/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: hdrcont.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:09 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PCH #include "ui_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop // INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "scresid.hxx" #include "sc.hrc" #include "tabvwsh.hxx" #include "hdrcont.hxx" #include "scmod.hxx" // Optionen #include "inputopt.hxx" // Optionen #include "gridmerg.hxx" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SC_DRAG_MIN 2 // passes in paint // (selection left/right must be first because the continuous lines // are partly overwritten later) #define SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_RIGHT 0 #define SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_LEFT 1 #define SC_HDRPAINT_TOP 2 #define SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_TOP 3 #define SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_BOTTOM 4 #define SC_HDRPAINT_BOTTOM 5 #define SC_HDRPAINT_TEXT 6 #define SC_HDRPAINT_COUNT 7 //================================================================== ScHeaderControl::ScHeaderControl( Window* pParent, SelectionEngine* pSelectionEngine, USHORT nNewSize, USHORT nNewFlags ) : Window ( pParent ), pSelEngine ( pSelectionEngine ), nSize ( nNewSize ), nFlags ( nNewFlags ), bVertical ( (nNewFlags & HDR_VERTICAL) != 0 ), bDragging ( FALSE ), bIgnoreMove ( FALSE ), nMarkStart ( 0 ), nMarkEnd ( 0 ), bMarkRange ( FALSE ) { aNormFont = GetFont(); aNormFont.SetTransparent( TRUE ); //! WEIGHT_NORMAL hart setzen ??? aBoldFont = aNormFont; aBoldFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD ); SetFont(aBoldFont); bBoldSet = TRUE; Size aSize = LogicToPixel( Size( GetTextWidth( String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("8888")) ), GetTextHeight() ) ); aSize.Width() += 4; // Platz fuer hervorgehobene Umrandung aSize.Height() += 3; SetSizePixel( aSize ); nWidth = nSmallWidth = aSize.Width(); nBigWidth = LogicToPixel( Size( GetTextWidth( String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("88888")) ), 0 ) ).Width() + 4; SetBackground(); // sonst Probleme auf OS/2 !?!?! } void ScHeaderControl::SetWidth( long nNew ) { DBG_ASSERT( bVertical, "SetDigits nur fuer Zeilenkoepfe erlaubt" ); if ( nNew != nWidth ) { Size aSize( nNew, GetSizePixel().Height() ); // Hoehe nicht aendern SetSizePixel( aSize ); nWidth = nNew; Invalidate(); // neu zentrieren } } __EXPORT ScHeaderControl::~ScHeaderControl() { } void ScHeaderControl::DoPaint( USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd ) { Rectangle aRect( Point(0,0), GetOutputSizePixel() ); if ( bVertical ) { aRect.Top() = GetScrPos( nStart ); aRect.Bottom() = GetScrPos( nEnd+1 )-1; } else { aRect.Left() = GetScrPos( nStart ); aRect.Right() = GetScrPos( nEnd+1 )-1; } Invalidate(aRect); } void ScHeaderControl::SetMark( BOOL bNewSet, USHORT nNewStart, USHORT nNewEnd ) { BOOL bEnabled = SC_MOD()->GetInputOptions().GetMarkHeader(); //! cachen? if (!bEnabled) bNewSet = FALSE; // Variablen setzen BOOL bOldSet = bMarkRange; USHORT nOldStart = nMarkStart; USHORT nOldEnd = nMarkEnd; PutInOrder( nNewStart, nNewEnd ); bMarkRange = bNewSet; nMarkStart = nNewStart; nMarkEnd = nNewEnd; // Paint if ( bNewSet ) { if ( bOldSet ) { if ( nNewStart == nOldStart ) { if ( nNewEnd != nOldEnd ) DoPaint( Min( nNewEnd, nOldEnd ) + 1, Max( nNewEnd, nOldEnd ) ); // sonst nix } else if ( nNewEnd == nOldEnd ) DoPaint( Min( nNewStart, nOldStart ), Max( nNewStart, nOldStart ) - 1 ); else if ( nNewStart > nOldEnd || nNewEnd < nOldStart ) { // zwei Bereiche... DoPaint( nOldStart, nOldEnd ); DoPaint( nNewStart, nNewEnd ); } else // irgendwie ueberlappend... (kommt eh nicht oft vor) DoPaint( Min( nNewStart, nOldStart ), Max( nNewEnd, nOldEnd ) ); } else DoPaint( nNewStart, nNewEnd ); // komplett neu } else if ( bOldSet ) DoPaint( nOldStart, nOldEnd ); // komplett aufheben // sonst war nix, is nix } long ScHeaderControl::GetScrPos( USHORT nEntryNo ) { long nScrPos; long nMax = ( bVertical ? GetOutputSizePixel().Height() : GetOutputSizePixel().Width() ) + 1; if (nEntryNo >= nSize) nScrPos = nMax; else { nScrPos = 0; for (USHORT i=GetPos(); iGetFunctionSet(); String aString; USHORT nBarSize; Point aScrPos; Point aEndPos; Size aTextSize; Size aSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); if (bVertical) nBarSize = (USHORT) GetSizePixel().Width(); else nBarSize = (USHORT) GetSizePixel().Height(); USHORT nPos = GetPos(); long nPStart = bVertical ? rRect.Top() : rRect.Left(); long nPEnd = bVertical ? rRect.Bottom() : rRect.Right(); // aeussere Linien komplett durchzeichnen // Zuerst Ende der letzten Zelle finden long nLineEnd = -1; for (USHORT i=nPos; i nPEnd ) { nLineEnd = nPEnd; break; } } else { USHORT nHidden = GetHiddenCount(i); if (nHidden) i += nHidden - 1; } } if ( nLineEnd >= nPStart ) { SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetLightColor() ); if (bVertical) DrawLine( Point( 0, nPStart ), Point( 0, nLineEnd ) ); else DrawLine( Point( nPStart, 0 ), Point( nLineEnd, 0 ) ); SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetDarkShadowColor() ); if (bVertical) DrawLine( Point( nBarSize-1, nPStart ), Point( nBarSize-1, nLineEnd ) ); else DrawLine( Point( nPStart, nBarSize-1 ), Point( nLineEnd, nBarSize-1 ) ); } // // loop through entries several times to avoid changing the line color too often // and to allow merging of lines // ScGridMerger aGrid( this, 1, 1 ); for (USHORT nPass = 0; nPass < SC_HDRPAINT_COUNT; nPass++) { // set line color etc. before entry loop switch ( nPass ) { case SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_RIGHT: SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); break; case SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_LEFT: SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetLightColor() ); break; case SC_HDRPAINT_TOP: SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetLightColor() ); break; case SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_TOP: SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetLightColor() ); break; case SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_BOTTOM: SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); break; case SC_HDRPAINT_BOTTOM: SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetDarkShadowColor() ); break; //case SC_HDRPAINT_TEXT: // break; } USHORT nCount=0; long nScrPos=0; do { if (bVertical) aScrPos = Point( 0, nScrPos ); else aScrPos = Point( nScrPos, 0 ); USHORT nEntryNo = nCount + nPos; if ( nEntryNo >= nSize ) // MAXCOL/MAXROW nScrPos = nPEnd + 1; // ausserhalb -> Ende else { USHORT nSizePix = GetEntrySize( nEntryNo ); if (nSizePix == 0) { USHORT nHidden = GetHiddenCount(nEntryNo); if (nHidden) nCount += nHidden - 1; } else if (nScrPos+nSizePix >= nPStart) { Point aEndPos(aScrPos); if (bVertical) aEndPos = Point( aScrPos.X()+nBarSize-1, aScrPos.Y()+nSizePix-1 ); else aEndPos = Point( aScrPos.X()+nSizePix-1, aScrPos.Y()+nBarSize-1 ); BOOL bMark = bMarkRange && nEntryNo >= nMarkStart && nEntryNo <= nMarkEnd; switch ( nPass ) { case SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_LEFT: if (bMark) { // continuous line - partly overwritten later if (bVertical) aGrid.AddVerLine( aScrPos.X()+1, aScrPos.Y(), aEndPos.Y() ); else aGrid.AddHorLine( aScrPos.X(), aEndPos.X(), aScrPos.Y()+1 ); } break; case SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_TOP: if (bMark) { if (bVertical) aGrid.AddHorLine( aScrPos.X()+1, aEndPos.X()-2, aScrPos.Y()+1 ); else aGrid.AddVerLine( aScrPos.X()+1, aScrPos.Y()+1, aEndPos.Y()-2 ); } break; case SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_RIGHT: if (bMark) { // continuous line - partly overwritten later if (bVertical) aGrid.AddVerLine( aEndPos.X()-1, aScrPos.Y(), aEndPos.Y() ); else aGrid.AddHorLine( aScrPos.X(), aEndPos.X(), aEndPos.Y()-1 ); } break; case SC_HDRPAINT_SEL_BOTTOM: if (bMark) { if (bVertical) aGrid.AddHorLine( aScrPos.X()+1, aEndPos.X()-1, aEndPos.Y()-1 ); else aGrid.AddVerLine( aEndPos.X()-1, aScrPos.Y()+1, aEndPos.Y()-1 ); } break; case SC_HDRPAINT_TOP: if (bVertical) aGrid.AddHorLine( aScrPos.X(), aEndPos.X()-1, aScrPos.Y() ); else aGrid.AddVerLine( aScrPos.X(), aScrPos.Y(), aEndPos.Y()-1 ); break; case SC_HDRPAINT_BOTTOM: if (bVertical) aGrid.AddHorLine( aScrPos.X(), aEndPos.X(), aEndPos.Y() ); else aGrid.AddVerLine( aEndPos.X(), aScrPos.Y(), aEndPos.Y() ); // thick bottom for hidden rows // (drawn directly, without aGrid) if ( nEntryNo+1 < nSize ) if ( GetEntrySize(nEntryNo+1)==0 ) { if (bVertical) DrawLine( Point(aScrPos.X(),aEndPos.Y()-1), Point(aEndPos.X(),aEndPos.Y()-1) ); else DrawLine( Point(aEndPos.X()-1,aScrPos.Y()), Point(aEndPos.X()-1,aEndPos.Y()) ); } break; case SC_HDRPAINT_TEXT: { if ( bMark != bBoldSet ) { if (bMark) SetFont(aBoldFont); else SetFont(aNormFont); bBoldSet = bMark; } aString = GetEntryText( nEntryNo ); aTextSize.Width() = GetTextWidth( aString ); aTextSize.Height() = GetTextHeight(); Point aTxtPos(aScrPos); if (bVertical) { aTxtPos.X() += (nBarSize-aTextSize.Width())/2; aTxtPos.Y() += (nSizePix-aTextSize.Height())/2; } else { aTxtPos.X() += (nSizePix-aTextSize.Width()+1)/2; aTxtPos.Y() += (nBarSize-aTextSize.Height()+1)/2; } DrawText( aTxtPos, aString ); } break; } // bei Selektion der ganzen Zeile/Spalte: // InvertRect( Rectangle( aScrPos, aEndPos ) ); } nScrPos += nSizePix; // auch wenn noch oberhalb } ++nCount; } while ( nScrPos <= nPEnd ); aGrid.Flush(); } } // // Maus - Handling // USHORT ScHeaderControl::GetMousePos( const MouseEvent& rMEvt, BOOL& rBorder ) { BOOL bFound=FALSE; USHORT nCount = 1; USHORT nPos = GetPos(); USHORT nHitNo = nPos; long nScrPos; long nMousePos = bVertical ? rMEvt.GetPosPixel().Y() : rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X(); long nDif; Size aSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); nScrPos = GetScrPos( nPos ) - 1; do { USHORT nEntryNo = nCount + nPos; // nScrPos = GetScrPos( nEntryNo ) - 1; if (nEntryNo >= nSize) nScrPos = ( bVertical ? GetOutputSizePixel().Height() : GetOutputSizePixel().Width() ) + 1; else nScrPos += GetEntrySize( nEntryNo - 1 ); //! GetHiddenCount() ?? nDif = nMousePos - nScrPos; if (nDif >= -2 && nDif <= 2 && nCount > 0) { bFound=TRUE; nHitNo=nEntryNo-1; } else if (nDif >= 0) nHitNo = nEntryNo; ++nCount; } while ( nScrPos < ( bVertical ? aSize.Height() : aSize.Width() ) && nDif > 0 ); rBorder = bFound; return nHitNo; } void __EXPORT ScHeaderControl::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if (IsDisabled()) return; bIgnoreMove = FALSE; SelectWindow(); BOOL bFound; USHORT nHitNo = GetMousePos( rMEvt, bFound ); if ( bFound && rMEvt.IsLeft() && ResizeAllowed() ) { nDragNo = nHitNo; USHORT nClicks = rMEvt.GetClicks(); if ( nClicks && nClicks%2==0 ) { SetEntrySize( nDragNo, HDR_SIZE_OPTIMUM ); SetPointer( Pointer( POINTER_ARROW ) ); } else { if (bVertical) nDragStart = rMEvt.GetPosPixel().Y(); else nDragStart = rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X(); nDragPos = nDragStart; ShowDragHelp(); DrawInvert( nDragPos ); // CaptureMouse(); StartTracking(); bDragging = TRUE; bDragMoved = FALSE; } } else if (rMEvt.IsLeft()) { pSelEngine->SetWindow( this ); Point aPoint; Rectangle aVis( aPoint,GetOutputSizePixel() ); if (bVertical) aVis.Left() = LONG_MIN, aVis.Right() = LONG_MAX; else aVis.Top() = LONG_MIN, aVis.Bottom() = LONG_MAX; pSelEngine->SetVisibleArea( aVis ); SetMarking( TRUE ); // muss vor SelMouseButtonDown sein pSelEngine->SelMouseButtonDown( rMEvt ); if (IsMouseCaptured()) { // Tracking statt CaptureMouse, damit sauber abgebrochen werden kann //! Irgendwann sollte die SelectionEngine selber StartTracking rufen!?! ReleaseMouse(); StartTracking(); } } } void __EXPORT ScHeaderControl::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( IsDisabled() ) return; SetMarking( FALSE ); bIgnoreMove = FALSE; BOOL bFound; USHORT nHitNo = GetMousePos( rMEvt, bFound ); if ( bDragging ) { DrawInvert( nDragPos ); ReleaseMouse(); bDragging = FALSE; long nScrPos = GetScrPos( nDragNo ); long nMousePos = bVertical ? rMEvt.GetPosPixel().Y() : rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X(); long nNewWidth = nMousePos + 2 - nScrPos; if ( nNewWidth < 0 /* && !IsSelected(nDragNo) */ ) { USHORT nStart; USHORT nEnd = nDragNo; while (nNewWidth < 0) { nStart = nDragNo; if (nDragNo>0) { --nDragNo; nNewWidth += GetEntrySize( nDragNo ); //! GetHiddenCount() ??? } else nNewWidth = 0; } HideEntries( nStart, nEnd ); } else { if (nNewWidth<0) nNewWidth=0; if (bDragMoved) SetEntrySize( nDragNo, (USHORT) nNewWidth ); } } else { pSelEngine->SelMouseButtonUp( rMEvt ); ReleaseMouse(); } } void __EXPORT ScHeaderControl::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( IsDisabled() ) { SetPointer( Pointer( POINTER_ARROW ) ); return; } BOOL bFound; USHORT nHitNo = GetMousePos( rMEvt, bFound ); if ( bDragging ) { long nNewPos = bVertical ? rMEvt.GetPosPixel().Y() : rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X(); if ( nNewPos != nDragPos ) { DrawInvert( nDragPos ); nDragPos = nNewPos; ShowDragHelp(); DrawInvert( nDragPos ); if (nDragPos <= nDragStart-SC_DRAG_MIN || nDragPos >= nDragStart+SC_DRAG_MIN) bDragMoved = TRUE; } } else { if ( bFound && rMEvt.GetButtons()==0 && ResizeAllowed() ) SetPointer( Pointer( bVertical ? POINTER_VSIZEBAR : POINTER_HSIZEBAR ) ); else SetPointer( Pointer( POINTER_ARROW ) ); if (!bIgnoreMove) pSelEngine->SelMouseMove( rMEvt ); } } void ScHeaderControl::Tracking( const TrackingEvent& rTEvt ) { // Weil die SelectionEngine kein Tracking kennt, die Events nur auf // die verschiedenen MouseHandler verteilen... if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingCanceled() ) StopMarking(); else if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingEnded() ) MouseButtonUp( rTEvt.GetMouseEvent() ); else MouseMove( rTEvt.GetMouseEvent() ); } void __EXPORT ScHeaderControl::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { USHORT nCmd = rCEvt.GetCommand(); if ( nCmd == COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU ) { StopMarking(); // Selektion / Dragging beenden // Popup ausfuehren ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = PTR_CAST( ScTabViewShell, SfxViewShell::Current() ); if ( pViewSh ) { ScResId aResId( bVertical ? RID_POPUP_ROWHEADER : RID_POPUP_COLHEADER ); pViewSh->GetDispatcher()->ExecutePopup( aResId ); } } else if ( nCmd == COMMAND_STARTDRAG ) { pSelEngine->Command( rCEvt ); } } void ScHeaderControl::StopMarking() { if ( bDragging ) { DrawInvert( nDragPos ); bDragging = FALSE; } SetMarking( FALSE ); bIgnoreMove = TRUE; pSelEngine->Reset(); ReleaseMouse(); } void ScHeaderControl::ShowDragHelp() { if (Help::IsQuickHelpEnabled()) { long nVal = nDragPos + 2 - GetScrPos( nDragNo ); String aHelpStr = GetDragHelp( nVal ); Point aPos = OutputToScreenPixel( Point(0,0) ); Size aSize = GetSizePixel(); #ifdef VCL Point aMousePos = OutputToScreenPixel(GetPointerPosPixel()); #else Point aMousePos = Pointer::GetPosPixel(); #endif Rectangle aRect; USHORT nAlign; if (!bVertical) { // oberhalb aRect.Left() = aMousePos.X(); aRect.Top() = aPos.Y() - 4; nAlign = QUICKHELP_BOTTOM|QUICKHELP_CENTER; } else { // rechts oben aRect.Left() = aPos.X() + aSize.Width() + 8; aRect.Top() = aMousePos.Y() - 2; nAlign = QUICKHELP_LEFT|QUICKHELP_BOTTOM; } aRect.Right() = aRect.Left(); aRect.Bottom() = aRect.Top(); Help::ShowQuickHelp(this, aRect, aHelpStr, nAlign); } } void __EXPORT ScHeaderControl::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt ) { // Wenn eigene QuickHelp angezeigt wird, nicht durch RequestHelp // wieder wegnehmen lassen BOOL bOwn = bDragging && Help::IsQuickHelpEnabled(); if (!bOwn) Window::RequestHelp(rHEvt); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dummys fuer virtuelle Methoden // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ScHeaderControl::GetHiddenCount( USHORT nEntryNo ) { USHORT nHidden = 0; while ( nEntryNo < nSize && GetEntrySize( nEntryNo ) == 0 ) { ++nEntryNo; ++nHidden; } return nHidden; } BOOL ScHeaderControl::IsDisabled() { return FALSE; } BOOL ScHeaderControl::ResizeAllowed() { return TRUE; } void ScHeaderControl::SelectWindow() { } void ScHeaderControl::DrawInvert( long nDragPos ) { } String ScHeaderControl::GetDragHelp( long nVal ) { return EMPTY_STRING; } void ScHeaderControl::SetMarking( BOOL bSet ) { }