/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_SC_SOURCE_UI_VBA_VBARANGE_HXX #define INCLUDED_SC_SOURCE_UI_VBA_VBARANGE_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vbaformat.hxx" #include "address.hxx" #include #include class ScCellRangesBase; class ScCellRangeObj; class ScDocShell; class ScDocument; class ScRangeList; class ScRange; typedef ScVbaFormat< ov::excel::XRange > ScVbaRange_BASE; class ArrayVisitor { public: virtual void visitNode( sal_Int32 x, sal_Int32 y, const css::uno::Reference< css::table::XCell >& xCell ) = 0; virtual ~ArrayVisitor(){} }; class ValueSetter : public ArrayVisitor { public: virtual bool processValue( const css::uno::Any& aValue, const css::uno::Reference< css::table::XCell >& xCell ) = 0; }; class ValueGetter : public ArrayVisitor { public: virtual void processValue( sal_Int32 x, sal_Int32 y, const css::uno::Any& aValue ) = 0; virtual const css::uno::Any& getValue() const = 0; }; class ScVbaRange : public ScVbaRange_BASE { css::uno::Reference< ov::XCollection > m_Areas; css::uno::Reference< ov::XCollection > m_Borders; css::uno::Reference< css::table::XCellRange > mxRange; css::uno::Reference< css::sheet::XSheetCellRangeContainer > mxRanges; bool mbIsRows; bool mbIsColumns; css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XValidation > m_xValidation; /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException double getCalcColWidth(const css::table::CellRangeAddress&); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException double getCalcRowHeight(const css::table::CellRangeAddress&); void visitArray( ArrayVisitor& vistor ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > getEntireColumnOrRow( bool bColumn ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException void fillSeries( css::sheet::FillDirection nFillDirection, css::sheet::FillMode nFillMode, css::sheet::FillDateMode nFillDateMode, double fStep, double fEndValue ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException void ClearContents( sal_Int32 nFlags, bool bFireEvent ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException css::uno::Any getValue( ValueGetter& rValueGetter ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException void setValue( const css::uno::Any& aValue, ValueSetter& setter ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException css::uno::Any getFormulaValue( formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException void setFormulaValue( const css::uno::Any& aValue, formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > getArea( sal_Int32 nIndex ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException ScCellRangeObj* getCellRangeObj( ); css::uno::Reference< ov::XCollection >& getBorders(); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException void groupUnGroup( bool bUnGroup ); css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > PreviousNext( bool bIsPrevious ); /// @throws css::script::BasicErrorException css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SpecialCellsImpl( sal_Int32 nType, const css::uno::Any& _oValue); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException css::awt::Point getPosition(); /** Fires a Worksheet_Change event for this range or range list. */ void fireChangeEvent(); protected: virtual ScCellRangesBase* getCellRangesBase() override; /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException SfxItemSet* getCurrentDataSet(); public: /// @throws css::lang::IllegalArgumentException ScVbaRange( const css::uno::Reference< ov::XHelperInterface >& xParent, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& xContext, const css::uno::Reference< css::table::XCellRange >& xRange, bool bIsRows = false, bool bIsColumns = false ); /// @throws css::lang::IllegalArgumentException /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException ScVbaRange( const css::uno::Reference< ov::XHelperInterface >& xParent, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& xContext, const css::uno::Reference< css::sheet::XSheetCellRangeContainer >& xRanges, bool bIsRows = false, bool bIsColumns = false ); /// @throws css::lang::IllegalArgumentException /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException ScVbaRange( css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > const& aArgs, css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >const& xContext ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException ScDocument& getScDocument(); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException ScDocShell* getScDocShell(); /** Returns the ScVbaRange implementation object for the passed VBA Range object. */ static ScVbaRange* getImplementation( const css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange >& rxRange ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel > getUnoModel(); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException static css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel > getUnoModel( const css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange >& rxRange ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException const ScRangeList& getScRangeList(); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException static const ScRangeList& getScRangeList( const css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange >& rxRange ); virtual ~ScVbaRange() override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::XHelperInterface > thisHelperIface() override { return this; } bool isSingleCellRange(); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException static css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > getRangeObjectForName( const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& xContext, const OUString& sRangeName, ScDocShell* pDocSh, formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv ); /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException static css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > CellsHelper( const css::uno::Reference< ov::XHelperInterface >& xParent, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& xContext, const css::uno::Reference< css::table::XCellRange >& xRange, const css::uno::Any &nRowIndex, const css::uno::Any &nColumnIndex ); // Attributes virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getValue() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setValue( const css::uno::Any& aValue ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getFormula() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setFormula( const css::uno::Any& rFormula ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getFormulaArray() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setFormulaArray(const css::uno::Any& rFormula) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getFormulaR1C1() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setFormulaR1C1( const css::uno::Any &rFormula ) override; virtual ::sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getCount() override; virtual ::sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getRow() override; virtual ::sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getColumn() override; virtual OUString SAL_CALL getText() override; using ScVbaRange_BASE::setNumberFormat; virtual void SAL_CALL setNumberFormat( const css::uno::Any& rNumberFormat ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getNumberFormat() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setMergeCells( const css::uno::Any& bMerge ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getMergeCells() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setWrapText( const css::uno::Any& bIsWrapped ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getWrapText() override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL getEntireRow() override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL getEntireColumn() override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XComment > SAL_CALL getComment() override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getHidden() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setHidden( const css::uno::Any& _hidden ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getColumnWidth() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setColumnWidth( const css::uno::Any& _columnwidth ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getRowHeight() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setRowHeight( const css::uno::Any& _rowheight ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getWidth() override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getHeight() override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getTop() override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getLeft() override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XName > SAL_CALL getName() override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XWorksheet > SAL_CALL getWorksheet() override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getPageBreak() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setPageBreak( const css::uno::Any& _pagebreak ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XValidation > SAL_CALL getValidation() override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getPrefixCharacter() override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getShowDetail() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setShowDetail(const css::uno::Any& aShowDetail) override; // Methods virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XComment > SAL_CALL AddComment( const css::uno::Any& Text ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL Clear() override; virtual void SAL_CALL ClearComments() override; virtual void SAL_CALL ClearContents() override; virtual void SAL_CALL ClearFormats() override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL HasFormula() override; virtual void SAL_CALL FillLeft() override; virtual void SAL_CALL FillRight() override; virtual void SAL_CALL FillUp() override; virtual void SAL_CALL FillDown() override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL Offset( const css::uno::Any &nRowOffset, const css::uno::Any &nColOffset ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL CurrentRegion() override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL CurrentArray() override; virtual OUString SAL_CALL Characters( const css::uno::Any& nIndex, const css::uno::Any& nCount ) override; virtual OUString SAL_CALL Address( const css::uno::Any& RowAbsolute, const css::uno::Any& ColumnAbsolute, const css::uno::Any& ReferenceStyle, const css::uno::Any& External, const css::uno::Any& RelativeTo ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL Cells( const css::uno::Any &nRow, const css::uno::Any &nCol ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL Select() override; virtual void SAL_CALL Activate() override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL Rows( const css::uno::Any& nIndex ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL Columns( const css::uno::Any &nIndex ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL Copy( const css::uno::Any& Destination ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL Cut( const css::uno::Any& Destination ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL Resize( const css::uno::Any& RowSize, const css::uno::Any& ColumnSize ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XFont > SAL_CALL Font() override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XInterior > SAL_CALL Interior( ) override ; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL Range( const css::uno::Any &Cell1, const css::uno::Any &Cell2 ) override; /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > Range( const css::uno::Any &Cell1, const css::uno::Any &Cell2, bool bForceUseInpuRangeTab ); virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getCellRange( ) override; /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException static css::uno::Any getCellRange( const css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange >& rxRange ); virtual void SAL_CALL PasteSpecial( const css::uno::Any& Paste, const css::uno::Any& Operation, const css::uno::Any& SkipBlanks, const css::uno::Any& Transpose ) override; virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL Replace( const OUString& What, const OUString& Replacement, const css::uno::Any& LookAt, const css::uno::Any& SearchOrder, const css::uno::Any& MatchCase, const css::uno::Any& MatchByte, const css::uno::Any& SearchFormat, const css::uno::Any& ReplaceFormat ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL Find( const css::uno::Any& What, const css::uno::Any& After, const css::uno::Any& LookIn, const css::uno::Any& LookAt, const css::uno::Any& SearchOrder, const css::uno::Any& SearchDirection, const css::uno::Any& MatchCase, const css::uno::Any& MatchByte, const css::uno::Any& SearchFormat ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL Sort( const css::uno::Any& Key1, const css::uno::Any& Order1, const css::uno::Any& Key2, const css::uno::Any& Type, const css::uno::Any& Order2, const css::uno::Any& Key3, const css::uno::Any& Order3, const css::uno::Any& Header, const css::uno::Any& OrderCustom, const css::uno::Any& MatchCase, const css::uno::Any& Orientation, const css::uno::Any& SortMethod, const css::uno::Any& DataOption1, const css::uno::Any& DataOption2, const css::uno::Any& DataOption3 ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL End( ::sal_Int32 Direction ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XCharacters > SAL_CALL characters( const css::uno::Any& Start, const css::uno::Any& Length ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL Delete( const css::uno::Any& Shift ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL Areas( const css::uno::Any& ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL Borders( const css::uno::Any& ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL BorderAround( const css::uno::Any& LineStyle, const css::uno::Any& Weight, const css::uno::Any& ColorIndex, const css::uno::Any& Color ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL Hyperlinks( const css::uno::Any& aIndex ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL AutoFilter( const css::uno::Any& Field, const css::uno::Any& Criteria1, const css::uno::Any& Operator, const css::uno::Any& Criteria2, const css::uno::Any& VisibleDropDown ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL Insert( const css::uno::Any& Shift, const css::uno::Any& CopyOrigin ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL Autofit() override; virtual void SAL_CALL PrintOut( const css::uno::Any& From, const css::uno::Any& To, const css::uno::Any& Copies, const css::uno::Any& Preview, const css::uno::Any& ActivePrinter, const css::uno::Any& PrintToFile, const css::uno::Any& Collate, const css::uno::Any& PrToFileName ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL AutoFill( const css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange >& Destination, const css::uno::Any& Type ) override ; void SAL_CALL Calculate( ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL AutoOutline( ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL Item( const css::uno::Any& row, const css::uno::Any& column ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL ClearOutline( ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL Ungroup( ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL Group( ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL Merge( const css::uno::Any& Across ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL UnMerge( ) override; virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getStyle() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setStyle( const css::uno::Any& _style ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL Next() override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL Previous() override; virtual void SAL_CALL RemoveSubtotal( ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL MergeArea() override; virtual void SAL_CALL Subtotal( ::sal_Int32 GroupBy, ::sal_Int32 Function, const css::uno::Sequence< ::sal_Int32 >& TotalList, const css::uno::Any& Replace, const css::uno::Any& PageBreaks, const css::uno::Any& SummaryBelowData ) override; // XEnumerationAccess virtual css::uno::Reference< css::container::XEnumeration > SAL_CALL createEnumeration() override; // XElementAccess virtual css::uno::Type SAL_CALL getElementType() override { return cppu::UnoType::get(); } virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasElements() override; // XDefaultMethod OUString SAL_CALL getDefaultMethodName( ) override; // XDefaultProperty OUString SAL_CALL getDefaultPropertyName( ) override { return OUString("Value"); } // #TODO completely rewrite ScVbaRange, it's become a hackfest // it needs to be closer to ScCellRangeBase in that the underlying // object model should probably be a ScRangelst. // * would be nice to be able to construct a range from an address only // * or a list of address ( multi-area ) // * object should be a lightweight as possible // * we shouldn't need hacks like this below /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException static css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > ApplicationRange( const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& xContext, const css::uno::Any &Cell1, const css::uno::Any &Cell2 ); static bool getCellRangesForAddress(ScRefFlags &rResFlags, const OUString& sAddress, ScDocShell* pDocSh, ScRangeList& rCellRanges, formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention& eConv, char cDelimiter ); virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL GoalSeek( const css::uno::Any& Goal, const css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange >& ChangingCell ) override; virtual css::uno::Reference< ov::excel::XRange > SAL_CALL SpecialCells( const css::uno::Any& _oType, const css::uno::Any& _oValue) override; // XErrorQuery virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasError( ) override; // XHelperInterface virtual OUString getServiceImplName() override; virtual css::uno::Sequence getServiceNames() override; }; /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException bool getScRangeListForAddress( const OUString& sName, ScDocShell* pDocSh, ScRange& refRange, ScRangeList& aCellRanges, formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention aConv = formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_A1 ); #endif // INCLUDED_SC_SOURCE_UI_VBA_VBARANGE_HXX /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */