/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for mouse wheel #define MINZOOM_SLIDER 10 #define MAXZOOM_SLIDER 400 #define SC_USERDATA_SEP ';' using namespace com::sun::star; #define ShellClass_ScPreviewShell #include #include SFX_IMPL_INTERFACE(ScPreviewShell, SfxViewShell) void ScPreviewShell::InitInterface_Impl() { GetStaticInterface()->RegisterObjectBar(SFX_OBJECTBAR_OBJECT, SfxVisibilityFlags::Standard|SfxVisibilityFlags::Server|SfxVisibilityFlags::ReadonlyDoc, ToolbarId::Objectbar_Preview); GetStaticInterface()->RegisterPopupMenu(u"preview"_ustr); } SFX_IMPL_NAMED_VIEWFACTORY( ScPreviewShell, "PrintPreview" ) { SFX_VIEW_REGISTRATION(ScDocShell); } void ScPreviewShell::Construct( vcl::Window* pParent ) { // Find the top-most window, and set the close window handler to intercept // the window close event. vcl::Window* pWin = pParent; while (!pWin->IsSystemWindow()) { if (pWin->GetParent()) pWin = pWin->GetParent(); else break; } mpFrameWindow = dynamic_cast(pWin); if (mpFrameWindow) mpFrameWindow->SetCloseHdl(LINK(this, ScPreviewShell, CloseHdl)); eZoom = SvxZoomType::WHOLEPAGE; pHorScroll = VclPtr::Create(pParent, true); pVerScroll = VclPtr::Create(pParent, false); // RTL: no mirroring for horizontal scrollbars pHorScroll->EnableRTL( false ); pHorScroll->SetScrollHdl(LINK(this, ScPreviewShell, HorzScrollHandler)); pVerScroll->SetScrollHdl(LINK(this, ScPreviewShell, VertScrollHandler)); pPreview = VclPtr::Create( pParent, pDocShell, this ); SetPool(&ScModule::get()->GetPool()); SetWindow( pPreview ); StartListening(*pDocShell, DuplicateHandling::Prevent); StartListening(*SfxGetpApp(), DuplicateHandling::Prevent); // #i62045# #i62046# application is needed for Calc's own hints SfxBroadcaster* pDrawBC = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetDrawBroadcaster(); if (pDrawBC) StartListening(*pDrawBC); pHorScroll->Show( false ); pVerScroll->Show( false ); SetName(u"Preview"_ustr); } ScPreviewShell::ScPreviewShell(SfxViewFrame& rViewFrame, SfxViewShell* pOldSh) : SfxViewShell(rViewFrame, SfxViewShellFlags::HAS_PRINTOPTIONS), pDocShell( static_cast(rViewFrame.GetObjectShell()) ), mpFrameWindow(nullptr), nSourceDesignMode( TRISTATE_INDET ), nMaxVertPos(0), nPrevHThumbPos(0), nPrevVThumbPos(0) { Construct(&rViewFrame.GetWindow()); SfxShell::SetContextName(vcl::EnumContext::GetContextName(vcl::EnumContext::Context::Printpreview)); if ( auto pTabViewShell = dynamic_cast( pOldSh) ) { // store view settings, show table from TabView //! store live ScViewData instead, and update on ScTablesHint? //! or completely forget aSourceData on ScTablesHint? const ScViewData& rData = pTabViewShell->GetViewData(); pPreview->SetSelectedTabs(rData.GetMarkData()); InitStartTable( rData.GetTabNo() ); // also have to store the TabView's DesignMode state // (only if draw view exists) SdrView* pDrawView = pTabViewShell->GetScDrawView(); if ( pDrawView ) nSourceDesignMode = pDrawView->IsDesignMode() ? TRISTATE_TRUE : TRISTATE_FALSE; } new ScPreviewObj(this); } ScPreviewShell::~ScPreviewShell() { if (mpFrameWindow) mpFrameWindow->SetCloseHdl(Link()); // Remove close handler. // #108333#; notify Accessibility that Shell is dying and before destroy all BroadcastAccessibility( SfxHint( SfxHintId::Dying ) ); pAccessibilityBroadcaster.reset(); SfxBroadcaster* pDrawBC = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetDrawBroadcaster(); if (pDrawBC) EndListening(*pDrawBC); EndListening(*SfxGetpApp()); EndListening(*pDocShell); SetWindow(nullptr); pPreview.disposeAndClear(); pHorScroll.disposeAndClear(); pVerScroll.disposeAndClear(); // normal mode of operation is switching back to default view in the same frame, // so there's no need to activate any other window here anymore } void ScPreviewShell::InitStartTable(SCTAB nTab) { pPreview->SetPageNo( pPreview->GetFirstPage(nTab) ); } void ScPreviewShell::AdjustPosSizePixel( const Point &rPos, const Size &rSize ) { Size aOutSize( rSize ); pPreview->SetPosSizePixel( rPos, aOutSize ); if ( SvxZoomType::WHOLEPAGE == eZoom ) pPreview->SetZoom( pPreview->GetOptimalZoom(false) ); else if ( SvxZoomType::PAGEWIDTH == eZoom ) pPreview->SetZoom( pPreview->GetOptimalZoom(true) ); UpdateNeededScrollBars(false); } void ScPreviewShell::InnerResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSize, bool ) { AdjustPosSizePixel( rOfs,rSize ); } void ScPreviewShell::OuterResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSize ) { AdjustPosSizePixel( rOfs,rSize ); } bool ScPreviewShell::GetPageSize( Size& aPageSize ) { ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument(); SCTAB nTab = pPreview->GetTab(); ScStyleSheetPool* pStylePool = rDoc.GetStyleSheetPool(); SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyleSheet = pStylePool->Find( rDoc.GetPageStyle( nTab ), SfxStyleFamily::Page ); OSL_ENSURE(pStyleSheet,"No style sheet"); if (!pStyleSheet) return false; const SfxItemSet* pParamSet = &pStyleSheet->GetItemSet(); aPageSize = pParamSet->Get(ATTR_PAGE_SIZE).GetSize(); aPageSize.setWidth(o3tl::convert(aPageSize.Width(), o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::mm100)); aPageSize.setHeight(o3tl::convert(aPageSize.Height(), o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::mm100)); return true; } void ScPreviewShell::UpdateNeededScrollBars( bool bFromZoom ) { Size aPageSize; OutputDevice* pDevice = Application::GetDefaultDevice(); tools::Long nBarW = GetViewFrame().GetWindow().GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); tools::Long nBarH = nBarW; tools::Long aHeightOffSet = pDevice ? pDevice->PixelToLogic( Size( nBarW, nBarH ), pPreview->GetMapMode() ).Height() : 0; tools::Long aWidthOffSet = aHeightOffSet; if (!GetPageSize( aPageSize )) return; // for centering, page size without the shadow is used bool bVert = pVerScroll->IsVisible(); bool bHori = pHorScroll->IsVisible(); Size aWindowSize = pPreview->GetOutDev()->GetOutputSize(); Point aPos = pPreview->GetPosPixel(); Size aWindowPixelSize = pPreview->GetOutputSizePixel(); // if we are called from Zoom then we need to compensate for whatever // scrollbars were displayed before the zoom was called if ( bFromZoom ) { if ( bVert ) { aWindowPixelSize.AdjustWidth(nBarH ); aWindowSize.AdjustWidth(aHeightOffSet ); } if ( bHori ) { aWindowPixelSize.AdjustHeight(nBarW ); aWindowSize.AdjustHeight(aWidthOffSet ); } } // recalculate any needed scrollbars tools::Long nMaxWidthPos = aPageSize.Width() - aWindowSize.Width(); bHori = nMaxWidthPos >= 0; tools::Long nMaxHeightPos = aPageSize.Height() - aWindowSize.Height(); bVert = nMaxHeightPos >= 0; // see if having a scroll bar requires the other if ( bVert != bHori && ( bVert || bHori ) ) { if ( bVert && ( (nMaxWidthPos + aWidthOffSet ) > 0 ) ) bHori = true; else if ( (nMaxHeightPos + aHeightOffSet ) > 0 ) bVert = true; } pHorScroll->Show( bHori ); pVerScroll->Show( bVert ); // make room for needed scrollbars ( and reduce the size // of the preview appropriately ) if ( bHori ) aWindowPixelSize.AdjustHeight( -nBarW ); if ( bVert ) aWindowPixelSize.AdjustWidth( -nBarH ); pPreview->SetSizePixel( aWindowPixelSize ); pHorScroll->SetPosSizePixel( Point( aPos.X(), aPos.Y() + aWindowPixelSize.Height() ), Size( aWindowPixelSize.Width(), nBarH ) ); pVerScroll->SetPosSizePixel( Point( aPos.X() + aWindowPixelSize.Width(), aPos.Y() ), Size( nBarW, aWindowPixelSize.Height() ) ); UpdateScrollBars(); } void ScPreviewShell::UpdateScrollBars() { Size aPageSize; if ( !GetPageSize( aPageSize ) ) return; // for centering, page size without the shadow is used Size aWindowSize = pPreview->GetOutDev()->GetOutputSize(); Point aOfs = pPreview->GetOffset(); if( pHorScroll ) { pHorScroll->SetRange( Range( 0, aPageSize.Width() ) ); pHorScroll->SetLineSize( aWindowSize.Width() / 16 ); pHorScroll->SetPageSize( aWindowSize.Width() ); pHorScroll->SetVisibleSize( aWindowSize.Width() ); tools::Long nMaxPos = aPageSize.Width() - aWindowSize.Width(); if ( nMaxPos<0 ) { // page smaller than window -> center (but put scrollbar to 0) aOfs.setX( 0 ); pPreview->SetXOffset( nMaxPos / 2 ); } else if (aOfs.X() < 0) { // page larger than window -> never use negative offset aOfs.setX( 0 ); pPreview->SetXOffset( 0 ); } else if (aOfs.X() > nMaxPos) { // limit offset to align with right edge of window aOfs.setX( nMaxPos ); pPreview->SetXOffset(nMaxPos); } pHorScroll->SetThumbPos( aOfs.X() ); nPrevHThumbPos = pHorScroll->GetThumbPos(); } if( !pVerScroll ) return; tools::Long nPageNo = pPreview->GetPageNo(); tools::Long nTotalPages = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); nMaxVertPos = aPageSize.Height() - aWindowSize.Height(); pVerScroll->SetLineSize( aWindowSize.Height() / 16 ); pVerScroll->SetPageSize( aWindowSize.Height() ); pVerScroll->SetVisibleSize( aWindowSize.Height() ); if ( nMaxVertPos < 0 ) { // page smaller than window -> center (but put scrollbar to 0) aOfs.setY( 0 ); pPreview->SetYOffset( nMaxVertPos / 2 ); pVerScroll->SetThumbPos( nPageNo * aWindowSize.Height() ); pVerScroll->SetRange( Range( 0, aWindowSize.Height() * nTotalPages )); } else if (aOfs.Y() < 0) { // page larger than window -> never use negative offset pVerScroll->SetRange( Range( 0, aPageSize.Height() ) ); aOfs.setY( 0 ); pPreview->SetYOffset( 0 ); pVerScroll->SetThumbPos( aOfs.Y() ); } else if (aOfs.Y() > nMaxVertPos ) { // limit offset to align with window bottom pVerScroll->SetRange( Range( 0, aPageSize.Height() ) ); aOfs.setY( nMaxVertPos ); pPreview->SetYOffset( nMaxVertPos ); pVerScroll->SetThumbPos( aOfs.Y() ); } nPrevVThumbPos = pVerScroll->GetThumbPos(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScPreviewShell, HorzScrollHandler, weld::Scrollbar&, void) { ScrollHandler(pHorScroll); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScPreviewShell, VertScrollHandler, weld::Scrollbar&, void) { ScrollHandler(pVerScroll); } void ScPreviewShell::ScrollHandler(ScrollAdaptor* pScroll) { tools::Long nPos = pScroll->GetThumbPos(); tools::Long nMaxRange = pScroll->GetRangeMax(); tools::Long nTotalPages = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); tools::Long nPageNo = 0; tools::Long nPerPageLength = 0; bool bIsDivide = true; if( nTotalPages ) nPerPageLength = nMaxRange / nTotalPages; if( nPerPageLength ) { nPageNo = nPos / nPerPageLength; if( nPos % nPerPageLength ) { bIsDivide = false; nPageNo ++; } } bool bHoriz = ( pScroll == pHorScroll ); tools::Long nDelta = bHoriz ? (pHorScroll->GetThumbPos() - nPrevHThumbPos) : (pVerScroll->GetThumbPos() - nPrevVThumbPos); if( bHoriz ) pPreview->SetXOffset( nPos ); else { if( nMaxVertPos > 0 ) pPreview->SetYOffset( nPos ); else { Point aMousePos = pScroll->OutputToNormalizedScreenPixel( pScroll->GetPointerPosPixel() ); Point aPos = pScroll->GetParent()->OutputToNormalizedScreenPixel( pScroll->GetPosPixel() ); OUString aHelpStr; tools::Rectangle aRect; QuickHelpFlags nAlign; if( nDelta < 0 ) { if ( nTotalPages && nPageNo > 0 && !bIsDivide ) pPreview->SetPageNo( nPageNo-1 ); if( bIsDivide ) pPreview->SetPageNo( nPageNo ); aHelpStr = ScResId( STR_PAGE ) + " " + OUString::number( nPageNo ) + " / " + OUString::number( nTotalPages ); } else if( nDelta > 0 ) { bool bAllTested = pPreview->AllTested(); if ( nTotalPages && ( nPageNo < nTotalPages || !bAllTested ) ) pPreview->SetPageNo( nPageNo ); aHelpStr = ScResId( STR_PAGE ) + " " + OUString::number( nPageNo+1 ) + " / " + OUString::number( nTotalPages ); } aRect.SetLeft( aPos.X() - 8 ); aRect.SetTop( aMousePos.Y() ); aRect.SetRight( aRect.Left() ); aRect.SetBottom( aRect.Top() ); nAlign = QuickHelpFlags::Bottom|QuickHelpFlags::Center; Help::ShowQuickHelp( pScroll->GetParent(), aRect, aHelpStr, nAlign ); } } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScPreviewShell, CloseHdl, SystemWindow&, void) { ExitPreview(); } bool ScPreviewShell::ScrollCommand( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { bool bDone = false; const CommandWheelData* pData = rCEvt.GetWheelData(); if ( pData && pData->GetMode() == CommandWheelMode::ZOOM ) { sal_uInt16 nOld = pPreview->GetZoom(); sal_uInt16 nNew; if ( pData->GetDelta() < 0 ) nNew = std::max( MINZOOM, basegfx::zoomtools::zoomOut( nOld )); else nNew = std::min( MAXZOOM, basegfx::zoomtools::zoomIn( nOld )); if ( nNew != nOld ) { eZoom = SvxZoomType::PERCENT; pPreview->SetZoom( nNew ); } bDone = true; } else { bDone = pPreview->HandleScrollCommand( rCEvt, pHorScroll, pVerScroll ); } return bDone; } SfxPrinter* ScPreviewShell::GetPrinter( bool bCreate ) { return pDocShell->GetPrinter(bCreate); } sal_uInt16 ScPreviewShell::SetPrinter( SfxPrinter *pNewPrinter, SfxPrinterChangeFlags nDiffFlags ) { return pDocShell->SetPrinter( pNewPrinter, nDiffFlags ); } bool ScPreviewShell::HasPrintOptionsPage() const { return true; } std::unique_ptr ScPreviewShell::CreatePrintOptionsPage(weld::Container* pPage, weld::DialogController* pController, const SfxItemSet &rOptions) { ScAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = ScAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); ::CreateTabPage ScTpPrintOptionsCreate = pFact->GetTabPageCreatorFunc(RID_SC_TP_PRINT); if ( ScTpPrintOptionsCreate ) return ScTpPrintOptionsCreate(pPage, pController, &rOptions); return nullptr; } void ScPreviewShell::Activate(bool bMDI) { SfxViewShell::Activate(bMDI); //! Basic etc. -> outsource to its own file (see tabvwsh4) if (bMDI) { // InputHdl is now mostly Null, no more assertion! ScInputHandler* pInputHdl = ScModule::get()->GetInputHdl(); if ( pInputHdl ) pInputHdl->NotifyChange( nullptr ); } SfxShell::Activate(bMDI); } void ScPreviewShell::Execute( SfxRequest& rReq ) { sal_uInt16 nSlot = rReq.GetSlot(); const SfxItemSet* pReqArgs = rReq.GetArgs(); switch ( nSlot ) { case SID_FORMATPAGE: case SID_STATUS_PAGESTYLE: case SID_HFEDIT: pDocShell->ExecutePageStyle( *this, rReq, pPreview->GetTab() ); break; case SID_REPAINT: pPreview->Invalidate(); rReq.Done(); break; case SID_PREV_TABLE: // Accelerator case SID_PREVIEW_PREVIOUS: { tools::Long nPage = pPreview->GetPageNo(); tools::Long nTotal = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); if (nTotal && nPage > 0) pPreview->SetPageNo( nPage-1 ); } break; case SID_NEXT_TABLE: // Accelerator case SID_PREVIEW_NEXT: { bool bAllTested = pPreview->AllTested(); tools::Long nPage = pPreview->GetPageNo(); tools::Long nTotal = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); if (nTotal && (nPage+1 < nTotal || !bAllTested)) pPreview->SetPageNo( nPage+1 ); } break; case SID_CURSORTOPOFFILE: // Accelerator case SID_PREVIEW_FIRST: { tools::Long nPage = pPreview->GetPageNo(); tools::Long nTotal = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); if (nTotal && nPage != 0) pPreview->SetPageNo( 0 ); } break; case SID_CURSORENDOFFILE: // Accelerator case SID_PREVIEW_LAST: { if (!pPreview->AllTested()) pPreview->CalcAll(); tools::Long nPage = pPreview->GetPageNo(); tools::Long nTotal = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); if (nTotal && nPage+1 != nTotal) pPreview->SetPageNo( nTotal-1 ); } break; case SID_ATTR_ZOOM: case FID_SCALE: { sal_uInt16 nZoom = 100; bool bCancel = false; eZoom = SvxZoomType::PERCENT; if ( pReqArgs ) { const SvxZoomItem& rZoomItem = pReqArgs->Get(SID_ATTR_ZOOM); eZoom = rZoomItem.GetType(); nZoom = rZoomItem.GetValue(); } else { SfxItemSet aSet(SfxItemSet::makeFixedSfxItemSet(GetPool())); SvxZoomItem aZoomItem( SvxZoomType::PERCENT, pPreview->GetZoom(), SID_ATTR_ZOOM ); aSet.Put( aZoomItem ); SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); ScopedVclPtr pDlg(pFact->CreateSvxZoomDialog(nullptr, aSet)); pDlg->SetLimits( 20, 400 ); pDlg->HideButton( ZoomButtonId::OPTIMAL ); bCancel = ( RET_CANCEL == pDlg->Execute() ); if ( !bCancel ) { const SvxZoomItem& rZoomItem = pDlg->GetOutputItemSet()-> Get( SID_ATTR_ZOOM ); eZoom = rZoomItem.GetType(); nZoom = rZoomItem.GetValue(); } } if ( !bCancel ) { switch ( eZoom ) { case SvxZoomType::OPTIMAL: case SvxZoomType::WHOLEPAGE: nZoom = pPreview->GetOptimalZoom(false); break; case SvxZoomType::PAGEWIDTH: nZoom = pPreview->GetOptimalZoom(true); break; default: { // added to avoid warnings } } pPreview->SetZoom( nZoom ); rReq.Done(); } } break; case SID_ZOOM_IN: case SID_ZOOM_OUT: { sal_uInt16 nNewZoom; const sal_uInt16 nOldZoom {pPreview->GetZoom()}; if(SID_ZOOM_OUT == nSlot) nNewZoom = basegfx::zoomtools::zoomOut(nOldZoom); else nNewZoom = basegfx::zoomtools::zoomIn(nOldZoom); pPreview->SetZoom(nNewZoom); eZoom = SvxZoomType::PERCENT; rReq.Done(); } break; case SID_PREVIEW_MARGIN: { bool bMargin = pPreview->GetPageMargins(); pPreview->SetPageMargins( !bMargin ); pPreview->Invalidate(); rReq.Done(); } break; case SID_ATTR_ZOOMSLIDER: { const SvxZoomSliderItem* pItem; eZoom = SvxZoomType::PERCENT; if( pReqArgs && (pItem = pReqArgs->GetItemIfSet( SID_ATTR_ZOOMSLIDER )) ) { const sal_uInt16 nCurrentZoom = pItem->GetValue(); if( nCurrentZoom ) { pPreview->SetZoom( nCurrentZoom ); rReq.Done(); } } } break; case SID_PREVIEW_SCALINGFACTOR: { const SvxZoomSliderItem* pItem; SCTAB nTab = pPreview->GetTab(); OUString aOldName = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetPageStyle( pPreview->GetTab() ); ScStyleSheetPool* pStylePool = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetStyleSheetPool(); SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyleSheet = pStylePool->Find( aOldName, SfxStyleFamily::Page ); OSL_ENSURE( pStyleSheet, "PageStyle not found! :-/" ); if ( pReqArgs && pStyleSheet && (pItem = pReqArgs->GetItemIfSet( SID_PREVIEW_SCALINGFACTOR )) ) { const sal_uInt16 nCurrentZoom = pItem->GetValue(); SfxItemSet& rSet = pStyleSheet->GetItemSet(); rSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( ATTR_PAGE_SCALE, nCurrentZoom ) ); ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( pDocShell, pDocShell->GetPrinter(), nTab ); aPrintFunc.UpdatePages(); rReq.Done(); } GetViewFrame().GetBindings().Invalidate( nSlot ); } break; case SID_PRINTPREVIEW: case SID_PREVIEW_CLOSE: // print preview is now always in the same frame as the tab view // -> always switch this frame back to normal view // (ScTabViewShell ctor reads stored view data) ExitPreview(); break; case SID_CURSORPAGEUP: case SID_CURSORPAGEDOWN: case SID_CURSORHOME: case SID_CURSOREND: case SID_CURSORUP: case SID_CURSORDOWN: case SID_CURSORLEFT: case SID_CURSORRIGHT: DoScroll( nSlot ); break; case SID_CANCEL: if( ScViewUtil::IsFullScreen( *this ) ) ScViewUtil::SetFullScreen( *this, false ); break; default: break; } } void ScPreviewShell::GetState( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { pPreview->SetInGetState(true); SCTAB nTab = pPreview->GetTab(); tools::Long nPage = pPreview->GetPageNo(); tools::Long nTotal = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); sal_uInt16 nZoom = pPreview->GetZoom(); bool bAllTested = pPreview->AllTested(); SfxWhichIter aIter(rSet); sal_uInt16 nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich(); while ( nWhich ) { switch (nWhich) { case SID_STATUS_PAGESTYLE: case SID_HFEDIT: pDocShell->GetStatePageStyle( rSet, nTab ); break; case SID_UNDO: case SID_REDO: case SID_REPEAT: case SID_SAVEDOC: case SID_SAVEASDOC: case SID_MAIL_SENDDOC: case SID_VIEW_DATA_SOURCE_BROWSER: case SID_QUITAPP: rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); break; case SID_PREVIEW_PREVIOUS: case SID_PREVIEW_FIRST: if (!nTotal || nPage==0) rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); break; case SID_PREVIEW_NEXT: case SID_PREVIEW_LAST: if (bAllTested) if (!nTotal || nPage==nTotal-1) rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); break; case SID_ZOOM_IN: if (nZoom >= 400) rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); break; case SID_ZOOM_OUT: if (nZoom <= 20) rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); break; case SID_ATTR_ZOOM: { SvxZoomItem aZoom( eZoom, nZoom, TypedWhichId(nWhich) ); aZoom.SetValueSet( SvxZoomEnableFlags::ALL & ~SvxZoomEnableFlags::OPTIMAL ); rSet.Put( aZoom ); } break; case SID_ATTR_ZOOMSLIDER: { SvxZoomSliderItem aZoomSliderItem( nZoom, MINZOOM, MAXZOOM, SID_ATTR_ZOOMSLIDER ); aZoomSliderItem.AddSnappingPoint( 100 ); rSet.Put( aZoomSliderItem ); } break; case SID_PREVIEW_SCALINGFACTOR: { if( pDocShell->IsReadOnly() ) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); else { OUString aOldName = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetPageStyle( pPreview->GetTab() ); ScStyleSheetPool* pStylePool = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetStyleSheetPool(); SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyleSheet = pStylePool->Find( aOldName, SfxStyleFamily::Page ); OSL_ENSURE( pStyleSheet, "PageStyle not found! :-/" ); if ( pStyleSheet ) { SfxItemSet& rStyleSet = pStyleSheet->GetItemSet(); sal_uInt16 nCurrentZoom = rStyleSet.Get(ATTR_PAGE_SCALE).GetValue(); if( nCurrentZoom ) { SvxZoomSliderItem aZoomSliderItem( nCurrentZoom, MINZOOM_SLIDER, MAXZOOM_SLIDER, SID_PREVIEW_SCALINGFACTOR ); aZoomSliderItem.AddSnappingPoint( 100 ); rSet.Put( aZoomSliderItem ); } else rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); } } } break; case SID_STATUS_DOCPOS: rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, pPreview->GetPosString() ) ); break; case SID_PRINTPREVIEW: rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, true ) ); break; case SID_FORMATPAGE: case SID_PREVIEW_MARGIN: if( pDocShell->IsReadOnly() ) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); break; } nWhich = aIter.NextWhich(); } pPreview->SetInGetState(false); } void ScPreviewShell::FillFieldData( ScHeaderFieldData& rData ) { ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument(); SCTAB nTab = pPreview->GetTab(); OUString aTmp; rDoc.GetName(nTab, aTmp); rData.aTabName = aTmp; if( pDocShell->getDocProperties()->getTitle().getLength() != 0 ) rData.aTitle = pDocShell->getDocProperties()->getTitle(); else rData.aTitle = pDocShell->GetTitle(); const INetURLObject& rURLObj = pDocShell->GetMedium()->GetURLObject(); rData.aLongDocName = rURLObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::Unambiguous ); if ( !rData.aLongDocName.isEmpty() ) rData.aShortDocName = rURLObj.GetLastName(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::Unambiguous); else rData.aShortDocName = rData.aLongDocName = rData.aTitle; rData.nPageNo = pPreview->GetPageNo() + 1; bool bAllTested = pPreview->AllTested(); if (bAllTested) rData.nTotalPages = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); else rData.nTotalPages = 99; // the dialog knows eNumType } void ScPreviewShell::WriteUserData(OUString& rData, bool /* bBrowse */) { // nZoom // nPageNo rData = OUString::number(pPreview->GetZoom()) + OUStringChar(SC_USERDATA_SEP) + OUString::number(pPreview->GetPageNo()); } void ScPreviewShell::ReadUserData(const OUString& rData, bool /* bBrowse */) { if (!rData.isEmpty()) { sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; pPreview->SetZoom(static_cast(o3tl::toInt32(o3tl::getToken(rData, 0, SC_USERDATA_SEP, nIndex)))); pPreview->SetPageNo(o3tl::toInt32(o3tl::getToken(rData, 0, SC_USERDATA_SEP, nIndex))); eZoom = SvxZoomType::PERCENT; } } void ScPreviewShell::WriteUserDataSequence(uno::Sequence < beans::PropertyValue >& rSeq) { // tdf#130559: don't export preview view data if active if (comphelper::IsContextFlagActive(u"NoPreviewData"_ustr)) return; rSeq.realloc(3); beans::PropertyValue* pSeq = rSeq.getArray(); sal_uInt16 nViewID(GetViewFrame().GetCurViewId()); pSeq[0].Name = SC_VIEWID; pSeq[0].Value <<= SC_VIEW + OUString::number(nViewID); pSeq[1].Name = SC_ZOOMVALUE; pSeq[1].Value <<= sal_Int32 (pPreview->GetZoom()); pSeq[2].Name = "PageNumber"; pSeq[2].Value <<= pPreview->GetPageNo(); // Common SdrModel processing if (ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = GetDocument().GetDrawLayer()) pDrawLayer->WriteUserDataSequence(rSeq); } void ScPreviewShell::ReadUserDataSequence(const uno::Sequence < beans::PropertyValue >& rSeq) { for (const auto& propval : rSeq) { if (propval.Name == SC_ZOOMVALUE) { sal_Int32 nTemp = 0; if (propval.Value >>= nTemp) pPreview->SetZoom(sal_uInt16(nTemp)); } else if (propval.Name == "PageNumber") { sal_Int32 nTemp = 0; if (propval.Value >>= nTemp) pPreview->SetPageNo(nTemp); } // Fallback to common SdrModel processing else pDocShell->MakeDrawLayer()->ReadUserDataSequenceValue(&propval); } } void ScPreviewShell::DoScroll( sal_uInt16 nMode ) { Point aCurPos, aPrevPos; tools::Long nHRange = pHorScroll->GetRange().Max(); tools::Long nHLine = pHorScroll->GetLineSize(); tools::Long nHPage = pHorScroll->GetPageSize(); tools::Long nVRange = pVerScroll->GetRange().Max(); tools::Long nVLine = pVerScroll->GetLineSize(); tools::Long nVPage = pVerScroll->GetPageSize(); aCurPos.setX( pHorScroll->GetThumbPos() ); aCurPos.setY( pVerScroll->GetThumbPos() ); aPrevPos = aCurPos; tools::Long nThumbPos = pVerScroll->GetThumbPos(); tools::Long nRangeMax = pVerScroll->GetRangeMax(); switch( nMode ) { case SID_CURSORUP: if( nMaxVertPos<0 ) { tools::Long nPage = pPreview->GetPageNo(); if( nPage>0 ) { SfxViewFrame& rSfxViewFrame = GetViewFrame(); SfxRequest aSfxRequest(rSfxViewFrame, SID_PREVIEW_PREVIOUS); Execute( aSfxRequest ); } } else aCurPos.AdjustY( -nVLine ); break; case SID_CURSORDOWN: if( nMaxVertPos<0 ) { tools::Long nPage = pPreview->GetPageNo(); tools::Long nTotal = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); // before testing for last page, make sure all page counts are calculated if ( nPage+1 == nTotal && !pPreview->AllTested() ) { pPreview->CalcAll(); nTotal = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); } if( nPageGetPageNo(); if( nPage>0 ) { SfxViewFrame& rSfxViewFrame = GetViewFrame(); SfxRequest aSfxRequest(rSfxViewFrame, SID_PREVIEW_PREVIOUS); Execute( aSfxRequest ); aCurPos.setY( nVRange ); } } else aCurPos.AdjustY( -nVPage ); break; case SID_CURSORPAGEDOWN: if( (std::abs(nVPage+nThumbPos-nRangeMax)<10) || nMaxVertPos<0 ) { tools::Long nPage = pPreview->GetPageNo(); tools::Long nTotal = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); // before testing for last page, make sure all page counts are calculated if ( nPage+1 == nTotal && !pPreview->AllTested() ) { pPreview->CalcAll(); nTotal = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); } if( nPageGetPageNo(); tools::Long nTotal = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); if( nTotal && nPage != 0 ) { SfxViewFrame& rSfxViewFrame = GetViewFrame(); SfxRequest aSfxRequest(rSfxViewFrame, SID_PREVIEW_FIRST); Execute( aSfxRequest ); } } else { aCurPos.setY( 0 ); aCurPos.setX( 0 ); } break; case SID_CURSOREND: if( nMaxVertPos<0 ) { if( !pPreview->AllTested() ) pPreview->CalcAll(); tools::Long nPage = pPreview->GetPageNo(); tools::Long nTotal = pPreview->GetTotalPages(); if( nTotal && nPage+1 != nTotal ) { SfxViewFrame& rSfxViewFrame = GetViewFrame(); SfxRequest aSfxRequest(rSfxViewFrame, SID_PREVIEW_LAST); Execute( aSfxRequest ); } } else { aCurPos.setY( nVRange ); aCurPos.setX( nHRange ); } break; } // nHRange-nHPage might be negative, that's why we check for < 0 afterwards if( aCurPos.Y() > (nVRange-nVPage) ) aCurPos.setY( nVRange-nVPage ); if( aCurPos.Y() < 0 ) aCurPos.setY( 0 ); if( aCurPos.X() > (nHRange-nHPage) ) aCurPos.setX( nHRange-nHPage ); if( aCurPos.X() < 0 ) aCurPos.setX( 0 ); if( nMaxVertPos>=0 ) { if( aCurPos.Y() != aPrevPos.Y() ) { pVerScroll->SetThumbPos( aCurPos.Y() ); nPrevVThumbPos = pVerScroll->GetThumbPos(); pPreview->SetYOffset( aCurPos.Y() ); } } if( aCurPos.X() != aPrevPos.X() ) { pHorScroll->SetThumbPos( aCurPos.X() ); nPrevHThumbPos = pHorScroll->GetThumbPos(); pPreview->SetXOffset( aCurPos.X() ); } } void ScPreviewShell::ExitPreview() { GetViewFrame().GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_VIEWSHELL0, SfxCallMode::ASYNCHRON); } void ScPreviewShell::AddAccessibilityObject( SfxListener& rObject ) { if (!pAccessibilityBroadcaster) pAccessibilityBroadcaster.reset( new SfxBroadcaster ); rObject.StartListening( *pAccessibilityBroadcaster ); } void ScPreviewShell::RemoveAccessibilityObject( SfxListener& rObject ) { if (pAccessibilityBroadcaster) rObject.EndListening( *pAccessibilityBroadcaster ); else { OSL_FAIL("no accessibility broadcaster?"); } } void ScPreviewShell::BroadcastAccessibility( const SfxHint &rHint ) { if (pAccessibilityBroadcaster) pAccessibilityBroadcaster->Broadcast( rHint ); } bool ScPreviewShell::HasAccessibilityObjects() const { return pAccessibilityBroadcaster && pAccessibilityBroadcaster->HasListeners(); } const ScPreviewLocationData& ScPreviewShell::GetLocationData() { return pPreview->GetLocationData(); } ScDocument& ScPreviewShell::GetDocument() { return pDocShell->GetDocument(); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */