/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>

#include "gridmerg.hxx"


ScGridMerger::ScGridMerger( OutputDevice* pOutDev, long nOnePixelX, long nOnePixelY )
    : pDev(pOutDev)
    , nOneX(nOnePixelX)
    , nOneY(nOnePixelY)
    , nFixStart(0)
    , nFixEnd(0)
    , nVarStart(0)
    , nVarDiff(0)
    , nCount(0)
    , bVertical(false)
    //  optimize (DrawGrid) only for pixel MapMode,
    //  to avoid rounding errors

    bOptimize = ( pDev->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit() == MapUnit::MapPixel );


void ScGridMerger::AddLine( long nStart, long nEnd, long nPos )
    if ( nCount )
        //  not first line - test fix position
        //  more than one previous line - test distance

        if ( nStart != nFixStart || nEnd != nFixEnd )
            if ( nCount == 1 && nPos == nVarStart &&
                    ( nStart == nFixEnd ||
                        nStart == nFixEnd + ( bVertical ? nOneY : nOneX ) ) )
                //  additional optimization: extend connected lines
                //  keep nCount at 1
                nFixEnd = nEnd;
        else if ( nCount == 1 )
            nVarDiff = nPos - nVarStart;
        else if ( nPos != nVarStart + nCount * nVarDiff )       //! keep VarEnd?

    if ( !nCount )
        //  first line (or flushed above) - just store

        nFixStart = nStart;
        nFixEnd   = nEnd;
        nVarStart = nPos;
        nVarDiff  = 0;
        nCount    = 1;

void ScGridMerger::AddHorLine(bool bWorksInPixels, long nX1, long nX2, long nY, bool bDashed)
    if ( bWorksInPixels )
        Point aPoint(pDev->PixelToLogic(Point(nX1, nY)));
        nX1 = aPoint.X();
        nY = aPoint.Y();
        nX2 = pDev->PixelToLogic(Point(nX2, 0)).X();

    if ( bDashed )
        // If there are some unflushed lines they must be flushed since
        // new line is of different style
        if (bOptimize) {
            bVertical = false;

        LineInfo aLineInfo(LineStyle::Dash, 1);
        aLineInfo.SetDashCount( PAGEBREAK_LINE_DASH_COUNT );

        // Calculating logic values of DashLen and Distance from fixed pixel values
        Size aDashDistanceLen( pDev->PixelToLogic( Size( PAGEBREAK_LINE_DISTANCE_PIXEL,
                                                         PAGEBREAK_LINE_DASH_LEN_PIXEL )));

        aLineInfo.SetDistance( aDashDistanceLen.Width() );
        aLineInfo.SetDashLen( aDashDistanceLen.Height() );

        pDev->DrawLine( Point( nX1, nY ), Point( nX2, nY ), aLineInfo );
    else if ( bOptimize )
        if ( bVertical )
            bVertical = false;
        AddLine( nX1, nX2, nY );
        pDev->DrawLine( Point( nX1, nY ), Point( nX2, nY ) );

void ScGridMerger::AddVerLine(bool bWorksInPixels, long nX, long nY1, long nY2, bool bDashed)
    if (bWorksInPixels)
        Point aPoint(pDev->PixelToLogic(Point(nX, nY1)));
        nX = aPoint.X();
        nY1 = aPoint.Y();
        nY2 = pDev->PixelToLogic(Point(0, nY2)).Y();

    if ( bDashed )
        // If there are some unflushed lines they must be flushed since
        // new line is of different style
        if (bOptimize) {
            bVertical = false;

        LineInfo aLineInfo(LineStyle::Dash, 1);
        aLineInfo.SetDashCount( PAGEBREAK_LINE_DASH_COUNT );

        // Calculating logic values of DashLen and Distance from fixed pixel values
        Size aDashDistanceLen( pDev->PixelToLogic( Size( PAGEBREAK_LINE_DISTANCE_PIXEL,
                                                         PAGEBREAK_LINE_DASH_LEN_PIXEL )));

        aLineInfo.SetDistance( aDashDistanceLen.Width() );
        aLineInfo.SetDashLen( aDashDistanceLen.Height() );

        pDev->DrawLine( Point( nX, nY1 ), Point( nX, nY2 ), aLineInfo);
    else if ( bOptimize )
        if ( !bVertical )
            bVertical = true;
        AddLine( nY1, nY2, nX );
        pDev->DrawLine( Point( nX, nY1 ), Point( nX, nY2 ) );

void ScGridMerger::Flush()
    if (nCount)
        if (bVertical)
            if ( nCount == 1 )
                pDev->DrawLine( Point( nVarStart, nFixStart ), Point( nVarStart, nFixEnd ) );
                long nVarEnd = nVarStart + ( nCount - 1 ) * nVarDiff;
                if ( nVarDiff < 0 )
                    //  nVarDiff is negative in RTL layout mode
                    //  Change the positions so DrawGrid is called with a positive distance
                    //  (nVarStart / nVarDiff can be modified, aren't used after Flush)

                    nVarDiff = -nVarDiff;
                    long nTemp = nVarStart;
                    nVarStart = nVarEnd;
                    nVarEnd = nTemp;
                pDev->DrawGrid( tools::Rectangle( nVarStart, nFixStart, nVarEnd, nFixEnd ),
                                Size( nVarDiff, nFixEnd - nFixStart ),
                                DrawGridFlags::VertLines );
            if ( nCount == 1 )
                pDev->DrawLine( Point( nFixStart, nVarStart ), Point( nFixEnd, nVarStart ) );
                long nVarEnd = nVarStart + ( nCount - 1 ) * nVarDiff;
                pDev->DrawGrid( tools::Rectangle( nFixStart, nVarStart, nFixEnd, nVarEnd ),
                                Size( nFixEnd - nFixStart, nVarDiff ),
                                DrawGridFlags::HorzLines );
        nCount = 0;

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