaAppSettings() :
    mbDisplayAlerts( true ),
    mbEnableEvents( true ),
    mbExcel4Menus( false ),
    mbDisplayNoteIndicator( true ),
    mbShowWindowsInTaskbar( true ),
    mbEnableCancelKey( false )

struct ScVbaStaticAppSettings : public ::rtl::Static< ScVbaAppSettings, ScVbaStaticAppSettings > {};

class ScVbaApplicationOutgoingConnectionPoint : public cppu::WeakImplHelper<XConnectionPoint>
    ScVbaApplication* mpApp;

    ScVbaApplicationOutgoingConnectionPoint( ScVbaApplication* pApp );

    // XConnectionPoint
    sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL Advise(const uno::Reference< XSink >& Sink ) override;
    void SAL_CALL Unadvise( sal_uInt32 Cookie ) override;

ScVbaApplication::AddSink( const uno::Reference< XSink >& xSink )
        SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    // No harm in potentially calling this several times
    SC_MOD()->RegisterAutomationApplicationEventsCaller( uno::Reference< XSinkCaller >(this) );
    return mvSinks.size();

ScVbaApplication::RemoveSink( sal_uInt32 nNumber )
    if (nNumber < 1 || nNumber > mvSinks.size())

    mvSinks[nNumber-1] = uno::Reference< XSink >();

ScVbaApplication::ScVbaApplication( const uno::Reference<uno::XComponentContext >& xContext ) :
    ScVbaApplication_BASE( xContext ),
    mrAppSettings( ScVbaStaticAppSettings::get() ),


/*static*/ bool ScVbaApplication::getDocumentEventsEnabled()
    return ScVbaStaticAppSettings::get().mbEnableEvents;

ScVbaApplication::getExactName( const OUString& aApproximateName )
    uno::Reference< beans::XExactName > xWSF( new ScVbaWSFunction( this, mxContext ) );
    return xWSF->getExactName( aApproximateName );

uno::Reference< beans::XIntrospectionAccess > SAL_CALL
    uno::Reference< script::XInvocation > xWSF( new ScVbaWSFunction( this, mxContext ) );
    return xWSF->getIntrospection();

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::invoke( const OUString& FunctionName, const uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& Params, uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 >& OutParamIndex, uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& OutParam)
    /*  When calling the functions directly at the Application object, no runtime
        errors are thrown, but the error is inserted into the return value. */
    uno::Any aAny;
        uno::Reference< script::XInvocation > xWSF( new ScVbaWSFunction( this, mxContext ) );
        aAny = xWSF->invoke( FunctionName, Params, OutParamIndex, OutParam );
    catch (const uno::Exception&)
        aAny <<= script::BasicErrorException( OUString(), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >(), 1000, OUString() );
    return aAny;

ScVbaApplication::setValue( const OUString& PropertyName, const uno::Any& Value )
    uno::Reference< script::XInvocation > xWSF( new ScVbaWSFunction( this, mxContext ) );
    xWSF->setValue( PropertyName, Value );

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::getValue( const OUString& PropertyName )
    uno::Reference< script::XInvocation > xWSF( new ScVbaWSFunction( this, mxContext ) );
    return xWSF->getValue( PropertyName );

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::hasMethod( const OUString& Name )
    uno::Reference< script::XInvocation > xWSF( new ScVbaWSFunction( this, mxContext ) );
    return xWSF->hasMethod( Name );

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::hasProperty( const OUString& Name )
    uno::Reference< script::XInvocation > xWSF( new ScVbaWSFunction( this, mxContext ) );
    return xWSF->hasProperty( Name );

uno::Reference< excel::XWorkbook >
    uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( getCurrentExcelDoc( mxContext ), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
    uno::Reference< excel::XWorkbook > xWorkbook( getVBADocument( xModel ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
    if( xWorkbook.is() ) return xWorkbook;
    // #i116936# getVBADocument() may return null in documents without global VBA mode enabled
    return new ScVbaWorkbook( this, mxContext, xModel );

uno::Reference< excel::XWorkbook > SAL_CALL
    uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( getThisExcelDoc( mxContext ), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
    uno::Reference< excel::XWorkbook > xWorkbook( getVBADocument( xModel ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
    if( xWorkbook.is() ) return xWorkbook;
    // #i116936# getVBADocument() may return null in documents without global VBA mode enabled
    return new ScVbaWorkbook( this, mxContext, xModel );

uno::Reference< XAssistant > SAL_CALL
    return uno::Reference< XAssistant >( new ScVbaAssistant( this, mxContext ) );

uno::Any SAL_CALL
    uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( getCurrentDocument() );

    Reference< view::XSelectionSupplier > xSelSupp( xModel->getCurrentController(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xSelSupp, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    uno::Any aOldVal = xPropSet->getPropertyValue( aPropName );
    uno::Any any;
    any <<= false;
    xPropSet->setPropertyValue( aPropName, any );
    uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> aSelection(xSelSupp->getSelection(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
    xPropSet->setPropertyValue( aPropName, aOldVal );

    if (!aSelection.is())
        throw uno::RuntimeException( "failed to obtain current selection" );

    uno::Reference< lang::XServiceInfo > xServiceInfo( aSelection, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    OUString sImplementationName = xServiceInfo->getImplementationName();

    if( sImplementationName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("com.sun.star.drawing.SvxShapeCollection") )
        uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > xShapes( aSelection, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        uno::Reference< container::XIndexAccess > xIndexAccess( xShapes, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape( xIndexAccess->getByIndex(0), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    // if ScVbaShape::getType( xShape ) == office::MsoShapeType::msoAutoShape
    // and the uno object implements the com.sun.star.drawing.Text service
    // return a textboxshape object
        sal_Int32 nType = ScVbaShape::getType( xShape );
        if ( nType == office::MsoShapeType::msoAutoShape )
            // TODO Oval with text box
            if( ScVbaShape::getAutoShapeType( xShape ) == office::MsoAutoShapeType::msoShapeOval )
                return uno::makeAny( uno::Reference< msforms::XOval >(new ScVbaOvalShape( mxContext, xShape, xShapes, xModel ) ) );

            uno::Reference< lang::XServiceInfo > xShapeServiceInfo( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            if ( xShapeServiceInfo->supportsService("com.sun.star.drawing.Text")  )
                    return uno::makeAny( uno::Reference< msforms::XTextBoxShape >(
                                new ScVbaTextBoxShape( mxContext, xShape, xShapes, xModel ) ) );
        else if ( nType == office::MsoShapeType::msoLine )
            return uno::makeAny( uno::Reference< msforms::XLine >( new ScVbaLineShape(
                            mxContext, xShape, xShapes, xModel ) ) );
        return uno::makeAny( uno::Reference< msforms::XShape >(new ScVbaShape( this, mxContext, xShape, xShapes, xModel, ScVbaShape::getType( xShape ) ) ) );
    else if( xServiceInfo->supportsService("com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRange") ||
             xServiceInfo->supportsService("com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRanges") )
        uno::Reference< table::XCellRange > xRange( aSelection, ::uno::UNO_QUERY);
        if ( !xRange.is() )
            uno::Reference< sheet::XSheetCellRangeContainer > xRanges( aSelection, ::uno::UNO_QUERY);
            if ( xRanges.is() )
                return uno::makeAny( uno::Reference< excel::XRange >( new ScVbaRange( excel::getUnoSheetModuleObj( xRanges ), mxContext, xRanges ) ) );

        return uno::makeAny( uno::Reference< excel::XRange >(new ScVbaRange( excel::getUnoSheetModuleObj( xRange ), mxContext, xRange ) ) );
        throw uno::RuntimeException( sImplementationName + " not supported" );

uno::Reference< excel::XRange >
    uno::Reference< sheet::XSpreadsheetView > xView( getCurrentDocument()->getCurrentController(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    uno::Reference< table::XCellRange > xRange( xView->getActiveSheet(), ::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
    ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = excel::getCurrentBestViewShell(mxContext);
    if ( !pViewShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException("No ViewShell available" );
    ScViewData& rTabView = pViewShell->GetViewData();

    sal_Int32 nCursorX = rTabView.GetCurX();
    sal_Int32 nCursorY = rTabView.GetCurY();

    // #i117392# excel::getUnoSheetModuleObj() may return null in documents without global VBA mode enabled
    return new ScVbaRange( excel::getUnoSheetModuleObj( xRange ), mxContext, xRange->getCellRangeByPosition( nCursorX, nCursorY, nCursorX, nCursorY ) );

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::International( sal_Int32 /*Index*/ )
    // complete stub for now
    // #TODO flesh out some of the Indices we could handle
    uno::Any aRet;
    return aRet;

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::FileDialog( const uno::Any& DialogType )
    sal_Int32 nType = 0;
    DialogType >>= nType;

    if( !m_xFileDialog || nType != m_nDialogType )
        m_nDialogType = nType;
        m_xFileDialog = uno::Reference<excel::XFileDialog> ( new ScVbaFileDialog( this, mxContext, nType ));
    return uno::Any( m_xFileDialog );

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::Workbooks( const uno::Any& aIndex )
    uno::Reference< XCollection > xWorkBooks( new ScVbaWorkbooks( this, mxContext ) );
    if (  aIndex.getValueTypeClass() == uno::TypeClass_VOID )
        // void then somebody did Workbooks.something in vba
        return uno::Any( xWorkBooks );

    return xWorkBooks->Item( aIndex, uno::Any() );

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::Worksheets( const uno::Any& aIndex )
    uno::Reference< excel::XWorkbook > xWorkbook( getActiveWorkbook(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
    return xWorkbook->Worksheets( aIndex );

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::WorksheetFunction( )
    return uno::makeAny( uno::Reference< script::XInvocation >( new ScVbaWSFunction( this, mxContext ) ) );

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::Evaluate( const OUString& Name )
    // #TODO Evaluate allows other things to be evaluated, e.g. functions
    // I think ( like SIN(3) etc. ) need to investigate that
    // named Ranges also? e.g. [MyRange] if so need a list of named ranges
    uno::Any aVoid;
    return uno::Any( getActiveWorkbook()->getActiveSheet()->Range( uno::Any( Name ), aVoid ) );

ScVbaApplication::Dialogs( const uno::Any &aIndex )
    uno::Reference< excel::XDialogs > xDialogs( new ScVbaDialogs( uno::Reference< XHelperInterface >( this ), mxContext, getCurrentDocument() ) );
    if( !aIndex.hasValue() )
        return uno::Any( xDialogs );
    return xDialogs->Item( aIndex );

uno::Reference< excel::XWindow > SAL_CALL
    uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel = getCurrentDocument();
    uno::Reference< frame::XController > xController( xModel->getCurrentController(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
    uno::Reference< XHelperInterface > xParent( getActiveWorkbook(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    uno::Reference< excel::XWindow > xWin( new ScVbaWindow( xParent, mxContext, xModel, xController ) );
    return xWin;

uno::Any SAL_CALL
    //# FIXME TODO, implementation
    uno::Any result;
    result <<= false;
    return result;

ScVbaApplication::setCutCopyMode( const uno::Any& /* _cutcopymode */ )
    //# FIXME TODO, implementation

uno::Any SAL_CALL
    return uno::makeAny( !getDisplayStatusBar() );

ScVbaApplication::setStatusBar( const uno::Any& _statusbar )
    OUString sText;
    bool bDefault = false;
    uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( getCurrentDocument(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
    uno::Reference< task::XStatusIndicatorSupplier > xStatusIndicatorSupplier( xModel->getCurrentController(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    uno::Reference< task::XStatusIndicator > xStatusIndicator( xStatusIndicatorSupplier->getStatusIndicator(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
    if( _statusbar >>= sText )
        setDisplayStatusBar( true );
        if ( !sText.isEmpty() )
            xStatusIndicator->start( sText, 100 );
            xStatusIndicator->end();        // restore normal state for empty text
    else if( _statusbar >>= bDefault )
        if( !bDefault )
            setDisplayStatusBar( true );
        throw uno::RuntimeException("Invalid parameter. It should be a string or False" );

::sal_Int32 SAL_CALL
    // TODO: in Excel, this is an application-wide setting
    uno::Reference<sheet::XCalculatable> xCalc(getCurrentDocument(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
        return excel::XlCalculation::xlCalculationAutomatic;
        return excel::XlCalculation::xlCalculationManual;

ScVbaApplication::setCalculation( ::sal_Int32 _calculation )
    // TODO: in Excel, this is an application-wide setting
    uno::Reference< sheet::XCalculatable > xCalc(getCurrentDocument(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
        case excel::XlCalculation::xlCalculationManual:
        case excel::XlCalculation::xlCalculationAutomatic:
        case excel::XlCalculation::xlCalculationSemiautomatic:

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::Windows( const uno::Any& aIndex  )
    uno::Reference< excel::XWindows >  xWindows( new ScVbaWindows( this, mxContext ) );
    if ( aIndex.getValueTypeClass() == uno::TypeClass_VOID )
        return uno::Any( xWindows );
    return xWindows->Item( aIndex, uno::Any() );
ScVbaApplication::wait( double time )
    StarBASIC* pBasic = SfxApplication::GetBasic();
    SbxArrayRef aArgs = new SbxArray;
    SbxVariableRef aRef = new SbxVariable;
    aRef->PutDouble( time );
    aArgs->Put(  aRef.get(), 1 );
    SbMethod* pMeth = static_cast<SbMethod*>(pBasic->GetRtl()->Find( "WaitUntil", SbxClassType::Method ));

    if ( pMeth )
        pMeth->SetParameters( aArgs.get() );
        SbxVariableRef refTemp = pMeth;
        // forces a broadcast
        SbxVariableRef pNew = new  SbxMethod( *static_cast<SbxMethod*>(pMeth));

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::Range( const uno::Any& Cell1, const uno::Any& Cell2 )
    uno::Reference< excel::XRange > xVbRange = ScVbaRange::ApplicationRange( mxContext, Cell1, Cell2 );
    return uno::makeAny( xVbRange );

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::Names( const css::uno::Any& aIndex )
    uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( getCurrentDocument(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
    uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropertySet( xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    uno::Reference< sheet::XNamedRanges > xNamedRanges( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue(
        "NamedRanges" ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );

    css::uno::Reference< excel::XNames > xNames ( new ScVbaNames( this , mxContext , xNamedRanges , xModel ) );
    if (  aIndex.getValueTypeClass() == uno::TypeClass_VOID )
        return uno::Any( xNames );
    return xNames->Item( aIndex, uno::Any() );

uno::Reference< excel::XWorksheet > SAL_CALL
    uno::Reference< excel::XWorksheet > result;
    uno::Reference< excel::XWorkbook > xWorkbook = getActiveWorkbook();
    if ( xWorkbook.is() )
        uno::Reference< excel::XWorksheet > xWorksheet =
        if ( xWorksheet.is() )
            result = xWorksheet;

    if ( !result.is() )
        // Fixme - check if this is reasonable/desired behavior
        throw uno::RuntimeException("No activeSheet available" );
    return result;


 *  In msdn:
 *  Reference   Optional Variant. The destination. Can be a Range
 *  object, a string that contains a cell reference in R1C1-style notation,
 *  or a string that contains a Visual Basic procedure name.
 *  Scroll Optional Variant. True to scroll, False to not scroll through
 *  the window. The default is False.
 *  Parser is split to three parts, Range, R1C1 string and procedure name.
 *  by test excel, it seems Scroll no effect. ???
ScVbaApplication::GoTo( const uno::Any& Reference, const uno::Any& Scroll )
    //test Scroll is a boolean
    bool bScroll = false;
    //R1C1-style string or a string of procedure name.

    if( Scroll.hasValue() )
        bool aScroll = false;
        if( !(Scroll >>= aScroll) )
            throw uno::RuntimeException("second parameter should be boolean" );

        bScroll = aScroll;


    OUString sRangeName;
    if( Reference >>= sRangeName )
        uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( getCurrentDocument(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
        uno::Reference< sheet::XSpreadsheetView > xSpreadsheet(
                xModel->getCurrentController(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );

        ScTabViewShell* pShell = excel::getCurrentBestViewShell( mxContext );
        ScGridWindow* gridWindow = static_cast<ScGridWindow*>(pShell->GetWindow());
            uno::Reference< excel::XRange > xVbaSheetRange = ScVbaRange::getRangeObjectForName(
                mxContext, sRangeName, excel::getDocShell( xModel ), formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_R1C1 );

            if( bScroll )
                uno::Reference< excel::XWindow >  xWindow = getActiveWindow();
                ScSplitPos eWhich = pShell->GetViewData().GetActivePart();
                sal_Int32 nValueX = pShell->GetViewData().GetPosX(WhichH(eWhich));
                sal_Int32 nValueY = pShell->GetViewData().GetPosY(WhichV(eWhich));
                xWindow->SmallScroll( uno::makeAny( static_cast<sal_Int16>(xVbaSheetRange->getRow() - 1) ),
                         uno::makeAny( static_cast<sal_Int16>(nValueY) ),
                         uno::makeAny( static_cast<sal_Int16>(xVbaSheetRange->getColumn() - 1)  ),
                         uno::makeAny( static_cast<sal_Int16>(nValueX) ) );
        catch (const uno::RuntimeException&)
            //maybe this should be a procedure name
            //TODO for procedure name
            //browse::XBrowseNodeFactory is a singleton. OUString( "/singletons/com.sun.star.script.browse.theBrowseNodeFactory")
            //and the createView( browse::BrowseNodeFactoryViewTypes::MACROSELECTOR ) to get a root browse::XBrowseNode.
            //for query XInvocation interface.
            //but how to directly get the XInvocation?
            throw uno::RuntimeException("invalid reference for range name, it should be procedure name" );
    uno::Reference< excel::XRange > xRange;
    if( Reference >>= xRange )
        uno::Reference< excel::XRange > xVbaRange( Reference, uno::UNO_QUERY );
        ScTabViewShell* pShell = excel::getCurrentBestViewShell( mxContext );
        ScGridWindow* gridWindow = static_cast<ScGridWindow*>(pShell->GetWindow());
        if ( xVbaRange.is() )
            //TODO bScroll should be used. At this time, it does not have effect
            if( bScroll )
                uno::Reference< excel::XWindow >  xWindow = getActiveWindow();
                ScSplitPos eWhich = pShell->GetViewData().GetActivePart();
                sal_Int32 nValueX = pShell->GetViewData().GetPosX(WhichH(eWhich));
                sal_Int32 nValueY = pShell->GetViewData().GetPosY(WhichV(eWhich));
                xWindow->SmallScroll( uno::makeAny( static_cast<sal_Int16>(xVbaRange->getRow() - 1) ),
                         uno::makeAny( static_cast<sal_Int16>(nValueY) ),
                         uno::makeAny( static_cast<sal_Int16>(xVbaRange->getColumn() - 1)  ),
                         uno::makeAny( static_cast<sal_Int16>(nValueX) ) );
    throw uno::RuntimeException("invalid reference or name" );

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL
    PointerStyle nPointerStyle =  getPointerStyle(getCurrentDocument());

    switch( nPointerStyle )
        case PointerStyle::Arrow:
            return excel::XlMousePointer::xlNorthwestArrow;
        case PointerStyle::Null:
            return excel::XlMousePointer::xlDefault;
        case PointerStyle::Wait:
            return excel::XlMousePointer::xlWait;
        case PointerStyle::Text:
            return excel::XlMousePointer::xlIBeam;
            return excel::XlMousePointer::xlDefault;

ScVbaApplication::setCursor( sal_Int32 _cursor )
        uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( getCurrentDocument(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
        switch( _cursor )
            case excel::XlMousePointer::xlNorthwestArrow:
                setCursorHelper( xModel, PointerStyle::Arrow, false );
            case excel::XlMousePointer::xlWait:
            case excel::XlMousePointer::xlIBeam:
                PointerStyle nPointer( static_cast< PointerStyle >( _cursor ) );
                //It will set the edit window, toobar and statusbar's mouse pointer.
                setCursorHelper( xModel, nPointer, true );
            case excel::XlMousePointer::xlDefault:
                setCursorHelper( xModel, PointerStyle::Null, false );
                throw uno::RuntimeException("Unknown value for Cursor pointer" );
                // TODO: isn't this a flaw in the API? It should be allowed to throw an
                // IllegalArgumentException, or so
    catch (const uno::Exception&)

// #TODO perhaps we should switch the return type depending of the filter
// type, e.g. return Calc for Calc and Excel if it's an imported doc
    return "Microsoft Excel";

// #TODO #FIXME get/setDisplayAlerts are just stub impl
// here just the status of the switch is set
// the function that throws an error message needs to
// evaluate this switch in order to know whether it has to disable the
// error message thrown by OpenOffice

ScVbaApplication::setDisplayAlerts(sal_Bool displayAlerts)
    mrAppSettings.mbDisplayAlerts = displayAlerts;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    return mrAppSettings.mbDisplayAlerts;

ScVbaApplication::setEnableEvents(sal_Bool bEnable)
    mrAppSettings.mbEnableEvents = bEnable;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    return mrAppSettings.mbEnableEvents;

ScVbaApplication::setEnableCancelKey(sal_Bool bEnable)
    // Stub, does nothing
    mrAppSettings.mbEnableCancelKey = bEnable;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    return mrAppSettings.mbEnableCancelKey;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    SfxViewShell* pShell  = excel::getCurrentBestViewShell( mxContext );
    if ( pShell )
        return ScViewUtil::IsFullScreen( *pShell );
    return false;

ScVbaApplication::setDisplayFullScreen( sal_Bool bSet )
    // #FIXME calling  ScViewUtil::SetFullScreen( *pShell, bSet );
    // directly results in a strange crash, using dispatch instead
    if ( bSet != getDisplayFullScreen() )
        dispatchRequests( getCurrentDocument(), ".uno:FullScreen" );

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    ScTabViewShell* pShell  = excel::getCurrentBestViewShell( mxContext );
    if ( pShell )
        return ( pShell->GetViewData().IsHScrollMode() && pShell->GetViewData().IsVScrollMode() );
    return true;

ScVbaApplication::setDisplayScrollBars( sal_Bool bSet )
    // use uno here as it does all he repainting etc. magic
    uno::Reference< sheet::XSpreadsheetView > xView( getCurrentDocument()->getCurrentController(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProps( xView, uno::UNO_QUERY );
    xProps->setPropertyValue("HasVerticalScrollBar", uno::makeAny( bSet ) );
    xProps->setPropertyValue("HasHorizontalScrollBar", uno::makeAny( bSet ) );

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    return mrAppSettings.mbExcel4Menus;

ScVbaApplication::setDisplayExcel4Menus( sal_Bool bSet )
    mrAppSettings.mbExcel4Menus = bSet;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    return mrAppSettings.mbDisplayNoteIndicator;

ScVbaApplication::setDisplayNoteIndicator( sal_Bool bSet )
    mrAppSettings.mbDisplayNoteIndicator = bSet;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    return mrAppSettings.mbShowWindowsInTaskbar;

ScVbaApplication::setShowWindowsInTaskbar( sal_Bool bSet )
    mrAppSettings.mbShowWindowsInTaskbar = bSet;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    return SC_MOD()->GetDocOptions().IsIter();

ScVbaApplication::setIteration( sal_Bool bSet )
    uno::Reference< lang::XMultiComponentFactory > xSMgr(
        mxContext->getServiceManager(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );

    uno::Reference< frame::XDesktop > xDesktop
        (xSMgr->createInstanceWithContext( "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop" , mxContext), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    uno::Reference< container::XEnumeration > xComponents = xDesktop->getComponents()->createEnumeration();
    while ( xComponents->hasMoreElements() )
        uno::Reference< lang::XServiceInfo > xServiceInfo( xComponents->nextElement(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        if ( xServiceInfo.is() && xServiceInfo->supportsService( "com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument" ) )
            uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProps( xServiceInfo, uno::UNO_QUERY );
            if ( xProps.is() )
                xProps->setPropertyValue(  SC_UNO_ITERENABLED, uno::Any( bSet ) );
    ScDocOptions aOpts( SC_MOD()->GetDocOptions() );
    aOpts.SetIter( bSet );
    SC_MOD()->SetDocOptions( aOpts );

    uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( getCurrentDocument(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
    uno::Reference< sheet::XCalculatable > xCalculatable( getCurrentDocument(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );

/// @throws uno::RuntimeException
static uno::Reference< util::XPathSettings > const & lcl_getPathSettingsService( const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& xContext )
    static uno::Reference< util::XPathSettings > xPathSettings( util::PathSettings::create( xContext ) );
    return xPathSettings;

OUString ScVbaApplication::getOfficePath( const OUString& _sPathType )
    OUString sRetPath;
    const uno::Reference< util::XPathSettings >& xProps = lcl_getPathSettingsService( mxContext );
        OUString sUrl;
        xProps->getPropertyValue( _sPathType ) >>= sUrl;

        // if it's a list of paths then use the last one
        sal_Int32 nIndex =  sUrl.lastIndexOf( ';' ) ;
        if ( nIndex > 0 )
            sUrl = sUrl.copy( nIndex + 1 );
        ::osl::File::getSystemPathFromFileURL( sUrl, sRetPath );
    catch (const uno::Exception&)
    return sRetPath;

ScVbaApplication::setDefaultFilePath( const OUString& DefaultFilePath )
    const uno::Reference< util::XPathSettings >& xProps = lcl_getPathSettingsService( mxContext );
    OUString aURL;
    osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( DefaultFilePath, aURL );
    xProps->setWork( aURL );

    return getOfficePath( "Work");

    return getOfficePath( "Basic");

    return getOfficePath( "Template");

    return OUString( sal_Unicode(SAL_PATHDELIMITER) );

    // TODO Solution should contain the version number of the operating system
    // too.
#if   defined(_WIN32)
        return "Windows";
#elif defined(MACOSX)
        return "Macintosh";
#elif defined(UNX)
        // M. Office is not available on Unix systems, so it is not documented.
        return "Unix";
        return OUString("Unknown");

// Helpers for Intersect and Union

namespace {

typedef ::std::list< ScRange > ListOfScRange;

/** Appends all ranges of a VBA Range object in the passed Any to the list of ranges.

    @throws script::BasicErrorException
    @throws uno::RuntimeException
void lclAddToListOfScRange( ListOfScRange& rList, const uno::Any& rArg )
    if( rArg.hasValue() )
        uno::Reference< excel::XRange > xRange( rArg, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        uno::Reference< XCollection > xCol( xRange->Areas( uno::Any() ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        for( sal_Int32 nIdx = 1, nCount = xCol->getCount(); nIdx <= nCount; ++nIdx )
            uno::Reference< excel::XRange > xAreaRange( xCol->Item( uno::Any( nIdx ), uno::Any() ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            uno::Reference< sheet::XCellRangeAddressable > xAddressable( xAreaRange->getCellRange(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            ScRange aScRange;
            ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aScRange, xAddressable->getRangeAddress() );
            rList.push_back( aScRange );

/** Returns true, if the passed ranges can be expressed by a single range. The
    new range will be contained in r1 then, the range r2 can be removed. */
bool lclTryJoin( ScRange& r1, const ScRange& r2 )
    // 1) r2 is completely inside r1
    if( r1.In( r2 ) )
        return true;

    // 2) r1 is completely inside r2
    if( r2.In( r1 ) )
        r1 = r2;
        return true;

    SCCOL n1L = r1.aStart.Col();
    SCCOL n1R = r1.aEnd.Col();
    SCROW n1T = r1.aStart.Row();
    SCROW n1B = r1.aEnd.Row();
    SCCOL n2L = r2.aStart.Col();
    SCCOL n2R = r2.aEnd.Col();
    SCROW n2T = r2.aStart.Row();
    SCROW n2B = r2.aEnd.Row();

    // 3) r1 and r2 have equal upper and lower border
    if( (n1T == n2T) && (n1B == n2B) )
        // check that r1 overlaps or touches r2
        if( ((n1L < n2L) && (n2L - 1 <= n1R)) || ((n2L < n1L) && (n1L - 1 <= n2R)) )
            r1.aStart.SetCol( ::std::min( n1L, n2L ) );
            r1.aEnd.SetCol( ::std::max( n1R, n2R ) );
            return true;
        return false;

    // 4) r1 and r2 have equal left and right border
    if( (n1L == n2L) && (n1R == n2R) )
        // check that r1 overlaps or touches r2
        if( ((n1T < n2T) && (n2T + 1 <= n1B)) || ((n2T < n1T) && (n1T + 1 <= n2B)) )
            r1.aStart.SetRow( ::std::min( n1T, n2T ) );
            r1.aEnd.SetRow( ::std::max( n1B, n2B ) );
            return true;
        return false;

    // 5) cannot join these ranges
    return false;

/** Strips out ranges that are contained by other ranges, joins ranges that can be joined
    together (aligned borders, e.g. A4:D10 and B4:E10 would be combined to A4:E10. */
void lclJoinRanges( ListOfScRange& rList )
    ListOfScRange::iterator aOuterIt = rList.begin();
    while( aOuterIt != rList.end() )
        bool bAnyErased = false;    // true = any range erased from rList
        ListOfScRange::iterator aInnerIt = rList.begin();
        while( aInnerIt != rList.end() )
            bool bInnerErased = false;   // true = aInnerIt erased from rList
            // do not compare a range with itself
            if( (aOuterIt != aInnerIt) && lclTryJoin( *aOuterIt, *aInnerIt ) )
                // aOuterIt points to joined range, aInnerIt will be removed
                aInnerIt = rList.erase( aInnerIt );
                bInnerErased = bAnyErased = true;
            /*  If aInnerIt has been erased from rList, it already points to
                the next element (return value of list::erase()). */
            if( !bInnerErased )
        // if any range has been erased, repeat outer loop with the same range
        if( !bAnyErased )

/** Intersects the passed list with all ranges of a VBA Range object in the passed Any.

    @throws script::BasicErrorException
    @throws uno::RuntimeException
void lclIntersectRanges( ListOfScRange& rList, const uno::Any& rArg )
    // extract the ranges from the passed argument, will throw on invalid data
    ListOfScRange aList2;
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList2, rArg );
    // do nothing, if the passed list is already empty
    if( !rList.empty() && !aList2.empty() )
        // save original list in a local
        ListOfScRange aList1;
        aList1.swap( rList );
        // join ranges from passed argument
        lclJoinRanges( aList2 );
        // calculate intersection of the ranges in both lists
        for( const auto& rOuterItem : aList1 )
            for( const auto& rInnerItem : aList2 )
                if( rOuterItem.Intersects( rInnerItem ) )
                    ScRange aIsectRange(
                        std::max( rOuterItem.aStart.Col(), rInnerItem.aStart.Col() ),
                        std::max( rOuterItem.aStart.Row(), rInnerItem.aStart.Row() ),
                        std::max( rOuterItem.aStart.Tab(), rInnerItem.aStart.Tab() ),
                        std::min( rOuterItem.aEnd.Col(),   rInnerItem.aEnd.Col() ),
                        std::min( rOuterItem.aEnd.Row(),   rInnerItem.aEnd.Row() ),
                        std::min( rOuterItem.aEnd.Tab(),   rInnerItem.aEnd.Tab() ) );
                    rList.push_back( aIsectRange );
        // again, join the result ranges
        lclJoinRanges( rList );

/** Creates a VBA Range object from the passed list of ranges.

    @throws uno::RuntimeException
uno::Reference< excel::XRange > lclCreateVbaRange(
        const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& rxContext,
        const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& rxModel,
        const ListOfScRange& rList )
    ScDocShell* pDocShell = excel::getDocShell( rxModel );
    if( !pDocShell ) throw uno::RuntimeException();

    ScRangeList aCellRanges;
    for( const auto& rItem : rList )
        aCellRanges.push_back( rItem );

    if( aCellRanges.size() == 1 )
        uno::Reference< table::XCellRange > xRange( new ScCellRangeObj( pDocShell, aCellRanges.front() ) );
        return new ScVbaRange( excel::getUnoSheetModuleObj( xRange ), rxContext, xRange );
    if( aCellRanges.size() > 1 )
        uno::Reference< sheet::XSheetCellRangeContainer > xRanges( new ScCellRangesObj( pDocShell, aCellRanges ) );
        return new ScVbaRange( excel::getUnoSheetModuleObj( xRanges ), rxContext, xRanges );
    return nullptr;

} // namespace

uno::Reference< excel::XRange > SAL_CALL ScVbaApplication::Intersect(
        const uno::Reference< excel::XRange >& rArg1, const uno::Reference< excel::XRange >& rArg2,
        const uno::Any& rArg3, const uno::Any& rArg4, const uno::Any& rArg5, const uno::Any& rArg6,
        const uno::Any& rArg7, const uno::Any& rArg8, const uno::Any& rArg9, const uno::Any& rArg10,
        const uno::Any& rArg11, const uno::Any& rArg12, const uno::Any& rArg13, const uno::Any& rArg14,
        const uno::Any& rArg15, const uno::Any& rArg16, const uno::Any& rArg17, const uno::Any& rArg18,
        const uno::Any& rArg19, const uno::Any& rArg20, const uno::Any& rArg21, const uno::Any& rArg22,
        const uno::Any& rArg23, const uno::Any& rArg24, const uno::Any& rArg25, const uno::Any& rArg26,
        const uno::Any& rArg27, const uno::Any& rArg28, const uno::Any& rArg29, const uno::Any& rArg30 )
    if( !rArg1.is() || !rArg2.is() )
        DebugHelper::basicexception( ERRCODE_BASIC_BAD_PARAMETER, OUString() );

    // initialize the result list with 1st parameter, join its ranges together
    ListOfScRange aList;
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, uno::Any( rArg1 ) );
    lclJoinRanges( aList );

    // process all other parameters, this updates the list with intersection
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, uno::Any( rArg2 ) );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg3 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg4 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg5 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg6 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg7 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg8 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg9 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg10 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg11 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg12 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg13 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg14 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg15 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg16 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg17 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg18 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg19 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg20 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg21 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg22 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg23 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg24 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg25 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg26 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg27 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg28 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg29 );
    lclIntersectRanges( aList, rArg30 );

    // create the VBA Range object
    return lclCreateVbaRange( mxContext, getCurrentDocument(), aList );

uno::Reference< excel::XRange > SAL_CALL ScVbaApplication::Union(
        const uno::Reference< excel::XRange >& rArg1, const uno::Reference< excel::XRange >& rArg2,
        const uno::Any& rArg3, const uno::Any& rArg4, const uno::Any& rArg5, const uno::Any& rArg6,
        const uno::Any& rArg7, const uno::Any& rArg8, const uno::Any& rArg9, const uno::Any& rArg10,
        const uno::Any& rArg11, const uno::Any& rArg12, const uno::Any& rArg13, const uno::Any& rArg14,
        const uno::Any& rArg15, const uno::Any& rArg16, const uno::Any& rArg17, const uno::Any& rArg18,
        const uno::Any& rArg19, const uno::Any& rArg20, const uno::Any& rArg21, const uno::Any& rArg22,
        const uno::Any& rArg23, const uno::Any& rArg24, const uno::Any& rArg25, const uno::Any& rArg26,
        const uno::Any& rArg27, const uno::Any& rArg28, const uno::Any& rArg29, const uno::Any& rArg30 )
    if( !rArg1.is() || !rArg2.is() )
        DebugHelper::basicexception( ERRCODE_BASIC_BAD_PARAMETER, OUString() );

    ListOfScRange aList;
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, uno::Any( rArg1 ) );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, uno::Any( rArg2 ) );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg3 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg4 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg5 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg6 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg7 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg8 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg9 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg10 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg11 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg12 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg13 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg14 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg15 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg16 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg17 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg18 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg19 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg20 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg21 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg22 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg23 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg24 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg25 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg26 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg27 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg28 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg29 );
    lclAddToListOfScRange( aList, rArg30 );

    // simply join together all ranges as much as possible, strip out covered ranges etc.
    lclJoinRanges( aList );

    // create the VBA Range object
    return lclCreateVbaRange( mxContext, getCurrentDocument(), aList );

ScVbaApplication::InchesToPoints( double Inches )
   double result = Inches * 72.0;
   return result;

ScVbaApplication::Volatile( const uno::Any& aVolatile )
    bool bVolatile = true;
    aVolatile >>= bVolatile;
    SbMethod* pMeth = StarBASIC::GetActiveMethod();
    if ( pMeth )
        uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( getCurrentDocument() );
        ScDocument& rDoc = excel::getDocShell( xModel )->GetDocument();
        rDoc.GetMacroManager()->SetUserFuncVolatile( pMeth->GetName(), bVolatile);

// this is bound to break when loading the document

sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    bool bRes = false;
    ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = excel::getCurrentBestViewShell( mxContext );
    if ( pViewShell )
        SfxBoolItem sfxFormBar( FID_TOGGLEINPUTLINE);
        SfxAllItemSet reqList(  SfxGetpApp()->GetPool() );
        reqList.Put( sfxFormBar );

        pViewShell->GetState( reqList );
        const SfxPoolItem *pItem=nullptr;
        if ( reqList.GetItemState( FID_TOGGLEINPUTLINE, false, &pItem ) == SfxItemState::SET )
            bRes = static_cast<const SfxBoolItem*>(pItem)->GetValue();
    return bRes;

ScVbaApplication::setDisplayFormulaBar( sal_Bool _displayformulabar )
    ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = excel::getCurrentBestViewShell( mxContext );
    if ( pViewShell && ( _displayformulabar !=  getDisplayFormulaBar() ) )
        SfxAllItemSet reqList(  SfxGetpApp()->GetPool() );
        SfxRequest aReq( FID_TOGGLEINPUTLINE, SfxCallMode::SLOT, reqList );
        pViewShell->Execute( aReq );

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::Caller( const uno::Any& /*aIndex*/ )
    StarBASIC* pBasic = SfxApplication::GetBasic();
    SbMethod* pMeth = static_cast<SbMethod*>(pBasic->GetRtl()->Find( "FuncCaller", SbxClassType::Method ));
    uno::Any aRet;
    if ( pMeth )
        SbxVariableRef refTemp = pMeth;
        // forces a broadcast
        SbxVariableRef pNew = new  SbxMethod( *static_cast<SbxMethod*>(pMeth));
        aRet = sbxToUnoValue( pNew.get() );
    return aRet;

uno::Reference< frame::XModel >
    return getCurrentExcelDoc(mxContext);

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::MenuBars( const uno::Any& aIndex )
    uno::Reference< XCommandBars > xCommandBars( CommandBars( uno::Any() ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    uno::Reference< XCollection > xMenuBars( new ScVbaMenuBars( this, mxContext, xCommandBars ) );
    if (  aIndex.hasValue() )
        return xMenuBars->Item( aIndex, uno::Any() );

    return uno::Any( xMenuBars );

uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplication::Rows( const uno::Any& aIndex )
    uno::Reference< excel::XWorksheet > xWorksheet = getActiveSheet();
    if ( xWorksheet.is() )
        return uno::Any( xWorksheet->Rows( aIndex ) );
    return uno::Any();

void SAL_CALL ScVbaApplication::OnKey( const OUString& Key, const uno::Any& Procedure )
        // Perhaps we can catch some excel specific
        // related behaviour here
        VbaApplicationBase::OnKey( Key, Procedure );
    catch( container::NoSuchElementException& )
        // #TODO special handling for unhandled
        // bindings

void SAL_CALL ScVbaApplication::setScreenUpdating(sal_Bool bUpdate)
    VbaApplicationBase::setScreenUpdating( bUpdate );

    uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( getCurrentExcelDoc( mxContext ), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
    ScDocShell* pDocShell = excel::getDocShell( xModel );
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();

    if( bUpdate )
        // Since setting ScreenUpdating from user code might be unpaired, avoid calling function,
        // that asserts correct lock/unlock order and number, when not locked.
        if( !rDoc.IsAdjustHeightLocked() )

void SAL_CALL ScVbaApplication::Undo()
    uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( getThisExcelDoc( mxContext ), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );

    ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = excel::getBestViewShell( xModel );
    if ( pViewShell )
        dispatchExecute( pViewShell, SID_UNDO );

// XInterfaceWithIID

    return "{82154425-0FBF-11d4-8313-005004526AB4}";

// XConnectable

    return "{82154426-0FBF-11D4-8313-005004526AB4}";

    TypeAndIID aResult =
        { excel::XApplicationOutgoing::static_type(),

    return aResult;

uno::Reference<XConnectionPoint> SAL_CALL
    uno::Reference<XConnectionPoint> xCP(new ScVbaApplicationOutgoingConnectionPoint(this));
    return xCP;

// XSinkCaller

ScVbaApplication::CallSinks( const OUString& Method, uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& Arguments )
    for (auto& i : mvSinks)
        if (i.is())
            i->Call(Method, Arguments);

    return "ScVbaApplication";

uno::Sequence< OUString >
    static uno::Sequence< OUString > aServiceNames
    return aServiceNames;

namespace application
namespace sdecl = comphelper::service_decl;
sdecl::vba_service_class_<ScVbaApplication, sdecl::with_args<false> > const serviceImpl;
sdecl::ServiceDecl const serviceDecl(
    "ooo.vba.excel.Application" );

// ScVbaApplicationOutgoingConnectionPoint

ScVbaApplicationOutgoingConnectionPoint::ScVbaApplicationOutgoingConnectionPoint( ScVbaApplication* pApp ) :

// XConnectionPoint
sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL
ScVbaApplicationOutgoingConnectionPoint::Advise( const uno::Reference< XSink >& Sink )
    return mpApp->AddSink(Sink);

ScVbaApplicationOutgoingConnectionPoint::Unadvise( sal_uInt32 Cookie )
    mpApp->RemoveSink( Cookie );

/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */