/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <scitems.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <comphelper/lok.hxx>

#include <attrib.hxx>
#include <gridwin.hxx>
#include <tabvwsh.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <viewdata.hxx>
#include <pivot.hxx>
#include <uiitems.hxx>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <globstr.hrc>
#include <strings.hrc>
#include <pagedata.hxx>
#include <dpobject.hxx>
#include <dpsave.hxx>
#include <dpshttab.hxx>
#include <dbdocfun.hxx>
#include <checklistmenu.hxx>
#include <dpcontrol.hxx>
#include <userlist.hxx>
#include <scabstdlg.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldOrientation.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotTableHeaderData.hpp>

#include <unordered_map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

using namespace css;
using namespace css::sheet;
using css::sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation;
using std::vector;

DataPilotFieldOrientation ScGridWindow::GetDPFieldOrientation( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    ScDocument& rDoc = mrViewData.GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = mrViewData.GetTabNo();
    ScDPObject* pDPObj = rDoc.GetDPAtCursor(nCol, nRow, nTab);
    if (!pDPObj)
        return DataPilotFieldOrientation_HIDDEN;

    DataPilotFieldOrientation nOrient = DataPilotFieldOrientation_HIDDEN;

    // Check for page field first.
    if (nCol > 0)
        // look for the dimension header left of the drop-down arrow
        tools::Long nField = pDPObj->GetHeaderDim( ScAddress( nCol-1, nRow, nTab ), nOrient );
        if ( nField >= 0 && nOrient == DataPilotFieldOrientation_PAGE )
            bool bIsDataLayout = false;
            OUString aFieldName = pDPObj->GetDimName( nField, bIsDataLayout );
            if ( !aFieldName.isEmpty() && !bIsDataLayout )
                return DataPilotFieldOrientation_PAGE;

    nOrient = DataPilotFieldOrientation_HIDDEN;

    // Now, check for row/column field.
    tools::Long nField = pDPObj->GetHeaderDim(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab), nOrient);
    if (nField >= 0 && (nOrient == DataPilotFieldOrientation_COLUMN || nOrient == DataPilotFieldOrientation_ROW) )
        bool bIsDataLayout = false;
        OUString aFieldName = pDPObj->GetDimName(nField, bIsDataLayout);
        if (!aFieldName.isEmpty() && !bIsDataLayout)
            return nOrient;

    return DataPilotFieldOrientation_HIDDEN;

// private method for mouse button handling
bool ScGridWindow::DoPageFieldSelection( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow )
    if (GetDPFieldOrientation( nCol, nRow ) == DataPilotFieldOrientation_PAGE)
        LaunchPageFieldMenu( nCol, nRow );
        return true;
    return false;

bool ScGridWindow::DoAutoFilterButton( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    ScDocument& rDoc = mrViewData.GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = mrViewData.GetTabNo();
    Point aScrPos  = mrViewData.GetScrPos(nCol, nRow, eWhich);
    Point aDiffPix = rMEvt.GetPosPixel();

    aDiffPix -= aScrPos;
    bool bLOKActive = comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive();
    bool bLayoutRTL = rDoc.IsLayoutRTL( nTab );
    if ( bLayoutRTL && !bLOKActive )
        aDiffPix.setX( -aDiffPix.X() );

    tools::Long nSizeX, nSizeY;
    mrViewData.GetMergeSizePixel( nCol, nRow, nSizeX, nSizeY );
    // The button height should not use the merged cell height, should still use single row height
    nSizeY = ScViewData::ToPixel(rDoc.GetRowHeight(nRow, nTab), mrViewData.GetPPTY());
    Size aScrSize(nSizeX-1, nSizeY-1);

    // Check if the mouse cursor is clicking on the popup arrow box.
    mpFilterButton.reset(new ScDPFieldButton(GetOutDev(), &GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(), &mrViewData.GetZoomY(), &rDoc));
    mpFilterButton->setBoundingBox(aScrPos, aScrSize, bLayoutRTL && !bLOKActive);
    mpFilterButton->setPopupLeft(bLayoutRTL && bLOKActive ? false : bLayoutRTL);   // #i114944# AutoFilter button is left-aligned in RTL
    Point aPopupPos;
    Size aPopupSize;
    mpFilterButton->getPopupBoundingBox(aPopupPos, aPopupSize);
    tools::Rectangle aRect(aPopupPos, aPopupSize);
    if (aRect.Contains(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()))
        if ( DoPageFieldSelection( nCol, nRow ) )
            return true;

        bool bFilterActive = IsAutoFilterActive(nCol, nRow, nTab);
        LaunchAutoFilterMenu(nCol, nRow);
        return true;

    return false;

void ScGridWindow::DoPushPivotButton( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const MouseEvent& rMEvt, bool bButton, bool bPopup, bool bMultiField )
    ScDocument& rDoc = mrViewData.GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = mrViewData.GetTabNo();

    ScDPObject* pDPObj  = rDoc.GetDPAtCursor(nCol, nRow, nTab);

    if (pDPObj)
        DataPilotFieldOrientation nOrient = DataPilotFieldOrientation_HIDDEN;
        ScAddress aPos( nCol, nRow, nTab );
        ScAddress aDimPos = aPos;
        if (!bButton && bPopup && aDimPos.Col() > 0)
            // For page field selection cell, the real field position is to the left.

        if (bMultiField && DPTestMultiFieldPopupArrow(rMEvt, aPos, pDPObj))
            // Multi-field pop up menu has been launched.  Don't activate
            // field move or regular popup.

        tools::Long nField = pDPObj->GetHeaderDim(aDimPos, nOrient);
        if ( nField >= 0 )
            bDPMouse   = false;
            nDPField   = nField;
            pDragDPObj = pDPObj;

            if (bPopup && DPTestFieldPopupArrow(rMEvt, aPos, aDimPos, pDPObj))
                // field name pop up menu has been launched.  Don't activate
                // field move.

            if (bButton)
                bDPMouse = true;
                DPTestMouse( rMEvt, true );
        else if ( pDPObj->IsFilterButton(aPos) )
            ReleaseMouse();         // may have been captured in ButtonDown

            ScQueryParam aQueryParam;
            SCTAB nSrcTab = 0;
            const ScSheetSourceDesc* pDesc = pDPObj->GetSheetDesc();
            OSL_ENSURE(pDesc, "no sheet source for filter button");
            if (pDesc)
                aQueryParam = pDesc->GetQueryParam();
                nSrcTab = pDesc->GetSourceRange().aStart.Tab();

            SfxItemSet aArgSet(SfxItemSet::makeFixedSfxItemSet<SCITEM_QUERYDATA, SCITEM_QUERYDATA>(mrViewData.GetViewShell()->GetPool()));
            aArgSet.Put( ScQueryItem( SCITEM_QUERYDATA, &mrViewData, &aQueryParam ) );

            ScAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = ScAbstractDialogFactory::Create();

            ScopedVclPtr<AbstractScPivotFilterDlg> pDlg(
                    mrViewData.GetViewShell()->GetFrameWeld(), aArgSet, nSrcTab));
            if ( pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK )
                ScSheetSourceDesc aNewDesc(&rDoc);
                if (pDesc)
                    aNewDesc = *pDesc;

                const ScQueryItem& rQueryItem = pDlg->GetOutputItem();

                ScDPObject aNewObj( *pDPObj );
                aNewObj.SetSheetDesc( aNewDesc );
                ScDBDocFunc aFunc( *mrViewData.GetDocShell() );
                aFunc.DataPilotUpdate( pDPObj, &aNewObj, true, false );
                mrViewData.GetView()->CursorPosChanged();       // shells may be switched
        OSL_FAIL("Nothing here");

void ScGridWindow::DoPushPivotToggle( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    bool bLayoutRTL = mrViewData.GetDocument().IsLayoutRTL( mrViewData.GetTabNo() );

    ScDocument& rDoc = mrViewData.GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = mrViewData.GetTabNo();

    ScDPObject* pDPObj  = rDoc.GetDPAtCursor(nCol, nRow, nTab);
    if (!pDPObj)

    if (!pDPObj->GetSaveData()->GetDrillDown())

    // Get the geometry of the cell.
    Point aScrPos = mrViewData.GetScrPos(nCol, nRow, eWhich);
    tools::Long nSizeX, nSizeY;
    mrViewData.GetMergeSizePixel(nCol, nRow, nSizeX, nSizeY);
    Size aScrSize(nSizeX - 1, nSizeY - 1);

    sal_uInt16 nIndent = 0;
    if (const ScIndentItem* pIndentItem = rDoc.GetAttr(nCol, nRow, nTab, ATTR_INDENT))
        nIndent = pIndentItem->GetValue();

    // Check if the mouse cursor is clicking on the toggle +/- box.
    ScDPFieldButton aBtn(GetOutDev(), &GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(), &GetMapMode().GetScaleY());
    aBtn.setBoundingBox(aScrPos, aScrSize, bLayoutRTL);
    aBtn.setDrawToggleButton(true, true, nIndent);
    Point aPopupPos;
    Size aPopupSize;
    aBtn.getToggleBoundingBox(aPopupPos, aPopupSize);
    tools::Rectangle aRect(aPopupPos, aPopupSize);
    if (aRect.Contains(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()))
        // Mouse cursor inside the toggle +/- box.
        sheet::DataPilotTableHeaderData aData;
        ScAddress aCellPos(nCol, nRow, nTab);
        pDPObj->GetHeaderPositionData(aCellPos, aData);
        ScDPObject aNewObj(*pDPObj);
        pDPObj->ToggleDetails(aData, &aNewObj);
        ScDBDocFunc aFunc(*mrViewData.GetDocShell());
        aFunc.DataPilotUpdate(pDPObj, &aNewObj, true, false);

//  Data Pilot interaction

void ScGridWindow::DPTestMouse( const MouseEvent& rMEvt, bool bMove )
    OSL_ENSURE(pDragDPObj, "pDragDPObj missing");

    //  scroll window if at edges
    //! move this to separate method

    bool bTimer = false;
    Point aPixel = rMEvt.GetPosPixel();

    SCCOL nDx = 0;
    SCROW nDy = 0;
    if ( aPixel.X() < 0 )
        nDx = -1;
    if ( aPixel.Y() < 0 )
        nDy = -1;
    Size aSize = GetOutputSizePixel();
    if ( aPixel.X() >= aSize.Width() )
        nDx = 1;
    if ( aPixel.Y() >= aSize.Height() )
        nDy = 1;
    if ( nDx != 0 || nDy != 0 )
        UpdateDragRect( false, tools::Rectangle() );

        if ( nDx  != 0)
            mrViewData.GetView()->ScrollX( nDx, WhichH(eWhich) );
        if ( nDy != 0 )
            mrViewData.GetView()->ScrollY( nDy, WhichV(eWhich) );

        bTimer = true;

    SCCOL  nPosX;
    SCROW  nPosY;
    mrViewData.GetPosFromPixel( aPixel.X(), aPixel.Y(), eWhich, nPosX, nPosY );
    bool    bMouseLeft;
    bool    bMouseTop;
    mrViewData.GetMouseQuadrant( aPixel, eWhich, nPosX, nPosY, bMouseLeft, bMouseTop );

    ScAddress aPos( nPosX, nPosY, mrViewData.GetTabNo() );

    tools::Rectangle aPosRect;
    DataPilotFieldOrientation nOrient;
    tools::Long nDimPos;
    bool bHasRange = pDragDPObj->GetHeaderDrag( aPos, bMouseLeft, bMouseTop, nDPField,
                                                aPosRect, nOrient, nDimPos );
    UpdateDragRect( bHasRange && bMove, aPosRect );

    bool bIsDataLayout;
    sal_Int32 nDimFlags = 0;
    OUString aDimName = pDragDPObj->GetDimName( nDPField, bIsDataLayout, &nDimFlags );
    bool bAllowed = !bHasRange || ScDPObject::IsOrientationAllowed( nOrient, nDimFlags );

    if (bMove)          // set mouse pointer
        PointerStyle ePointer = PointerStyle::PivotDelete;
        if ( !bAllowed )
            ePointer = PointerStyle::NotAllowed;
        else if ( bHasRange )
            switch (nOrient)
                case DataPilotFieldOrientation_COLUMN: ePointer = PointerStyle::PivotCol; break;
                case DataPilotFieldOrientation_ROW:    ePointer = PointerStyle::PivotRow; break;
                case DataPilotFieldOrientation_PAGE:
                case DataPilotFieldOrientation_DATA:   ePointer = PointerStyle::PivotField;   break;
                default: break;
        SetPointer( ePointer );
    else                // execute change
        if (!bHasRange)
            nOrient = DataPilotFieldOrientation_HIDDEN;

        if ( bIsDataLayout && ( nOrient != DataPilotFieldOrientation_COLUMN &&
                                nOrient != DataPilotFieldOrientation_ROW ) )
            //  removing data layout is not allowed
        else if ( bAllowed )
            ScDPSaveData aSaveData( *pDragDPObj->GetSaveData() );

            ScDPSaveDimension* pDim;
            if ( bIsDataLayout )
                pDim = aSaveData.GetDataLayoutDimension();
                pDim = aSaveData.GetDimensionByName(aDimName);
            pDim->SetOrientation( nOrient );
            aSaveData.SetPosition( pDim, nDimPos );

            //! docfunc method with ScDPSaveData as argument?

            ScDPObject aNewObj( *pDragDPObj );
            aNewObj.SetSaveData( aSaveData );
            ScDBDocFunc aFunc( *mrViewData.GetDocShell() );
            // when dragging fields, allow re-positioning (bAllowMove)
            aFunc.DataPilotUpdate( pDragDPObj, &aNewObj, true, false, true );
            mrViewData.GetView()->CursorPosChanged();       // shells may be switched

    if (bTimer && bMove)
        mrViewData.GetView()->SetTimer( this, rMEvt );          // repeat event

bool ScGridWindow::DPTestFieldPopupArrow(
    const MouseEvent& rMEvt, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScAddress& rDimPos, ScDPObject* pDPObj)
    bool bLayoutRTL = mrViewData.GetDocument().IsLayoutRTL( mrViewData.GetTabNo() );
    bool bLOK = comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive();

    // Get the geometry of the cell.
    Point aScrPos = mrViewData.GetScrPos(rPos.Col(), rPos.Row(), eWhich);
    tools::Long nSizeX, nSizeY;
    mrViewData.GetMergeSizePixel(rPos.Col(), rPos.Row(), nSizeX, nSizeY);
    Size aScrSize(nSizeX-1, nSizeY-1);

    // Check if the mouse cursor is clicking on the popup arrow box.
    ScDPFieldButton aBtn(GetOutDev(), &GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(), &GetMapMode().GetScaleY());
    aBtn.setBoundingBox(aScrPos, aScrSize, bLayoutRTL);
    aBtn.setPopupLeft(false);   // DataPilot popup is always right-aligned for now
    Point aPopupPos;
    Size aPopupSize;
    aBtn.getPopupBoundingBox(aPopupPos, aPopupSize);
    tools::Rectangle aRect(aPopupPos, aPopupSize);
    if (aRect.Contains(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()))
        // Mouse cursor inside the popup arrow box.  Launch the field menu.
        DPLaunchFieldPopupMenu(bLOK ? aScrPos : OutputToScreenPixel(aScrPos), aScrSize, rDimPos, pDPObj);
        return true;

    return false;

bool ScGridWindow::DPTestMultiFieldPopupArrow(
    const MouseEvent& rMEvt, const ScAddress& rPos, ScDPObject* pDPObj)
    bool bLayoutRTL = mrViewData.GetDocument().IsLayoutRTL( mrViewData.GetTabNo() );
    bool bLOK = comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive();

    // Get the geometry of the cell.
    Point aScrPos = mrViewData.GetScrPos(rPos.Col(), rPos.Row(), eWhich);
    tools::Long nSizeX, nSizeY;
    mrViewData.GetMergeSizePixel(rPos.Col(), rPos.Row(), nSizeX, nSizeY);
    Size aScrSize(nSizeX - 1, nSizeY - 1);

    // Check if the mouse cursor is clicking on the popup arrow box.
    ScDPFieldButton aBtn(GetOutDev(), &GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(), &GetMapMode().GetScaleY());
    aBtn.setBoundingBox(aScrPos, aScrSize, bLayoutRTL);
    aBtn.setPopupLeft(false);   // DataPilot popup is always right-aligned for now
    Point aPopupPos;
    Size aPopupSize;
    aBtn.getPopupBoundingBox(aPopupPos, aPopupSize);
    tools::Rectangle aRect(aPopupPos, aPopupSize);
    if (aRect.Contains(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()))
        DataPilotFieldOrientation nOrient;
        pDPObj->GetHeaderDim(rPos, nOrient);
        // Mouse cursor inside the popup arrow box.  Launch the multi-field menu.
        DPLaunchMultiFieldPopupMenu(bLOK ? aScrPos : OutputToScreenPixel(aScrPos), aScrSize, pDPObj, nOrient);
        return true;

    return false;

namespace {

struct DPFieldPopupData : public ScCheckListMenuControl::ExtendedData
    ScDPLabelData   maLabels;
    ScDPObject*     mpDPObj;
    tools::Long            mnDim;

struct DPMultiFieldPopupData : public DPFieldPopupData
    std::vector<tools::Long> maFieldIndices;
    std::vector<OUString>    maFieldNames;

class DPFieldPopupOKAction : public ScCheckListMenuControl::Action
    explicit DPFieldPopupOKAction(ScGridWindow* p) :
        mpGridWindow(p) {}

    virtual bool execute() override
        return true;
    VclPtr<ScGridWindow> mpGridWindow;

class DPFieldChangedAction : public ScCheckListMenuControl::Action
    explicit DPFieldChangedAction(ScGridWindow* p) :
        mpGridWindow(p) {}

    virtual bool execute() override
        return true;
    VclPtr<ScGridWindow> mpGridWindow;

class PopupSortAction : public ScCheckListMenuControl::Action

    explicit PopupSortAction(ScDPObject* pDPObject, tools::Long nDimIndex, SortType eType,
                             sal_uInt16 nUserListIndex, ScTabViewShell* pViewShell)
        : mpDPObject(pDPObject)
        , mnDimIndex(nDimIndex)
        , meType(eType)
        , mnUserListIndex(nUserListIndex)
        , mpViewShell(pViewShell)

    virtual bool execute() override
        switch (meType)
            case ASCENDING:
                mpViewShell->DataPilotSort(mpDPObject, mnDimIndex, true);
            case DESCENDING:
                mpViewShell->DataPilotSort(mpDPObject, mnDimIndex, false);
            case CUSTOM:
                mpViewShell->DataPilotSort(mpDPObject, mnDimIndex, true, &mnUserListIndex);
        return true;

    ScDPObject*     mpDPObject;
    tools::Long            mnDimIndex;
    SortType        meType;
    sal_uInt16      mnUserListIndex;
    ScTabViewShell* mpViewShell;


void ScGridWindow::DPLaunchFieldPopupMenu(const Point& rScreenPosition, const Size& rScreenSize,
                                          const ScAddress& rAddress, ScDPObject* pDPObject)
    DataPilotFieldOrientation nOrient;
    tools::Long nDimIndex = pDPObject->GetHeaderDim(rAddress, nOrient);

    DPLaunchFieldPopupMenu(rScreenPosition, rScreenSize, nDimIndex, pDPObject);

bool lcl_FillDPFieldPopupData(tools::Long nDimIndex, ScDPObject* pDPObj,
                              DPFieldPopupData& rDPData, bool& bDimOrientNotPage)
    if (!pDPObj)
        return false;

    rDPData.mnDim = nDimIndex;

    bool bIsDataLayout;
    OUString aDimName = pDPObj->GetDimName(rDPData.mnDim, bIsDataLayout);
    const ScDPSaveData* pSaveData = pDPObj->GetSaveData();
    const ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = pSaveData->GetExistingDimensionByName(aDimName);
    if (!pDim)
        // This should never happen.
        return false;

    bDimOrientNotPage = pDim->GetOrientation() != DataPilotFieldOrientation_PAGE;

    // We need to get the list of field members.
    pDPObj->FillLabelData(rDPData.mnDim, rDPData.maLabels);
    rDPData.mpDPObj = pDPObj;

    return true;

void ScGridWindow::DPLaunchMultiFieldPopupMenu(const Point& rScreenPosition, const Size& rScreenSize,
                                               ScDPObject* pDPObj, DataPilotFieldOrientation nOrient)
    if (!pDPObj)


    std::unique_ptr<DPMultiFieldPopupData> pDPData(new DPMultiFieldPopupData);
    pDPObj->GetFieldIdsNames(nOrient, pDPData->maFieldIndices, pDPData->maFieldNames);

    if (pDPData->maFieldIndices.empty())

    tools::Long nDimIndex = pDPData->maFieldIndices[0];

    bool bDimOrientNotPage = true;
    if (!lcl_FillDPFieldPopupData(nDimIndex, pDPObj, *pDPData, bDimOrientNotPage))


    weld::Window* pPopupParent = GetFrameWeld();
    mpDPFieldPopup.reset(new ScCheckListMenuControl(pPopupParent, mrViewData,
                                                    false, -1, true));

    DPSetupFieldPopup(std::move(pDPData), bDimOrientNotPage, pDPObj, true);


    if (IsMouseCaptured())

    tools::Rectangle aCellRect(rScreenPosition, rScreenSize);
    mpDPFieldPopup->launch(pPopupParent, aCellRect);

void ScGridWindow::DPPopulateFieldMembers(const ScDPLabelData& rLabelData)
    // Populate field members.
    size_t n = rLabelData.maMembers.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        const ScDPLabelData::Member& rMem = rLabelData.maMembers[i];
        OUString aName = rMem.getDisplayName();
        if (aName.isEmpty())
            // Use special string for an empty name.
            mpDPFieldPopup->addMember(ScResId(STR_EMPTYDATA), 0.0, rMem.mbVisible, false);
            mpDPFieldPopup->addMember(rMem.getDisplayName(), 0.0, rMem.mbVisible, false);

void ScGridWindow::DPSetupFieldPopup(std::unique_ptr<ScCheckListMenuControl::ExtendedData> pDPData,
                                     bool bDimOrientNotPage, ScDPObject* pDPObj,
                                     bool bMultiField)
    if (!mpDPFieldPopup || !pDPObj)

    const ScDPLabelData& rLabelData = static_cast<DPFieldPopupData*>(pDPData.get())->maLabels;
    const tools::Long nDimIndex = static_cast<DPFieldPopupData*>(pDPData.get())->mnDim;

    if (bMultiField)
        mpDPFieldPopup->setFieldChangedAction(new DPFieldChangedAction(this));

    mpDPFieldPopup->setOKAction(new DPFieldPopupOKAction(this));

    if (bDimOrientNotPage)
        vector<OUString> aUserSortNames;
        ScUserList& rUserList = ScGlobal::GetUserList();
        size_t nUserListSize = rUserList.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nUserListSize; ++i)
            const ScUserListData& rData = rUserList[i];

