/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: gridwin3.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.2 $ * * last change: $Author: nn $ $Date: 2000-09-22 18:36:22 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PCH #include "ui_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop // INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------------- #include "scitems.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tabvwsh.hxx" #include "gridwin.hxx" #include "dbfunc.hxx" #include "viewdata.hxx" #include "output.hxx" #include "drawview.hxx" #include "fupoor.hxx" #include "drawutil.hxx" #include "document.hxx" // STATIC DATA ----------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ScGridWindow::DrawMouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; FuPoor* pDraw = pViewData->GetView()->GetDrawFuncPtr(); if (pDraw && !pViewData->IsRefMode()) { pDraw->SetWindow( this ); Point aLogicPos = PixelToLogic(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()); if ( pDraw->IsDetectiveHit( aLogicPos ) ) { // auf Detektiv-Pfeilen gar nichts (Doppelklick wird bei ButtonUp ausgewertet) bRet = TRUE; } else { bRet = pDraw->MouseButtonDown( rMEvt ); if ( bRet ) UpdateStatusPosSize(); } } // bei rechter Taste Draw-Aktion abbrechen ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetScDrawView(); if ( pDrView && !rMEvt.IsLeft() && !bRet ) { pDrView->BrkAction(); bRet = TRUE; } return bRet; } BOOL ScGridWindow::DrawMouseButtonUp(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; FuPoor* pDraw = pViewData->GetView()->GetDrawFuncPtr(); if (pDraw && !pViewData->IsRefMode()) { pDraw->SetWindow( this ); bRet = pDraw->MouseButtonUp( rMEvt ); } return bRet; } BOOL ScGridWindow::DrawMouseMove(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { FuPoor* pDraw = pViewData->GetView()->GetDrawFuncPtr(); if (pDraw && !pViewData->IsRefMode()) { pDraw->SetWindow( this ); BOOL bRet = pDraw->MouseMove( rMEvt ); if ( bRet ) UpdateStatusPosSize(); return bRet; } else { SetPointer( Pointer( POINTER_ARROW ) ); return FALSE; } } void ScGridWindow::DrawEndAction() { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetScDrawView(); if ( pDrView && pDrView->IsAction() ) pDrView->BrkAction(); FuPoor* pDraw = pViewData->GetView()->GetDrawFuncPtr(); if (pDraw) pDraw->StopDragTimer(); // ReleaseMouse beim Aufruf } BOOL ScGridWindow::DrawCommand(const CommandEvent& rCEvt) { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetScDrawView(); FuPoor* pDraw = pViewData->GetView()->GetDrawFuncPtr(); if (pDrView && pDraw && !pViewData->IsRefMode()) { pDraw->SetWindow( this ); BYTE nUsed = pDraw->Command( rCEvt ); if( nUsed == SC_CMD_USED ) nButtonDown = 0; // MouseButtonUp wird verschluckt... if( nUsed || pDrView->IsAction() ) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL ScGridWindow::DrawKeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt) { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetScDrawView(); FuPoor* pDraw = pViewData->GetView()->GetDrawFuncPtr(); if (pDrView && pDraw && !pViewData->IsRefMode()) { pDraw->SetWindow( this ); BOOL bOldMarked = pDrView->HasMarkedObj(); if (pDraw->KeyInput( rKEvt )) { BOOL bUsed = TRUE; BOOL bNewMarked = pDrView->HasMarkedObj(); if ( !pViewData->GetView()->IsDrawSelMode() ) if ( !bNewMarked ) { pViewData->GetViewShell()->SetDrawShell( FALSE ); if ( !bOldMarked && rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() == KEY_DELETE ) bUsed = FALSE; // nichts geloescht } return bUsed; } } return FALSE; } void ScGridWindow::DrawRedraw( ScOutputData& rOutputData, const Rectangle& rDrawingRect, ScUpdateMode eMode, ULONG nLayer ) { //! eMode auswerten !!! USHORT nObjectFlags = 0; const ScViewOptions& rOpts = pViewData->GetOptions(); if ( rOpts.GetObjMode( VOBJ_TYPE_OLE ) == VOBJ_MODE_SHOW ) nObjectFlags |= SC_OBJECTS_OLE; if ( rOpts.GetObjMode( VOBJ_TYPE_CHART ) == VOBJ_MODE_SHOW ) nObjectFlags |= SC_OBJECTS_CHARTS; if ( rOpts.GetObjMode( VOBJ_TYPE_DRAW ) == VOBJ_MODE_SHOW ) nObjectFlags |= SC_OBJECTS_DRAWING; USHORT nDummyFlags = 0; if ( rOpts.GetObjMode( VOBJ_TYPE_OLE ) == VOBJ_MODE_DUMMY ) nDummyFlags |= SC_OBJECTS_OLE; if ( rOpts.GetObjMode( VOBJ_TYPE_CHART ) == VOBJ_MODE_DUMMY ) nDummyFlags |= SC_OBJECTS_CHARTS; if ( rOpts.GetObjMode( VOBJ_TYPE_DRAW ) == VOBJ_MODE_DUMMY ) nDummyFlags |= SC_OBJECTS_DRAWING; if (nObjectFlags || nDummyFlags) { if ( eMode == SC_UPDATE_CHANGED ) rOutputData.DrawingSingle( (USHORT) nLayer, nObjectFlags, nDummyFlags ); else rOutputData.DrawSelectiveObjects( (USHORT) nLayer, rDrawingRect, nObjectFlags, nDummyFlags ); } } void ScGridWindow::DrawSdrGrid( const Rectangle& rDrawingRect ) { // Draw-Gitterlinien ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); if ( pDrView && pDrView->IsGridVisible() ) { SdrPageView* pPV = pDrView->GetPageViewPvNum(0); DBG_ASSERT(pPV, "keine PageView"); if (pPV) { SetLineColor(COL_GRAY); pPV->DrawGrid( *this, rDrawingRect ); } } } MapMode ScGridWindow::GetDrawMapMode( BOOL bForce ) { MapMode aDrawMode = pViewData->GetLogicMode(); ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); if ( pDrView || bForce ) { Fraction aScaleX; Fraction aScaleY; if (pDrView) pDrView->GetScale( aScaleX, aScaleY ); else { ScDocument* pDoc = pViewData->GetDocument(); USHORT nTab = pViewData->GetTabNo(); USHORT nEndCol = 0; USHORT nEndRow = 0; pDoc->GetTableArea( nTab, nEndCol, nEndRow ); if (nEndCol<20) nEndCol = 20; if (nEndRow<20) nEndRow = 20; ScDrawUtil::CalcScale( pDoc, nTab, 0,0, nEndCol,nEndRow, this, pViewData->GetZoomX(),pViewData->GetZoomY(), pViewData->GetPPTX(),pViewData->GetPPTY(), aScaleX,aScaleY ); } aDrawMode.SetScaleX(aScaleX); aDrawMode.SetScaleY(aScaleY); } aDrawMode.SetOrigin(Point()); aDrawMode.SetOrigin( PixelToLogic( pViewData->GetPixPos(eWhich), aDrawMode ) ); return aDrawMode; } BOOL ScGridWindow::DrawBeforeScroll() { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); BOOL bXor = FALSE; if (pDrView) { bXor=pDrView->IsShownXorVisible(this); if (bXor) pDrView->HideShownXor(this); } return bXor; } void ScGridWindow::DrawAfterScroll(BOOL bVal) { Update(); // immer, damit das Verhalten mit/ohne DrawingLayer gleich ist ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); if (pDrView) { if (bVal) pDrView->ShowShownXor(this); OutlinerView* pOlView = pDrView->GetTextEditOutlinerView(); if (pOlView && pOlView->GetWindow() == this) pOlView->ShowCursor(FALSE); // ist beim Scrollen weggekommen } } void ScGridWindow::DrawMarks() { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); if (pDrView) pDrView->DrawMarks(this); } BOOL ScGridWindow::NeedDrawMarks() { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); return pDrView && pDrView->IsMarkHdlShown() && pDrView->HasMarkedObj(); } void ScGridWindow::CreateAnchorHandle(SdrHdlList& rHdl, const ScAddress& rAddress) { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); if (pDrView) { const ScViewOptions& rOpts = pViewData->GetOptions(); if(rOpts.GetOption( VOPT_ANCHOR )) { Point aPos = pViewData->GetScrPos( rAddress.Col(), rAddress.Row(), eWhich, TRUE ); aPos = PixelToLogic(aPos); rHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aPos ,HDL_ANCHOR)); } } } void ScGridWindow::OutlinerViewPaint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); if (pDrView && pDrView->GetTextEditOutlinerView()) { Outliner* pOut = pDrView->GetTextEditOutliner(); ULONG nViewCount = pOut ? pOut->GetViewCount() : 0; for (ULONG nView=0; nViewGetView(nView); if (pOlView && pOlView->GetWindow() == this) { BOOL bFrame = FALSE; Rectangle aEditRect = pOlView->GetOutputArea(); SdrObject* pEditObj = GetEditObject(); if (pEditObj && pEditObj->ISA(SdrTextObj)) { SdrTextObj* pTextObj = (SdrTextObj*)pEditObj; Rectangle aMinRect; pTextObj->TakeTextEditArea(NULL,NULL,NULL,&aMinRect); // PageView Offset ist 0 aEditRect.Union(aMinRect); bFrame = pTextObj->IsTextFrame(); } if ( aEditRect.IsOver( rRect ) ) { Rectangle aEffRect = rRect.GetIntersection( aEditRect ); if (bFrame) { // RedrawOneLayer mit dem Text-Rechteck zeichnet nur die Outliner-View // und den Text-Rahmen (an den kommt man sonst von aussen nicht heran). SdrPageView* pPV = pDrView->GetPageViewPvNum(0); DBG_ASSERT(pPV, "keine PageView"); if (pPV) { SdrLayerID nLayer = pEditObj ? pEditObj->GetLayer() : SC_LAYER_FRONT; pPV->RedrawOneLayer( nLayer, aEffRect, this ); } } else { SetFillColor( pOlView->GetBackgroundColor() ); SetLineColor(); DrawRect( aEffRect ); pOlView->Paint( aEffRect ); } } } } } } SdrObject* ScGridWindow::GetEditObject() { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); if (pDrView) { OutlinerView* pOlView = pDrView->GetTextEditOutlinerView(); if (pOlView && pOlView->GetWindow() == this) return pDrView->GetTextEditObject(); } return NULL; } void ScGridWindow::UpdateStatusPosSize() { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); if (!pDrView) return; // sollte dann gar nicht gerufen werden Point aPos = PixelToLogic(aCurMousePos); pDrView->GetPageViewPvNum(0)->LogicToPagePos(aPos); SfxItemSet aSet(pViewData->GetViewShell()->GetPool(), SID_ATTR_POSITION, SID_ATTR_SIZE); // Position- und Groesse-Items if ( pDrView->IsAction() ) { Rectangle aRect; pDrView->TakeActionRect( aRect ); if ( aRect.IsEmpty() ) aSet.Put( SfxPointItem(SID_ATTR_POSITION, aPos) ); else { pDrView->GetPageViewPvNum(0)->LogicToPagePos(aRect); aSet.Put( SfxPointItem( SID_ATTR_POSITION, aRect.TopLeft() ) ); aSet.Put( SvxSizeItem( SID_ATTR_SIZE, Size( aRect.Right() - aRect.Left(), aRect.Bottom() - aRect.Top() ) ) ); } } else { aSet.Put( SfxPointItem(SID_ATTR_POSITION, aPos) ); if ( pDrView->HasMarkedObj() ) { Rectangle aRect = pDrView->GetAllMarkedRect(); pDrView->GetPageViewPvNum(0)->LogicToPagePos(aRect); aSet.Put( SvxSizeItem( SID_ATTR_SIZE, Size( aRect.Right() - aRect.Left(), aRect.Bottom() - aRect.Top()) ) ); } else aSet.Put( SvxSizeItem( SID_ATTR_SIZE, Size( 0, 0 ) ) ); } pViewData->GetBindings().SetState(aSet); } BOOL ScGridWindow::DrawHasMarkedObj() { ScDrawView* p = pViewData->GetScDrawView(); return p ? p->HasMarkedObj() : FALSE; } void ScGridWindow::DrawStartTimer() { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); if (pDrView) { /* jetzt in DrawMarks USHORT nWinNum = pDrView->FindWin(this); if (nWinNum!=SDRVIEWWIN_NOTFOUND) pDrView->AfterInitRedraw(nWinNum); */ pDrView->PostPaint(); pDrView->RestartAfterPaintTimer(); } } void ScGridWindow::DrawMarkDropObj( SdrObject* pObj ) { ScDrawView* pDrView = pViewData->GetView()->GetScDrawView(); if (pDrView) pDrView->MarkDropObj(pObj); }