        // Populate the menus.
        ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = mrViewData.GetViewShell();
            new PopupSortAction(pDPObj, nDimIndex, PopupSortAction::ASCENDING, 0, pViewShell));
            new PopupSortAction(pDPObj, nDimIndex, PopupSortAction::DESCENDING, 0, pViewShell));

        ScListSubMenuControl* pSubMenu = mpDPFieldPopup->addSubMenuItem(ScResId(STR_MENU_SORT_CUSTOM), !aUserSortNames.empty(), false);
        if (pSubMenu)
            size_t n = aUserSortNames.size();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                                      new PopupSortAction(pDPObj, nDimIndex, PopupSortAction::CUSTOM, sal_uInt16(i), pViewShell));


void ScGridWindow::DPConfigFieldPopup()
    if (!mpDPFieldPopup)

    ScCheckListMenuControl::Config aConfig;
    aConfig.mbAllowEmptySet = false;
    aConfig.mbRTL = mrViewData.GetDocument().IsLayoutRTL(mrViewData.GetTabNo());

void ScGridWindow::DPLaunchFieldPopupMenu(const Point& rScrPos, const Size& rScrSize,
                                          tools::Long nDimIndex, ScDPObject* pDPObj)
    std::unique_ptr<DPFieldPopupData> pDPData(new DPFieldPopupData);
    bool bDimOrientNotPage = true;
    if (!lcl_FillDPFieldPopupData(nDimIndex, pDPObj, *pDPData, bDimOrientNotPage))


    vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier* pNotifier = nullptr;
    if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive())
        pNotifier = SfxViewShell::Current();

    weld::Window* pPopupParent = GetFrameWeld();
    mpDPFieldPopup.reset(new ScCheckListMenuControl(pPopupParent, mrViewData,
                                                    false, -1, pNotifier));

    DPSetupFieldPopup(std::move(pDPData), bDimOrientNotPage, pDPObj);


    if (IsMouseCaptured())

    tools::Rectangle aCellRect(rScrPos, rScrSize);
    mpDPFieldPopup->launch(pPopupParent, aCellRect);

void ScGridWindow::UpdateDPPopupMenuForFieldChange()
    if (!mpDPFieldPopup)

    DPMultiFieldPopupData* pDPData = static_cast<DPMultiFieldPopupData*>(mpDPFieldPopup->getExtendedData());
    if (!pDPData)

    if (pDPData->maFieldIndices.empty())

    tools::Long nIndex = mpDPFieldPopup->getField();
    if (nIndex < 0)

    tools::Long nDimIndex = pDPData->maFieldIndices[nIndex];
    if (nDimIndex == pDPData->mnDim)

    bool bDimOrientNotPage = true;
    if (!lcl_FillDPFieldPopupData(nDimIndex, pDPData->mpDPObj, *pDPData, bDimOrientNotPage))




void ScGridWindow::UpdateDPFromFieldPopupMenu()
    typedef std::unordered_map<OUString, OUString> MemNameMapType;

    if (!mpDPFieldPopup)

    DPFieldPopupData* pDPData = static_cast<DPFieldPopupData*>(mpDPFieldPopup->getExtendedData());
    if (!pDPData)

    ScDPObject* pDPObj = pDPData->mpDPObj;
    ScDPSaveData* pSaveData = pDPObj->GetSaveData();

    bool bIsDataLayout;
    OUString aDimName = pDPObj->GetDimName(pDPData->mnDim, bIsDataLayout);
    ScDPSaveDimension* pDim = pSaveData->GetDimensionByName(aDimName);
    if (!pDim)

    // Build a map of layout names to original names.
    const ScDPLabelData& rLabelData = pDPData->maLabels;
    MemNameMapType aMemNameMap;
    for (const auto& rMember : rLabelData.maMembers)
        aMemNameMap.emplace(rMember.maLayoutName, rMember.maName);

    // The raw result may contain a mixture of layout names and original names.
    ScCheckListMenuControl::ResultType aRawResult;

    std::unordered_map<OUString, bool> aResult;
    for (const auto& rItem : aRawResult)
        MemNameMapType::const_iterator itrNameMap = aMemNameMap.find(rItem.aName);
        if (itrNameMap == aMemNameMap.end())
            // This is an original member name.  Use it as-is.
            OUString aName = rItem.aName;
            if (aName == ScResId(STR_EMPTYDATA))
                // Translate the special empty name into an empty string.

            aResult.emplace(aName, rItem.bValid);
            // This is a layout name.  Get the original member name and use it.
            aResult.emplace(itrNameMap->second, rItem.bValid);

    ScDBDocFunc aFunc(*mrViewData.GetDocShell());
    aFunc.UpdatePivotTable(*pDPObj, true, false);

namespace {

template <typename T>
T lcl_getValidValue(T value, T defvalue)
    return (value <0) ? defvalue : value;

} // anonymous namespace

bool ScGridWindow::UpdateVisibleRange()
    ScDocument const& rDoc = mrViewData.GetDocument();
    SCCOL nPosX = 0;
    SCROW nPosY = 0;
    SCCOL nXRight = rDoc.MaxCol();
    SCROW nYBottom = rDoc.MaxRow();

    if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive())
        ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = mrViewData.GetViewShell();
        nPosX = lcl_getValidValue(pViewShell->GetLOKStartHeaderCol(), nPosX);
        nPosY = lcl_getValidValue(pViewShell->GetLOKStartHeaderRow(), nPosY);
        nXRight = lcl_getValidValue(pViewShell->GetLOKEndHeaderCol(), nXRight);
        nYBottom = lcl_getValidValue(pViewShell->GetLOKEndHeaderRow(), nYBottom);
        nPosX = mrViewData.GetPosX(eHWhich);
        nPosY = mrViewData.GetPosY(eVWhich);
        nXRight = nPosX + mrViewData.VisibleCellsX(eHWhich);
        if (nXRight > rDoc.MaxCol())
            nXRight = rDoc.MaxCol();
        nYBottom = nPosY + mrViewData.VisibleCellsY(eVWhich);
        if (nYBottom > rDoc.MaxRow())
            nYBottom = rDoc.MaxRow();

    // Store the current visible range.
    return maVisibleRange.set(nPosX, nPosY, nXRight, nYBottom);

void ScGridWindow::DPMouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    DPTestMouse( rMEvt, true );

void ScGridWindow::DPMouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
    bDPMouse = false;

    DPTestMouse( rMEvt, false );
    SetPointer( PointerStyle::Arrow );

void ScGridWindow::UpdateDragRect( bool bShowRange, const tools::Rectangle& rPosRect )
    SCCOL nStartX = ( rPosRect.Left()   >= 0 ) ? static_cast<SCCOL>(rPosRect.Left())   : SCCOL_MAX;
    SCROW nStartY = ( rPosRect.Top()    >= 0 ) ? static_cast<SCROW>(rPosRect.Top())    : SCROW_MAX;
    SCCOL nEndX   = ( rPosRect.Right()  >= 0 ) ? static_cast<SCCOL>(rPosRect.Right())  : SCCOL_MAX;
    SCROW nEndY   = ( rPosRect.Bottom() >= 0 ) ? static_cast<SCROW>(rPosRect.Bottom()) : SCROW_MAX;

    if ( bShowRange == bDragRect && nDragStartX == nStartX && nDragEndX == nEndX &&
                                    nDragStartY == nStartY && nDragEndY == nEndY )
        return;         // everything unchanged

    if ( bShowRange )
        nDragStartX = nStartX;
        nDragStartY = nStartY;
        nDragEndX = nEndX;
        nDragEndY = nEndY;
        bDragRect = true;
        bDragRect = false;


//  Page-Break Mode

sal_uInt16 ScGridWindow::HitPageBreak( const Point& rMouse, ScRange* pSource,
                                    SCCOLROW* pBreak, SCCOLROW* pPrev )
    sal_uInt16 nFound = SC_PD_NONE;     // 0
    ScRange aSource;
    SCCOLROW nBreak = 0;
    SCCOLROW nPrev = 0;

    ScPageBreakData* pPageData = mrViewData.GetView()->GetPageBreakData();
    if ( pPageData )
        bool bHori = false;
        bool bVert = false;
        SCCOL nHitX = 0;
        SCROW nHitY = 0;

        tools::Long nMouseX = rMouse.X();
        tools::Long nMouseY = rMouse.Y();
        SCCOL nPosX;
        SCROW nPosY;
        mrViewData.GetPosFromPixel( nMouseX, nMouseY, eWhich, nPosX, nPosY );
        Point aTL = mrViewData.GetScrPos( nPosX, nPosY, eWhich );
        Point aBR = mrViewData.GetScrPos( nPosX+1, nPosY+1, eWhich );

        //  Horizontal more tolerances as for vertical, because there is more space
        if ( nMouseX <= aTL.X() + 4 )
            bHori = true;
            nHitX = nPosX;
        else if ( nMouseX >= aBR.X() - 6 )
            bHori = true;
            nHitX = nPosX+1;                    // left edge of the next cell
        if ( nMouseY <= aTL.Y() + 2 )
            bVert = true;
            nHitY = nPosY;
        else if ( nMouseY >= aBR.Y() - 4 )
            bVert = true;
            nHitY = nPosY+1;                    // upper edge of the next cell

        if ( bHori || bVert )
            sal_uInt16 nCount = sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>( pPageData->GetCount() );
            for (sal_uInt16 nPos=0; nPos<nCount && !nFound; nPos++)
                ScPrintRangeData& rData = pPageData->GetData(nPos);
                ScRange aRange = rData.GetPrintRange();
                bool bLHit = ( bHori && nHitX == aRange.aStart.Col() );
                bool bRHit = ( bHori && nHitX == aRange.aEnd.Col() + 1 );
                bool bTHit = ( bVert && nHitY == aRange.aStart.Row() );
                bool bBHit = ( bVert && nHitY == aRange.aEnd.Row() + 1 );
                bool bInsideH = ( nPosX >= aRange.aStart.Col() && nPosX <= aRange.aEnd.Col() );
                bool bInsideV = ( nPosY >= aRange.aStart.Row() && nPosY <= aRange.aEnd.Row() );

                if ( bLHit )
                    if ( bTHit )
                        nFound = SC_PD_RANGE_TL;
                    else if ( bBHit )
                        nFound = SC_PD_RANGE_BL;
                    else if ( bInsideV )
                        nFound = SC_PD_RANGE_L;
                else if ( bRHit )
                    if ( bTHit )
                        nFound = SC_PD_RANGE_TR;
                    else if ( bBHit )
                        nFound = SC_PD_RANGE_BR;
                    else if ( bInsideV )
                        nFound = SC_PD_RANGE_R;
                else if ( bTHit && bInsideH )
                    nFound = SC_PD_RANGE_T;
                else if ( bBHit && bInsideH )
                    nFound = SC_PD_RANGE_B;
                if (nFound)
                    aSource = aRange;

                //  breaks

                if ( bVert && bInsideH && !nFound )
                    size_t nRowCount = rData.GetPagesY();
                    const SCROW* pRowEnd = rData.GetPageEndY();
                    for (size_t nRowPos=0; nRowPos+1<nRowCount; nRowPos++)
                        if ( pRowEnd[nRowPos]+1 == nHitY )
                            nFound = SC_PD_BREAK_V;
                            aSource = aRange;
                            nBreak = nHitY;
                            if ( nRowPos )
                                nPrev = pRowEnd[nRowPos-1]+1;
                                nPrev = aRange.aStart.Row();
                if ( bHori && bInsideV && !nFound )
                    size_t nColCount = rData.GetPagesX();
                    const SCCOL* pColEnd = rData.GetPageEndX();
                    for (size_t nColPos=0; nColPos+1<nColCount; nColPos++)
                        if ( pColEnd[nColPos]+1 == nHitX )
                            nFound = SC_PD_BREAK_H;
                            aSource = aRange;
                            nBreak = nHitX;
                            if ( nColPos )
                                nPrev = pColEnd[nColPos-1]+1;
                                nPrev = aRange.aStart.Col();

    if (pSource)
        *pSource = aSource;     // print break
    if (pBreak)
        *pBreak = nBreak;       // X/Y position of the moved page break
    if (pPrev)
        *pPrev = nPrev;         // X/Y beginning of the page, which is above the break
    return nFound;

void ScGridWindow::PagebreakMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt, bool bUp )
    //! Combine scrolling and switching with RFMouseMove !
    //! (Inverting before scrolling is different)

    //  Scrolling

    bool bTimer = false;
    Point aPos = rMEvt.GetPosPixel();
    SCCOL nDx = 0;
    SCROW nDy = 0;
    if ( aPos.X() < 0 ) nDx = -1;
    if ( aPos.Y() < 0 ) nDy = -1;
    Size aSize = GetOutputSizePixel();
    if ( aPos.X() >= aSize.Width() )
        nDx = 1;
    if ( aPos.Y() >= aSize.Height() )
        nDy = 1;
    if ( nDx != 0 || nDy != 0 )
        if ( bPagebreakDrawn )          // invert
            bPagebreakDrawn = false;

        if ( nDx != 0 ) mrViewData.GetView()->ScrollX( nDx, WhichH(eWhich) );
        if ( nDy != 0 ) mrViewData.GetView()->ScrollY( nDy, WhichV(eWhich) );
        bTimer = true;

    // Switching when fixating (so Scrolling works)

    if ( eWhich == mrViewData.GetActivePart() )     //??
        if ( mrViewData.GetHSplitMode() == SC_SPLIT_FIX )
            if ( nDx > 0 )
                if ( eWhich == SC_SPLIT_TOPLEFT )
                    mrViewData.GetView()->ActivatePart( SC_SPLIT_TOPRIGHT );
                else if ( eWhich == SC_SPLIT_BOTTOMLEFT )
                    mrViewData.GetView()->ActivatePart( SC_SPLIT_BOTTOMRIGHT );

        if ( mrViewData.GetVSplitMode() == SC_SPLIT_FIX )
            if ( nDy > 0 )
                if ( eWhich == SC_SPLIT_TOPLEFT )
                    mrViewData.GetView()->ActivatePart( SC_SPLIT_BOTTOMLEFT );
                else if ( eWhich == SC_SPLIT_TOPRIGHT )
                    mrViewData.GetView()->ActivatePart( SC_SPLIT_BOTTOMRIGHT );

    // from here new

    // Searching for a position between the cells (before nPosX / nPosY)
    SCCOL nPosX;
    SCROW nPosY;
    mrViewData.GetPosFromPixel( aPos.X(), aPos.Y(), eWhich, nPosX, nPosY );
    bool bLeft, bTop;
    mrViewData.GetMouseQuadrant( aPos, eWhich, nPosX, nPosY, bLeft, bTop );
    if ( !bLeft ) ++nPosX;
    if ( !bTop )  ++nPosY;

    bool bBreak = ( nPagebreakMouse == SC_PD_BREAK_H || nPagebreakMouse == SC_PD_BREAK_V );
    bool bHide = false;
    bool bToEnd = false;
    ScRange aDrawRange = aPagebreakSource;
    if ( bBreak )
        if ( nPagebreakMouse == SC_PD_BREAK_H )
            if ( nPosX > aPagebreakSource.aStart.Col() &&
                 nPosX <= aPagebreakSource.aEnd.Col() + 1 )     // to the end is also allowed
                bToEnd = ( nPosX == aPagebreakSource.aEnd.Col() + 1 );
                aDrawRange.aStart.SetCol( nPosX );
                aDrawRange.aEnd.SetCol( nPosX - 1 );
                bHide = true;
            if ( nPosY > aPagebreakSource.aStart.Row() &&
                 nPosY <= aPagebreakSource.aEnd.Row() + 1 )     //  to the end is also allowed
                bToEnd = ( nPosY == aPagebreakSource.aEnd.Row() + 1 );
                aDrawRange.aStart.SetRow( nPosY );
                aDrawRange.aEnd.SetRow( nPosY - 1 );
                bHide = true;
        if ( nPagebreakMouse & SC_PD_RANGE_L )
            aDrawRange.aStart.SetCol( nPosX );
        if ( nPagebreakMouse & SC_PD_RANGE_T )
            aDrawRange.aStart.SetRow( nPosY );
        if ( nPagebreakMouse & SC_PD_RANGE_R )
            if ( nPosX > 0 )
                aDrawRange.aEnd.SetCol( nPosX-1 );
                bHide = true;
        if ( nPagebreakMouse & SC_PD_RANGE_B )
            if ( nPosY > 0 )
                aDrawRange.aEnd.SetRow( nPosY-1 );
                bHide = true;
        if ( aDrawRange.aStart.Col() > aDrawRange.aEnd.Col() ||
             aDrawRange.aStart.Row() > aDrawRange.aEnd.Row() )
            bHide = true;

    if ( !bPagebreakDrawn || bUp || aDrawRange != aPagebreakDrag )
        // draw...

        if ( bPagebreakDrawn )
            // invert
            bPagebreakDrawn = false;
        aPagebreakDrag = aDrawRange;
        if ( !bUp && !bHide )
            // revert
            bPagebreakDrawn = true;

    // when ButtonUp execute the changes

    if ( bUp )
        ScViewFunc* pViewFunc = mrViewData.GetView();
        ScDocShell* pDocSh = mrViewData.GetDocShell();
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        SCTAB nTab = mrViewData.GetTabNo();
        bool bUndo (rDoc.IsUndoEnabled());

        if ( bBreak )
            bool bColumn = ( nPagebreakMouse == SC_PD_BREAK_H );
            SCCOLROW nNew = bColumn ? static_cast<SCCOLROW>(nPosX) : static_cast<SCCOLROW>(nPosY);
            if ( nNew != nPagebreakBreak )
                if (bUndo)
                    OUString aUndo = ScResId( STR_UNDO_DRAG_BREAK );
                    pDocSh->GetUndoManager()->EnterListAction( aUndo, aUndo, 0, mrViewData.GetViewShell()->GetViewShellId() );

                bool bGrow = !bHide && nNew > nPagebreakBreak;
                if ( bColumn )
                    if (rDoc.HasColBreak(static_cast<SCCOL>(nPagebreakBreak), nTab) & ScBreakType::Manual)
                        ScAddress aOldAddr( static_cast<SCCOL>(nPagebreakBreak), nPosY, nTab );
                        pViewFunc->DeletePageBreak( true, true, &aOldAddr, false );
                    if ( !bHide && !bToEnd )    // not at the end
                        ScAddress aNewAddr( static_cast<SCCOL>(nNew), nPosY, nTab );
                        pViewFunc->InsertPageBreak( true, true, &aNewAddr, false );
                    if ( bGrow )
                        // change last break to hard, and change scaling
                        bool bManualBreak(rDoc.HasColBreak(static_cast<SCCOL>(nPagebreakPrev), nTab) & ScBreakType::Manual);
                        if ( static_cast<SCCOL>(nPagebreakPrev) > aPagebreakSource.aStart.Col() && !bManualBreak )
                            ScAddress aPrev( static_cast<SCCOL>(nPagebreakPrev), nPosY, nTab );
                            pViewFunc->InsertPageBreak( true, true, &aPrev, false );

                        if (!pDocSh->AdjustPrintZoom( ScRange(
                                      static_cast<SCCOL>(nPagebreakPrev),0,nTab, static_cast<SCCOL>(nNew-1),0,nTab ) ))
                            bGrow = false;
                    if (rDoc.HasRowBreak(nPagebreakBreak, nTab) & ScBreakType::Manual)
                        ScAddress aOldAddr( nPosX, nPagebreakBreak, nTab );
                        pViewFunc->DeletePageBreak( false, true, &aOldAddr, false );
                    if ( !bHide && !bToEnd )    // not at the end
                        ScAddress aNewAddr( nPosX, nNew, nTab );
                        pViewFunc->InsertPageBreak( false, true, &aNewAddr, false );
                    if ( bGrow )
                        // change last break to hard, and change scaling
                        bool bManualBreak(rDoc.HasRowBreak(nPagebreakPrev, nTab) & ScBreakType::Manual);
                        if ( nPagebreakPrev > aPagebreakSource.aStart.Row() && !bManualBreak )
                            ScAddress aPrev( nPosX, nPagebreakPrev, nTab );
                            pViewFunc->InsertPageBreak( false, true, &aPrev, false );

                        if (!pDocSh->AdjustPrintZoom( ScRange(
                                      0,nPagebreakPrev,nTab, 0,nNew-1,nTab ) ))
                            bGrow = false;

                if (bUndo)

                if (!bGrow)     // otherwise has already happened in AdjustPrintZoom
                    pViewFunc->UpdatePageBreakData( true );
        else if ( bHide || aPagebreakDrag != aPagebreakSource )
            // set print range

            OUString aNewRanges;
            sal_uInt16 nOldCount = rDoc.GetPrintRangeCount( nTab );
            if ( nOldCount )
                for (sal_uInt16 nPos=0; nPos<nOldCount; nPos++)
                    const ScRange* pOld = rDoc.GetPrintRange( nTab, nPos );
                    if ( pOld )
                        OUString aTemp;
                        if ( *pOld != aPagebreakSource )
                            aTemp = pOld->Format(rDoc, ScRefFlags::VALID);
                        else if ( !bHide )
                            aTemp = aPagebreakDrag.Format(rDoc, ScRefFlags::VALID);
                        if (!aTemp.isEmpty())
                            if ( !aNewRanges.isEmpty() )
                                aNewRanges += ";";
                            aNewRanges += aTemp;
            else if (!bHide)
                aNewRanges = aPagebreakDrag.Format(rDoc, ScRefFlags::VALID);

            pViewFunc->SetPrintRanges( rDoc.IsPrintEntireSheet( nTab ), &aNewRanges, nullptr, nullptr, false );

    //  Timer for Scrolling

    if (bTimer && !bUp)
        mrViewData.GetView()->SetTimer( this, rMEvt );          // repeat event

/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */